Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 16, 1908, Image 1

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Vol. xxix.
NO. 3
Visiting his Relatives at
Olendale, Ore.
Wife and l$roth;r-ln Law Start
fur Death lied at Once. He.
malnt Buried at Portland.
One of the saddest and in out tiltn
shocks Unit the onlo of Luke county
linn received for many a tiny, was the
tlegram received by F. M. MIlItT last
Saturday evntiiug, announcing the
death of Dr. J. H. Dewey, which oo
ourred lit (ilendiile, Oregon on Hint
day. One could scarcely credit the
report it was- huuIi a shoo. Mr.
Milter received the telegram iu the
evening Hiid left tlmt night liy private
conveyance to overtake Mrs. Dewey at
lily, who had started tlmt morning
for Olendale in aimwer to a telegram
ahu hud received ntatiug tlmt tier bus
liand was quite ill with pneumonia.
Mrs. Dewey waa JiihI recovering from
an attack of Lagrlppe, and wan too Hi
to travel, hut started nt once.
Dr. Dewey, iu company with V, L.
Knelling and A. K. Florence left.Lake
view a littln over u week ago for Anil-
land,' where they joined the Klkt
Lodtfn. Mm. Dewey received a letter
from the Doctor at Ashland saying
that he had had "the time of bin life"
and wrote in very high spirit. How
ever, Minn I'earl WiUhire wrote her
father that she had met Dr. Dewey
JuHt I of ore he left for the north, and
that he wan a filleted with a very se
vere cold and whi suffering with ear
ache, hut did not want v.ife to
Know of h fur fear that It would wor
ry h or, httoutmo she win not well.
From Ashland ho proceeded toOlen-
dnlo to visit aome of bis relative! who
reside at and in that vlciolty, and
there had an attack of pneumonia
from which he died in a few days.
Dr. Dewey waa one of the Lent
known men in this Boot Ion, having ar
rived here nearly twouty years ago,
while a young vigorous mau, and
shortly thereafter engaged iu the pro
fession of dentistry, in which he at
tained marked distiuctlun, and in the
course of his practice, by Lin hon
esty, fidelity, aud ek 111 won the h ind
ent esteem from a large circle of ac
qualuteuces, not only in Lake but ad
joining counties.
He waa an honored member of Luke
view Lodge No. 63, I. O. O. F., Lake
view Encampment No. 18, Lakeside
Lodge 111, A. O U. W. He was for
ty five years of age aud was born in
the Eaat. He waa man led to Miss
Dola Mlllla about twenty years ago.
No children were born to them.
Dr. Dewey waa coutddered one of
the beat men in the community; hon
orable, reliable, and prompt in bis
dealings with his tellowman ; a good
kind aud affectionate buubaud and a
staunch friend. His death will touch
the hearts of every person for more
than a hundred miles around Lakeview
It is sad to contemplate this sud
den taking away of ao good aud useful
a mau as Dr. Dewey, in the meridian
of his life. He had accumulated a
substantial competency, aud bad well
enrned the privilege of eujoying the
fruits of bis arduoua labors, and it is
beyond the realm of human language
to express the great loss In his un
tlnioly death. He owned a half inter
est In the Hotel Lakeview, which, It
is estimated, is worth $35,000.00, be
sides various other propertles.and has
wisely provided for his wife In iusur-
ance aggregating at loast ten thousand
The separation of husband and wife I
by death Is always heartbreaking, but
In this case It seems doubly so. Dr.
and Mrs. Dewey wer always together,
worklag traveliug, in fact this separa
tion was this first in many years, and
bis sudden death, while away fioru his
dearly loved wife was so sad. A letter :
written by him to bis wife, a couple;
or days before his death, in wineh Da
tells of his 1 llness, and his longing for
her presence, Is heartrending. The
hearts of the whole oounty go out to
Mrs. Dewey in this, her hour of deep
Mrs. F. M. Miller received a tele
phone message from ber husband aud
Mrs. Dewey Tuesdsy night stating
that the y had Just arrived In Oleu
dale, about 10;30, that night and that
the remains would be taken to Port
end for burial in the cemetery with
his mother and brother. Tbe start
from Olendale was made at oue
o'olook yesterday moru lug.
