Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, March 26, 1908, Image 8

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Easter Sunday
April 19
fi I 1 9
e '' Jg
S We are ready to supply your needs fl
WE have the Latest and Newest
Fabrics for Ladies' Stylish Suits
Up-to-date Styles in Men's Ready-to-Wear
Clothing ofi
A large variety of New Spring Lasts
in Ladies', Misses' and Children's
Shoes. Also a full line of Men's
Florsheim Shoes for this season
will arrive within one or two days. We
want you to see them. They will embrace
The Latest Styles of 1908 Blocks
including a line of the celebrated
Lnkeview and Vicinity
Eagle IUU Friday March 27th.
Flower Needs at Lakeview More Co.
Albany Nurnorlea, K. It. Patch,
aiient lltf
Dutch lunch nt the llrfwery 8a
loon. tf
Metis haU ; Latent atylea at Ahl
trom II rod. 1
0. C. Loftus was in town lust week
a few days.
C. M. Hanau cams down from Pals
ley Tuesday.
Ladle, do not fail to read Hoone'a
adr. this week.
Lnmwrtfor and Cream cheese at
Ahlntrom Hro. 1
Warren Laird waa in town from War
uer this week.
C. S. Morria waa over from the West
Side Saturday.
F. M. (Srcen aud family started foi
California last week.
Ira McCull waa here from Merrill
thia week on butdneia.
Hani plea of Williams A Marvin Co'a
shuns at Ablntorm liros. I
Chas, Lit le was in town last Satur
day from the Went Side.
iteri uaroer ana J. . r ulier came
over from Plush yesterday.
P. M. Coiy spent first of the week
in town from Drewa valley.
Mrs. Henry Newell made proof ou
her limber claim last Monday.
Miss Mill'e Reynolds, who haa been
quite ill, ia attain abl to be out.
Fancy Navel Oraugea at "The
Frost." Freah Dates and Lemons. It
F. P. Litfht, of Hotel Lakeview, baa
been quite sick for several daya pant.
LOST: between my place aud Fred
Fishers, one log chain.
12 2t J. C. Oliver.
T. Hilling, the Silver Lake forest
ranger, was in Lakeview several daya
last week.
See our Windows, we are showing
I you shirt waists, underwear, belts.
hair ornuments, etc. B. & M. 1
John Cogburn and J. W. Nelson,
the real estate dealers, returned from
the desert yesterday.
Frank Murine haa taken m contract
for putting up the wire on the Laka
County Telephone Uo'e Una from
Lakeview to Sliver Lake for 8 per
mile, two wire.
Kobt. Nelson came In from the Wast
Side last Saturday. Mr. Nelson haa
been considerably under the weather
for a month past, aud came In to be
treated by a doctor.
Do not fail to attend the "Faiilea"
HaU. next Friday nltfht. Hood mualo,
Cloud management, aud a good time
I generally, is the anticipation of I those
I who know tho F.agloa.
A little blaze in the It. Reynolds
home on Malu St. creatrd an excite
ment Tuesday. The lire caught in tt.o
celling of tho porch, bow, no one
knows. No damage was done.
Mrs. A. It. Thornton waa quite ill
last week, but la much U'tter, and
left here on the Western stage Moo
day morning for a several months
visit with relatives in McMinnvillo.
W. Y Miller am! C. L. Withers
came down from Pulaley last week
aud vpetit several daya in Lakeview.
They were over to Drews valley Sun
day, and Monday left for their home,
J. (.5. Wooitard, who has leased tho
Harvey ranch iu Summer Lake valley
has moved to the place and begun
work. Mr. Woodard ia said to be a
tirst ilnsf tanner, and will doubtless
make a success
II. II. Holbert, a homesteader In the
Quartz valley aectlon, was iu lake
view Monday after a load of lumber
with which to imorove his place. He
matte The F.xaminer odlce u call, aud
subscribed for the paper.
E. V. Kyausen, new settler in the
North Warner country, went to My
last week to uect hla wife ou her way
from Seattle to joiu hei husband at
their uew home in Lake county.
Their little child accompnuied her.
The "Eagles" are making grand
preparations for their ball, to be given
next Friday night. Tho auoper will
be something to remember; this is as
sured by the fact that the ladies who
have tlte supper iu charge are fatuous
F Leidiks'keit, one iif the Christmas
Luke settlers, came down from there
We are ready for you-
Give us a chance. We've been thinking
about you and have some particularly
nici; ni:v sprint, i)Ni:ss coons
to show you. Come in and sec us.
.1 W Tnnlrop onl a if a. k... f I i
, n .i . . inis wee as a uuuesa iu uiu case ti
from Portland, where they rpeut some ; . v. . . . . . ...
. .. ... , I' rank Nekika, who waa charged with
insanity. The examination was made
Tuesday, aud the man wan committed
It -b?r Land Noti
United St i -n Land OttiiM Lakeview,
Oregon. M.. 18, IMS.
Notioe i.t -reby given t tat in com
pliance wit the provision of the act
of Congress June , lfr78, entitled
"An act for toe sale of tbnber lands
ia the Stat- of California, Oregon.
Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
asr extended to all the Public Land
Timbrr Land Vitl.e.
United Sates Land OiHjh, Lakeview,
Oregon, Mar. 18, iOOH.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions f the act
of Congress of June 3, 1878. entitled
"An act for the sale of timher lauds
iu the States of CalirurI-. Oregon.
Mates by act of August 4. I8J2, Kose Nevada, aud Wasbiugtou 'ien ittory "
Ij. McDaniels, of Lakeview, county as extended to all the Public Land
of Lake, Slat- of Oregon, has filed in States by act of August 4, 18:1-2, Ollie
this ottlc? his sworn statement. No. I M. Bond, of Plosb, county of Lake,
for Mp purchase of the NE State of Oregon, has filed in thia office
ajttarter, quarter, N half, NE I his sworn statement, No 4imo, for the
(Barter, SE quarter NE quarter, of ! purchase of the E tialf, NE quarter,
taction 32, i-i Township 38 S.. Hanger of Sejtion 2, id township:.:) , Range
.No Sil E.. H. M , and will offer proof 18, E , W. M., and will ..e. proof to
to. show that the land sought is more i show that the land smiiiht i- tore val
f ituable tor its timber or stone than 1 nable for its timber or atone ttian for
fiir agricultural purposes, and to es- agricultural purposes, an establsb
tahiish his claim to said laud before i bis claim to sai l land bei Register
ftgister an i Receiver at Lakeview, i and Receiver at Lakevie iroii, on
OjSJgon. on Thursday the 18th day of ; Tuesday the 231. day of . 1908.
Jane, 1908. He names as witnesses: i W Har-
lie name- n witnesses: Flint Ver- diety, Arthur Price, .larj . . Nixon,
on, A. Neil ci, Wm. Met.ker, J. D. all of Lakeview Oregon, Edward
Brooks, all of Lakeview', Oregon. 'E Bond, of PlutU Ureg n
Any and all persons cliiming ad- Any and all persons rial i ing ad
varaely the anove describe ) lands ar i versely the above descritied 1 nda are
nvjueated to 1le their cla ma in this! tequeated to file then claim in this
office on or iie'orw said I8m day of
Jane , l08.
J. N. Watson Register 13 10
j office on or before said 2-3 day of June
iri 10 J. N. Watson. Register.
, W the most healthful wOM
ffl of fruits, comes the jSA
UJ chief ingredient of Jp' g
It rriWfA fl BACIIHG 1
WAifjO The only baking powder
made from Ryal M
VM Grape Cream Aff
sgSP' ofTartarfw
if'lVNfl CoU a Kule wore thanlhc iojuriou alum '
BK fj( U Jk y P""" heaWJul food. -
CxU a little more than lite injurious alum
or photphate of lime powders, but with
Royal you are More of pure, healtli ul food.
fl I time visiting relatives.
9 Born : In Lakeview, Oregon, March
18, 1908, to Mr. and Mra. L. F. Conn,
9 a bouncing 9 pound eon.
Little Florence Johustou. dangbter
of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johnston, is
quite ili with pneumonia.
Mr. T. J. Flook and wife, and their
niece, uisa Myers, came over from
Rock Creek, arriving here Monday.
W. P. Moss, brother of Hon. S. P.
Mors, arrived here from Washington
thia week on a visit with his brothers.
We believe Spriug has come, along
with it bouse cleaning time. Our lace
curtains and burlapiug, are necessi
ties. B Jt M I
Geo. Down and a Mr. Payne drove
out to the Rinehart aawmll last Thurs
day to make ready for starting tbe
Si Henderson's family, all but those
going to acbool, weat to tbe desert
with bim. last week, to remain some
Why not wear the best shoes.
Williams k Marvin Co'a samples for
Me Women and Children at Ahlstrom
Bros. 1
We have a nice line of Dresa Ging
hams, Wash Goods, and Shirt Waists,
in fact everything for Spring wear.
B fc M. I
& E. Curry, came- over frora Plush
this week. He say sheep are as fat
aa wbeu tbey were pat ou the desert
last fall.
C. C. Harris and wife, of Summer
Lake, arrived iu Lakeview last Sat
orday. Tbey are stopping at the Gar
rett boarding house.
Tbos. Newton, Al Lyon and J. C.
Smith from Klamath Falls, were doing
J business before the land olilce tbe
fore part of the week.
Cbas. Barber, whose team of horses
was attached by tbe sheriff a couple
of weeks ago, bad the team returned
to him last woek by Elisor, 'Malloy.
Jeff Parriub, former foremau on tbe
JJ ranch in Warner, who has been
absent from here about a year, re
turned to Lakeview lat week for a
short stay. x
J. F. Suloido was compelled to make
a trip to Bonanza this week on land
business. He will go to work on the
directory for Lake county as soon aa
be returns.
Pete Post walked past the old court
bouse yesterday while it was moving
along tbe street : Some one remarked
that it reminded them of the hare and
the tortoise
Geo. L. Holbrook came in from the
raoge last week, after supplies. George
says that water on the range ia scarce,
but that feed la pretty good yet and
sheep are fat.
