Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 20, 1908, Image 2

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or h i ti,
v(t4?til . .
Sxnr.tary of Slat.
,, Tht-oi"r Rooarvei.
Dim. W. rlrb'W
.... Ellhu Ri
eecrctar? of Traury...
Secretary of War. ..... ,
Attorney General
Poaimaator General... .
rtaryof Nvjr
Secretary Interior
Secretary ot Axrlrullur
, , LmII. H.aha
. Wa. H.Taft
Win. II. Moody
to. B. Cortclroa
...Chaa. J. Rottapart
K. A. Hitchcock
J ncaWlltoD
Northern Stage Line.
: Al W.VbRYAnI Proprietor.
Leaven Lakeview nt 6 a. m.
every day but Sunday.
Returning, leaver Paisley
at 0 :30 a. in every day bu
Sunday. Phmihi' arclj R4 trt. li
OFFICE - Reynold A WlnP.liT uk vL
Secretary of Cotninvirt .V.CMctcal!
Cltlel Jo.tlr. .... Melvlll. W. roller
VwpAllon Warner, It. 8. Petition Commlnlonrr
W.B. Richard C. 8. Land Comralraloner
OTrnor Geo. Chambrlal
'ry otStat r. I. Punbar r .m makp jlhie Prints of any
rer ...C.fUMoors ,,,.-, i,i , r ,..i.,, f,n,i
Blue Prints Made.
J. H. Acaermao
, J. R. Whitney
J. W. Sal icy
1 John M.Oarta
J v. W. Fulton
ladge H. L. Benton
Joint Senator John A. Lagcock
Attorney Ueneral
suat. Public Inntructloa
Dairy and Food Com
9.S. Be na tort
District, and do
Call on or write
Lakeview. Onr-fron.
abstract Work.
Eli Restaurant,
at nil hours.
First class
moid a
S H. P. Bel
O. H. Merr
blanks At the Examiner
Attorney W.J.Moor
J.N.Wataon R ite
0 V. eiiidcr ReooWor
L a I cor NTT.
todge B. y
CIek.. K.N. Jaquieh
dnerlff Albert Pont
Treasurer F. O. ' lstrom
aascasor .. V . O. We
School 8upt J.Q.WUlit
Stock Inspector
U SneUinj Mayoi
Co mellmeu
Timber Land Nmlce.
United States Land Office, Lakeview
Oregon. Jan. 25. 1908.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of Congress of June 3. 1878, eu tilted
"Ad act for the sale nf timber land
In the States of California, Oregou,
Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
11 extended to all the Publio Laud
States by act of August 4, 1802,
Willis J. Mtilkev. of Cresswell.
c- E- Mo"r , rmtuty of Lane, State of Oregou, has
1 u . 'lied in this office his sworn state-
h !'i v.r.i1,lpt. N- fr the rurchase of
P"Dr-M11P,the Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, of Section No.
M, 'n Township No. 00 S., Range No.
10 K., W, M., and will offer proof to
show that the land (ought is more val
liahlft for ita timlwr nr stnnn tlnui for
t ... a.
j B ln l I HrKrii-tinunu I'tirrosos, aim 10 psiao-
W.B.Snider '. Recorder ! "sa Dia Haim to said laud before
A.Bieber.. ...... ................ Treasurer 't,ant' llr!t Klamath Co., at his
. ouirnj at lYJamatn rails liregou, on
Ueduesday, the loth day of April,
Har-T Bailey I
R. P. Malioy j
. Tucker 1
If vou are tlilokinir of orsrnnlziuir n 10(8.
. , . 2 He names as witnecses: W,
tLH:& luiu(f&iij Bt-t? uur ucw nrujjir9
oWall Strt engraved stiKk certlfl
Butter paper at The Examiner
fflce. The Best made, at f175 for
600 and W.50 for 1000. tf
The Wall street line of engraved
certificates of Stock aud Bond blank
at the Examiner office. Nw sample
ook received Monday evening. II
you want stock certificates see ou
samples and get our prices. tf
Dutch luachat the Brewery Sa
von, tf
F. Reed.
iVlattie B. Keed. Charles E. Mulker.
Arthur C. Olieiiin, all of Bly, Urenon.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lands are
requested to tile their claims in this
office on or before said Uth day of
April, IOCS.
510 J. N. Watson. Register.
fie .tt i ' ! ""t rerr" r4 BoM.
ijt .-jtijcj... . J., ie mriijuicrlt vein.
