Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 20, 1908, Image 1

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NO, 8
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Speaks Out Against Ref
erendum Measure
What It flean To Kill or Crip
ple a State' Educational In
stitution Considerable interest u felt In Ida
bo couuerulng the proponed effort of
soma of thn farmers to the Willaiette
valley of Oregon to Invoke the refer
endum against the appropriation made
by the last legislature of the state in
support of the stato unlvernlty at Eu
gene. The aupport of thin educational
inMtltutlon has heretofore boon fixed
at 110,000 per annum. The new act
raises this aura to 1125,000 per year,
and it ia against this Increase that
theite grangers are making their objec
tion. It ia to be hoped for the sake of
blither educatlou In Oregon, and for
the good name of the farming couimu
rlty everywhere, that thla plan, in
tended to at leant defer thU appropil
atloo and possibly defeat it entirely,
will not be carried out.
Oregou needs the state university
and hor people are abundantly able to
aupport Hup to the point of effective
nesa where it can aocmup lab aonie
thing, and Its ervlces will be worth
much morn than whut they cost. In
those times when higher education is
a prerequisite for a successful career.
it would be a great mistake for any
into to dispense with or cripple its
chief educational IniiUtutlon of laru
hC'v only would such action wori; an
Injury to the people directly affected,
bat it would do iucaU'.uable harm to
the ftate lieyond its borders. Pro
gressive Americun people who are
ookiug for new homo lu the Pacific
nortbwoa would shun a state that ha
put such a bliKht upon its future.
Not only will these furniers who pro
pobe to Invoke t)ie referendum in this
lust mice burn) the state in the etima
tiou of the people outside of Its bor
ders, but they will cunt odium upon
farmers generally. Agriculture is
reaping more benefits today from
higher education than any of the
trades, mechanics or commercial in
terests. llloise HtateHinau.
Thlnke Tax Too High
II. A. Hunter, president of tho
Hunter Land Co., of Minneapolis,
and Land Commissioner of the Milita
ry Road Co., was interviewed today
by au Examiner reporter, and stated
that ho was pleased to be in Lake
county Anoe again, although only for
a few days. The taxea on the road
land bad been increased two and one
half times, be said, and the assess
ment was outiageoua. His Company
would pay under protest. lie thought
too much bad been expected from the
Road Co. In comparison. Yet, not
withstanding this, he aeemed suprised
to learn that the idea had gone a
broad in the land that the reutala had
been doubled tbia year.
There would be some increase of
coarse, said Mr. Hunter, but it would
' be gradual and would be more than
offset by the plana at last offered
and long desired by the many tenants
of the company, by leasing for three
to five years, instead of only one year,
aa heretofore. He stated that Mr. W.
II. Shirk president of the First
National Dank, hoped to take a trip
East tbia year, and Mr. Creed Mo
Kendree would be appointed agent for
the Road company in his plaoe. The
sincere and general regret caused
by the retirement of Mr. Shirk has
been tempered by bia consent to re
main the company's banker and gen
era! advisor. Ills management of the
company's affairs has been more thau
satisfactory, but the Road company's
policy of expansion and improvement
all along the line would, be said, re
quire more of bis time than he
could plaoe at the company's dis
posal, owing to his personal Interests.
The company ia to be congratulated
on scouring the service of so capable
a successor aa Mr. O. II. MoHendree,
of Lakeview.
Mr. Hunter and Mr. Kerr expect
to leave tomorrow for Portland, by
the western route. They will, bow
ever, return here later on.
Plush PI usher y
Bditor Kxatnloer: Delng ao long
absent from my Ideal town, there Is
ao much news to tell that 1 don't know
where to commence the whole tale
would till a good sized book. This
town baa grown most aurprlsingly
since I left bare three months ago.
The streets bave been graded and
buildings have been put up. The
Tallyho Ilofel has been completed
aud will soou be ready for business.
The valley looks fine and the snow is
all gone; the meadow lark larks, and
the bull frog croaks, which Is musical
to the ear; the old cows to the des
tt are goue, which shows that spring
la here.
Moss and Roberts drove 100 head
of cattle to the desert yesterday. The
7T company drove about the same
number. Moss k Roberts hae put
up oue hundred tous of Ice to keep
the Klephsut cool next summer.
