Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, December 05, 1907, Image 3

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Had Their Origin During the Reign ef Caraar ef a Capitalist.
King Papln of Franoe. I tmrlra Wyiiimi Murm-.f New York,
So fur ns t ho pi-PHcnt writer j who niiiii.v IiIhIiimv fnmi n iiumlx-r
ware, Hie curliest mention of "!iv- of flonm lnl limiltiitliiii of which lm
tries" Hindi' in history wn during wn tin oiitrolllnif xpiili. lm hud a
tlio roii) nf Kinjr lYpin of I'rntire, inoNt x i u n tn r iiireer. Morn In
who llmirit-lictl nlout llm year 750 Mnlno n limit Mfly ji-nrn nu ho np
A. I). 1 eiiri'i In Ni-w Vork In H!i. There ho
A form of iimtiHctiicnl to which noon minli hliimclr fell, ninl. ! reason
Kiritf Pepin win pnrlinl wns what of hi futility for ctmililiiliiK viin In
worn tcrmcil cours iilctiiercs. Tlioo lereM In tin lie ImliiHiry, In I he mer-
Were iiMseinlilieH nt wliirli, upon thu
Kirijr itivitiiiioii, nil tin; onw nml
murders of I'rnnco were cotei
to ho present. The)' were hold
twice in em h vmr "t Christ mns
ml I!(iHtcr n;id cricrnllv lusted
for nliont n week nt encli lime.
Sometime these Kiilhoriiigs took
!'Iace at the kind's piiluce, some
inie in the neighborhood of one.
of the larger French cities nnd
ornetitneH in dome rural district.
While the fevtivnl hinted the kinjj;
took nil his meals in puhlic, bishops
and duke iibiue hcin privileged to
it nt the royiil tlle. A second ta
ble wnn provided for abbots, count
find oilier lending men, nn l nt Inith
tables there wns shown more pro
fiiBion than delicacy, both in the
quality of the meats and drinks and
the iiiiitiiH r in which they were serv
od. Flute, hiiuthoys nml other mu
sical in triimcntH worn plnyed bo
fori? the IxMrcn of each course r
it win rcumved from the tallied.
When de.-iert win M-rwd twenty
lieral'N, em h holding nloft n jewel
ed e;ohl't. shouted thrice, "f .nrgefso,
Inrpv-e f rrmi the moit potent of
kin;:!" A tlicy shouted ihev sent
tercil union;; (ho crowds luimlfuM of
pold 1 1 nt nlvcr coin. Then the
trumpets u re blown, while the bet
ter chrs t pet t.jtor r-houtc'l nnd the
inriiricr cort scrambled nnd ofd-n
follht l;.'or-i- v the inoTiev
acnltcn-d bv the,
Churli VII. of Inline put a I'.iuil
top to tho coiirs plenicri". Illlrj'intf
that the exrx'iiN) aitcndant upon his
wars with Finland mude il impossi
Lie for him to contime' them. One
of the Krvcrct causes of expense, it
wits explaini-d, uro-c fiom the fact
that, beginning with King Pepin's
time, rti'pictte and eiistoni alike de
manded that the king should upon
these occasions give an entire suit
of new and gorgeous clothing not
only to his own servants and re
tainers, but al-o to thoo of the
queen and nil the princes of the
blood royal. The-e garments were
said to be In re - -that is, 'deliver
ed" nt the kin''.s 'xpcne--and
from Ibis word the l'ngli,-li word
"livery" win derived, ns was tliecus
tom of providing servants with "liv
ery" from l,e al, ne mentioned
1raet re
' 1 1 1 5i of (lit? French
I.omlon Standard.
A Ready Reply.
It was oi a I. ami 1 1, liner, and
the Mew uiil- were being drilled in
Waiting at table. In the course of
the drill they lined up outside the
saloon with empty dishes, supposed
to contain curry and rice, and on a
bell being rung marched to their
rc-jieitive tables nnd proffered tho
disli to each scat containing an im
aginary dim r. The caglo eye of
the pumcr noticed that one steward,
a cockney named Hill, deliberately
pasted one of the scats without
proffering the dish. Ho utrode up to
the table, and hid manner betokened
trouble for Hill.
"Hi, you! What do you mean by
missing that seat
"Oh, that's all right, sir," replied
Bill, not a b.t put out. "That gent
don't take curry." Ixnidon Illus
trated FiK
If tho Sun Waa to Change Color.
