Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, March 19, 1908, Image 1

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NO. 12
Body of
Jules VVallendc
In Silver Creek
Head Cruthed In Several Places
and Arm Broken floney
jind Watch Taken
The mystery surrounding tb sud
den disappearance from tbe Silver
Lake botel on Friday night, Dec
ember 27tb, 11)07, at 9:30, of Mr. Jules
Wallaudo, aged about 28 year, bas
sufficiently unraveled Itself an to
warrant the oonolualon that murder
waa committed lu tbe Utile quiet
town of Silver Lake on that night.
Laat Friday, March la, nearly three
months after the mD disappeared ao
mysteriously, bia body was found In
4 he creek a half mile wont of tbe town
of Silver Lake, just above the brldgo
that apana tbe creek. Twenty resi
dent, of that place bad gone on that
day In anarch of tbe man with what
hope of finding blin at that late date
we are not appriaed. Dut the body
waa found. Tbe bead waa crushed In,
both on top and at the bae of the
braln,el(bt other brulaca were vlalble,
tbe right wrlat waa broken and tho
arm beaten Into a jelly clear to tbe
anoulder, aa if tbe man bad eudeavor
d to ward off tbe blowa of bia assail
ant with bia arm. A coroner'a jury
composed or the . following waa
.appointed: J. 8. Martin, Juatice of
tho Peace, of Silver Lake Precinct,
Wm. Holder, Ralph Spencer, C. R,
McKune, C. Hamilton, J. C liasey,
llert Oowdy, to investigate the cam.
After exhaustive reaearob the jury
adjourned until Saturday, when tbe
following verdict waa rendered:
Tbat Jules Wallende came to bia
death by blowa on tbe bead with
blunt Instrument in tbe banda of a
party or partlea unknown to tho
Too case baa boen tbe all absorbing
topic of tbe people of Silver Lake
Hlnce tbe finding of tbe dead man,
and $'250 waa at onoe raised to ferret
out the crime. A mans meeting i
held there Tuesday owning for tbe
purpose of raising more reward roon-
oy, and tbe county will be asked to
add to the reward.
Julea Wallende came from Portland
laat year and settled on a homestead
In the Christmas Lake Settlement
It aeems tbat In Dooember be; was
working for some one about Silver
Lake, and was stopping at tbe hotel.
On tbe 27th of December be was paid
$30 by bis employer. On that night
he changed bia clothes, as was bis cus
torn, after finishing bis dsy's work,
and put on bis fur overcoat and left
tbe botel about 9 :30 o'clock, lie also
poeessed a Una gold watch which with
the money, waa misting from bis body
wben round. Tbe lur overcoat was
atlll on the body. It Is believed that
ha left the botel tbat evening under
engagement to meet some person, and
waa waylaid and beaten to death with
aj gun or club, and the body carried to
tbe creek, a half mile away and thrown
There are some facts In the case that
would throw considerable light oo
the murder wbiob are withheld from
the publlo at this time. An Investi
gation will be made by Sheriff Dent
and District Attorney Moore, who
have gone to tbe scene of the tragedy,
and It is believed tbat some startling
ovldence will be unearthed. It Is
-nald tbat parties In. Silver Lake re
ceived letters from Portland before
the body was found Indicating that
Wallende bad been murdered and the
body thrown into tbe creek some half
mile from tbe town. The robbery
theory la not believed to be tbe only
motive for tbe murder; there Is said
to be a woman or two . mixed up in
the affair. !
Reservoir Site Released
Tbe large body of land in Modoo
county, around Alturaa, withdrawn a
few years ago on account of the Sac
ramento Klver Drainage and Irriga
tion project, baa been released and
will beoome subjeot to entry after
Jnne first, this year. This body . of
land comprises tbe valley In wbloh
Alturaa is situated. Tbe prloolpa)
portion of the land l in private own
ership, and Is the farming section of
that part of Modoo county. This
late order restoring It to entry would
Indldcate that either the drainage
project has fallen tbrrugh, or some
other reanrvulr site has been selected.
The people of tbat eoctlon are of
the Impression tbat Big Valley baa
been decided upou by the department
aa the site for the reservoir.
