...CANDIDATES' COLUflN...! C. VVKTZKGR, Editor and Publisher .- Hulldlng Kntermt at Iho I-om Offlrcat l-ilw. Or. .On Year $2.00 TERMS: J Six Months 1.00 (Three .rtonth, $0 LAKeVIBW. ORBOON. FEBRUARY 7. Last Sunday was a peach blossom of day a regular spring day. The sun shone bright and warm in a clear, blue sky, and everyone in town, and even peope from the neighboring farms were out walking or riding, enjoying the beauties cf a fine spring opening. To make the day more ideal, the band discoursed fine music commencing in front ot the band room, where one or two pieces were played, stopping iu front of the Hotel Lakeview, and a gain in front of the Post office, and then to the band stand in the Court yard, where they played several pieces. The crowd that followed the band reminded one of a Fouith of July crowd. Later in the evening a crowd went to the ball ground to see the first ball game of the season. Advocates of the Single Tax measure contend that the cities would pay 7? per cent of the tax under its pro visions. Tbey appeal to the laboring class for support of tblr measure, telling tbem that wages will be higher. That might be true, but the laborer would have to pay the excess in wages, and more too, in rent. Taxes on land would be so high that none but the capitalists could afford to own it. The capitalist would build houses for rent and the laborer would have to pay the price. Single tax is a hobby, of fanatical origin, and a humbug. rr Mherlff. To the Republican Voters of Lake County , Oregon. 1 hereby announce myself a Candi date, for the Office of Sheriff, subject to the decision of the Republican party, at the primary election, to be held April 17th, 1908. Jf I am selected by the Republican party, as their regular Nominee, and reelected at the June election, I will serve the people as faithfully In the future as 1 have in the past. Yours Respectfully ALBERT DENT. 1 wish to announce to the Voters of Lake County, Oregon, that 1 am a candidate for the Office of Sheriff, subject to the decision of the Demo cratic Party at be Primary election, to be held on April 17th, 1908. J. D. FARJRA. To the Republicans of Lake County : I hereby announce to the Republi cans of Lake County, Oregon, that I will be a candidate for the nomina tion to the office of Sheriff upon the Republican Ticket at the Primary Election to be held on April 17tb, 1908. 1 have served the people of this County two years in the capacity of Sheriff, and am williug to abide by their decision upon my official record. K E. KIN EH ART. Forest rangers in the Toayabe,Toqu Ima and Monitor National Forests have been authorized by the Depart ment to begin a crnieade of exterm ination against the large bands of wild horses which inhabit those reserves. There are said to be 15,000 head of these wild horses, and that the damage done is immense. To the people of Lake County, 1 wish to announce myself as a candi date for the office of Sheriff of this county, on the Democratic ticket, sub ject to the decision of the Democratic Party, at the Primary election, to be held April 1, 1908. Respectfully, J. G. BARKER. Owatjr (nnlMlrr At tbe earnest solicitation or many friends, I wish to announce to tbe republican voters of Lake county that I am a candidate for the office of County Commissioner, subject to the decision of the republican party at the primary electlou, to be held April 7th, 1908. If I am elected by the Republican party as their noinluee, aud elected as County Commissioner in June, I promise to fulfill the duties of that office to the best ot my ability, and work for the best Intercut of the peo ple of lake county. Respectfully yours, E. K. HENDERSON. Pr 5tatc 5nator. I hereby submit my name to tbe Republican voters for joiut senator from .Klamath, Lake and Crook coun ties at the primary election to be held April 17, 1908. Having faithfully represented this district in the last session of the leg islature, and since tbe seuatorshlp has, for this term, been couceded to Klamath, I again ask for tbe favora ble consideration of the voters of this Senatorial district Respectfully. GEO. H. MERRYMAN, General Stoessel who has been trial in Russia for the surrender fort Arthur to toe Japanese, was, on the 27th, condemed to death for tbe offence. The Military court recom mended that tbe sentence be commut ed to 10 years in prison and dismissal from tbe Russian army. Liignt and Marrow nave put a new fence around tbe Hotel back yard. They fenced tbe big pile of garbage out, so now it lies in tbe street. The line is drawn now, and who ever falls heir to the bis rubbish pile should proceed to at once haul the unsightly thing away. Senator