Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, December 05, 1907, Image 6

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1 E. TVior. I'm
Nov Pine Creek,
. Oregon
Office at B. Reynold' 5tore.
Stage leave Ikevie" Mouda.s, Wed
Dedayi and l-rul. n- arrive
t Tlueh at P p. in. 1 ikm I it It Tue
dayt, Thursday" an. I Saturday, at t
a. tu., arrive at t-akevnw at W . tu.
Passenger fare $3 on- ay o $5 (i
round trip. Freicht rat.- from May
let to Nov. lt $.75 per l.ntiiireil . fron
Not. 1st to May lt i n- -ndre
, Nolle
tii'! ehy fi'lvnt that i irrlun-
tiin ilrnee ditche on nil trout
Ktr no. ought I .like Count v. Oi l's.
uon, M.nv t ( Hcn'oncd with small:
' tncM w ir' "ifriN-nltiii t their In nd or !
jjiin. k.ii ith tlit inaln 'tiniini'l of:
1st renin Also nil tin m or obstruct j I Hi
I Ion on mi 1.1 Htreiinu- must he pro-
vldrd w III. it fish-ladder, orot In i in,v
menu of ,,iss,ige.nt orn-r themid. i , ttlimlnrr ,, rmi
(llt of til. Infill, channel. SO nl !. ' Iroui on.' imnliir l.i anolli.-r. i.r I'lim
. . , I Hi. ir i.'storiu-r a.l.lri'u. "Ii.i.iiu r. in. ml.'r
OW III I t SSIILC Of t I tit II I I 1 1 I ittiftt ! iln.l. ' i.lhiv ir.l til tlii'tf naiur Ii. .
of vuir. fi iirovidrd hv law Snid
work lo ! done nt low wndr lime. I
or to he completed hy Feb. ", I!!'". I
Hy order of .1 A. Itiirli im.
. JkDCQ lkM'lnn It leal K., . ii.k
' rNrLri rlUlnii Aii.-n, ' l.u k.i
mum Mrrt'i. sii riiiu iu.i. .r i.
Ftutr.t.t for K.tvortlKliiK can 'li uia.1i for
. , Practical Hints. Study Your Neede and Select Your pr0, P.d For a Paraiol bv
crocheti.,,- the edge,, V "ni m,y r,;,l"1,ro tor -inn nt .Monte Carlo, vu very cc-
s. " .'i i' iiimii ine sys- centric
tcm villi a great mass of unnoccv ii in, ....- ,..... i. uv
I tlrvss, in nil- riKhl svstnflii'.'.
,wwv it s ,
Si' ivpnt.v tUli Wjir'
I .nkc County, tn'iioii.
i . j
hi ii i
nt i
n. i:. cm ken diri.c w
Tin- ftii Sniidii v In . .
nll-:IH'L. lit I'lli.Ml M il....1
11 A. VI. sid. from t hi- .o
evtrv s. i ;iv nt 11 A. M.
r. M ..t L ikcvlow.
Nuii.!.i Iiool nt 10 A.
a H : li;.'!il.
rrai. in I'tinj; Tliursdny '
L;i.i - I YVrd u'd ay 1 :!..
("Iioir .i;. tuv I ridny 7;:!ii.
A i Ii;il tnvitntloii is ii.I.mI to
A. .1. Arniftroiu I'n-ior.
I'll l M I nnit MHII.t.ll
liisley, Oregon.
ni'ido frin It hy
around wmi 1 1 n y ymn. It (nn nlmi U' III HI. If -l'lmrli..v I ..
"., in k i o 1 1 i , . r' . , . llll Wll!
n with tidy yam. Svo nil your ! of vh.rh ran j.oss. ,y br of nso in nil, ,UM1 it ltwwull voMj
i'nrn. hum not only uiiiko n kv lillv airi'ii.'l hmiiml' ua Fur nnr nitpuint.
