Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, November 28, 1907, Image 8

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Economize by buying your Christ
mas Goods at Bieber's. This should
be n very important factor in your
Holiday buying this year.
No one could forsee the present mon
ey christs. We bought more goods
than the present condition would war
rant and the stringency in the money
market necessitates the tnrning of our
Holiday goods quickly. With this ob
ject in view, we have marked all of our
Christmas (Joods to sell on sight. We
want you to call and make j-our select
ions early while our stock is yet un
broken. Our Christmas Goods arc on display.
Lake-view And Vlcinit
We should all Thanks give today.
Mr. Pout Hughes Is seriously ill.
Ladles Wluter waists at L. M. Co.
Full Line Japalao at Ahlstrotu Bros, t
New line of Laces at Ahlstrora Bros. 1
Booauza Creamery Butter at L. M.
Co. 1
Dutch lunch nt the Brewery Sa-
Brewery n
Brewery Sv
At the comer directly south of the
Mrs. Alien is quite sick on Slash
Dutch lunch at tlu
Dutch lunch nt the
The Lakeview Merc. Co, for School
Shoes. 1
, Boy your Rublers and Overshoes at
L. M. Co. 1
Lewis Frakes was over front Warner
last week.
Ike Keut returned from Roseburg
Wanted to borrow: A turkey, just
for today.
K. M. Miller started for San Fran
cisco Monday.
Dig all night dauce in the Opera
House to night.
Ed Hartzog was up from Willow
Ranch last week.
W. Cambridge was up from Faudan-
' go Tuesday.
T. W. Jonson came down from Pais
ley Monday.
Hotel Lakeview has a new National
Cash Register.
Miss Edna Moss is quite ill with the
fever this week.
S. W. Young was over from Rock
creek last week.
Swell line of Mens Winter Suits at
Lakeview Merc Co. 1
I Jan. Murke, o. the lluntej Land Co.
who has been lirrc all auniiiier, expects
to start for Minneapolis the Hrnt of
next month.
Mr. and Mrs. W. 1 1 1 or) foul (tutt
ed for California Monday morning to
be absent several weeks on a plasore .
trip and visit. ,
William .1. Ilryun has discovered a
new "medicine", which he cnlls'Hlov
eminent Guarantee of Deposits lu Na
tional Dauks."
There h.tve been 4S8 tilings at the
land otUce since the. 28th of October, I
Tea 1W El VIST rpx. ?Tf T57!CT73It7
Under Entirely New Management
Having recently purchased the hotel from
Air. McDonald, I earnestly solicit a share of
public patronage. My aim shall be to please.
THE BIGGEST AND THE HE ST HORSE BARX IN TH E ! rived here froim hUnd' Monday6
140 head of Stallions, Mares i.nd Colts to select from.
i Young mens Overcoats and Rain
coats at L. M. Co. 1
, Rubbers and overshoes ail kinds, at
' Lakeview Merc. Co. 1
i Mens and Boys High top Shoes at
j Lakeview Merc. Co. 1
John Westlake, the old miner, was
in town last Sunday.
! F. P. Light started foi Ashland yes
terday on a short visit.
New lot of Dress Goods just re
ceived at Ahlstrom Bros. 1
Dress goods in all the latest fabrics
at Bailey Jb Massingill's. tf
Thanksgiving dinner at Hotel Lake
view one week from today. 1
F. O. Busting spent several days in
town during the past week.
Mrs. Clay Rambo and children came !
over from Warner last Sunday.
L. II. Shirk was oer from Cedar
ville this week on laud business.
A swell line of men's neckwear just
received at Bailey & Massingill's. 1
l Miss Pearl Wilsbire and Miss Pearl
Diebert gave up going toAsbland.
J Mrs. C. II. Rambo and children
cnoice selection ot young btallions black and grays by j There has been a slight cut in wages in
Sampson 27, 23S the greatest Percheron Sire in America, !tbe N- c-- construction camps,
weight 2,464 pounds. We can show more size, bone and ! M' Dooher left for tbe ,imber ,B8t
i:; 4.1 i t i . . . . I week, after spending severel days in
4uixiii man uny ureeuer in uie country. r"nce below
Call and see our horses, or address,
L. M. Hartley, Salem, Iowa
Joel Mcfullough, Agent, Lakeview, Ore.