Current Comment.
Christian Sc.heuhel. of Oregon City,
law partner of W. H. U'Ren, has been
nominated by the president for Dis
trict Attorney for Oregon, vice, W. C.
Bristol, whose name was recently
withdrawn. Mr. Hcheubel was backed
for the place by Kenator Uptime,
while Kenator I'ultou, Representatives
ilawley and Kills recommended Mr.
Itlnghmii, of Halorn for the place. Tbe
nomination was made during Mr. Ful
tlns recent trip to Portalnd, aud Is a
great surprise to three of the delega
tion. Mr. Bcbeubel has held tho oflice
of Justice of the l'eace, aud wan onco
prominent In popullxt politics.
The stutetnent of the condition of
all fuuds in the State Treasury on
December 31, 1907, shows that there
was $4512,520.91 oo tho state's books.
There Is $27,000 cbhIi oii hand iu the
treasury, 1112,010 puper in couth of
collection, $20, 000 on deposit iu
hanks at 2 percent interest and 'X,
OOO bearing 6 percent Internal, due
from the American Surety .Oopmaiiy
on account of the loss iu the Title
Ouiiranteo and TriiHt Company.
The tlihtnct court of appeala baa
handed dowu a decision in tho Mayor
Scliiiiit. cane of Hun Francisco, which
practically meaiia the release of both
Kuef and Kchuiltz. The court holda
that In extorting money from the
French rextauraut no crime agaluat
the law waa committed.
Judge Hunt of the Moutiimt Federal
court Iiiih lieeu aut to Portland to try
the remaining laud fraud cases which
were beguu Monday with F. J. Mon
ey as the goverumeiita' speciul prone
cutor. Hermanu is to be tried first,
aud Hall's case will follow.
R. A. llallinger, Commianionet of
the general laud office", has resigned
tbe position. Mr. Hall Inner has talked
ot leslgniug before. He Is said to be
a $20,000 mau iu a $.",000 place. His
resignation takes effect March first.
His successor Is not known yet.
'The public lands committee has re
ported favorably upon a measure
which will, if it becomesa a law, give
to all who have filed upou a home
stead and failed for any cause to se
cure title, another homestead filing.
Klamath county's tax levy this
year Is Id mills. It is figured that on
Klamath's aiseaaed value, this levy
will raise $121,227.20.
Six jurors out ot tbe venire of 3O0
talesmen was secured in tbe Thaw
trial in New Vork.
Last week The Examiner published
a Hat of Lake county's deaths, births,
aud marriages, for 1907. The list of
deaths aud births was not complete,
which fact was due to the negligence
of tbe proper parties to have them re
corded, acordiug to law. This matter
baa boon brought to the attention of
tbe authorities and pbysioians before,
but It seems that little heed has been
paid to the law ou this subject.
Tbe report of the Lakeview post
oflice for the year 1007, makes a good
showing for this class of oflice. There
were Kill money orders Issued,
mountlug to 129,381.00 Tbe amount
paid out on Money orders was $20,-
04(3.71. Registers number 2771.
Tbe appointments of J. N. Watson
and F. P. CrouemiUer as Register and
Receiver of tbe U. 8. Land oflice at
Lakovlew, were confirmed by tbe Sen
ate ou Monday, the 13tb.
Archie Hurrus, who was accident
ally shot by Policeman Brown some
months ago, is getting along very
nicely. The bullet was located and
extracted a couple of weeks ago.
The family of James MoShaue have
ben baviug a tussel with tbe grip.
Jimmie was ou the streets Monday
for tbe first time in three weeks.
Glad to report that all are recovering.
Mrs. P. M.' Miller was quite IU this
week, owing to the shook occasioned
by tbe Budden news of Dr. Dewey,
ber brother-in-law's death.'
