...CANDIDATES' COLUHN... 1 r--- --. B rr" 1- C. . MhTZKEK, t-ditor and Publisher Knl tlBtMlvf Knipr.1 at the I om ofllcrat l.avt.. Ore. tvcomt-Oaaa Mailer. TERMS: .One Year J Six Month (Thro" .. lorn ha,... tAlteVIEW . OMH.i . rEBRDARY o. M The i.liot 'hat run the Silver Lake V h80nicoJle, sometime known as ti e Ceutral Oregonian, says he does sot publish nouseuse, and aa proof of hi awsertion, picks out an item pub lished in The Examiner which bad a typographical error in it and makes a great bullaba.oo over it. But then one could not expect a 40 n-month ditor to know news from nonsense. Wnoever pays this thing 110 a month for throwing the rot and cheap slang at the people that the said sheet is distoiug out to its readers is throwing hid money away. He is dear at even kbat Insignificant sum. He reminds wnt a man our grandfather used to keep on his ranch merely to keep the crows from eating the corn. This man no appologies, either, when such things as the editor of the op-country sheet is called a man did not cost G.raudpap any 40 dollars, he was Ja oheab sort of a man, something like Kilror Lake editor, a piece or Fee HherttT. To the Republican Voters of Lake County , Oregon. 1 hereby announce myself a Candi date, for the Office of Sheriff, subject to the decision of the Republican party, at the primary election, to be $2.00 held April 17th, iwm. 1.00 If 1 am selects by the uepuuncan 5 I nartv. as their regular Nominee, and reelected at the June election, i win serve the people as faithfully in the future' as I have lit the past Yours Respectfully, ALBERT DENT. 1 wish to announce to the Voters of Lake County, Oregon, that 1 am a candidate for the Office of SheritT, subject to the decision of the Demo cratic Parly at he Primary election, to be held on April l7th, 1908. J D. PARK A. At the earnest solicitation of many friends, I wish to announce to the republican voters of Lake county that I am a candidate for the office of County Commissioner, subject to the decision of the republican party at the primary election, to be held April 7tb, 1908. If I am elected by the Republican party as their uomluee, and elected as County Commissioner in June, I promise to fulfill the duties or thai office to the best of my ability, and work for the best Interest of the peo ple of lake county. Respectfully yours, E. K. HENDERSON. To the Republicans of Lake County: I hereby announce to the Republi cans of Lake County, Oieson, that I will be a candidate for the nomina tion to the office of SheritT upon the Republican Ticket at the Primary Election to be hold on April 17th, 1008. I have served the people of this County two years in the capacity of Sheriff, and am willing to abide by their decision upon my official record. E. E. RINEUART. For 5tat. 5nator. I hereby submit my nsme to the Republican voters for joint senator from Klamath, Lake and Crook coun ties at the primary election to be held April 17, 1908. Having faithfully represented this district In the last sesslou of the leg-' islature, and since the senatorsblp has, for this term, been conceded to Klamath. I again ask for the favora-. ble consideration of the volets of this ! Senatorial district Respectfully, GEO. II. MERRYMAN. To the people of Lake County, 1 wish to announce myself as a cat dl V Li -J -: - - In (Ka omnnd and an- date for the office of Sheriff of this Dtmni uj i cu u m' i -H-.1 - nn mnA ! nnnntv. on thA Democratic ticket. ROD Other piece naueu tno i ."'" i nme old clothes hung onto it. just a ject to the decision of the Democratic scare crow. Tbata about me capacity ,thU ecaie-crow of a man is now serv ' Ing in for the publishers of toe Cen tral Oregon iao, bnt instead of scaring tbe.crows away, he la kept to scare the wolf from the door. ALFALFA SEED at Timber l.aad Settee. 'United States Land Office, Lakeview, .Oregon, Feb. 4. 