'.IkS Km I I II V ! Kill) PI IK'li
r 'e ha ve just secured the services of t w o hiKli-K.alarled. practical, men.
rn oo icauiujf ouHinetsH t.nicai(r., rroui the Mast. We leave no
t stone unturned. We an? now giving
J'ou thebest that nioiicx can procure,
ii. w. iikiixke. J'rc-ri. SEND FOR CATALOGUE i. m. vv aj.kku, rrln.
' ' ffhe Overland Banking Realty Co.
invite all . persons passirjg through
Ratio to call and see their display of
products of tbe soil. Both mineral
and vegetable. Also to in vet t in good
iiit. 40 tf.
adai J.fju.soa and an Eastern man
paaaed through Bidwell last w.ek,says
Ihj Gold Nuggett, to look at the
Bidwell and Windy hollow mines with
a view to inventing if the prospects
Hi i tod them.
I'ho time was when it was said that
"ail roads lea l to Kome." Times,
however, have changed and the above
pbarse might read "that all railroads
aiu Leaded tor Lukeview. ". It is
fcincerely hoped that some of them will
gut there. Cod nvillo Record.
a.dam Uaruuart. a former Luke
county man, but for the past year or j The Alluras New lira :-;ays
no resident n( IJowuy, California, 1 railroad exteuwion camp
wiitas The Examiuor that he can 1 1 iimved further south, and
give up Oregon, and will be back here
some time in the near future. He
hands his Lake county friends Lis
regards through the Examiner.
A full line of sheepskin, Blanket,
and PJuah lined Coats at Bailey &
MaBsiugiU's. 1
The Wott Side was represented in
I own last turday by V.. S. Morris, J.
L. Morris, L. A. Carriker, J. K Sny
der, Mahtur Earl Carriker. J. B. Fibb
er. Win, Dykeman.
.lohn C'roniu took out a license Mon
day to wod Miss Katio Mesner. Both
voung poo,le live in Warner valley
We Lave not leamed when the happy
event w ill tako placj.
You may turkey any day in the
y. ,r if you Liive the price. Vou will
! e the juice if you invest in a safe
i, dug company. Stock is only 15c a
, (-Lure in the Lee Coiustock Mining
1 Ciimpauy P. (). tn.n T P.hyolito,
'. Nevada. x
Eat your Thanksgiving dinner at
Hotel Lakeview next Thursday. Nov
ember 28. 1
Ed. and Ira Bishop left last week
for California, where they will spend
tbe winter.
Born : Iu Orland, Cal., November
11, 1907, to the wife of J. W. Loftus,
a daughter.
A good place to eat Thanksgiving
dinner is in the Bailey A Masingill
show window.
M. Lauritzen came down from Pais
ley last Sunday on bis annual trip to
the county seat.
Tne city has a crew of men at work
on the extenisou of the big flume run
ning through town.
Born. In Lakeview, Oregon, Nov
ember 25, 1907, to the wife of V. C.
Counter, a daughter.
Two of Mr. and Mrs. Dilger's child
ren are quite sick ; one with fever and
the other with rysiplos.
Boys School Suits Two pair pants
with double seat and knee with each
suit. Lakeview Merc. Co. 1
A big Thanksgiving dinner is to be
given at the Fred Weidy place, near
! Paisley, today, for "stilfs", only.
Los A riKeles property to exchange
for Lake county lands. Apply to
jm-nkel & Paine, Lakeview, Cregon.
Judge Benson has emphatically de
nied that be is a candidate for gover
nor at the next general state election.
1 am agent for the Sacramento Bee,
the best daily paper on the Coast.
Win. Wallace, at the Furniture Store.
up to yesterday, and all are checked
up except rM).