II. A. Drattain came down from
Paisley Monday to attend the annual
meeting of the stockholders of the
First National Bank, which was held
J. P. Saloldo, who has been doing
some excellent work for tbe Examiner
at Klamath County, during tbe last
month or more, returned to Lakeview
Walter Howard came over to town
last Sunday to see bow things wore
going on in tbe burg, as he bad not
been in town for several months.
Walter says the roads are pretty bad
An Equal Distribution of Representation in
the District Will Serve all.
Lake county is In a Representative
district composed of Lake, Klamath,
Crook and Grant counties, which Is
entitled to two joint Representatives,
and also in a Senatorial District com
posed of Crook, Klamath aud Lake
counties entitled to one Kenator.
The interests of theae counties are
diversified, Crook aud (irant counties
are far to the north and dilllcult of
adequate representation by men from
the southeru part of the district, like
wiae, Lake county is far to the south,
and cannot possibly be represented by
a man from any other part of the dis
trict. A proper distribution of the
representatives iu the legislature in
this 'llatrict would give all represen
tation. Lake has leen without repre
sentation in the legislature, and the
What was termod the "tough
element" is said to have leen on
a "bighlouesome" Saturady night aud
made certain portions of our city
hideous until after daylight Sunday
Mr. A. L. Pooro, who was here laat
week and appeared before the land
oflice in a content cane, while on the
staud was suddenly siezed with ner
vous prostration, aud was quite ill
for a few days.
An ordinance was introduced at the
last council meetiug and referred to
tbe fire committee to be reported up
on at tbe next meeting, which' pro
vides that buildings of three or more
stories put in fire escapes.
Harold Miles, one o! Warner valley
industrious young men, passed
through Lakeview this week on his
way to Myrtle Creek, where be goes
to visit his relatives. Mr. Miles will
return to Lake county in April.
George Small and daughter, Lora,
spent last week in Lakeview from Sil
ver Lake on land business. Miss
Small bad homeeteaded a piece of land
in tbe Silver L ke country, which was
contested by a timber and stone ap
plicant. Walter Robinson, who baa been
working with the S. 1). Chandler
Bheep for the past several months, and
whose family live at Ashland, passed
through town first of this week on his
way to Ashland to be with his family
during tbe winter.
President ' II. Bt' George Tucker of the Jameetown Tercentennial expo
tloo Is a native Virginian in the V. F. V. rank. He was born in Winchester
fifty-four years ego. His father was a distinguished authority on con stl ra
tio as 1 law. In 181)7 President Tucker succeeded his father aa professor af
constitutional aud international law and equity la the Washington and Lee
university, and In 1803 he waa elected dean of the schools ot JurtaprndstkM
and law and politics and diplomacy Id Columbian university at WRshlngtoa
Ha served (our terms In congress, retiring la 187.
time has come when we need repre
sentation there. We have as good tim
ber as there is in the state, and there
Is no reason why we should not send
a man to tbe legislature; surely other
parts of the district could not find
objection. Let us get together on
some good man and ail work for bis
election. Wbile there are many who
could represent us, we will suggest
the name of Mr. H. A. Brattain, of
Paisley. Mr. lirattain is one of tbe
county's substantial business men,
and having lived here many years is
iu touch with every question effecting
this section of country. We feel pos
itive that Mr. lirattain is a man in
whom the interests of this district
can e safely pliced. That he is
qualified fur this important position,
there is no doubt.
In regard to tbe notice of filing of
plat of townvbip 3921, published in
The Examiner, tbe Lakeview Land
office has received instructions from
the General Laud Oflice directing this
oflice to withhold tbe filing of this
pint for further orders
The Examiner published an ad
vertisement for Geo. W. Reynolds, of
Portland. Mr. Reynolds writes as
follows: "Your paper is certainly a
good medium through wbicb to reach
the people, and I am well pleased with
the results of my advertisement.'