Farewell, Oh, farewell I
Do not, my friends, Imagine tbat
the above words iodicate tbat we con
template "absenting ourselves lud
deoly from yon ; tbey mean not that
they have a much graver and deeper
Import. Tbey pertain to a subject
tbat Is very desr and sacred to our
arblng hearts. Its a subject tbat stirs
our every Impulse and fond recollee
tlons of many, man yeara ago; reco
lections tbat have long been buried I
the green eepulcbera of our memories
now to be exbomed and 1 revived be
fore our duety remembrances; reco!
lections tbat bring back the scenes of
our childhood and the years when the
pioneers and red men ruled supreme
Days when factlonnl atrifea were yet
unveiled; days when we could lie
down at eventide with a drowsy but
honeit conscience and arise with tbe
spotless bope of morn, but alas for tbe
uncertainty of time, aucb are the
deetlnles of man; aucb la the cruel
Irony of fate, we are doomed to sepa
rate aooner or later and ao it comes to
pass, or rather Is, by some DKMIRKD
to come to pass tbat we must xeparate
from our mammoth structure known
aa the Court House, which batb with
stood tbe storms and wlntiy blast
and the ever changable elements for
lol these msny generatione. Where
many a wayfaring ainner has swallowed
tbe bitter pill of retribution and
paesed from Its grusome portals
wiser and sadder man. We moorn to
give tbee op I We bate been friends
and neighbors all our Uvea, onr
friendship cemented aa one, and now,
wben old age is fast stealing upon na
just aa we stand tottering on tbe brink
of tbe grave, ob, how cruelly shameful
tbat thou must be torn from our fond
embrace and bled to a foreign land
and one of strangers. It Is to weep.
We bsve suffered many a cruel wond
In our long and checkered career, but
THIS la the unklndest out of all.
Metbinks I can bear the doloroua
screeching rollers wearily plodding
thy homeward way up Dead Mans'
Canyon, already be gosh. Sad
thought. We can barely restrain
from crying out, "rock me to sleep
mother, rock me to sleep".
Dut if tbe worst Is to come then
let us be brave martyrs and die with
our faces to tbe enemy, consoling
ourselves in tbe soothing consolation
tbat we have consumed tbe cream,
tbat we bava extracted the sweet and
the bitter, tbat wa have Inhaled tbe
pleasing fragrance and all tbat now
remalna of tbee la a faint and fleeting
memory. If any one wants thy de
mise, why let 'em have It though it
prostrate ua to part. Yea, bring on
your spavined ponies, gentlemen, and
baul tbe patriarchal structure from
our midst and while she la wending
ber weary way up tbe narrow and
rocky deflle, let's bow our beads and
wsep. We wish thee Qod speed and
a safe and triumphant journey, and
may thy newly found people rejoice
in tbbe and pay reverence to thy
hoary locks.
As you pass over yonder bill tops
and we take our final view, let ua also
pay our last respects by repeating,
tbe following appropriate stanzas:
Our souls are full of sadness
Our hearts are full of woe ,
Our eyes are full of weeping
To think that you must go.
How can we ever stand it I
We'll wander to and fro,
We'll seek tbe burning deserts
Because you bave to go.
Tbe birds doth warble sadly
Because tbey feel the woe.
Metbinks I bear them twitter
'Why DO you bave to go."
Dame nature too, is mourning
Her tears dotb melt tbe snow,
We bear ber softly moaning
Because you bave to go.
O I memories sad and joyful
That we cherished long ago
We never shall forget tbeoi
Although you're forced to go.
Farewell, tbou dear beloved,
It breaks our hearts you know,
But we must grin and bear it,
To bave thea leave us so.
O. W. Welch.
W. W. Finley waa here from Bly
this week.
Meeting Called for Next Monday Evening.
To Erect New Building on Library Lot
The movement started a few weeks
ago to organize a Commeiclal Club
lor Lakeview is taking shape. A call
Is made for all who signed tbe mem
berth Ip paper to meet at the Opera
House Monday evening, March 23, for;
tbe purpose of perfecting tbe organic-,
Others Have Done Worse
One of tbe North end papera de
clares tbey bave not a populatiou
so indent to maintain a County gov
ernment. On tbe first assessment roll
of Lake county, there were three hun
dred aixty five names. Tbe total val
uation ot property waa 14 96,331.
Tbere might be a county erected con
slating of tbe three Northern precincts
of Lake, with tbe extreme North end
of Klamath a few mikw of Southern
Crook, and Harney territory Includ
log Egll In wblcb would be found a
number of persona liable to taxation
anyway equal to tbe number on Lake
County'a first assessment rolL and
with in or property than was found on
Lske County's first rolL
There were 252 votes cast in tbe terri
tory of Klamatb County 4 montba be
for it waa created. A new county
North of Lake may be organized with
more voters than Klamatb bad.