Fulton in a two page arti cle, refutes all tbe charges made a gainst him by Henney. This is just what Senator Fulton's friends expect ed ne would do, and be baa made as good a showing, and a more reasona ble one than Henney made. Ten tons of dynamite exploded 'at tbe Hercules Powder works, 14 miles north of Berkeley on tbe 20th killing 4 whits men and 24 chinamen. Tbe shock fairly tore up the country and shook tbe entire Bay district like an earthquake. : Horace G. McKinley, tbe notorious Land man, who was allowed to take a trip to China after he was arrested in Oregon, has been brought back in charge of a Portland detective. Kr (ty Clerk I wish to announce to tbe Republi can voters of Lake county that I am a candidate for the office of county clerk, subject to tbe decision of tbe Republican party at the primary elec tion, to be held on April 17, 1908 I cheerfully submit my record as county clerk for tbe past year and a half for your app. oval, and if you choose to select me tor the office again, I pledge myself to perform tbe duties of clerk during the next term as faithfully as 1 have in tbe past Yours Respectfully, E. N. JAQU1SH. To the Democrats of Lake County Oregon : I wish to announce tbat I am a can didate for the office of County Clerk, subject to tbe decision of tbe Demo cratic Party at tbe Piimary election to be held on April 17th, 1908. F. W. PAYNE. Tbe single tax will drive tbe land out of the hands of the poor people imo me uanas oi ids ricn wno can afford to erect costly improvements upon it for higb rent to tbe poor. Tbe substance of tbe argument in xavor oi tbe bingie 'lax measure is this: Tax land so higb tbat only poor people can afford to own it. is property upon wmcb tbere is a higb tax inviting to tbe investor? COFFEE Poor coffee has to be sold in bulk, it isn't worth packing:. Your grocer returni jour money if 70a doat Uk. Schilling' Bekt: we par hka. MADE FOR SERVICE IN THE ROUGHEST WEATHER AND GUARANTEED ABSOLUTELY NVATERPR00F J TO weft to TN iTl POMMEL SLICKERS 3&o This trade mark and the word Tower on the buttons distlre aulsh this hwh grade slicker from (the just as good Branas Kor AuriMtr 1 desire to announce to the Republi cans of Lake county that I am a can didate for the office of Assessor, sub ject to tbe decision of tbe Republican party of this county at the primary election to be held on April 17, 1908. I confidently belive that my work as assessor in the past bas been satisfac tory, and I promise, if nominated and elected, to perform tbe duties of that office as faithfully as lies in my power so to do. Yours Respectfully, J. B. BLAIR. To the Democratic Voters of Lake County Oregon. I hereby announce myself a candidate for tbe nomination for the office of Assessor at tbe Pri mary Election to be held on April 17th 1908. A. J. FOSTER, To the Republican Voters of Lake County, Oregon. I wish to announce tbat 1 am a can didate for nomination as Assessor at tbe Primary Nominating election to be held April 17 1908. If I am nomi nated and elected I pledge myself to endeavor, to tbe beet of my ability, to assess all taxable property in the County so as to be just to one and all. "Hew to tbe line, let the chips fall where tbey may." Very Truly Yours, N. WALDO TAYLOR, Silver Lake, Ore. 1 herewith annouce myself a candi date for joint senator from Klamath, Lake and Crook counties on the Re publican ticket, subject to the decls ion of the primary election. L. F. WILLITS. Klamath Falls, Ore. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for tbe office of Joint Senator for the 'Counties of Klamath, Lake and Crook subject to tbe decision of the Republican Primaries April 17, 1908. HARRY L. HOLGATE, Bouanza Oregon To tbe Voters of Lake, Crook and Klamath counties. I announce my self a candidate for tbe office of Joint Senator, subject to approval of tbe Democratic voters of tbe district also announce my hearty indorsement of Statement No. 1. Very Respectfully, G. SPRINGER. Lake For County Treasurer To tbe Republican voters of County, Oregon. I hereby announce myself a candi date for tbe office of County Treasurer, subject to the decision of the Repub lican Party, at the Primary Election to be held April 17th 1908. F. O. AHLSTROM. For liat-KrprMataf Ive. TO THE REPUBLICANS OF KLAMATH, LAKE, CROOK AND GRANT COUNTIES: I wish to inform tbe Republicans of Klamath, Lake, Crook and Grant Counties, constituting the TWENTY- FIRST REPRESENTATIVE DIS- lrauu Of UKr,uu., tbat my name will be presented for your consider ation at tbe Primary Election to be beld April 17, 1908, asking your suf frage for selection as one of tbe Rep ublican nominees for Joint Represen tative in said