(IIIIIDtlll in Tf, 7 WW. Where yon When vou No smoke M57 I 'to: pick up end PERFECTION Oil Heater (Equipped with Smokeless Device) to llie room you want 1o heat suitable lor any room in ihe house. Il has a real smokeless device absolutely preventing smoke or smell turn tlie wick as luuh as you can or i i i J . I .1 as low as you like bras ili.i! nivrs mil alowinn ill Lshetl in japan and nickel an ornament anywhere, Lvcry TheBs&Lamp lr.,lrr. Il vn a hiMnnU '"W I'D"! . n.l.r.UrP,'"u"- MjJ Uu.rorW PUrJ aaa1 famrH ,). (L l.lol iiniJ trnlfil Jfl l"'. I.T U rnnlrd. II you r.nnut ol,'.m ike IVrlcH-n O.I lllrr of l!.y U-P ! .,, dr.lrf wril ! ur rr.rr.1 aarr If Jr(.iv otmlir. NTAMIAKII lf . COJII'ANV liuinunuuun THE LIMEKILN CLUB Brother Gardner Talks on Hon esty and Truthfulness. ANANIAS NOT BIGGEST LIAR. Slur Againet Him Uncalled For. Wasn't Any Creator Liar Than Hun drede Who MaHn t Seen Found Out, 8aya Gardner. IC'opvrlKlil. IW, by C. II. Hutt UfT J 'I'.efo' de dpeliln" of ili meet In dl evenln'." hiiUI Itrntliir (inrduer of tlio l.lmeMIn eliili oh lie MihhI up In hU plme. "I'.rollicr ('oiiieluick Sinllli eomo to me mill mild lie wua dlMipp'Inted In JI einlairi June, lie hud lent llrmldi-r Jotie ii dullur iiikI wiih to have It back In three day, but hadn't got It yet. Itrudder Smith inn n man llfty year obi, but II am evldanl tint he don't know idii. h about liiitiinu mitur'. "1 inn now ober hlxty year old, and gin up looUn' fur nil holiest man lo eurw UK'. "At nboiit dnt time I gin up lookln' fur ii truthful uinu. "Ueekoii It wa In dat muni? week I arln up looKlu' fur de man who'd ynp FjIh (IcIiIh onleH obleeged to. , "I tell yon. my freit. dat most of our t , .,, from not iiuilerHtaiitMn' & mm "i wah hiuin' hkhini) a rrniiANT bush AS UK WKNT." human nntur better dun we do. Wo don't look nt men aa dey ore, but a what dey orter be. We duu 'Hjieet dem to lib by do Ton CoinmundiucnU wheu wo ourselves nm not llblu up to five of 'em. "Dur uiu uo purtleular reuson why d whole world ahouldu't be holiest, but It bus happeued fur de lust i!,00 year dat It haa been llbln' de odder way, and It am 'Bpectln' too much to 'apect a change. We am all honest up to a eartln p'lnt, and deu we begin to fall down. We aeemlngly can't git it outer our beada dat It am a aort o' duty to beat do odder man. "I don't reckon dar w a eber a time In dla world when everybody apoke da truth. If dar wa wa haven't any rec ord of it, and If we bad a record I should think de man who made it was a liar blaself. I don't know dot Adam lied to Eve or Eve to Adutn, but de lyln' buslneea begun aoou arter dar wa fo' or live people on alrtb. I baln't tryln' to explain wby folka lio. Tears to me dat truth would answer better, and yet I know dut if a man should start out in dla day and age to apeak nuthln' but de truth he'd have hi head knocked off befo' uoon of de fust day. "Fact I. we don't want de truth, do whole truth and nutblu bnt de truth. We wnut Uo truth and lylu' mixed about Ualf aud half. f'Jl'l want II want It no smell - no trouble. Ollrn you want lirat in a hurry in Home room jn tlie house tlie lur nare dors not reach. It's o easy to carry a lout holds 1 quarto ol on heal lor 9 hours. I in- liealer warranted. WOT H.leV.11 - "AlUIOKt eoTT' (lll. you tcim niu. nglu AiiiiiiIiih Ul.ase be wiih a ll.ir. I liebber could nee no Jo-llce III It. Ilu wiixu't niiy bigger liar dan hundi'LiN who 1 1 :i 1 1 11 ' t been foiinil out, (I lid If he had been he wiih up l datu 'miff lu nee ln t lyln' wiih gwlne o Ix-come pop ular fur nil tliue to come. j "I KiM li'i- IlUe to have n liar eouio tu i Hie. If he lien, dat glim me u chance to luy back ami extabllHli a nort o' bond ln-tweeii uh. I've nebler had de chance to tell yet. but It M-eniH to mo dut J wouldn't IlUe a pin-Koii who Ktuck right by de truth. Brother Jonei Borrowed Money. "I'.rudder Jone ha come to me and borrowed money nnd promlned to pay It back by a Mirllu time, lie's paid It not lieknse be nm not n liar and am too hornet to lient me. but ho know what would happen If he failed. I tdiould walk ober to III cabin, and. old n I nm, 1 idiould purcccd to mnke hlM lieu i t iiehc. "When I come In contact wld n mull I look upon him iik u man. I don't look fur no wing sprout In' from hi hhouldi i'H. He was born Into a lylu. dlHtioncHt world to hold bin own. We all expect he realize dat. If ho don't, den de wuh fur him. 'Women am gwlne to be hypocrites nud liars nnd deceivers Jest a long ns dls old world Htnnds. I ley' got to hold delr own ii gin men. Par hain't one man In fifty dat nm real honest mid Klncere when he speaks to a wom an, und don't you forget dat she know It. "llroeers come to me mid tell me dat Tickles Smith or Wnydown Iteliee has lied to 'cm to git credit nnd dey want my Influence to help collect do bills. Yes, do brildders lied, but what did do grocer do? lie lied Just us hard and lucked on de price besides. It was Miuply liar a'ln ll.ir. "A few days ago I hired Samuel Shin to work lu my garden. lie am Jest as honest as any body, bill I reck oned he would Hteal ut least two of uiy mi miner HijuiiHlies when he went home nt night. I wuh hldlu' behind a currant bush when ho went, und ho had a squash under each aim. lld I sit uo nnd whoop und howl and cry out Ugln de wickedness of de world? Not liny. I knowed human nutur' and ' took It n a matter of co'se. Wasn't , de least dlHiipp'Inted nor mad about It I "It wn only three nights ngo dnt ' Elder Wnlpole come runiiln' olxr to my cabin to tell me dat hi wife bad been took wld crnmpa nnd must tiave hulf a dollar'a wutu of bniudy to suve her life. I didn't fall outer bed on de flooh. I didn't fall ober no cha'ru. Neither did I gin de elder do half dob lar. 1 knowed him fur a liar. I waa 'epectln' aome such Job, and I had de vinegar and de kynnn pepper In de sniue bottle and waltlu' fur him. I In sisted dut he take a big dose himself, aud Mrs. Wnlpole was around a usual next niawnln'. I hain't anld nuthln to de elder, nnd I hulu't gwlne to. It was a sort o' duty fur him to beat me outer a half if bo could, and it waa my duty to- protect myself. "Man come to me laat week and ' wanted to sell me a mewl. Waa It dat man'a duty to p'lnt out de rlngbonee and apnvlu on dat animal and to toll me furder dat be waa blind in oue eye and aa deaf aa a post? Course not. It waa my duty to aee fur myself, and when I bad aawn I offered to trade him a watcb In which arxteen wbeela waa mlssln'. We lied to each odder, and we parted de best of friend. "Do chickens waa laylu' mighty fine last month, and one day I took three dozen eggs down to de grocery aud bou gh t aoa p a nd tea. De grocer cha rged me too much, and I not only slipped a couple of de egga back In my pocket but three herring besides. He waa a cheat, und I bad to be a cheat to match blui. "Sic d World Up Right" "I hear folka tellln' what a bad world dls am to live lu aud dut a good tnuii gits uo show. You Jest size de world up right and you'll allp along same if odder folks, avd as. fut; deaod mnjo- he'd' better' mli tome of ft off. 1'o murh goodniws In like piittln' a woolen blanket on a bonn In a Jul day. I ft hot fur de blanket and uncomfortable far do ho. "I hnlu't unjln' a word arIii truth and lionoitty and Klncrnl Inleicrlty. A Ionic n dn world wemed to have- any tine fur Vin dey wnii hnndy thing to have around da lion. What I aay I" dnt you ran't be a heap different from anybody flue and make It ay or have any fun out o' It. If you do buslneaa wld a Dinn you have got to do It a odder folka do. "I hain't Myln' dat It'a fur de tiesi dnt men He and cheat and deceive and aland ready to do each odder up, and neither will I deny dat It adds rent to life and aharpeiia up a man' wit. I reckon I rather Injoy It when Ebulli tion Ilrown rome otter to my rabln fur an hour' vlnlt and trie to take de doah mot wld him when ho (foe. If he wa n k'xmI man ho would be a Ixire. A It am. I'm wonderln' when he will niK-ceed In Rlltln' do mot. "Jii look liKoii men n men. "If j oil hain't lookln' fur truth and you nit a done of It do aurprlne w 111 le pli'tiMtint. "Iion't expect do big end of do trade I Hit' what de odder feller 1 also look In' fur. "I'.e reuH'ttiably honeHt and be rea Nomibly trc.itiful. but don't K' to braif irln' about It or you'll 1 tboilKtlt a tlilef nml ii ll.ir. I "If yon wiint to pus your hint dnyrij In ii pori'lioiixe. lit"; men n dey ought ! I line yon. If you wnnt Imcoti nix! Inter fur brenkfnxt. wn men Jest a lie)' iiw vo;i-wld a leetl extra exer tion tluowed In fur K'mkI meiiHure." M. QL'AD. He Sideetepe. Husband - Yes. dear, of course we must ccouoiiil.c. Wife- Well, then, I've concluded that I might do the cooking myself. Husband (hastily)-Oh, no. if cheap er to keep n servant In the house than a doctor. Woman' Home Companion. Speed. "It take yon a long time to pans a given olnt." nld the minute hand en passant. "I may be hIow." answered the hour hand, "but It take you ail of sixty nix minute to catch up with me." Chicago Tribune. Tha Workman' Error. At the Zoo (Jood gracious! How heavy my barrow Is today. You Vi va nt. A Wish. A anowflake that atarleJ from who knows whero Cams lilting: anil fluttering down Anil rcatrrl at lust In I'hylilila'a hulr Phyllldn'a hair of l.rown Only a inomrnt. then nivltcJ away Aa ever mich fliikea must die. flut I rnvy It much fur Its moment' atay ; Ita lirn wail n Klail II It lo holiday. Lived twtwecn eartli and ky. Now. I cannot eonilaln or rail at fata (Slnco providence mailo mo a man), Hut thta would I wish wero it not ao lata And long Kliice my time bepnn, That I inlnht bo only a tluko of mow To fall when I left the sky And melt on I'liylllda'a cheek tx low. And of all the beautiful deaths I know This wer thn bent to die. Ilcynalo Bmiih Pickering In Judge. HIS LITERARY HIT. Blx yeara ago he wrote a tale Which had a moat tremendous aala. It brimmed with pungent epigram. Twaa called "The Murja and Their Lamba." Tha acene waa laid In aome domain Tha aaarch for which would l In vala 'Twaa. aaJd each bookish oracle. Historical. Ona year went by; 'twas dramatized. The crltlca all were much surprised When public, pulpit and the press Declared It waa a hugfe euceej. Tha author, too, was greatly moved At aeelng what hit It proved. Ho took, though, with all loyalty His royalty. Tha second year It whooped along, Tranaofrmed Into a comio song; Alio In expurgated form It took tha goodly (oik by slorm. The third year added to his fame. Tha tals was made a parlor game. Tha book. Instead of thinning out, Waa winning out. The fourth year It was lectured on. With slides In a stereoptlcon. Tha fifth year he much cash derive The first edition waa revived. And now a corps of brainy men Are working on the thing again. No doubt 'twHI leave tha hopper a Urand opera. Wilbur P. Neablt In New Tork Ufa. A Gentle Hint. "I got a neat rebuke for my curl Aaitv onra " aald a well known Balti more man, "and It waa administered by a native of tha Cheat river region In Weat Virginia. "I bad atopped overnight lu the dis trict In question and lu the morning waa atrolllng about the place, asking all anrta of Questions. Presently I met ' a lanky mountaineer, who greeted ine wun noway iuu passou iw day most pleasantly. Seeing that be was barefooted, a circumstance, It seemed to me, quite odd lu a mountain oua region, I asked: " 'la It the custom of this country for the men to go without shoes?' "'Waul,' the native drawled, 'some on ua do, but moat on us atten'a to our own busineaa.' " Uprjjpcott'a. r-".;i:?fig,i:,',i;aMafjMHiiihiilijiir' AVcgclable Preparrtion for As similating ihcFoodandRctfuta ting Hie Stomachs and Dowels of Tromoics DicslionChpcrfur nessarvinesi .Contains neiiher Opium. Morphine nor Mineral. OT"NAJlCOTIC. tape af f)U UrSAKlTLnraOR fx-ttrvM Ill r4Ma.&fi Apcrfccl Remedy forConsupn lion, Sour Stonyich. Diarrhoea iuiJ Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NKW VOHK. N KILLthe COUCH and CURE the LUNGS Dr. king's WITH New Discovery PHICB LDS Trial Bottle Free AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OS MONEY REFUNDED, MAGAZINE READERS SUNSET MAGAZINE beautifully illuttratrd. food itoriea -q and article, about CaUornia and VOV all tha Fa Wert. CAM2RA CBAFT deroted each nomh to the ar tiitic reptoducUoa ol the beat $1.00 work oi amateui and pfoleiiioaal a ymu photographer t. EOAD OF A THOUSAND WOHDKRS a book of 75 pap, cootaiaiog 120 colored photographt of Jo7S picturesque apoli is California aad Oregon, Toul . . . $3.25 All for ... . $1.50 AddreM all orders to SUWSET MAGAZINE Flood Buildup Sac Francico CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. His Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the 3ln&tnre of 1 ' . tm( ocrTua . nwm Toar nm. . hi ihliw y.n i ip Mum u 1 1 ii 1 1 j ii mi n i) ii mam in u muHiii.n' i inm.il iww'wwyy'f' a r ".: .TIT... , , , ttMmvrt nun m nr iinr r.i . ? i COUNTY rjHBMBBHPaBjaHMnMMaMBl EXAMINER LATEST LAND AND STOCK NEWS EIQHT PAOES LOCAL AND COUNTY NEWS TWO DOLLARS A YEAR. ESTABLISHED KIM For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years WESTERN STAGE LINE Office at the Mercantile Company's Store Lakeview, Oregon. Qood Stock - - New Coaches Daily from lakeview to Bly, connect ing with Daily Stage to the railroad. P. n. COREY, - - - Proprietor Ljvievr, Oregoi. KLAHATH LAKE ....RAILROAD.... . . . TIME TABLE . . . In Effect May let, 1905. Lv. Thrall . .. .6 A. M.Lv. Pokegaina 10 45 A M Ar. Bogus B.!5 Ar. Dixie. 