1908. Notice is hereby given that in com ' pliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled, "An act tor the sale of timber lands in the Sates of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," a extended to all the Public Land States by act ot August 4, 1802, Stella C. Barnes, of Lakeview, county of Lake, State of Oregon, has filed in this office his sworn statement no. 3981, for the purchase ot the SE quarter, NE quarter, N half, SE quar ter, SEquraterSEquarter of Sec. 30, in Tn.nihin 37 R. . Ralltfe 17. E.. W. M. and will ofTer proof to show that the land sousbt is more valuable for its timber or tone than foi agricultural efltnhlifih his claim to said land before Register and Receiver at Lakeview Oregon, on vteanesuay, the 29th day of April, 1908. .-a nnmna nil witnesses: E. E. Woodcock, Frank Toler, Geoee Lynch Ada Toler, all of LAKenew uregon. Any and all persons claiming ad vftrsfil? the above described lands are iwiniutml to file their claims iu this office on or before said 2J-th day of April, 1908. 810 J. X. Watson, Register. ter C'eaBtjr Clerk 1 wish to announce to the Republl can voters of Lake county that I am a candidate for the office of county c erk, subject to the decision of the Republican party at the primary elec tion, to be held oi April 17, 1908 I cheerfully submit my record as county cleric for the past year and half for you- approval, and if you choose to select me tor the office asaio. I pledge myself to perform the rdnties of clerk during the next term as faithfully as 1 have in the past. Yours Respectfully, E. N. JAQU1S1I. To the Democrats of Lake County Oregon : I wish to announce that I am a can didnte for the office of County Clerk, subject to tbe decision of the Demo cratic Party at tbe Primary election to be held on April 17th, 1908. F. W. Payne Conteat Notice. rionnrtmpnt nf the Interior. United States Land Office. Lakeview, Ore gon, January 23, 1908. A sufficient contest affidavit having . been filed in this office by F. F. Tol ler, contestant, against homestead entry .No, 2244. made .May in, ioyy, ' for W half, XE quarter, W half SE quarter, of Section 28, Township 37 S., Range 20 E., by Farnham E. Harris, Conteutee, in which it is alleged that ' r aid Harris baa wholly and totally - abandoned said claim; said entryman haa whullv failed to establish bis resi- , dence thereon ; that be has wholly. abandoned said entry for moie than six months last past, and that said allesed absence on tbe said land was not due to his employment in the Army, Navy or Marine Corps of the United States as a private soldier, officer, seaman or marine during tbe war, with Spain or daring any other war in which tbe United States may be engaged, said parties are hereby notified to appear, respond and offer evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clook a m on April 20, 1908, be fore Register and Receiver, at the United States Laud Office in Lake view, Oregon, Tbe said contestant hav ing, in a proper affidavit, filed Dec. 23, 1907, set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal ser vice of this notice can not be made, itjis hereby ordered and directed that such cctice be gien by due and pro per publication. 8 0 J X. Watson, Register. TIiiiImt Kami Notice. United States Laud Office, Lakeview Oregon, Feb. 13. 1908. Notice is hereby given that in com pliance with tbe provisions of tbe act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled, "An act foi the sale of timber lands in tbe States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washintgon Territory," aa extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, Joseph Arzner, of Lakeview, county of Lake, State of Oregon, has filed In this office his sworn statement, Xo. 4020, for the purchase of tbe Lot 4, and SW quarter, NW quarter, of Sec tion 3, iu Township 38, S., Range 19 E., W. M., and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuble for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his oalim to said laud before Register and Receiver at Lakeview, Oregon, on Tuesday, tbe 2titb day of May, 1908. He names as witnesses : Fred Snyder O. Sherman Easter, Jack McCulley, Unas. Umbach, all of Lakeview Oregon. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 20th day of May, 1908. 810 J. N. Watson, Register. Party, at tbe Primary election, to held April 1, 1908 Kespecuuiiy, J. O. BARKER. be 1 herewith annouce myself a candi date for ioint senator from Klamath. Lake and Crook counties on the Re publican tlcaet, subject to the decis ion of the primary election. L. r. win us. Klamath Fall. Ore. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for tbe office of Joint Senator for the Counties of Klamath, Lake and Crook subject to tbe decision of the Republican Primaries April 1., 1008, Harry L. Holgate. Bonanza Oregon. The Red Cross Shoe ' ,",. y V''''' , ll : . rJt for Jolt-Rnrrrlallve. -'TnTHV.KKPL'BLlCANS OF RTaMATH, LAKE, CROOK AXD CRANT COUNTIES: I wich to Inform the Republicans tl t.-i,..t, l.U Crook and drant lllliuiaiu, - ... , - Counties, constituting tbe TWENTY FIRST REPRESENTATIVE DIS tuipt nw niiKCON. that my name & A w lil be presented for your consider i ; .. tha Primary Ejection to be held April 17, 1908, asking your suf frace for selection as one of the Rep ublicau nominees for Joint Represen- totu-a In aail district, to be balloted for on June 1, 1908. 11. A. liRATTAIN, Paisley, Oregon, For Anw-Mwr 1 desire to announce to the Republi cans of Lake county that I am a can didate for tbe office of Assessor, sub ject to the decision of tbe Republican party of this county at the primary election to be held on April 17, 1908. 1 confidently belive that my work as assessor in tbe past has been satisfac tory, and I promise, if nominated and elected, to perform the duties of that office as faithfully aa lies in my power so to do. Yours Respectfully, J. li. BLAIR. .To tbe Republican Voters of Lake County, Oregon. I wish to announce that 1 am a can didate for nomination as Assessor at tbe Primary Nominating election to be held April 17 1908. If I am nomi nated and elected I pledge myself to endeavor, to tbe bet-t of my ability, to assess all taxable property in the County so as to be just to one and all. "Hew to the line, let the chips lull where they may." Very Truly Yours, X. WALDO TAYLOR, Silver Lake, Ore. ror IMntrlrt Attorney. avi TtIV RKPi'HLlCANS OF KLAMATH AXD LAKE COUNTIES: I wish to inform you tnai my name will be presented for your consider V,U Primurv elnotion to be miuu ot. - . .... j held April 17, I'JOH, asking your sua race for selection as the Republi can nominee for District Attroney o' ih SECOND PROSECUTING A 1 TORNEY DISTRICT OF OREGON to be balloted for on June 1, 1908. In placing my name before you for nomination aa your candidate, permit me to say that 1 shall cheerfully abide by your decision at the Primary Election, whatever It may F. H. MIL.Lrs . ' Klamath Falls, Oregon. is a Strictly Up-to-Date, Stylish Shoe, with a Flex ible Sole that responds to every motion of the foot, and is so easy that you hardly know that you have a Shoe on at all & se tf o: & FOR SAMS BY BAILEY & MASSINGILL The Pioneer Store To Cure a Cold in One Day Tako Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. fifajb Seven MUHoo boxes told In t 13 months. This Signature, Cutm Crip b Two Day. on every box. 25c W ITH one ribbon and its new three-color device The New Tri-Chrome Smifli Premier Typewriter is virtually three typewriters in one. It prod ucA?in deli ble black, purple copying or red type writing at the will of the ope rator. One ribbon and a small, easily operated lever do it all. Thi machinr prrmita noc only theuc o( a three-color rillion, but a 'to of a t wo-colur or iag, le color rilUn. No t" ct lor thN t moUrl The Smith rPrenTler r Typewriter Co 247 Sturk'St. I'ortJiiml.'Ort'KOii I II Lake For Miirveyor. To the Repbullcan Voters of County, Oregon. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the Office of County Survey or, subject to the decision of the Re publican party.at the primary election, to be held April 17th, 1008. Yours Respectfully, CHAS. M." FAULKNER. Tlmtx-r Laud .llei. United States Land Office. Lakeview Oregon, Feb. Ctb 1008. Notice is hereby given that in corn-nliunr-M with the oroviHions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled 'An act lor toe sale or limber lauas n thn Sittf h nf !nlifnrnia. Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to ail toe Public Laud States by act of August 4, 1802. Elijah Smalley, of Lakeview, coun ty of Lake, State of Oregon, has filed in in is omce nia sworn statement, .no. Wl tnr thn nirnhuua ,,f tha KW quai'ter, NE quarter W half, SK quar ter, ec. i ana xmvv quarter, nt, quar ter, of Section 18, in Township 40 S., Hange 21 E., W. M., and will offer proof to show that tbe land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone li u n trv aryrfMiltiirnl nnrnnHau urirt t.rt establish his claim to said land before Kegiater and Kecelver at Lakeview, Oregon, on Thursday tbe 7tb day of May, 1008. lie names as witnesses: Lima Hart- zog, Edwin llartzog, Henry f unk, U. C. Fitzgerald, all of Lakeview, Oregon. Any and all persona claiming ad versely the above described lands are requested to Die tuelr claims in tnis office on or before said 7tb day of May. 1008. 810 J. ti. Watson, Register. TEA Not 1 in 1000 who buy Schilling's Best wants the money. Toar r roear rararaa yaar moat If eoal Ilk Scbilliai'i Bt; bin. Tlmlirr I and Slot ire. United States Land Office. Lakeview Oregon. Feb 4.th 10J8. Notice is hereby given that in com pliance with tbe provisions of tbe act o. Congress of June 3, 1878., ent tied, 'An act for tbe bale of timbper lands in tbe States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington lerritory, cionHail to all ttie Public Land States by act of Augu.it 4, 1802, Ole Koleim, or uiy, cuuuv, . math. State of Oregon, baa Hied in .1.;,. hia Bunrn statement, rio. 3012, for the purchase of tbe bw quar ter, of Section io, in iuuui . .... Range 16, X, W. auu wui uu .-..r tn ahnw that tbe land sought is more valuable for its timber or s oue than for agricultural purposan, ana io establish bis claim to said land before ifi,uiar linri ILhi'mvht at Lakeview, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 22 day of April, 1008. He names as v.itn'HHes: Martin Haagensen, and John OImiu of Eu- gue, Oregon, ft. jornein-on, oi Oregon, and Jonn u e u. oi jjc- view, Oregon. a n onH oil nurnnnH I'lHiii-intf adver sely tbe above described luud-i, are re-1 quested to Die tneir vimwm office on or before said 22 day of April ; 1008, 8-JO J. N. Watson, Register. builders, mechanics artiians and workers of all kinds wear Levi Strauss & Co's Copper Riveted Oreralls cut full elected denim atron( and aerviccable ik your dealer pWVVXW, ALBERT G. DUHME BUYS TIMBER LANDS FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING LAKEVIEW. OREGON. miuii OFER FOR A SHORT TIME I Tbe Overlaud Hanking Realty Com pany offer Eight a1) foot switch lots facing the Railroad which are suitable for a lumber yard or property of that kind, for flOOO.00. When the switches are built on this property it. U bjund to Increase very materially. Address Overland Hanking Realty Co. 100 Commercial Row. 3 lm Reno Nev. rPRORTUNITY KNOCKS Terminal Tract lots in Heart of Rich mond $ 1 0 PER. MONTH The Coming City is Richmond. Population 1S06 Population G000 1007 " 10000 1910 " 25000 A former Orcgonian, G. A. Follctt is a city Trustee Many of your people have already located here. A. L. Spellmyer, 7th Macdonald, Ave. ) DirhlTinnH Cn fc T S. Handley, 1306 Beaeel Ave. f KICIIII1UI1U, Vai. Write us or Mrs. Geo. Miller Lakeview, Ore. g