Dr.Verllng hss built an addition to
the Couamara hotel, not having room
for all bis patrons; Moss A Roberts
are building au addition to the Elo
pliant. ,
Dill Hurry has arrived here after a
long sojourn In spheres unknown to
us. He looks like an animated wire
bust. He says he visited some fine
places, but he met or saw no place
like Plush.
I rare not for grumbling comers and
Nor how they scramble and rush,
I'll swear on my oath, tho I'm lothe
to swear
There's no finer city than Plush.
Warner Vslloy is on the boom, people
are comiD' from all quarters, tiling
on our lu. da. There Is a cc' my in
what is kuoivn as Rabbit town, which
comes from the hazy, clammy burg
called Seattle, and some of 1 he leaders
are disgruntled because wc Jave not a
line of eloctrlo cars rui. lug from
Plusb to the new settlemeuL
Seattle, Seattle, come don.i aud be
Your poor, wouaded feellu 8 I'd cover
with bain.
You cannot well help It
o er you
Drizzles aud ur:ics aud uev goes
Someday the bright sun thiu the
huavons may peep.
Seattle, Seattle, why do you weep?
There was a mask ball given at Adel
on Friday night. The people assembl
ed from all parts for forty miles
around aud a letter time could not be
had anywhere
Most Obsequious,
McCartv Come Down.
O. W. Kerr Vlalta Ua
O. W. Kerr, of Minneapolis Minn.,
Pretddeut aud general manager of the
O. V. Kerr Co., of that place, arrived
in Lakeview Sunday night via Reno,
in company with Harry Hunter, Pres
ideut of ttie 'Hunter Laud Co.
Mr. Kerr expects to spend several
weeks in Oregon. Speaking of bis
trip Mr. Kerr says:
"Our Company is engaged exclusive
ly in buying tracts of laud, cutting it
up in small farms and retailing to
settlers. During the year 1907. we
sold 200,000 aces of land lu Southern
Alberta Canada and lu the Pan-Handle
of TexaB. We put over 400 families
in Southen Alberta during the past
two years. Laud is getting high in
nrlce In that sectiou and it ia also
difficult to get large traota at any
price. We are now looking for a new
field where the oouditlona are more
favorable for colonization.
I am impressed with what I have
read about Oregon, and expect to
sptnd courildoiable time looking over
the country. I am very favorably im
pressed with what I have seen add
beard, although 1 bave not eeeu much
of the country aa yet I waa very
much surprised at finding such an ex
tensive settlement ao far from Rail
Road, and more than surprised at the
towns, especially Lakeview. Our ter
ritory oovera Iowa, Indiana, Illinois,
Minnesota, North and South Dakota.
Many of our farmers, especially In
North and South Dakota, who bave
made considerable money during the
past ten years, will move west where
the winters are lesa severe. 1 look
for a big emigration from the middle
west to the Paoltio Coast Statea dur
ing the next five years. Southeastern
Oregon seems to bave many attrao
tlons for the settlers the principal
drawback, of course, being the lack of
Rail Road, whlob la bound to come In
the near future. It baa been said that
Southeastern Oregon ia the largest
white mans country in the United
Statea without railroad. The present
unsettled conditions of the financial
world may delay building in thla line
Mrs. Caldwell Grapples With Beast That
Attacks Her and Chokes It to Death
Mrs. T. A. Caldwell, who Uvea
the M. Wingfleld ranch, near Adel,
performed one of the most daring
feats Tuesday morning of this week,
that it has been our experiences to
chronicle In this country. Shortly
after her husband left the house ior
bis days work on that morning, a
coyote came to the chicken yard and
made a raid on the chickens.
Caldwell went to chase the
away, not believing that a
coyote '
would tackle a person. Rut she was
surprivsod, when the thing took after
A large number of guests were pres
ent at the wedding last Sunday of
Miss Nora Dryant to Mr. Prank
Hatnmersley, which took place at
the bouse of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Shell-
hammer, in Lakeview.
Doth young people are well liked
and their marriage Is looked upon by
their many friends as a happy culmi
nation of a pleasant couitship.
Mr. Hammersley is an Industrious
young man, always steady and pains
tsking. He is inteiested in the sheep
business with bis fatbei, which prom
ises bim reward for faithfulness and
energy. Ha is deserving of the con
gratulations for having won for bis
life partner a young lady of such good
rammi? aud high ambition aa Misa
Following ia a list of the presents
leceived by the bappy young couple:
J. M. Hatnmersley, 125. Nolan Ham
merslev, cooking utensils. Mrs. Uous
tou, bed. Mr. F. D. Houston, cow.
