Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 27, 1908, Image 1

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NO. 9
He Highly Pratees Lake
County's Rich Land
No Country In the United States
Can lloat of Such CItni.
. ate a Our
Tim Publisher of this paper had a
Jmig oon vri itlo a with Mr. II A
1 1 il .H r while that gentleman wart here
recently regarding the general outlook
fur Ijnka county. Mr. Hunter's opln
ion on thu subject ha been Arrived
t after several years' travel over the
entire Unit oil males, where laiuu
have piissoil from apparently worthier
wmtui to productiveness. Mr. Hunt
r' )llli ii, that of president of tlio
Hunter Laud Company, Mini Lund
Cotnralaioner of tbe Oregou Military
Wagon Komi Co., has reiiilrel a aturly
of the subject ami what ho says is In
the tin turn of an export' opinion.
Folowing U what Mr. I Inn tor until :
"The value of lamia imiMt, event
ually, horn hh elsewhere farther
Kint, he computed upon tholr inter
est hrturiiiit capacity. For Instance,
to bring it home to you, one of your
own townsmen, a rancher, reluctantly
bought a farm adjoining liiin a year or
n ago, nil because he needed it, hut
more hocuuse he felt crowded really
tho onlr earthly rout mi that I have
in all my experience, ever found a
rancher give for buying land. What'
tho one? 1U cheaper to uxe it, to cm
11 1 y a mil I phrase, than buy "itu-id
knolls." ile paid, to be exact, t'.lH
per aero. Ho mowed the hay all a
.anchor in any old district thinks of
and it gave him a returu on the tract
iurchiiMd for 938 of 910 per acre for
ono year. Hid frleiidit nil laughed at
bini for pay 1 iik t'.toi per ucie.yut bin re
turns for one year and last year wait
only a normal crop year wan over
100 por cent. The troo value today
of anon laud, situated anywhere in
your charming valley, even if devoted
to raising hay, as above stated, would
m much nearer 9"A"0 per acre because
that id a good return on that valua
tion, it should bo much more, if the
aame land was planted to alfalfa, and
this great valley, and many others
not ho large lu Lake County, will,
before you think it possible, be devot
dto raising the finest mulling barley,
and aucb barley commands a premium
of from 10 to 15 cents a bushel aud
flax and sugar beets and things.
Thus far, and after considerable
investigation, the evldeuco of the re
markable fertility of tho sou here are
everywhere simply obvious. ' Hut not
one farmer. It such a . term might be
employed, lu ten kuows how to farm,
or If be does, Is too Indifferent,
They ouly "slap" the lands, and yet
with all Nature turns tho other cheek
About four years ago our company
Durohased 270.000 acres of land In
North Dakota, bordoilng on Montana,
Tba vice president of the Nortben
Paoiflo aald to me, "Thore's a place In
bell for you for taking people to that
Jod forsaken, barren, dry district."
Today that land is all sold ; we so'd
U at an average of loss than $3 per
acre, and now the same land is worth
bout 945 per aore. Four years ago
tile sains railroad company offered
me all the land I desired at 50 cents
per acre In the Horse Heaven country,
to Washington, just north of here,
and la practically the same range.
Today the seneral average prioe of
land there Is 115 per aore. Vet both
of these districts are adapted to
wheat, and wheat ouly no peaches
and no sparkling brooks containing
speckled beauties, aud there are
many, many climatic drawbacks that
are unheard of in thin wonderful
1 The "Golden Uoose Lake Valley",
that 'a Its true name, will have a rail
road, probably two, aud great trans
continental roads, at that, and all
within two years, and no doubt lu less
time. And then the runchers who
scoff at the "fools1 who farm will see
the sign ou the clouds, "Move on."
And then every acre will bring 9300
as easily as it today briuga 95 to 910,
for a more marveloutly charming
winter, summer and fall climate does
ot exist on this continent today than
your valley possesses. The "prlnga
may, for a few weeks, have their
drawbacks, noticeable, far more on
account of laok of rail transporta
tlon; but what state In this Union
has more than ten months of perfect
climate? Certainly none that I know
of not even California, and California
deals almost executively in climate.
I was sent here Inatructed to sell the
lands of the Road Company, yet from
experience found It wiser not only no
to soil but to buy.
