Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 20, 1908, Image 5

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    7s It Your
Own Hair?
Do you pin your hat to your
own hair? Ctn't do It?
Haven't enoueh hair? It must
! 5 you do not know Ayer't
I 'air Vigor! Here's an Intro
duction! May the acquaint
nee result In a heavy erowth
. f rich, thick, Rlos.y hair!
Lhe this aplendld hair-food, your railing hair, and get
rid of your dandruff.
The best kind ol a testimonial
"Bold for OTr slaty yr."
vtj.u. Arm' "o., i-awjn,
Ala awulMWnn ml
Pit I S.
H. D. Clark
Contractor and Builder
Job Work njSjrccinlty
Estimates Furnished
Hhop next door to Ahletrom'a
Hnddlery Hliop
A represent ml ve In thin country
it n Iiipiw niil I'ntiih'l rornorttlon.
jKpeclnl Inducement: to those who
wish to 'xH-oino flnnnclnlly Interest
The Real Estate Security Co.
fort DearkornlBldg. Chicago, 111.
A State Senator
Harry I llolgBte, of Klamath coun
ty, km in Corvallls Inst week oil a
Visit to his fathiT, Judge Ilolgate,
who la recovering from a severe ill
ness. The Oregonlan of recent date notes
Hint Mr. Ilolgate will be a candidate
for the republican equatorial nomina
tion to repreaent the district consist
Ids o( ('rook, Klamath and ..akeconu
tlea. The item occasions much inter
nal here for Harry was born and rear
ed In Corvallia aud la a graduate of
liMilturkl college. He
wi vn'
served lu the Pbljllplue Islands aa aiol
dlar In the 2d Oregon volunteer regl anil at the time of his enlist
t.ltlt I Hit II n.lili.iit of Corvallia. He
I m member of the Oregon bar and
... t cum ni MltoriM-v for the
United States reclamation service In
which position ho vraa highly success-
(tut WHulilnu'ton olllce was
known a the "diplomat of the ser
lcn." 1'or several year he ban Ihou
ryi.i..nt. .if Klnmiitli county and la
ficiw m miuk'hiif a bank at Mdiiiiiuh.
Ho takes great interest In the agricul
tural devetopineut of that part of Ore
iimi ami beside "actually farming
a farm, he la connected a itb a success
ful creamery, two farmer telephone
iu. ,iliiinHiiifM ami other like enter
The neotde of that senatorial die
trlct are to bo congratulated on their
ntn.orltiuitv for sendiug to the upper
buuav of the IruUUture a dependable
and capable Insulator. Several bill
f which Mr. llotaate waa the author
are now lawn In thin atateand Califor
nlii. He has a wide acquaintance a
niong the public meu of On-Kon and
will have marked Influence In the
atute aonute. Tho three countlea
make up a great empire themselves,
but one largely umleveloped, and they
lieed the public aorvlee of their itest
citlens. Hinton County liepublican.
TlMler 4 Xollrr.
Uuito l KlHte Land OHlce, Lakevlow
Oregon. Feb. II. 190K.
Notice In hereby given that in com
plinnc.H with the provision of the act
of Congress of 'uue 3, 187H, entitled
"Au act for the sale of timber lauda
in the States of California, Oregoti,
Nevadn, and Washington Territory,"
aa extended to all tho Public Laud
Btatea by act or August 4, Wl,
Klma K. Hart.og, of Lakcvlew,
county of Lake, Htate of Oregon, has
flied in thia oltlce hia aworn statement.
No 3991, tor the purchaae of .he K
half. K half, of section 7, in Township
10 a, Haoge 21 B.. W. M., and will
.oirer proof to show that the land
sought Id more valuable for ita tlmoer
or atone than for agricultural pur
poses, and to establish hia claim to
anid land before Kegiater and Receiver,
at Lakevlow, Oregon, on Wednesday,
the (J h day or May, HHIH.
