CMURCII DIUIXTOUY 'I'll1 (I I Hi Nllllllll.V III I'ltl'll IIMHItll i-'fli'lillitX 111 I 'lilull mcIkiiiI IhiIIi-c it II A. M. Adile from thl iriielitiij xvry HimiiIii.v hi II A. M, iumI 7;.'K J'. M. HI LnUvli-w, KiiimIhv K. til 10 A. M. l-cnmii1 Ml Ii:.'i0, I'l liyi'Miu i l Ihtf 'I lull hiIii.x "l.'ill I'. M. LihIIim Aid WYiliM'Hitn.r I i liulr irn-i lei- I i liln,v 7:'.M. A iiihIImI liivllnlloii In i xti'liili il to J on, A. .1. AnuHrnnu P'iNior. I'rxi 1 1 , 1 1 i 4 1. 1' i ir i if i j i ii . , nt Ni-v I'Iih' I Ti i K Ori-i;oii I 'li-iu'lilnu Mi'iv li'i'xiil 1 1'orl.trk . M iiihI 7:"i I'. M. on i-nrli Siitulit.t ' A'Wti IIMilllll. hlltiiln.v Nt'liiiol nt lll.orloi k A. M I'Mi.M r Sri Uv .it 7..".0on Wiilm- )ny rM'lillip nf i nt li W i i k. All mi' i iii illtilly Invlli'il lo nl M'li" llii Nfrvlri-H. .1. IhiMli li lluwiiril, I'nMi.r. LODQI; )UllC()U A. O. U. W. Lnkfulmre Ijoi'vi'. No, "7. A. O. I'. W . iiKi-t- llii xiinl t bird 'linn m,m of I'lirli inoiiihlii Mnpniilr (mil. ('urn (Iri'i'll.C of II ; M'lllllt l'lld'. I- Of II.: Vl'lll (ill! Ill- it, nt ".; r. i n.vmw in it, iif. turilrr. w. o. v. iiiiio t ii'w t inii., No. r.ju, iMiilinrn nf till' World, iiiii'Im oil t In' mitoikI ii ml fuiii-ili i'iIih'.iIm.v of i iii Ii iimiIiI Ii In MiimimiIi' IiiiII lit S o'rlork p. lit, I. I 'ii I !'', CoIihii iiiimiiiipili'l ; l' N. IihiiImIi, Clerk Luke- O O I'. I ,nki'vi'vv Ktii'iitiipiui'iit, No K I.O. I'., inii'tx II ml, iiml ililr'l 'I'h ii rl ii.v i'vimiIiiuh of mk'Ii inoiitli In (lild I'i'IIowm' hull, I.ikrvlcw. II. It. Ili-rjfonl. C l; r.o. Mi'txki r, Hi l l i'. ''irMt IWiiitUt rluirrli of Lrlc"' rrrni lilnui rvllci'MH 1 1I:A..M.. m'i 7:30 I'. M. oii'i'iirli Numlity, Humbly Hcliool (l: A. M Junior SiK li'ty at 2:: 10 I'. M. M iplUt Yoiiiik IVopli'.M I'nloii hi :.' I'. M. on ciii'li Mimlny. Prayer iiiii'tliiK 7,:S0, I'. M. on Wt-ii iii'hitiiy fvi'hliiji Kvcrylioily Invlird to nttind nil tl-r. A. I'niiik Miiniioin, piitoi 1 Imhcr Nolle. United HI Hi I'H I, iiml Office, LhkovUw Jri'n.ii, iIhii. 1 1 IlKiH. NoIIch 1m lii'icliy given Unit in coin illiim'n ulth IIih riivlnloi)M uf the Net 4ir ('iiiiuivkm hi .June .), n,n, eiilltii'il "An l fur tin' hkIh of tlmlmr IiiihIh In t in SIhIoh ol ('iiliroriiiii, Oregon, N-vidii. miiiI Wiinliliiiton Territory, M-. fxl mli'il to nil Urn I'uldie Lund hlnlcH by H t of AnuiiMt 4, IWl .liilni C. Vml ii, nt Illy, county uf Kliiinutli, Hint" of Oii'Kon, linn this (lay flii'. I hi thin c.tllco lil sworn statement No. fur I'M) luiri'liHHo uf llm N liall, SW nuiirli r, nu-1 N half, KKiiuar nr. of Ki'dion H, In TowniOtip 'M K. , lUnge lo K , W. Al., hihI will oiler ironf to show tlmt tint Kind Houulit In iimru va iibIiIh for Itn tlnilier or M"im ttiHti for nitrlculttUHl iiiiohi'h, hihI to 4xlitliliMli lii" claim to mi Id lini'l In'fori! Ki'ImIit iiml Ki'iciMT itt Lmo'tli'w Ori'k'im, mi Tni'Hiluy tlio llth lny of April, llNiH. II" iiiiiiii'h iih witiii'Hxi'H : H. Ii. WoimI, I j. I. A ndiTrton, .1. I j. Ymlt'ii, W. AmlcrHoii, ull of Illy Ori'k'on. Any hii I all I'itmoih clHiiniiiK ud vrH'ly tlio uliove dincrlln'il IiukIh are rtMpii'nti'd t tl In i'liiliim in thU oll'i" on or ticforu mild llth day of April. ID H, ('10 J. N. WutKon, Kck'Uti r. I Imbcr Noilct . United StutoH Lund Olllco, Iuki'viuw Ori'Kon, Jan. 