Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 20, 1908, Image 6

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    AKliVI EW
1'. E. Tsvlor, Prop.
Office at B. Reynolds' 5torc.
Btsge leave Lakeview Monday. Wed
Beedaytsnd Fnd i f a. in., arrive
at P'nr-h at p . 1 eaves Finrb To
day rhuredav and Saturday, at 6
a. m arnvt at Lskeview at 9 p. m.
Ta -Hirer (are 3 one way or 3 fo
round trip, pencil i rate trom Mt;
lit to Nov. let .r. hundred; fro it
Nov. lt to Ma lot tl.o er hnndr
The trouble with moat adver
tiser la that tney expect Imme
diate return of Urge propor
tion. One prominent advertiser
Illustrates the principle of adver
tising lo this way:
Tk er ezpB4e4
AverUai; la the mmm mm
It Ute mt Uttrttt Tke
rata trm the 4vertllai
are rtrtumllr the Interest
the lavestaneat.
Ttte surus spent for advertising
are properly chargeable to cap
ital account because the result
ing good win Is something that
ha value, which. If the adver
tiaLng has been properly done,
can usually be sold for the face
value of the Investment.
"The rate of Interest Is deter
mined by the skill with which
the investment la made. ,
"Just as the quickest way to
Increase Invested wealth is by
compounding the Interest, Just so
the quickest way to realise re
salt from advertising Is to com
peond the returns." Advertising
AsverttMrs get reed returns
ea the aneuat lnvtd la
ear coltunaa. We reach the
' Notice.
hotk-e I hereby given that all lrrlK
ttiin, or mlllrace ditches on all trout
streams throught Lake County, Oro
jron, must lw screened with a atnall
mesh wire scm-ntnjr at their bend or
Junction wlth'th main channel of
stream. Also all dnni or obstruct
Ions on said strrnrna must I pro
vided with a fish-ladder, or othereasy
means of paeeMjre. at or near the mld
dk of the main channel, so a to al
ow the pnM-RKe ( trout at all times
of year, as provided by law. Said
work to be done at low water time,
or to lie completed by Feb. 7, 1907.
Br order of .1 A. Pnrhniu.
.sneciiil lteputy Ash Witrdvo for
Lake County. Oregon.
Mouse jarxt PPr
TrSll- Hanger
- . Orcoon
: Painter
New Pine Creek,
TUIC D1DCD I kpt on 8 It t B.C. 0i
I Hi-) rArtn AJwllilm Agone IM Sn
mm8troot, San Frneleo, Cel., whoro
ooatravt lor admrltilnf can b mad lor II
The first Sunday tn each month,
preaching at I'nlon school hotiw at
11 A. M. Aside from this prvAchluj;
every Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7:.W
P. M. at Iakevlew,
Sunday School at 10 A. M.
League at ti:3n.
rrayermeetlng Thursday 7:30 P. M.
Ladles Aid Wednesday 1:30.
Choir practice F riday 7:30.
A cordial Invitation Is extended to
A. J. Armstrong Pastor.
onbwrlbor lo
Is Rmmlnor who romov
frvm on locality lo anoiliot. ur rhanti
lhlr roMoffloe nddrvM onmiin romomoor w
drop UiUomoe rrU to their paper can be ad
droaaod lo Iho right poUIBo.
a UITUIII t n !v
J Paisley, Oregon.
Attaraey at Latv
J.lAhevtew. Orr
OrrtCE-la) BulMlat-
Al tamry-al-la w
Laae Matter Hpeelalt
OFFICE Daly Bnitdtnf.
.f a r mr tannin Lakorlow
I Ul I flt UHLUc.mpNo.tta
f' Mcauon lh td and 4th Wodnoaday ol
1 each aintb In Maaonio nan, ai p.
C N. latiVTaH, Clerk.
ale of Tiirktr Lcn4.
Tartles who bare tlmler land for
sale will do well to Investigate our
terms and methods ol handling lands.
