1 ake Mlttp LAKEVIKW, LAKE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY. JANUARY 2, 1908. NO. I VOL. XXIX. i FULTON WORKS OH MAILSERVICE May Return to Star Rout System. BETWEEN MADELINE AND LIKELY- II roads Cannot be Porcetl to Deliver the Halls According; To Schedule. lu regard to tho uiidatlrfnctory mall nervloo between Madeline and Likely, ! wo much eoniplnl uimI of since the trains began running to tlm latter palco, wo have tho following, received ly F. 1. Light from Senator Fulton, who la endeavoring to have hotter service rendered: Tho Ken ii tor communicated with tho postal department and received the following reply: "My dear Keuntor : Tho receipt is acknowledged of your letter of tlio !th Instant, w ith 'Is ' inclosuro of n petition signed by J. ' E. Murray, and others, of Lakeview, Oiegou, for Improved mull nervier to that place from Uno, Nevada, by way of Likely, California. Complaint In made that tho railway compuny docs not provide prompt wrvlce to Likely, un It I miggcsto'l that If they can not ho compelled to observe their nchcdulo, utar wrvlco ho reestablished hewteou Madeline and Likely. In reply 1 have to Inform you that the !)onurtincut cannot compel rail- roadd to adopt wheduh-n for tho pur- ptmo of advancing tho inniU. nor can it enforce tho oliHervanco of their rchTdulo hyjhf fullrvi'',,rynif by the imponitioii of lines ad prciicrlhcd liy luw." Again Kenutor Fullon couimunicuted with tho liepnrtmout and receiied 1 ho following, which he forwarded to Lakeview to let our people know what to expect ; "My dear Senator : The receipt hi acknowledged of your letter of the IJt h iiiHtiiut in which you refer again to tlio it iriitf Ufuetnry mail wervico performed over tho rail road between Mitdeliuo Mil! Likely, California, and recommend that, if' hucIi railroad nervice cannot ho im proved, the Hume be dldpeiiHed with and .the tar dervlco reeMtulilindeil. In reply, I have to inform you that, tho mutter will he given Immediate attention with a view to Hecuring lm provod Horvice hver the railroad. If Hiich improved Hervlco bo uotalforded the qiieritioii of reorftubliMhiug tho ntar Hervlce will be further consider ed." U :: V 1' i SENATOR JOSEPH F. JOHNSTON. Jonepb Forney JoluiMton, who hiu been choeen to tucceed the lata Bdmoni W, 1'ettud In the Hulled Stated Benito, has long been active la the politics of Alabama. lit) vu burn In Lincoln county, N. C, In 1843 and was a boy at Kchool when tlm civil war broke out. lie enlisted in the Confederate eerTtce and roue to tho rank of cnptnln, fought In many battles and was wounded four time, lie practiced liw lu Helm a for about twenty years, aud since 1834 aia Vom turn I men at Hlriiiliixhuiu lit has twice served as governor, Seeing the 5lghU. Editor Mx it in lni : In the city of Now York, there lrt HIKJIINIiy beautiful tilings to see, and cnJiV, no many niHiiy largo lliliiKu to admire, nii! withal no many things Keen hiiiI hoard without your consent which nru not pleading, Unit It U IllOft (llltll'lllt tO ch'tOMO hm to what would interest your reader most. To dcicrlbo anyone of tlm many thing soon by myself minute) would fill page of your paper. The largo tl.tttgd, mul adalrs, wmu ! I to appeal to 1110 mont strongly, such ' a tlm largo beautiful parks, thn large beautiful buildings, large railroad utatioiid, large ferry Htutloun, large Munoiima, largo bridged connecting Now York mid llrookllu. It would re quire several paged to even describe one of tli bridges properly, and then not do tliw ubject JtiMtlco. Titers Im tho Williauidherg liridgo, llruokllu Bridge, Hint Mauhattuti Uridyl i.eiitg at present built, all large a(fairs. Tho WllliauiHherg HiiMpeiiHlon bridge in considered a greater engineering feiil ttiiin tlm Hrookliii bridge, and having greater rnparlty also, for ti utile It huH douhlu streetcar tracks mum ft. A Iiitl'h drivewuv fur vehl IcIuh, iiutomoiulod etc., and a large I foot walk over timid for pedestrians. Tho driveway lit placed upn tlio out- silo and t lie foot walk In the, center of the bridge. y The Williatiihherg bridge cornea Into New York City a distance of 1.1 blocks hefore It IM on a level with tho streets, and ahout tlio same distance on tho llrookllu Hide, While passing over thin hiidge upon u street iar, 1 counted 4! car return ing upon ouo of tho other tracks, and wan uuulile to count tho cam return ing upon i ho other returning tiack. Kulllco to nay there wan ahout the same iiumler of cam upon both track. 1 Tho old Hrookliii Bridge crossing tho East Kivcr ulso, not only crosses the river, hut terminates at 1'iirk How ' f "iig-t tho sky "rn;n'r-i, alte.-. inn over about nine streets, and on tho lirtoklin hide about the same (liHtance. On both hides tho bridge in about PM feet high where it pu.