Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 16, 1908, Image 4

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    fnbll4 Evry Ttarar.
Editor and PublUher
Cnter t the OfllP M !. Or.
One Year $2-00
J Six Months 00
(Three Month. SO
The New Postal Law.
Congress has made a now rostal law,
which went into effect on January 1.
1908. The new law makes it impossi
ble t r newspaper publishers to ex
tend credit to subscribers. The pro
visions are such that no publisher can
extend credit aud maintain the second-class
rating as to entry of his
publication at the vostotflce, and auy
other rating Is absolutely prohibitive.
The section of the new law most
effecting subscriptions to weekly
newspapers reads as follows:
"A reasonable time will be allowed
publishers to secure renewals of sub
scriptions, but unless subscriptions
are expressly renewed after the term
for which they are paid, within the
following periods: Dailies aitbiu
three months, Semi-Weeklies w itbiu
nine months. Weeklies within twelve
months, they shall not be counted in
the legitimate list of subscribers and
copies mailed ou account thereot
shall not be accepted for mailing at
the second class oosage late of one
cent per pound, but may be mailed
.t th tiam-ient second class postage
rate, of one cent for each four ounces
or fraction thereof, prepaid by stamps
It can be plainly seen that
this law is intended to, aud does shut
out of the mails all papers addressed
to parties not paid in advance, only
by putting a stamp on each paper,
which would incur an enormous e
pense, as well as a great deal of work.
The Examiuer has always extended
credit to subset ibers, where they
desired it, and we regret very much
that we cannot do so still. It is true,
subscribers are allowed twelve months
in which to renew their subscriptions,
but to comply with the letter of the
new law. subscribers are expected to
pay for their paper in advance, and
when one goes to "whipping the devil
around the bush," as the saying
goes, he brings upon himself a close
scrutiny by the postal inspectors of
bis method of conducting his business.
So our piau will be, to keep well
within the bounds of the law, and we
shall expect our suhscriders to help
as out in our efforts to do so.
We have very few subscribers on out
list at the present time who are in
arrears, and we hope those few will
ru milling to come to oar assistance
as we have ever been to accommodate
them by extending credit.
We feel that the law is an imposition
upon our private business, and we
did all in our power to prevent its
passage, but to no avail Last year
.an organization of publishers of
weekly newspapers was formed, which
we joined and voted to defeat the
proposed law, but the large daily
newspapers who invariably collect
subscriptions in advance, were pitted
against us in this work, and won out
ovei our protests. Their motive was,
no doubt, to "freeze out" a lot of
the smaller weeklies ; but The Lake
County Examiner will be doing busi
ness at the old stand, ju.t the same.
This is a federal law, and affects
very newspaper in the United States.
We are given until April tlrst, this
year, to collect all arrearages. We
believe we have stated the situation
plainly, and that none can be offend
ed at being asked to satisfy arrearages,
bo that we may look the postal iu
ebpector squarely in the face and lay
our subscription book open to him.
The Idaho Federation of Labor
cases are at an end at last. The jury
in the Peitiboue trial, after 14 hours'
deliberation brought in a verdict of
acquittal. Mayer, president of the
Western Federation of Miners, who
was to have been tried on a charge in
connection with the Steiuenburg mur
der, was released and the cases will
all be cropped except that against Or
chard and Adams for the murder of
Governor Steuneuburg.
Prompt nnd careful attention given
to surveys of Lands and Townsiten,
Map work &c. Settlers located, Land
and Town property for sale.
The dealing is simple.
If you don't like Schil
ling's Best, it costs you
Your grocer returns your money II yet 0't
Ilk il; w pi 7 biu.
Candidates' Column-
'r Mhetirr.
To the Republican Voters of Lake
County .Oregon.
I hereby announce myself a Candi
date, for the Office of Sheriff, subject
to the decision of the Republican
party, at the primary election, to be
held April 17th, 1908.
If 1 am selected by the Republican
party, as their regular Nominee, and
reelected at the June election, I will
serve the people as faithfully in the
future as 1 have in the past.
Yours Respectfully,
1 wish to announce to the Voters of
Lake Couuty, Oregon, that 1 am a
candidate for the Office of Sheriff,
subject to the decision of the Demo
cratic Party at 'he Primary election,
to be held on April iTth, 1908.
er ( OHM IV Clei k
1 w ish to announce to the Republi
can voters of Lake county that I am
acaudklate for the office of county
oierk, subject to the decision of the
Republican party at the primary elec
tion, to be held ou April 17, 1908
1 cheerfully submit my record as
county clem for the past year and a
half for your appoval, and if you
choose to select me lor the office
again, I pledge myself to perform the
duties of clerk during the next term
as faithfully as 1 have iu the past.
