t PLUSH STAGE LINE 1 E. Tavlor, Trop. Office at B. Reynolds' Store. fctaee leave Lakeview Monday, Wed liedy and rndsjr- at a. m., arrive I riurh at a 1 -. Tmtb Tne day. TIhiixIuxn and Saturday, at e a. m., arrivei- ai 1-akevie at 9 p. m. Passenger fare IU iinr aay or $5 fit round trip. Freight rate from Maj lt to Nov. M f.75 frr hundred; (rot? Ilov. Ut 10 May 1st IMOper hundre COMPOUND INTEREST The trouble with moat adver tisers la that tney expect Imme diate returns of large- propor tions. One prominent advertiser Illustrates the principle of adver tising Id this way: Tha aiay zpa44 tmm ati-rertlslas la taa bub a If flM4 litcml. Tae fr-ats fraa lk a.4erlalaa avra Ttrtaallr a laterest aa taa taveataaaat. The etuhs epent for advertising are properly chargeable to cap ital account because the result lac good will la something that has value, which. If the adver tising hai been properly done, can usually be sold for the face Taloe of the Investment The rate of Interest la deter mined by the skill with which the InTestment Is made. "Just as the quickest way to Increase lnTested wealth la by compounding the Interest, Just so the quickest way to realise re sults from advertising- Is to com pound the returns.'' Adverti-dng Experience. A4rrtUrs gat gaaa ratama aa tha aataoat brravtaa la mar colUKiaa. We raeea tha FRE AKBVI EW alT TheaGreat AMERICAN FARMER Indianapolis, Indiana. The Leading Agricultural Journal of the Nation, Edited by an Able Corps of, Writers. The American Farmer is the only Literary Farm Journaljpub lished. It fills a position of its own and has taken the lead ing place in the homes of rural people ini every section of the United States. It gives the farmer and his family something to think about aside from the hum drum of routine duties. Every Issue Contains an Original Poem by SOLONJL. QOODE. Within the Next Ninety Days We Offer TWO For the PaiCC Of OllC: The unty Examiner The Leading County Paper and The American Farmer BOTH ONE YEAR FOR $2 his unparalleled offer is made to all new subscribers, and all old ones who pay up all arrears and renew within ninety days. Sample copies free. Address: C. O. fletzker. Lakeview, Oregon. ilko TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, notice i- lrvt.v given tlmt nil trrign tlon, or mlllrHce illtche on nil trout etrvm .brought l.nke County. Ore gon, itiuat Ih- Hcr-cned with n atimll ineah wire wrwnlnr t lln-lr hend or Junction with the nmln rhnnnrl of atirntu Also nil dtuu or obstruct ion", on h ni nrvnma nmm if ! vided wltha tl--h-lHlder.oroth reHy nu-ntiH of iwiHHOKv.nt or war the mid die of the main chnniiel. a tc al ow tin HM-nje 1 1 tt ut at all times of venr. hm lroidt-d b.V law. Said nrl to lie done at low water time. or to iHTotnpl.-ted l.v Feb. 7. IIK'7. Hyorderof l A. Barbnm. SihtIhI lvputy Hah WiiriU-n for' Luke County. Orvgoii. n. E. CHURCH DIRIiCrUKY. The first Sunday In each month preaching at I'nlon evhool hmiHe at 11 A. M. Aside from thin jreicliln every Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7::S0 P. M. at Iakevlew. Sunday School at 10 A. M. League at 6:;m.; rrayermeetlnn Thursday 7:30 P. M. Ladles Aid Wednesday Choir practice I rlday 7:3t). A cordial Invitation Is extended to you. A. J. Armstrong rastor ale of Tinfctr Itii. Tartles who have titular land for sale will do well to Investigate our terms and methods of handling lands. We have an ottice In Lakevlew, where nnfnigia onn I nimlp Allii ODtlons vvu.ii.v.d - - r taken on land. We puarantee t he Ul.l n.Ui qiijI nrt. In II IK Lit n b mat sri iv. , position to demand ami ootain it, having leen In thebuslness for many years and In close touch with all the land dealers of the country. Satis factory results Ruaranteed by the La (irande Investment Co. Write C. O. Metiker, Lakevlew, Oregon. LAKEVIEW ALTURAS taaaaaaaaaaaBBBBBBaBBBBBjaBaBBBB STAGE LINE H. E. Baku, Prop'r. Office In Biebcr'5 Store Suge leaves Lakeview daily, aa cept Sanday at 6 a.m. Arrive at Alturas at 6 p. m. Leaves Alturas for lakeview a 6 o'clock a. m. or on the arriva of the stage from Madeline. Ar rives in Lakeview in 12 hoars al ter leaving Altaras. Freight - Matters - Olven Strict - Attention first - Class - Accir.cdatlcDS. We have a full set of alysell-Kolllns & Co's., samples of Stock Certificated and bonds, with price Hat. If you are organizing a stock company get our prices on stock certificates, tf Family liquors at Post & Kings To All Our Subscribers Painter frt Manger New Pino Creek, - . OreQon TUIC OlDtD It. i on ttiaal R.O. !' I (lid rArtn Alv.