Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, December 05, 1907, Image 4

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    OuMlahrd Evrr Tttamda
ditor and Publisher
i. HuMdinf
Knt. rp1 ftt Mir lH OWc-M 1 k-t1p. Ore.
8oooiiI-CIks Mmtrr.
.One Year, $2.00
six Months, 1-00
Three Month,. .
Kelley Goes Free.
Lnnt Friday night a man by Hie
name o? Kelley, who has been around
thia part of the country for some time,
and has been quite conspicuous in
pugilistic encountrs. In which he
usually comes as good as second best,
was caught in the act of setting a fire
to the Flynn saloon, or at least such
was the belief of thosa who came opou
him while he was lighting a piece
of paper with a match and had a pil
of rubbish piled up against the wall
where there was coal oil . It looked
auspicious at any rat", aud when dis
covered he ran.
Flynn put the fellow out of his sal
oon, and he came back and was wiid
to have remarked that he would bum
the town before morning. He was
place i under arrest and taken to the
"jug" where it was thuoght he
would da the least harm.
Monday he was given a trial atftl
defeuded by J. Al. Btcbehier, who
was appointed by the court for that
After an investigation i nto the case
Deputy DisUict Attorney Counter
concluded there was not enough evi
dence to convict KelJey, so turned
him over to the police court, where a
charge of being drunk and disorderly
was placed against him. The Kecoider
fined Kelley foO and gave bim -0 days
in jail. However .he was let go at
large till the following day, when he
The fact that this man is not con
sidered, responsible when drunk is all
the mure reason for sending bim
where he can't build fires, wherever
that may be.
Lakeview has bad experience with
fire bugs, and has suffered from them.
and our people are not very tolerant
with such fellows as Kelley.
Because a man is drunk and not
responsible for his actions choud not
alleviate his crimes, but rather
aggrivate them. Such was the opiu
ion of Blackstone and upon which the
first laws were based. There is no
more dangerous a person than an in
ciniiary in a .town like Lakeview.
Such has been proven.
Various petitions have been circu
lated about Lakevie asking some
body for a better mail service from j
the south. Whether the right source i
has been appealed to or not has not i
yet been discovered, as there seems to 1
be no change foi the Letter. Last;
week a petition was circulated and i
unanimously signed praying the Post
master general for well, something
rror. jacKson or faisley tias an op- ;
tion on the lease of the Harvev ranch I
in Summer Lake.
The world is full of
anonymous coffee : "Java
and Mocha."
Who returns your
money if you don't like
Your grocer returns your money if you don't
like Schilling's Best: r pay bim.
If you want to catch
If you want to sprinkle
HOSE and Sprinkler of
If you want a BATH we can furnish the
We also have a full and
complete line of Hardwa e,
Stoves and Tinware, a good
Plumber and Tinner in con
nection with the business.
Come and see us our prices
are right.
n ; I s I N WI-ATl'I.H t I
1 ... . 1' vp i rvfM'ri t h " ' 1 1
H i t'ic) il .y tlie iovertinnmt wi'
dill-,. .11 .lull M H' Til'" l-'xMllincr I'liliv
Tli'- I'vu-n i" HiHngiil tvich i-fk Rii't il
our remlei wihIi ti keen yearly record
of weather conditions fur future retei.
! ence. rut out the re "M alonu the black
I line and paste it in a wrap !'k i
j voek after another. Thi reord will U
; tiiVcn on Tned to end each week hi.'
Jx'tin n WcdneMtav f-ir I lie next week
Oovcrnment Weather Bureau St
tion at Lakeview, Oreon.
t ). Mk-ttkkr, Cooperative Observe!.
Week cndlitK Tucudny, lVo. l!M7
Thanksgiving Scrap
A scrap took place on the afternoon
of Thanksgiving, between Jim Partiu
and a mau by the name of Morine,
who has been here but a short time.