'J.", 'MH, Notl o Ih hcri'liy u I veil that in com pliance with tlm proviHinim of tht act uf ('onuri'sH t,t June :i, 1H7N, int itld "An wet for tlin miIi of tiinlier IhihIh in tin' Stilton of Ciilifornla. Oregon, Neiiida, and Windiin'ton Territory," hh exti'iidud to all the i'ulilic 1-Hml KtatoH liy act of AiikuhI 4. lH'.i'i, J. ('urriu 1. Joiioh, of Da Ian, county uf Dalian, Statu uf Tex a", Iiiih llld in thin olllcn tlin Hworu utatninout, No, ;BMI, for tho luirchane uf the NM (juar ter, NV ipiartor, N hulf, NKquaiter, fSc. 20 and NV (iinrter, NV ipiartcr, of Suction No. 21, In TowiiHlilp No. .'UiN., Kani;i No. '.(! K., V. M., aud will olfcr proof to tihow that the land aouKtit in more valnalilo for ltd tlmlicr or Htoiio than for agricultural pur poccH, and to OHtalilirih hln claim to aid land licfote County Clerk of Kla math Co , at IiIh olllce at Klamath 1'hIIh, Orcuon, on Saturday the llth day of April. HKW. He tinmen an witucwa : Wm. LaHhua- way F. II. Mil Ik, Hamilton Mtilkey, J T. Johubton, all of Klamath Falla. Ore tfon. Any aud all nemoim claimlnu ad remoly the almve deHoritied landn, are roiiiMtod to file their claims in thin office on or twfore said llth day of April, 1008. 0-10) J. NWatson. ReKistor. Appllmlloa fbr (iriuilnc I'frmltM NOTlCH U hereby Klvea that al nppliuatlons for permita to kthzo cat tie. hnrHoa and shoep wlthlu the OOOSK LAKK or KUKMONT NA TIONAL FOKrMTO, during the soa on of 1908, must be died la my ottlce nt Lakeview, OreKon, on or before March 1, 1908. Full information In regard to grazing fees to be chanced and blank forms to be used In making applications will be furnished upon requeat. 41 in GUY M. INGRAM, SupefJosjA LAWI NOTICtS. United States Land Office, Lakevlftw OruKon, Feb. 21, 1908. Notice is hereby piven that in com p'.lanoa with th provisions of the act of Congress of June II, 1878, entitled, "An act for the sale of timber lands la the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Laud States by act of August 4, 1892, Lrfjonidus 0. Vineyard, of New Pine Oreek, oounty of Lake, 8tate of Ore icon, has filed In this office bis sworn statement, No. 4049, for the purchase uf the NK quarter, of Section 10, in Township 89 8,. Range 18 E., W. M., and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before Register and Re Receiver at Lakeview Oregon, on Fri day, the 12th day of June. 1908. He names as witnesses: Geo. Lynch, K. K. Woodcook, M. B. Uarnes, F. L. 11 nf f jtkevlew Oreson. Anr and all persons claiming ad versely the above described lands are requested to rile their claims in this office on or before euld I2tb day of June, 1908. , t U-u J. N. Watson, Reglater. KKIU'KAII I.OHOr, Liiki'li-w Hi lii kiih l.odK". No. 22, I. ). (). 1'.. liH'i lH Hie (ccoiiil find fi mi rt h I'VI (Ii m of cncli month In I. O. O. I', hull. Mr- Mm llilley. N. Mm. All.-. Hunting V !.; Mr-. M. I). Momm, Nic.j Mrn, L. .1. .Mnnllion, Tn-iiH. t'o it I'll Htiilfi. I ,it nd Ollici'. Vl'. 1 1 fion, ,ln n, .HI, IlKiH Notice In liiTi'lif kIvcii tlal In coul pliiincn with I lie I't'iv IximiM of tlx- net. of CoHtf recit ( f .lime Ii, 1H78. eiitilli'd "A n eel f"r I Im mile uf timber land In I he K.lnleo f ( 'id iforn la, Oiegmi, Ni VHdn imd Viit.liiiiui.ih '1 1 1 1 iiory, " mh exlcinled t'llillll.e I'nlilic I. and M. ten l,y net. of Auui-l 4, IH'.y, Clii-Hter I'". Ki nd Icy, of liiikevlnw, ('(unity of Luke, State of Onuoti, Iimh lllcl In lid office lil H oni i-liite-iM'iit, No. .'I'.Mi'.l, for Ihe putcliiiHe uf the NV qunrtf-r, of Heel loli '2'i, in