- ....... i-i iri iMirn
l0,'i!; . . Wliilo nn a v i h i t lo llm Vii1iaion
I .oro nro nlnml j. dorn ililforont ..j,,,, with MlIU, IIM(. ,H iQ
k.n,!. of t,sM,, in 1 ... ImhI.v. ,10 ,nllit )f ll(,,,mmviII;, 1(.r .... a
m nno rvyimng a hP,.,., food. ,on,in Mmll nu l, ,ly. l),,.in .ne
ami IhoM- ,, nro i-spiMMally ho- (,f (lw wnk lua.lanm , mlaitwd
vo , our lino of work ro.pnro a r ll,0 In-at of ll. nun and r,.',-Hl,,l
till, ('I, 111 riTlT IllllOIIIlt of fund mn-l i.. i i .. ii... 1 .
..K.i. .i i ii ,i ' ' r ''"Ki'iimi ' nil IHT II piirnsiil.
nrly adapl,-,! ,o,r so than tl. - Arrrdily tho two mlcrod a almIV
lillior tlsslli'4 which nro n mnJ I .. I . i i . .
wiicro iiiiumnm pricci
f i S-J
mini. I'lil kovim-ii nut t.n-i.lhor nn.l
ailtrhod on the machine ma lo koo.1
illshclotliM or wnHhclotha. (Jlovoa Unit
will take the place of ruhher tflovca
when workliiK In the Kiirden or wash
Inif dishes are liuule hy ,llpiln old
Rtoven Into hot IIuncciI oil, which roll
ilvrs them waterproof, lllack Iihh can
U freshened to look like new hy wash
Iiir in water Into which h:m lHen put n
little aininoiila. then rlnxeil I
cotTee. IIoiiMckccpcr.
I. I l o
j "I I Ii I. I'Mv Hull.liiiif.
llurnr al It
) Ijikrvlrw. Orra;ot
. o t: iTiir
4 1 lnr -at - i w
IjoiiI Mtllrni Mprrlalt)
OKHi K Il; HuiUilng.
The trouble with most adver
tiaen la that ttiey expect Imme
diate returns of larpe propor
tions. One prominent advertiser
Illustrates the principle of adver
tising In this way:
"The money rxpradrd for
adrfrtLlar ! the na aa
If plared at Uternt. Tfca
raata from the advertlalaa:
ara Tlrtaallr the Intereat
tha laTcataaaat.
"The sun.8 spent for advertising
are. properly chargeable to cap
ital account because the result
ing good will la aomtblng that
has value, which, If the adver
tising haj been properly done,
caa usually be sold for the face
ralue of the Investment
The rate of Interest Is deter
mined by the skill with which
the Investment la made.
"Just as the quickest way to
Increase invested wealth is by
compounding the interest. Just so
the quickest waj to realize re-
mw rrom advertising la to com-
pound the returns. "" Advertising '
Advertise ret g-ood return
on the amount lnveated lo
our column We reach the
ale of Tirr.ler Land.
1'nrtit who have timlHT Inn. I f..r
sale w ill d. well to tttvi'Ktiu.-ite our
term. Jin. I n,ci hods of hiiudliiic Inn. Is.
Veh;ic in. ullici'in Lit k- jew . here
Contract i;in le tnade and .mtioim
taken on laud. We wllar.ilite.' the
highest market price, mid nr.- in a
i position to demand ami oht.u . it,
having t'ten in t he Luslness for many
yearsaml in close touch witn ,-iil i ;ie
land dialers ((f the country. atis-
'factory resiiits by tl,.- I.n
(iramie Invi'stineiit t'o. Writer. ).
Metzk. r. La keview, Oregon.
'Hin, No. .'iii
I... il.l .n.l II I. W...1 1 1... l.i w
ii n .nth III MMH.inlt' HhII. hi p. nt
1 Hviiv, tiuiml r
.. N. Ul isii, l. rli.
v K KVt KW KXi'AMI'MKST. No 1.
1 o F nn ilit' 1 an. I M l lmr-
imi :nm .if t ai h inonlli ill OM K. I
KkII. 1 j4kt' lv . J. 1. V.-rmttir.
... M. 1 k.r . M'hIh'.
at:t:i' iih im
3IC0 Rlrril Hr:i.t with nwatU.w Kr ir
JOliiri Ddllj rl)th, e.r lor iw..; r. vrr.
fur . in.-rw Mine rwei suare I'rop an.1 "..
in riKl" . r Tar Hran.1 111. finiiKr. Crai..
I.d. l unnltlc v a.t.trf.n, Ijikevievr . ( irvKin
i Kitchen Notes.
