Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 16, 1908, Image 2

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ratal-trot .
wtawtart of finto
Waiary of 1 rcs.nry
rlry rtt W r
abaraey General
hMMiKir Oem-ral
Mrrtaryof Navy
sry Interior
ary ol Aifrleultnre.
tary of Commerce . .
CW Junto
WwspailoB Warn
TJa. Elchards.
1 bnw.irt Kooacvait
i.'has. W. Fairbanks
Kllhu Roo
.... Lean M.fthif
Wm. H.Tafl
,...Wm. H. Mood
.Geo. B. Cortelyoo
I'hu. J. Honapart
...E. A. Hitchcock
J nrt Wilson
Melrlll W. Fnllrt
r. V. B, Pension Commissioner
. ... I). 8. Land Coramlsstonef
Oeo. K Chamberlat
T. A. Moor
.. r". I. Dunbar
. C.B.Moor
A. M. Crawford
J. 11. Acst-rman
...J. R. Whitney
... J. W. SalVy
John M.Gearla
C. W. Fuitoa
I Binter Hrmo
IJ. S.-VIUUias
H. L. Benson
(Senator . John A. Lag-cock Mining
Northern Stage . ine.
A. w B8TAN, Proprietor.
leaves Lakeview at 0 a.iu.
every day but Sunday.
Returning, leaves Paisley
at 6 :a0 h. m every day hu
Paessaftta' at t j tfoe trip
OPFaCB HooM A Wln.flel-e.
ai Jnrt,
Vrtaclary of Si
Ularaei Ueni-rii
(Ms. Public In-
Mry and Pml
ILA 8caator. . .
Blue Prints Made.
I will niAkr nlue Print or any
tract rl land In the Lakeview Land
District, and do abstract work
3a.ll on r writ- U It. sMUKR
Lakeview, Oregon. 4 tf
EH Restaurant,
at all hours.
First class
blanks at the Examiner
S H. F
G. II.
I. N.Watson.
T. Bolder..
P. B-ljay
...Re ln
. .Receiver
id topnt.
tawnor .. .
. R. N. Jsqnltn
... Albert Deai
r. O. 'Vstroni Wes
...J.Q. Wllllt
. .. C. E. Moore
ImJaaam t C. W. Pent i
laaioner u u,,j ,
Pan P.MalloT
: rmrctor
At Snelllng
ti Bailey
r. Mslioy
a. v. Tucker (
B. Lane
J. Snider
a.Kebe r
Co inctlmen
U you are thinking of organizing a
mtock company see our new samples
Wall Strwt ngraved atock certifl
utter paper at The Examiner
affice. The Best made, at F2.73 for
SCO aad M.50 for 1000. tf
The Wall street line of engraved
aertificatea of Stock and Bond blanks
ml the Examiner office. New sample
book received Monday evening. If
yoa want stock certificates st-e ou
am tuples and get our prices.- tf
Hatch iunchat the Brewery Sa-
it aiiorjr
la7 Forfreih-
nesa, purity and relU
tn a class by them
selves, farmers
bare confidence
tn them because
they know they
can be relied up
on. Don't experi
ment with cheap
seeds yonr sure
ty lies in baying
seeds sent out by
a conscientious
and trustworthy
Faery's 4 Annual
Ftaat t Ca,txntri, Mca.
by buying thU
reliable, honest,
high grade sew
ing madiine.
' Sevin Machine C
final I'roof .otirr
Uei artment of the Interior.
Land Office at Lakevienr, Oregon,
Dec. 20, 1U07.
Notice is hereby given that Edward
R. Patch, of Lnkeview, Oregon, has
fl.'ed notice of his intention to make
final Five year proof iu support of his
c aim, viz: Homestead t.utry No.
3547 made Jany. 13, 1!K)C, for the SW
quarter. Section 13, Township 40 S.,
Range 20, E., W. M., and that said
proof wi'J be made before Register
and Receiver, at Lakeview Oregon on
7th day of February, 19o8.
He names the following witnesses to
prove bis continuous residence upon,
and cultivation of, the land, viz:
S. P. Vernon, J. P. Duke, R. K. Funk,
Robt. McKee, all of Lakeview, Oregon.