He iiatuea oa witueaaea: r.dwlu
Hutzog. Klijah Kmalley. Henrv Funk,
O. C. Fitzgerald, all of Lakeview Ore
gon. Anv and all pereona cliiiming ad
versely t he above described hinda are
reuonted to Hlo their claims in thia
olllce on or before said Otu day of
May. 1908.
810 J. N. Watson Kegiater.
Timber Ua4 Notice
United States Land OHIcelLakevlet
Oregon, Feb. "th 1WH.
Notice la herehr ciiven mai in com
I.I I i .. Ua ...
of Jiinn 3. 1878 entitled.
"An act for the aale or tinnier lanua
('.Itfnrnln. Oreiron.
Nevada and Waahlngton Territory,"
urn Kctotxlnd to hill the Public Laud
Htate by act of Augnat 4, 1WI2,
Klvin V.. (Chandler, or: Lakeview.
cmintv of jke lit ate of Oregon, lias
ii. ( n ii m this oince nia sworn
tatement No. 4Vi. for the purchaae
of the K half. NW quarter. W hair,
K quarter, of Be-tlon No. 2', in Town
hin :w. a. Kanue 17 K. W. M.. and
Tlmtxr Laa4 etettee.
Uoltad Rtates Iand Olllce, Lakeview, i
Uregon, jan. li, im
Notice is hereby Riven that In com
rillfinftM lth the urovlaions of the act
of Cnngreas of Juns 3. 1878. entltlel
"An act for the sale of timber lands
In the Mates of California, Oregon,
Novada, and Waahlngton Territory,"
as extended to all the Public Land
Utal.di 1 mnt fif Anirnat 4. IRtfL
Manuel Handera, of Lakeview, coun
ty of I ake, Htate of Oregon, has this
dsy filed In this olllce bis sworn
statement, No. :):i2, for the porchaee
of the 8 half, HW quarter, and W half
HK nnarter. of Section No 10. In
Township U7 B., Kange 10, H, W.M .,
ana win oner prooi to mow mil vu
UiH amiirht ta mora ealnabla for its
tlmlier or stone than for agricultural
. . . a v i I
purposes, and to eaianuan nia ciaim
to aald land before 1 leg inter and lis
celver at Lakeview Oregon. Baturday,
the Uth day of April. 1'JOH.
lie names as wimeaaea; i. v. .
Thomas, Walter Howard, of Lakeview,
m. . aB.aSl
Oregon, James isiaiaieii oi uiy, urn-
gon, and C. II. Huseniery oi raiaiey,
Oregon. . .
Any and all persons claiming ea- 'ha almva dnacrllied lanilB. are
rciiiented to file their claims in this
. - a m a A J M
olllce on or uerore saia inn aay oi
April, 1W8.
410 J. N. Wateon, Register.
otter proof to ahow that the laud
nought la more valuable for Its timber
nr nn f Imn f nr airiciiltural ournoaea.
. .... mi . l . f.t .1
ami to eHtahlian nis ciaim io aain mini
before Kegiater and Keceiver at Lake,
view Oregon, ou Friday, the Lab day
of May, liX8.
He names aa wimeseea: jienry
Newell. P. M. Cory, William R. Ham
meraley, William J. McrVee, an oi
Lakeview Oregon.
Any and all persona claiming ad
vemely the above described lands are
requested to file their claieis in thia
oltlce on or before aald Kith day of
May. l'JU8.
7j0 J. N. Wateon Register.
Tlmlxr Land Nat lea
United Rtates I.and OHlce, Lakeview
Oregon, Feb. 7th 1118.
