Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, March 12, 1908, Image 3

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Ttlna Collar Vary Faaliionable A
Novalty In Ds
Thn wniiiiii) wlm iniitd'K tutffng run
have iM'iiiillful riilliiifi lliln winter. Tli
narrow cilrl mi ntllT linen l benuM
ful. Vandyke puttcrim In liny rlu:s
ire reit,v when alliiehcil to velvet
A luee nMiti Iniit Ii4 ii novelty. I'. 0
Made by h I (filing tiico butleriHe.
TIIK I.ATrxT HllllIT WAIHT. 8318.
A ImiiIi iii i f t lil m nltlrt wiilnt limy ba h4
tn N'-vi'ii I'rn . from 3.' t ) 4i Itirlii'a I'tmt
Irii'in'iii'. Hriul li) c-iMita In thl oltlrn. tlv
Inn 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r t : . 1 1 . ninl bunt rtiriimiro. mel
tin- t "it i.i ii tu promptly aunt to you
by mall
roves ninl hhnturock leave to a dull
cl'ier rulnroj mil In lining. The edge
of tin' I'M it Ii ImmiiiiI wlili n copper
colored folil itm! outlined with ono hu b
liti'i' ru!!le. Tin' handle In Hindu with
glllll I'll.'lllIM Illld fllMl'IIClJ nt the Wlllst
with ii triilil Heiir-de-M t 1 1 .
milium work Im Introituied on even
Inn hliiu'M. Oninite lili'MHiiiiiM ui.-ide Into
roK-tlis nr.' worn .y . tilled, but It In
prettier and newer tn lime tin? entire
shoe reil with hilwr embroidery
III iir.'ini;,' I. In. mm ilenin.
W tint Kind of rdilrt wnlntu uro worn?
In tile lir-t 1 1 lesl I . ill w h It'll MIj:iientN It-
M'lf tn tln rvnilniiio ii t tiI. fur, mi mat
ter v. hut eite tuny lie III order, il gooil
l.v nupily of these miii'li lined j;uniienU
H absolutely es'ieiitlul. Keldoin Indeed
It tin- oi'i'mhIhii fur wlili ll tlley ill 11 Hot
lie ininle tn n rvc, mid of (uiirHe It In
always def Inible to have ns many dif
ferent My lei ns poxhlhlc. The walHt
llliiMlliileJ In u'iiT:illy fiiHliluned from
wiimIi material anil l'i often trlinnwvl
Willi ejelet or French embroidery.
A Dainty Evening Hat Debutantsi
Wear Natural Flowora.
A lint tli. 'it noes with anything Irt a
white velvet liniNhrooni with a crown
of ilnk roM'N. The rowa uro numbed
round the crown, ho Hint they Htund
rather hlcli. completely covering It.
There In tin other trimming except
A pattern of thla atyllih bos coat may
had In alx alaae from 12 to il Inohea
bust maaaure. Bend 10 canta to thla offlce,
living nunibor (3446) and buat meaaura,
and the pattern will b promptly forward
ad to you by mail.
white osprey. Thla dress bat com
plete one's costume If one Is dressing
for evening.
It la quite the style tbla season to
wear natural flowers to match one's
embroideries. One of the moat fetch
ing gowns worn at an erentng affair
was a white satin embroidered In gar
denias. In the corsage was a bunch
of the natural flowers, and the same
blossoms appeared In the coiffure. An
other young girl wore a frock embroid
ered in red flowers, while red roses
were In her corsage and In her bulr.
This stylish double breasted box coat,
with or without cuffs, may be easily
made at home. It requires but little
fitting and will be serrlceable for gen
eral wear. Ilroudcloth, serge or chev
vlot In dark colors are the hiost desir
able materials from which to make It
I ..!. Nnlltr,
l)e)iirlinent of Oio Interior, 1,'nlied
FlntiK l.lill'l Olllce, liiilii'VH'U, Oie
K iHiiimiy V-'i, I'.'i'H.
A mfllrlrnt conlci-l i.ft"ti v It lifivltig
In en fill il In I Mm i II re I ! '. 1 '! I
ler, rontcxtfint, ln.:iiliict lioiiiehtcnil
rut rv No 'Jill, iniKie May I;. iHV,
for W linlf. M'l iinilei, W l ull hK
Hitlli l, ol 'wIImi VH, TrirtiiKliii, li'S.,
lii'iik'i' -'I I-., I .V liiiiilntii I. 1 1 hi i in.