52 5 J. N. Watson. Register.
, n
These volumes were written by men who rank
among the foremost building experts of the day.
Money refunded if they do not . meet your needs.
son. ".isOpp., UOills. A manual of practical
methods for Architects, Builders, contractors,.
Civil and 5nnitary Engineers. Information for
the first time made known to the world, ltased
on recent construction work, special tests, etc.
Price $1.00
200 pp., 250 ills. Costly mistakes occur through
lack of attention at proper time, hurtful to Own
er and discreditable to Architect and IUiiidcr
Gives thorough knowledge of methods and mater
ials. Price $1 5
Rv Bourne, von Hoist find Brown. 183 pp , 55
drawmgs. Complete courso in making working
drawings nnd artestio lettering for architectural
purposes. Price $.5 0
ESTIMATING. Ry Edward Nicholas. 135 pp.,
35 ills. For all workers in Building trades.
Tells how to estimate intelligently. Price.. $1. 00
C- Plant. i25pp.. fully illustrated. Korms of pul
lic and private contracts, specifications, lumds,
etc.; duties and responsibilities of Architects,
contractors and Owners Price $i.(H)
Hodgson and Williams- 130 pp., 18O ills. Only
up-to-date work on these subjects. Price. . ..$1.00
CARPENTRY. By G. Town-end. i50 pp., 2i4
ills. A working manual for curtR'nters and
Wood workers in general. Not a theoretical
treatise, but a practical working guide- Price
I4O pp., 58 ills. For Architects, Builders, Steel
and Concrete Workers. Enables one- to avoid
mistakes- Price $l.0O
flECHAMCAL DRA rVl.NO. Ry E- Kenison- 10O
pp., 140 ills. Complete course in projections,
shade lines, intersections ami developments, let
tering, with exercises and plates. Price $1 00
Bryne. i40 pp 44 ills Latest and best Ameri
can methods- Price $1 00
These volumes are handsomely bound lured art
Vellum de Luxe, size x 9 Inches. Sent prepaid
to any"part of the world on receipt of price. Remit
by Drafc, Postal Order, Express Order, or Register
ed Letter, to the
Lake County Examiner.
j lla Hud Yw Hw Hlwars BcrcM
New York Tribune Farmer
Review of Reviews
Success Magazine
Lake County Examiner.
york Tribune Farmer
Review of Review.
Success Mafazirw
Lake Co. Examine
WEEKLY. 20 pages, 12i by 18 inches. The most
thoroughly practical, helpful, up-to-date Illustrated
weekly tor every member of the farmer's family.
Regular Price per Year $1.00
MONTHLY. 125 pages, 7 by 10 Inches. Edited by
Dr. Albert Shaw, whose monthly comments on cur
rent history, at home and abroad, are recognized as
the most Intelligent and valuable found In any peri
odlcal. Contains hundreds of portraits of "people
In the public eye," of cartoons, illustrations and
valuable original articles.
Regular Price per Year
MONTHLY. 60 to loo pages, 10 by 14 lncbeta.
Every itwue is full of brilliant and fascinating Serial
B.ud iShort Stories, original articles on "The Work
of the World," with departments coveringall phase
of "The Home Life and the Person," und ;with
manyilnsplrational feanures.
Regular Price per Year
WEEKLY: The Leading Paper of Southeastern
Oregon; publishes all the latest land and Stock news
of a territory embracing 200 miles square. Lake
County.s Official paper. The Oldest Newspaper in
Southeastern Oregon, established In VW.
R(v Iar Price per Year
Timber laad . at Ire.
United States Iaud Otlice, Lake
view, Oregon, Dec. 13, 1907.
Notice la hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of Congress of June 3. 1878. entitled,
"An act for the sale of timber lands
in the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and WanhinKton Territory,''
as extended to all the Public Land
States by act of August 4, W.rz,
Maggie C. Bernard, of Lakeview,
county of Lake, State of Oregon, has
tins day Hied in this office bis sworu
statement, No. 3844, for the purchase
of tbei SE quarter, NE quarter, E
Imlf, SIO quarter, and SW quarter,
KM riilartf-r nf Kaf-tirin fU) !r, Tnu-n.