II. J. Groendyke, one of the bead
engineers of tbe O. E. eur ey in this
section of tbe country arrived here
from Salt Lake yesterday to look np
; some data in connection with tbe line
, running uoith and south through
Lakeview. He will be here about a
Si Henderson came in from tbe
desert Monday, where be has bis
sheep. He brought in the bucks, and
, will, in a few days, return to his
' flock. Si reports the feed in abun-
I dauce and sheep thriving, and that
; plenty of water is afforded this winter
! for camp and stock use.
Tbe City Coucil at its last meeting
drew up an ordinance creating a Li
1 brary Fund for the maintenance of a
Public Library and Free Reading
Room. Under the provisions of tbe
new ordinance tbe Library must be
free. Tbe ordinance has been posted,
aud a committee appointed to enter
into an agreement with tbe Library
Association to adopt tbe new regime.
Clarence Snider was married to
Miss Nellie Hamilton on December
20, 1907 at Cor vail is Oregon. The
groom is tbe son of Mr. and Mrs. C.
U. Snider of Lakeview.
Clarence surprised bis Lakeview
friends by sending tbe announcement
borne. His bride is the daogbter of a
Methodist minister of Corvallis, and
from tbe picture sent by Clarence to
bis mother, she seems a very sweet
and winsome young lady. She is an
accomplished mnsician. and was
studying music in Salem when Clar
ence m-t ber. Clarence will continue
bis studies in medical college. Tbe
E xarnioer, with a host of friends
wish tbe young couple a long life of
happiness and prosperity.
Miss Marie Cogswell, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Cogswell, of
Portland, was married on January 3,
1908, to Mr. Walter Earnest Gelinsky.
John C. Stindt and Miss Myrtle
Hamaker were married Sunday, Jan
uary 5th, 1908. at tbe residence of t le
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D.
Hamaker, at Bonanza, Ore. Tbe
Lride was raised at Bonanza, where
she was a favorite among ber acquain
tances. Mr. Stindt has resided in Southern
Oregon about 4 years, spending most
of this time in Lake county. Tbe
couple are spending this week in
Lakeview. Tbe Examiner extends
be"t wishes.
Banks' Annual Election.
Tbe First National Bank held its
annual meeting Monday Tuesday and
Wednesday of this week. - There was
a large amount of business to attend
to. Tbe same officers end directors
were reelected. W. H. Shirk. Presi
dent; II. A. Brattain, vice-president;
S. O. Creseler, Cashier, Dick J. Wil
cox, assistant Cashier. The directors
consist of the above named, and C.A.
Rehart, S. P. Moss, and J. H. Hotch
kiaa. Tbe Lake County Loan and Savings
Bank held its annual meeting also,
tbe same officers and directors were
elected as were elected in tbe First
National, except that L. G. Thomas is
one of tbe directors of the savings
bank instead of C. A. Rehart.
Death of Baby duy.
Tbe three weeks old baby of Mr.
and Mrs. U. R. Guy died last Friday
This sweet frail lily was allowed to
bloom but a short time in this world
of sorrow, to be transplanted to tbe
garden of Ueaveu. Wbile tbe parents
mourn for tbe little one, and a great
loneliness is felt in their hearts, still
we cannot but feel that just to live
and then to die, is a most beautiful
tning to be given birth, then to for
ever Jive in 'the realms above What
more could be wished for? Yet it is
hard to ieel this, when tbe little one is
our owu, andjwe have to give it up.
Fell Upon Sharp Ax.
The Oregonian oi the 1th of Jan.
contained an article describing horri
ble death of the 13 year old son of D.
li. Meilck, of Washington. The boy
and his sister were playing about
their home, when tbe boy fell upon
an ax, wbicb was lying with tbe
edge up, which struck tbe boy in the
back, severing his backbone, and
entering tbe vital organs. Tbe lad
was a nephew of Mrs. Dan Chandler,
of this place.
The Meanest Man.
Bill Nye had truth well told when
he said : "A man may use a wart on
tbe back of his neck for a collar but
ton ; ride on the back coach of a
railroad train to save interest on his
money till th conductor gets around ;
stop bis watch at night to save wear
and tear; leave bis "i"or"t" without
a dot or cross to save ink , but a
man of this sort is a gentleman and a
scholar compared to the fellow who
will jtake a newspaper two or three
years and when asked to tay for it
puts it into the offioe and has it
marked "Refused". 1 '
Lake' Unjust State Tax.
