FRUITS FRUITS FRUITS Sun Ripened and Wholesome. The Best Fruit is that which is ripened before it is picked. Our selected stock is the Best product of the Best California Fruit Growers. The appearance of our Fruits are invit ivg and appetizing. Real enjoyment to you in eating them. NOTE OUR VARIETY, and they are rightly priced. Dried Fis 12Vkn pound. 41 Apples , ISc " Peaches 10c " Pears 20c Apricots 20c " Prunes 12UC " Seeded Prunes loc Do not lose siyht of the fact that we also sell the HIGHEST GRAPHS of Fruits in cans. LakevlewAnd Vicinity i lf;' BonanM Creamery llutter at L. M. 8h- t ho Rtvwcry tf tho Brewery t?a- tt Brewery Sa tt quite sick this KEW PINE CREEK, OUE Under Entirely New Hanagement Having recentl' purchased the hotel Irom Mr. McDonald, I earnestly solicit a share of public patronage. My aim shall be to please. GEORGIA STICKEL, Proprietor. Bert E. Withrow, Vice President Abstracting A i.len Sloan, Secretary Maps, Flans, Blue Prints. Etc. Klamath Count- Abstract Co. Surveyors and Irrigation Engineers Don J. Zcmwalt, C. E. President Klamath trails. M. I. Williams, C. Treasurer Oregon. Co. Dutch lunch nt loon. Iutch lunch at toon. Dutch lunch nt the loon. Mr. Pete Post U week. Jas. Young was la town first of ths week. Buy your Rubber and Overshoe at L. Al. Co. 1 L. O. Euqulst was over from Plush this week. L. It. Moss spent a few days In town the past week. Henry Cook was up from Pine Creek last Friday. Oeorge Nelson was In town Monday from the wet Side. Young mens Overcoats and Unit) coats at L. M. Co. 1 Mens and Hoys High top Shoes at Lakeview Merc. Co. 1 Swell line of Mens Winter Suits at Lakeview Merc. Co. 1 Rubbers and overshoes all kinds, at Lakeview Merc. Co, 1 C. E. Fitpatrick is here from the rZX ranch this week. We have several new advertisements this week. Read them. Dress goods in all the lutettt fabrics at Hailey A MassinglU's. tf "CncV Jack McCulley is quite ill on the ranch west of town. Good Apples at "The Front". Delivered for tl.00 per bo.x. 2U T. C. Welce and Al. P.oott came down from Paisley last Saturday. E. W. Casebaer came over from My first of the week on a contest case. The Royal Taylor Spring Sample line has arrived at ISiebers Cash Store. 1 E. II. Pegnello, the drummer, arriv ed here over the western line Monday. II. E. Iiarker the Southern stage man, was up from Alturas last week. Ed. Woods brought in a load of grain from the West Side Saturday. 'The wife of W R. Cambridge, of Ilidwell, U reported to be eerionsly ilL P. C. Witbd-rs, of Paisly, spent a few days first of the week in Lake view. The Latest lasts of Florsheim Shoe Samples are on dispaly at BieberCasb Store. I Geo. II. Small came down from Sil ver Lake firt of the week on a busi ness trio. See the New line of Indies' furnish ing and dr goods at tiailey A Mas singill's. 1 Jac. Kelsey came over from Warner last Sunday with Mr. aud Mrs. C. B. Parker. Any on wishing good find them for sate at Maseingitls. j If you waut Stylish Shoes nmke your selection today from the llor helm Samples on display at IHebers Cash Store. 1 Rev. llsiley Is holding protracted meetings at the Baptist Church. A great deal of Interest is being shown In the good work. Thos. Ilandley has gone Into the real estate business In Richmond. Read the firm's new advertisement in this Issue of The Examiner. Do to (I. It. Hutchinson for first class watch repairing. All Repairs guaranteed. Ijocated lu the Soda ' Works building, Lakvelew, Ore. &I tf. W. J. Sherlock and M's. Nettle Sherlock and daughter llossie, visited Lakeview a few days last week from our neighbor city. Pals ley. Mrs. Dr. Smith, who The Examiner mentioned last week as contemplate lug a trip to Sacramento and Tao oma, left oil the Southern stage last Thursday. Miss May Miller daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Miller, of Lakeview, has now the entire management of the musical department of the Y. M. C. A of Oakland, California. Our Candidates' column has not grou much this week over last We have the announcement of G.. ti. Mer ryiunu for State Senator, aud one can didate has withdrawn his card. The coutest cases i.eforo the laud otllce are "till In progress, and aro likely to be tor some time to come. The cases tiring numerous witnesses here from all over the country, aud Lakeview Las been quite lively of late. Isaac Deter and wife returned fiom Siskiyou county on yesterday morn ing's stage, after spending three mouths at their old home. They were glad to get back, aud nent to their home near Piue Creek yesterday. Disrtict Attorney Moore experts to start for Klamath Falls tomorrow, to attend a special term of circuit court, to be held there next Monday, for the purpose of clearing up several cases that are peudiug. He will be absent bout a month. , The will or the Into J. S. Dewey has lieeu tiled for probate. The will pro vides that Jas. Dewey, brother of the Dr., tie appointed administrator of the etute, which will amount to in the neighborhood of fJO.lkiO including the ti),jtV iusurauce. Mrs. ti. D. iirowu aud children, wife of the Assistaut Forest Supervi sor, arrived here from SUver Lake last Saturday to joiu her husbaud, who baa beeu la Lakeview since his appoiutmeut to his new position. They have taken rooms at the Harry llailey rest lence, where they will re side iudeHoitely. nil Hlllll'IMIIIIll I 1 ' - Our First Clearance Sale. Millinery reduced to Vt. Flannelette Niht (.owns and Petticoats going at cost. Childrens' and Woman' Winte Underwear must be closed out Special llarains. Ladies' Skirts and Coats selling tit cost. jjlniia iji $cil0"- "Jpnoppieli". 1 1 f Plushj MINING Add I SUPPLIES l r ;r i i t r racniLLanuuj. Lakeview, ure. Locates Homesteads, Desert Claims and State Lands, besides doing agen eral Real Estate Business. We are prepared to get your property before thousands of people on short notice. List with us aio give us a trial. SANFORD & GOGBURN MANAGERS. Office opposite Hotel Lakeview. cVCr. !J ,'. SASVlAiA. ELI RESTAURANT Located on Water Street, near the Post office. t Meals at all Hours. 8 . ; Fresh oysters kept on hand during the oyster season. Fish and game in season.' Only First-class Restaurant in Lakeview. l ELI, PROPRIETOR.. apples ill ISailey aud 1 John Stiudt is here from the timber as a witness in a contest cae before i the land otiice. I Wm. Schmidt, of Clover Flat, was! in Lakeview lust week, aud tiled on a I piece of timler land. J. J. Van Keuleii. of Liigeno, is iu Lakeview this week. Florsheim Shoe Samples are on dis play today at Kiebers Cash Store Make your selections. 1 W. E. Anderbon arrived here from Rocky Ford, Colorado, last Sunday on timber land but-iueac. Boys School Suits Two pair pants with double seat and knee with each suit. Lakeview Merc. Co. 1 Roy Rebart came in from the desert last Thursday, where be has been herd ing fcbeep for several weeks. 1 J. F. Toney. H. Cain and S. A. Richanlson came over from Illy first of the week on land business. L. A. Booth, of Bly, a timber niun, came over to Lakeview last week on business before the land office. Mrs. Pete Heard died of diphtheria yesterday afternoon at. her home near Cedarville, in Modoc county, CaL A. F. Fitzpatrick and wife ; came down from CbewaDcan laot Saturday and remained iu town several days. Oda Cravens, MissGoss and Mrs. Eldred arrived beie Sunday to 111 it on timber claims between here ad Cly- Mrs. M. Wingfleld is said to be seriously ill with pneumonia at the borne of her parents, near Pine Creek Roy Blnrton and Fred Hatnmersley were up fiom Pine Creek last Friday and attended the dance Friday night We have cash buyer for your land if the price ia right. 1 Pacific Land Co. 1 am agent for the Sacramento Bee, the best daily paper on the Coast. Wm. Wallace, at the Furniture Store. 33-tf. S. J. Studley and wife were up from their farm this aide of Pine Cveek Monday, and were guests at Hotel Lakeview. , Not a Candidate. To my Friends and Voters of Luke County Oregon. 1 hereby withdraw my name as a candidate (oi the Otlli-e of County Co.puiitttdoner at the coiuiug Primary election. Having beeu favored four years ago, for said otllce, I consider 1 have done my part, as a citizen, aud know lug that other parts of the County, should be represented iu its affairs, and a.