LAKEVIEW fi.USH STAGE LINE T. K. Tavlor, Prop. Office at B. k'fynoldV 5tore. Mage leavec lakeview Monday. Wel nffdajf and fndnjh hi n.. arrive atriushar9 a, I . t I'mol. Tue daya, Thnn.lav and Siunrdaya, at f a. id., arrive at Lakeview Ht 9 p. m. Faaeri(fer far $3 nf a or 5 foi round trip. French from May lit to Not. lit t.7f ft tiiimirnl; fronr Nov. lat to Mil in hit.dr Notice TO WHOM IT MAY C'ONCKRN, notice In lret).T jrlren that nil IrrlRa tlon, or tnlllrHce dltche on nil trout at n am .drought lake Comity, Ore gon, niunt Im' ncreonel with n atimll moult wire Rereenlng at their hem! or Junction with the main chntinel of stream. AImo nil onma or ointruct- 1(110 rMrtn Adirtum Annor im kii l-,,- .......l.l i I., me eirert. S.n FranrlM-n. fal., whor .....r. ..........r. r-"-e,.Btrrlt lor ilvrttln ran tx mlr tor II vlded with n (Iwh-lndder, orotherenay ; . . .A. X'. - Mou! a Inter New rine Creek, Paper hanger . Oregon t menna of pnaanro, at or near th mid dle of the main channel, ao na to al ow the iwiamjio of trout at nil time of year, an provided ly law. Said work to te done at low water time, or to 1e completed by Feb. 7. 1!7. Hr order of J. A. Karham. SNAPSHOTS OF FASHION. MaUrlalt and Colon That Will Do Worn In tho Fall Striptd Effoota. lu the fall the color worn will he dnrk one. Tun iiii.I iiniya tntvo mt llve.1 their xiila ttt.v mid will he an perscded by aoiulo-r color, principally dark preen. Plain ctTect? will N moat In rvldeu.-e, and If any atrlpo. check or lnlda are worn they will be dreaaleat In her- CiibwrlMito the Kiamlnct who n-moT i rlturlxttn wettvea. The only elocution O Iromnni' IwtlllT to anoihrr. or rhmia. I . ... . ..... , " ' i iv mm imh- iif uil JM-OU'll eillM,M, which will tie worn to aonie utent TUIC OADCO Pon filial K.r. n Woman's Right to Her Own Career. By Mb, TUYVCANT rilt. Nw Yrh oclty ttadtr. km thHr inmlottlor ililrrw phoulil rt.niiintHr lo drop Ihtu office a rr1 Ihetr ar ran be d drrHt to ihe rtahl pontofltoe. w 1 A IV IT HIM M n AM it. 'ill. m. Nttorlnl IVnntr flah Wnrtlen for i1 I ' " 1 i i. ...... . iw,.. 1 H. E. CHURCH DIRECTORY. The fi rat Sunday In each month, preaching nt 1'nlon school ho line nt 11 A. M. l(tlde from thin preaching every Sunday a 11 A. M. and 7:.'W P. M. at Lakevlew. Sunday School at 10 A. M. League at t:.'lil. Prayernieetlint 1 'liurwlay ":,!0 P. M. Ladict AUl Wediuvday 1::V. Choir practice 1 rlday 7:'. A cordial Invitation in extended to rilVMH 1AM aa4 Nl RUI'.OX Paisley, Oregon. rou. A ttr ?)' al jr . Ukrvlrw, Uresoa OrFtCK-llv HuII.Iibk. I. I VKMATOF A I lnr) -al I w l4ind Matter Hprrlalt) OFFK K-Dalr BnilJlng. but not by tluwe who endeavor to keep atrlctly up to date. The jHipuliir atrlpea of the imtutmi will be of the Invlalble variety and set a.caluit n dnrk ImckKrouiid. ltroadclotb lu aouiber colors will hold Irs own, as will a I no acrgc. wonted A. J. Armstrong Pastor. nl of Timker Land. WOODIER Of THE WORLD Uk.-vl.-w I'aiup No. 624 1 i aruea w no nave umoer lutni lor ,h. m .nd 4ih w.Hln.-..tT of each inimh In Masonic Hall, al a p. m. L. BailkV, omul Commander. E. N. lAviciaH, UWrk. COMPOUND INTEREST Tho trouble wltb moat adver tlaera la that ttxej expect Imme diate returns of la ire propor tion. One prominent advertiser Illustrates the principle of adver-; Using In this way: 4TrtlaIa- la the Ma a If . lce at latcreat. Tk sweats (raa the eaTertlata; art Ttrtaallr ta laterest ea tke taveatmaat. "The sums spent for advertlslnt are properly chargeable to cap ital account because the result lox rood win Is something that haa Talue, which. If the adver tlalhe; has been properly done, can usually be sold for the face value of the Investment "The rate of Interest Is deter mined by the skill with which the investment Is made. "Just as the quickest way to Increase Invested wealth Is by compounding the Interest. Just so the quickest way to realize re sults from advertising is lo com pound theKeturna." Advertisix. Experience. Advertiser et rood returns on the amount lnveated In our coiumna. W rech the sale will do well to Investigate our,' teruinaud methods of handling iundn. ' We have an office In Lakevlew. where ! contracts can 1 made and options' taken on land. We guarantee the vgy--highest market price, aud ntv In aj lak.view encampment. No is. S position to demand and obtain It, j V i. o. o. r. meet, the it and sd Thnre having leen In the business for many i $ daeveninof each month in odd rei- v years and la close touch with all the 1 S ,ow' H" Ls"- Venator. V Innrl Hanlpra ff t ha nnti n t val I C. P., A. a .a a f (iranvle Invt-fttment Co. Write C. ). Metiker, Lake view, Oregon. C. O. Mruker, 8cribf. LAKEVIEW ALTURAS STAGE LINE H. K. Bmu, Prop'r. Office in Bieber'a Store Ismoc Rarrv Utnlt w,,a swaiiow fort is JdlllCd DdllJ righi ear for earn ; rever. (orwethera. Someewea Square Crop and Hit la right ear. Tar Braad 111. Range. Craoi lake Poatnflce addreaa, Lakerlew. Oreim 79f WhitWnflh Branda with Crop o ier taU IllliinUllil ear. Half Ondercrop t right for ewee ; r erae for wethora Tar Bram W. Range. Pith Crack, to to (fir alr Lakevlew. Orrmi-, Stage leaves Lakeview daily, ex cept Sunday at 6 a.m. Arrive at Alturas at 6 p. m. Leave)- Alturas for Lakeview ai 6 o'clock a. m. or on the arriva of the staue from Madeline. Ar rives in Lakeview in 12 hours af ter leaving Alturas. ,'WWA I', Mk or itosi LiNrsT-5o7. suitings, velvets, velveteens and cor duroys. Chiffon panamss and voiles will also be much affected, but eollennes will not be so much used. One button allk gloves for men are shown. They cwtno In black, tan and gray and are much more comfortable for wear lu hot weather than the heavy kid. Bow ties, stocks and belts of linen in shades to match the fancy hose are affected by many women. Tho parrot green tie, belt and hose worn with CKKTA1NI.Y INnpre. MOST KM Tl I ATI t;A I J, V with nttv otu who tititk rt I ho iwwrlion llmt girl shmlil tiiLi poMitimm of Hrrvniit.- rather tlnui outer tho bnsiticHK warll willi mutt. Nothing run evt r rrii vinco tn thnt woman's hrnin U inferior to innn'a. It is my M'wt that Daturo intomled woman to l mans KgUAL To Htiv that women huvo no laco in limine or tha profehsions, or to my tliat thov ahouM alarulon rvcry amhitioti rxccjit that of Ihh rominjr wivei ami honrkefH'r, implies thnt tho feminino hrnin is inferior ti I he miiMilin'. I shnll never ii'lmit that, for I do tit believe it. Woman is wholly man's eiiuul mentally. THK DIF FEKKXCK HKTWKK.V HKK MIND AND 1 1 IS IS SIMTI-V A DIFFKRKNCK IN QUALITY. Woman has the intuitio J quality, run n the rational. That i all. She certainly has us nun h right to it business or intelleetual career as lie ha. I voul! rather lo a great actress or writer or artist than have i II the wealth nnl social position I eoiihl eommntul, iK'entiw the wonmti with a profes.sinn has achieved something sho lives a lifo of (JUOWTII AND I'OWF.K. IT IS ALL A MISTAKE THE TRADITION THAT KEEPS WOMAN DOWN AND INSISTS 8HE IS ABLE TO FILL ONLY ONE PLACE. THAT OF THE DOMESTIC. THE HOUSEKEEPER. IT IS A GREAT MISTAKE TO INSIST THAT MARRIAGE IS THE END AND AIM OF EXISTENCE. Thnt is oil wrong. A girl should bo taught first to develop tho best in herself her mind. It rests with tho individual woman en tirely. I firmly Iw lieve