To thicken gralia ami Htuck mid a
: pinch of salt to tho flour. It will pre
vent lump and make the cm v ion even.
When celery U innHled for any kind
of salad, such nn chkken or lobster.
clip It with sclrinnm Instead of rutting
't with n knife. It saves half the work
I for n busy housekeeper.
When meat becomes scorched In the
kettle set the kettlo and contents Im
mediately Into a pan of cold water
and let It remain for nbout the min
utes. When tho meat I treiw'ed In this
w ay no m on lie, taste ran lo detected.
oilier fusiie, which nro almost,
wholly inactive in our vocation.
I lioiisniicM of men are forcii,"
a vcrv pret
ty article, worth tt) fin tics, w Ii it'll
M. I'llnne. with a nriwl ami a iniit-
, . , . , ,ii. inline, witn a h
lie.r l,r:n, t do work l.y stun,,-, (or,.(, Kriim,,,( ,ai,,
blllf Mlll. b iil.K. !...... .... I .1.' I
To Loosen Qlan Stopper.
To loosen kIiiss stopperx put a drop
of sweet nil around the cdue of the
stopper, then place the botti,. nrar the
fliv until It becomes warm, when a
ll.rl. I.I 1.1 . .
....... ..i.. mm ii n iuxien llisl rillueut i I ,. ; , i
mi each side of the stunner c. n.,K. i J' V , "',"nl
" - i i. .. ii.. i .... i .
. . . lie 1 1 1 1 1 1 .
w in i.Kisen ii ir i,,,,.-,,. ..,. i, . i i .
' ' " "II.'IIIH , . . .
net. the nil and he:it nppllca-! 1 "' 1 r"r
tions until eiiccessful. The reslstnnee j .-! w llni
of class Jars thut rcfuve to cpen nin i H!ii.inl of
be overcome by settlnu them top down- !';i.-l " .i-tc
ward in an Inch or two of hot water, i of u (m-it
hint nnlv exhaust iin.l ili
tint nourish, and then (hey wonder
that lliev have nervous lireakdnu n
or paresis. Other tliousamls. in
their iirn nra nee of scientific feeding,
force their drains to do work every
lut of which is nltnnrinal, liornuso
tliev do not liae sulVu-ient notirisl,
tnent. An a, lio 1 ruin worker reiuircs n
;rreat deal of alluiminoiis foods,
fomh which contain phosphorus
like fistt. oysters nml other kinds of
iliellllsh and e.'es. Meat in distinct
ly muscle fond. It i suitaKle only
for tin ise who do physical work.
Tho locomotive engineer studies
fuels. He dmM not 1h row all sorts
of coiiiluistil.!,. thiiiL's into Im lire
o tliey are comliiisti
out tin- hct kind of
cti';iiie, (lint w hidi will
tiio greatest possible
cniliiM with tin'
I le makes a profession
ie-s and htmlies the re-
H. E. Barker. Prop'r.
Zac vhitwonh
Bran.l wuli l'ro oft lei
ear, Hall t'ndi'ri'rou .f
j riicni lor ; ret ertv tor wthon Tar riran.
! H HiitiKt Visii Crek. I oofrir a.l'
I ll-fTi.- i irt'tfni' i
Office in Bieber's 5tore
State leaves Lakeview daily, ei
cept und;,y at 6 a. m. Arrive
at Altura? at fi p. ni.
Ieave Altura? for I.akeview ai
o'chs k a. m. or on the arriva
oftl.e ptae from Madeline. Ar
rives in Lakeview in 12 hours af
ter leaving Alturas.
Freight - Matters - Uivei
5trict - Attention
first - Cfass - AccirccTctlcris.
We haw a full set of .Mysell-KollitiH
& C'o's., samples of Stock Vrt ificaterf
and bunds, with price list. If you
ore orjiaiiiziiiy; u stock company a t
our priccri on stock certificates, tf
Family liquors at rJost i: Kinys !
j $1,250 Reward.
j 1, file Harnrjr counij
I '-,ve "!" As l
'Tji'rfl'fiK, lien. .i ii . .
S' li if'' f a llul'ltilT. n . I
' ' 1,!tn iff W " ir.lf,.rcvi.ll-i,
' 1''Ctri& V l-.liii to Hi. ,.