Lake oounty, on a property valua
tion of $3,550,000.20 and a population
of about 3,000, pays 113,000 state tax
es, while Klamath county on' pro
perty valuation of $7,582,950 and pos
sibly 6000 population, pays $15,105.90.
This shows tbe iujutioe of the manner
in which tbe state taxes Lake county.
Klamath with twloe the amount of
property and people pay but little
more state taxes. Because Lake ooun
ty has q representation In the legis
lature we are imposed upon in the
most on scrupulous manner.
The City was Planned on
Gigantic Scale.
Some of the Parka of the Citj
Contain Nearly as Much as a
Section of Land. .
Editor Examiner:
The City Fathers of New. York City
evidently looked far into tbe future
growth of population, while tbe city
was in its infancy, by providing nu
merous parks, both large and smalL
throughout tbe city.
In order for the Examiner' readers
to understand the absolute necessity
of these parks for health alone, will
state that tbe most sparcely populated
part of the city contains about 190.000
persons to the square mile.
The map of New York City proper,
and Manbatten alone shows more than
50 parks scattred pretty well over the
length and breadth of the city averag
ing in size at least one block in area.
Furthermore they are in all sizes and
shapes, and in places contain only a '
small strip of ground well set out to
lawn and trees. The Bronx Park con
taining 103 acraa is situit9.1 up ton
ia tbe Manhattan residence district
adjacent to the tuDlara ail beautiful ,
part of the city. It is well laid out,
well set to a lawa ai 1 trees ia whioh
there is a large green house, bo large
that you are tired oat before passion
through the different sections, also
another large building with exhibits
of various kinds, that is equally
fatiguing, even to examine one of the
rooms critically.
Central park bordering Fifth avenue
on tbe East and Eighth avenue on the
west side and extending from 59th
street to 110th lengthwise of the city,
having an area of 430 acres, is near
one half mile wide and about two and
one half miles long. This park ia
most artistically laid out, in Harmony
to its natural surroundings, and in
perfect harmony to tbe lay of the
ground, upon which it is situated.
Tbe land is slightly undulating, rising
and falling about 100 feet in eleva
tion, in tbe different parts of the
park. First with a high stone wall all
around tbe same, with frequent open
ings for entrance and exit. Next,
there is a fine driveway, all around
the park with frequent . cross diive
ways, all laid out with asphaltum
making a driveway exceedingly smooth
There are numerous walks throughout
the park, laid with cement all being;
harmoniously curved around tbe hills
and valleys and none are straight, and
provided with numerous restingplaces.
Between the driveways and foot walks
all is set out to lawn and trees, with
the exception of the reservoirs, of
which there are three. These reser
voirs are placed upon the highest
ground, two are each about 100 yards
square, and the third near a half mile
across, formed in a ciroualr shape.
This park is rightly named the
lungs of New York City. In addition
to tbe foregoing there is a free exhibit,
a' large menagerie, and a very large
museum of which more anon.
8. V. Rehart.
Williamson (Jets New Trial.
Ex Congressman, J. N. Willamsoo,
whose third trial for land fraud re
sulted in conviction, has been grant
ed a new trial by the Supreme Court
of the United States on grounds of
error by the trial judge. In revers
ing tbe decision of the lower court,
the Supreme court decides a question
that ia of much importance to timber
and claimants. The court holds that
a timber land entryman may safely
enter iuto an agreements to sell his
claim bbtween the dates of his filing
and final proof. So long as no agree
ment has been made to dispose of tbe
land before filing, entryman may do
whatever he pleases, -with bis claim
hereafter and his title will not be .
This ruling is news to all, as it baa
always been the opinion that no deal
oould be made disposing of a claim
until tbe patent bad issued, and for
that matter, the sale of timber land
secured under the timber and stoned
law waa a questionable transaction at
any time.