district, to be balloted for on June 1, 1908. U. A. BRATTA IN, Paisley, Oregon. For Uintrlrt Attorney. TO THE REPUBLICANS OF KLAMATH AND LAKE COUNTIES: I wish to inform you that my name will be presented for your consider ation at tbe Primary election to be beld April 17, 1908, asking your suffrage for selection as the Republi can nominee for District Attroney of the SECOND PROSECUTING AT TORNEY DISTRICT OF OREGON to be balloted for on June 1, 1908. In placing my name before you for nomination as your candidate, permit me to say that 1 shall cheerfully abide by your decision at tbe Primary Election, whatever it may be. F. H. MILLS, Klamath Falls, Oregon. I will be a candidate for the Repub lican nomination for tbe office of Prosecuting Attorney for the Second Prosecuting Attorney District of the State of Oregon consisting of tbe counties of Klamath and Lake. D. V. KUYKENDALL The Red Cross Shoe J. is a Strictly Up-to-Date, Stylish Shoe, with a Flex ible Sole that responds to every motion of the foot, and is so easy that you hardly know that you have a Shoe on at all t FOR SAMS HY BAILEY & MASSING ILL The Pioneer Store To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Brczno Quinine Tablets.? (vjb Seven MflHoa ox sold la Mil 13 Booths. This signature. Can CHa b TVoDsya. on every box. 25c T I HTH one ribbon and its new v v three-color device The New Tri-Chrome Smifli Premier Typewriter is virtually three typewriters in one. It produces indelible black, purple copying or red type writing at the will of the ope rator. One ribbon and a small, easily operated lever do it all. This machine permit not only the uc of three-color ribbon, but looi a two-color or single color ribbon. No extra cot (or (hi 1900 model The Smith 'Premier Typewriter Co. 217 Stnrk St. rortlnnd, Oregon for men who toil Levi Strauss & Co's Copper Riveted Overalls the kind that " WEAJLS " Lake for Marveyor. To the Repbulican Voters of County, Oregon. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the Office of County Survey or, subject to tbe decision of tbe Re publican party, at the primary election, to be beld April 17th, 1908. Yours Respectfully, CHAS. M. FAULKNER. For Heheol Maperloteadent Upon tbe solicitation of many friends, I announce myself as a candl- ate for the nomination to tbe office of County School Superintendent, subject to tbe approval of the voters of the Republican party of Lake County at tbe primary election to be beld April Utb, 1908. TIHBKK L.Ai KOTK'K. United States Land Office, Lakeview Oregon, Feb. 21, 1908. Notice is hereby jiven that in com pliance with tbe provisions of tbe act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled, "An act for tbe sale of timber lands In toe btates of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Tetritory," as extended to all tbe Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, Leonid us C. Vineyard, of New Pine Creek, county of Lake, State of Ore gon, baa Hied in this office bis sworn statement, No. 4049, for the purchase of the NE quarter, of Section 10. in Township 39 S,. Range 18 ., W. M., and will offer proof to show tbat tbe land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish bis claim to said land before Register and Re Receiver at Lakeview Oregon, on Fri day, the 12th day of June, 1908. tie names as witnesses: Geo. Lynch, E. E. Woodcock, M. S. Barnes, F. L. Ross, all of Lakeview Oregon. Any and all persons claiming ad versely tbe above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 12th day of June, 1908. 910. J. N. Watson, Register. li cut full mid. of elected denim 1 Htm M. j 1 mii m m-i?:iiiii 'iii ALBERT G. DUHME BUYS TIMBER LANDS FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING LAKEVIEW. OREGON. mm lL'!!ll!)!!!!l!y!!!!l!HH!!ll!IIHHIi rE OFER FOR A SHORT TIME I Tbe Overland Banking Realty Com pany offer Eight 25 foot switch lots facing the Railroad which are suitable for a lumber yard or property of tbat kind, for $1000.00. When the switches are built on this property it in bouud to increase very materially. Address Overland Banking Realty Co. 100 Commercial riow. ! 3 lm Reno Nev. I ySTjJJyJTY KNOQ.KS Terminal Tract lots in Heart of Rich-1 mond I $10 Per Mont : & The Coming City is Richmond. 1 190G Population G000 1907 10000 1910 " 25000 A former Oregonian, G. A. Follett is a city Trustee E Many of your people have already located here. A. L. Spellmyer. 7th Macdonald, Ave. 1 0:1-., A r t T S. Handler, 1306 Beseel Ave. ) KlCnlTIOnCl, Cal. i Write us or Mrs. Geo. Miller. Lakeview, Ore. 1 J. Q. WILLETS. .ilfftfftfftffrffrffffftffffrrfrtfffffrfrtfrffttFftffrfrffffffffftfftffrfftffrfffffrfrtfftfftfrtfftffrffffftfftfft