1 Hl'lVN pur-.
' I V "a'1inr Hi'i k
i V I I""U'I! " ' '
1 I .7 v., J-"- Ina.Mitii.i.
' r ' . I s. 'JoltrT I am r.-imr
I m' Hor.' liran-i '
I hIhh' on flther
j or Im.i h jhwh. Hv-
i-onlril iiiBi'outiln'i
anm-. Hum. Ink- aii.l , ri.ek ,'iui,ii.-
ilnr-. vi iin .l 11.11 wil l f rr,-s n. n
'.tiroi.Kli ilil section Mill tji- report'.! In Km
;'s r. tf not so r. -lorn il. pli a-.' m rite or n !.
.hone T'lt Tiiik s H.thI.I. Main S.'i. liuriis. i ire
(" .W .lirou ii, Horns or.
! Fried Applet.
These are also excellent serxed with
: auy form of pork. Select larj:,.. lirm
; apples, rather tart, nn.l wash without
pai-iny;. fore, cut In lialf 11 11
1 Inch thick, then brown Ir. pork fat or
j butter, turning with a pancake turner
1 so as not to break. They should K
j tender, but not broken. If preferred a
trine sweet sprinkle and cinna
mon over the uncooked side Just before
turiiinvr. Fried apples nro especially
nice w ith fried pork or snusae,..
j IJIlll'Clll
i people
rim Ik.
Ill the w i. rid
rife - wit hout
tits of hi, eiiojne, p.ul most
1 c:i to think that thov can
implicated 111a. luiierv
tl'c fjreat human eti
anv special stud v.
1 lie re-iiit is (hat we u -o all sorts
of fuel wit limit reference f,( tho
particular work we are doin,
Success .Miia:iic.
Rack In Scrub Bucket.
A rack on the scrub bucket for hold
ing soap, brush and cloth will be rec
Ok'nized at once by the scrub woman
and general housekeeper as a ureal
convenience. The worker who Is mov-
kevartl for Morses
1 w ill yive So.iio reward for Inform
H t it ill that w ill lead to the disc.ivei
of any hor-e branded w ith 1111 .
horseshue brand on but h jaws, placi
as in the cut in this ml vert iisi-m.-n t .
with fresli triatiirl.' brand uinleriieath
the horseshoe. 1 lie triangle placed
in such a manner as would cover up
a bar on both jaws. Animal mu-t
1m- found in the possession of some
person or persons.
A Royal Humoriit.
j rir'y ediicated as tJeon.'e IIT.
j was, he was capable to a surprising
i 'Icfi.e of iitb'iin nt times shrewil
i and humorous remarks. In tin;
! "Lib f (ieoroo III.," I,v .. wis
' Mch 1 i If. under the title of -l-'armcr
' ' our e," ( ,e e Will he fuiltid II'. t 11
i f'w- of the royal savings. When
i ( in. 1' I.i.t-d I'.aroti Mucd uiald. a
:reat -:i iT taker, ami liarnti (Jra-
l am, an inwtorate talker, were sit
t i; ' iri l!i. ','i--t ii; : ri-l i r cour!. "Tlie
court of tl e i-.vehe.pier." remarked
tl'c i.i'i;'. "Il.l, a .-nui!'l, ,i( (,,,. ,.,,d
.-I'd a ,-!:att.T!.o at t!.o other."
(o n; ;e so.'i.-f,t;.es ,1 i!r. Ho red fo
1'. !nl umu-einetit in , .,;.:ii - al.uiit
nn i i i : t to pn nt
To All Our
in. i. i
i i i ic .'iroiiinl r
ences an :r.
bei'oinint; si
that is. eh,
bucket after
looks the soap cup and
her steps in recover it.
N M il-i r, a kin
tfl in his rambles.
. w hat do o i uohl '
: I-!" hoy. '"What tin
"I lie'li ill the -la!.
-Tiiivatiiii; annoyance of
iiiali d from the soap cup
w oi ks ii ) u. niiiii, ii.i.
In r. but she ollen o(
has In retrace
Willi the rack
Indianapolis, Indiana.
The Leading Agricultural Journal of the Nation,
Edited by an Able Corps of. Writers.