Town eljip.'iH S., liunii 17 I., V. M., and will oiler proof lo Mine that the land Moniht Im inure vulnalile lor ItM tiinher or etiine than for Hr'lculttiml pur pOHi-H, mid to i-et it Id inh bin clulin to hii Id land before JtiyUter and llcrcivcr lit l.iikevlew, Ori'Kon, on Saturdiiy I he Hth day uf April, Hum. He fiHnii'H a Upw. lieorife lyiicl', l-'red Ij. ItuHH, Win. .!. McKee, K. K. Woodcock, a:l of Lakeview Oregon. Any and all pernnim claiming sd-, verwly the above deacrilied lauds are rciii'hlcd to ilia their clalnin in this; ulllce on or befoie tiaid IHtti day of ! April 190. J. N. Wntson, ReBlnter. 010 llmbr Land Nolle United State Land Office Lakeview Oregon, Feb. 7th 1908. Notice U hereby given that In com- pllance with the provinloriH of fie act uf CoiiKri'Ki cf June '.I, 1878 entitled. ! "An act for the nale uf timber lands j In the Slatt-H of California, Oregon, O. Liiki'Vlew LoiIk", No, ' Nevada and UuHlilnt'toii Territory," un extended to all the I'liblic Land State, by act of Auimt 4, lH'.r, Klvie C. ('handler, of Lakeview, county of Lake Mate of Oregon, bait this day filed in this office hi sworn , statement No. 4INI5, for the purchaHe ! r.t I.' I.ulf VW ...urtor t' I. ..If V i' iuv s iinii) vi iini r ((!) t K quarter, of Section No. 20. in Town ship S., Range 17 E.. W. M., and will niter proof to ehow that the land Nought U moie valuable for its timlxT or H'.one than for agricultural puriioHea. and to eHtalilirih bis claim to said land before Kogiitter and Receiver at Lake, view Oregon, on Friday, the l.Jtb day 1 J T ' " l nA ... . ir. l-kelew bar. Ihe In-Ht and puruut v...n i, i nr wniim n n... tf. ; miTHley, William J. McKee, all of Liiikeview (Jregou. I. O (HI, I.O. O. F tnii'tH every Nut ur dn1. evening In Odd l i llow ' hull ut 7 ."to o'i'l(M-k from October 1 to April I. mid ut S o'clock from April 1 to O. ioImt Loren Itiiili-y, N. i:. I', flieiiey, SvC. Ell McHliiiiiant nt all hoiirN. FirHt cIuhm meals tf J. II. Cutter whiHkey Ht the Ilote bar. whiHkey made. Cryitallizad Grapot. Iloil together for ouo-linlf hour one cupful of grunulutcd sugar and one of water. Put tho gruju-s on the point of a skewer or darning needle and dip them in the sirup after it has been boiling the given length of time. When told they are ready for use Never Could Catch 'Em. "Yes." hii Id MIh.i PuMHay, "I dlHcov- cred a burglur lu our purlor liiHt ulnht." "My gracious!" put In MIhs Pent. Mid you fuiutV" "No; I tried to catch him. but" "Ah. your uhuuI luck with men, eh'" -Philadelphia Prt-HH. Any and all pt-mons claiming ad- verttely the above deMcribed lands are reipiented to llle their clab'is in this office on or before aid 10th day of itiay, ii"o. 7 io J. N. Watnon Reaistar. :5T. i ANH'cldhlo Prcpnrilion Tor A similaiini HicFiHKlandlJciiIa luig the Sloinnchs (uul lkwcls of Tromolcs Dieslion-Clirrrrur-nessandncsl.Conlains neilhrr ()i Hum. Morphine norMnural. OT NAHCOTIC. v- tfoUOrSAKVELirroat florim Seat' III CtulMtmSU Apetfccl Remedy forConslirwi lion , Sour Slouutch, Diarrhoea Worms .Coimilsions.Fcverish ness and Loss of Sleep. Fac Similo Signnlurt of NKAV YORK. 3 saaHMaXBSHsaaaaBwaw EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER Y4 J? 1111 For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature of I'orttA l Inir liHVe the Ix-xt urnde i of Ihjuor-. iind.rlraM to be found In Oregon. t I lnk f'T flnsl tiro-if-. Ieert pm..f j timber land final proofs and I 1 h n k afll ; davits for application lor ri-ml vcrtme : ments ,blanli wiliie' sfTi lnvit, et: st , The F.xnrid' er .fli ef AM .'