-HeH over the Hint elreet, and in up to a level with tho top of tho eight Htory Imililings at thirt point. Jt inu i lcnel 'at the. New York hide, in order that hutli the elevated htreet rhiliMiy, aud tho Hiirtaco chih can bo turned around upon a loop for the return trip. There are eight different loop for the Hiii face cur linun going to the diltereiit points of Hrookliii. Coney IhIiiiiiI, and other points. There id a driveway on encli onlHidu of tho bridge, teaniH aud earn all going one way, and next to tho driveway id tho Hiirfiii'o car(liuoH, aud next in the ele vated tiyutom, unil in tho center and uhovo in a tii.xteeu foot walk for pod- 1 ' $K 'Vv, 15 t v .'.-i,'-iii ri'iU. ' i'..vvH.'t''.. 1 .irXf:X i:i t j V NO LONGER SLMI ARID SECTION. Nearly Twenty-seven Inches of Rainfall in Lake County Last Year. I.hhI Hprlng th'i Kxumlner puhllhh ed a statement of the annual precipi tation 'occurlng during the fire preceding years in Iwike k'ounty, and announced its ctttinjato of tho preucnt year at UT Inched. It In gratifying that the prediction had been more that materialized; the end of the yt-ar showing a tothl of "C 75 inches. The water fall an greatly increased from 17 Inchet a few years ago to I!), 20, until it as reached the above figure. With proper cultivation this is millicieiit tijo'cture to biistaiu good cropd of nearly all of the agricultural products, lu mauy sections of the wct-tt-ru country regular and profitible yields are realized with not more than half of our rain fall. We have, in addition to the natural supply, a number of feasible irrigation resourc awaiajaawniy ,;: w f?r .: -.Vn-j- WjiiSiS SM?r k . ilVi V- i 1 . 1 s TWO VIEWS FROM SINGER BUILDING TOWER. Uroudwuy from the top of the Singer buildlnir. now under construction, iresonts a curloui iipiiciunucc. From the Singer tower, over 1M feet above the mreet level, Hrondwuy looks iiuitc c'henvi-ie th;in broad, and cross streets look like alleys. A curlou photojirapli of the tower and flagstaff from n point liiiinedlatel.v lncatli theia fcUwn K.not I'dpclie. a .tt.'ileju.k. clUubiUji the flags tiitf. estria'np. While passing over thi bridge on a btreet cur 1 counted 51 card returning upon the opposite aide of the bridge, and wild unable to count all of them, ou aocouut of tho eleva ted cars passing between myself aud tho cars on the opposite side, whi'e near the couter of the bridge. With all this trausit statious sys tem of bridges aud ferrys it is neces sary to call into use, the subway sys tem under the river, for the people to go and return daily to their home. The aforesaid bridges mentioned, viewed at a distance of half a mile, look more like spiders webs woven aoross the river, with tiny boxes pass ing to and fro, than the glgantlo works of man. & V. Rehart The Silver Lake Leader publishes a communication from Or. Witham, who went to London a few months ago to take a special course la medicine. The! Dr, states that he . expeoti to tart bom la February. es from which sulllcier.t water can be stored to reclaim many thousand acres of excellent soil that now iie idle and which, with skillful husbandry and tho UHe of the waters going to waste, would mipport and enrich thousands of people. The area of reclamation had be come au establsbed fact; it no long er id a question of doubt; wherever the projects have been launched Hiiccesd has crowned their labors, and in Idaho, Colorado, Washington, and already parts of Oregon, multitudes nf homes have been made, with grow ing prosperity year by year. In Lake county we have in contem plation four plans of irrigation, which are backed by business men with meausand knowledge, aud who are, in every way, prepared , to carry the HchemeB to completion. fliss Glenn's Party. A charming whist party was given by Miss Antra tlleuii to a few of her youug friends Friday evening. The prettily arranged rooms were aglow with lights to welcome tho guests, and in tho comer of the parlor stood a Christmas tree upon which burned 10 caudles Purtuers were chosen for wbist iu a uovel manner: cards weie suspended from the tree, aud ribbons attached, woven in and out among the branches, the ladies names on the left and the gentlemen on the right. Much sport was had in untangling the meshes. A most appetizing lunoheon was served at midnight. Prizes were awarded to Misa Snelhng and Mr. Faulkner for the greatest number of games won, and Miss Genie Snelllng and Mr. Klnnier were found entitled to a consolation prize. Those present were: Miss Glenn, Miss Laura Snelllng, Mlsa Genie Snelllng, Mica Conn, Miss Annie Tonningsen, Messrs. Kinnler, ilugus, Powell, Partin, and Faulkner. s Mr. Elmer McCullay and Miss Lydi BUnley, at the Thruston ranch, be f low town, was a most enjoyable affair, j Judge Daly performed the ceremony. , The words which bound those two j happy hearts together for life were j pronounced at exactly 11 o'clock, in I the presence of a group of friends and relatives of the bride and groom. The bride is a very charming young lady, and a great fa? orite with her young companions. Hbe is the daugh- j ter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stanley. j The groom is the son of Mr. and Mr. Mat. McCulley, of this place, j Klmer is one of the mont industrious j young men in the county, who