We have town so accustomed to
unlielit of the present coloring and
hading tl;at we can scarcely com
prcJiend tlie conditions that would
arise if the sun were to suddenly
chunge to some other color. If tho
sun were blue, for instance, there
would be only two colors in tho
world blue and black or if it
were ml. then everything would
be red or black. In tho lutter
euso we should have red enow, red
lilies, black prass, blnck cleur sky
and red clouds. There would bo
little variety, however, if the sun
were green. Things that are now
yellow would st ill remain that color,
but there would bo no reds, purples,
orange or pinks and very few of
those cherry hues that mako the
world bo bright.
Charged Up to Him.
The proprietor of tho celebrated
mountain inn was showing tho new
guest the bcuutiful surroundings.
"Ah, these cliffs !" said the pro
prietor rapturously. "In an elec
trical slorm they aro awe inspiring.
Tho next tinio a storm rises seo that
you ore standing on tho porch of
tho inn. Why, sir, the iiir is always
heavily charged."
"I ilon't doubt it," laughed tho
row guest, winking nt another lato
arrival, "and if I don't happeu to
bo standing on tho porch I can feel
assured that it will bo heaily charg
ed anyway on my bill."- Chicago
runt IN- murltif ninl In lm iiUIiik m1
triiNl enlcrirlHeM. iinte In n few yen in
to n foremoHl place auioiiK New York
t'nlll reeenlly lie eotif rolled twelve
IxilikN ninl Hunt ciiinpiinles. three In
aiirnuce einiipniiles. five leninxlili
coinpnuleM nml len or more K'ent cor-
(111. 1. l.H W. MoltsR.
rioi nllniiM. ' he eti pi l:i I ia I loll mid re-noiirei-M
of llii-Me iieeriis innke tlir
lniK iican-K.ile of f .'l.'iT.iMKl.Oi hi. Nine
of (lie 1'iiiikn mid IrilNt coiiipniileK I Lilt
Mr. Mmu' coniitilied nre In New York
lie ei -,uileil tlii Aliierlellll lee Coin-
puny, or Ice trust. In vj7. nnd since
then ho lian Leen erltlelsed an severely
ms prolmlily liny iiimii in America.
Mr. Moife slarled his hank coinhln
ln career iiTter he had made a for
tune In Ice ninl U'cauie a power In circled. Then. Im-kIiiiiIuk with
folne down east xleauislilp linen, MoTno
kept on iiiet'KliiK until he not the Clyde,
Million, Hudson Itlver nud I(onton
New York Hues, lie Is also heavily
Interested In real estate.
Bernard Shawitma.
Here are some sis-lal aphorisms
which (Jcorjre r.erunrd Shaw, the play
wright tiud author, recently sprung on
a fashionable lecture audience In Ixiu-
dun: j
"When you think of the educated
classes do not think of them iifl ns he j
Inj; lirllllaiit geniuses like the chair
man urnl myself.
"When you l h I ii k of the working j
classes you must not think of extraor
dinary men like Will Crook, who. If j
he had leeu horn a kluu. would have j
Ik'cii an emperor at thirty and the pope '
at forty. j
"It was reserved for my powerful In- i
tellect to iH'couie conscious of the fact j
I mi t wnal was the mailer with poor
people wan poverty.
"You must nttack poverty ly giving
poor people money. That Is
discovery of my extraordinary Intel
lect. "I 0111 In favor of life pensions fur
everybody. My Idea of a life pension
U from $1,500 to J'J.500 n yenr to be
gin with."
Comer of Alabama.
Governor II. II. Comer of Alubnnia,
whose recent contest with the South
eru lull way and Its allied linen attract
ed the attention of ttie whole country,
Is noted for his tenacity of purpose
and 11 nu belief in the rlfli: of states to
inaiiiiKe their Internal affairs.
In the controversy the governor has
emerged victorious. The rnilronds have
agreed to withdraw at once all the llt-
Igatlon Uiey have Instituted In resist
ance to the reduced freight and pas
senger rates ordered by the legislature.
A passenger rate of 2 cents a mile
will be put In, and the Ceorgtu Inter
state rate will be allowed on the tnlle
ago basis In Alabama. The agreement
Is to go Into effect on Dec. t, nud the
governor and the railroad commission
aro to hnvo chargo of the readjustment
of the rates.
Governor Coiner was elected last full
by an overwhelming majority and will
serve aa chief executive of his stute
until. 1000. He la a largo cotton pluut
er and manufacturer. Ills borne Is In
?7 Wt)
Th Leading ' t
TTl Sh frtin:
Tha yry kst varkiy NMppif
publlahad la tha anilra Wit.