-rllln inoy I'M Han. otnr 8imi, Han Franrlwo, t'al -nr- oomrtri) Mr aitrerllalnc can be mart- for It o nhwrUrri to 1 h Kimlnr who rtmo O Irvro onf looalliy to another, ' chan-n Ihrir ixwioWr I1"," hou! rrinrmrier mi drop Oil ifltoe a card to thiir pajirr .a-t br art (trmwpd o the fiilhl rHUtnltlo. " A A. WITH'M, M. D. IHIMIA!Mlltl.Mlti , Paisley, Orrgon. I. V C ! Attaraey at La LkeTlew. Orr. HHH K-Wt BuIMibc. I. It IKSATO" Almejr-at- lw Ijiad Matter Upeelaltj OKH K-Plr uildln. 1 wnnnit I0DDI11 0 Ink IUKLUS-PNO.W .... .m tk .L.a.i.K4 iih tt'Mlnasilftf of (t ach nontb In Maaunle Hall, at 1 1 p. m. Hill BtT. 1 II II U I l,UIHHIBUUVa( K. N. ljnH. Clerk. ; wgg&rtggg&igi 'S .riilliv (VriMPHINT. No. IS. hi vC I. O. O. F. meet tha lt and Bd Tbnra. .01 4.aaa.." V X day erenlngi ol each month In Odd Tel St in-.'Hll. Lakatlew. J. t. Venator, v r. b f o u.nkrt. Bcrtba n-. Brndiwlih Swallow For IS JdlllCd DdllJ right car lor awea; rrverat for wethera. soma awea Bquara Crop and SlU i ri.hi . Tar Brand 111. Range. Cran, Uke PixmBti addreaa. Uketaw . Oregoa 2ac Whitworth ear. Half Cndercrop or .i.ki i..M raierae lor weihere Tar Branr W. Range. F1h Creek. louHBr alra Laeiew. Orecofi SlsO Reward. The Harney tjoumy Uti Hiork Awocla tion. o( wblcb I am a member, pajrefTM) reward (orertdence leading to the con viction ol parllet ateaiing aioca d InnelDv to Ita mem- bera. inaoauioni ..... . offer l-VX) reward Horae brand boraa- aboe bar on ellbel or both lawa. Re corded InSooontlea Lake and Crook Counttea. ien aold. Horae told to paa Bonei vented when aold. throucb thltaection will be reported In thu paper. If not o reported. pleaae wrtu or tele phone Tbe Timet Herald. Main Burn, Ore (on. n, n .urowii, ourui, uro Reward for Horses i n-m iHva nn wwnnl for Inform atlon that will lead to the discovery of any horse branded with an old horseshoe brand on both Jaws, placed n a in tha rut. In t Ma stj vertlsement. with fresh trlanRle brand underneath the horaesnoe. i ne triangle piocea 1 a mannop ni w nn lit rnvpr nil a bar on both Jaws. Animals must be found In the possession .of some person or persons. 1 ' i K ) 1 I m I Ii'llV ' . Tlataer l.na Nelle. In It i'il StHlea Laud (Wtio, Lakeview Orviii.ti, Deo. Clth, IW7. Notice is hereby given that In com j lunie with the rovlalons of the set n' Couitress of June .1, IH7H, eutitled "An set for the snle of timber lands In the MUte of Osllfortila, ()reon, Nevada, ami Washington Territory," ss extended to all the l'lililio Ind states by act of Auiiust 4, U'H'i, Art. ill Toler, of Lakeview, comity of Itke, State of Oregon, has this day (lied In thla ollloe hla eaorn atatenient. No. IWTKl, for the purchase of the N quai ter, SW miarter, soil Lota I aud '2, ol xection HJ In Township No !I7 H.( lMiie No I" K. W. M ., and air otfer roof to show that the Inn sought Is mors valuatile (or Ita tlnibe or stone thau for ngrioiiltiiral puipoa rs, hii.I o establish hia claim to aald land before Hegister and Kecelver at Lakeview, (reou, on Monday, the 10th day ot March, V.XKS lis names aa witnesses: tieo, Ljnch, K. K. Wooiloock, M. S Itarues, Sarah T. Wo doiH'k, all of Lakeview, Oretfou. Any and all person claiming ail versely the atmve deacriWd lands are requested o tile their claims lu thla ottice on or before said 10th day of March, HKW. 6110 J. N.Watson, Reg-later. Tianbrr IjhI United States.ltnd Ottice, Lakeview : Oregon, IH'O 7, 1VH7. i Notice la hereby given that In com plisnce with the provisions of the set of Congress of June 'X IH78, entitled "An act for the aale of timoer laud in the States of California, Oregon, I Nevada, and WashiugU.u Territory," as extendd to all the Futillo L,snl States by act of August 4, Wi, Sarah Oarrett. f Lakeview, county of Lake, state of Oregon, has this clay filed in this ottice his sworn statement. No. ftt'EI, for the purchase or the N half. NE miarter, SW quarter NK quarter, and NV quarter, HE quarter, of sect lou 1H, In Township IW, H., Hange 22, R, W. M., aud will olfer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone thau for agricultmal purposes, and to es tablish his claim to said laud before the Iiegister and receiver at Lake view, Oregon, on Friday, the 23tb day of Febnary, 1908. lie names as witnesses: O. W. Ilsr dlsty, J. E. McCoul, Oeo. Lynch. T. E. liernard, all of Lakeview, Oregon. Any sud all persons claiming ad versely the above described lands are requested to tile their claims In this ottice on or before said 2Hth day of Feby. 11)08. 