The American Farmer is the only Literary Farm Journai;,,ub
lislicd. It nils a position of its own and lias taken the lead
ing place in the homes of rural people in every section of
the United States. It gives the farmer and his fa mil v
something to think about aside from the hum-"
drum of routine duties.
Every Issue Contains an Original Poem by SOLONJL. CiOODE.
Within the Next Ninety Days We Offer
Two For the Paice of One: The
Lake County Examiner
The Leading County Paper and The American Farmer
1 i unparalleled offer is made to all new subscribers, and all old
ones who pay up all arrears and renew within ninety days.
Sample copies free. Address:
C. O. Hetzker, Lakeview, Oregon.
secured to the bucket, as shown In the
uecoinpanyin cut. the trio -woman,
bucket and soap travel toyelher.
The rack is the subject of a recent
invention, and it will be readily seen
how It Is secure,! to the bucket. It or
fers ample facilities for holilin' all the
necessary appurtenances of the seii.h
Sewing Hints.
IVe double thread for gathering,
t'se as fine a thread and needl.
the garment will allow.
When threading your needle mala
the knot on the end broken from tin
The rule for frilling is to allow one
atnl II half the length of the edge to he
When sewing on u button place the
knot on the right side of the cloth ill
redly under the button
'lis of all In-
"Well, my hid,
he a -ked a sfa
thev pay you '("
le-." the iiuii''-
, stor ;:riiin!,l. d, "lcit J ,,m. rndhin
but victuals and clothe-." "',(. ,.,,.
t.'id," said the monarch philosoph
ically. "I have id more." Uc.-t-mni-ter
Hourglasrei For Pulpits.
Tin? twenty minute sermon is a
purely modern invention, im is
proved hy the number of
hour.L'la-scs that are sf ill f ,r found
in many old churches, hi fho tvx
i.ster of St. Catherine's, Ald'ate, the
following entry, dated l.VM, occurs:
"Paid for nn hourglass that lianoed
1V tho pulpit, where fho iirr.iiclir.n
! doth make a sermon, that ho may
Know now me hour passe h awav.
s I -1 1 J
When the casino opened it noon
great was the astonishment of the
croupier and visitors to see M.
lihitic place S huns on tho red at
one of the t rente ct ipiaratilo ttt
I'lcs. Thr attendants hasfctietl to
ret him n chair, hut this he de
clined, saying he was only roinr. to
! remain a few minutes. When th
cards were dealt ho won, and, tak
ing up his winnings, left the orig
inal stake on the lahle. Tor a sec
ond lime he mm and had now got
hat k the price of the umbrella. Hut,
Hot content, he ventured another '!
lonis, which this lime he lost.
Somewhat annoved at this, th
founder of the place doubled the
stake and won, thus felting hack
the cost of the u uihrcl l.i a;'aiu.
n.-tcriuiiieil, li.iwccr, to regain
his ? louis, he staked it a'aiii, only
to see if raked in by the hank. Thu.s
he kepf on winning and o-im'. but
never able to rc. ,.cr the J louis,
ill at last he found Iuiiim-Ii .'. louis
out, all tho gold In. pocket book con
tained. A thousand franc nolo h
had was ipiioklv c!ianrc ami swal
lowed up. Then, becoming exas
perated, he cashed his ches k for a
large sum and, sitting down, com
menced the battle in earnest. Hour
after hour pa,s,.. l,v, but M. I'.lanc,
his ces fixed on tl,,. (lea. hero'm
pasteboard-, never budged from Ins e kept on planking; down
heavy stakes until the last deal wait
declared, when, calmly rising; he
seie.l !iis yellow cuhe and made his
way through the raping onlookers
into the open air.
"n reaching home he found .Mine.
Wane playing "patience" with a
pack of ,ar.s, the nTend.n para.sol
he mg on ( he fable.
".M."!amo," kiI the old g.:. tie
man, "ili you know what (hat thing
lias cost nie ?"
"Mais .mi, innn ami. It co, yon
S' francs."
"Ma !. ime." rejoin. , :e, "y,,,, ro
mi-taki n. I ,aw ju t p;i t,,. u
- IM.'ioit francs." h,,,,,!,.,, Mad.