The people of tbe North end of Lake
County say they bave not tbe popola
tlpn to support a new county. Yet
tbe only argument tbey can advance
in favor of removal of the Couny aeat
is tbat tbe vast sretcbes of desert
north ot Silver Lake are rapidly fill
ing op with homesteaders,., and soon
shall be teeming with prosperous far
mers. If tbia la true, and we believe
It is, tbe fact rperatea aa atrongly in
favor of tbe establishment of a new
county now, aa it doea in favor of the
removal of tba County Seat in antici
pation of its occurrence. If the set
tlement of tbe desert is soon to be
complete, as argued, tbere will be a
population greater than Lake County
now bas. Why not promote and bast
en tbia development by doing tbe very
beat thing that can be done to en
courage it, tbe establishment of a new
County, and leave the people of South
em Lake County in peace?
One motive only can justify any
citizen in voting to remove tbe
oouoty aeat from Lakeview to PaiBley
lie must believe tbat tbe beat inter
ests of tbe majority demands aucb
removal. Of course it will be to tbe
advantage of some, and if the removal
is not to Injure you, your liberal
spirit towards these few may prompt
you to forget tbe barm it is certain
to do many others. If it ia to render
tbe transaction of each business as
can be transacted at tbe county seat
only, more oostly and dfflcult, and
tbe discbarge of publio dutiea less
convenient and easy to a majority, it
is not for the publio good, and ought
not be done. Tbere are about 4 times
as mnob population aoutb of Paisley
In Lake county aa ia in Paisley and
north of it. Here Is tbe standpoint
from wbloh you should decide your
duty in acting on this question.
Many young men, without capital,
bave been enabled through the gener
ous confidence of Lakeview business
men, to start in life for themselves,
and are now prosperous and independ
ent. Tbey cannot forget their bene
factors, and will never vote to iniure
those who assisted them in time of
I need, and made a successful business
life for them possible. To remove
tbe county seat from Lakeview will
injure every man in the town engaged
in business. Remember tbat Lake
view baa offered to do tbe fair thing
by the North end people, while they
insist on infliotlng tbe deepest -possible
wound to those who have been
your friends. Stand by Lakeview.
The Publio Library is now domiciled
in its own building, and a neater plaoe
oannot be found in tbe city to spend
a few leisure moments reading. All
the important newspapers and maga
zines are supplied, and for neatness
and comfort, one could not wish for
more, and all made possible through
the energy , of tbe ladies connected
with the Association. The President,
Mrs. W. 11. Shirk, contributed a neat
oarpet for the r ooms.
ation. Each member will subscribe
tS, and It is tbe Intention to arrange
aitb tbe Library Association to erect
a two-story building on the Associa
tion's lot ' the Library to occupy tbe
ground floor aod tbe Club tbe upper
New Ruling of Secretary
A new i ruling was approved by Sec
relary of the Interior Jaa. R. Gar
field, on Feb. 21, as follows :
In cases of applicationa to locate
scrips, warrants, certificates, soldier'
additional homestead rights, or
mak lieu selections of publio lands
of tbe United States, tbe following re
uuirements will govern on and after
April 1. 1908:
1. Tbe location or selection must
be accompanied, fn addition to tbe
evidence required by existing rules
and regulations, by affidavit of tbe
locator, selector, . or some cred'.ble
person possessed of tbe requisite per
soual knowledge of tbe premises,
showing tbat tbe land located or
lected is oot in any manner occupied
adversely to the locator or selector.
Z. ion will reqoiie tbe locator or
selector, within twenty daya from tbe
Cling of bia location or selection, to
begin publication of notice thereof, at
bis own expense, in a newspaper to be
designated by tbe Register as of gen
eral circulation in tbe vicinity of tbe
land, and to be tba nearest thereto.
Such publication must cover a period
of thirty days, during which time
similar notice of the location or eelec
tion most be posted in tbe local land
office and upon tbe landa included
in tbe location or selection, and upon
each and every noncontiguous tract
3. Tbe notice must describe tbe land
located or selected, give tbe
date o f location or selection, and
state tbe purpose thereof ia to allow
all persons claiming the land adversely.
or desiring to show it to be min
eral In character, an opportunity
to file objection to such location or
selection with the local officers for
the land district in which tbe
land is situate, and to establish tbeir
interest therein, or tbe mineral char
acter thereof.
Why Do You Cry?
A Northern Lake conuty paper seys
tbat "In juatice to tbe many who will
settle here tbe county aeat ahould be
Tbia reminds us of a story. A bash
ful young man once aat with bis
sweetheart before tbe fire, by an old
fasbioned chimney ore place, with a
coffee boiler sitting on some live coals.
Tbe hour was 11 o'clock, and noth
ing bad been said by tbe bashful swain.
Suddenly tbe girl began to cry.
"Why, darling, why do you cry?"
"I was thinking, "said ahe, "suppose
we were married, bad a little boy sit
ting on tbe beartb, and that coffee
boiler should turn over and scald tbe
poor, little thing to death."
That wedding never came off.
Distriot Attorney Moore returned
from Klamath Falls and Ashland last
week whore be baa been for several
weeks past attending a special term of
circuit court for Klamath county,
and visiting bis family at Ashland.
Mr. Moore saya bia family la well.
In jtoing from Klamath Falls to Ash
land he went over tbe new route via
Weed. He aaya work is progressing
very nloely on tbe railroad extension
from Weed toward Klamath Falls, and
tbat tbe road will tap a very rich
School Board Act
The recent terrible conflagration in
a Cleveland school, In which 174 child
ren were burned to death in a heap,
bas quickened tbe pulse of every
school board in the country, and steps
hae been taken in moat cases to
guard againat a repltltlon of such . a
horror. The Lakevelw school board
bas ordered double blngea for all tbe
doors in tbe school building, so that
the doors may be opened either way.
It la believed that tbe school bouse
could re cleared. In case of fire, ia 40
seconds. Tbe hallways are wide, and
there are no obstructions' tbe rooms
squsre, and large, double exits. In
Portland tbe schools practice a fire
drill every two weeks. Tbia is done
in order to keep tbe pupils in readi
ness for an emergency, and to practice
clearing tbe rooms in tbe shortest
possible time. These drills are almost
sure to prevent a panic In case of fire,
aa tbe drills are had ppou absolutely
noliotlce. No ens knows wksn tbe
signal Is to be given, and all srs taken
by ts tnnch of a soprise as If a real
fire existed. So accustomed do tbe
papila become to this sort of thing,
that tbe Instant tbe aignal ia given
each pupil jumps to bis or ber place,
and tbe march, four abreast, is formed
intantly aod tbe bolldng is cleared in
from 30 to 60 seconds.
School Report
8!b 9th Sc. 10th grades : John Blougb,
Whole nam ber enrolled 67
Whole no. of daya attendance 8G9
" " " absence ... 20
Times tardy 6
Pupils neither absent nor tardy 24
Per cent, of adttendance 97
6tb and 7th grade : Miss Conn,
Whole no. enrolled 56
" " of days attendance 833
ii ii i, 4beence 41
Pupils neither absent nor tardy 19
Times tardy 3
Per cent of attendance 95
5th nad 6th grades: Miss Snelling
Whole no. enrolled
" " of days attendance
" " " " absence
Times tardy .'" --
Pupils neither a been t nor tar.,
Per cent, of attendance 97
3rd 3c fourth gradea : Mra. Cloud,
Whole bo. enrolled
" of days atendaaoe
" ' " " absence
Pupils neither absent nor tardy 16
Per cent, of attendance 94.3
Primary department: Misa 11 all.
Whole no. enrolled 64
" " of daya attendance 1193
" " " " absence 23
Times tardy 3
Pupils neither absent nor tardy 41
Per cent, of attendance 98.1
Summary of report for month end
ing Mar 14, 1908.
Wbole no. enrolled
" " of days attend oce
.1 .. i. abBenoe
" " " times tardy
No. neither absent nor tardy
Percent, of attendance
96 1
Tbe High School boya are ooutem
plating giving a basket social in the
near future, tbe proceed to be used
in purchasing athletio goods.
Spring has come and tbe flowers
are beginning to burst forth making
every creature bright and bappy.
The boys hear tbe call of tbe wilda
bleb aeems to lure them to tbe
brook side ; but school days are not
alwaya with ua and tbe trout are.
Tbe Ninth Grade are progressing
rapidly in tbeir work. Algebra ia tbe
most difficult, for many did not
realize tbe necessity of first thorough
learning tbe principles. Tbeir
Physical Geography ia excellent for
tbe grade. The good work tbey are
doing in Literature will lighten tbe
work of tbe tenth grade.