IshipIWS., Range 21, E.,W. M., and
will offer proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for itstlmber
or stone than for agricultural purpos
es, and to establish his claim to said
land before Register and Receiver at
Lakeview, Oregon, on Saturday, the
7th day of March, 1008.
Z lie names witneses: Otto Ilardisty
J as. E. McCoul, T. E. Bernard, (J.
W. Ilardisty, all of Lakeview, Oregon.
Any and all persons, claiming ad
versely the above described lands are
requested to file their claims in this
office on or before said 7th day of
March, 1008.
5110 J. N. Watson, Register.
1 .01
"If you are
piles, apply
Here a Good Advice.
O. S. Woolever, one of the
best known merchants of Le Rays-
ville, N. Y. says
ever troubled with
Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It cured me
of ttiem for good twenty years ago."
Cures evey sore, wound, burn or
abrasion. 25o at Lee -Beull's Drug
TlmtHT h I .
Uulted Slat Laud tittle,
view. Oregon. Deo. 14. 1907.
Nolle la hrreby glveu that In cmi.
pliatica with the provisions of th net
of CongH'M of June 3 IH'H, entitled
"An act for the sal of timber Isml
In the State of California, Onmnn
Nevada, and Washington Territory, '
aa extended tu all the Public Lmh i
Ktittem iy net of August, 1802, Harriet
0. Newt-ll, of Lakcvlaw, county 11'
Lake, State of Oregon, has this da
tiled tn tbia oftlo hi woru ststeim m
No. for th pnrelms of the NW
qnarfer, of Section SO, in Townxhli
38 H., liangn 17, K., W M , ari l .Mil
olfer proof to show that the hunt
ought is mors valuable tor It tin ner
or i tone than tor agricultural i tu
poses, and to establish Jii claim l e
fore RrgMtr and Receiver at Lhi
view Oregou on Mouday the 2-1 ttay '
March, l!Hh.
' lie nauitta as wltnoase : P. M. 'n
ry, W, R. Ilainniersley, L (J 'lliu
as, Dan Chandler, all of Lakeview
A ny anil all . eri)iia etsliiiing ml
versely the above (leserili((l Ihd.Im hi to tile their clslma In llii
orti.te on or before said 2-1 day i.
March, I1K8.
6I-I0 J. N. Watson, Jeglstti
Tluilier l-aad olie .
Delist tineiit of th interior. Unit' i
Ktates Land Office, Lakeview Oreuoii.
Pec. 3, l!H7.
NOTIJE is hereby given that i
compliance with the provisions or tin
act of Cotigreaa or June 'X IH7H, en
titled "An act for the sain of tlm I n
lands In the States of (!alifornlH. Ore
gnn, Nevada, and Washington Ten
tory," as extended to nil th- Piiblu
Land Slates by aci of AuimiU 4. 18112.
Nellie .MeS tin ne. of Lakevlnw. county
or Lake, State of Oregou, has this
day tiled iu this ottlce hi sworn state
ment, No. ,1814, for the purchase of
the i: Eij of Section No. 12, In
Townhlp No. 3S S , Range No. Ill, K .
. to., and will olfer proof to show
that the land souglit In more vuluiil le
fot Its timber or atone than for nul l
cultural purposes, and to eHtahlitdi hi
claim to said laud before Register and
Receiver at Lakeview Oreiron. on l''rl
day, tlie 11th day of i'ebruary. l'.H8.
Jle names as wltueHsea: James
McShuiie, Frank Hutctivna, of Ivike-
view tiregon, John, of Bonan
za, Oregou, Oeorge Blooiulugcaiiip, ol
my uregon.
Any and all persons .'liuiiilntf al-
verxely the above deHerited lauds are
renutttiol to tile their claims in this
otlice ou or Isiforo saiJ 4lh. day of
February, UXW.
.10 10. J. N. Watson. Register
Department of the Interior, United
States Laud Ottlce, Lakeview, Oregou,
I lee. 7, Ui7.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance w ith the provisions of the act
of Congress of June 3, S78. entitled,
An net for the sale of timber lauds
in the States of California Oregon
Nevada and Washington Territory,"
as extended to all th I'obllo Land
States by act ot August 4, 1802, Min
nie A. Light, or Lnkcvie. county of
Lake, Mute or Oergou. lias this day
Hied in this office his sworn statement.