We hare an office in Lakeview, where
contracts can t made and options
taken on land, we guarantee tnejgggg
highest market price, and are In a J lakkvikw kscampmint. No
position to demand and obtain
having len in thebuslnese for many ; ffl T7w
. Metikcr, Scribe.
years and in close touch with all the c P
land dealers of the country. Satis
factory results guaranteed by the La
(irande Investment Co. Write C O.
Metiker, Lakeview, Oregon.
B. E. Baki. Prop'r.
Office in Bleber's Store
Stage leaves Lakeview daily, ex
cept Ssnday at 6 a. m. Arrive
at Altnras at 6 p. m.
Leave Altnras for Lakeview a
6 o'clock a. m. or on tbe arriva
of the U(te from Madeline. Ar
rive in Lakeview in 12 boar af
ter leaving Altara.
Freight - Matters - Given
Strict - Attention ...
lemao Rorrv Srndt wii btvallow Fork l
JdiilcS Dai I J rlthi ear for awoa; rotara,
tor wether. Bom ewe Square Crop and Bill
In right ear. Tar Brand 111. Range. Crant
Lake. PeeioBc addreea, LakeTlew.Orego
Zac Whitworth ear. Ball Daderorop or
right tor ewee: reieree lor wnther Tar Brano
W. Rant. rih Creak. ouIBre ad-ree.
Lakrvlew. Oren
$l,2s0 Reward.
1 ne uarncj vouu.j
lion, of which I am
a member, pajrtt7AU
reward (orerldence
Iradlng to the con
viction of partiet
airanng aioca do-
londDg lo ita mem
bora. To addition I
uflrr -too reward
Moree brand horae-
aboe bar on either
or botb )awt. K
corded lnHconntloe
ange, Barner, Lake and Crook Countlra
Bono vented when eold. Uoraotaold to pats
through thlaaection will be rearted In tblt
paper. II not ao roporioo. pifano write or toie
phone The Timet Horald, Main H-M, Burnt, Or
con. VV. W .Brown, Burnt, Ore
Reward for Horses
r lml lellre
d bute Land OMIes, Lakevr
Oi il, Dett. 13th, IW7.
. it m in rliy til von that lu com
jili. if .villi Hie iroviion of the act
o- Cc ntiren or J n ii 3, IM7N entitled
"An act tor the snln of timber laud
In t lit Htato of Csliroriila, Oreuon,
Nevaiin, and Watthtniiton Territory, "
a i x tended to all the l'tihliu lnd
Mnii- by i.o t of AuKimt 4, ll'HJ, Addlt
Tuli r, of Lakeview, county of Lake,
K i'f Oii'Kon, hsa t bid day Died lo
thm olllee his aworu atatement. No
for the piirvhiine of the NW uuar
ter, HV qiiHrler. and lot I and 'i, ot
e'l ion :i'i. In Tonn-itilp No. 37 H.
b 4 No 17 K., W. M ., and v. Ill
oiler tiroof to sliow Unit the land
oiikiit Im more valuable for it timbei
or stone thau for MKrlouitural put pose
, Mint o eHtalillMh hi claim to an ll
isnd before Ue Inter nnd Kecvivvr st
l.akevlew, lre on, on Mouday, the
10th Uy ol March, WH.
lie iiNineaaa wltuoNne: Oeo. Lynch,
W K. WomleiM'k, M. H. llHrne. Sarah
T. Wo dcoek, all of lakeview, Oretion.
Any and nil pernona clsiniinit ad
verely the aimve deeriled landa are
repieted o flle their elnlm in this
ottlee on or U-fore ssid 1 0th day of
March, 11X.
6110 J. N.WHtson, Regular.
TlMbrr liid l) re
united Htates'Land OBIee, Lakeview
Oreicon, IHC 7, V.k.7.
Not lee Is hereby given that tu com
pliance with the provittion of tbe act
of Couttres of June 3, 1H78, outitled
"An act for the ale of tlmtier land
in the HUtes of California, Oreuou.
Nevada, and VhIiUkL.u Territory,'
aa extendd to all the Public Laud
States br act of Aucuxt 4. IX! '0, Sarah
; Garrett, of Lakeview, county ot Lake,
tate of Oregon, ha thin day tiled lu
thl otllce hi oru otutotn-nt, No.
