Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, December 12, 1907, Image 3

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few feeple MtMt THem U tk Bm4
Ae ventage.
"Curious about how torn people
-mmm .. II - - ..1,1 If . ail I
n. "We think the ostrich it I
tupid hird because with iU head
buried in the earn it think its
whole JkhJt U hidden front eery
bodj. Mtit plenty of men are quite
u ntupHi an tnit in their manner
of carrying an umbrella.
. "They curry it in such a way m
to protect the front of their bodies
and apar to think they have them
selves wholly protected, wlille all
the titnt' the wuter ia gayly dripping
Mown th.'.r biuis. The fact that
rot meny men know how to carry
an tiniliri'llri when it rain.
"If it mini and blow then in
atinctivrlv they hold the umbrella
toward the wind to keep the urn
brelln from leing blown inide out
a well a4 to protect themeelves
from the rin. This ia proper. But
when the rain ia coming down
ftraight they carry their umbrella!
In all sort of way, in which they
reveal more or leaa of their personal
' "Here, for instance, ia a man who
carrie hit umbrella held in hia
right hand with the hand straight
in front of and in lina with his el
bow and upper arm, this being the
easiest way to carry it. Htld in this
manner the umbrella really shelters
completely enlr bis bead and the
right aide of hia body. Tbe rain
drips from it on bis left shoulder
And down hi left tide. He is either
Uay or thoughtless. He is probably
"Again we rnar meet a man car-J
rying an umbrella at the coat of
considerable effort around in front
of the center lino of his body, which
it correct as to that position, but
carrying it there too far forward, '
with the result thst while he keepa
perfectly dry on hia face aide, yet
more or less water drips down hia
track a man finicky and jiarticular
about tha front he presents, about
appearances, but not so mindful of
the substance.
"And then we meet the man who
carries hia umbrella with fore arm
straight in line with hia elbow, for
the greater ease of that position of
the arm, but with the hand slightly
turned so as to make the umbrella
more completely cover him or with
that end in riew, which end, how
eycr, it . does not . accomplish, for
with the umbrella top tilted it does
not cover so .large an .area aa it
. does when' carried in a horizontal
.plane.. This is a man who is laxy, .
out trying by that twist of the hand
to get something ' for nothing or
.without much effort.
, "And then we may occasionally
. ' meet a roan who ia carrying his um
I brella in the best possible position
, for the purposes of the best possible .
V protection to bo gained from it, this
being square in .front of him, with
the umbrella handle' all but touch
i(iBg the center of the front edge of
'te rim of his hat, carried to as to
protect Mm as far as may be both
lack and front,' while be carries the
, umbrella ' as low down as can be
.without touching his hat on top,
' thua firing himself also protection
4a far aa possible down around to
ward hia , feet., And here we find
man ,wbo knows intelligently what
oan be done with the means at hia
oommand and who: U willing to put
forth the effort required to bring
those means to their utmost effi
ciency." New York 8un.
His ten's wt ).
"How are yon, Mr. Smith 7 How !
. ia that eon of yours making it wun
kia new motor bicycle f
M0h, he had quite a tumble the
Other day," replied Mr. Smith. "He
was speeding at about forty miles '
an hour along a rougb macadam
- road when all of a sudden the darn
machine stopped stone still, but mj
ton kept on going from the momen
tum and slid along the road for
. about fifty feet before he could stop
' himself I
I "You don't eay I Did it hurt your J
on v
"No, it didn't hurt him to apeak
of, but ho tore the west aide of hia
, "Tore the what r V) '
"Tore the west aide of hi pant.".
. "Well, in the name of whiiaiog
wheels, what , aide , of your ton'i
pants ia the west side?", ki,.
. ' "Why, the aide the ton seta on.
Philadelphia Inquirer. 7'
I. , , Werii .fteenjrf' .J'
. . A stickler for the good old way.
which we all admit to be the beat,
dropped' in from church to lee a
young woman who., waa a , writer.
To the great surprise and horror of
the dear old lady the. writer waa at
work. The cheery , click-click of
taw typewriter sounded from lior
, den. ,. . ' !'(
"Oh, my dear girl," exclaimed the.
shocked caller, "you liave not M tut
. forgotten your early training -aa to
be composing- on Sunday V
. "Oh, my dear, only- iokes and
they are all jokea on religious aub-
In vhsanpeeinf Be Cerefwl
A goud tonic for tbe balr Is
posed ef tincture of not vomica, ewe
ounce; spirits of rosemary, two ouaces;
alcohol, two ouoree.
This should be applied dally sod aft
er, appiyjng geally mfnesage the .seals)
with the tip ef tbe fingers. Jllngelng
Is tbe tiest pi so by which you csd bave
split ends of your bale remedied. ' Utp
ping la liable to skip orer man of tbe
adS. ; ,-; .