Did you ever take a trip, I dont cat e
where nor how long you remained In
that place, well, be honest, now, did
you uot come to the conclusion that
Iake county was better, just a good,
long, generous way bettor, taking it
all in all. The opportuuties to better
ono's financial conditions under
really splendid environments were
more largely to be found hero than
in that other place any place in
Huch water, such free and cany, and
If you llko, prodigal people, Indiffer
ent about tho value of money, it seams
to come so easy. And failures of
crops? Well ask them i they would
probably not understand you. it's
hard to uiiderHtaud whore 90 bushel
of rye, as runny of oats, and 30 to 40
bushels of wheal, even where the
land has been slapped and even vol
unteer crops doing that. I'm told
that a great percentage of North
Dakota will not average I) biiHheis to
tho acre this year Why, years ago
when jack-rabbit took one-half of
everything the farmer here rained,
he made a fair, and some a good liv
ing. Ileal that. Then stop and just
think of tho possibilities fo- fruit
raising here, aud tho flavor of the
fruit. Tho freedom from cyclones,
blly..ards, severe electric htoruis aud
tho sunshine, tho air, the water, aud
ton thousand other things that other
place seemed to lack, aud yet here
they puss uuuoticed.
IIimv would you fancy H months'
winter? Koine places have a uice
climate for a day, a week or a
month, but none that 1 know of for
so long a period as here, each day
and night ho simply perfect. You
sen Its each fresh day, like each inch
in the length of the pipe in the organ
that deepens the tone of tho impress
ion, so to speak, to the stranger.
1 could talk a week on the wonderful
nous of your country, but if you caa
insert tho sincerity which I feel in
what I have said 1 think you will have
accomplished your purpose for this
Lakeview U Booming
J. S. Fuller returned to Lakevisw
last week after a several weeks' ab
sen co in California cities. A reporter
on the Nevada State Jcurnal saw Mr.
Fuller in Reno, und bid paper of Feb.
10, contained tho following:
"J. 8. Fuller, a commissiou man of
Lakeview, Oregon, who spent yester
duy iu Reno, says that his home town
has beeu eujoying quite a real estate
aud busiuoss boom ' of late on the
strong probability of a railroad being
ruu through Lakeview.
Many people from the East have
immigrated to Lakeview and bought
lots aud extensive trading in business
chances of all sorts has resulted.
The road that is expected to tap
Lakeview and Lake county generally
will run south from a road now being
built from Ontario in Snake River
Valley to Coos Day, Oregon. The
projected road through Lakeview will
brauoh from the Ontario Coos Day
line at a point 100 miles rorth .of
Lakeview aud ruu south into tho Pitt
river country and Sacramento valley.
The surveys were completed last ear.
Tbe project Is one of Harriman's.
When the country adjacent to Lake
view is opened up, by means of a rail
road it will bring to the notice of tbe
markets the greatest apple country in I
all the world, says Mr. Fuller Uoose .
Lake Valley. Not only is the fruit of
tbe finest quality, but the soil pro
duces in the greatest abundanoe. It
Is also a splendid agricultural regiou,
producing from 40 to CO bushels of
wheat to tbe aore. But owing to tbe
laok of a railroad, there is no market
The reoent financial panto never
touohed Lakeview. The banks kept
on doing business. The community
Is a rich one, relying on its own re
sources and it is increasing lu wealth
with each year. The sheep industry
is ho;dlng its owu, aud stock-raising
Is ou the lnorease. The present popu
lation Is about 1200, but it U Increas
ing rapidly."
Mr. and Mrs. J .E. Npriu will oo-
ounv Mrs. Delia Cobba bouse until
thelr own u tailt.
OVER $9,000
Lakeview Will Have Flour Mill to Grind
This Season's Crop
The meeting called for Monday by
the incorporation of the Lakeview
Flour Mills Co., advertised in The
Examiner, was not held because of its
Illegality, as but ten days' notice bad
beeu given, when, for the Initial meet
ing, 30 days notice is necessary. A
notice of meeting to be held March 30,
appears in The Examiner this week.
About 990X) has been subscibed for
the building of the mill, and there Is
no possible chance for the scheme to
fail. IStock certificates, Seal, ect has
been ordered by The Examiner, and
as soon as tho o Ulcers have beeu elect
Makes Big Deal
Jack Kimball closed a deal with J.