Cnliti'Hti e. Ill ttlilrll It In nlleeed Unit,
mil llmilx Iiiih wholly inid tilinly
iiliiiiiiluiied Mild I'liilni; Nitl.l ii I r y n in ii
hiiM win II)' thllerl to I t-tnllili Mh I I
ilenee t Ii tein ; tlml lie I iih wholly
hi fiiiili'lii d Mild Milty lor inrne tliHii
r-1 x In on t Ii- hiht ln1, lui'l Unit mi id
ulli't'eil nl elii'e mi ti e Mild hind vim
tut due l'i ih i-ii'iloyiM nt III I he
Ann)', Niivy or Murine CniiM ol Ihn
l!nitiil Milieu im II I'I'lviito l-oliller,
ollii er, h iiiiiiiii or ii. ill ine (Itir'm; the
wnr w it h S( hIii or dm lii(f imy dher
wnr In th'i Ii Hie I'niteit Muti n may
I'O i'iiii(.'iil, ml,l llitliiH me lieredy
not illed tn in u nr, lei-pmnl and olfer
i viili'iii c toiu liil.K f ii iii iillceiit ion nt
i III oYleolrii. in. on A pill '.', I!"1, le-
torn U-iuU-r mid Ki'i'eiver, lit Iho
j I'lilteil MntCK Lnnil Oltice ill l.iikn
vie a, li i'(.'on,'l he Miiid eoiilextnnf Imiv
lot', in a pncr iifllilnvit, ; lill I
'Si, 1 11 i, M-t lortli fiiitM whlili hhnw
t hill litter due (HliKi'iice i rxiliiil r-er-Vice
of t hi mil iee run not Im mnde,
11 li hereby crdered nnd diliided that
Hiieli :.i lice he Ui'ii by due ninl pro
per publication. i ,". t
H-ll J N. WatKiill, lliinler.
'tliiilit i I ii m! Ni.lli r-
1'niled hlnti n I-nnil Ulbce, l.nki-le
( n. Loii. Feb. ;. l'.K'H.
! Nolii ii ix hereliy K'vi-n that In com
j liiiiu'e w it li the prov i'llmiH of t he act
of ("iinlihH of 'unu Ii, entitled
"An net lor the mile of timber land
In the KtntiM of California. On-ifon.
'Nevada, a:nl WiiHliincton 'J ei ritnl y, "
IIH extended to all the l'tlMM l.Hllil
States by act of AtiKt 1. W-,
l.lnia .K. Hartzou, of hnkeview,
comity of Lake, State of Oregon, Iihh
Illed In this ollli o din Kworn Mtntcmcnt,
No :5'.Ki. tor the piircluihn of thn K
jialf, K half, or Hi'ctiou 7, lu Towtmlilp
ID K., JiaiiKo '1 K., W. M. , and will
oiler proof to fhow that the land
Hiitiuht Ih inor valual'l" lor Hm tlm our
or Htone than fur iiKrii'iiltnral pur
pimcH, and to cftabliHli bis claim to
uald liiinl befoi H liexlHter and lieeclver,
at Lakeview, Ori-Kon, on Wcdnefday,
; the i;.b duy of May, l.s.
He iiiniM'H uh w itii'ni H : i-.iiwiii
Hato, l.lijah Hinalley, llenrv I' link,
(i. C. i'itzk'eittld, all of Iviikcvictv On -pin.
Any and all permiiiH claimim; lid
verbi'ly I he almve described IiiihIh urn
reiiuehted to (lie their clainiH ill tliia
ollii'd on or before said Mb, lay of
May. UHtH.
M ii) J. N. Vi'iiUnn Hi-winter.
Tlmbep l.uinl o tre
I'liltcil SlatiM Land (Xllec, I.akeview
Oregon, Tell. i:t, lid is.
Nut ice Ih hereby uivctt that hi i-nm-pliance
with the provision of the act
of CoiiKreKH of June II, IH7H entitled,
"An act fur the Hale of timber lands
in thn States of (.'nlifornia, Oregon,
NeMida, and WaMliinntnn Territory,"
i.h extended to all the 1'iiblio Laud
States by act or Aujjiint 4, lH'.'U,
John A. llarham, of l'ainley, county
of Lake .Statu of Oregon, has '""d in
this olllce bis swntn statement No.
liiU'J, lor the piirchiiHK or the SK ip;iar
ler, MV '.quarter, of Section '1, in
Township :il, S., K.uinn I'.t, 10., W. M.,
ami will oiler proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish bis claim
to said land before Uegister ami lie
cciver, at Lakoview, Oregon, on Wed
nesday the U"th day of May, i!iS.