II. C. Fleming was up from Pino
Cieek last Snturday with a load of ap
pies from his fiuit ranch, which he
sold out readily.
Lee Bell, who has been very low with
typhoid fever for several weeks, Is
some better, and hope are eutertaiu
ed for his ivcovsry.
Arrangements are being made to
move the telegraph otllce from the
telephoue ottlce into tbe Briggs otllce,
three doors farther south.
Union religious services will be held
at the Baptist Church to day at the
hour nt 0.'M, preaching by Kev. Arm
strong. Everybody Invited to attend.
Alvin Moss and wife pased through
town some days ago on their way to
Loa Angeles, where they will remain a
few weeks. They are on a pleasure
If possible, the trial of Mrs. Bradley
for the murder of Senator Arthur
Browu, is more startling in the expose
of immorality than that of Harry
Tbe Bidwell Gold Nuggett tells ot a
good coal ledge discovered by an Iu
disn and a white man, about 83 miles
west of Bidwell. The coal is said to
be of excelleut quality.
The county has removed the old
windmill that stood in front of the
court houfe. All preparations are be
ing made to grace tbe court house
grounds with more sightly objects.
Mrs. Currier of Summer Lake, was
expected hero yesterday. Monday,
Mrs. Currier, in company with Mra.
Ruby Harvey and two sous, Willie
aud Joe. Will start tor San rYancisco
Win. Metzkcr recejved a telegram
from Cedarville, Monday, asking bim
to come over aud be with his father,
John Metzker, which which indicate
that the old gentleman is bail olf again.
A marriage liceuse was issud on the
18th of this mouth to Mr. William
Wesley Williams aud Miss Bertha May
Oatman, both of Summer Lake. We
have not heard the date aud particu
lars of the happy event.
S. J. Duttou was up from 1'avis
Creek last week on a business trio
aud to bring a passenger up to Lake
view. Mr. Duttou sayB he likes bis
new homo very much aud -ays the out
look is good for making some money
Get right down to sordid business.
Take a wiuuing chance witn cold
cab. A few cents may make you
many dollars. The Lee Comstock
Mining company, P. O. box 258,
Kbyolite, Nevada, is still selling stock
at 15o a share. 1
Kd Lamb and Prof. Jackson came
doAu from Paisley liir-t Saturday, the
Prof, on a business trip aud Ed to
consult a doctor concerning his shoul
der, which Las given him trouhlu ever
since a botse fell with him two mouths
ago. Monday the doctors performed
an operation on him.
Binger Hermaauii's portrait, which,
at the time of his indictment on a
land fraud charge, mystsrioiihly disitp
peared from the walld of the general
laud office, where hangs the pictures
of all the retired laud commixnioiiers.
has lieen found in the basement of
the building aud by order of Commis
sioner Balliuger, placed back iu its
old place on the wall Mr. Balliuger
said as long as Mr. Herman u had
been acquitted he saw uo reason for
leaving bis picture in the junk pile.
Everything Car-led in Stock fur the
Miner at both our More..
Hoot 5 and Shoes for Miners, Huccn
roos, Sheepmen and Ranchmen.
Groceries, Flour and Grain.
All kinds of Canned Goods.
Hardware & nining Tools.
Warner Valley Mercantile Co
'a f'.fccd
a .ii: hini i.rmvn linn
i lie i!Kt rullalloHcwth crown,
l. .c y a:kni!b liiiit liciiiiul It the reputation
of :i I.'mim! n liotu ImiUuehH Htnnilardg uro tliu
J:. vlictl ill 1 lib limit".
t , .' IlinS Aannal will K- mailed M'.KK
t" ,11 nlilifcui. II i-iMituiim rolorwl plitU'a. djhijjt
j-c y i
..'. miii I full tM-ri'i num. pruanril ilirM'.liuni
OI t tfl'UIM win
i jt
t..r i. ,!.(, ins itv.-r um ,Hru-tti-s
(iui hull iliVitiujU: tu nil. Keuil t ol It-
b. M. FCRRY . CO., Detroit, Mich.