E, Feryy'3 CrJ Annual tor 1908
Wt 1 1 - -vttor-nt rBEK for
y .k- .. i'. . fceotU UIJ yoo get U
v 0. H. fv.' .:' 1 Cj., Daiift, Ma.
$100 Reward $ ,0.
Th readers of this ptiH-r will le
pleaaed to learu that there Is nt
east one dreaded (lipase that science
has leen able to cure in all Its stages,
and that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh
Cure Is the only powltlve cure now
known to the medical frutemlty.
Catarrh being a constitutional dis
ease, requires a constitutional treat
ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken
internally, ucting directly upon the
blood and mucous surfaces of the
system, thereby destroying t he found
ation of the disease, and giving the.
putient strenjith by building up thej
constitution and agisting nature in ;
doing its work. The prnprieturs j
buxe bo much faith in lis curative'
powers that they offer One Hundred '
Dollars for any case that it fails to!
cure. Send for list of testimonials.
Address F. J. Chen, y & t n . Toledo, I
O. oon-l
Sold liy all lrugists, 7'tc.
Take Hall's Family i'ills for I
ipation !
v . ... . . 1.
41 ihooe volumes wer wriuen uy men who runs
! A among tho foremost building expert of the day.
A Money refunded if they do not meet your needs.
t son. isOnp., I4O ills. A manual of practical
methods for Architects, Builders, contractors,.
Civil and 5anitary Engineers. Information for
tho first time made known to tho world. IUsed
on recent construction work, special tests, to.
Price $I.CK)
200 pp., 250 ills. Costly mistakes occur through
lack of attention at projer time, hurtful to Own
er and discreditable to Architect and Huilder
Gives thorough knowledge of methods and mater
ials. Price $1 50
Hv Bourne, von Hoist mid Brown. 185 pp , 55
drawings. Complete course in making working
drawings and artestic lettering for architectural
purposes. Price $-5 0
ESTIMATING. By Edward Nicholas. U5 pp.,
35 ills. For all workers in Building trades.
Tells how to estimate intelligently. Price. $1.00
C- Plant. l25pp., fully illustrated. Forms of pub
lic and private contracts, specifications, bonds,
etc.; duties and responsibilities of Architects,
contractors and Owners Price $i.(H)
Hodgson and Williams- 130 pp., 18O ills. Only
up-to-date work on these subjects. Price ...$i.(K)
CARPENTRY. By G. Tontnd. i50 pp., 2i4
ills. A working manual for carpenters and
Wood workers in general. Not a theoretical
treatise, but a practical working guide- rMee
. $1
I4O pp., 58 ills. For Architects, Builders, iteel
and Concrete Workers. Enables one to avoid
mistakes- Price $1.00
riECHAMCAL DRAWING By E- Kenison- i00
pp., 140 ills. Complete course in projections, Lj
shade lines, intersections and developments, let- ffi
tering. with exercises and plates. Price $1 00 j
Brvne. i40 pp-.44 ills- Latest and best Arnvri- Lr
can methods- Price $1 (H)
These volumes are bandsotuely bound hired art
Vellum de Luxe, siise V, x l) Inches. Sent prepaid Jfj
to any part of the world on receipt of price. Remit JJ
by Urate, Postal Order, Express Order, or RegUter- Kj
ed Ix'tter. to the
Lake County Examiner.
1 jike
New York Tribune Farmer
Review of Reviews
Success Magazine
Lake County Examintr
york Trib
une arme
Review of Review?'
Lake Co. Examint.
"WEEKLY. 20 pages, 121 by IS inches. The most
thoroughly practical, helpful, up-to-date Illustrated
weekly for every member of the farmer's family.
Regular Price per Year $1.00
MONTHLY. 125 pages, 7 by 10 Inches. Edited by
Ur. Alltert Shaw, whose monthly comments on cur
rent hl-tory, at home and abroad, are recognized as
the most Intelllgentand valuable found In any peri
odical. Contains hundreds of portraits of "people
In the public eye," of cartoons, illustrations and
valuable original articles.
Regular Price per Year c 00.
MONTHLY. 60 to 100 pages, 10 by 14 Inches
Eveiy hisue Is full of brlbiant and fasclnatlbg Serial
and Short Stories, original articles on "TheJWorli
6t the V orld," wlthdepartmentscoverlngall phased
Of "Trw Home, Life aud the Person," and .with
manyinnplratlonal features.