$1.50 a Year
Inrtniliiic poet- M ny -t ef the
I.i.iumI aiaua, t da aiui Util-o
It la Vet bacauaa, braid-t
prlntlnr all tha n'wa of tha wo-ld
eo) n In an in erettlnf way
a i. d 'ully llluiritn many
Hftir er, It hat aotal iaparv
mi ata devoted to
and Sf OkTS
Theaa ara preaidad rrar Vjr
adltora havlnf a thoroufh knovU
edi; of thalr apaotaltlei. Tha
i af ( devotad to Aft culture.
Horticulture, Poultry ana Live
Mock are well lllue'ratud and
'I led wtth matter at the rraateat
lfiireit ta all aojajd la thaae
nluairlaa, every line belnf
n't'-n by thoie who a.-a In eloaa
I. uch with oondltlone BravalUnf
on ihla Caat.
It will
m aeat (r.
Do yon want tha Chroertete
Reversible Map?
.c. iowlrj the U nltod Stares, Dw
- nion of Canada anal Northera
''w'o oa eae aldn. MAP Of
1 H e JOKLD. rarsBtlnf ta new
o ie oontlnuoua map. with all
a ti In trwe preaonloB, tha ea
r e eurtaoa af lha tarth oe tha
Mher aide.
Zu4 U a4 w tha) May aatd
"Vrlv O.rartale" (or om year.
piir pra aa Hap mmi
The Dalh tnd Mp
Only 13.75 t Y
The Fanner's Wife
b very careful about her churn. Sba
c&lds It thoroughly after using, and glvca
It a sun bath to sweeten It. bhe knows
that If her churn Is sour It w ill taint Hit
butler that is made in it. The stomach Is
a churn. In the stomach and digestive
and nutritive tracu aro performed pro
cccs which nro almost exactly like the
churning of butter. Is it not apparent
then that if tills siomach-churn is foul It
makes foul nil w lii. li Is put into It?
Tho evil of a fun! stomach Is not alone
the bud taste In the mouth and the foul
breath caused by It, but the corruption of
the pure current of blissl and the dissem
ination of dtici-o throughout tho body.
Dr. Tierce's tiolilen Medical Discovery
makes tho sour and foul stomach sweet.
It docs for the stomach what the wa.-hing
and sun bath do for thechurn absolutely
removes every tainting or corrupting cle
nienL In this way it cures blotches.
plmplcM, eruptions, scrofulous swelling:
sores, or open eating ulcers and all
humors or diseases arising from bad blood.
It you have bitter, nasty, foul taste In
your mouth, coat-d tongue, foul breath,
aro weak and easily tired, feci depressed
and despomlent, have frequent headaches,
dizr.y attacKs, gnawing or distress in stom
ach, constipated or Irregular bowels, sour
or bitter risings after eating and poor
appetite, these symptoms, or any consider
ablnntimherof them, indicate that you nre
suffering from biliousness, torpid or lazy
liver with the Usual accompanying indi
gestion, ordvspupsiu and their attendant
ojvnLimfdirsI ?ci
ana couJitions. n :TtTc
rii-su'iuriy That this Is absolutely true
will be readily proven toyoursatlsfact'cr
If you will but mall a postal cart! renin,
to Dr. U. V. Pierce, llui.alo. N. Y.. fo- '
fire copy of his booklet of extracts (ion
the standard medical authorities, glvii; '
the names of all the Ingredients entcriii"
Into his world-fiimi'd medicines and show
Ing what the most eminent medical men
of the uge say of them.
blanks at the Examine
Subscribe for The Lake County Ex
amliier, If you want the news.
lanks fcrfitnl iclslnit plods
umber laud final proofs and blank alii
lavits for applications for reudvertise
ments .blank witness' affidavits, etc. nt
Tho Exnmlncr oflire. tf
Helps the Wagon up
the Uill
The load seems lighter Wagon
and team wear longer You make
mora money, and have more time
ta make money, when wheels are
greased with
Mica Axle Grease
The longest wearing and most
satisfactory lubricant in the world.
M. H. a 1'WJWaX
an the severe sch.Hjstif medical nra r.:
have lecn skiiLtulljL ajnrharnio'e,),ijv
r,, ,n' in,.,( in 1 Ir I iirTr.-..'j I'.. !..l 1
I Axle li
t. "Va.
The best atvnhmA
die on the market.