-'7.7 fifc1' no In Use For Over Thirty ears til ma n of mum www. mtm oar arrr. Tli Objection. "Nenrly cverylniily makes nilKtakes at Hoiiii; time or another," suit the plill OMophlc peinou. "Vch," uuswered MImh t'ayeuue; "you inn foricive auylKHly for inukluir uim- takes If ho Isn't so eRotlNtic as to ln- slHt on your admiring tlieiu." WaU luil Mar. The Play. Manaitcr Now, as to the moral qual ity of the piece, we wish that to be very counplcuous. Playwright Hy Its absence? Manager Oh, wheu It cutucs to uiere details of method we leave everything to you, of con tho. We dou't care how you uianuge it. Puck. TIiiiIht lii.d ollr". United States Land Ottlce, Lakeview OreKou, Feb. 0th 1!MJS. Notice Ih hereby given that in com pliance with the proviHions of the act of Couirri-HS uf June 'X 1HTH, entitled ! "An act for the sale of timber lands : in the States uf California, Oregon, j Nevada, mid Wanhlnnton Territory," as extended to all the Public Land StateH by act uf August i, Wr. I Klijah Sinalley, of Lakeview, coun ty uf Lake, State uf Oregon, has filed ' in this olllce his sworn statement No. for the piitchasn of the SW jquaitcr, NK ntiarter V half, SK quar j ter, Sec. 7 and NW quarter, NK quar Iter, of Section 18, in Township 40 8., Itauge 21 K , V. M., aud will otfer proof to show that the land sought is mora valuable tor its timber or Htmie thun for agricultural purposes, aud to entablish bis claim to eaid laud before Keg inter and Ileceiver at Lakeview, 'Oregon, on Thursduy the 7th day of j May, HI08. I He iiauias as witnesHes : Elmallart- zog, l,(l win itartzog, Jlenry f unk, ti. C. Fitzgerald, all of Lakeview, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 7th day of May. 11108. 8-10 J. N. Watson, Register. KILL the COUCH AUD CURE THE LUNGS with Br. King's Nov Discovery FOR CSftr!13 sSk AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OB MONEY REFUNDED. A Lever's 8uggetion. "Might I suggest, sir, us lung as 1 am going to court your daughter regu larly, that you pluce a new comforta ble armchair la your parlor? I have to work bard at the olllce all day, and I can't afford to have my framework worn out at night." New York Life. Pretence Mind. of Timber l.anl olice. United States Land Of lice, Lakeview Oregou. Feb 1IKJ8. Notice is hereby given that Id coin pliance with the provisions of the act oi Congress of Juue 3. 1878., entitled, "An act for the sale of ttuibpe' lauds in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as exteuded to all the Public Laud States by act of August 4, 1892, Ole Holeim, of lily, county of Kla math, State of Oregon, has filed in this ottlce his sworn statement, No. 3912, for the purchase of the SW quar ter, of Section 1G, in Township 30 S., Range 10. K.. W. M., and will otter I proof to show that the land sought is I more valuable for its timber or s one I than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before I Register and Receiver at Lakeviav, ! Oregon, on Wednesday, the 22 day of April, 1908. lie names as witnesses: Martin Lllaagensen, and John Olson of F.u I geue, Oregon. K. Jorgensou, ot Ply, j Oregon, and John O. Sveen, of Lake i view, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adver 1 aely the above described lands, are re ' quested to file their claims in this ottlce on or before said 22 day ot April I 1908. 