thnt a woman may boeomo anything nho wills to become. I believe that tho greut force, the one eternal energy which we call (lod, is at tho command of every human Wing. Any womnn who bus it in her to progress can by summoning (lod to her aid RISK TO ANY IIKKJHT she desires in this world. I'ml'TM-tid me, I do not at all approve tie masculine woman. Hut I do t'. ink woman should insist upon following her own leading as to n e-' r first - Class ! anne, tiarin t Lake and Crook C.nn,ti. 1 Horws Tt ntcd when wild. Horaea sold to paw through thiH Rvrlion lll:bv reported in thit Freight - Alatters - GiveT fhoneThe Tinu-n H-rald. Main Hurtm.ore c . , ("O. W. W .Broun, buru. Ort.-- Stnct - Attention Reward for Horses Atcrrcccticrs. rT'1 ''ru,,,,n,,' .lll.JII III. ii i,i n-.iu H llll I 1 11. I -f of any lior-i- lirainlcd with mi oiil We Law u full htt of .M.vs-li-i:olliiis li"rs.-r.ln- brarnl mi ltjtli j.iwn, plan l A: Cos., satiipl.-H of Si.rt i ,-rt i!icat-i "s if''l,",", ad v.-rt h.-iihh t . , ,,,, . , ,, ... .. witli fri-sti 1 ii.ui'.-liraii'l uiuli-riiea i !i Hiid with price list. If vm. ... .,-,. ..,..,!i!:z;ri a stock crirnp.-iny t;.-t in .-u.-h a ni.. nm r as woul.i n.v.-r i,,. on t--k ci-rt iiica t-s. t it liar mi liotli jaw. Anmial- mn-i In' Ii.i:i:m m tin- ions"mio!i of smrii-i;:.'--;-i i 'ot ,V Kil.i;- ":', 1 11 i .r nT-.i ills. $150 Reward. rbe Harney County Ute stock Amucia tlon, of wuii-ii 1 a member. tvI7 , V reward for avldeui . 1 r ieuinn to inr io , Ck v viiimu vi parti : n unc iaui in iuttiw iimtie que woman I ,,"l.ln ,,M'k I Slmole COSttime of whltn llnon nntap x ntriiitr ir t m. -i i - Jb'ri. In addition I , ffny. ilorie brand hor I " " '""""" i Uoe bar on eithei rose linen, with hunii embroidery c'dUVountlt; ?0nCJ" W,"- T chemisette Is of lusrnrtt itiCKiti. JUDIC flfOLLKT. wow.'." and n- SHE H.- . MAN TO -SERVIEr-r '1 EVERY BIT AS ABLE TO 8HINE IN THE ARTS OnS AND IN BUSINESS AS MAN. THE REASON "ONE IT IN THE PAST IS THAT 8HE PERMITTED ' :RI3E HCR LIFE FOR HER. SHE HAS BEEN SUB HIM. NOW SHE MUST FREE HERSELF. Display by Rich Causes Envy and Hatred. o AUTO TOGGERY. motor veil Coat Trimming m mi ( -m n re iiir pr;i I'atiiiiv !: A New and Dainty Traveling Bag. It i in I mi-i-r ,i ct;i-s; I.iji ( uti ntito "it. I, ut is i:if ..f -.nit,, .oiis." with . . ; i ; i it Him t,, ,,,i,. -'.,- i!,.. t-mr f t' .-.,'li -r i-,,tt r.-ai.-ti'ts a i.t.,r lie i-vi'Ti It Kiii..:..r if i1!,. r''i.- U nut By ROSE PASTOR. STOKES. New York SoclololC. STFNTATIOX ROl'SKS THK KKXSK OF OITKKSSION AMONC TIIOSK WHO KNOW TH K.MSKI.VKS I)K iSrOII.KU and causes tluit feeliiiir mi the lart of mativ who ,' an- poor whi;h lejnU them an the rich to reurd lulnrmucnt ini.l the meati f..r it- f-njovmi-ut as AlOKK lill'OUTANT THAN 1 Il().l.r 1.11 li, thus leading mail v alo to he LMii.h'd rather bv I-..,,, ; tl.'-ip' i'.r gratia. -an. mi and itidul-. iicc than .y c"ii.-idcrali"ii of what i w in. i i . i i.iii .ii.i iii.ii frmii lh 1 1 1 1 . 1 . -1 1 -r i f..r I: I III'llV ; tlx- I' Ml. I! I ' t; ti hi I!.." ;'.! I."t .1. :i ai t V. h N 1 i :i:nl :i I' ir :i'i- t.o.i n ii 's W.i:,--: ( 1 ii'lvantai-oiH to ail "ia! wh'-h', 'i :ih r l'in-r:n- ; f!i.i! ', i! - i i r i t :i t !m- (..r 1 . . i l i.i it- mi;!': i hi iH-criii d niid M-paratiti tho avitiir i..pii v,i:i T! si ili.-hln--t liliil 1; ; ciii.ii i"iM .... j I.I ' L'( . i!ii;r i i- in i i . '.: for mi . tlil'V spi-lli 1 at r, r i' , i t! , in mi. i: iv'.-i 'l- lo the Ji .1 ' ' I 1 1 , lh.T I i.t-r jr-'A "rv rr p' To All Our Subscribers AI . t'.t !;:t;. . -r. 's In i :, o- ! ! Tin: i t n:: ii..-, tii.'.