5110 J. N. Watson. Register. Tlaaaer lal Waller. United States Land Ottice, Lakeview Oregon, Dec. 6, 11K)7. Notice Is hereby given that In com pliance with the provisions of tbe act of Congress of June, 'A 1878, entitled "An at for tbe sale of timber land in tbe State of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," aa extended to all tha Public Laud states by act of August 4, 181)2. William W. Hampton, of Paisley, county of Lake, state of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement. No. 3824, for the purchase of the SW quarter, NE, miarter, N half, SE quarter, and 8E quarter, SE quarter, of Section 32 In Township 3d, &, Kat.ge lfs E. W. M., and will otfer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for ita timber or stone than for agricultural purpos es, and to establish his claim to as Id land bet ore Register and Receiver at Lakeview, Oregon, on Monday, the 24 tb day of February, 1008. lie nanles as witnesses: R B. Jack son, Frank Dobkins, George Harper, of Paisley, Oregon, and Ueorge ornery of Silver Lake, Oregon. Any and all persona claiming adver eelv tbe above described landa are re- quested to file their claims iu this office on or before said 24th day of Feb. l'J08. 6110 J. N.W atsoo, Register Tlaabrr fca Mstlee. United State Land Office, Lakeview Oregon, Deo. 12, 11)07. Notice I hereby given that In com pliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of Juns 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the States of Califorlna, Oregon. Nev ada, and Washington Territory," as extended to sll tbe Publlo Land state by act of August 4, 1892, Frank F. Toler. of Lakeview, conn ty of Lake, State of Oregon, has this day Died in this office Ms sworn scale- ment No. 3842, for tbe purchase of tbe half SE quarter, NW quarter, SE quarter, and NE quarter, bw quar ter, of Section 22, in Township 37, 8.. Range 17. K. W. M.. and will offer proof to show tbst tbe land sought is more TsJuabie ror its timber or sione than for agricultural purposes, and to establish bis claim to said land before Register and Receiver at Lakeview Oregon, on Thursday, tbe bib, day or March, 1908, He names as witnesses: E. E. Woodcock, M. S. Barnes, Oeo. Lynch, Sarah T. Woodcock, all of Lakeview Oregon. Anv aad all persons claiming adver sely the above described land are re quested to file their claims in this office on or before said Din day oi March, 1908. 6110. J. N. Watson, Register. Tiaaber Laad Satire. United States Land Office, Lakeview Oregon Dec. 11th 1908. Notice Is hereby given toarin com ollance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act tor tbe sale ot tlbmer lends in the States of Califorlna, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory." as extended to all tbe Publlo Land States by act of August 4, 1892, Thomas J. Powell, of Lakeview, county of Lake, State of Oregon, baa this day filed in this office bis sworn statement, No. 3835, for tbe purchase of tbe E half, NW quarter, and W half. NE quarter, ot section 29, in Township 38, 8., Range 10, E., W.M., and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agrlcul tural purposes, and to establish bis claim to said land before Register and Receiver at Lakeview Oregon, on Tuesday, tbe 3rd day of March, 1008. He names as witnesses: James C Murray, Paul E. llugus, A. Storkman, Obas. Oliver, all of Lakeview Oregon. Any and all person claiming adver ely the above described landa are re quested to file their claims in this office on or before said 3rd day of March, 1908 61-10 U. N Watson, Register. IIHH It. .1 IMTII i . Department of tha Interior, United States Land Oil Ice, Lakeview Oregon, Deo. 7, IIHI7. Notice is herebr given that In com pliance with the provisions of the act or Congress of June X IH7H entitled "An act for the sale of timber lauds In the States of California, Oregon. Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land State by act or August 4, IHirj Lens F. Malloy, of Lakeview, county of Lake. State of Oregon, has this day tiled In thla ottice his swoin atntemeut No ::h, for the purchaps of the SW quarter or Section No. H, In Town ship No. IIH H., Range No. 17 E., W. M., and will oiler proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable tor Its timber or stone than lor agrlcul final purposes, and to establish hi claim to said land tefore Register ami Receiver at l.akevlew Oregon, on Fri day, thi 28th day of February, 11)08. lie names a witnesses: John Stlmlt of HonaiiT.a Oregon, D. P. Mlloy, F. P. Light, Minnie A. Light, of Lake view, Oregon. Any aud all person claiming ad versely the above described lands are requested to tile their claims In this ottice on or before said 28th day of February, I1HW. 010 J. N. Watson, Register. Timbre I and Nattee. United States Laud Ottice, Lake view Oregon, Deo. , 11)07. Notice Is hereby given that In com pliance with tte provlsioua of the act. ol C'ingree of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the ssle of timlier IhimIs In the States of Callforula, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Publ'.o ljuid Statea by act or August 4, 181)2, IVhiI F. Wilshire, or Lakeview, county or Iake, State or Oregon, ha thla day tiled lu this ottice his sworn state ment. No. :1823. for the purchase of tbe SWt SE SEJ SWJ NEJ SWJ Sec. 3 and NW NK of Section No. 10. iu Township No. 38 S, Rauge No. 18, K, W. M., and will offer proor to show that the land sought I more valuable for It tlmtwr or stone than for agri cultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before Register and Receiver at Lakeview Oregon, on Thursday the 20th day of Feby., 11X18. He iiames as witnesses: W. A. Wil shire. C E. Oliver, Cllde Cogburu, E. Sn ally, all or Lakeview Oregon Any ami all persons claiming ad versely the above described landa are requeittcd to tile their calms In this offliie on or before aald 20th day of Feby. 11108. 6010 J. N. Watson, Registar. Wilrriar Pabllralloa. Department of tbe Interior, United States Laud Office, Lakeview, Ore gon, Nov. 20, 11W7. NOTICE is hereby given that the State of Oregon has, under the pro visions of the Act or Congress or Aug ust 14, 1848, and tbe acts supplemen ts! and amendatory thereof, made ap plication for the following detcrilwd, unappropriated, uou iniiieral. sur veyed public laud aa Indemnity for losses to Its grant for common school purposes, to- wit. : List No. 238, for SWJ, Seo. 21, T. 3d S., R. 10 E., W. M. List No. 2.CI, for NEJ SWJ, SWJ Rl-.l. K.v :tfi. T. 2T K.. and It 4. Hon. ! l.T. 20 S., R.1 9 E., W.M . j Any and all person claiming ad versely the above described lands are I requested to Mo In thl. office their said claim on or before the 31st day of January, 10O8. 6010 J. N . VutKti, Rtgiste Tlanber Iaa4 Satire Uulted States Land Office, Lakeview Oregon, Deo. 7th, 11)07. Notice 1 hereby given that In com pi lance with the provision of tbe act of Congrsa of June 3, 1878, entitled, "An act for the saie of timber lands in tbe state of California, Oregon. Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, George W. Uloomingcamp of lily. county of Klamath, State of Oregon. has this day filed In thi office bis sworn statement. No. 38.11, for tbe purchase ot the S half, NW quarter, and N half, Sw quarter, of Section 24, in Township 37 a. Range 16 E.. W.M.. and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for it timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish bis olalm to said land berore Register and Re ceiver, at Lakeview Oregon, onTbors day, the 27th day of February, 1908. He names aa witnesses: John Stlndt, of Bonanaz, Oregon and James Mo Shane, Nellie McShane, Frank Hutch In, all of Lakeview Oregon. Any and all person claiming adver sely the above described land are re quested to file their claim in tbl office on or before said 27th day of Keby. laou. 6210 3. N. Watson. Register. Tiaaarr Land Natlre. United SUte Land Office, Lake view, Oregon, December 28, 1907. Notice I hereby given that In com pliaoce with the provision