OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS I Terminal. Tract lots in Heart of Rich- mond I $10 Per Month The Coming City is Richmond. IDOG Population 0000 11)07 " 10000 1010 " LVHHH) A former Orconian, G. A. Pollctt is a city Trustee Many of your people have already located here. If A. L. Spellmver, 7th iMacdonald, Ave. ) m T S. Handley, 1306 Beseel Ave. j Richmond, Cal. Write us or Mrs. Geo. Miller, Lakeview, Ore. j PirfFFFf?FrrrffFf?ff?frTFffFFffffFTTfffFFff?rFffrt?FrfrrtFWrffFFfff?FfrF?ffTfFfF?fFfrFfffFff?fFffF??F?fF??fftFftK The Big: j Four' New York Tribune farmer Review of Reviews Success Magazine Lake County Fxaminrr for The Entire Family THE 0 ?EATRST SUBSCRIPTION BARGAIN OP THE YEAR NEW VOR Tribu re armer Re vie v o R : view? t Via ir i .mint WEEKLY. 20 page. 12 J by IS Inche. The ii.ont thoroughly practical, helpful, up-to-date IIWiMtnitcd weekly for every menilter of the farmer's family Regular Price per Year $1.00 MONTHLY. l-:r pace. 7 by 10 Inche. Edited by lr. Alliert Sliaw, wlioxetnmithly comments on cur rent history, at home and abroad, arc recognized an the morit intelligent and valuable found in any peri odical. I'oiitu inn hundred of portraits of "iieople In the pulilie eye." of cartoons. Illustration and rulu.-ible original articles Regular Price per Year 3 00 MONTHLY. o 1- paces, 10 by 14 lnchc Ever Issue Is full of bill, ant and faxclnatihg Serial ind ln-rt Stories, original articles on "The Work i the orld," ith departinentscoverinuall phasei of "The Home Life and the Person." and wit! many inspirational features Regular Price per Year 1 .01 WEEKLY: The leading Taper of Southeastern Oregon; publishes all ttie latest land and Stock news of ;i territory embracing 2tNi miles sijuarc. Lake ( oni.t.v,-Official paper. The Oldest Newspaper in Southeastern Oregon, established in IssO. R' ular Price per Year 2.00 JUST PUBLISHED Tli.se volume were written ly io.iinvIio rnnk nnu-iig the foremost building t xpetts of the lnv. M nv refumled if thev ilo not meet your n i ls. kM;.MOkCi:i)CONCkl:T- ly W l.i. ,..,i ti.b-ho-.. I5''l'- '4 ills. A mitmitil of pr.inicnl initli iN lor Architect, lUiil.l-rs, contract rs,. Civil mil I Smitury Knuineer. Ittformulioii for tlte lirst. t i in ninth known to tin wonl. I'.nse;! on recent construction work, spuinl tests, etc. I'rieo $ () III II.DINO 5l)IM:KINTI:NI)U.NCI;. Ily K. Nichol 2i) pp., 250 ill. Costly mistake occur tlirotigli hick of attention at proper time, hurt ful to Ow n er and iliscreilitahle to Architect ami ltui h r Oives thorough knowledge of mctho-l ami mater- i.-ils. Price $1 50 AK'CM iTlCTL'KAL DRAWING AM) UINI KINO. y Bunne, von Hoist mi. I llrown. 1N5 pp , 55 ilraw ng. IVmplcto course in making working Ir, livings ami artestic lettering for architecture ptirM)ses. Price $ 5 0 LSriHMINU. Hy K.lwanl Nich'oia! U5 's j5 ill, ror all worker in Buil.ling trade. Tell how to estimate intelligently. Price. $1.00 CU.NrKCT5 and SPIH INC A HONS. IJy James C Plant l25pp , fully illustrated. Form of pub lic and private contract, specifications, l-onds, t ; tlu'ies and resMnsil-ilitic of Architects, cohtr.ie'oi and Owner Price $i.