Another, good balr tonic. U: Kao de
cologne, elf ht ounces; tincture of can
tharldes. three-quarters ounce; oil of
lavender, one-half dram; oil of rose
mary, ooe-balf dram.
Apply as a boy. .
la washing tbe balr first be csrefal
to select pure sosp that contains oo
free alkali Then make a hear? suds
or lather by rubbing the soap with a
brush or. tbe beads In a half bowl of
warn .water. Hold tbe brad over tbe
bowl and pour tbe sods on It with a
eup. rubbing lightly, but tboroogbly.
After the balr and scalp are cleansed
rinse welJ with two, or three changes
of warn water and dry In the usual
manner. ' Once in every two weeks is
often enough to wssh the balr.
Never saw a metelMe brash. Instead
use a coarse cemb and always comb
tbe balr the war it Ilea. I a other
words, do not comb It against tbe
grain. If the balr t angina commence
combing at tbe ends and comb out
gradually, Te commence combing at
tbe bead would tangle It worse, and
tbe pulling tends to rupture tbe hair
follicles and break the hair. Do not
comb or bruab the balr any more tbao
la absolutely neeaaary. If you use
a toale oa youi hair It la well to apply
It Immediately after washing, as tbe
scalp will take tbe tonic more readily
tbeo tbaa at any other time.
ii i in.
Man In Maftjr Centuries Have
aid Abevt Us.
If Cteopatra'a bom bad been aborter
tbe face of tbe world would have boea
changed. Pascal.
Women are aadeefphorable. Wheth
er they laugh or cry. ona'a explanation
Is never right T. Beataoa.
Their glory, la te be least spoken of
among men. whether for praise or
blame. reticle.
Ilea and womea never agree aa te
tbe merits ' of a ther wemaa. La
Bray are.
Natural twenty hi not everything.
There is aa art la being pretty. Lode
Tic flaievy.
A person in wbon the perfections of
both mlad and body are found together
alone deserves la ny Judgment tbe
praise of perfect beauty. Polyatratue.
A woman's face oogbt te be like aa
April day enacepttble of change and
variety. Lord Byroa.
Laughter la tbe test of beauty. Wo
mea that U embellisbee are of tbe di
vine race. Hougon. ,
There Is an old saying that la Eng
land tbe wife ia tbe queen. In France
the companion, la Germany the house
keeper. In Italy the slave. London Out
look. Tbe symbol of woman la general la
tbat of tbe Apocalypse op the forehead
of which was written "Mystery." Di
derot Is there any one with whom you con
verse less thaa with your wlfeT Xeno
Egg spoons that are stained should
be rubbed with damp salt before pol
ishing. , ., , . .
Saucepans should be aa flat and broad
as .possible, so that no heat may be
WMtel- V: v
If a few drops of glycerin be added
to ' tne starch for' . Uaeaa. It wUl be
found that the Iron will not stick and
tbat the linens will have a beautiful
gloss after they are Ironed.
Parana split oo a atoae floor may be
removed , by rubbing bath brick over
the mark and letting It stay till next
day. Then wash ta the usual way,
and the floor will be perfectly clean.
Paint van be removed from glass by
rubbing It with bet strong vinegar.
Stains oo the bands can be removed
by acetic acid or salts of lemon, and Ink
marks will soon yield to pumice stone.
. To remove ink stalna from linen dip
the article In milk and let It soak for
about two hours, then take out and
wash wlta soap while tbe milk still
remains on the spots of Ink. This will
remove any loag standing stain.
The Oee Steve.
Do you And your gaa atove a real
eco oo miser? If not, these may be some
f the reasons:
Lighting burners before you are
ready to use them. ( ,
(1Baklo burpa tWagft a time. ,
Heating Water or cooking la uncov
ered vessels. ..
Placing email vessels upon large
burnere. ! ( ! ; ' ,-, -t
Using,1 large burnere ' w sea"" small
pnM.wouU4& ',,. .,u1.
,JNot turning out the iame before re
moving tood,.'.tii" u." i .tl ,...,, .
,Kot, ieweelng tbe tame when food fa
already betting. . ; v; ";
Keeping the Interior ' of the oven
dirty and greasy Instead of bright and
clean when it reflects beat Instead of
absorbing It, ,(,t ,U((
. u H-rr iir riv v f - -i .. ..
i - ,lo.,taple Star.,re4iee, ,u .