3:j;l, for the pirchae of the N half.
NK quarter, BW quarter NK quarter,
and NW quarter, Sli quarter, of Mict
ion 18, In Towuablp :W, H., lvne '!
R, W. M., and will olfer proof to
show that tbe land Bought i more
valuable for its timber or ttone than
for asricuituial purpones, and to ea
tabliab hi claim to on Id laud before
the Kegistor aud receiver at Iake
view, Oregon, uu Friday, the '2Mb
day of Febniary, 190H.
He names aa witneenea: (1. W. liar
dUty. J. K. McCoul, Oeo. Lynch, T.
K. liernard, all of Lakeview, Oregon.
Any and all person claiming ad
versely tbe atiore doner! bed laud are
requetifed to flle their claim In tbl
ottlee on or before laid UMth day of
Feby. 1908.
&1 10 J. N. Wetnon. Iiegiater.
Tinker lnd Kolire.
United ftatea laud Ottlee, Lakeview
Oregon, Dec. G, UK)7.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with tbe provision ot the act
of Co u Kress of June, -l 1S78, entitled
"An at for tbe sale of timber laud in
the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Waiihluatoii Territory,"
a extended to all the Pulillc Laud
state by act of Auguttt 4, JHiri
William W. Hampton, of Paialey,
county of Lake, state of Oregon, ha
this day (lied in this ottlee hi aworn
Tl tabor I .sad K el Ire
United Btates Land OUlee, Lakeview
Oregon, Deo. 7th, WV. tHi
Notice la hereby given that In com
pllance with the prnvlalona of the act
of CoiiBrsa of June II, 1H7H, entitled,
"An act for the aie of timber land
in the tatea of California, Oregon.
Nevada and Washington Territory,"
a extended to all the Publio Land
State by act of August 4, lWi,
Oeorge W. Hlnoniingeamp of illy,
county of Klamath, State of Oregon,
ha tbl day filed In thl oillon his
worn atatement. No. IlKII, for the
purchase ot the H half, NW quarter,
aud N half, SV quarter, of Section 24,
In Township M7 S.,lange 10 K. , W.M
aud sill olfer proof to show that tlie
lann song in I more veiuaiiin tor It
1 1 m ler or stone than for agricultural
purpose, and to establish bla claim
to raid land tiefore Heglster and Ke
reiver, at Lakeview Oregon, on Thura
dav. the 27tb dav of Fe-ruarr. IIMW
He names s wltuosse: John Stlndt,
or lionnnat, Oregon and Jamea Ma
Sbaue, Nellie McShaue, Frauk Hutch
Ins, all of Lakeview Oregon.
Any and all persona claiming silver
stdy the above described laud are re'
quested to tile their claims In this
ottlee on or before said U7th day of
Feby. 1U0H.
0210 J. N. Watson. Register.
Tisabor I Jin 4 N4lee.
United State Land Otllce, ltke
view, Oregon, Iecemler SW, 1IKI7.
Notice i hereby given that In com
pllauce with the provision of the act
of of June . 187H, eutlted,
"Au Act for tbe tale of timber land
in the state of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
aa extended to all the Public land
states by act of August 4, lttirj,
C. Oscar Metxker, of Lakeview,
county of Lake, state of Oregon, baa
tbl day Hied In thl otllce hi aworn
statement No. 3889, for tbe purchase
of the N half BK qiurter, SK quarter
SK quatter teotlon 27, aud Wqurter
W quarter of section 'H In township
38 8 ,11. 18 K. W. M , and will otrr
proof to abnw tbut the land sought U
moro valuable for it timber or atone
than for agricultural purpoeo, and
to establish hi claim tu said land
before Heglster aud Receiver at
Lakeview, Oregon, on Thursday, tbe
20 tb day of March, 1008. He names
as witnesses:
J. H Auten, O. W. Ilardisty, C. C.
Price, Dorr It. McMartlu, all of Lake
view, Oregon.
Any aud all persons claiming ad
versely the above described land ar
requested to tile their claim In I hi
office on or before aald 2ttb day of
March, 19S0.
2-10 J. N. Watson, Register.
Tlabe Land Nolle
atatement. No IW'il. for tbe iitirehuse 1
of the SW quarter, NF uuarter, N United States Land Otllce, Lakeview
hair, SK qusrter, and SK quarter, Oregon, Feb. 4th, 1908
SK Quarter, of Section 32 in Towushio Notice is hereby given that in Com-
3d. S., Kai ge lt', rl W. M., and will i pliance with tbe provision of the act
otTer nroot to show that tbe land I of Uejngreaa or June .1, 1B.H, entitled
sought is more valuable for ita timber
first - Class - Acc rrcdatlcns.
1 will elve 3.00 reward for Inform
' ation that will lead to the discovery
, of any horse branded with an old
We have a full st of Al ruell-Rnlllns horseshoe brand on both Jaws, placed
r. i ic w ...! i as in the cut In this advertisement
Z. ' 7 v T!u . .. . " with fresh trianKle brand underneath
are organizing a stock company get
our prices on stock certificates, tf
Family liquors at Post & Kings
tbe horseshoe. Tbe triangle plnced
In such a manner as would cover u)
a bar on both JawB. Animals must
be found in the possession of some
person or persons.
To All Our
The Great
Indianapolis, Indiana.
The Leading Agricultural Journal of the Nation,
Edited by an Able Corps of Writers.
The American Farmer is the only Literary Farm Journalpub
lished. It fills a position of its own and has taken the lead
ing place in the homes of rural people in every section of
the United States. It gives the farmer and his family
something to think about aside from the hum
drum of routine duties.
Every Issue Contains an Original Poem by SOLONJL. GOODE
Within the Next Ninety Days We Offer
TWO For the Pake Of OllC The k unty Examiner
The Leading County Paper and The American Farmer
his u n paralleled offer is made to all new subscribers, and all old
ones who pay up all arrears and renew within ninety days.
Sample copies free. Address:
CO. Hetzker, Lakeview, Oregon.
or stone tban for agricultural purpoH-
es, snd to etitabmn bla elnlm to bhui
laud tetore Itt'KiHter and Receiver at
Lakeview, Oreou, on Monday, tbe'21
tb day or February, YJ0H.
He name a witue8no: R II. Jack
son, Frank Dobkins, OeorKe Harper, of
Paisley, Oregon, aud Ueorue buiery
of bilvor Lake, Oregon
Any and all peraoua claiming adver
sely tbe above described laud are re
quested to file their claim lu this
office on or twfore aald tMth day of
Feb. 1908.
5110 J.N. Watson, Register
Tlnber Litad Ketlre.
United Ktatea Land Office, Lakeview
Oretfon, Dec. 12, l'J07.
Notice 1 hereby given that in com
pliance with tbe provisions of tbe act
of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lands in
the States of Califorina, Oregon. Nev
ads, and Washington Tenitory, " a
extended to all tbe Public Land states
by act of A u cruet 4, 18112,
Frank F. Toler, of Lake lew, conn
ty of Lake, State of Oregon, baa this
day Hied In this office bis sworn state
ment No. 3842, for tbe purchase of tbe
E half HE quarter. NW quarter, BE
quarter, and NB quarter, SW quar
ter, of Section 22, In Township 37,
H., Range 17, E. W. M., and will offer
proof to show that tbe land sought is
more valuable for its timber or stons
tban for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to aald land before
Register and Receiver at Lakeview
Oregon, on Thursday, the Otb, day of
March, 11)08. ile names as witnesses
E. E. Woodcock, M. 8. Barnes, Geo
Lynch, Sarah T. Woodcock, all of
Lakeview Oregon.
Any and all peisons claiming adver
sely the above described lands are re
quested to file their claims in this
otllce on or before said Gth day of
March, 1908.
5110 J. N. Watson, Register.
Tlulx-r Land Set Ire.
United States Land Office, Lakeview
Oregon Dec. 11th 1908.
Notice is bereby given that in com
pliance with tbe provisions of tbe act
of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled
"An act tor the ante ot tlbmer Jands
in the States of Califorina, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
as extended to all tbe Publio Land
States by act of August 4, 1892,
Thomas J. Powell, or Laueview,
oounty of Lake, State of Oregon, bas
this day filed in this office bis sworn
statement. No. 38:15, for the purchase
of tbe E beJf, NW quarter, and W
half. NE Quarter, of section 29, in
Township 38, &, Range 10, E., W.M.,
and will offer proof to show that
tbe land sought Is more valuable for
its timber or stone tban for agricul
tural purposes, and to establish bis
claim to said land before Register and
Receiver at Lakeview Oregon, on
Tuesday, tbe 3rd day of March, 1908.
He names as witnesses: uames tu.
Murray, Paul E. IIuguB, A. Storkman,
Cbas. Oliver, all of Lakeview Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adver
sely tbe above described lands are re
quested to file their claims in this
office on oi before said ara aay oi
March, 1008.
51-10 , J. N WMscn, Register.
An art tor the Male f timber laud
In the State of California, Oregon.
Nevada aud Watdiiugt jii Territory,"
a extended to all the Public Land
State by net of AlitfURt 4, HJ2,
PLYNKR HOWARD, of Lakeview,
(lied in this otllce hi nwom statement
No. 397.'!. for the purchaoe of the N
half, NW quarter, SK quaiter, NW
quarter, of Section 2, in Township 218
S., Range 10 K.. W. M., and will olfer
proof to show that the laud sought i
more valuable for its timber or stone
thsn for agricultural put pones, and to
establish bis claim to Bald land be
fore Register and Receiver, at Lake
view, Oregon, on Monday, the 4th
dav of May, 1908.
lie name a witueea: Walter
Howard, Joe Howard, Jim Owens, all
of Lakeview Oregon, and Mike Dooh
re, of Klamath Fads Oregon.
Any and all person claiming ad
versely tbe above described Unas are
requested to tile their claim In tbl
office on or before said 4th day of
May, 1908.
710 J .N . Watson, Regluter.
Timber Lass Notice
United States Land Office, Lakeview
Oregon, Feb. Ctb, 1908.
Notice is hereby given that In com
pliance with the provisions of tbs act
of Congress of June 3, 1878, en li tied,
" An act for tbe sale of timber lands
In the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory, "
as extended to all tbe Publio Land
States, by act of August 4, 1892,
Fred S. Tatro, of Lakeview, county
of Lake, State of Oregon, b is tiled lu
this office his sworn statement No.
3987, for tbe purchase of the E half,
NW quarter, W half, NE quarter, of
Section no. 2, in Township 39 H.,
Range 18 E , W. M., and will otter
proof to bow that tbe land sought
is more valuable for i's timber or
stone tban for agrlcutlural purposes.
and to establish bis claim to raid land
before Register and Receiver at Lake-
view Oregon, on Tuesday tbe Otb day
of May. 1908.
He names as witnesses: Ed. Tatro.
R. II. Rallard, O. II. Stevens. 11. S.
Tstro, all of Lakeview Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adver
sely tbe above described lands are re
quested to flle their claims in this
office on or before ssid Dtbday of May
710 J. X. Watson. Register.
Akeut h
Don't keep four sheep bona as close
and warm as a dairy barn, rs Fsrir
A sheep barn should open to tb
oulb. and the ahecp should be fir so
the run of a dry ysrd during pleasant
Keep tbe ' dry and well littered.
Feed with perfrt regularity. If not
fed regularly, sheep fret and lose Ir
If any rudder Is left la the racks
clean It out It-fore putting la fret
lllrt all stubs and bay from tin
sheep racks to tb colt.
' Keep a It In box In each pen
Pherp eat tola of aalt.
He eure that you are not wintering I
lot or tick. Ticks will make bec
Keep the (tens level. Fill up hollo
and uneven places.
No othrr antinnl should ever lie si
lowed In the sheep yard.
Tb sheep cannot defend themselret
and are liable to tie Injured lu limn
Waier should always be wlthlu rearfe
and be rreh and pure.
(Jive the hep a variety of food
ItiMita are a necessity In tbe ration.
Nvr Drench Cattle.
