Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, December 12, 1907, Image 4

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sMth4 tntf Taarssaf
f . .C. O.BTZKEH.
Edltor and Publlrr
. ..."
Catered at tht Port Oflmal Uiartsw.-pr.
.at BooqJ-ClMt Matter.
(OiM VMr,.'.. $J.Of
TERMS: Hi Months,.,,...;. .1.0
. ( Threw Month 6
' There is said to U little bop To
Action on the reoommandatlont of
Poslmaster-General Meyer for a par
eels post law and postal Barings bank
at this session of congress. Speaker
Cannon bas been showered with pro-'
tests from the merchants of Small
towns to prevent such a law a 9 the
parcels post law to be seriously con
Governor Chamberlain bas announc
ed that after, the 14th, the holiday
period will come to. a. .close, unless
. something. unforeseen oonies .to spans.
' The special session of the legislature
Is still being "discussed.'
', Mrs. Anna M. Bi-ad.ey, was acquit-
ed of the murder' of former TJ. & SenJ
istor Arthur M-i Brown, of UUh. The
: case was a sensational, one throughout
and unoovered crime and immorality
shocking in thr extren.eV
Tirey L.Ford, who bas been on trial
in San Francisco on a charge of brib
ery connected -with ibe trolly line
franchise, was acquitted on the-id,
after five hours' deliberation by' the
jury. .. '."'
The Oregonian has declared its In
dependence of, the Republican uafXy..
2 The unfaithfulaesa of Republicans
over the state is given as a reason for.
so doing. s . W
- The Presidents message to the UOth
Congress was read on the 3d and two
hoars was consumed in the reading,
which contained 30,000 words!
S. Congress convened last
' Tlairr lad Retire; (
Department of the Interior United
States Land OtHee LakeTiew Oregon,
;Deo 3, 1907..' : ",r
NOTICE is hereby given that , in
compliance with the provisions of the
. act of Congress of June 3, 1878, - en
i titled "".An act for the sale of timber
lands in the States of Calif ornia, Ore
gon. Nevada,- and Washington Terrfto
ry, as extended to all the Public
Land States by act of August 4, 1892,
Janes AlcShana, of Lakeview. county
of Lake, ' State of Oregon, bas this
day filed in this office his sworn tt&te
.ment, So. 5816, for the purchase; of
the SWk of Section No. 6, in Town
ship No. 38 a. Range No. 17 ., W.
M., and will offer proof to show that
the land sought is more valuable for
its timber or stone than for agricul
tural Durposes, and to establish,, hjs
. claim to said land beforw Register and
Receiver at Lakeview Oiegon, onM6n
day the 17th day of February; 1908 : r
He names as witneses: NelheMc
Sbane Frank flutcbens of Lakeview
Oregon. John Stindt, of Bonanza Ore
gon, George Bloomingcamp of Bly,
Oregon. '
Any and all persons claiming ad
versly the above described lands are
requested to file their claims in this
office on or before said 17th day of
February. 1908.
5010 J. N. Watson, Register.
j Three-quarters of coffee
is such that we cant
touch it; we make five
grades of the top quarter.
Your croctr rehire! four money if joy doi'l
lilt Schilling '1 Bl; t par him.
If you want to catch FISH get your Tackle
If you want to sprinkle your Lawn get your
HOSE and Sprinkler of us.
If you want a BATH we can, furnish the
We also have a full arid
complete lin$ of Haiwa e,
Stoves and Tinware: a5 good
Plumber and, Tinner in con
nection with the business.
Come and see us our jp rices
are right.
A crowd, consisting of the following
persons passed throng b Lakeview this
week, oa their return home-from aa
extended trip through Klamath, Crook
and Lake counties , Miss Eva Spar
ger, ; Jolla GloeUr, . 'BagsV Warner,
Mrs.' Js. Fortt, -Dennis 0'Briedi
W. M. Ivory; Kva.' Anderson, all of
1 Three cases of diphtherl are said te
be at Altarae, and One death bat oc
curred from that dread disease. Dr.
Daly is watching the conditions very
closely, and If be thinks necessary he
will stop tbe mail from coming from
Alturas until tbe disease is cotralled.
Its well tobe oa tbe safe side, even at
the saciiflce of convenience.
In Tbe Examiner's item last week
concerning the Thanksgiving scrap, the
same "Morlne" should have . been
"Moran". . Very little importance
would have been attached to this er-
or, bad It not been that Frank Mor
ne, of Bonanza, was in Lakeview at
the time, and feared that hie , friends'
over in Klamath nonnty might: think
he was the fellow who had the tight.