Notice la herbey given that In com
pliance with the provlaona of the act
of Congreaa of June 3, 1878, entltlol,
"An act for the aale of timber lands
In tho State of California. Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington, Territory,"
as extended to all the Public Land
States by act of August 4, 11-
Daniel Chandler, of Lakeview,
county of Lake, State of Oregon, bus
tiled In thl otllce his sworn state
ment No. 4(Xi, for the purchaae of the
SK quarter, of Section 2U, in Town
ship :i8.S . Uango 17 H, V. M., aud
will olfer proof to ahow that the. land
eotitfht la moio valuable for its timber
or atone than for agricultural pur
poaca, and to eetablisb hia claim to
aald land before Kegiater and Receiv
er, at Lakeview, Oregon, ou Friday,
the Kith day of May, 11MJ8.
He names as witneaaes: Henry
Newell. P. M. Cory, William R. Jlam
nieraly.Wlll J. McKeo.all of Lakeview
Auy and all persons claiming ad
versely the above described landa are
roqueated to tile their claims iu
thin ottlea on or before Bald 15th day
of May, 1008.
7 io J. N. Watson, Register.
Timber Lead Notice.
United States Land Office, Lakeview
Draonn lun 4 I'MIH.
Notice la herehy given thai in com i
..... .. ....
pllance wltD ine proviaiona or iub mv
of Congress of June 3, 1878. entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lands
in the Btatea of California, Oregon,
Nnvada. and Wafthiniiton Territory,"
as extended to all the Public Land
States by act of Angust 4, 1892,
Oscar O. Ualdwtn, or my, county oi ,
luamntn, niaie oi uregon. uaa mu
day filed In this office bis sworn state
ment, No. 38IT7, for the purchase of
the NW quarter, of Section No. 28, In
Township No. 38 8., Range No. 16,
E., W. M., and will offer proof to
show that the land sought is more
valuable for Its timber or stone than
tor agricultural purpoaee. and to ea-
. .... .. i . ... I J I I L f -
taoiian nis ciaim io aaia iu ueiuio
Register and Receiver at Lakeview,
Oregon, on Baturday, the 4th day of
April, 1908.
He narret as witneaaes: John Btindt,
William Wood of Bonanza Oiegon.
Frank Howard, Ed. Howard, of Lake
view, Oregon.
Any Bnd all persons claiming ad-
vfrflv thn above described lands are
Ktd to file their claims in this
ntllrn on or before aald 4th day of
April, 1908.
410 J. N. Watson, iiegisier
lake:view mercantile co.
Our Winter Stock of Men's and Boy's clothing is now here
and we have the most up-to-date line of Clothing, Overcoats,
Rain Coats Etc ever shown in Lakeview.
We also have complete lines of Ladies' and
Children'swinter underwear Ladie's Waists, Skirts,
Coats and everything needed for Winter wear.
Rubbers and Overshoes of all de
scriptions, come and get your winter
A Taa . la Oam nlafa V f Aft
preiawatissv 4slktery fr-ijrant.
,h. mtm aaaa'mlrlr SOftl
k.n;.l..amrlll ataaSIBCf CSIMCd
by over-dryneu, redueet tM
I of
, ' WT. f
ducei inflammation and spread an even,
radiant glow due to wnoiesome nourwn
nicut of skin elands and stimulation of
the capillaries which also feed the
.kin mnA aimntv iU healthful Color.
TlmlH-r Land Wotlce.
United States Laud OHlce, Lakeview,
Oragou, Feb. 15, 191
Kti. U lirliv civen that in com-
pMauce with the provisions of the act
..i Cnnurau rf .lima 1878. entitled.
"An Act for the sale of Timber lands
in the etatea of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
at extended to all the public land states
by act o August, 4 1892,
Vigil Conn, of Paisley, county of
r.ub Htntn of Orrecon. has tiled in
i hia nttine his sworn statement No
40:il, for the purchaae of the NE quar
i.r nf Kuirtlnn 7. in Townshii) 38 S. .