Regular Price per Year 1 .01
WEEKLY: The Leading Paper of Southeastern
Oregon; publishes all the latest land and Stock news
of a territory embracing 200 miles square. Lake
County, Official paper. The Oldest Newspaper In
Southeastern Oregon, established la I860.
R(9 lar Price per Year 2.00
Timber fi .oilrr.
United States Laud Office,
view, Oregon, Pee. I.'i, 10O7.
Notice i.t hereby given that in com
pliance with the proviaions of the act
of Congress of June .3, 1878, entitled,
"An act for the sale of timner land
in the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Wiixhiugtoii Territory,''
as extended to ull the Public Lund
States by act nf August 4, Wr,
Maggie. C. Bernard, of Iukeviuw,
county of Luke, State of Oregon, Iihh
this day filed in this odieu bis nuurn
btatu'tient. No. lihil, for the purchane
of the SE quarter, NE quarter, E
half, SE quarter, and SV quarter,
SE quarter, of Section 3n, In Tuwu-
jhhipIWS., KaiiKe-'JI, E., W. M., and
i w ill olfer proof to show that the laud
'sought is more valuable for its timber
! or Dtone than for agricultural purpos
es, nod to establish his claim to said
land before Register and Receiver at
Lakeviow, Oregou, on Saturday, the
7th day of March, 1"J08.
He names witueses: Otto Ilardisty
Jsb. E. McCoul, T. E. Bernard, O.
W. Hardisty, all of Lakeview, Oreg"ti.
Any and all persons, claiming ad
versely the above described lands are
requested to file their claims iu this
office on or before said 7th day of
March, 11)08.
5110 .T. N. Wateon, Register.
Here a Good Advice.
O. 8. Woolever, one of the
beat known merchants of Le Rays
ville, N. Y. Bays: "If you are
ever troubled with piles, apply
Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It cured me
of them for good twenty'years ago."
Cures evey sore, wound, burn or
abrasion. 25c at Lee Beall's Drug
The regular price of these 4 great publlcat.
Our Price - - - -
-nt, Is - - - - -
- $7.00
Lake County Examiner, Lakeview, Oregon
Timber laad Motlee
fUnited States Land Office, Lakeview
Oregon, Deo. 13th ,1007.
Notice is hereby Riven that in com
liance with the proviaions of the act
Congress of June 3, 1878. entitled
n An act for the sale of timber lands
the states of California, Oregon,
evada, and Washington Territory,1'
as extended to all the Public Land
States by act of August 4, 1892,
Anita Boyd, of Lakeview, County
of Lake, State of Oregon, baa this day
riled in this office bis sworn statement,
No. 3851, for the purchase of the W
half, Fi half of Bee. No. 18, la Town
snip No. 37 B., Range No. 17 E., W.
M ,, and will offier proof to show that
the land sought Is more valuable for
its timber or stone than for agricul
tural purposes, and to establish bis
claim to said land before Register sod
Receiver at Lakeview Oregon, on
Tuesday, the 17th day of March, 1998.
He names as witnesses: W. R. Boyd,
Zaok Whltwortb. George Lynch,
Fiank Howard all of Lakeview Oregon.
Any and ull persons claiming adver
sely the above described lands are re
quested 'to file their claims In this
office on or before said 17tn day of
March, 1008.
5210 J. N. Watson, Register
Unltsd Slates Land Office, Lake- MOOES OF THE MOMENT,
view, Oregon. Dec. 11. 1007. . -
Notice U hereby given that In com
pllanoe with the provision of the act
nf Conurea of June 3 IKTfl, entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lands
An Odd Peny Skin Coat Quaint Ben
, rets Per We Folk.
More odd than pretty Is a pony akin
one piece ami trimmed wllli colored
Und building, the kind Hint Is worked
on a loom, The crude effect la modified
by vetting the trimming with black
chiffon, while narrow chiffon hng In
close tnaselM made from bends inatelh
In the decoration.