haul worked bard and laid up quite a bit i of money. He U part owner of one of the best ranches in Goose Lake valley, purchased a year or so ago. lie has a i good home into which to take bis hap py voung bride. The Examiner extends congrautla- tions and best wUhes to the groom i and his bride. Following Is a list of the presents; received : j Kalad dish, Mr. and Mrs. Mark 1 Musgrave; set silver ware, J. K. r i . i i t . ,,..!, .1 ir iiBier; cnocoiaie sei, uauey nuu iuan- i singill center set, Miss Nellie Stanley ; ; pickle dish Miss Alsy Studley ; stand i cover, Roy Studley ; bed spread, Fred j Stanley; table linen. Miss Maud Ross ; cake stand, Miss Clara Stanley ; jelly aisn, iir. ana lurs. oiuuiey ; iruii net, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley; Forty piece china set, T. E. Bernard and wife ; i i . . . a . c.i l . . i. cake dish ; Mr. and Mrs. II. ernon ; set silver waro, Mercantile Co. salad dish. Miss Aleen McCulley. : Room for Thousands. Tf.lin it r it n .-r. la nnl fKla vA4lr ! after a load of homeseekers to locate' on some of the rich agricultural lands in the northern part of Warner valley where Messrs. Coggburn and Sanford have located a number of settlers the past summer, and have promise of placing several hundred more next summer. There is a large body of the richest land that ever laid out of doors lying idle and unoccupied to day, but which will be taken up and farmed before another two 'years roll around. There is going to be a great rush for these lands next year, as the value of such lands is becoming known. And people all over the county are learning that Lake county possesses a larger amount of them than nearly any other county in the West. The land is almost as level as a iloor tor nines ana miles. The country is covered with a thrifty growth of sagebrush, and in several places natural blue joiot grass which grows thirty inches high. This countiy will some day look like the vast wheat fields of the Sacra mento valley, only there will be- no droughts, as they have never been known in Lake county. x RICHARD Cnrlstmas Wedding Bells. The marriage on Christmas Day 0$wn mm i iw mini mum nl mi n inwuiin imum 1 1 m iSJ K1 , . . . ; v N 3j " r" fVi ,. j ,- ";;: ISA- ..; .V . . WSSS. XDf ' - .'.r t; v rJ ' " ' t ? , M ? t ' I m , . its " , IK? i- - ' 4-" ".'.,.. ..... ' . ' 1 St? (S . ; : m Richard Mansfield, who la Buffering from a nervour-break4own and av been compelled In consequence to give up for the present all plana for th-, continuance of his theatrical career, la Just fifty years of age and was seem ingly at the very height of hia popularity as an actor. He wai bora In Helgo- ' land and studied for the East Indian civil service, but, coming to the United f States, opeued a studio aa an artist In Boston. Finding that nia Inclination were to the stage instead of the world of art. be began playing amall parts t eemte opera. He has been successful n a wide repertory, extending f row Koko la "The Mikado" to Klchard III. la Bhakespeare a play of that ttama, ROUTE COMPLETE DOWN TO ALTURAS Road Will be First to be Built. CONNECTS WITH N-C O- SY f M Cheapest to Build of any of the Transcontinental Line.- One Tenth per cent Grade. I The large company of railroad sur j veyors employed between Attorns and. j Lakeview completed their wor to this pla"e Friday and the men were all dis charged. The line was ruu up to the depot site of the X. C. O. Ry. and the last peg was driven. The engineer says that a one-tenth grade was es tablished from the Oregon Short Line' .to Alturas, the most difficult portion of the route being through the Pit River canyon north of Alturas. This is the easiest by all odds of all the ; great trans-continental lines, aud the I most practical ar.d least expensive. I The engineers say it will be built i . , : within the next five years. They also say that this line will be the first of all the croiected lines to be com Dieted. Some doubt has been expreused re garding the completion of the road in the near future because of the recent money panic. That, however, will cuviipeu iua uuust'uuiiuu, im- cause oi me aonnaance ana cneapness of labor. The route from Alturas to the valley of the Sacramento is still a matter of doubt and can only be determined when the surveys and estimates are completed. One route leada up the north fork of Fit river, paralleling the X. C. O. to Madeline. From there it goes by way of Eagle Lake, Deer Creek Pass and on down to Oroville. The other follows down the main Pit to Redding or vicinity. itoja& Plaindealer. The death of Mrs. Roy Snelling, formerly Miss Bertha Muuroe of Bid wexl, is announced. The deceased was a charming young woman, in the full bloom of womanhood, a--d her death is iudeed a sad one. Besides ber husband she leaves two small children. Alturas Plaindc-il.T Roy was raised in Lakei-iev, and his many friends here are sail t. learn of his ioss, and deeply sympathize with him. Deceased was a sister of Mis. Geo. Ay res, of this place MANSFIELD. 2