Mrs. C. Sherlock, silver coffee pot.
Mrs. May iiatcheider, silver teapot
Mrs. Newell, table cloth. Mrs. D. J.
Wilcox, napkins. Mr. D. J. Wilcox
to. Mr. N. R. Wilcox, silver knives
and forka. Mr. and Mra. Thomas,
ceuter set. Mr. and Mrs. Corey,
plates. Henry Newell Jr. Tea set.
Wm. Hammersley, cake stand and
berry set. Irvlug Sherlock. Ned
Sherlock. Mrs. J C. Sbellbammmer
bed Eva Shellhammer knives and
forks teaspoons, aud pillow slips.
Mr. Andrew Hammersley, and Mr.
Fred Ahlstrom, Dinner set. Mrs.
Fred Ahlstrom a quilt Mrs. Rusow,
glass center set. Charley Rusow,
salt and pepper shaker. Joseph Den
nett, Water set. Mr. Allert Deut,
box cigars. Mi. Easter silver salt and
pepper shakers. James Metzker doll.
Run Down By Sheriff
Harry Hunter and O. W.Keir had a
little experience at Alturas that Is
somewhat, laughable, yet aggravating
to Mr. Hunter. When be reached
Reno be telergraphed to an Alturas
livery stable to send a team to Likely
to meet bim and his companion, who
did not wish to remain there or loose
a moment. Upon their arrival they
Inquied about the team, but it was
not there. They waited nealy an
hour and it did not come, so they
hired a team at Likely and stalled
for Alturas. When they reached
that place they hired another team
to bring them to Davis creek. While
they were preparing to make the start
the sheriff came to them with a sum
mons and held them up for the
amount of team hire and costs of ac
tion. ;
What makes the inoident more
ridiculous, Mr. Hunter went direct
to the stable upon bia arrival In Al
turas, and offered to pay the bill.
but the proprietor waa out and be
I waa looking for bim when the sheriff
presented the aummona. Mr. Hunter
dues not apeak In very loving terms
of aome of those people, as a result of
bia experience.
Felix Green returned from San
Francisco last week, where has been
on a business trip for the XL cattle
company for aeveral weeks Felix
saya the lower country has not re
ooverd, from the effects of the finan
cial crisis last fall, and that there are
thousands of Idle men In all the towns
In the valley. He aaya there Is no
feed In that country forj stock, aud
the outlook Is not very encouragiug
for the coming summer, unless con
ditions change.
her. She started to run, tripped and
fell prone on the ground. The coyote
jumped on top of ber and sank bis
teeth In ber breast. She grabbed Mr.
Coyote by the throat and with a
death grip, choked it to death. The
coyote's teeth were fasteoed in her
clothing and she succeeded in over
powering him, and never loosened her
grip until her desperate victim was
dead, and dead to stay. The coyote
was skinned, and Mrs. Caldwell will
undoubtedly keep be bldo as a souve
nir of the roost blood
perience of ber life."
curdling ex
Charley Combs Murdered
Merrill Klamath Co. Oregon
Feb. 14th 1908.
To Editor of Lake County Ex
Charley A, Combs son of Pierce
and Resale Combs, died at Redding
California, on the seventh of Feb-?-
ary, under mysterious circumstances.
He was murdered and robbed of all
the money be bad excepting fifteen
cents. He got on the train at Kennett
on the sixth to go to Redding, that
was the last seen of him until be was
found dead the morning of the seventh
oner the depot platform. His young
est brother, Fred, and Sam, brought
the remains home, and be was given
a christian burial in the Merrill
Cemetery on the twelvtn lie leti a
father and mother, si ate i and four
Gone from tbii earth to Heaven,
Where death shall come no more,
Gone from this world of trouble,
To nis borne on the opposite shore.
It seems to all so cruel,
To bare bim called away,
While friends and all dear loved ones
All tbougbt to bave bim stay.
He has gone from pain and sorrow
When called ws must obey ;
Although its bard at parting
The Lord must bave bis way.
That home is sadder, sadder,
Since the son-brothers' gone,
They will find bim ready waiting
In that glorious borne beyond.