Range 10 E., W. M., and will offer
proof to ahow that the land Bought
Is more valuable for ita timber or
stone than for agricultural purpose u
aud to establish hia claim to said
laud before Register and Receiver at
Lakeview Oregon on Monday the 1st
day of June, 1908.
no names as witnesses: J. B. Auten,
R P. Light, T .J. Powell, U P. Mal
loy.all of Linkeview Oregon, and Oda
Craveus, of Klamath Falls Oregon.
Any aud all persons claiming adver
aely the above described lauda are re
quested to tile their claims lu this
oltlce on or before said 1st, day of
June 1908
810 J. N Watson register.
Win. F. PAINE.
Prompt and careful attention dven
to surveys of Lands and Townsltefl,
Map work &c. Settlers located, Land
and Town property for aale.
A new stock of fur and plush buggy
robes just unpacked at Ahlstroms
Harness shop. Rest ever sbun .n
Lakeview. 42-tt
The Eastern Oregon Engineering
CivI, Municipal &
Irrigation Engineers.
Irrigation A Specialty.
lakcvlew Ore. llama Ore.
aisaaser Hsnifer
Ukevlvw Office Id First National Bank Bldg.
Dr. Chas. Ii. Drake,
Veterinary Surgeon
Rao Fkoht. Fmmo dt Ltrmmr Stmblm,
West of First National Bank.
Lakeview, Oregon.
Cbas. Lambert. Manager
Leaves Klamath Falls Daily
at 7 O'clock, A. M.
Office; American Hotel
The Lakeview Furniture Com
pany has moved into the large
Brick Building on Water street
where a Large Stock of every
thing usuall' found in a Furn
iture Store will be kept
Undertaker's Parlors
Repair Shop
Timber Lan4 Kotlre.
United States Land Otllce, Lakeview
Oregon, Feb. 13, 1008.
Notice la hereby given that in com
pliance with the provlsiona of the act
of Congress of June 3, 1878 entitled,
"Au act for the anle of timber lands
in the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
. . oil iha Pnlilin Land
.XJrMMmJMm, A A , T.oUa s,t nf Orenon. baa filed In
this otllce bis sworn statement No.
40'J2, for the purchase of the BE quar
ter, JNW Imiarter, of Beotlon 2, In
Township 34, H., Kange 19, E., W. M.,
aud will olfer proof to show that the
land sought ia more valuable for Its
timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish bla olaini
. i,4 iu,,i Kofnra Rpurluter and Ke-
IU BUI. .ctmv. 'w-w ---d " . ,
- , i J DQIU anuve w. w --B -
You can buy something: teS,'SW;&
called "coffee" at 10c lb
with 3000 miles of R R
freight from the roaster;
Tour s roctr r.turni far moatr If rea 4s'l
1 Ukm Scbllling's Best; par bin.
iio namm ns witnesses: Ueo. W.
Cooley, Buln Banister, of Paisley Ore
gon, John Blmmous, Geo. W. Harrow,
of Palaley, Dregon,
Any and all persons claiming ad
.ho .hnia rfnRorlbed landa. are
I requested to file tbeir claims in this
'oltlce on or before aula una aay oi
! M8-10UC8, J. N. Watson, Register.
he Overland Bahkmg Realty Go.
Of RENO, the Hub of the Slope
Invites Land or Lot Buyers to call and see or
write them for a List of Good Investments of
Houses and Lots
in Reno and Sparks
Acreage near Reno
North to LAKEVIEW, ORE.,
Real Estate is the Best Investment,
Towns Tributary to Reno:
NoRTii-Susanville, Madeline, Alturas, Cedarville, Cal.; New Tine Creek, Lakeview, Paisley, Ore.
South Goldfield, Tonopah. Carson, Yerington, etc., Nev.
WEST-Tahoe, Loyalton, Yerdi, Truckce, Boca, etc., Cal.
East YVadsworth, Olinghouse, Elko, Fallon, Fairview, Hazen, Lovelock, etc., Nev.
The Overland Banking Realty Company
(Formerly Hibbard & Turner) '