of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entlted, "An Act for tbe sale of timber land in tbe states ot California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all tbe Publlo land states by act of August 4, 1892, C. Oscar Metzker, of Lakeview, county of Lake, state of Oregon, ha this day filed In tbl office bis sworn statement No. 3889, for the purchase of tbe N bait SE quarter, SE quarter BE quarter section 27, and sWquarter sW quarter of section 20, in township 38 a.R, 18 K. W. M , and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purpoaoa, and to establish his claim to said land before Register and Receiver at Lakeview, Oregon, on Thursday, tbe 20th day of March, 1908. He name as witnesses: J. U. Auten, O. W. Hardlsty, C C. Price, Burr R. MoMartln, all of Lake. view, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming ad versely tbe above described lands are requested to file their claimsjn this office on or before said 2Ctb day of March, 1908. 2-10 J. N. Watson, Register. FLUFFY NECKWEAR. The ttlff Bmbroidau ji n a Rival In Uell t -. The tailored collnr i i 1 U ered linen, wlilli - worn than ever. in I 1 rivals lu Hi.- Il"il I them Is the top of ' - a atarchi'd band. I '1 the woiuiiii v ho t ' unpomforlaMe Very dt'ii'i n v turnover i" 'm eently had sn M" . a aiMrue umi mora band embroidered floral design and was finished w ith a deep edge of band crochet. Another hud a buttnnboed edge and a vine motif In broderle aa glalse, combined with Inserts of fs.val embroidery In tbe ceoter and at each corner. If you want a specially striking heavy llnvu turndown collar that will give an air to the plainest shirt waist, choose one of those embroidered In three row of One buttonholed scallop, one above the other at graduated dis tances apart In the center of each scallop I an embroidered white dot outlined In delft blue. Both eralloos and dot decrease In else with the ea ceudlog row, the lowest one being coin dot. i An attractive tie of ths butterfly va riety is of gray blue sort silk In three tonea. Tbe lightest shade la used In tbe center loops. The frock for the small girl seen la the cut I of pale blue veiling trimmed with velvet ribbon of tbe same shade. The dainty little tucked yoke la ef white Persian lawn. JUDIO CnOLLBT. VANITY'S VISIONS. A nsatianal Treussaau Fsr Smart ning Us Last Yaar'a Gowns. An English bride created something of a sensation by Insisting that her entire trousseau be black, with the ex ception of her white evening gown. But It was Mark so glorified with em broideries and dyed lace, so trimmed with oriental deslgu and made so gay with band of colored silk ana velvet, that no one ever thought of classifying it aa black. There are some charming acta of passementerie which are Just the talag A axuirr tbxlow rBoos fTis. for putting around tbe neck aa4 aleevee. Many of tbeae sets are de signed to lie flat around the neck aa4 extend down tbe front la lapel fash, Ion. Others form simply a square collar, while still others are round a&4 closely fitted to tbe neck. As for the sleeve pieces, they are quite long, te fit the wide sleeves, and quite elab orate. One can purchase tbeee sets at moderate prices all ready to be nlacaat uaoa silk or cloth gown. Tbe aeparate winter coat is worn a eat deal. Thla meaaa a warm Mark coat or a heavy brown one, to be put en with any skirt It I a becoming coat strapped with braid and latahed wild nanasome button. It should not be a cheap model, for tha aaoarat coat ewes all Its atria to Its ttarfartiAB of finish. A cheap Individual coat win spoil an entire costume, A lovely poke bonnet for a small girt Is of white felt having a semicir cle cnt in the rim and turned over tbe top, which has been previous! r aanrai to a wire crown. A wide niching of 4 l 1 1 M , m . ... iruiea lace on iu in scooped part. While rOetteS Of lac and tin rlnatoi-a of rosebuds decorate tbe top. The same trimming is repeated where the ties are attached to tha hnnui an agala near the ends of the strings. Tbe gown pictured is of yellow crepe de chine. The bottom nt k. .wi- . adorned with a hand of yellow taffeta matching the crepe, and above it la aa lnaertlon of ecru filet net The filet also makes the gutmpe and aleevea. JUDIO C1I0LLKT. ,