10..15 " Kl'b 8p' 11.40 " ' Fall Creek 11.45 ' ' Steel Br'ge 12.00 " Bona 12.20 P M " ThraU....J2.45 " Steel Br'g 6 45 " rail Cr'k..7.05 " Kl b Sp',-117.10 " Dixie S.10 " lokegama!0 Klamath Springs Special I.v. Thrall 1.S0 P. M.Lv. Kl'h Pp'RHS PM Ar. Bogus l.M " Ar. Fall Creek2.50 " Steel Br'ge2.15 " " Bteel Br'ge 3.00 " " Fall I'reek 2J5 " " Boitua 8.S0 - ' Kl'bSp'gsz40 ' " Thrall S.45 AW II li htl V" fl H M y 13 H fei m w l r m a t W w m mm mm BT s-w W. m Mi BVii - m I ihi l PRINTING ISA.NjAR IN which rA''';' st vnes stock a largejassortment ol high grade stationery so that there is no delay in executing a large order. Our prices willbe found to compare favorably with other prices. IN 1880. DIRECTORY Kratfl itiitC.M-ii t i' linn L,k at New Fine Creek, Oresron. rrencIilnRKorvlceantllroclock A M nmIA7U50 1. M. on ench Hnndfty of every month. Kunday Hchix.l at lO.oclock A. M. rrnycr Ht-rvlce nt 7.00 on Wednes day evening of encb week. All nre cordially Invited to attend the Service. J. Hayden'Howard, rator. B pnocuncoanjoor:rr"Tr. i"i i E eniwiiur "t t.ii-.i'rr ".. rm. . ! trm mitrtr. how to oeuun 1 . , Ii iimiI. f vrnjrhi ., fff a LI. f n-r-i . t ilutintu flrrrl Vilk l. t. .. ,' ll".t j I mmfy mnti rjtm Ih ffitr - I Patent lid InfrfflgairM' ; '' i f ' IveW , Writ, or r-.rm Ut am tit J) 1 22 Rlatk 1:t-, tpf. tine f' 1- e.-Ul . H WMINr. r . ... C ' W aynwi pipy p Fj' 1 " T ;r font & Klnc have the IwKt crude of llrpjor ami clar to be' found In Oregon. t! I'lanka for final proof. Dert proof '.inilicr land final proof and blank affi. lavit for application for readvertiee oents , l.lan k witness' affidavits, etc at The Examiner offire. tf Lakeview Cigar Factory . A. KToitKMa..., Prop. Maker of Havana and Domestic Cigars COaHTtT OHDF.K8 SOLICIT E Give uh s trial. 8 tore in the tiixk building next door to Tost & King aa Iood. keview, Oregon. rlmlwr Ijiml oti;e. T : . I C T . . T nl-nini. Oregon., Dec. 13h 1007. Notice is hereby given that in com plixoce with the provisions of the act of Congress oi June o, io.o, entuiea "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States byact of August 4, 1892, Addie I. Harvey, of Lakeiew, coantyof Lake, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this office hi sworn statement. No. 3857, for the purchase of the NE qaur ler, NE quarter, S half, NE quarter, and NE quarter, SE qnarter, of Sect ion 18, in Township 40 S., Range 21, E W. M, andwill offer proof to show that the landsought ia more valuable t I fimKa. clnna flinn tfT agricultural purposes and to establish his claim to said land before Register and Receiver at Lakeview Oregon, on Friday the 20th day of March, 1908. lie names aa witnesses: W. F. Paine. Tavlor Meztker. V. M. Harvey, George Storkman, Any ana all persons claiming ad versely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 20th day of March, 1008. 5110 J. N. Watson, Register. DIRECIORY. 'lrst B.iptUt church of Lrkevle PreachiQgServllcesa 1 11:A.M., and 7:3a P. M. ou'eacli 'Sunday. Sunday School 10: A. M Junior SiK-iety at 2:30 P. M.' baptist Young People.s Union at fi;30 P. M. on each Sunday. Prayer meeting 7.30, P. M. on Wed nesday evening. Everybody invited to attend all services. A. Frank Simmons, pastor The Examiner has received a new sample book of the Wall Street line .1 AaB.lA..iilali if otiu'l and Ol eugrtivcu v. v . t,iii.ci.va v dvu- " bond blanks, the most up-to-date on the market. Used and endorsed by the leading financiers of America. Copyrighted. Call and eee them If you need anything in this line, tf The Examiner ex- in type and keep in.