-t tlicro tirj plenty of good meu, willing to tuke my place, 1 hope that toy friends w ill approve of a tion. Thaukiug you one aud all for uier courtesies shon, 1 am Very Respectfully 0. W DK.VV Everything Carried in Mock for the Miner at both our Stores. Boot 5 and Shoes for Miner, liucca roos. Sheepmen and knnchmcn. (II OVIES AND OVl-RAU S l'OK ALL. Groceries, Flour and Grain. All kinds of Canned Goods. f Hardware & Hiiiing Tools. .i M . ... Warner Valley Mercantile Co Adel fPlTTh 6 .-r far lulllrallia I)enrtintnt of the Interior, Uuitod Stat Lan I Otriee, Lakeview, Ore gon, Januury '-' I'.NtS. NCXriCH is hvby given thut the Stat, of Oregon has, nii'ler the acts supplemental and amendatory thereof, made application for the following dencrilied unappropriated, lion lulu erat, surveyed ptiblio laud as ludem uitr f or losses to its grant for common school purport-, towit: List No 2l." tir the SV ipiarter, Sif. T UUSi, K. IS K, WM. Any ami all persons claiming ad i ..i i.. i .. nHU - ...i ; to tile iu thit ofllce their aid claims i on or before t h 2l (Imv of Mari h, ' 0-5 .1. X. Watson. Register. r1t A Fre&h Complexion is prawnrtd and produced by RWTtiM, a mild, delightful rrrrarWMk dUimtty frannt. Makes tlit ikia canuiulr sulti banishes crackled hmmci ctMil by over-drynesii rcducr th sis. of enlarged pores, cleanse them, re duces inflammation and tpreads an even, nulunt elow due to whuleiom iwionih mcnt of skin gUndi and atiraubiion of tlie capillaries which alto feed the skin and supply its healthful color. Ask ywr Dfnggiit for a frt utmfU if 'OBERTINE Mors Bargains The Overland Banking Reulty Com pany of Reuo, Nevada have hail placed in their bauds for sale, a piece of laud in Kant Reno facing Two Hundred (200) feet agsiust the maiu liue of the Southern Pacific R. Ry , lor Two Thousuud Hollars (J'JOOO) This laud is suitable for ware bonnes, lumtjeror coal yards etc., and will soon iucr-ase in value. It is an easy matter to run twitches through the land. For further particulars add rests The OVERLAND B.V.nKINU URAL- TV COMPANY, l'Ki CwiiUMroial lo, Reuo, Nevudii. J 1 Mr Boydi-t iti fat tier of the Boyil stun Brotherc, ciiinn over from the ranch on the West Siile tl rut of the my v rk ami remained a v days, on ' l.ii)-iii-Hrt. Mm ays th.r" h littlo do-for- n.' on hi mHh of the valley, this iter, on aceount oi tt-" froipjiency i fhehtrMiim. No plo'i ing ha beeu do .e on the Boyilhtuii raui'li this winter. 'I I e urouud hug could lut vo seeu its hlia iv Sunday, if he had hapnened tn li nit of his hole a little while lu the :i'ti-riloon. limber Notlc. United States Land Ottit'.e. Luko View, Oregon, Jan. 3), KHJH. , Notice is hereby given that in com pliance with the provisions of the act of Con;rens of June 3. 1H8, entitled "An act for the t-hle of timber lando in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, uud Wubhiuutuu Territory," as exteuded to all the l'ul.liu Laud States by act of Auguwt 4, 1h:2, . Chester F. Studley, of Lhkeviow, county of Lake, State of Oregon, has tiled In this otllce bis sworn state ment, No. '.'M'J, tor Him purchuse of the SW quarter, of Sect ioh 2J, in Town ship 'M H., Rangi) 17 K., W. Al., and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable tor its timber or stone than for argicultuial pur poses, and to establish his claim to said land before Register and Receive! at Lakeview, Oregon, on Suturday the 1Mb day of April, 1!0H. He names as witnesses: lieorgu Lynch, Fred L. Ross, Wm. J. McKee, K. K. Woodcock, al of Lakeview Oregon. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the above described lands are requested to file their claims In this office on or before said ISth day of April l'J0. J. in. vtataon, ivegisier. o iu HO MMll ii Food 1 and strictly prohibits the sale of alum baking powder So does France So does Germany The sale of alum foods has been made illegal in Washington and the District of Colum bia, and alum baking powders arc everywhere recognized as injurious. Jq df when ordering baking powder, Sap i plainly and be very sure you get Royal Royal is the only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar. It adds to the digestibility and whole-' someness or the tood.