It seems that Morioe was looking for
a fight, aud while Partin was on his
way to the band room, where ho wa
to play with the band, the fellow step
ped out of the Post A King saloon and
accosted Partin with a proposition to
fight, informing Jim that he could
lick any in town. Partin was
not acquainted with the man, but
agreed w ith him that be ought to be
able to do as he said, and furthr in
formed the fighter that be did not
wish to fight him, and walked on into.
the saloon, intending to pass inrougn
and go up stairs. Morine followed
him inot the saloou, aud crowded i
Partin up behiud the liar, where he
pressed him into service. It was a
terly fought battle that iusued when
Jim was cornered, lasting several
minutes. Jim knocked his assailant
down several times, tint the fellow
got up and came at him each time
with renewed vigor. Both meu were
covered with blood wbeu they wert
separated, but it seemed that Partin
got the best of it. Morine was arrest
ed and locked up till the next day,
when be was given a trial, and fiined
?o0, aud ordered to leave town. Par
tin was not arrested, as be was only
defeudiDg himself. Morine, however.
jdid not pay bis fine, and is now in
the tow n jaii serving out his sentence.
Mrs. K. Morris started for the low
er country last week for a few mouths
A Dangerous Deadlock.
that sometime terminates fatally, is j
the stoppage of liver and bowel fun- j
cuous. xoquicaiy euu iu.s cou.iwuu
without disagreeable sensations, Dr.
i Pay mmlniin. pivclp n'w rhr.-t-i
datum (nil ol Jut
tl.ur. 4i "0 I 0 W w I
fridy! 4.V! -J:J .! j 00 , -
ant'v' 4. ".M l 0.00 J 00 "
win, j :7 2 " O.QO I 00 I "
in. ml' l ii !o.oo 00
tile. I .'.7 ' 21 T o.oo I 0 I
King's New Life Pills should be I 'j07.
alwave your remedy. (Guaranteed Notice is hereby given that Willium
absolutely satisfactory in every easel"' iijty. oj Lakene Oregon, baa
, , tiled notice of his intention to make
or money back, at Lee lieall s Drug Hnal Fjve VPHr rrof jn uvnrt o
v J it J produced by
PjLi) prepAratioii. AW tritely fragrant.
Makes uie tlua cmtftxittlf ion;
&J by over-dryne; reducar the size of
enlarged pores, cleanses them, re
duces inflammation and spreads an even,
radiant g.ow due to wholesome nourish
ment of (kin glands and stimulation of
the capillaries which also feed the
skin and supply its healthful color.
Aikytwt Druggist for a fret samplt of
FISH get your Tackle
your Lawn get your
Htal Istnto Transfer
Transient of leal est-ite recorded
week ending Nov. 'M
Virgil Conn to W. II. McCnll. town
lot In Paisley, I0M0.
C. I'.. Campbell to W. II.' McCnll,
Southeast quarter sec. IS, and north
east quarter sec. '. T. 'X K. 10.
U. S. to I'.. A. Lnniotte, south Imlf
stmt h half sec,. 1 T. 41, S., li. 17 F..
J. ami J. J. Iiughlin to K. C. (iood
man, thioe town lots in New Pine
V. O. Hough to Minnie Ward, one
town lot in Silver Lake, fliTi.
A. C Hough to Minnie Ward, one
town lot in Silver Lake, 1000
Furnished by C. E. Oliver, Searcher
of Records.
f. for ii
The Eastern Oren Engineering
LakevieV and BumsOre.
Civ l, Municipal &
Irrigation Engineers.
bit-ff,t4A7 A.XP TOW.XSITI-: Sl'KVKYS.
ESTIMA Ti:s, M. 1 1 7 7.N7 ', IWA I T-1
y.7; a- ii:si;.xi.x;. j
Irrigation A Specialty.
l.akevlew OH Ice llnrnn Orrlrr j
V. M. Fl I.K:il t.O I'AI I.KKKi
Msnaarr Manager j ,
L'evliw Office Temporarily with f. 1'mbn'h. ;
i One of the Llidwell Indian pupils
WESTERN STAGE LINE;iBrvei1 u no out ,,f 'ieee of woo,,
and presented it to the editor of
Cbas. Lambert. Manager
Leaves Klamath Falls Daily
at 7 O'cloek, A. M.