Drenching rattle I a dangerous prss
ties. If a cow's head lie raised as blub
as posNlhle nnd her month kept open
by the drenching tiottls or born a or
tlon of the lli.tild 1 very apt to pns
down the windpipe Into the lungs,
aoinetlmes rsulug Instsut desth b
mothering, at other times culug
death to follow In a few day frent
congettaa or Inflammation of tb
Olv alt cattle their medicine fcypo
dennlcally or tn feed. If they rrfnae
ad. tire It dry on tbe tongue.
The proper method of rtviug a cow
medicine I to wtaud on tbe right aldo
of the cow. placing the left arm around
the nose and at the ssme time open
ing her mouth, and with a mmu In the
right band place the medlclue. which
should l In a Mwdered fonn, tuick on
tbe tongue. Kh cu then swallow
with safety.-Dr. David Roberts la
WUfoosIn Btate Veterinarian.
Serateh and Ores Hl.
The bent possible remedy for
cratrbes. grease heel or mud fever Is
prv vent Ion. aud prevention paya a big
luienut on tbe Investment if It does
Involve some trouble and time. If the
bomes cnnot be groomed sli orsr, do
not ueglei-t the feet, anklea and fet
lot kH. If they are kept clean the horse
will iret sloug very well If Its body Is
noi i iiirlcil thoroughly every day. Hut
It ought to lie when lu w luter qusrter
and I ever the better for It. To pre
vent the foot (lUeases named a "lick
aud a promise" at cleaning time will
not do Thorough cleaulug must be
the rule If exemption frocu diseas Is
Chang ef Oit Qeod far Her.
When borne sre not thrifty It may
be attributed to inenes of diet A
pint of linseed meal three times a week
will looecii tbe hide, and tbe animal
will xikiii nhow the effects of uch sa
addition to Ita food. If tbe bowels are
moved too freely by the lluseed meal
reduce tbe aupply. Linseed meal Is
barmlcH. and no danger will reault
from lis use, but It should not lie fed
too freely to marea with foal. Car
rot should a I no tie given In connec
tion with linseed mesl. And, Isat but
not leant, don't forget a conHtsnt and
thorough use of the currycomb and
brush. Farm Progress.
The tssrater.
Recent Oerman trial indicate that
tbe separator remove from tb milk
and cream not only tbe dirt and allra
bleb paa through the trainer, but
the grester portion of tbe bacteria. As
cwws sre usually cared for and handled
there are always aome dirt and dandruff
from tb cow' udder that get Into the
milk. These cannot always be caught la
a strainer, but if it passes through it to
Included with tbe slim which remains
In tbe separator bowl. The Oermaa
trial Indlcste that most of the bacteria
with It
Vslue ef s Qeed Rem.
After all. $100 Is not an extravagant
price to pay for a good ram If tbe buy
er baa half a hundred ewea from
whose Issus be would msks tb great
est possible amount of money. A good
ram has many time mads the for
tun of many a buyer and bis flock In
two or three seasons, and the breeder
who gets nearest to tbe bead of the
proceaslon Is he who buys and exploits
the best rams. American Bheep Bread-sr.
and guaranteed
Every garment guaranteed
Clean Light Durable
Suits 3 Slicker 33?
Jpi mtttr BUMS MM WHIM
UIMO fMt KM till AUUtt
,i .!r?..i!i?sjfi..
Apptixr Fr Her.
Aa appetiser recommended by Dr. C.
D. Bmead for addition to grain rations
of horses which seem a little out of
condition and lacking la appetite is
msde as follows: Equal parts pow
dered charcoal, baking soda, ginger
and common with one-half part of
powdered gentian root II claims that
the grain ration with (bis addition will
answer the purpose of soma of the
high priced medicinal stock foods.
Feed For Laying Hen.
One of tbo bent kinds of food for
laying bens is steamed oat. A good
way to prepure them is to tak the wa
ter that meat or vegetables have been
boiled In aud pour over tbe oats, al
lowing them to stand until cool.
Preparing For the Calf.
Look to the cows about to calvs that
their udders do not become caked and
feverish, and If they do give them im
mediate attention er a valuable cow
may be lost