1). Killer Monday for the lease of
53, 400 acres of timbered grazing lands
belonging to the Weyerhaeuser Land
Co This is the biggest lease ever
maile in this country to one man
The land lies partly in Lake and
partly lu Klamath Couuty. Tbe
nrico was four cents per acre for oue
year, Mr Ed'er having the privilege
for another rear at four aud a half
cents per acre. Mr. Edler owns 27,
000 head of sheep, that are now on the
desert, aud which will start for this
ranue about tbe first of April. His
summer range will cost him 92,130,
quite a sum, indeed for range, alone
whan but a few years ago this same
range was had for nothing. Mr. Edler
paid as high as 95 a head for tbe
sheen he now owns, which makes
quite a pile of mouey to put into a
band of sheen. However. If wool is
20 cents this year and bis sheep shear
normally, he will realize nearly 940,
000 for wool, and probably a like sum
tor bis lambs and mutton. '
At Oak Park
Have you heard of tbe time
That we bad down tbe line
With tbe boys and girls of Oak Park ?
There was singing and darclug and
eating galore,
My word, 'twas a jolly good lark.
Now mama, you know, has never
leeu slow,
And enjoys very much a good time,
So take it from me, it was just like
a ftpree
For mama and "yours truly,"Kit Fine.
'Twas a sweet bunch we met
And I'll never forget, tbe antics of
matron and maid.
Oh 1 the songs that were sung.
And the jokes that were sprung,
Put a traveling show in tbe shade.
Touey and Dixie Astrada were there,
In fact it took place in their house,
And a jollier couple I never have met
Than Toney (the host)and his spouse.
Edith Sherman declared that no one
could be spared
While the kisses were passing around,
And her husband (Big Al), a good
natured pal.
Declared that her judgment was
You all know Mabel and Blanch,
They've been up to the ranoh,
And you bet all you've got they're all
Well, with Budweiser beer and other
good cheer
The morn soon succeeded tbe night.
Ueoge Little you see on the stage
used to be
And bis wire's entertaining is great,
They stayed there all night
But that was all right.
For to catoh their last car 'twas too
Now, Friends of Lakeview, my story Is
I've invited those folk to our state,
And if they should ootne
They must meet every one
From Sugar Loaf down to Qoose Lake.
Written by George D. Little, Sacra
mento, CaL Dedicated to Miss Kitten
Born; la Lakeview, Oregon, Feb.
22, 1908, to Mr. aud Mrs. William
Riggios, a girl.
Born: In Lakeview, Oregou, Feb.
22, 1908, to Mr. and Mrs. F. O. A hi
strom, a girl.
Born : In Lakeview, Oregou, Feb.
24, 1908, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Span
genburg, a boy.
nnm: In Lakeview. Oregon, Fxb.
21, 1908 to Mr. and Mrs. Leo Emerson
' lrl J
ed stocks will be issued.
Numerous in iniiies are coming In
from manutactuerers of flour mills,
and estimates of cost have been sub
mitted. One firm, the Portland Iron
Works, offers to put in a first class
modern mill -and nothing else will be
considered at a price that will bring
the entire cost of construction and
equipment under 812,000, for a 50 bar
rel capacity mill, the kind talked of.
That Lakeview will have a flour mill
to grind this years wheat Is no longer
Directory a Success
J. F. Saleldo is in the Northern
part of the county, soliciting for the
Lake Couuty Directory and Business
Guide. He writes that he is meeting
with success, even better than be ex
pected. Tbe people up that way, be
says, are very enthusiastic, realizing
what benefit! can be derived from
such a publication, not only for tbe
natrons, but for tbe general welfare
of the county. Lake County needs
the advertisement sucn a book will
cive it. All Darts of the county will
receive the same recognition, there
fore, all look at the proposition from
the standpoint of mutual benefit.
Marriage Licenses
Marriage licences were issued to tbe
following couples this week: To Mr.
S. J. McKee and Miss Leulla Dowell;
aod to Mr. A. C. Morris and Miss
Emma Boydston.
We understand that both weddings
were scheduled for last evening, Wed
nesday, Feb. '20, but as Tbe Examiner
had eoue to press particulars cannot
be given this week.
Silver Lake Items
The boys are practicing base
these days.
Jack Part in was up from Summer
Lake this week.
Grass is starting in the meadows,
and stock look well.
Dave Wilbelin was in town last week
to get bis son out of trouble, which
he did by paying tbe 9235 costs.
Sheriff Dent and T. J. Powell, of
Lakeview were here this week on the
Wilbelm horsestealing case. Mr. Dent
was also shaking hands with voters.
We understand that Mr. Powell will
establish a law office here.