No .'1828, for the purchase tt( the SW
quarter, NE quarter, W. half, SE
quarter, and SE quarter SW quarter,
of Section No. 21, In Towaahip No.
37 H., lUuge No. 10 E., W. M., and
will olfer proof to show that the laud
sought is mote valuable for kts timber
or nt-n than for agricultural purports,
and to rHtubllsh bis claim fa-said laud
before Register and Receiver at Lake
view Oregon, ou Wednesday, the 211 h
day of February, 1008.
lie names as witnesses: John Stiudt
of liooauza, Oregon, D. V. Malloy,
lua V. Malloy, F. P. Light, of Lake
view, Oreou.
.' ny and all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lands Mrs
requested to tile their claim in tuis
oftlce on or before said 2ith day of
Feby. ,10O8.
DO 10 J N. Watson, Register.
Timber l-and !tlre.
United States Land Otlice, Lukeview
Oregou, Dec. 13th, 10O7.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of Congress of June 3, 1878. entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lands
iu the States of California, Oregou,
Nevada and Washington. Territory,"
as extended to all the Pubiie Laud
States by act of August 9, 1802.
Burr R. McMartin, ot Lakeviev,
county of Lake, State ot Oregon, has
this day Hind in this ottlce his sworn
statement, No. 38i0, for the purchase
of the NU quarter, NW quarter, W
half, NE quarter, and NW qaurter,
SE!uuarter, of Section 31, In Town
ship 38 S., Range 18. JR., W. M., and
will offer proof to Bhow that the land
sought is more valuable for its tim
ber or stone tba fur agricultural
purposes, and to establish his cliilai
to said land before Register and lie-
ceiver at Lakeview, Oregon, on Thurs
day the 10th day vt March, 1008.
He names as witnesses J. V. f rice,
C. O. Metzker, J. B. Auten, U. W.
Ilardisty, all of Lakeview, Oregoa.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lands are
requested to (lie their claims li this
office on or befoie said 10th day ot
March, 1008.
r)l 10 J. N. WatsoiiKwgister.
The regular price of these 4 great publicaU is
Our Price - - - -
- $7.00
received. '
Lake County Examiner, Lakeview, Oregon
Timber Land Aiotlre
United States Land'Ofllce.' Lakeview
Oregon, Deo. 13tb ,1007.
Notice' Is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of Congress or June . i, lain, entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lands
in the states of California, Oregou,
Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
as extended to an ine ruuno ludu
States by act of August 4, 1802,
Anita Jioyd. of Lakeview, county
of Lake, State of Oregon, has this day
Hied in this office bis sworn statement,
No. 3851, for the purchase of the W
half. E half of Bee. No. 18, In Town-
snip No. 37 H., Range No. 17 C W.
M ., and win omer prooi to snow mat
the land sought Is more valuable for
ita timber or atone than lor agricul
tural purposes, and to establish bis
claim to said land before Register and
Receiver at Lakeview Oregon, on
Tuesday.' tba 17th day of March, 1938.
He uames aa witnesses: vv. u. uoya,
Zack Wbitwortb. George Lynch,
Frank Howard all of Lakeview Oregon
Any and all persona claiming adver
sely the above described lands are re
quested to file their claims In this
otlice on or before said 17tb day of
March. 1908.
5210 J. N. Watson, Register.
011 Man f th W1 Gam Ma a
"lav- Mystry.
Ono of the company get himself
up to represent the old man 'of lha
woods. The rest take the naiuei of
various animals such as lion, tiger,
leopard, and o on.
Tho plnycrs eat llicmsclvoi
round the room, and the old niun,
standing in the renter, toll them
that some of their number lnUf
committed a crime and he i about
to question them in order that l
may discover tlio guilty ones. Ii
then begins, "Now, Mr. Lion, win m
hayo you horn hunting and lnt
have you oaten today?" "I hunud
in tho forest and caught an anie
loc." "Then you are twice guiliy
and must pay two forfeits," kiis the
old man. And the lion mibt pay
his forfeit without being told the
crime ho has committed. The old
man pauses on to a polar hour.
