Eossip About I Famous FolkJ A FT 13 n iak Idk mil 11mm In the gro cery trad, having Mtnlllntil in or than a huinlrMl re tall atorp In New York city, J a nice Iltitlor haa atrurk another gold mine In the Kniplra raring track at th outaklrta of that city. Tlila trark wa built tjr tlio lata William It. Clark, Ilia alte hav JAKU MUTLKM. ing Ixvn discovered ly Mr. Ilutler In 1H7. At tut time Mr. Ilutler waa president of the I'rlvtiig Club of New York. Alwaye an enthualaatlc horn man, be conceived th Idea of a trark for drlrlng and trotting meet. Mr. Clark bad more ready money than Mr. Hntlor at the time and ho Imllt the trark. Th plant roat about IT.Vl.ooo. After Mr. Clark 'a death It waa aold under foreclosure proceeding and wna ttotight In ly Mr. Ilutler and an aaaoclate for atout half what It towt. Tli remarkable aueceae of th August meet tbla year la aald to have doubled the. value of the property. Much of thin aurreaa waa due to tho clewing of the pool rooma In tba metrop olis by Platrlet Attorney Jerome. Those who wanted to bet on the races were compelled to go to tba trark, which Dwelled the attendance far be yond rxpertatlon. Mr. Ilutler la aald to be one of tboae men whose touch aeema to transmute everything Into gold. Booth Tarklngton of Indiana baa been abroad for aome time and baa re turned with a new play and the inanu acrlpta of two new novel. The play be calla "Tbe Man From Home," and It waa written In collab- nooTH TAnaiNOTOM AMD A ITa I USA oration with Harry L. Wllaon. author f "The Hpendera." The pluy In r romtdy entire on the American abroad, and It will receive It Initial performance In Indiana. Mr. Tarklugtou will return to France after hi play hua lecn atnged. The mitlmr gives the following hint of hla lnlet dramatic work: "The pluy deal with the adventure of mi I milium lawyer who goe to Europe In reference to tint contem plated niurrliige of bis wurd to an KnglUliiiiiin of title, lie If Just the average well to do, untravcled cltlsen you might meet on bii iiccniiimoihitlou train Ixtucin IxgnnHpirt and Koko III'"." l'.iHiih I'nrLliiirtou mill Jaiiiex W'Ult couili Itlley lire old filentlH, and the former tells hmv ho ued lii hi younK er iluyx to ilelluht to trail aUnit at the beolx of the llooNler Het. lit nil hotira of the lny and night. Unletting to bin "unKiiili!g." The at roll uuitlly end ed In the Minnll hour of the morning by a lunch of pie, watermelon. Ktrong coffee. WMi rabbit. This wim prob ably where Turklugton lenrneil to take bl break flint at noon and do hi writ lug by an oil lump. Mr. Tarklugtou la exceedingly companionable and la en tirely without aelf consciousness and egotism, lie Is a ready and entertain ing tulker, tells a story a well u be writes It and hua a keeu beime for the humorous. Senator Uobert M. La Follctte of WIhcoiihIii, who Is how recognized a one of the candidates for tho Repub lican prcHlik'iitlal nomination In 11KW, Is hwIiikUik around the ChnutnuUii circuit, on which bo Is quite Mipulnr. The Henntor'B great speech on the rnll- KNATOR LA JtilXf LBTTa AH THE ruOTOOHAPHKK AND (UllTOON JHT PICTURE! HIM. road rate bill bud the distinction of being tbe longest speech of tho con (grass during which It waa dollvered. But unfortunately for hliu it did not get before the country under auspi cious clrcumBtnncos. The npcech con tained 1)5,UU0 words, and about three days were consumed in Its delivery, put aa tho Hnu Francisco earthquake happened about that time tho papers Were full of this catastrophe to the ex- iastoon- . I a 1 I ornm. J I 1 ' , an i i I rlualon of almost all other new a. Ben ator I -a Kollettc'a experience waa somewhat similar to that of hla for mer colleague, Rcnalor Mooiier, on one orcaaloti. Four year ago Senator ftpooner waa scheduled to make tbe great speech of hla life defending tbe I'hlllpplno policy of the administra tion, lie made the speech, and It waa a great one, but there never waa a Una of It printed In the newspaper or anywhere ele outside the Itecord. On the day be made the speech tho tele graph wlrea leading out of taahlng ton all went down liecaua of a alert atorra, and not a word waa tele graphed from the city, fpooner might J tint aa well not have apoken, ao far aa the, effect of hla speech on tba coon try waa concerned. Pearl Wight, whom President Ilooae velt hna appointed t'nlted Ktatea com ?Ualoiipr of Internal revenue, to take office next Iecemler, la by business a ahlp chandler In New Orleana. He waa appoluted by Chairman Cor telyou to fill the Ixulnlana vacancy on tbe Republican national committee. Mr. Wight be long to tbe ahlp chandlery firm of Woodward. Wight & Co. It la under atood that Mr. Wight la now prac tically the firm. Mr. Woodward having been made fEARL, W1UHT. poatmaater of New Orleana, la hla line of buatneee, which tourhee tbe lumber trade Intimately, Mr. Wight baa figured In various contract for aupplylng lumber materlala for the Panama canal, for llgbtbouaee and other government worka. The now appointee la aald alao to be tbe bead of tbe Uly White organl I aatlon In Imtlalana. a political body ' which oppoea tbe too active participa tion of negroea to public affaire. I). II. Morris, ex president of the Au tomobile Club of America, waa de acrlblng In New York tbe aucceaa of a certain wily automobile cop. The mau'a cleverness la wonderful," Mr. Morris ended. "In aome waya It reminds ma of tbe cleverness of old John Jate. " 'I thought you aald you were going to bring a friend home to dinner with you thla evening? snapped Mrs. Jatea aa they aeated tbemaelvea at the beau tifully appointed table. "'He couldn't come,' John ana we red calmly. "And then, with no little enjoyment, tbe clever fellow fell to upon the first decent meal be bad aat down to for aome weeka." William 8. Taylor, former governor of Kentucky, who has been living In Indlanapolla alnce bla Indictment for alleged complicity In the murder of Governor Goebel more than aeven year ago. haa been offeml by Governor Itcrkbam of Kentucky Immunity from arrest If he will return to the state and testify In the forthcoming fifth trial of Caleb Powers, who I Indicted on a charge practlcnlly Identical with that which drove ex-CJovernor Taylor from hla native atato. Mr. Taylor Is practicing law In In dlanapolla. During the past seven year the governor of Keutueky has requested of the auccesslvo govern ors' of Indiana tbe requisition of Tay lor, but the Indiana governor have re fuaed to honor the request. The fugitive de clares that be Is Innocent and that WILLIAM a. TATI.OR. there Is a political conspiracy In Kentucky to murder him. He has been out of Indiana but once since his Sight. That was when be at tended the Republican national conven tion at Philadelphia In 1900. A plnu to kidnap him and carry him to Kentucky was foiled by bis friends. Tbe wife of tho ex-governor has died during the family's exile. Mrs. Mary Ixvcran Tucker, whose hus band has Instituted suit for divorce on tho ground of desertion. Is n (Hiv-tliter of the Inte General John A. I.o;; i i. She was educated at a convent In George town, P. C. Shortly after leaving this Institution she married William E. Tucker, who Is now a paymaster In the United State army with the rank of lieutenant colonel. Some time ago Mrs. Tucker uiul her mother, Mrs. John A. Logan, filed charges URUInst Colonel Tucker with the war depart ment. Colonel Tucker wa ac cused of conduct unbecoming an of fleer and a gentle man. It was al leged that ho hud not conducted blm aelf properly In the Philippines, the name of a soldier's widow being cou pled with his. Mrs. Tucker and her mother sought to bave Colonel Tuck A.AUY l.OOAN Tl'CKER. er reduced or removed from tho army, but after Investigation the complaint waa dismissed. Tbe husband then be gan divorce action In Chicago. It Is understood that Secretary Taft of the war department, who Is bound for the Philippines, will make aome further Investigation of the stories re lating to the army officer. Brigadier General Garllngtou of the Inspector general's department baa already spent considerable time on tbe Tucker case and will soon report. ; J ' tin iiii"'MlfcriMj I W( ! Irylrf tirrmrntlnn almply deveU ip ilry enuir li tli'iy dry up the aTtions, lirh ikIji r to tiiu raetnlirana and denom. fKum, e-tunlng a fr more arriou trouble h.tn the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all drying liilmlsnts, fiiroea, amoke and fluff 4 and uw that which cleans, aoothe and heals. Klv'a Crnm Halm will mantor catarrh or eld In the bend easily and plMnnt1y. All druggist ll the 60 cent size. Kly lirotbora, CO Warren Htreet, New York. Th Halm (a naed without pain, Ana not irrllnte or chiho aii'ter.lng. It apreada ltlt ovar an lrriliitd and an (fry surface, reliev ing Immediately the painful InfuiturnaMon. 