When they meet far up in Heaven
On that happy golden shore
He will cling to them forever
To part no, never more.
Charlie A. Combs was born in
Little Sbasta.Siskiyou Co.,Cflliforina,
on February 15th 1882.
Written by request
While it was hoped the construction
of several first-class battleships would
be provided for at the present session
of conrgess, there is liklihood of an
appropriation being made for the
building of but two, at a cost in the
neighborhood of $10,000,000.
San Francisco's Mayors seem to
make themselves prominent in various
ways. Schmitz' notoriety is well
known, aud now the new Mayor, Dr.
Taylor has taken unto himself a wife
in the person of Miss Jeffers.
Tho Examiner Is gettlug out a lot
of pamphlets tor the real estate men
of Lakeview, which will be distribut
ed throughout, the cistern statea
among the bomeseekers.
There is a move on foot to put
a stop to gambling in Reno. When
the lid goes down on Reno, the task
of reforming the rest of the world
should be easy.
The U. S. Government haa ordered
three airships, one to cost 110,000,
one 120,000 and the other $25,000, ell
to be supplied within 200 days.
C. W. Withers came down from
Paisley first of the week to secure
sheep range within the National forest
this summer.
Frank Morine spent a couple of
days in Lakeview from Paisley the
first of the week, returning Tuesday.
J. Simmons returned from Rummer
Lake last Sunday, where be had been
to see Mr Innes, who Is quite 111.
II. E, Darker, the stage man,
brought a load of stage freight from
tba railroad, arriving here Sunday,
Several part lea arrived here from
Washington aud other places tbia week
to looate on Lake county lands.
It la given out now that the Western
' Pacific will be completed next year,
The University Loai Fund
University of Oregon, Feb. 10:
Hon. R. A. Dootb, of Eugene, baa
just given to the Student Loan Fond
of the University of Oregon a check
for 1500 to be used as an irreducible
educational loan fund for atudents.
The fund will be known aa the "Dootb
Loan Fund" aud will be kept separate
from the general fund which at pres
ent is distributed In loana ranging
in amount from 115 to t80 among ten
students of the University. Since the
establishment of the neral fund five
years ago, mori than thirty students
have been able to complete tbeir col
lege course who could not otherwise
bave done so.
The University hopes to establish dur
ing the present year a loan fund of
at least 15. 000, to be loaned under the
direction of President Campbell or
one designated by bim to boys and
girls all over Oregon, who wish to
complete their education, but who
cannot do so without assistance. It
is believd that with a loan of approxi
mately 1100 a year at a low rate of
interest to be repaid in two years after
graduation, is much more preferable
than an outright gift in the form of
a scholarship. The Fund will be guar
anteed by ten men against loss. Two
signatures will be required to each
note and a small amount of life in
surance will be taken out to Insure
againts loss by death.
The present loan fund amounts to
approximately tlOOO.
The funds of thia institution have
fallen short 15,000 of meeting the
current expenses of the past year, and
to avoid a deficiency the faculty bave
served three months without pay.
Local Briefs
Dr. Witham, who went to London
last fall, returned to Paisley last
week, accompanied by bis fatbei and
mother from England, who come to
the United Statea to reside. We
suppose the Doctor ia bappy now, aa
getting ' bia parents to come to
America baa ever been hie highest
ambition, since we bave known bim.
Mis. Witham and son went to Like
ly to meet them on tbeir return home.
Chaa. Lambert, the proprietor of
the western stage line from BIy to
Klamath Falls, was here from Donanza
Hrst nf thn lr Inokint? for stace I
horses. Mr. Darker brought two up
from Alturas for bim. , Mr. Lambert
bays every indication is that the stage
lines will do a big business this sum
mer in bringing bomeseekers into this
W. D. Dames who was once a resi
dent of Lake county and assessor for
one term is a candidate for the office
of sheriff of Klamath county. We
do not know Mr. Barnes' opponent
but we can say a good word for Mr.
Dames. He was a very efficient
official in this county.
Mr- J. R. Wright, a Portland drum
mer, wbtie coming irom my wuu a
private rig met with a severe accident
last week. In aome manner he was
thrown from the wagon, and two of
the wheels passed over bis leg. He
baa been hobbling around on crutches
A marriage license was issued Mon
day, Feb. 17, 1908 to Mr. John O'Keil
and Miss Disse Reid, both of New
Piue Creek, Oregon. No further par
ticulars as to the wedding has been
learned by us, op to the time of going
to press.