The ifcitcral style of winter lint runs
smoothly to width. It Is short It
front, scoops down akin to I'. re 1 1
in the State of California, Oregon ! ' short mandarin stylo cut In
Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
as extended to all the Pobllo Laud
State liy act of August, 1HUU, Harriet
0. Newell, of Lakevlw, county nt
Lake. State of Oregon, has this day
Hied In this uftloe his sworn statement
No. :imi5, for the purchase of the NW
quarter, of Section Iki, In Towmihlp
;W S., lbinge 17, K W M., and will
olfer proof to show that the hind
sought la more valuable tor It Urn
her or utone than for agricultural pur
posea, and to estahllih hi claim be
fore Register and Receiver at Lake
view Oregon on Mouday the 23 day of
March, RHW.
ile iiama as wltnesse: l M. (Ju
ry, W. R. Hamtneraley. L (J. Thotn
as, Dsn Chaudler, sll of Lakeview
A uy and nil persona claiming ad
versely the above deaeriled lands are
requested to tile their claims in this
offijo on or before ald 2.1 day of
March, 11K8.
61-10 J, N. Watson, Register.
Tlmher ljinl poller.
United StHtes Laud Office. Lakeview
Oregon, D.Hi. l.lth, I1H7.
Notice Is herfby given that In com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of Congress of Juno 7H, entitled
"An Met (.. li.ln r l, I.....I., '
III the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory."
as extended to all tlm l'ulule Land
Stsfes by act of August I. 1.SH2.
linrr R. Mc.Nlnrtin. of Lakevlev.
comity of Lake, Slate of Oregon, has
tills day fll"d lu litis office his sworn
statement, No. IIH.VI, fur tlm ptirchnve
ofthnNE quarter, NW miHrter. W
half, NKmmrter. Hint NW tinurlrr.
SE tpiarter, of Section III, In Town
ship ass., Rauue IS, E., W. M., snd
will olfer proof to allow that the land
sought Is more valuable for Its tiui
her or stone than tor nut Icullural
purposes, and to esfnbliwh his cInIiii
to said land before Reulster and Rh
ceiver at Lakeview, Oregon, on Thnr
day the lUth tlay .f March, 1!kih.
He names as witnesses t C. l'rlcc,
C O. Metzker. J. It. Auten. (I. W.
HnrdiHty, all of Lakeview, Oregon.
Any and all persous claiiniiiu ad
versely th above deitcrlhed lands aru
renieHtel to tile their claims in this
ottlce on or lief Die aald Uth day ol
March, i:t8.
51 10 J. N. Watson KeiMaler
Timber Ljinit Noike
United States Laud Office .Lakeview
Oregon, r'i). (J-.h, 1.KH.
Notice Is herbey given that In coin
pliancB with the orovlslons tif tho act
of Congress of June a, 1H78, entitled,
An act for tho sale of timber lauds
In the States of Calif rniu. Oregon.
Nevada, Jitnl Washington Ttrrltory,"
as cxtenfled to all the Public l.und
States by net of August 4, 1M2,
r red L. Kos, f Lakeview county
of Luke, State of Oregon, has Hied iu
this office bU sworn statement No
iHKM, for the purchase of the NE quar
ter, of Section .12, In Township 3 S.,
Eaugo 1H E.,W. M. and will IIVr
proof ji show that the land sought is
u)oft-,u)(iia?jlo fortes tiuibet or stone
than lor agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land before
Register and Receiver at Lakeview
Oregon, ru Saturday, the 0th day of
May, V.m.
He names as witnesses: Ceorue
Lynch, K. E. Woodcock, Marion S.
Harues, Dan Chandler, nil of Luke
view Oregon.
Any rfiid all persons claiming ad
versnly the above doscribd lands are
requested to file their claims in this
office on or lfore said Uth ilay of
May, l'.HiS.
710 J. N". Watson, RugUtcr.
Timber Land Notkt
United Slates Land Office Lakeview
Oregon, Feb. I'.th I'.HlS.
Notice is hereby gl'cn that iu com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of Congress of June 3, lh78, entitled,
"Au act fur the sale of timber lauds
in the Slate.) of California, Oregon,
Nevada, aud Washington Territory,"
us extended to all the Public Lund
Stateo by act of August 4, I'J2,
Elden E. Woodcock, of Lakeview,
county of Lake, State of Oregon, has
tiled in this office his sworn
statement, No. 3005, for the purchase
of the SE quarter, of Section 32, iu
Township, 38 S , Range 18, E., W. M.,
and will offer proof to show that the
land soui'ht is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish bis claim
to said laud before Register aud Re
ceiver at Lakeview Oregon on Mon
day, the Uth day of May, 1908.