(M) 5TAIk-lJUIt.I)INU and 5TI:I;L 50UAt:. Iy llodgMtn iiikI William- DO pp., iM) ill. Only tip t-M.':lte work on these subject. Price ...$I.(M) CARPLMRY. Hy (I. Townseml. i5 pp., 2i4 ill A working manual for carpenter an. I Wood worker in general. Not a theoretical treatise, but a practical working guide. rrl.'e $i 5IKLNUIH of MATERIALS. Hy K- Maurer 4 pp . 58 ill. For Architects, Builders, Steel ;uid Concrete Workers. Knable one to avoid mistake- Price $1.(10 liis; MA NIC A l)RAIN(l. I'.y K Kcnison lf( pp , 140 ill, ('omplete course in projections, .i i I line, iu'.erscctioti and developments, l- t-t-ri-ig. with exercise and plate Price $1 (X) MA5'NRY CON'IKl'C'IIO.N. Ity Pliillips and Uryne. 140 pp.. 44 ill Latest and best Am. n- ean methods- Price $ I (K) Tliese volumes an-handsomely bor.iel In red art Yelllliu de Luxe, s!.e ' X !, Inches. S-'iil prepaid to any part of the world on reeei-t of pri.-e lie, nil by Hrafi, I'o-ttal )rd-r. Impress 1 (r-l.-r. -r Kecl-t.-r-ed Ietter. to the Lake County Fxaminer. I..U1lkWt -1 -i ii -.i-a it r.-.H- j tn ttKit. . I el hi el t'fi-M.irjr. IT-'I-II el W r , tlieri..') .ini.ilal I'l.allllH'.li t elllrill , . . Vet'-litr y nl vy m r.-t.ry liii. rlur Murj t. Urlriiliut .-t-r-i ir j' .i I ,iti iit.-ren .'hli'l J.iil 11- r i in 1 inn Th.HMorp M.M..-vsll I mi., W , t nlrlntiikt I I1l.11 U.m . . I..'l'.. M. slmw wm. 11. Tr W 111. II M.hhIj Im'ii, II. I erli'lvilll 1 Im. J. IU111 n 1 rl . K. IIIH'I.I'.M'K . J in. W I Unit I . M. l. nil m.-iIii..w K.iiii.r V. 'iillilll Warner, I'. . I Vnl..ll I .,lillul.lelirr A . s. Ill, hr I ... I'. S. I 1111.I I .iiuiiil.i.iiier m 1 eivetllnr I.eii. r. Iii-ihIh'I Into -.. 1 l - ,1111 Jnl;.' ., A. M.er .... ri-'ury nlHimt,. c, liuiilmr I rm.iirer C. S. .M.inr oi.-rn. y i;n...rl . M. i luril upl. I'.il.llt' lti.tr net Inn . ( J II a. .fiiiHii I'rliner J. K, W liiinxf 'uliy mi.l I-immI Com ,1, W , Hitl'fj I Jelill M. Ilnlll i c. W . .1, ion 1 Itmr-r lli'rinn J. . S..l,il. . t -illKf. .-.in. II 'i.l-. .. '0I11I Si.tmiur trr.'elll-ll.t itiorii.'jr I. N W KlMIII ! V s:;.,.r. N Viiiit hi IITM Jl l.l. Il l-l rn I -1 . II. I.. Ii. ii.i.n iollll A. l..tf.'Ut-b 11 f. a. i.-ir ) I.. II. Mi-l rinail W. J. M.H.r . I.AN It OKI- II K, It l.m v It. i'H-r 1 aki on rt. 'ti'lu-... 11. .17 "l-r K. N. J. n.h tm-rllt Ml,. r. l-.Mii I'rr-ta.ir.r . K-o, ' ,ilr.nn i er W . 0. W'f lionl Siipi J. iv, W nun iim).r c K. M.ior :'-- J ii,'i,ii..V;!ort im'Ii lii.iwH'tor Iimi I". M.IId? TOWN OK I.Ak KVKW . Majfol I.. Mnelllllil -?".- IUII. Yl i. I', M.ll.iy I I. W 1 m-Her I I. S. Ijltir V. H Hnl.l.ir t.ll,..u. r.. Co Itirlltunu K. .-.inior , . . , I r. iir. r JUKI Reward $!..() The readers of this paper will U pleased to Ion r II that there Is at east one dreaded (ll-eie 1 1 1 m I s. lelico has been a ble to cure In 11 II Its si aces. and that Is Tatarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure I the only positive cure now known to the lii-.ll.nl fraternity. Catarrh In Inc a coiistliiit..ual ills ease. reipllies a .-( . 1 1 1 11 1 i. . 11 ;i I treat ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Inieninll v ii.tlnc dlr.iilv upon the blood an. mucous surfaces of the system, I In rt'by deslr.o luc t ln-foiiiid-nl 1. 