Las been
that the
work is progressing very rapidly,
without any decreane m forjes, not
withstanding the holiday period and
the money stringency.
There is talk that the enemies of
n Iloosevelt may yet force bun to be a
tne .... . ,i
candidate lor me presiueuc.i
A new Etock of fur and plush buggy
robes just unpacked at ALlatroms
Harness shop. Best ever shown .u
Final I'rool' .olli-i-.
Department of tliu Interior, Land
Olllce at Lakeview. Oregon, Nov. Ii7.
Notice is hereby given that William
H. Bailey, of LHke'ie Oregon, has
tiled notice of his intention to make
final Five year proof iu support of
his clulin, viz: Homestead Entry No.
'X'X made A pi il !", l'JOtJ, for the S'
NEK and E'i SKJ Section 1. Town
ship :w S, Kangelil, E., W. M., and
tliat said proof will lie made before
Begister aud Beceiver, at Lakeview
Oregon, on .'Ird day of January, l!KW.
He names the following witnesses
to prove Lis continuous residence up
on, and cultivation of, (lie laud, viz:
Win. Uehurt, Oruman, Will
Bishop, H. B. (Jhaudler, all of Lake
view Oregon.
18 5 J. N. Wutsou, Beglster.
EVIDENCE IN THE jcolver lecomm 1...1 the dismissal of
CONTEST CASES.) Nuvember 'A 1 Hoy Ii. Wal-
' ker (lied con tout nttldavit agnlunt mII
vCoutlnued From rirst Puge. ) i entry aliening ahan.hiiimut.
. j l'urmiant to nnll Urttiod both par-
tlM nppeareil before you for Inuring
ou January :i, I'.NC, and submittl
test iiiiuuy.
It uppivirs from thn tt imoiiy tliat
the laud Is covered with a growth of
pine II in her, ffUiiiattMl at two million,
two hundred thuumiud feet ; t list the
land id Ion. td Ml It u iiIIIIikIm of i;,.'MH)
feet; that tint soil is poor and practi
cally worthies for mining crops with
out Hater, ami unit tinie nits iirn no
cultivation of I ln land, Hiid Unit only
about an ai re has been cleared and
CoiitiMteo in a idiiglii mini, who
worked as a lulmrer ruiinn dlhtanre
from the claim, ami that while he
made siveral vinit to thn bind In nev
er actually re I. led t hereon.
Three aud oim-hiilf years hud o'aps
ed betwei-n ilutn of entry and date of
hearing, and Ik'iiring the ilunitlon of
each of coiitentcu'N vUitH, all of them
but one, being trom two days to two
weeks, the entire time he uiih ou the
land was seven mouths, or jut ouu
sixth of thn whole, titnn. No elfort
was miidu to niiike a living from the
laud, anil con tent oh admits that h is
unable to make it living thorn.
Under such cimituHtauces it can be
seen tha cuiitcHtnt, ban not made, the
place his home uor does lie expect to
make it so in the future. Cultivation
of the land, if not better adapted to
grazing purposes, U us much of a re
quirement as renidonre, but practical
ly no attempt ut cultivation has been
Taking into coiiHidrratiuu the great
altitude, the poverty of the noil and
the large quantity of timlier, aud it is
fair to presume that the timber was
the controlling motive in making the
entry. It certainly ban no been used
as a home.
The decision of the Beglster is,
therefore, nfllimcd and tho entry is
held for cancellation.
So note ou your records. Advise
th parties of t his decision aud con
tested of his right of appeal to the de
partment. Signed, Fred Dennett,
Assistant Commissioner.
At tho trial before th Register and
Receiver L. F. Conn and J. D. Ven
ator represented Walker aud J. M.
Bulchehler and Chits, t'mbach repre
sented Bohr.
about sixteen months aft(r entry was
made; that all the improvements con
sisted of a shanty, with tho uablo ends
both open: that the bouse was IdxIU
feet in size, ami not hahitaole; that
it contained no furniture, had uo
tlooruo place for stove uor stove pipe,
and that there nus uo indication that
the place had ever been occupied or
inhabited by any one; that there was
no water or use within a mile and a
half iu dintnuce. He again saw (he
place on Jan. 12, and thure was
no changes; the caldn bad some lum
ber iuide and the tloor Mas covered
with snow. The tract is situated ou
an elevation of IVsk) feet, and contains
atiuut two in i II ion fret of p!ne timber.