8-10 J. N. Watson, Register. MAGAZINE READERS $1.50 a yaw $1.00 a year SUBSET MAG1ZISK beautifully illustrated, food ftoria aad articlea Kout California mud all tha Fat Waat. CAMERA. CBATT devotad each month to the a tube lepraductioa ol the beat work ol amateut aad proiwiinnil photographst. B0AD OF A TH0UIAHD WOBTDIIS a book of 75 pace, conuiaiaa 120 colored photographs ol $Q tje pictureaque apsU is Califermia aad Oragoa, Total .. . $3.35 All for . . . . $1.50 Add all or dart la suitset magazine Flood Building Saa Fraadare WESTERN STAGE LINE Office at the Mercantile Company's Store Lakeview, Oregon. Good Stock - - - New Coaches Daily from Lakeview to Bly, connect ing with Daily Stage to the railroad. P. H. COREY, - - - Proprietor 1 Lievie-v, Orejp 1. KLAHATH LAKE ....RAILROAD.... . . TIME TABLE . . In Effeet May 1st, 1005. . r 111 I'.ci.ig lt. known nnH 1 i.inat rellaliln seeds tfown. i-.v y p:M kiitfO hn Irf lnml It the reitatlon ci :i I nice whose I.msIiicks ilaodbrda axe the !. .-'..jst In the trade. T r'. ! IWI Amnl win Im mallM A'l R.(ll.'Ti(a. It roniait.. rolorwl plaun. manr .:ii.T' t.pi'.. arcl fnllrt(Trlpilt'.. prtcn.l rtir(ntloiie 't (-1 (Titinv fjtr Y) TariM) of Vtlai'la aoa f luvr tkmla, Imrsluabla to aU. Sand for It. O. M. riRHT CO., Detroit, Mlolt. takev ew Cigar Factory A. Stork m..., Prop. Maker of Havana and Domestic Cigar9 CCITBT OaDERS SOI.ICITE1 a Git as a trial. Htore in tl.t -. iek buildnr next door to Post A Ktn sa loon. ticeview, Oretron Tlaaber lnl Satire. 1 United States Land Office .Lake view Oregon, Feb, 6, 1908. ! Notice is hereby given that in com pliance with the provisions cf the act of congress of June 3, 1878, entitled, " An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon,' Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all trie Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, ; Marion 8. Barnes, of Lakeview,' county of Lae, State of Oregon, has filed in this office his sworn statement No. 31)96, ror the purchase of the NW qaurter, NE quarter, B half, NW quarter, SW quarter, NW, quarter, of section 4, in Township 39 S.. Range. 18, E. W. M., and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more val uible for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish bis claia to said land before Register and Receiver, at Lakeview, Oregon, on Tuesday the Pith day of May, 1908. He names as witnesses: Geo. Lynch, Fred Ross, Dan Chandler, 11 E. Woodcock, a'l of Lakeview Oregon. Any and all persons claiming advre sely the above described lands are re-, quested to rile their claims in this, office on or before said 12th day of May, 1908. 810 J. N. Watson, Register. Timber Laad Wotirr. United States Land Office, Lakeview Oregon Feb. 7th 1908. Notice is hereby given that in com- Lv. Tbrall .. A. M.Lv. Pnkefratna 10.45 A M j pliance with the pruvisious of the act Ar. Bopu 6.?5 " Hleel rir'g 6.4S " Fall Cr'k . 