Facts and Figures
Up-to-date Merchandise at Reynold's
Store. Goods at Your Own Prices.
Now is your opportunity for thirty
days. CASH ONLY.
We will make von prices that no merchant in
Lakeview has ever tipped the scale not even
ourselves. Now is your chance. We mean busi
ness, and these floods must ijo in order to make
room for Our New Stock. Kememher we do all
our own work, and our prices will surely stir,
prise you. Never let this opportunity pass,
jjood people, as we guarantee every word we
say. Make yourselves at home with us. OUR
S7X)RIi should he ynir headquarters. Many
thanks for past favors.
One door south of IUiteher Shop
P TD 1 1, I
IT 1 LI f 1 1
to tbe asylum.
The Examiner bus received a
letter from Mr. aud Mrs. NewtTay-l
lor, formerly of Paisley, who now live I
iu Crab Orchard, Nebr. Ihey aay
they are doing ip:iite nicely but rather
live iu Lake couuty. Tbey read Tha
Examiner every week, aud are glad to
get it.
C. E. Cuiuptiell and wife, former
residents of Paisley, who spent tbe
winter at their uew home at Aubtiru,
Cal., returned to Lakeview vesterduv
In response to. a telegram uotifylug
them of the serious illness ot Mrs.
Morris Wiugtluld. Mrs Wingtlelds
condition is some better as we go to
J Add
Wc couldn't moncyback
tea, if our tea weren't bet
ter than tea as you know it.
T.r pacer r.larai .r aestr U r aa'l
Uk Scailliac't ; Mr him.
Notice is hereby given tnat the un
dersigned, Thus. II. Sherlock, has
been this day appointed executor of
tbe last wiU aud testament of C. L.
Mitchell-lnaes, deceased. Now, t Intro -fore,
all peisoua having claims agaiiiHt
the estate vt tbe said C L. Mitchull
lunes are required to present them
with propeo vouchers, within six
months from the date of thia notice,
to the undersigned executor at his
home in Summer Lake, Lake County,
Dated thia 23rd day or March. 1908.
TboH. II. Sherlock,
Exector of the last
will and testament of
C . L. Mitchell Inues,
13 5 deceased.
Stockholders' fleeting
The annual meeting of the Htock
holdera of Lake County Telephone
and Telegraph Company will Ik held
In the Hecond Htory of Mauonic hall
In tho town of Paisley, Lake County,
Oregon, on Monday, April eth. l'jtin,
at the hour of ten o'clock a. in. for
the purpowe of electing a board of
directors to wrve for the entwine
year, and for flic transaction of hiicIi
other burtliieH a may romu U-foro
tho imwtlutf. CI1AS. I'M HACK,
Timber Land Ntlc
United States Laud Olilce, Lake
view, Oregon, Mar., 18, 1908.
Notice is hereby given that iu com
pliance with the provisions of tho
act of Congress of June'), 1878,"entitl
ed "An act for tbe sale of timlxsr
lands in the states of California,
Oregon, Nevada, and Washington
Territory," aa extended to all the
Public Land States by act of August 4
1892, Edward K. Hond, of Plush,
couuty of Luke, btate of Oregon,
has tiled in this olilce hla aworu
statement, No. 4011 for the purchase
of the SW quarter NE quarter, NW
quarter SE quarter, of Section No.
15, in Township No. 38 S., Kange No.
18 E., W. M., and will offer proof to
show that the land sought ia more
valuable for its timber or etone than
for agricultural purposes , and to
establish bis claim to said land before
Uegister and Receiver, at Lakeview
Oregon, on Monday tbe 22d, day of
June, 1908.
He names as witnesses : U. W.
Hardisty. Arthur Price, James W.
Nixon, all of Lakeview Oregon, and
Ollie M. Bond, of Plusb, Ore.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely tbe above described lands are
requested to.tlle their claims iu'this
office on or before said 22d day of
Jane, 1908. '
J. N. Watsou, Register. "13 10
Everything Carried in Stock for the
Miner at both our Stores.
Boots and Shoes for Miners, Bucca
roos, Sheepmen and Ranchmen.
Groceries, Flour and Grain.
All kinds of Canned Goods.
Hardware & Hilling Tools.
Warner Valley Mercantile Co.
3 4
1 L
Vice President
Am kn Si. oas,
Sec ret a ry
MapH, I'laiiH, Blue Prliits. Etc.
Klamath County Abstract Co.
Surveyors and Irrigation Engineers
Don J. Zumwai.t, C. E.
M. 1). Wll.l.lAMM, C.
Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Pacific Land Co. Lakeview. Ore
Locates Homesteads, Desert Claims
and State Lands, besides doing a gen
era Real Estate Business.
We are prepared to get your property before
thousands of people on short notice.
List with us and give us a trial.
Office opposite Hotel Lakeview.
Mail OraUr H.iu. in
.iu ML i
' 'wwmi. I J KtotA ana
n $mmmm Maaitkltr
i. tuLi
IS-k I lilt f
Ottit 4 uvin. M wtiilHM
" mr tml brnd w
The Buy art Guide
tfcm tm4 O.k Sit.