In this contestant is fully corroborat
ed by bis witnesses, Stewart. Vouut
and Clitf, who examined the tract.
Ou the other hand, defendant sta'es
that be bull, the cubln between the
first aud fifteenth of November, llftd,
aud established residence in the mid
dleof Nov. UKC, aud has resided there
ever since. Questioned as to particu
lars he says that his health Las teeu
such that he was compelled to expeud
all the earnings of his Inbor for med
icines and doctor's bills; that he was
on tho hind iu May, llkM'i, iu company
with Hugo Meir ami Curl l'ehr; that
be was not well euough to make im
provmeuts ; that he walked to the place
fum Silver Iike, u distance of sixteen
miles, but Lad to be carried I nick by
Meir. He says ho was ou the place
about the middle of October, 1!MJ;
that he Lad bedding and provisions
there, which be carried from Lis fatL
er's bouse; Lad uo stove; that he bud
bought a stove but could get lio one
to carry it to his house, and that he
cooked at. a camp tire; that there was
a lake and a spring on the land, from
which ho obtained water, and that he
voted at Silver Lake; that it was his
only borne; that bo bad bought some
lumU-r with which to tloor the cabin,
but it was not put iu ou account of
; his poor health; and that ho consumes
all his earuiugs iu medicines aud doc
tor bills. He always left bis cooking
uteusils at Lis father's when be bad to
go away tie was in a hospital tor
three or four months. Ou cross ex
amination be states that. 12 days aud
perluips more, constituted the entire
time spent on tho laud. There was
no cultivation, aud none attempted.
On the whole, the proof shows that de
fciidant utterly failed to comply with
tho homeetead law as to residence,
cultivation and improvements. He
says that he was unmarried, and that
be understood that tho law was more
favorable to unmarried men than to
those who wore maricd, understand
ing that visitB of about once in six
months was all that was required of
the formei.
Decision of Lukeview office alllrmed
as ttutod last week.
Following is a tho most receut decis
ion :
(ii neral Land Olllce,
Washington, D. C,
Nov. IS, 1!H)7.
Boy O. Walker, vs. Carl Bohr. U.K.
Held for cancellation. Register al
llrmed. Register and Receivei,
Lukeview, Oregon.
With your letter of June 11, KW,
you transmitted the record of the
above entitled contest on dissent in;
decision, the Register recommending
the cancellation of homestead onti v,
made June 8, 01 03, by Curl Bohr, f r
the west, half of east tiulf of sec. If),
Tp. 'M, south, R. 15 oust, aud the Re
A decision was rendered recently
in the local laud ofllco, in tho case of
C L. Withers, contestant , vs. V. IL
Dusenbery, Homesteader. The Regis
ter sustained the contest allldavit,
while the Receiver sustained the
noniesieucl entry.
Ugly f to Price.
J. E. Enyart, president of tho Med-
fod National Bank. Las received sam
ples of the new 10 gold piece now be
ing coined by the mints, which has tho
words, "In (lod We Trust, "omitted.
Tho coin is probably the ugliest ever
put out by the government. Certain
ly no coin collection ieveals one so
lacking iu beauty. One side has an
overgrown eagle that looks like a vul
ture wearing puntoLillus. 1'he reverse
is it brutal looking Indian, not half
as Laudsomu as tho conventional one
on the one cent piece.. Instead of bo
iug milled, the coin hits a series of
stars around the oduo Tribune.
kcal Estate Transfers.
Real Estate Transfers, Recorded,
week ending Nov. 'Si.
U. B. to Hurry Caden Receivers
Receipt Stone aud Timber SE Son.
K Tp. 2'J S. 11 12 E. W.M .
Furnished by 0. E. Oliver searcher
of records.