For. maple eugatj pralines, such as
the glrle at .Vaseer make, boll a-pound
of maple su$ar In water enough to
keep' It rYoai burning until tlje syrup
eplua a thread. - Then atlr Jtn, a,' pound
of Wancbed alwonda Cut, In plecea pnd
a teaspoonful of , b,uttsr ap4 stir until
It grains. Than spread on shallow
plate until cool enough to eut Into
fmpaw t w
Tfvt Wy Chronlcl"
I sW TWf PtlBJV "VaJsJUv IwawWawHBgaT
peMksks4:.ta : ana, eaave Wast
$1.50. a Year;
lerlwllae j i tug mr it W
It Is
srleflsf all iHe aevs ef tfie werld
eaeN vek fca aa tniereeHef way
aadr tally UlaewaAag assay
arftolee, . bee ssasi J dapaeV
sa4 SrORTS
TkaM are 'prtmM ewer W
sellers kavtog aWeega fcaewW
edfe ef Otelr sseetaloea Tfcs
psfes aevwted le Aeeura,
Herfleeltera, Peelwy e4 Uve
SiMt see w8 ltaeirala aad
filled with saattsr ef Ue greetest
latere! le all eagaged la eaaae
leeuetrtea, every llae belag
writ is a try fftese wke are ta elese
lovoa with eeatetaaaN) sswvalkag
ea thts Ceast .
Do yea
Reversible Map?
Shewlag I
anlaJea ef
Mdoe ea ea
flag vtew
wtoi an
The Farmer's TTlfe
Is eery careful about bar ehura. 8se
scalds It thoroughly after using, and gives
It a sun bath to sweeten it She knows
that if her churn is sour it will taint tha
buttsr that Is made In It The stomach Is
a eh urn. In the stomach and digestive
and autritive trails are performed pro
ceases which are almost eiactty like tbe
eh urn lag of butter. Is It not apparent
then that If this stomach-churn is foal It
makes foul all which Is put Into It
The evil of a foul stomach la not alone
the .bad taste In the mouth and tbe tool
breath ceased by It but the eorreption of
the pure currant of blood and the dissem
ination ef disease throughout the body.
Dr. Pierce's Oeldea Medical Dlssovery
makes the sour and foul stomach sweet
It does for ths stomach what the washing
and sun bath do for the churn -absolutely
removes every tainting or eerraptlng ele
ment In tbla way It caree blotches,
pimples, eruptions, scrofulous swellings,
sores, or open eating ulcers and all
humors or diseases artsiag from bad bleed.
It yea have bitter, aasty, foul taste in
your aseath, eoated tongue, foal breath,
are weak and easily tired, fsel depressed
and despondent have frequent headaches,
ditty attacks, gnawing or distress la a torn
ash, eonaUpated or Irregular bowels, sear
or bitter risings after eating and poor
appetite, these symptoms, or any consider
able number'of thm. Indicate that you are
eifferlna from bUlouaaeas, torpid or laiy
vef with ths usual accompany ibg Indi
gestion, or dyspepsia and their attendant
will be readily proven to your satisfaction
If you will but mall a postal caidrequeal
le Of. R V. Pleive, Buffalo, N. V., lor a
res copy of his booklet of eitraets from
ths standard medical authorities, giving
the names of all the lagrAdienie entering
Into bis world-famed medicines and show
ing what the moet eminent medJeal nee
ef the aire say of them.
Subscribe for Tbe Lake County Ex
aminer, It you want tbe newa.
Elvo Cream Balm
Sura to Olva Satlefaotlon.
It clfSMaptpss. tls sad preWU Hi
diaeOHea tueinbrane reaulting from Catarrh
and drive i away a Cold in thn Hepd quickly.
Restores ths Senses ot Teats ,nd rlmoll,
Eaay to use. Containa no injnriout drags'
Applied Into the nostrils and absorbed.
Large Blse, SO eente at Droggiste or ty
mail. Liquid Cream Balm for use .la
atoinixtrs, 75 oeuta.
Ill BROTHfrtV, t Warrea SL. New Yark.
omv eM.
ftd W I saal sat I
... . e)fl) kaaasan
SW' " 'tpwewai is i s s ma-m--
tfifrpv ln l)T- 'Ifjirn's n"'-t-t "Vi fl
ritmvr That imT nbsolutslv true
k I
f IVoprtHer.
The best Vaquffna-
die on the market.
t " '
Aleo a complete line of wagu
& and boggy barneae, whip
& robes, riatae, Mte, epure,
C quirts, roaettee.ln fact every
thing; In tbe line of carriage
isuj uurw, iurui.uiu.. wt-
palriK by competente ma.
6&e6& 6666 66
5 All PL E kwn t
For COnnERCIAt " .
TD1VPI PDt i "
A Memorable Day.