' A Dangerous Deadlock.
that sometime terminates fatally, is
tbe stoppage of liver and bowel fun
ctions. To quickly end this condition
without disagreeable sensations. Dr.
King's New Life Pills should be
alwayc your remedy. Guaranteed
absolutely satisfactory 16 every case
or money back, at Lee Ueall Drug
store. 2fw.
Department of tbe Interior, United
States Land Office, Lakeview, Oregon,
Dec 7, 1907.
Notice is hereby given that In com
pliance with the provisions of tbe act
or Congress or June A ls.s. entitled
"An ct for tbe sale of timber lands
in tbe States of California Oregon
Nevada and Washington Territory,'
as extended to all the Public Land
States by act ot August 4, 1892, Min
nle A. Light, of Lakeview. county of
Lake, State of Oergon; has this day
filed in this office his sworn statement.
No.. 38-28. for the purchase of tbe SV
quarter, NE quarter, W. .half, SE
quarter, and SK quarter SW quarter.
of Section No. 24, in Township No.
37 S., Range No. 16 E., W. M., and
will offer proof. to show that tbe land
sought is moie valuable for its timber
or stcne than for agricultural purposes.
and to establish bis claim to said land
before Register and Receiver at Lake-
view Oregon, on VVedqesday, the 20th
day of February," 1908.'
He names as witnesses: - John btindt
of Bonanza, Oregon, D. P. M alloy,
Lena r . M alloy, r . F. Light, of Lake
view, Oregon.
ny and all persons claiming ad
versely tbe above described lands are
requested to file their claims in this
office on or before said 20th day of
Feby. .1908.
6010 J N. Watson, Register.
The Eastern Oregon Engineering
Civ'l, Municipal &
Irrigation Engineers.
Irrigation A Specialty.
Lakrrtew Ore. Bam .Ore.
ifsaaa-er Btaicer
Lakeview Office in Pint Nstlonal Bank Bldg.
Cbas. Lambert, Manager
Leaves KlarAath Falls Daily
at 7 O'clock, A. M.
Office; American Hotel
' Report of tht Condition of
.The First National Bank of Lake
view at IakevVW In. the Htate ot
Oregon, ai the cloae of business,
December Sd 1907. '
i Ixans ami Discount......'.
12,008 2lr
Overdrafts, srcurvd and
' Unsecured
U. 2. Bonds to secure cir
culation U. A. Bonds to secure U.S.
Depoelte.T.rr. ;
Premium on U. 8. ltomls
Bonds, securities, etc
Bankluir house, furniture
8,207 30
60,000 00
60.000 00
4,'.m 00
3.650 10
and fixture 12,500 00
Due from National Hanks
(not reserve agents)
Due from State Banks
and Bankers.
20,440 19
r.78 30 1
Due from approved ro-
serve HKvntM . SS.MJ 00
ClMxks nnd other vuhIi
Notes of other National
Fractional pni'rcurrvnc.v
nickels nnd cento
lxv fvl. m on k y 15 khkk v k
in Ua.nk. viz: .
rs.s 70
16,."kV 00
2 4.".
20.C4S m
8,:m h)
Irf-Rrtl-tender uote
Redemption fund with V.
!S. Treasurer (5 per ceut
of circulation )
2..VK) 00
Total ;.. $409.4:13 &3
MAKii .rriKH
Capital stuck paid In f
Surplus fund .'...
Undivided, profit. ht8 ex- '
pcnM8 aud tnxeM paid...
National Bank notes out- 1
iO.OOO (H)
7.0H) 00 1
0,910 oS
standing 50,000
Due to other .National
Due to 8tat Jtftnks ami
Individual deposits sub
ject to check...-
Demand certlfleaU's ofle
powlt Cnltel States ileptmit....
lH'poltn of 1'. S. dlnburei
lng officers'....
430 .VI
43 73
2J3.1U7 76
zv.m 03
44,n; 60
3.VS '
Total .
...f40'.f.4:t3 s:i
State or Orkuon 1
I, S. O. .'retn!er, Omhler of the
above-named bank, do solemnly
swear that the above statfim-nt in
true- to the ltet ot my knowledge
and belief. ' 1
S. O. Crrhhlek, C ashier.
Subscribed and sworn to U-forenie
this 5th day of December, 1907.
J. M. Batcbelder, Notary Public, for
Oregon. Seal
Dirti J, Wiixu'x 1
J. H. IlotchktfS 'Directors
W. H. WHTRK ' )
BwsOs. yTm Kind Yw Haw Aiww Baggjl
Plaal rmf Ifttrf.
Department of tbe Interior. Land
Office at Lakeview. Oregon, Nov. -T,
Notice is hereby (riven that William
II. lis i ley, of Lakeview Oregon, bas
bled notice of bis intention to make
final Five year proof in support of
bis claim, viz: Homestead Entry No.
309H made Apiil Itf, 19Uti, for the S'
IS UK and fcj, SUK Section 18. Town
ship 38 S, KaDgo21, E., W. M., and
that said proof will be made before
Register and Receiver, at Lakeview
Oregon, on 3rd day of January, 1008.
lie names tbe followinflr witnesses
to prove his continuous residence up
on, and cultivation of, tbe land, viz?
Win. RenarL B. Uruman. Will
Bishop, S. B. Chandler, all of Lake
view Oregon.
48 0 J. li. Watson, Register.
Located on Water Street, near the Post office.
Meals at
T? 1 .
rresn oysters Kept on ?
' hand during the oyster .'jj
season. .Fish and game I
. in season.
Only First-class Restaurant j
in Lakeview. $
Our Fall and Winter Stock of Drrss
Goods Ladeis' and Men's Furnishings
Is now complete and much larger
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets,
Seven M " -i hoxes sold In past 13 months. This Signature,
Tbe annual meeting at New Pine
Creek Ore, of tbe stockholders of tbe
Pine Creek Leasing and Mining Co.
on Deo. 2nd, was ad journed uutil Deo.
21st, at 2, o'clock p. m. on aooounl of
there not being a sufficient amount of
stock represented to bold a legal meet
It Wm. A. Scbauers, Secy
riaal rrf Natlee.
Department of tbe Interior, Land
Office at Lakeview, Oregon, Nov. C,
Notice is hereby given that Lor a
Otto liardisty, of Lakeview Oregon,
bas filed notice of bis intention to
make final Five year proof In support
of bis claim, viz: Homestead Entry
No. 33K9, made April 10, 1000, for tbe
awhi NWV4 wj bw4 Bee o, and Lot
4, Section (i, Township 38 8., Range
21 E., W. M.. and that said proof will
be made before Register and Receiver,
at Lakeview Oregon, on 10th day of
December, 1907.
He names tbe following witnesses to
prove bis continuous residence upon.
and cultivation of, tbe land, viz: U.
W. liardisty. A. M. liardisty. Wm.
Kimzey, Frank Wilson, all of Lake-
view, Oregon.
46 0. J. N. Watson, Register.
all Hours.
To Cure a Cold in One Day
. - -.J . . - -
Advertised Letters
Mi. C. V. Hancock, Miss Huzel
Wellerf, Mr. .A. L. Smith, Mr. Chas.
Llotcher, Mrs. U. K Luttrell, Mr.
John Lambert, C. C. Paxton, Frank
Piercy,' Mrs. F. II. Powers, Mr. Les
ter Lewis, Mr. U. II. Loouey, O. D.
Graves, Mr. W. Fleck. Mr.
N. Y.
E. W.
( Coultet, Master Lloyd Bacey,
j Brown, Mr. Olen Ewlng, Miss
Beam Is, George Clark, Mr.
C. W.
Mr. Ole
Hancock, Mr. J. L. Urleve,
Loveng, BUI Johnson, M. S. Hulbert,
Arthur Crawford, Divsn Chaud, Bill
,Jobnosn, Mrs Noab Jackson, Mr. M.
P. Buffum, A. Angsrman, Mr. Jessie
Ansel, Mon Pierre Laxague.
' Kph. Miller, P. M.
Gold! Gold! Gold!
Would you go mining in
Nevada's rich mountains at
a nominal cost?
will put you on the ground flour and
may put you on easy street. .
Many have Invested a small
amount In Nevada mining and are
A trip to town, a long street car
ride, a cheap excursion by rail were
all luxuries THEN; a private auto
mobile, a tour of Europe, a summer
home down by the w'a, are mere
matters of choice, NOW.
Stock in the lee Comstock Mining
will xlo the work!
It Is Only IS Cents a Share NOW
RunJj your ordori.
or. writ for partluular.
O. ISox 2.S, UhyollU', Nev.
. , Tlnibrr Land Wot Ire.
Department of the Interior. Uuifnil
States L,und OUlce, Lakeview Oregon,
Dec. 'A, 11(07.
NOTUK Is herebv irlvn fhf. m
compliance With the provisions of tbe.
act of Congress of June 8, 1878, en
titled "An act for the sale of timber
lands In the titates of California, Oro
g.n, Nevada, and Wash lug ton Tern
tory..y.ji8 extended to all th PnhH
iana mates py act or Anguts i, , 1802.
XT.. ,11- . w , ' '
ieiiu9 mvnjuane, or jLiaaeview. county
or Lake, Utate of Oregon, has this
day Mie In this office his sworn state
dent; No; 3814,' for ' tb. purchase of
in. rj Kf, or Hection No. 12, in
Town hip No. .88 8 , Kange No. 1(1, E.,
W. M., and will offer proof to show
that the land sought is mor. valuable
roi its timber or stone than for atrri
cultural purposes, and to establish bis
claim to said land before Register and
Receiver at Lakeview Oregon, on Fri
day, the lltb day of February. 1908.
II. names as- witnesses! - .fa
Mcuuane, iranic llutohens, of Lke.
view Oregon,. John titindt, of lionan
ta, Oregon, George Illoom'ngoamp, of
Illy Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely tb. above described lands are
aated to HI. their claims lo this
offlot on or before said 4tb, day of
February. 1908.
60-10. . J. N. Watson. Register.
H-ssssss-sssssB W I
Pioneer Store
Curt Ci 'j
In Two 1) iv
box. .
LN1 AO EXT am. SiritVKVOlC
Prompt and careful attention Klven
to surveyn of Lands nnd Tow iudten,
Map work &c. Settlers I.M atcd, Ijiud
and Town property for sale.
Don't Push:
The horse can draw the
load without help, if you
reduce friction to almost
nothing by applying
Grease j
to the wheels.
No other lubri
cant ever made
wears so long
and saves so much
horsepower. Net t time
try Mica Axlb Grease.
Standard OU Co.
TIlllKSt LA Nil RTI(K,
United SUtes Land Office. LakavL.
Oregon. Oct 17, 1907.
Notice Is berebv siven that i n rnm.
pllsnce with the provisions or the act
of Congress of .Tune 3, 1878, eu titled
"An act for the sale of timber lands
in tbe States or California
Nevada, and Washington Terrlrty,"
as extended to all the Pubiio Iand
, States by act of AugtiHt 4. 18yj, Kdgar
Howell, of New Fine Crtwk, county of
( Lake, State of Oregon, has this day
tiled in this olilce his sworn Htatenmut,
No. ynOO, ror the purchase of the Lots
j 12 and 3, of section No. 21. In
I Township No. 41 S., Ilaugn No. 21 R.
w. m., and will oiri-r proof to show
that the laud sought is more valuable
for its timber or stona than for agri
cultural purposes, and to CHtaMlfth his
claim to said land befoie the Hrulster
aud Receiver at Lakeview Oregon, on
Thursday tbe 2, day of Januury, V.m.
He names us witness: .1. . 1'owl
er, Hcrt Wade, O. U. IlamnierMli)v.
Oscur bmith, all of I'iue Creek, Ore
Any and nil persons claiming ad
versely the above described lauds are
requested to file their claims in this
ofllce on or before said 2 day of Jan
JIO J. NWatsou, Register.
: ftotlc for lubllratlun
Department of tbe Interior, United
BtatesLaud Office, Lakeview, . Ore
gon, Nov. 20, 1907.
NOTICK Is hereby given that' tbe
0LU0 ui Oregon nas, under the pro
visions of -the Act of Congress of Aua
ust 14 1848. aud the acts supplement
tal and amendatory thereof, made ap
plication for the following described
unappropriated, non-mineral, sur'
veyed pubiio laud as indemnity for
losses to its grant for common school
purposes, to-wit. :
List No. 2.W, for 8W1, Sec 21. T
30 8., R. 10 K., W. M.
List No. 239, for NEl SWl 8W
Any and all persons claiming j
VJiraAlw tha olw,.,. . 1 11 . . T
requested to Hie in thU office their
said claims on or befnr k
vj -..v. 'wo uomirioea lands nr.
of Juniiarv IOIU
J. N. Watson, Register.
1 an 1 -n