1,1 y 'a Cream ilnlm contain no oocalne, meroury nor other harmful drug. Thn LtsMflng rap oi the Pacta Coast Th" Sea Francisco Chronicle The Weekly Chronic!" The very fc weakly Newspas published la tfa eadr Vast $1.50 a Year t-li1lac p aar rtrt nt Ike alt4 atalaa. Uw4l aa Mlr It Is feat beosMM, beside prlntlar all th aaw of the world on wim an tn'.eresflng way and tally Illustrating maay rtle:, It has ayadal aaparV m at oavetad ta ACRICULTURi H - i lCULTUR i OULTKY I. IV STOCK M NlNC LITFRATUR FASHIONS sad S OkT9 Thnae ar praeidad mrm by ad lor having a thoroufh knowi tii't et thsir apoo altifli Th ri drvetad to Afr cu.rum, Horticu tur. Poultry ana Lin .oo ar- wvll liluatrated and 'l ed with matter t th (rtt tiu-ren is all eegsgad la the n uiir1s, Try Ma ala( r!ii-:B by thae wh ar In eloe i uoP !' oo4Jtlo preralUnf on f hla Least SEND FOR SAMPLB COPT. It wtll a east tra. 1 Da jree waa4 as CTa1 asset : Reversible Map? ! Slowing the Ust4 Sosaae, t- mm:ee of Ceaala aaal Maf-Ukar Kaxlo aa aM ). MAP OP THE WORLD, sraeeattag t Wa in m oattoa aaaa, with all a In traa arsaoftloa, the aa r aarfaoe tarn Earth aa the ethar at da. Saad S3 tm4 r anal The Dally tnd Kls Only a;5 a Yecr CaaV The Tanner' Wife Is Tory careful about her churn. 8he scalds It thoroughly after using, and give It a sun bath to sweeten lu She knows that if ber churn Is sour It will taint tht butter that U made In it. The stomach is a churn. In tht ktomacb and digestive and nutritive tracts are performed pro cusns which are almost exactly like the i-hiiriiliiK of butter, la It not apparent then that If thin xiomnch-churn la foul it make (out all lneii m pm into It T Tbe evil of a foul stomach Is not alone the bad taste In the mouth and the foul ! breath caused by It, but the corruption of j the pure current of blood aiid the dlsscm ' Inatlon of disease throughout the body. ! Dr. Pierre's Golden Medical Discovery makes the sour snd foul stomach sweet. I It does for the stomach what the washing and sun bath do for the churn absolutely removes every tainting or corrupting elo uinnu In this way It cures blotches, pimples, eruptions, scrofulous swellings, ores, or open eating ulcers and all humors or d isease arising from bad blood. If you have bitter, nasty, foul taste In your mouth, coated tongue, foul breath, are weak and easily tired, feel depressed and despondent, have frequent headaches, dizzy attacks, gnawing or distress In stom ach, constipated or Irregular bowels, sour or bitter risings after eating and poor appetite, these symptoms, or any consider able number of them. Indicate that you are suffering, from biliousness, torpid or lazy liver with tho usunl accompanying Indi gestion, or dyspepsia and their attendant derangements. 7 "'WSy'"'" KPQya mwlUri, ence u,r tiu- mrr. pi ui u HlHivesvnnitonis ti:(TIlV thittt rltinirS iJUltint-'S atrth77vertf.r.lf m.-liT pr bja:e My. comlilueil ilT'.r- I'Tyrec s I .nl.lmi Afiririil l)ihiuvxtx That this is absolutely true win do readily proven to your satisfaction If you will but mail a postal card renncs'. to l)r. It. V. Pierce, ltuiTttlo, N. Y.. lor e free copy of his booklet of extracts (n iu the standard medical authorities, giving the names of all the Ingredients entering Into his world-fumed medicines and show ing what the most eminent medical men of the ago say of thorn. Subscrllx) for The Lake County Ex- arulncr, lfjyou want the news. R'e18 CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm Is quickly abtorbad. Civas Rslial at One. It cleanses, soothes, heals aud protect the diseased meiu. braue resulting from Catarrh aud drives away a Cold in the Head quickly, lte. stores the Sense of I yv(IVC 8 Atmrmw BBr uni'iLvrM f sj r' J J. HAY FEVER Taste and Smell. Full size 50 eta. , at Drug- Uta or by mail. In liquid form, 75 ceuts. Brothers, 68 Warreu Street, New York. s flhsMaBBBBMSst sTaTaBBBsV a LAKE VIEW t SADDLERY j S. F. AHLSTROM, Proprietor. t j i t The best Vatiuofc-fl die on the market. Also a complete line of wao & and bugsry harne., wbtu 1 robes, rlatM, blta, spurs, quirts, roaet tea, In fact eyery thing in the line of carrlnge and borne furnishing. JJe- ptilrlg by compctente mn. ERECTED IN 1900 MODERN THR0UQHO1T FIRST-CLASS ACCOnnOPATlONS SAflPLE ROOn For COnnERCIA TRAVELER COURTEOUS TREAT M NT p P UdMT I in HT X- HAODnW lrrrn pttir A Memorable Day. One of tbe days we remember with pleasure, aa well aa with profit to onr i health, ia tbe one on which we be-1 came acquainted with Dr. King's New Life Pilla, the painless purlflera that : care headache and biliousness, and keep tbe bowels right. 25c at Lee ' HealTa Drug Store. j ECZEMA and PILE CURE f REE Knowing what It was to Buf fer. I will give FREE OF CHARGE, to any afflicted a poaltlvecure for Ecaema, Salt Rheum, Eryalpela. Piles and Skin Diseases. Instant re lief. Dont Buffer longer, Write F. W WILLIAMS. 400 Manhattan Avenue, New York. Enclose Stamq. J. II. Cutter whiskey at the Ilote Lakeview bar. The beet and purest whiskey made. tf. The Examiner prints township plata, and makes them into books to order, tf LAKE COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. INCORPORATED Ew ArniwDiPWPPmpn r VVi'll JL-aa-a- a a. a v m I 1 Sn- 1 na f MtMHlMsaWpmiWIlnWH ever made in Lake County, and every Deed given. ERRORS FOUND. In transcribing the records we have found numerous mortgages recorded in the Deed record, and not indexed; and many deeds are recorded in the Mortgage record and other books. Hundreds of mortgages and deeds are not indexed at all, and aie most difficult to trace up from the records. We have notations of all these Error5: 7 Others cannot find them. We have spent hundreds ot dollars hunting up these errors, and we can guarantee our work. J. D. VENATOR, Manager. ; .' . 1 : V ' - J m iv v ! ' I' J-?:,-; . - . :'V ; 4 ' - ' u. - ; : , . ILAKBVIEW . . saV 3 t- Farmer, have yor butter wrap pers printed nt The Examine oiBee, Instead of wndlnsr away for them. Ton keep your money at borne, aad patrotitxv them that patronize yon, neflldeg. you nee what you are get ting and don't bave to pay for it 11 It doenu't Hult you. tf I o cure a coid in One Day i Take LAX ATI Vb BKuMO QUININt ! lableit. All drai!ii-i8 retnnd tbe ; money il it fails to cure. E. W. (T-ove's 4iinatme if on each tiox 25c. Tbe Examiner baa a supply of firs class butter wrapper paper on band now, at tbe following prices: For 500 wiappers, printed, $2.75, for 1000 printed W.50 tf K. F. Ablstroin, the sa Idler, baa re ceived a new shipment of gloves, the be3t in tbe market If you wan gloves good ones call at he Ahl eti?m Harness Shop. S9tf. e'have made an entire transcript of all Records in Lake County, which, in any way, affect Real Property in the county. We have a complete Record of every Mortgage and transfer NOTIC. Blueprinisof any town ship in the Lakevlmr Land District can be hafl by applying to the under signed. All work up l date. Checkings made from the Land Of fice Records at the time the prfntsare made, work neatly and promptly done. W. li. Snider. Lakeview Oregon. GET THE BEST t'j;t$i:it t 2S6' ilUM " IIIVliF ksu. Recently EaIrxS 25,000 New Words New Gazetteer of th TTerid 'h more than B.eu0 tiUal, based aa V UileM. oeusu return. NewBIocrapblcaaDlVHetnnrr I - - ft purxous, uate oi Dirt a, ooam, ma. TMieA Ipt VT. T. HARRIMTi.Dl.I.IJV, t -itfcvl Stu.UA Commissioner of Ktlttcal liafc 2380 Quarto Pace 1 If- naua. M0 ITInrilli i Kl i Needed In Every Home i jLL, Wabstar'sCaUatiat Dicttoaary Pera!r Edltist)xB)xrH -ly,r.ktoMnWTimkm."limtTifirmmtkym , O. 3 CI MERRIAM CO., 'Iiher. CprlacflI4MM. i Baanta yf " HawAlwatl Borj ftfaatar at 4 60 YEAR EXPERIENCE Trad Trad, JIark ''rrirt' coyrioht ac Anraa t"" ke'rh and eeaert J' oiilc-.IT aacertimi otir opinion fraa wlitlir aa SwrtMS probably paten th!i Cor. niunlca. Paianta taken tbrouah Munn A Co. reeaitaa trntnai naUc, aiihout cti.raa, laUia Scientific JInitrican. A handsomely IHntTd weekly. l.Jf- tlUNM & co.3S,8rMd-a- New Tort H Si J ' I