AIho n complete line of wago
ami bxiKicj harness, whlu
robeM, rlitoa, Idfn, apura,
julrtM, roscttca, In fuct every
thliiR In the line of corrlnee
nnd horse fnrnbl Ings. IU
pulrlj; by rornpetente mn.
Irll KM II -IU L
LIGHT & HARROW, Proprietor
A Memorable Day.
One of the days we remember with
pleasure, as well as with profit to our
health, is the one ou which we be-j
came 8.eiuaiuted with Dr. Kind's New I
Life Fills, the painless purifiers that
cure headache and biliousness, and '
keep the bowels ritfht.
IWall's Drug Store.
2Tc at Lee
TREE Knowing what It was to suf
fer, I will give FHKK OF CMAIKiK,
to any afflicted a positive cure fur
Fezeina, Salt Kheuni, Eryslpeln-,
I'ileri and Skin DIseam-s. Instant re
lief, liont Huffer longer. Write F. V
WILLIAMS. 400 Manhattan Avenu.-,
New York. Enelose Staiuq.
J. II. Cutter whiskey at the"IIote
Lakeview bar. The best and purest ,
whiskey made. tf. j
The Examiner prints township idats,
and makes them into books to order, tf
1 w,
c have made
yhich, in any
We have
ever made in Lake County, and every Deed given.
k.1 j
In transcribing the' records we have found numerous
mortgages recorded in the Deed record, and not indexed; and
many deeds are recorded in the Mortgage record ami other
books. Hundreds of mortgages and deeds are not indexed
at all, and ate most difficult to trace up from
We have notations of al these Errors:
Others cannot find them. We have spent hundreds of dollars hunting up
these errors, and we can guarantee our work.
J. D. VENATOR, Mrnager.
. : ,
v A.X4TT 0
, farmers, have yor butter wrap-
' P"r" printed at The Examine office,
Instead of sendinc away for the in.
Ifou keep your money at home, and
patronize them that patronize you,
beside, you nee what you are get
ting and don't have to pay for It If
tt doenn't fcuit you. U
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Tablets. All druggists retund the
money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's
jipnature is on each box- ?Sc.
I The Examiner has a supply of flrs1
, class butter wrapper paper ou hanu
now, at the following prices: For 500
wiappers, priatel, il.l'i, for 1000
printed 14.50. tf
S. F. Ahlstrom, the saddler, has re
ceived a new shipment of gloves, the
best in the market. If you want
! gloves good ones call at
strom Harness Shop.
he Ahl
3Jt f.
. .
an entire transcript of all Records in Lake County,
way, affect Real Property in the county.
a complete Record of every Morten ue and transfer
Blue prints of any town
ship in the Lnkevlew
Land District can be had
by applying to the under
signed. All work up to
date. Checkings made
from the Land Of
fice Records at the time
the printsare made, work
and promptly
11. Snider.
Lakeview Oregon.
Recently Enlarfed
25,000 New Words
New Gazetteer of the World
with mora than 23.003 titles, baaed on tbe
iutust ceusua returns.
New Biographical Dictionary
containing t he names of over 10,000 noteA
l.rbo:is tiitte of l lrth, death, etc
r.litl Y.y XT. T. HARRIS, Ph.T I.L.I-,
si itesComnuaaioiMsrof Ktlucatiou.
2380 Quarto Paxes
Needed in Every Home
Aj i N'cbsier'aCcUegUte Dictionary
I'.-i-v two lluuiaikiaa.
l.'j Lu.:e Edition 6'.itVS'. Prints trmm
, icuuaar7Wr.n&le,lllasLr&te4paiiip2ual
C. d C. MZR.R.IAM CO. a --h'irhra
Spriaf field. Mas 3.
Baan tla Kind Yoa Han Always BusJI
Tradh. .JIarks
jv Designs
An?oo n1lnf a sketch and description mar
quietly ascertain our opinion free wnetlier aa
kivention ta prohshlf paienmhl. Conmunla.
tionastrtctlrconllileiituU. HANDBOOK on Patttta
aerit frea. olilest mrncj for wcurui( patents.
Pntenta taken tliruusli Muna A Co. twelve
tptruU nu(k, without charge, la the
scientutc imericam
A hftndiomelr lllnntrmtd wwkif. TnrMt etiV
eultion t.f any itcienudo journal. IVrnia. $
toor monui,ia Duiaujui nwwwra.
Urach 1
the recon
a5 ISSsO
!a.ptM,0 60 YEARS-Z--v-: