Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 02, 1908, Image 2

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MnMi;nlMiit' .
VMary of Treasury
$rMary of War
40araer General
fMituii'rdi-ni'riil... .
arttrtaryol Navy
Mawrr I olerlor
AOnrtarjr of AcTrullur
MtfUtyol (omnnrr
Veapailon Warner. IT. a fprmlonCommlMtoner'
Richards,.... C. . Land CoiumlwiioiieT
TAT. C.hamberlaia
I l Ill Oil
..Theouore Kiswvait
. :'.nu. W . Falrbanki
. . Klihn Roy
U-le M. Shaw
Win. H.Tfl
... .., H. Moody
ieo. B. Cnrtelyou
. ...Cha. J. Bonaparte
K. A. Hltrhcook
J tnrl Wilson
V. C. Melral!
wvif in v rmicr
Northern itaue Line.
A. W BHT AN. Proprietor
Leaves Lakeview at (i a. in
every tlav . ut Sunday.
Returning, leaves Paisley
at 6 :ttO a. in every day lu
PtUMini' are t. Ri"4 trie I:
OFFICB ".amolit. A winflei.o. - '
, F. A. Moorr
F. 1. Pimbar
C. 8. Moor
....A. M. Crawford
. J. H. Ai'rmD
J. R. Whltnef
... ....J. w. spi
i John M.Oarla
( 1 W. Fu'.toa
t Binaer Hermn
-- (J. M. AillUnt
H. U Benton j
nl Senator John A. Latcock Mining
mapttm Judge
aHdv'axT of Statu....
Mtoay Heneral.. ..
aata.rubllc Itmmicti
airy and Pood c. u
LikSanur. ...
Blue Prints Made.
will make Wm Print of any
tract i t land In the Lakeview I.nnd
District, mi.iI lo abstract work.
on or write U H. sMUKU
l-akevlew, Oregon 4S tf
Eli Restaurant,
at all hours.
First class
blanks a' the Examine
J n.i
G. U
T. Snider..
r. Belint
..Re ti
. Rtci-tr.'i
rZ .
mmk luawwtor
TOWN oflafev:ew
ak, Boe.UIng
B?r Raileyi
B. 1
. K. N. Jaqniftti
... Alben Pes'
F. O. ilrom
. . . . i. We
....J.Q. Wlllttn
... C. E. Moore ;
C. W Pent
K R.nierylord
.Dan P. UalloT
ar. HUlioy I
A m. Tucker i
A.. Lane
W. p. Snider . .
.it r
.Co lucilmea
ZAyou are thinking of organizing a
OUk company nee our new nam plea
dWu'.l Sir."-' u craved h'h.'': r?-' '
t-atl'j: paper nt The
cfS.'i. The Bi'-;t nia.'.e, at
V3 atd L"iO for YJ0.
The Wall street line of engraveu
eertificaten of Stock and Roud blankn
at the Examiner oflice. New sample
kook received Monlay eveuin;. If
yon want stock certificates fe ou
waiples and pet nnr prices. tf
Dutch lunchat the Brewery Sa-
''viVv'C- . For fresh.
tArr;? cess.puritvanilreli-
sXfjr are in a cIhss hy them-n-X.VX-
tc-i- selves. Farmers
'-'i. 'i i -s 'l liave confidence
i&'t- I'j'JdrNrrv -Jj In tiiera because 1
i?' ii'fife'5 t.iev know tl.ey
, XV-t on. Don't exneri-
X ,' ''$ V. :ieinbuvin?
' '"j f . ' . ds sent out by
' ' "' V ' t :i conscientious
f ,aw'A V,' f-.J trustworthy
fX i t t-n-rf's Seed Snnuai
u arm a Ca,Dntan, Mica.
by boy-Tg th'ji
reliable, hores
high grade sew-
"-v.-J Sowing Machine L
Final Proof Not ire
Dt'i'ai tment of the Interior.
Land Otlice at Lakeview, Oreifon,
Deo. 20, liWT.
Notice is hereby piveu that Edward
K. Patch, of Lukeview, Oregon, has
fi'ed notice of his iuteutiou to make
final Five year proof iu support of his
c aim, viz: Homestead Kutry ?o.
3517 made Jany. V., I'.'OO, fur the SW I
1 oAA:AK ii ri' . : . . tit o '
quurorr, o ci.i ium i.j, iww i j r u 1 1 1 o. ,
Eanpe 20, E., W. M., and tbat said I
proof wi'J be made before KeiMster J
ana Receiver, at Lakeview Oreiron ou
Ttbdayof February, 11AIS.
He names tbe following witnesroa to
prove his continuous residence upon,
and cultivation of. the laud, viz:
S. P. Vernon, J. P. Duke, K. K. Funk,
liobt. AlcKee, all of Lakevie. Orepou.
52 5 J. N. Watson. Register.
TIiobo volumoa were written by nun who rank
among the foremost building txKrtn of the day.
Money refunded if they do not meet your n ed.
son. I50jp., 1 4O ills. A manual of practical
nittliod" for Architects, Builders, contract rn,.
Civil and Sanitary Engineers. Information for
the first time made known to the word. Based
on recent construction work, sjvcial tests, etc.
Price $1 00
200 pp., 250 ills. Costly mistakes occur through
lack of attention at proper time, hurtful to Own
er and discreditable to Architect and Bui dor
Gives thorough knowledge of methods and mater
ials. Price $1 5
By Bourne, von Hoist and Brown. 185 pp , 55
drawings. Complete course in making working
drawings and artestic lettering for architectural
purposes. Price $.$0
ESTIMATING. By Edward Nicholas. 135 pp.,
35 ills. Kor all workers in Building trades.
Tells how to estimate intelligently. Price. $1. 00
C- Plant. 1 25pp. fully illustrated. Forms of pub
lic and private contracts, specifications, bonds,
etc.; duties and responsibilities of Architects,
contractor and Owners Price $1.00
Hodgson and Williams- 130 pp., 18O ills. Only
up-to-date work on these subjects. Price ...$i-(H)
CARPENTRY. By G. Townsend. i50 pp., 2j4
ills. A working manual for carpenters and
Wood workers in general- Not a theoretical
treatise, but a practical working guide- rrlce
I4O pp., 58 ills. For Architects, Builders, Steel
and Concrete Workers. Enables one to avoid
mistakes- Price $1.00
HECH AMCAL DRA rVING. My E- Kenison- ibO
pp., i40 ills. Complete course in projections,
sh 1 lei line, intersections and developments, let
tering, with exercises and plates. Price... .$1 00
Bryne. i40 pp . 44 ills- Latest and best Am ri-
can methods- Price $1 00
These volumes are handsomely bound iu red art
Vellum de Luxe, Klze x InclieH. Sent prepaid
to any part of the world oil receipt of price. Keiult
by Draft. Po-ital Order, Express Order, or Kejjlr-ter-ed
letter, to the
Lake County Examiner.
ar tha
. jruatnra
New York Tribune farmer
Review of Reviews
Success Magazine
Lake County Examiner
vork Tribune Farmer
Review of Reviewr
Success Ma,'"11
Lake Co Examinei
WEEKLY. 20 pages, 121 by 18 inches. The most
thoroughly practical, helpful, up-to-date illustrated
weekly for every member of the farmer's family.
Regular Price per Year $1.00
MONTHLY. 125 pages, 7 by 10 Inches. Edited by
Dr. Albert Shaw, whose monthly comments on cur
rent history, at home and abroad, are recogulzed as
the most intelligent and valuable found in any peri
odical. Contains hundreds of portraits of "people
In the public eye," of cartoons, illustrations and
valuable original articles.
Regular Price per Year f 00
MONTHLY. CO to 100 pages, 10 by 14 iuchea,
Every Issue Is full of brilliant and fasclnatlhg Serin!
and short Stories, original artlclea on "The Work
lit the World," with departments c-ovcringaii phase
of "The Home Life and the Person," uud .with
manyiinsplratlonal feanures
Regular Price per Year 1 .01
WEEKLY: The Leading Paper of Southeaatern
regonipubllsheaall the lutest land and Stock oewg
K territory embracing 200 mllea square. Lake
County ' 0f,ic,al Paper. The Oldest Newspaper in
outheasu'rn 0rHn established In 1S80.
tb'v lar Price per Year 2.00
The regular price of these 4 great pubUcaU- ? 1 $7.00
Our Price $5.0o
Lake County Examiner, Lakeview, Oregon,
Tliiilicr Land otirr.
United State Land Otlice, Lake
view, Oregon, Dec. l.'l, l'jo;.
I Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with tiie provisions of the act
jof Congress of June 3. 1H78, entitled,
"An act for the sale of timber lands
j in the States of Califoruiu, Oregou,
. NevuJa, and Wiinhiuuton Territory,''
; us extended to all the Public Lund
States by uct of August 4, 18i)2,
j Muggio C. IJfiuard. of Lakeview,
I county of Luke, State of Oregon, has
i ibis day tiled iu this otlice his sworn
: statement, No. Mil, for Iho purchase
: of the SE quarter, NE quarter, K
j half, SE quarter, and SW quarter,
I SE quarter, -of Section an, in Towu
'thipIWH., P.ange 21, E., V. M., and
i w ill nll'er proof to bhow that the land
sought is more valuable for its timber
I or stoue thun for agricultural purpos
j'es, and to establish his claim to said
I laud before Register ami Receiver at
Lakeview, Oregon, on Saturday, the
7th day of March, IMH.
He names whiiesee: Otto Hardixty
Jaa. E. McCoul, T. E. Ilurnaid, J.
W. Hardisty, all of Lakeview, Oreg"n.
?i Any and all persons, claiming ad
versely the above described lands are
requested to tile their claims i-i this
otlice on or before said 7th day of
March, VMH.
ril-10 .1- X. Watson, rtegisier.
Here's Oood Advice.
O. S. WoOloVKr, one of the
best known merchants of Le Kays
ville, X. Y. says: "If you are
ever troubled with piles, apply
JJucklen's Arnica Sulve. It cured me
of tbem for good twenty years ago."
Cures evey sore, wound, burn or
abrasion. 25c at Leo Huall's Drug
Timber Land .otlee
United States Land Oltlce, Lakeview
Oregon, Dee. 13th ,1907.
Notice is hereby uiven that in com
pliance with the provisions of tha act
of Congress of June .'I, 1878. entitled
"An act for tbe sale of timber lands
in the states of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
as extended to all the Public Laud
States by act of August 4, 18U2,
Anita Boyd, of Lakeview, County
of Lake, State of Oregon, has this day
filed in this office bis sworn statement,
No. 3H51, for tbe purchase of the W
half, E half of Bee. No. 18, in Town
sbip No. 37 H., Range No. 17 R, W.
M and will oilier proof to ahow that
tbe land sought is more valuable for
its timber or stone than for agricul
tural purposes, and to establish his
claim to said land before Register and
Receiver at Lakeview Oregoo, on
Tuesday, tbe 17th day of March, 1908.
He names as witnesses i W. li. lioyd,
Zack Wbitworth. Oeorge Lynch,
Fianlc Howard all of Lakeview Oregon.
Any and all persona claiming adver
sely the above described landa are re
quested to file their claima in this
office on or before said 17tb day of
March, 1908.
5210 J. N. Watson, Register.
TIih' r I M.i-I fttlrr.
Ui::teii .tiMtix LnikI Oltlce, Lake
view, Oregon, Deo. It, l!H7.
Notice Is lii'ieliy given that in rnm
pIlHiiee with the provisions of tha act
of Congress of June II IH7H, entitled
"An act fur tlis unto of timber hinds
lit the States rf California, Oregon, and Washington Territory,"
as extended to all the Public Land
Sttes iy net of August, t8:2, Harriet
C. Newt-ll, of Lakevlow, county ot
Lake, State of Oregon, hits thta dny
Hied In this oltlce his aworu statement
No. IWttt, for the purchase of the NW
quarter, of Sect Ion M In Towmlilp
;ISS., Range 17, K., W M , an I will
oiler proof to ahow that the land
sought is morn valuable lor Its tlm
tier or (tone than for agricultural pur
poses, and to establish his claim be
fore Kcgltr ami Receiver at Lake
view Oregon on Monday the 211 dny oi
March, Ilk.
He Illinois as witnesses: P. M. Co
ry, W. It, llamniersley, L (1 Thorn
as, Dan Chandler, all ot Lakeview
A ny and all ,'orsons claiming ail
versely the above described lauds are
requested to ft It their clsims In this
otiljo on or before aald 2.1 day ot
March, llH'H.
61 10 J. N. Watson, Register
t'lnilo r ai.e
Department of th Interior, Ulilteil
Stales Laud Otlice, lakeview Oregon,
Dee. :. I Ik 17.
NOI'IJKIs hereby given that In
compliance with the provisions ot tha
act of Coiuress or .lone It, 1S7S, on
titled "An act for the sale of timber
lands in the States ot California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Tern
tory. " as e.xtende'l to nil th Public
Land Slates by act of Auguta 4, IH'.i2,
Nellie McSiimiri, o: Lakeview, county
of Lke. State of Oregon, has this
day-tiled in this oltlce his unoru state
ment, .No for the purchase of
the . E of Section No. 12, In
Tonuhip No oS S , Kange No. 10, E .
W. SI , and will oiler proof to show
that the land sought Is mors valuable
foi lis t under or stone than for nil
cultural purpoHes, and to estudllsh hl
claim to said bind bet ore Register and
Receiver at Lakeview Oregon, mi Erl
day, trio lltli day of Eebruaiy, l!klH.
He iNiuii-M as wituexses: James
McSliiine, I in nk llutclii'iis, of Iiikc
view i r'gon. .lolui, o' Ilonaii
a, On goii. Otorge lilooiiuiigcatnp, ot
Illy Mi won.
Anv mid all persons .limning nil
versely the above deocribed lands are
reqiir-led to tile their claims in this
oltlce on or belore sal I till, day of
I'Vtn iiiirv, UHis.
' 10. J. N. Watson, K.'glster
- I1 11 II KH l.l UM -
1 lepnrt inent of the Interior. I'nited
States I .ii 1 1 I Oltlce, Lakeview, Oregon,
Dee 7, Ilk t7.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the piovisions of the act
of Congress ol June li, s7s, rntitled,
"An ct for the sale of timber lauds
in tic Slates of California Oregon
Nevada ami Wellington Territory,"
as eMi'iided to all the Public Land
States by act ot August t, l.v.2. Min
nie A. Light, of Lakevie. county ot
I Lake, State of Oergoii. has this day
I Hied iu this otlice his sworn statement,
I No Ilvjs, fur the pinclm-i- of tin. SW
quarter, N l quniter, W. hup, SE
quarter, and SE quarter SW quarter,
of Section No. 21, in Township No.
157 S., Kauge No. 10 E., W. M., and
will ollrr proof to show that the laud
sought is mole valuable for its timber
or stone t linn tor agricultural purpiv,es,
and to establish his claim to haid land
before llegistT and Receiver at Lake
view Oregon, on Wednesday, the 20th
! day of l ebruary, I'.HiH.
lie names as ituesees : John St indt
of l!onana. Oregon, D. P. Malloy,
Lena l Malloy, P. Light, of Luke
view, Oregon.
. ny and all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lands lire
requested to Hie their claims iu tnis
oflice on or before said 201 h day of
Eeby. .r.iuH.
jO-JO J X. Wutson, Regbter.
'Jim Iter l.nml ullrr.
United States Land Otlice, Lakeview
Oregon, Dec. nth, l!ki7.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the set
of Congress of Juno ', 178, entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lands
in the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory,"
us extended to all the Puhilc. Land
States by act of August , JW2.
Rurr R. McMnrtin, of Lakeviev,
county of Lake, State of Oregon, ban
this day filed in this oilW e his sworn
statement, No. IIH.Vi, for the purchase
oftheNE quarter, NW ouurter, W
half, NE quarter, and NSV qaurter,
SE quarter, of Section 34, in Town
ship 38 S., Range 18, E., W. M., and
will offer proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its tiui
her or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim
to said land before Register &nil Uu
ceiver at Lakeview, Oregon, on Thurs
day the l'Jth day of March, 1!KI8.
He names as witnesses (J. C. Price,
C. O. Metzker, J. IS. Auteu, O. W.
Hardisty, hi) of Lakeview, Oregon.
Any uud all persons claiming ad
versely the abova described lauds are
requested to Hie their claims in this
oflice ou or bcfoie suld li'tb day ot
March, 1908.
.rl 10 J. N. Watsotineglster.
fan Rubliti for -t Faitidleua QlrL
Whit faiato Trying en Eyta.
Alllu iv., i .hlicii b' 'Mule the I. nig poll
gie silk cent, gclierslly lilllile of pon
gee lii the n.uuril or Inn color. As a
touch to iii.idlf.v this monotone, hoods,
collars ntiil cuff a of tnroin plaids nra
iK'Ing use I of slinlliir uiaterliils, result-
i Mi"
A IiaintY riiWKiiKU Mrr S7J7, 6735.
Ing In a i linriiiliigly handsome garment
for out of door us.
Tan ruhla-rs are worn on it rainy day
by women who keep up with all the
fashion fails of the moment.
No paniHol Is more trying to the eyes
than the white one, which catches the
sun's glare. (Jreeii parasols should be
Iivoldis! by women whose unplexlntia
are not rosy, The white parasol us a
niere ornament can ls curried at an
angle so us not to nffect the ryes. The
green sunshade can be lined with
Most attractive are the belts of How
ered ribbon with oblong gold buckles
across the back and front. They are
very dainty on summer muslins that
match la color.
Many of the bet evening dressea are
of extreme simplicity, the skirls de
pending nliniHt entirely upon their cut
and Ions licautlful lines for their effect,
anil hai.g In graceful folds without any
The flowered nets are very beauti
ful this summer am! innk fascinat
ing afternoon niul informal evening
gowns, The one In the cut Is charm
ing In color, a cream ground (lowered
with pule jellow roses and their foli
age. The silk band et the Isittum of
the skirt J yellow ine-il!ne, mid
the wnlst Is trimmed with Valenci
ennes lace. Jt lilC CHOLI.ET.
Timber Land of lee.
Department of the Interior United
States Land Office Lakeview Oregon,
Deo. 3, 1907.
NOTICK is hereby (riven that iu
compliance with the provisions of the
uct of Congress of June 3, 1878, en
titled "An act for the sale of timber
lauds In the States of California. Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territo
ry, as extended to all tbe Public
Land States by act of August i. 1892.
Janes McShaue, of Lakeview, county
of Lake, State of Oregon, bas this
day filed in this office bia sworn t-tato-
ment, No. .1810, for the purchase of
tbe SW'i of Section No. C. in Town
ship No. 38 8., Range No. 17 E., W.
M., and will offer proof to show that
the land sought is more valuable for
its timber or atone than for agricul
tural ourposes, and to establish bis
claim to said land before Register and
Receiver at Lakeview Oregon, on Mon
day the 17tb dny of February, 1908
lie names as witneaes: Nellie Mo-
Shane Frank Hutcheus of Lakeview
Oregon, John Stindt, of Ronanza Ore
gon, Ueorge iiloomlngoamp of Uly,
Any and all persons claiming ad-
versly tbe above described landa are
requested to file their claims In this
otlice oo or before said 17th day of
February. 1908.
6010 J. N. Watson, Register.
A Decided Change In Street Suits It
Predicted For Fall.
I'roin the opinions expressed by lend
ing designer! In Hie dunk niul stilt
houses novel!!" are to play a promi
nent part this fall In the tlrsf oirerlg
to be iiunle bolj In suits ami cloaks.
On striped broadcloths, fancy vullcs,
rtiunlnes niul mohairs nud on extreme
novelties lu slii.s and velvets It Is seen
that the trade l:i preparing for a chaugt
TOH MollNIxa WKaa-3723.
In Styles from last yeur's staples. ' U
does uot follow, however, that the
price of inuterltila will bo any lower
Indeed, there is every reason to belleTe
tint they will lie much higher In price.
Btiuntung silk In a heavy weave will
be extensively worn in the fall for
tailored Bulls. It will be trimmed
wltl braid either In
plain, straight effects or in ruther elab
orate designs that almoat simulate
A tan Jumper suit made with a sur
plice bodice, mundarln sleeves and Vllt
d skirt la a clever Idea. Tbe lace
garnkure which crosses each shoulder
extend to the bottom of tbe skirt, be
ing ta the form of a pyramid. The
deep V front Is ailed In with all over
lace lo match the other lace decora
tions. Buch ornaments can be pur
chased ready for use.
Ehoe with openwork lustepa are coa
and ccstly. Hut they are worth the
price paid, as they make the ankle look
decidedly neat.
Tbe frock Illustrated la a simple and
tasteful design for morning wear.
Waist and skirt are joined by t Bar
row belt, and the garment Is open all
the waj down the front so that It
can be slipped on with perfect tase.