Yours Respectfully,
1 desire to announce to the Republi
cans of Lake county that I am a can
didate tor the office of Assessor, sub
ject to the decision of the Republican
party of this couuty at the primary
election to be held ou April 17, 1908.
1 confidently belive that my work as
assessor in the past 1ms been satisfac
tory, and I promise, if nominated and
elected, to perform the duties of that
office as faithfully us lies in my power
so to do.
Yours Respectfully,
J. 15. 1ILA1R.
Petition Tor Liquor l.lernwe.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, For the Coun-.y of Lake.
In ihe matter of the ap-)
plication of M.C. Currier. )
for a license to sell spirit-)
uous, malt, and vinous) Petition
liquors, etc , at Paisley)
precinct. Lake County,)
Oregon. )
We, the undersigned residents and
legal voters of Paisley Precinct, Lake
County, Oregon, do most respectfully
petition that the Houorabl County
Court of Lake County, Oregon, grant
a license to M. C. CURRIER to sell
spirituous, malt and vinous liquors,
and fermented cider, commonly called
hard cider, in quantities less than one
gallon, at Baid Paisley Precinct of said
County, for the period of six months,
and your petitioners will ever pray.
Names. Names.
Frank C Miller Allen Raker
Frank Mc Broom .1 E Harper
II Poindexter . G S Farra
J U Angell W H McCall
E P Henderson J W Donnnely
B J Petrie Manley Currier
A J Scott C M Hanan
C L Withers R G Adams
John S Sprague S G Hadley
C W Withers Geo. Drumm
G W Hanan J A Barham
W P Welch Frank Pratt
E Matbes R B Jackson
Allen Routt S S Banister
Jas. M Bevil , II T Stanley
II E Hanan S Gaylord
Mo Neil Clark Frank Dobkins
R N Phelps J D Farra
Geo F Watson Geo. R Loucks
B W Farrow O W Cooley
W M Marsters John Drumm sr.
R Random M Cooley
Jas. S Wakefield F II Price
P W Banister T W Johnson
Elmer Stanley J K Banister
W H Tucker J J Moore
Wm. Taylor W S Blair
W W Hampton J A Drumm
L A Moss Geo. Conn
Geo. Harper T C Johnson
Virgil Conn M C Currier
) 68.
I, M. C. Currier, being first duly
sworn, depose and say: The forego
iug petition contains an actual major
ity of the whole number of legal vot
ers of Paisley Precinct, Lake Conuty,
Oregon ; that each of the names there
to is genuine, aud was actually signed
by the owner thereof ; .that each of
the persons whose name are signed to
said petition, is at the date hereof,
and was at the time he signed the
same, an actual resident of said pro
duct for more than thirty days im
mediately preceding the date on
which he signed said petition.
Subscribed and sworn te before me
this 4th day of January, 1904.
Notary Public for Oregon.
the undersigned, M. C. Currier, will
apply to the County Court of iake
County, Oregon, on the Oth day of
March, 1908, for a license to sell spir
ituous, malt and vinous liquors, and
fermented cider, in quantities less
than one gallon at Paisley Precinct,
Lake Couuty, Oregon, for the period
of six months. M. C. CURRIER.
Below we ire report of the weathel
as recorded by the Government weather
bureau station at The Examlnvr Office.
This report i changed each week, and II
our reader wish to keep a yearly record
of weather conditions lor future refer
ence, cut out the report along the black
line and paste it in a scrap book one
week after another. This reord will be
Uken on Tuesda- to end each week ai.d
begin on Wednesday fr the next week
Government Weather Bnreau Sta
tion at I.ak.view, Oregon,
C. O. Mitkm, Cooperative Observer.
Week ending; Tuesday, Jnn. II, IMS,
pr mt jmln. prrelp m'w chrcr
Itatinn fall of dr
!. 1' ii I -J) n.ou I oo I "h'y
thorn : j' 25'ro.W " 00 "
bTu'v! :is QmJo.oo oo "
eniTTl 491 s P.") lj I
mon. i 4ilJtt 0.r" 00 I r "
t.Te.TT47 I 9j OHO 1 P I
Total Precipitation for 1907, 2U.75 In.
The Eastern Oregon Engineering
Civl, Municipal &
Irrigation Engineers.
Irrigation A Specialty.
fjikevlew Ore. Hnrna Ore.
O.M. Ktl l.Ki:H A.O rAt t.KXKIt
Manager Manaxrr I
. . ... . .1 1 I. ,11.,.. I
LAKeview umce in r iri omnium .ui ii
ft., tk. v Ito IUd Yna Hart Hum Bonl
How's This.