,'E.W. Eyanson, of Seattle, L. T.
and R. K. Forbes and J. W. Langdon
of Washington, went to North Warner
last week to locate permanently on
aome of Warner 'a rich, agricultural
lauds. Gogburn and Sanford located
Chas M. Innia bas been very sick
at the Inula ranoh in Summer Lake
valley for aome time. Last Sunday
he was moved down to Paisley,
where be will be near the doctor un
til he recovers.
George Conn met with a Berioua ac
cident Tuesday while coming down
from Paisley on the stage. The team
ran away throwing Mr. Conn out
He waa taken to Bryan 'a station, and
Dr. Daly waa 'phoned for at once.
V. J. Sherlock and John ?beeban
came down from Summer Lake last
week to make application for summer
range In the reserve. They succeeded
in getting about the same range
allotted to them last year
Dave Joner, who haa been engaged
in the saloon business at Andrews,
Harney county, bas sold out and
moved to Durna, where be baa taken
chanre of the French hotel at that
Use Water From Filth?
Life ts Really Not So
As It Might Be In i
Large City
New York City
Editor Examiner:
My original intention
waa to send only one communication
regarding the disagreeable tbinga to
be endured in a large city. However,
I readily aee that booka would be re
quired to fully describe the same.
One never knows, upon retiring tor
the night, but what they will be
awakened during the night by the
alarm of fire with little or no chance
of escape.
You are not aure when you gt out
upon the street whether you will
return safely with your parse or life.
About 500 people are killed annually
by the atreet cars alone, including
the elevated and subway aystema, and
while tbia seems like a large and
unnecessary losa of life, ttiaa small
percentage, when we consider that
about 400,000 tickets are sold on
thoe aystema every twenty four
Then take the milk and water sup
ply (I enjoy them very much) the
former ia supplied from cows that one
third of them, are affected with tuber
culosis, which the state of New York
is practically proceeding to destroy,
at an estimated expense of $3,000,000.
The water supplied from large filthy
rivers, and held in large reservoirs
or more properly, lakes, which would
seem to be filthy enough. Since last
November two suicides bad been
found, floating upon the surface of
the reservoirs. And yet old New York
era pay little or no attention to thia
tate of things. Then the distrust
shown amongst the people, ia any
thing but pleasant, in fact it is about
as bard to find an honest man' upon
the streets, aa the proverbial bens
teeth, much so, that when I meet
one I take off my bat to him. The
partial reasoning for such a state of
affairs ia the fact that they do not ex
pect to meet you the second time,
therefore, they skin you whenever
they get a chance.
1 met one honest man selling apples
the other day, who said if any of
them were bad, or t'ormy come back
and be would give me another one;
What! in New York City, I doffed
my hat to him and told him that I
would walk blocks to find bim again
when I wanted apples.
New York City is a hot bed of
Socialism. Durglers, Kidnappers,
Mafia Bomb throwers and Anarchists.
The latter expressing thoughts from
the public rostrums I never expect
ed to bear in these United States.
However, nine tenths of tbe above
are loreigneis, woo nave not oeea
here long enough to talk good English.
On aome of the streets nearly all the
business la done by tbia foreign ele
ment, and while there you can hardly
realize that you are In the Metropolis
of tbe United Statea. Several timea
when I bave told Old New Yorkers of
visiting these streets, t bey ha v'e warned
me not to do so, on account of tba
danger, remarking that they would
not think of going there, even In day
light However, I would not be satis
fied to Bee only tbe beet of anything.
I must aee both sides, even of a large
city, in order to make comparisons,
and thereby form a correct opinion of
the same.
S. V. Rehart,
Harry A. Hunter returned from
Minneapolis last Sunday evening. lie
was accompanied by Mr. O. W. Kerr,
of Minneapolis. Mr. Kerr la at the
bead of several colonlea lit Canada
and Texas,' and comes here to look
at this country, possibly with a view
to locating a colony.
Joe Ambrose waa in town from the
West Side last Saturday. He aaya one
day last week be saw a man going
west, and that when the fellow saw
him coming be took to the brush and
hid, and when be waa well past him
ha crept. out from bia biding plaoe
and went on bia way.