One of tbe daya we remember with
pleaaure, as wsll aa with' profit to our
health, ia tbe one on wblcb we be
came aoqoalated with Dr. King's New
I.Ira Pills, the tialnless Durifiere tbat
tore ' beadaCbe' and' biliousness,' and
keep tbe bowels right. 25o at Lee
HeaH's Drag Store.
f REE Knowing what It waa to auf
fer, I will give FREE OF CHARGE,
to any afflicted a poeltlve cure for
Ecsema, Salt Rheum, Eryetpelae,
Pflee and Skin Dlseaeee. : Instant v
llef. Dont Buffer longer, Wrtte F. W
WILLI AM8. 400 Manhattan Avenue,
New York. Enclose Stamq. -
J. II. Cutter whiskey at tbe Bote
Lakeview bar. Tbe beet' and ' purest
whiskey made. tf.
Tbe Examiner prints township plats,
and makes them into books to order. ' tf
T"n e have made an entire transcript of alf Becords in Lake County,
i l I which, in any way, affect Real Propert j in the county. g
"We have
ever made in Lake County, anrf Wcry Deetfgiven.; '
In transcribing the records we. have
mortgages recoideri iytnDeid recorrJ.nd-not
many deeds are recorded in the Mortgage ecord and other
books. Hundreds of mortgages and deeds are not indexed
at all, and aie m6st
We have notations ''of mt these Errors:" :
Others cannot find them. We have spent hundreds
these errors, and we can ituaf antee out work,
-. i-:' i , I : V J . . r,). V
i .! ' ,f . t . f " 1 ..- .' ff
' 10
m e
I 1 C
... 4
666 0666606666 1
ARROW, Proprietors
Fanners, have' yor butter wnrp
pera printed at Tbe Examine office,
instead of eendlnjt away for tbeaa.
I 1 . V A
loo acp juur uiuur; s uuiuk, su
patronise tbem that patronise yow,
oraldee, you aee what you are get
ting and don't have to pay for it at
It doesn't eult you. tl
-. To Care a Cold la One Day
Tableu. All druggists rotund tbe
money if it fails to core. E. W. Grove's
signstnre is on eacb box 25c.
; Tbe Examiner baa a supply o' ; S a
claaa butter wrapper paper on band
now, at tbe following pricee : For 600
wiappers, printed, 12.70, for lOOO
printed PLbO. tf
H. F. Ablstrom, tbe saddler, baa e
celved a new shipment of gloves, ta
beat '"la 'tbe market. ' If you waa
gloves good ones call at be Akl
strom Harness Shop. ' 39tf.
i i- b . rr t
rJN? w ecsi
a compkte Record of every
t. a ,
Blue prints of any trnvo
hip In the LakevIcT
Land District can be hj
by applying to the under
slsned. All work up to
date. Checkings m&2
from the Land 03
flee Records at thetlttU
the prints are made, Worjt
neatly and promptly
W. B. Snider. '
Lakcvlew Oregon,
oo ifvutbriM'orQ
isia on? is3in m m
eaueioi esjt o anaa eaa ms mhi0;)
iuvNOtxoia nvNOiivNtrxuii
va mor
eodraus aoawusn
soosoaiu ivvwooo jo aomne mn eqTn
tf ised sqt ul teeiotni eqt ni svirt poe ?t)
rpm v ssorpMr ad smmI j m
veafevooo tiwmq pio n s'rf
' eetrkjaottgYue nam elpaiAoaa. ofSwiou4t
aafOi em teq pf o asiiuiswsr adimwl i
jaaoe j mJotm spraaup vnq
ie eioaasaimfeM Mae txrs
aeeat ot DwdD iMmiimpa ei inns lid j
mt pwauoo Beeej eea irstp Im di ui
, -a iitvxKMn saaq evsj puvia oa jre
ieuo(3HieqX TwseaJOswqswiinnritlDeaa
eqt poe pir)ihnaaoe smoq sea tom
mr eaqpoeap Awmmeom pens ijwfa imSut
eonMre atn0 aoiBido eqt y w a
aaM jsooe JO eiaeasuirnbej mmiw p4e
jm mn mn itm w Sartevpe jo mo&md qe
tut mm qMWiU AvmA po Tr7 3
xiaAe n poirpe-M IjuMnaioqi pop(jiua
luiod ei "si n in esiie jsmtpia
MeM jo exa(iinqivi esj.
ennno sty xmixjo iaAvxs ouJeHl
pouicjsns suiieio
.stJOiS!iqnd oii
w- art--I ai. aa - - fnal
4UJ 0 TlAiR.
rrtft1 ' CoevKMHTa sVc.
AW s atn a tr ssSsse'sO"" ssgf
Dkilf tmruia oar putoa trm wknm -mm
Scisnitnc Jicericen. s
tUNN & Co.",bK211
tal n nW-J6 F Bt, WasktacUM, & O
Moitgage and transfer
found numerous
indexed; and
oi dollars hunting up, (