Office; American t?otel
Final I'roof oiirr
Department of the lulerior, Land
Otflee at Lakeview. Oregon. Nov
I his claim, viz: Homestead Kutry No.
j :."ii)' made Api il l'l, HhmJ, fur Urn S'a
j NK'i and L1., HE Section IS. Towu
iship.'WS, itange '1, K., W. M., and
Oil n
t said proof will be made Ix-tore
ister aud Receiver, at Lakeview
Oregon, on .'Ird day of January, '.)H.
lie names the following witnesses
! to prove his continuous residence up-
, on, aud cultivation of, the land, viz:
I Wm. Itehart, H. (jruman, Will
1 liisbop, S. 1!. Chandler, all of Lake
! vie v.- Oregon.
48 5 J. N. Watson, Register.
Located on Water Street, near the Post office.
Meals at
Fresh oysters kept on
hand during the oyster
season. Fish and game
in season.
Only First-class Restaurant
in Lakeview. $
Our Fall and Winter Stock of Drrss
Goods Ladeis' and Men's Furnishings
Is now complete and much larger
;:tfive Bromo Quinine Tablets.
xos sold in post 12 months. This signature,
' the Cedarville Record. It looks like
I a hog, is made of bark, aud dogs
burk, ho Mr. Stanley don't know
; whether he has a hog or a dog or a
tree. Any body ought to know a hog
from a tree. llro. Stanley might
graft a piece of rine on the dummy
hog and fool somebody else with it.
Mnal I'roor ollrr.
Department of the Interior, Lund
Otll"e at ljakeview, Oregon, Nov. (i,
Notice is hereby given that Lora
Otto Hardisty, of Lakeview Oregon,
has llli il notice of his intention to
make final Five year proof in support
of his claim, viz: Homestead Kutry
No. W.I. made April !, for the
SV; NW"; W, SW'i Sec. 0. and Lot
4, Section '., Towuship iH S., Range
'Jl H, V. M., and that said proof will
; be made before Register and Receiver,
at Lakeview Oregon, on ll'th (lay of
: December, 11X17.
He names the following witnesses to
! prove his continuous residence upon,
; and cultivation of, the land, viz: (S.
I W. Hardisty, A.M. Hardisty, Win.
Kimzey, Frank Wilson, all of. Lake
i view, Oregon.
40 u. J. N. Watson, Iiegister.
all Hours. I
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Dr. Chas. II. Drake,
Veterinary Surgeon
Rmo FmoMT, Fato & Liramr Stblm
West ot First National Hank.
Gold! Gold! Gold!
ti' 1
ould you
Nevada's rich mountains
a nominal cost?
will put you nn the ground Hour mid
may put you on easy strtvt.
Many have lim-Mti-d u kiiiuII
amount In Nevada iiiliiluc uinl an-
A trip to town, a loan st reet car
ride, a cheap excursion ly rail were
all luxurli'H THKN; a private auto
mobile, a tour of L'uropc, a Hiiiiiiucr
home down ly t In? hcu, are inert
inatterM if tholce, NOW.
Stock in the lee Comstock Mining
will do the work!
It la Only 15 Cents a Share NOW
Ktiuli your urdrri).
or wrlio (or partlcuUm.
I. O. I!ox 'XX, Khyolltc, Nov.
In (lire in a lare tnnHHiire to uIiiiho of
the howelH, by em()loyinK draHtic jiur
Kativea. To avoid alldatiKer, uteonly
Dr. KlogB' New Life Filla, the eafe,
gentle cleanser and invigorator.
Guaranteed to cure headache, bilious
ness, malaria and Jaundice, at Lee
Beall'a drug store. 2T)C.