We offer One Hundred dolllars Re
ward for nuy case of Catarrh that can
not le cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O. I
We, tho undersigned, have kuown '
F. J. Cheney for tho last 13 years, j
and believe him perfectly houorablej
iu all business transactions and fluan-
cially able to carry out auy obligations
made by his firm.
Walding, Kinnau & Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Testimonials sent free. Price 50 cents
per bottle. Sold by all Drugigsts.
Take Hall's Family Pill's for con
l on stormy aays
by wearing a
Clean - Light
- 3Q9 EverywW.
V 1 JVfcN
Ml I . II IX w i - v '
I Located on Water Street, near the Post office.
1 Meals at all Hours. I
Fresh oysters kept on
hand during the oyster
season. Fish and game
in season.
Only First-class Restaurant
in Lakeview.
iAfAtt v
Take Laxative UromO quinine laDiets.-
Seven Million boxes sold In fxist 12 month t. ThlS Signature,
. ii iiihihii imrrnimi
Gold! Gold! Gold!
mmmmm mmmmtm
Would you o illinium in
Nevada's ricli mountains at
a nominal eost?
will put you on the ground Hour and
may put you on eiwy ntrect.
Mnny Imve Invented n nmnll
amount In Nevada mining and are
A trip to town, a long etrect car
ride, a cheap excursion by rail were
all luxuries TH F.N; a private nuto
moblle, a tour of Europe, a euiunier
home down by tho ne, are mere
matters of choice, NOW.
Stock in the Lee Comstock Mining
will do the work!
It Is Only I S Cents Share NOW
Kmh your order.
or write for particular!.
P. O. Hox 258, Hhyollte, Nev.
In extending Christmas and
New Year Greeting to our friends
and customers, we wish to thank
them all for helping us make the
past year the banner one in our
history. We hope, and are con
fident that the . coming year will
continue to bring increasing pros
perity to us all.
So here's to a happy and pros
perous NEW year: .
To Cure a Cold in One Day
St ?? . . .
Tluilwr I .niiil otlrr
United Stiites Lull I Otllce, Lakeview
Ori-gon, Pec. VI, r.7.
Notice is hereby given that in com
plinnre witli tlio provisions of the act
of Congress of . I line . I, 1H7K, entitled
"An net for the sale of timber hinds
in the States of California, Oreuon,
Nevada and Washington Territory,"
as extended to all the Public Land
States by Hi-t of Augiiht I, lH'.ri,
Sarah T. Wooil.ock, of Lakeview,
couuty of I.dike, State of Oregon, has
this day tiled iu this otllce his sworn
statement. No. :iHt7, for the purchase
of the NK quarter, of Section 10, Iu
Township IW H., iCange. 10 K., W. M.,
and will offer proof to ahow that the
land -ought is uioro valuable for its
tlmlier or stouo than for agricultural
purpoaes, and to eHtablihh his claim to
aid laud before Keglster and Keceiver
at Lakeview Oregon, on Wednesday,
the Uth day of March, 190H.
lie uames as w Itousses : t!eo. Lynch
Frank Tolor, M. K. Karnes. Addle
Toler, all of Lakeview Oregon.
Any and all persona claiming adver
sely the above described lands are re
quested to tile their claims in this
office on or before eaid 11th day of
March. 1908. '
0210 J. N. Watson Register.
Tlnber ini Satire
United States Land Oilier, Lakeview
Oregon. Pec. 20. 1!K)7
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of Congress of June II. 1878, entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lands
in the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
as extended to all the Public Laud
States by act of August 4, 181 12,
Thus K. llemard, of Lakeview,
county of Lake, State of Oregon, has
thin day tiled in this otllce bis sworn
statement No. 3H7.r, for the purchase
of the N half, NfcJ quarter, SW quar
ter, NE quarter, and NW quarter, UK
qaurter, of Section 30, In Township
38 a, liange 2E ., W. M.. aud will
offer proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its timber
or stone than for agrliultural pur
poses, and to establish bio claim to
said laud before Itegister andJKeceiver
at Lakeview Oregon, on Thursday,
thrf With day of March, 1!R)8.
lie names as witnesses: Otto Ilar
desty, Joe McCoul, Maggie Uuruard,
J. P. Venator, all of Lakeview Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming
seiy the above described lauds are re
quested to file their claims in this
ofhee on or before said 'JOth day of
March, 1908.
0210 J. N.Watson Register.
Timber I.aml ."Vol Ice
United States Land Office, Lakeview
Oregon, Peo. 7th, l'J07.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of CongrsB of June 3, 1878, entitled,
"An act for the sale of timber lands
in the states of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory,"
as extended to all the Publio Laud
States by act of August 4, 1802,
George W. liloomlugcamp of lily,
county of Klamath, State of Oregon,
has this day tiled in this otllce his
sworn statement, No. 3831, for the
purchase of the H balf, NW quarter,
and N balf, SW quarter, of Section 21,
in Township 37 S., Range 10 K.. W.M.,
and will offer proof to show that the
land sought Is more valuable for Its
timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim
to said land before Register and Re
ceiver, at Lakeview Oregon, on Thurs
day, the 27th day of February, l'J08.
He names as witnesses: John Stindt,
of iiouanaz, Oregon and James Mo-
Shane, Nellie McShane, Frank Hutch-
Ins, all of Lukovlew Oregon.
Auy and all persons claiming adver
sely the above described lands are re
quested to tile their claims in this
otllce on or before said 27th day of
i-eoy. juoa.
62-10 J. N. Watson, Register.
Pioneer Store
Cures Crip
la Two Day.
on every
- f
iiiibiiihimh llffl
box. 25c.
Timlirr laml Nuilt-r.
United StuteH Land Otllce, Lake
view, Oregon, PeceiiilNr 2 r.7.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provldiotiH of the act
if Ct.ngreHH of June 3, 1N7H, entiled,
"An Act for the sale of timber lauds
in the iitatus of California, Oregon,
Nevada, nail WaHhingtou Territory,"
as extended to all the Public lauil
states by act of August 4, 1H'.)2,
C. Oscar Metzker, of Lakeview,
couuty of Lake, state of Oregon, has
this day Hied iu this office, his sworn
statement No. .'IMHli, for the purchase
of the N lmlf SK qurter, SK quarter
SB quaiter section 27, and aWquartor
sW .quarter of suction 20, In towiiMhip
38 8., It. 18 K. W. M , and will offer
proof to show that the laud sought I.
more valuable for its timber or stone
thau for agricultural purposos, anil
to establish his claim to said laud
before Itegister and Keceiver at
Lakeview, Oregon, on Thursday, th.
20th day of March, 11)08. lie name,
as wltneiises:
J. Ii Auten, U. W. Hardlsty, 0. O.
Price, liurr It McMartiu, all of Lake
view, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lands ar.
requestod to tile their claims in Ibis
office on or before said 20th day of
March, 1908.
2-10 J. N. Watson, Register.
Pinal rrb.r N.tlre.
Penartmeut of the Interior.
Laud Otllce at Lakeview, Oregon.
Pec. 20, 11)07.
Notice la hereby given that Jams.
W. Converse, of New Plue Creek,
Oregon, has tiled notice of bis inten
tion to make final Fivo year proof In
uiport of his claim, viz: Homestead
Kutry No 2817 made November 1,
11)07, for th SK quarter NK quarter.
K bair, SK quarter Hoo 17. and NK
quarter N Equal tor, Sectlou 20, Town
ship 4IH., Range 20, K. W. M., and
that said proof will be made before
Register aud Receiver, at Lakeview
Oregon, ou Oth day of February, 1008.
i ile names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous resideuce upon,
aud cultivation of, the laud, viz:
Henry Lehman, Albert Converse, A.
M. Smith, Alfred Cooime, all of
I New Pine Creek, Oregon.
! 025 J N. Watson, Register.
Timber Land Nolle.
United States Land Oflloe, Lakeview
Oregon, Peo. 20 11)07.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of Congress of June 3, 1878, . utltled
"An uo.t tnr Hi a mil. n ltnil..
I In the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
as extended to all the Public Land
mates ny Bci or August 4, 181)2, Lydla
A Ross, of Lakeview, oounty of
Lake, State of Oregon, bus this day
filed In this oflloe bis sworn statement
No. 3874, for the purchase of the N
balf, SK quarter, aud Lots 3 and 4 of
Section 32, In Township 37 S, Range
17 K, W. M., and will offer proof to
show that the land sought is more
valuuble for its timber or stouo than
for agricultural purposes, und to es
tublibb his claim to snid lauds before
Itegister and Receiver at Lakeview
O recon. on I'YI.Iiiu tim -n. ,i..
iii a i jiit JUDO,
He names us witnesses: Clayton O.
KlHHell. Dun C.wlull li i i.
I Rosette Downey, Luther A. Ascouuh!
I cVo,l I . lf,.UU ..II I . 1. . . . '
- nn m jitHeview ure.
Auy aud all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lauds are
requeated to file their claims In this
oflloe on or before said 27th day of
March, 1!KI8. '
110 J. N. Watson, Register.