111 of I he disease, and t:l vine I lie patient strength by bull. line up the const it ill Ion ami asslstlnc uatiire in dome; lis work. The proprietor h'tVc so much faith In lis eiiritilve powt-rs thai liny offer (in- 1 1 iiii.li-etl llnllaiM for any case I hat It tails to l ine. Send fnrlUt of I. si Inn minis. Addless I '. J.Chen.-yA i 11., Toledo, )- coil Sold by nil liruucUis. T.'-e. Take lin.: s l-'aillilv Till for all.-! The - Our : ir p- ::rice ;e t f these 4 great publications is - $7.00 $5.0o KIP li XS. NEW OR RENEWALS, TO ANY OF "THE BIG II' M Y BEGIN AT ANY TIME. !M A1 1 SIJBSCR'PTIOXS TO THE MAGAZINES WILL NOT Lilt CLIVE . - .jy .- nLICATIONS MUST BE SENT TO OMi ADDRESS. ake County Examiner, Lakeview, Oregon TI9IBKK KA.I KOTIVV. TIM III-: I' I. IMi NH 4 : C-oted StH-p La-H f)tlice, T.hkveiew Cn-'-cn, Eel) S Kt8 Kntii'e i h'-leby pveii thht in cotn-filisp'-H w on t .- .r.n iriiont- n: the act ft'ousriesa o .'une 3, H"H entitle), 'Aii ct ir.r tho i-.d" ti' ti tier lauds In ne Ljtat.-s ei' Ctili'nrni . Oreyou, Nevada. Hn l ''ashi'iit'.-i T-'titory," ma extended t.- nil t !i Public Laud fcUtcs l,y act r. Aujiist 4. l-.2, K n.-U.i lJu in-y. t)' Lakeview, cotio- cf Lake, ytnte of Oieumi. has Oled mm 'i!s r:r!.v 1 403T, for the WW n'lt.rl tr wu . ... , 12 1, " K . Rama 18 K.. quarter, of section 15 Id TowrjBhip 41 i 1? E., W. M., and will offer proof to W. M , mi I id offr .rno . tbow B , KanKe 17, E.. W. M., and will of- j "cw mat ta 1 land ouKtit la moreval- tbet the la-id -oiiuht U ntire valuabl proof to ebow that the Und sought uat)1p tor its timber or utone than for (or ltd. touM-r ur ftotie than '-.r ari- 1 more valuable for its timber or i f.rBJcultaral purposea, and to eetab- :ol. .i..I iarj...jed, uu l to ebtablibb Lia etone thao for Agricultural puroosea, n'a elaim to aaid land before ro i.i iiwi .Afnr RBIiipr and to etabtih bia claim to aaid land : County Clerk, Klamatb Co., at bta . - w ! 1 . j .. . . r 1 1 nmna of U Ir. mi.ll. L'.. 1 1 I.A,.AH nri Jteceivt-r. Ht Cdkeview tJr-aon. oa oeioiw twKiuier aaa neueiver at ijane- y.""." """ ui-huu, rri'tv. Hie' n -lav or Jun-. I9()S view Oregon on Thursday the 28th, vednenday, the lutb day ' 11. ,n'ims , -. itneee: K E Wood- a".y 01 Aiay, jauo. eck. M. J Ii -ich. tJ n Ly.n b, V. L. e names as witneaaes: U. W. liar- - He. names as witnecaes: W. P. Reed, Hot-H, nit of I -tUer4 v Oreifin disty, Willurd Duncan, Joe Lane, I Mattio B. Keed, Charles K Mulkey, . - ... IJ 1 , 1.1 1 I . . . 1 A .f Vl 11 I fllinwlln nil r. 0 1)1 m tnnn Anv end a I iicr-oiis clal n.ng ad- "bui j uujfunvuu, mi 01 ijaaevtew, , " v. wiiiu, on ui ui, uiuu wrelv fh. above described luods are Oregon. mquetted to I'ueii claia.a in this Any and all persons claiming ad fflce on or t efere bal l 5th day of tersely the above described lauds are Timber Land Notice. United States Land Office Lakeview j Jan 25 1008 aKev,ewr Jregoo, Feb. 13, 1908. j Notice is hereby given that in corn- Notice is hereby given that in com - , pliauce with the provisions of the act pliance with the provisions of tbe act : o1 Congress of June 3, 1878, entilted of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled, j 'Aa act for tbe sale of timber lands "An act for the bale of timber lauds ,n tDe states of California, Oregon, in the States of California, Oregon, j Nevada, and Washington Territory," Nevada and Washington Territory," j 88 extended to all the Publio Land as extended to all tbe Publio Land j States by act of August 4, 1892, States by act of August 4, 1892, I VVUlis J- Mnlkey, of Cromwell, Edwin Fitzgerald, of Lakeview, ! county of Lane, State of Oregon, has v unnniT nf UIia RfMt nt Orncrnn. hna : nled in tbis onJce bis sworn state- n - ... li ninc iirui, .tu - J n 1 . . , .rcUe of He E half Uld In tbla office bis sworn statement 'ul. o. lor me purcnase oi '-Vn.,rter NW quarter, No. 402.1, for tbe purchase of tbe N he Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 , of Section No. .niHiter nt Section uaa, an quarter, v uuarier, .!.;""! " """""" v-' '""le " Timber Land Nolle limber Land Noilcr United States Land Otilej, Iikvview United States Land Office , Lakeview Oregon, Feb. 4, 19uH. (iregon, 1-Vn. O'.h, l'.HiH. Notice is hereby given that in com Notice is herbey given that In com pliance with the provisions of the act pliitm-t with the nrovinions of the act of Congress of Juno .'1, 1H7M, entitled of Cumress of June :t, 178, entitled, "An act for the bale of tun her lands "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of Calitorit.a, Oregon in the States of I'alif irula, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory, " Nevada, mid Washington Territory." as extended to all the Dill. ho Land as extended to all the Public Laud States by act of Angunt 4. IMirj, States by act of August 4, 1892. WAKKHN HOWARD, of Lakeview, Fred L. Ko-s. if Lakeview cotiiitv county of Lake, htate of Oregon tins of Luke, State of Oregon, has tiled iu I HI...I 1.. l.,u ... t ll. . l.i I. Iil-J.l IU l.illD UIIILO lj o pnuiu DL.H.IUIVIJI. vnin tiiiit.,- inn nwui II S-.HLt.IlltMlv i. O No. 398.1, for the tuirchase of the S 3!)94, for the purchase nf the NE tpiar- half, SE quarter, NW quarter, SE Ji, ter, of Section 32, in Township 38 H SE quarter, SW quarter, of Section 2, Kange 18 E.,W. M. and will itfer in Township 38 S., Kange Iti K, W. proof to show that the laud sought is iM., and Will offer proof to eliow that more valuable for its timhoi or stone the land sought is more valuable for than for agricultural purposes, hhiI to its timber or stone than tor agricul- establish his claim to said land before J tural purposes, aud to establish his Register and lieceiver at Lakeview claim to said laud belore Register and Oregon, r-u Saturday, the 9tb day of Receiver at Lakeview Oregon, on May, 1908. Monday the 4tb day of May. 1908. : He names as witnesses: (leorge He tames as witnesses: Henry E. ! Lynch, E. E. Woodcock, Marlon S. Holbert, Frank Howard, Walterlloward , Humes, 1nn Chandler, all of Lake Plyner Howard, all of Lakeview Ore- j view Oregon. gon. Any aud all persons claiming ad Any and all persons claiming ad- ! versely the above describd lauds are versely the above described lands are : reuected