I'atrii k lirannigan hu l contra, -"l
to ilig a Well Itl the s;,;id part
"f the ..w ii. and he had dug down
some forty feet whet, on coming to
work one morning he found that tho
last twehe fcef of his Well had caved
Hi ami would have f,, be dug nut.
if'am. lie sat down by the well to
wait for his helpers when a happy
thoifht struck him. He arose, took
oT his coat, hung it up in plain
airht, hid his tools and walked
lu-ay. A few minutes later his help
ers came and, finding PatV coat ami
seeing that his tools were gone,
caino to the conclusion that their
hos was buried tinder the fallen
Fiin.l and, with the help of ll tho.
neighbors, immediately set to work
to ilig him out. Not till all tho
fallen dirt was tnl.,.o .1:1 i..
l shilling." Linen tu ri. was taken oi, did tho
A modern pulpit glass, prohahly j" tll(! ,,'"st """pect that they
the only one of its kind, is to Le 1 ''on ,IOilx''l into doing jlIHt
found in the Chufiel K'oval, Savoy. w,iat ''"-'J'" win trying t dodge.
It is nn eighteen minute glass ami 1 Iarj) i Weekly.
I :.. 41 .t 1 '
ti.i.i n,ii i:ij in me cnapei on us res
Deviled Lobctcr.
Take the flesh from a lobster 11 ml
chop very lincl.y. sprinkle with a little
cayenne pepper, a dessertspoonful f
chutney, u little melted butler and a
tomato cut up small These must be
stewed over a fire, stirring till they
boll: add a little mixed mustard
(French) also ir available Have ready
some neat ki places of fried bread and
put some of (he deviled lobstec 011
each and sprinkle finely chopped purs
ley over.
Shrink Good Boforo Using.
To prevent cotton kikkIh from fading
place in a tub with enough water to
cover them, first having added two
handful of salt and a run of vinegar
Allow tbeiji to remain overnight In this
sol u I Ion nml then press in the UHiial
way. TlilM nhoiild be done before the
gooda have been w nulled, (loods which
have not yet been made Into a garment
also are shrunk by tbla process.
in JSnr. Westminster (Ja-
Waterproof Whitewash.
Make one half peck of lime In the
uaual wuy wllh water. Moll a pound
of rice until soft, thin with hot wuier
ai.i stir until line and huiomu. of ihc
coviistency of creaui Mix this with
the llmewatec while warm let cool
and apply. Itcpeated henv rains will
not wash this off
Cloia and Cautloui.
There was a Scottish linminhi i..s.
fore whom one inorniii" a certain
A nnrt Aw,urh''' , , l" nn except iom.ll v brilliant
A ccrtitm man whose w,fe hail re- rectal,,,,,. Tlio dominie' was V(.rv
cently got angry and gone away to much pleased. So pleased was he ii
live with her mother was met hy a fad that he put his haml i 1 i"
friend, who in apparent Bympathy pocket and gave the hoy half.
ji j im mils; penny.
"Man Jamie thia is an awfu An hour or no later another la,l
thing that has LefaVn you. Ifg a .listinguishcd himself. P too re-
great peety that your wife has gane iite,l in an admirable niant er Tho
anjeftyou." dominio pattd J,i ani Vi-
Deed, man quote Jamie, claimed, his eyes shining with dc.
"she'll dae waur than that yet." light: 1
iwlat aU1i -an 6heJ,,!a0, than i"J0if 1 llilJthut '"t'penny back
that anxiously -wnuired b friend. I d gi'o it lo ye.Dundco Adver-
one II coma back ncnm " run mil Iicof
uumw rueiuiiy. rcareon 8 Weekly. ,
r il T7TZ Qood For FUn.
Followed Hia Examofa. 1 'T,:s -i
A New Yorker who does his bit ' ing T druTgis shop "CnVT
entries that he saw in the vis tors' "Ten pounds ?" sn id fh i
a t . . i r a largo order, in't it?'
A few years ago one of tho Paris "Yes I know it is " m,M ii
members of tho Itothsehibl fmi. W ' ,,B. 8aid .t,15 man.
bad rer-istered as follow 7- f. UcU "t
Paris." f"u"u. umiani ncro yesterday cx-
tor to inscnbo his namo in the toward evcnii," it , l i i ! ?