7.06 Kl h 8p'gs7.10 Pixie S.10 " hukegama8.20 Ar Dixie 10.65 Kl'h Bn'ia 11.40 " FallCrevk 11.44 " " Bteel Br'ge li.00 " BoKua 12.20 P II " Thrall li.45 " Klamath Springs Special. LT.rThrall 1.S0 P. M.Lt. Kl'h Bo'Eit iSP. 11 Ar. Bogua l.M " Ar. Fall Crwki.50 steel Br'e2.14 " Bteel BrVe3.00 " Fall Creek 2J5 " Bofrue 8.30 " Krh6p'ga40 " " Thrall S.45 CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. Hie Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the tignatursof of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled. "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, William T. Brismaster, of bly, coun ty of Klamath, State o. Oregon, has , filed in this office his sworn statement No. 4007, foi the purchase of thi W half, NE quarter, of Secliou 20, in Township 38 S., Range 16, E., W. M., and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable tor its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his cla4m to said land before Register and Re ceiver at Lakeview Oregon, on Satur day the 10th day of May, 1908. lie names as witnesses : Paul Stindt and J. Ii. Lyske ot Bly. Oregon, John Stindt of Bonanza Oregon, and O. W. Howard, of Lakeview, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming ad vresely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 16th day of May, 1908. 910 J. N. Watson, Register. The Examiner baa received a new sample book of the Wall Street line of engraved certificates of stock and bond blanks, the roost up-to-date on the market. Used and endorsed by the leading financiers of America. Copyrighted. Call and see them If you ueed anything in this line, tf The gallant rescue of a shipwrecked mariner. lunch at the Brewery Sa-tf Faarad the Worat. With straining eyes the pale faced man watched the advancing policemen through the window. No sooner had the bluecoats reached the porch when. with trembling fingers, be drew a heavy revolver from his pocket and pressed the muzsle against his throb bing temple. Before bis nervous fin gers could pull the deadly trigger his faithful wife dashed the pistol aside. "John! John!" she gasped. "Don't! They've ouly come to summons you for t Jury." "If that's the case I'll submit peace fully," answered the man, wiping the cold sweat from his brow. "But I'll die before I'll shovel the snow off that walk 1" Judge. rtnabrr Ijiajd aotlee. United States Land Office Lakeview Oregon. Feb. 15 1903. Notice is hereby given that In com pliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of Juue 3 1878 entitled, "An act tor the sale of timber lauds in the States of California Oregon Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4 1892 Ruby E. Harper of Paisley oounty of Lake State ot Oregon, has filed in this office his sworn statement No. 4032, for the purchase of the E half, SW quarter, N half, BE quarter, of Sec tion 19, la Township 34, & Range 18 K. W. M. and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agri cultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before Register and Receiver at Lakeview Oregon on Tuesday the 2d day of June, 1908. lie names as witnesse: J. K. Har per, Mark Hartlerode, Geo. Druuim, Frank Dobklus, all of Paisley, Ore. Any and all persons claiming adver sely, the above dene I r bed lauds are re quested to file their claims in this office pa or before said 2, day of Jane, 1908. 8-10 J. N. Watson, Register. THE LAKE COUNTY EXAMINER P f PRINTING IS rVM JAR IN which The Examiner ex .ells. We have all the late st ies in type and keep in large assortment ot high L stock a grade stationery so that there is no delay in executing a large order. Our prices will be found to compare favorably with other prices. LATEST LAND AND STOCK NEWS. EIQriT PAQE5 LOCAL AND COUNTY NEWS TWO DOLLARS A YEAR. . ' , ESTABLISHED IN 1880. Dutch aou. A.