He names as witnesses: (!eo. V.
Cooley, Sain Uunister, of l'aisley Ore
gon, John Simmons, Uoo. NV. Harrow,
of l'uisley, Oregon,
Any and nil persons claiming ad
versely the above described lands, ure
requested to tile their claims iu this
olllce on or before said 27th day of
Mhv, liK'8.
H10 J. N. Watson, Register.
TltnlVrr lml poller.
Unitod States Land Office, Lukeview,
Oregou. Feb. 15, 1008
Notice is hereby given that In com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled,
"An Act for the sale of Timber lands
in the states of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
a extended to all the public laud states
by act o August, 4 181)2,
Vigil Conn, of Paisley, county of
Lake, state of Orregon, has flle.l In
this ofllce his sworn statement No
1 03 1 , for tbe purchase of the NK quar
ter, of Section 7, In Township 38 S.,
Hange 10 K, W. M., and will offer
proof to show that the land sought
is more valuable for its timber or
atone than for agricultural purpose i,
and to establish his claim to said
laud before Register and Receiver at
Lakeview Oregon ou Monday tbe 1st
day of June. 1008.
.e names as witnesses: J. B. Auten,
P. P. Light, T .J. Powell, D P. Mal
loy.all of Lakeview Oregon, and Oda
Craveus, of Klamath Fulls Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adver
sely the above described lauds are re
questel to file their claims lu this
office on or before said 1st, day of
June 11)08
810 . J. N Watson register.
Timber Land Notice
United States Land Office, Lakeview
Oregon, Feb. 7th 11)06.
Notice Is berbey given that in com
pliance with tbe provisoes of tbe act
of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled,
"An act for tbe sale of timber lands
In the State of California, Oregon.
Nevada, and Washington, Territory,"
as extended to all the Publio Land
States by act of August 4, 1892,
Daniel Chandler, of Lakeview,
county of Lake, State of Oregon, has
filed in tbi offioe his sworn state
ment No. 400C, for the purchase ot the
SK quarter, of Section 20, in Town
ship 38,8 . Range 17 K.. W. M., aud
will offer proof to show that the land
sought is nioie valuable for its timber
or stone than for agricultural pur
poses, and to establish bis claim to
said land before Register and Receiv
er, at Lakeview, Oregon, on Friday,
the 15th day of May, 1008.
lie names aa witnesses: Henry
Newell, P. M. Cory, William R. Ham
merely, Will J. McKee.all ot Lakeview
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lands are
requested o tile their claims in
this office on or before said 15th day
f May, 1(50 8.
710 J. N. Watson, Register.
7' y.,',
Ely's Cream BAtrz
3uro to Civo f atlsfactlor..
It cl"anHi', Hunt I.i'", Ih'hIm nnd prut'" ' 1 t V
ilii''ii"d ni iiibriinri re'ilt in f r .ri Cni- n .
find I'rivcmiwiiv a Cold ill t!i" ll"ud fpi; I ! '
l.'i tiii i th Ki'iixi -i of 'J'n tn mid Ki !.'.
K:i y to line. Contain tin ii.Mi .ii'i i!-
Applied into thn intrlla and iiti-u.rl.. !
Idu wn Hie, r,'l eci. Is nt Prilii'lnts or I y
Tumi. Lupin Cninii l!:ilia lor H; i.i
ui'Hi.i.i r-4, 71 i iii tK.
El T UROTHPrtS. f.0 Warren 81.. New York
The Leadirtf Paptr of t;i
PavJg Coatt
Th" S?w Francisco
Trie Weekly Chronic!
The vory bt wookly Neirrr
fnoAinoi la the entire West.
$1.50 a Year
!-.-'u'!m iolf to iui ". ft th
bulUid bfi,l mill yilr.)
It Ii b'ai hocauM, bu:!!-i
prlnCnr ali the nevi of the w vrld
r c i e-K In an In errjtlnf way
.! d ullr lnui!r.i:!n many
r". -i. t hit I,.ft0:i dip ut
eri cavosd to
li ;-:7ICULTUkI
and S.- OKTS
Ti-se are prra'dad e-rrr Vy
td 'utz havlnf a liioreuirh know,
; ! . cl l.'it.r apec. aides. The
. -i w'tvo ed tj Acrculfars,
!.cj t-rs, Pou.tiy Live
..'.o. arc ""ill I'.jtiat; i t-J
i 'ltfi mi'.tr o! ihs i;rot"!
nte'-t !c aii iMigsfBd in the
I.i ''.'i'.. ftry lint bolnj
rrte n .' c-3 w).o a.- In cloia
f uel- oond.!ioi.t jrava!:'-j
on t!il aL
. icso f ;r av;pls co nr.
It vlU be a-ct free.
D-s JIM want the Chroali'a
reversible Map?
...!.!it!rj (he Usitel Statee. D
n '.i-: n ol Canada and NortSra
V-nr.o en ene a! do. MAP Of-T.-ii
'C'-L3, prearntln te view
r a conMnueua map, all
a In tra feortlos, (he e
i ii aerimoe e( the Larth as tlw
-thr title.
.Oand S2 uU fat the May aaxi
"' ilriy CXrstek for eaa ytar.
ewta an pa la a kfUp ara
The Dairy end Mp
Only SaS t Ycsr
Al1" M. (
a -swan iJaift'ii ila,-
- i, , n
$1.000e0Q Reward.
The Oregon, Califurula & Nevada
Livestock Protective Association
will give $1000 Reward for the con
viction of auy party or parties steal
ing horses, cattle or mules belonging
to any of the following members of
this Association:
Cox & Clark, Chewacan Land &
Cattle Co., Heryford Land & Cattle
Co., Lake County Land & Livestock
Co., Earner Valley Stock Co., Win
VV. Drown, Geo. M. Jones, Geo. Han
kins, S. D. Chandler, O. A. Rehart, N.
Fine, W.A. Currier, Frank B. Bauers,
J. 0. Hotchklss, Calderwood Bros.,
T. J. Drattatn & Sons, T. A. Crump,
CrcBtiler & llonner, W. T. Cressler
Maud I. Itambo.
Oim if-Kwa W- P- "kuykohd. Presld't
urt rkk8 v M mii.i-kh, Sec &Treas,
F. M. Gheen
Notice lor Publication.
To Geo. II. Ayres, Uus Schlagel
A. C. Lowell, and AL Farrow :
You are hereby notified: T hatl
have expended 1100.00 one hundred
Dollars in labor, and Improvements,
upon the Monarch Mining claim, lo
cated in the Paisley Mining District,
as will appear by certificate filed in
the offioe of the County Clerk of said
County, in order to hold said premis
es under the provisions of section
2:121, revised Statutes of the United
States, being the amount required to
bold the same for the year ending
December 31st., 1007, and if within DO
days after this notice, by publication,
you fail or refuse to contribute your
proportion of such expenditure as a
co-owner, your inteiests in said claim
will become the property of the sub
scriber under said section 2324.
3 3m Stephen Uaylord.
a' -
The best V;iju-"v.1
j g lle on the market.
AImo a coinpletellne of Wflo
n ml Iiiiitk.v hrinif'MM, whin
& rolifH, rlntiin, Idtx, HpurH,
itilrtK, roMctti-H, In fuel every
thing In the lltie of riirrlngi!
ii ml liorwe fiiriilMlilngH. Ri...
pnlrlg by ciiiii'tt'iite inn.
i a i T il . ' M
1 l A
7 .'-Ml--
, v..-
Blue prints of any town
ship In the Lakeview
Land District can be had
by applying to the under
signed. All work up to
date. Checkings made
from the Land Of
fice Records at the time
the printsare made, work
neatly and promptly
V. li. Snider.
Lakeview Oregon,
Subscribe for Tbe Lake County Ex
amlner, ifyou want the news. ,
iTohaULow LIGHT & HARROW, Proprietors
A Memorable Day.
One of tbe days we remember with
pleasure, as well as with profit to our;
health, is tbe oue ou which we be-!
came acquainted with Dr. King's New
Life Pills, the painless purifiers that;
cure headache and biliousness, aud i
keep the bowels right. 25c at Lee '
Hcall's Drug Store.
Farmers, have yor butter wrap
pers printed nt The Examine ollice,
inntead of sending away for them.
Vou keep your money at home, and
patroulze them that patronize you,
oenlik'8, you see what you are get
ting and don't have to pay for it if
It doesn't suit you. tf
FREE Knowing what it was to nr.f-:
fer, 1 will give FREE OF CHARGE, j
to any alllicted a positive cure fori
Eczema, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas,)
Plies nnd Skin Diseases. Instant re
lief. Dont suffer longer, Write F. V
WILLIAMS, 400 Manhattan Avenue,
New York. Enclose Staniq.
J. II. Cutter whiskey at the Ilote
Lakeview bar. Tbe best and purest
whiskey made. tf.
The Examiner prints township plats,
and makes them into books to order, tf
Baan tU 1(011 Ka AfwavC BcBgH
Tbe Examiner has a Bupply of firs
class butter wrapper paper on hand
now, at the following prices: For 500
wiappers, printed, f2.5, fcr K((
printed S4.50. tf
S. F. Ablstrom, the saddler, has re
ceived a new shipment of gloves, the
best in tbe market. If yon. wan
gloves good ones call at he A hi
strom Harness Shop. 39 tf.
Timber I-anri ttrft.
United Stati-e Land Office, Lakeview
: Oregon. Feb. 21, i
i Notice is hereby given that in con
pliauce with the provtHioiiH of the a4
j of C'oDiress of June .'5, entitled.
"An act for tbe sale of timber In tula
in the States of California, Oregon.
Nevada, and WaHhington Territory,
as extended to all the Public Land
States by act of August 4, 1802,
Kate Colahan, of Bonanza, county
of Klamath, State of Oregon, has filed
in tbis office his sworn statement No.
405.1, for tbe purchase of the E bait,
NW quarter, SW quarter, NW quarter
of Section 32, in Township 38, &
Ranee 16 E., W. M., and will off.
proof to show .that the land sought im
more valuable for its timber or etotss
than for agricultural purposes, and U
establish his claim to said land beforsi
County Clerk of Klamath Connty, at
his office at Klamath Fall, Oregon,
on Tuesday, the 19th day of May, 9oC
He names as witnesses: Ida Howard
! of Lakeview, Oregon, MagKie Colahan,
of Ikioanza, Oregon, Oda Cravens, uf
Lakeview Oregon, J. C. Cravens of
Lakeview Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming ad
veisely the above described ianda are
requested to file their claims in this
office on or before said VJh day of
Mav, 1U)8.
910 J. N. Watson, Reigster.
Timber Land Notice.
I United States Land Office, Lakeview,
! Oregon, Jan. 17, 100&
I Notice is hereby given that in com-
rliancu with tbe provisions of the aui
of Congress of June 3, 187H, entitled
"An act for the sale of timber binds
in the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory,'
as extended to all tbe Public Land
States by act of Augutt 4, 1892,
Manuel Sander.', of Lakeview, coun
ty of I ake, State of Oregon, has this
day filed in this office his swora
statement, No. 3932, for the purchase
of tbe S half, SW quarter, and W half
SE quarter, of Section No 10, in
Township 37 S., Range 10, R, W.M ..
and will offer proof to show that tne
land sought is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim
to said land before Register and Re
ceiver at Lakeview Oregon, Saturday,
the Uth day of April, 1908.
He names as witnesses: L. G.
Thomas, Walter Howard, of Lakeview,
Oregon, James Blaisdell of Bly, Ore
gon, and C. H. Dusenbery of Paisley,
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lands, an
requested to file their claims in this)
office on or before said 11th day of
April, 1908.
410 J. N. Watson, Register.
A a k vrrrrri gt, g j-- gft g ?-i. g g-? g g
e have made an entire transcript of all Records in Lake County,
which, in any way, affect Real Property in the county. .
We have a complete Record of every Mortgage and transfer
ever made in Lake County, and every Deed given.
In transcribing the records we have found numerous
mortgages recorded in the Deed record, and not indexed; and
many deeds are recorded in the Mortgage record and other
books. Hundreds of mortgages and deeds are not indexed
at all, and aie most difficult to trace up from the records.
We have notations of all these Errors:
Others cannot find them. We have spent hundreds ot dollars hunting up
these errors, and we can guarantee our work.
J. D. VENATOR, Manager.