to file their claims iu this requested to tile their claims in this 1 office on or before said 9th day of ulllce on or lierore said tu day ot May, juon. limber Ijind NutU. United States Ijiii.1 Office Lnkeview Oregon, Feb. lith HMW. Notice is hereby gl-en that iu coin plliincu with the prnvisiinis of the act of Congress of Juno 3, l7s, entitled, "An act fur tin sale of timber lauds in the State of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington 'J'eri ito-y, " as extended to all (hit 1'nlilic ljtnd States by act of August 4, lh:2. El. leu 1-:. Woodcock, of lakeview, county of iaki, Ktate of Oregon, has filed in this office his sworn statement. No. 39!l., for the pim-hasn of tlin SK quartet', of Sect ion 32, in Township, :i8 S , Range IM, K , W. M., and will otler praof to show that the laud sou. ht is more valuable for its tiinler or stone than lor agricultural purposes, and to establish His clalai to said laud before Register and Re ceiver at Lakeview Orcyou on Mon day, the lllh day of May, 1908. He n a in us as witnesses : (ico. Lynch, M. S. I ia rues, Fred Ro.s, Dan Chand ler, all of Lakeview Oregon. Any and ail persons claiming ad versely the a'.iove described lauds are M-piested to file their claims in this office on or before said llth, day of May, 1908. 710 J. N. Wataoii, Register. oa of April, lane. (908. 11 10 J. N. Watson, Register. h-tnta 9 Ila Kicul Yoi Haw Mar lz& CpaUr requested to file tbeir claims in this office oo or before Bald 28 tb day of May, 1908. 910. J. N, Watson, Register. ECZHMA and PILE CURE FREE Knowing what It waa to euf- The Wall -tMloi en, , 1 will give FREE OF CHARGE, to any aflllcted a positive cure foi ett.-.,bsnfSrockHud Bond blanks pu, gaIt KheuIn, Erj alpelaa, mXiiM a. i miner office New sa triple Piles aud Skto Dlseaacs. . Instant re- teoi: rin.fi vt'l Monday venlnir. If Hf. Dont suffer longer. Write F. W Any and all persons claiming ad versely tbe above described lands are requested to file tbeir claims in tbis office on or before said l'th day of April, 19C8. 510 J. N. Watson. Register. yo i. i .. I s.lii-W cel l Idea tea aee Oil mi i p t ' i i j-rlci i . tf I,o.-n inncliHt th Ilrewery Sa- 4 tf WILLIAMS, 400 Manhattan Avenue, New York. Enclose Staniq. Get your onloo Sets at Lakeview Merc Co. l Tbe Examiner prints township plats, and makes them into books to order, tf Farmers, have yor butter wrap pert printed at The Examine office, Instead of Bending away for them. You keep your money at home, and patronize them that patronise you, besides, you see what you are get ting and don't have to pay for It If It doesn't suit you. tf May, 1908. 7-10 J. N. Watson, Register. Timber Ijind .N'otlre. United States Land Office, Lakeview Oregon, Feb. 13, VMH, Notice is hereby given that in com pliance with tbe provisions of tbe act 7-10 J. N. Watson, Register. Timber I. anil .