CbriBtams Lake valley and tbe Fort
Rock Settlement are forging to the
front very rapidly. In tbe Chistmas
Lake valley a new school house will
be built in the spring, and it is also
rumored that a general merchandise
store will be built We have not
learned who the promoters of tbisen-
erprise are.
T. J. Rohton Si Co. will bring in a
stock of merchandise for their store
iu the Fort Rock neighborhood as
soon as the roads get good in tbe
spring. The people of that settlement
expect soon to get a postoffloe estab
lished at Fort Rock. The time is not
far distant when thid will be the big
end of the county.
Local Briefs
Harry Glazier wife and baby, arrived
in Lakeview Monday from Salt Lake
City, where Mr. Glazier has been
working at bis trade for the past few
months. He has aooeptei a position
in Ahlstroms' shop, where he worked
some years ago. Harry says times are
pretty close when you get Into tbe
large center where idle men congre
gate. They visited the parents of
Mrs. Glazier, Mr. and Mrs. Pratt for
day or bo before coming on to
J. E. Norlu and wife returned last
Thursday evening from San Francisco
and other points of interest. J. bey
left here the first of December and
traveled over Oregon, winding up at
Los Angeles and San Franoiaoo. Mr.
Norln expects to commeuoe the con
struction of his residence soon. They
have decided to build a bungalo.
Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Clark arrived
here from Boston Mass. last Thursday,
Mr. Clark having come here to take a
position as bookkeeper for the Lake'
view Mercantile Co. They like; their
view lueroauw.e uo. i-ey i -
new locatlou very much, uotwlthstand
log the different ways and habits of
tbe people from those to which tbey
have been accustomed. Both are
quite jolly, and adjust themselves
readily to tbler new environments.
They have moved intoW. A. WilsbWs
bouse, on south Water Street
C. D. Arthur returned from Lane
county last week, where he went to
arrest the Wilbelm boy, who was
charged with stealing a horse from Ira
Bradley of Silver Lake, last Fall.
Tbe boy was turned ovfr to Sheriff
Dent, and be took the prisoner to Sil
ver Lake for trial. T. J. Powell was
employed to go up and defend tbe boy.
We understand that the case was com
promised, tbe lad's father ayiog tbe
C. A. Rebart bought one of the
91 000 Percberon Stallions from Joel
McCulIocb from tbe Pine Ridge Iowa
Stock Farm. Mr. McCulIocb left
Tuesday for Shasta valley in tbe in
terests of the company, and he leaves
one of their flue stallions in charge of
Mr. Jobn StickseL Tbi-t animal is al
so for sale. Mr. McCulIocb expects to
be abfent from Lakeview about a
We undertsand that E. V. Eyanson
and his party, who located on agri
cultural land in North Warn-r, this
county, have beeu hauling lumber for
bouses and other improvements Mr.
Eyamon says he will sink an artesian
well as soon as be can get a machine
on the ground. That country is going
to be one of tbe greatest fruit sections
o.-i tbe Pacific Coast
Tbe dance given last Friday evening
in tbe Opera House on the occasion of
Washington's Birthday, was largely
attended, and one of the most success
ful event , of like character of the
season. ' The music was simply grand,
and the perfectness of every other
feature aided to tbe success.
Jobn Cogburn returned from North
Warner this week, where he has bee n
locating people on agricultural land in
that valley, open for settlement. He
says that country is settling up very
rapidly, and be thinks by .Fall there
will be several hundred new homes in
George Hankina and sister, Mrs.
Delia Cobb will start for San Francis
co this week for a several weeks stay.
George will purchase a fine automo
bile none but tbe finest will suit
George while in tbe city, and bring
it borne with him, or "it" will bring
him borne.
Mr. Chas. Wallace, arrived here
from California last week and has as
sociated himself with his father in tbe
furniture business. Mr. Wallace is a
talented Slide-trombonist and id a
valuable acquisition to our band. Tbe
people are glad to see him locate here.
The first base ball game of tbe sea
son was played last Sunday on tbe ball
grounds in tbe Ueurraz field, between
tbe town team and tbe High School
team. Six innings were played, aud
the town boys bad the best of tbe
game by a score of 6 to 12.
Jobn Briles sent a load of apples to
Lakeview last week from bis Davis
Creek fruit ranch. Tbe apples were of
the Winter Banana variety, as fine an
apple as one ever flopped their lip over.