He names as witnesses : Oeo. Lynch,
M. S. Ramos, Fred Ross, Dan Chand
ler, all of Lakeview Orogon.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lands are
run u es ted to file their claims in this
office on or before said Uth, day of
May, 1008.
710 J. N. Watson, Register.
Timber Land Nolle.
United States Land Office, Lakeview
Oregon, Feb. 4, 1908.
Notice is hereby given that In com
pliance wltb the provisions of the act
of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lands
in the States of Califorlna, Oregon
Nevada, and Washington Territory, "
as extended to all the Dublio Land
States by act of August 4. 1802,
WARREN HOWARD, of Lakeview,
county of Lake, state of Oregon has
filed In this office bis sworn statement
No. 3083. for the purchase of the S
half, SE quarter, NW quarter, SE V,
8E quarter, SW quarter, of Section 2,
In Township 38 S., Range 10 E., W.
M.f and Will offer proof to show that
the land sought Is more valuable for
its timber or stone than for agricul
tural purposes, aud to establish bis
claim to said land before Register and
Receiver at Lakeview Oregon, ou
Monday the 4th day of May, 1908.
He names as witnesses: Henry E.
Holbert, Frank Howard, Walterlloward
I'lyner Howard, all of Lakeview Ore
gon. Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lands are
requested to file their claims In this
office on or before said 4th day ot
May, 1908.
7-10 J. N, Watson, Register.
A TOY roa THK eAtiV-1s4
bonnet Udilud and soars mil on
side so that a girl's best friend
get within n yard of her.
t here are the uiuilulest little I Mitch
bonnets with plaid ribbons thai lire
wuru by both the sinnll boy and girl.
And the old fashioned puke bouuet
has come back to town for the Utile
A medium between (he plain linen
collar and thu soft muslin and luwn
neckwear Is met wllli an openwork
collar of linen lace aud strappings of
cambi'lc or linen, Then there are nil
round collars composed of five or six
narrow bauds of p,iie or linen nulled
by hairpin work and overlaid In parts
with leaves of embroidered pique or
Very frcqucully a woman tries lo
button a glove on before It has Is-cn
fully tilted, aud as n result she team a
tiny trlcornercd piece from the thumb
or else breaks the kid where the
stitching comes, so that It shows
white, and often the button will pull
out, bringing with It a piece of kid.
Refore trying to button the glove keep
smoothing the kid from Hie back of
the hand toward the palm until the
edges meet easily without undue
There Is nothing that can be mndo
more certain to carry Joy to the young
recipient's heart than such a toy na the
one Illustrated. Pussy Is so fascinat
ingly soft and so charmingly realistic!
As Illustrated she Is made of soft
while fur plush, hut any color sugges
tive of pussy cuts can Im used.
Ready to Mak. Up N.t Rob.. A N.w
Modal In Daby 8tip.
'hilnnlna1filIe hut rolien aii" am In
the shops all ready lo make up. One
such robe In Alice blue, with uurruiv
Valenciennes run nil over It and wllli
quite billowy flouncing nt the bottom,
was only $1.0.1. a most surprising prl-o
when one considers that I lie mle al
most fashions Itself Into a gow n with
out any cost of milking Mateilnl fur
the blouse Is scpurntc, while i'n Irt
i'V VJI.7
fob dust x.rrn.1 oihls 144.
is ready to be put Into the hem end on
the walsthnnd. A lawn or taffeta lin
ing Is all that la needed. These robes
come In pink, lavender and cream.
A uew model for a baby slip Is a
little prlucess dress done with rows
of lengthwise tucks, which, alternating;
With Valenciennes Insertion, form the
body of the garment and give fullness;
below the hip line.
The square Jacket and the plaited
skirt In some heavy stuffs, plaid or
plaid brown reds or very dark blues,
are much worn. With them are seen
shirt blouses trimmed with Jabots that
grow fuller and wider every day.
Military buttons are possessed by
most women. One of these makes an
effective center to a fiat puff of velvet
and forms a good example ot the
homemade coat button. The puff
should be cut on the cross, a cord ex
tending from the edge across tho coat
to loop over the "working" button on
the other side.
For hair ornaments the Parlslenne
favors a single large rose or a cluster
of smaller flowers, but coronets and
small wreaths of leaves have A de
cided vogue aud are ccrtnlnly among
the prettiest aud most becoming of
The cut shows a most useful and
pretty school or play apron made of
chambray In a checked design. The
pipings are of plain blue chambray.