"Where did you hunt and what
have you oaten ?" he at-ks. "I hunt
ed in the water and hnd a fine tixh
to cut." The polar hear is pro
nounced innoccut. Tho secret of
the game is that no animal may
bring in the letter "o," either in hi
hunting ground or tho food he eats.
"Forest" and "antelope" both have
an "o" in them, so tlio lion has to
puy two forfeits, while "water" and
''fish" having no "o," tho hear wu
declared innocent. Tho fun is for
the old man to keep the secret of
"guilty" or "innocent" to himself
and let the player try to solve the
puzzle and where the catch comes
in. Philadelphia Kecord.
Invisible Ink.
Every now ami then a boy wants
to know how to make invisible ink.
Tho liest preparation is based on
tho use of cobalt, a reddish white
metal of tho iron group. The vv
culiarity about ink mudo from this
base is that it may be mado to dis
appear and to reappear nt pleas
ure. To prepare it take zallor,
which is a crude cobalt oxii'.' easily
obtainable at drug stores, und dis
solve it in nitroniuriatio Bcid until
tho neiil extracts from it tho metal
lic purt of tho cobalt, which gives
the zallor a blue color. Then dilute
tho solution with common water. If
you write with this liquid on pajcr,
the characters will lc invisible, but
when exposed to u sulViciont degree
of heat they will become green.
When the paper has nooled they will
disappear. It is necessary to cx-
roso the writing to the heat eareful
v. for if tho Miner to heated too
much tho characters will not dis
appear after once appearing. Chi
cago 'NrV
King Caesar.
This is an outdoor play for boys.
Two bases, or homes, are marked
out one at each tnd ef the field or
playground. Half the players go to
each banc all but one, culled "King
Caesar," who stands between the
two bases. The other run to and
fro, and it is tlia king's business to
catch them as they puss. When he
catches one he taps him on tho
head, saying, I crown thee king.
The player thus cnught joins in the
capturo of tho others, helping to
make more kings until all have been
caught. The last player caught is
the winner of tho game nnd become
first king it the gome begins again.
Puzzl Your Friends.
Ask them what number of thre
figures multiplied by 8 will maka
exactly 10? Answer 1 V4 o 1-25.
Place three twos together so as to
mako 21. Method 22 plus 2 equal
Take 1 from 9 and make it 10.
Method IX j take away I and
leave X.
Add 1 to 9 and make it 20. Meth
od IX; cross the I and we Lava
Prove that 1 taken from 19 leave
20. Method Take the I from XIX
and we Lave XX. PmUdelphi.
Playing &tora.
Tlaultrr laasd Wotlrst.
Deourtmeut of the Interior United
States Laud Ottlce Lakeview Oregon,
Deo 3, 1007.
NOTICE is hereby give that la
compliance with the provisions of th
act of Congresa of June 3, 1878, eu
titled "An act for the sale of timber
lauds In the States of California. Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territo
ry," as extended to all the Public.
Land States by act of August 4, Jwz.
Janes McSbano, of Lakeview. county
of Lake, State or Oregon, bas this
day filed In tbia office his sworn state
ment. No. 3810. for tne purchase of
the SW4 of Section No. C, in Town
ship No. 38 8.. Range No. 17 E., W.
M., and win oner prooi to snow mat
the land sought la more valuable for
Ita timber or atone than for agricul
tural purposes, and to establish his
claim to said land before Register and
Iteoeiver at Lakeview Oregou, on Mon
day the I7tb day of February, 1008
lie uames aa witneses; Nellie Mc
Shane Frank flutohena of Lakeview
Oregon, John Stindt, of Bonanza Ore
gon, George Bloomingoamp ot . Bly,
Any and all persona claiming ad
versly tbe above described lands are
requested to file their claims In this
ottloe on or before said 17tb day of
February. 1908.
5010 J. N. Watson, Register.
A customer arrives and inspect
the good. Youth' Companion.
A Riddl Anwrd.
Can anything be light and heavy,
at the same time? Why; of course.'
Didn't you ever hear ef "hetrj,
cloud of light gray?"