W. A. Wilsbire and daughter, Pearl,
left for Ashland this week by private
conveyance, Miss Wilsbire to remainjs
couple of months and Mr. Wilshire to
visit his family a short time.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Morris came
over from Adel last Saturday. This
is the first time they have been in
town since they were married a few
weeks ago.
S. J. Dutton was up from Davis
Creek last week, having brought Mr.
and Mrs. Clark, of the Mercantile Co.
from there by private conveyance.
J. W. Loftus arrived here from
Sacramento last Friday to look after
the mining interests of Loftus Broth
ers in f he Windy Hollow country.
F. I. Everett representing Hibbard,
Spencer, Bartlett & Co., ot Chicago,
annouoned by card that he would
visit Lakeview this week.
School Entertainment
An entertainment was given by the
teacher and pupils of the Adel school
at the hall ou Friday evening Feb. 21.
An interesting program of songs,
recitations aud dialogues was credit
ably rendered by the pupils.
After tbe program the ball was
cleared and the older people indulged
In dancing during the remainder of
the evening.
The sum of 9U was collected and
will be used to purchase library books,
and soplemeotary reading for class
work la the primary grades.
Six Auto Wagons Start
Around the World
Scene One of the Most Exciting
Events New Yorkers Have
Seen in flany a Day
New York City, Feb. 12,
Editor Examnier.
Lakeview bad a reprsentative to wit
ness tbe most remarkable event that
has taken place in New York City,
and the world for a long time, and
was witnessed by an unusual concourse
of people. A perfect, crash. It was
tbe starting of six antomoblles,at 1:15
A. M. for a race to Paris, by way of
San Francisco, Alaska, Bering Straits
tbe wastes of Siberia, Russia, Germa
ny, to Paris.
Tbe machines represented Italy Ger
many, France and the United States
It will be by odd? the most severe
test upon both men and machines yet
undertaken, and the result can only
be known after several months of
hardship, that will test the mettle of
both men and machines to tbe limit
Each machine carried their owa
National Flag, and all received the
plaudits of the onlookers, to which
tbey were entitled.
breeze from all the buildings in tb
vicinity of tbe starting place, and a
crowd of people bard to conceive of,
in fact with all their burly policemea
tbe people could not be kept upon tbe
side walks, and resulted in tbe street
trafic stopping for sometime.
The people were wild with excite
ment during thv 't j-t. and fo some
time after ttieVuto a were off, soma
who were unable to see tbe start ibelf
would go and see the particular spot
where tbe start was made.
It was surprising to me how many
people were ignorant of what caused
the crowd of people to assemble to
gether,. For many grown men would
ask what does it all mean? , What is
going on? When tbe papers havee
been full of it for two or three months.
Surprising for another reason, that tbe
daily papers here sell for one cent
each, which would seem cheap enough
for anyone to read that which ha
cared to read.
S. V. Rehart
More Forest Reserves
Washington Feb. 15 At one stroke
of tbe Lieutenant Governor's pen,
130,000,000 acres of forest land in
British Columbia have been placed in
reserves. This includes every acre
of the province's timberlands, except
what has beeu leased. This is as
much land as was put iu the National
Forests ot this country between rbe
years 1891 and 1907.
Tbe action was taken to check
wasteful exploitation of timber re
sources and to bring the care aui
cutting of timber more effectually
under government control.
The province has been leasing tim-
berland Instead of selling it. The
most of the least ig baa been done tbe
nasi three or four years, and
Americans bold the largest part of
the 10,000 leases now in force. The
leae is, in its effect a long-term
option at low rate. It runs twenty
one years and may be renewed at tba
end of tbe first term. The lessee
pays twenty-five cents a year until
he is ready to cut the timber, when
he pays a royalty of fifty cents per
1,000 feet board measure, for the tim
ber removed.. The inoome of the
Provinoe from leases was about 91,
275,000 last year.
The President baa just signed a
proclamation creating additions lu
the Trinity NatlonalForest Callforloa,
amounting to 35,041 acres. The
Aititiona to the forest are contiguous
tracts of timber land lying for the
moat Dart in Humboldt aud lrlnity
counties, with smaller areas in
Shasta and Tehama counties This
new land brings tbe total area of the
Trinity Forest up to nearly 1,(500,000
acres. . ..
The headauartera of tbe iriniiy
Forest is at Weaverville.
Tbe use of cement steel, brick and,
stone, although great is not suffici
ent to check tbe constant drain on
tbe forests, of tbe country for build
ing material.