Tbe School Board bas ordered forty
new seats and other necessaries for
new High Sobool room. lodeed,
newly furnished room Is a much
needed aoesaory to our school.
Every scholar ahould bear in mind
that truancy- spells failure in Final
Examination. Every half day missed
is something lost and those who play
truant are always behind in their
clas. So we find it much better to
attend school render!. Do not
fblume tbe teacher if you fall but blame
Thomaa McCulley, who bas been
taking the eighth grade course and
doing exoellent work, was obliged
to quit to take charge of bis ranch.
Tom, we are sorry to see you leave.
but we wish you success In your new
Millie Reynolds, of the 9th grade has
been 111 several days with Pneumonia.
Fred and Nell Stanley bave dropped
High School studies to berd goats.
Several absenoes ar reported in
Miss Conn's room on account. of
J. JB. MoNew, the Pine Creek
Liveryman, was up town Monday.
People of New York Be
lieve In Di5honesty
Minister of the Gospel Saya draft
Permeate the Political and
Business World
Lakeview Examiner: While it la
not pleasant to wi ite npon pesslmlstio
topics, it falls to the lot of someone to
do so, in the interest of tbe publio
Therefore I shall write concerning,
what seems to me, to be the crying
evil of tba age.
While in Chicago, a drummer made
the statement in my prensence, that a
person to succeed in business must
be dishonest. And you bear just such
statements upon all sides in tbe larger
I asked bim whether be meant to
alander mankind, or whether be cast
aucb a gross slander upon onr Crea
tor. I also asked bim, whether, wben
selling goods to a customer, npon
misrepresentation, what kind of a re
ception be received from bia custom
ers, upon bis return trip, and what
tr" 'id he expect to make upon bia
or ti lrd trip? After a little
reflection be answered, tbat be guessed
be had made his statement a little too
atrong. . .
In this City I asked a very promi
nent practical, and progressive minis
ter of tbe Gospel, of wide experience,,
to what ex t --. graft and dishonesty
jVak'prl-&.'vne City. Heui '
wered tbat VJThe evil permeated tbe
entire political and - business world ;
tbat waa truly discouraging".
Upon being asked again. If tba graft
was general throughout the City, or
if everyone was affected by tbe evil
influence. He answered tbat "A
perosn would bave to be incurably
honest not to be affected by it" It
is not only discouraging to me, but
annoying, to learn of the extent
graft and dishonesty is permeating the
political and business world today ;
eating at tbe vitals of tbe people ; at
tbe very vitals of tbe nation as a
wbole, and ajalotch upon our civiliza
tion that is a shame and disgrace to
mankind. The question arises, what
is wrong with the people, to bring a
bout the foregoing results? Are men
and women naturally depraved, dis
honest, and corrupt, beyond bope of
improvement, or does tbe evil spring
from other sources, which are within.
our reach lr tbe proper metbod be
puraued to overcome tbe same?
While I dp not believe tbat evil can
be entirely eradicated from tbe world,
I do believe we could get along with
much less tbn does exist today
throughout tbe world, and next week,
by tbe courtesy of The Examiner, I
will give my views upon this impor
tant subject, upon entirely new lines,
as to how to cure the evils of mankind.
Out of the au it against Chaa. Barber
last week to recover money, and the
subsequent attachment of a team of
horses by Sheriff Dent to satWy judg
ment, came tbe appointment of D. P. .
Malloy, Tuesday, as elisor to arrest
the she riff and regain possession of
the horses, which are alleged by Bar
ber to be exempt from attachment.
A. S. Ward, of Fort Bid wall, baa
been appointed administrator of tbe
estate of Mra. Geo. Freeman, wbo
died recently at that place. Mrs. A. -S.
Ward waa appointed administra
trix of the estate of Geo. Freeman, .
wbo waa ber uncle. Mra. Freeman '
waa left about 115,000 by her boaband.
and this amount is now, since the
death of Mrs. Freeman, to be divided
among tbe he ire.
One of tbe leading spirits in the
county seat removal scheme remarked
tbe other day, when asked If Paisley '
precinct would vote dry at tbe com
ing election, said, "If we are to get
tbe county aeat we do not want it to
go dry, but if we do not get it, then
we want it diy." This voter needs
light on the subject before be can
cast bia vote intelligently at the com
ing election.