-Vol Ire. United States Land Office, Lakeview. Oregon, Feb. 4, 1908. Notice is hereby given that In com pliance with tbe provisions of the act of Cougress of June 3, 1M78, entitled, "An act tor me sale or timber lands of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled, ( , tU, wVtL nf i 1, U "An fm th of timber land-' i? the. Httte9. ?.! California, Oregon, in tbe States of California, Oregon, e7;n 7"8j'. Ti pmi i . Nevada and Washintgon Territory, tu StS&unf" as extended to all the Publio Land , i? iw. u V t I . uiai. i,. .., i am.,mu. i iho Stella L. llarnes, of Lakeview. . up. -. I fniintV fit l.uLa klala rf Orannn i u a t w i I 1 county of Lake, State of Oregon iiuwuu nnuor, ui uibovibh, uuuuit ii..,i i l.i.. i . , . 7 of Lake, State of Oregon, has filed la . 2'edJ,thJ" i"' f WOrn .t,Jen,?J,l5 tbis office bis sworn statement, No. ? ' f'1 v?.'! Ja,PilTif',fiP 6 8K 4(o for the nurehnsA nf thn Lot 4 'quarter, NL quarter, N half, SE quar- .1 ... .1 . tttr. K I-j i ii rulif I-' 1 n i, tl a ,f and HW quaiter, W quarter, of Keo- if'' "Y,-i"Za v W m sowWiba"HbeDVnWdou,gbt TZ ZtlZL f"'1'! 'it' valuble for Its timber or stone tban for , , '" r "? " ..,0' africu tural agricultural purposes, and to establish ' 3 t?i"uV"r,0b,i iUia to bis calim to said land before Register "? 7 hl J1 "ditooe andReoelver. at Lakeview, Oregon, ' fr, ? 'Wednesday, on Tuesday, the 2otb day of May. 1908. He names as witnesses: Fred Snyder O. Sherman Easter, Jack McCulley, Chan. Umbach, all of Lakeview Oregon Any and all persons claiming ad versely tbe above described lands are requested to file tbeir claims In tbis office on or before said 20 tb day of May, 1908. 8-10 J. N. Watson.iRegibter. It you are thinking of organizing a stock company nee our new samples oWall Street engraved stock certlf Butter paper at Tbe Examiner offloe. The Rest made, at 12.75 for 300 and 14.50 for 1000. tf tbe 29th day of April, 1908, tie names as witnesses: K E. Woodcock, Frank Toler, Cieoge Lynch Ada Toler, all of Lake flew Oregon, Any and all persons claiming ad versely the above described lands are requested to file their claims In tbis office on or before said 29th day of April, 1008. 8-10 J. N. Watson.Reglstor. A Memorable Day, One of the daya we remember with pleasure, as well as with profit to our health, ia tbe oue on which we be came acquainted with Dr. King's New Life Pills, tbe palnlers purifiers that cure headache and biliousness, and keep the bowels right. 2To at Lee Roull's Drug Store. Northern Stage Line. LAKEVIEW-PAISLOY. A. W. BRYAN, Proprietor. Leaves Lakeview at fi a. in. every day hut Sunday. Returning, leavcH Paisley at 6 :30 a. in. every day bu1 Sunday. Piiuiiltri' arafj tto4 trip OPPIC8- Reynold A WlnrAuhr. j-kelw Blue Prints Made. I will make Itluo Prints of any tract of land In the Lakeview Land District, and do abstract work. Call on or write V. 11. SNIDER Lakeview. Oregon. 4S tf The Examiner has a supply of firs class butter wrapper paper on hand now, at the following prices: For 500 wiappers, printed, 12.5, for 1CC0 printed 14.50. tf H. F. Ahlstrom, tbe saddler, has re oelved a new shipment of gloves, the best In tbe market. It you wan gloves good ones call at he A hi strom Harness Shop. 39 tf. To Cure Cold In One Day Fake LAXATIVE I1R0M0 QUININE Iablets. All druggists refund the money 11 it tails to cure. E. W. Grove's lignature Is on each box. 25c. Mining oflice. blanks at the Examiner