Notlca of Final Settlement.
In the County Court of the State of
Oietron for the Uountv of Lnb.
that the undersigned admlnistratrlr
and administrator of the Batata of
William Harvey, deceased, have filed
weir final Account as such with h
uounty uierk of JUalce County Ore
gon, tbla JJHb day of October, 1007,
and tbrt the 30th day of Novembnr.
1UU7, at the hour of ten o'clock, in f h
forenoon of Bald dav. at the nnnnin
Judge's office, In the Court House of
said (jounty, in Lakeview, Luke
County. Oregon, bas been annnlntai
and fixed by the County Judge of
said Lake County, Oregon, as the
time and place for the hearing of
objections, if any there be, to said
Final Account, and for the 8tt.lriinr
Dated this 21th day of October, 1907.
Ruby Harvey, Administratrix,
and Dick J. Wilcox, Administrator
of the last will and testament of
William Harvey, Deceased. 410. 1
I Mica
llinLrill Axle
BMntiw yf Thi IM Ym Haw Always BobI
Pioneer Store
in T .
L XI AOl'NT ami sl ltv i:VOI
I'miniit ninl careful n 1 1 1 1 1 Imi ulvcit
t o Miirx c of Laiiiln ami Towimlh-H,
Map uork Vc. Sett Nth Iim uliil. Laml
ami Tow ii iroMTtv for Half.
Helps the Waaon ud
the flitl C
The load rm lighter Wagon
and tenia wcur lonRer You make
nioro inuiiry, ami liave more time
to make money, when wheels are
grcakcj w itli
Mica Axle Grease
The longest wearing and most
satisfactory lubricant in the world.
Notice fur Publlcatl i
Unilod Ntnti'H Land Ofllc-,
vlow, Oregon, Oct. 1 7, 11)07.
Notice Ih hereby given that the Ktate
of Oregon him, under the iroviMinna
of the Act of CongruHH of AugiiHt II,
IHJH, and tlio Ai ls uuiiiilcuiental aud
amendatory hereof, mitilo uilicution
for the follow ing unappropriated, non
mineral, surveyed public hunts ax in
demnity for the corresponding bines
to its grant for common bcIiooIh, to
List No. , for NE4' NF.i.4', Reo.
K), NW!4' KW'4, Kec. .TI, T. M H., R.
ID E., and NW4 NW4, SWi4 RW4',
Sec. 21, NWt4 NE, J4' HW NEV4', Seo.
3fi, T. 32 8., IL 15 K, W. M.
Bee. 27, T. 'Si 8., It 16 B. W. M.
Any and nil persons claiming ad
versely the above deosribed lands are
requested to file In this office their
said claims on or before the 14tb
day ot December, 1007.
J. N. Watson, Register.
United States Land Office, Lakeview
Oregon. Oct. 17. 1907.
Notice Is hereby given that In com
pliance with the provisions of the aot
of Congress of .Tune 3, 1878, entitled
An act for the sale of timber lands
In the titatea of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Terrlrty
as extended to all the Public Land
Mates by act of August i, 1802, Edgar
rIoeUA.0( Nw Plu Creek, county of
Lake State of Oregon, hai thi.
Wo. 3800, for the purchase of the Loti
1 Z and ii. Of Mntlnn V Of M..
Township No. 41 S. Rung. No. 21 K.
that the land Bought is more valuable
for Its timber or ston t.un i
cultural purposes, and to establish bis
claim to said land befoie the Register
and Receiver at Lakeview Oregon, on
Thursday the 2, day of January, 1908.
He names as witiiHUMB- .i '
f.f Wade u. U. llammersley
Oscar Smith, all of Pine Creek, Ore-
Any and all persona claiming ad
versely the above daHcri hart ih.
requested to Bio their claims In this
1908 00 r fre Ba,d 2 d"y 0f Jttn'
4S-10 J. N. Watson, Register.