-t a in ?. The (ireat AM ER I C AN F AR M ER Indianapolis, Indiana. The Leading Agricultural Journal of the Nation, Edited by an Able Corps of Writers. The American Farmer is the only Literary Farm Journaft.ulj-.-. l.ished. It lills a position of its own and has taken the lead- in"; plate in the homes of rural peojile in every section of the United States." It ives the farmer awl his familv something tp think about aside from the hum-' drum of routine duties. Every Issue Contains an Original Poem by SOLONJL. CiOODn. of t ! : ! r. t i . in i'i,- i : , t t r. 1 I. J ' fi .j . i i .. ( ' 'I"' - ui o -M.i, M, I ..I vt r- I o! mi r . ii i. o. t.:i.. DI.CI In i: -1 1 v an I u: in I '. irv on 1 r'.'i' . a I.i ri.'.- ati j!i,i!i i,c," m cj'fjt ,;ftor'i,. i in" i.'ih, .1.. h, i' ' llJl-oii'h aj.; :!n iiL IinlillVrc m-i j hoiii;;'-! than Imve id) I .Ioiii:.";' :irs lil-n I f-otili, ri.-ol ,.T .ir .1 ... , 1 ,'. .... i ' i i ' " n i' o,,i- jioput;ir (iiaii;is iiv a powerli:! Jinaiivi. r or ,y ?hhv fa 'I. i -unhlc woman in Mo.-i.-t ,- who I tl.rou.uh MONOl'OLV OF SON) ())' Till NLCKS.SAKV .M MAN'S j OF AFK tho' people a!i;io-t l.tyoiid ( ii.luruii.-e feeling l-.-oincs i intensified. I I IN THE GREAT MAJORITY OF INSTANCES THE GIVING AND j TAKING OF CHARITY BETWEEN RICH AND POOR ARE NOT ONLY j HARMFUL, BUT DANGEROUS, AS BOTH SIDES ARE TOO EASILY ! SATISFIED BY SUCH MEANS AND BLINDED TO THF iNinenrr UNDERLYING THE NECESSITY FOR CHAT.ITY OF THI8 80RT. More Transportation Facilities Imperatively Needed. By Chilrmin MAItTIN A. KN API ut the Inlcr.ui, Conimerc. Comml..lon. ' OTIIINO Heems to ine inore iinporlant ut the present time . i i ..... 1 ' nouung iiu.h no mncli t.) do with our tiat tonal proHj.crity in tho immediate, future, as to provide with tho least possible delay A VKUY OR EAT INCKEASK IN OUR TRANS PORTATION' FACILITIES. The profitahh, output of tho farm, tho forest and tho factory is measured by tho ability to move tho product promptly arid cheaply from producer to consumer. Upon an increase of profitable production depends our CONTINUED AO VANCE in material wealth, and that increased production must in turn depend upon enlarged facilities for their distribution. The needs of the country in this regard am proving with astonish ing rapidity. They have OUTCROWK tho carrying capacity of our railroads. Tho surplus from current operations is entirely inade quate to supply our present necessities. AN IMMENSE AMOUNT OF FRESH CAPITAL MUST BE IN-' VESTED IN RAILWAY IMPROVEMENTS IN ORDER THAT OUR IN TERNAL COMMERCE MAY DEVELOP AND OUR PROSPERITY ABIDE Vi , i - iner Within the Next Ninety Days We Offer Two For the Pake of One: The Lake County Lxam 'Hie Leading County Paper and The American Farmer BOTH ONE YEAR FOR $2 This unparalleled oiler is made to all new subscribers, and all old ones who pay up all arrears and renew within ninety days. Sample copies free. Address: C. 0. Hetzker, Lakeview, Oregon. mm 1 a sii Aiir witAi'- .r7;t, 6'iS. droopnl down over tho hut, with tho center lu exactly tin- router of the crown unci tho onils hi-ouht forwuM and knotted coijik-IiIsIiIv hi the loll fl!..l.'. The unto liiitr Is ii jjreat eon voniome to every woman who motors. This It, a Kort of Khint iii.:Uelli.ok, un.l It real ly has enoiiuli lilinents In tin luiloi ! line to last over several (.lays'. tit;iy Thoso liai-'.s uie to be had ready lilted or inny have iidjustulilu littinxs that sli) Into any Iuik of the rl:;ht sixe. The coat illustrated In u mo.liliod kl mono Kt.vle. Tliere arc plaiU holli buck n u ti from which provide iibnn dant fulliios u.'id loii, Ki'-'ici'fnl Hues, while llioro lire iho oh.iractorU'Jc tleeves cut lu one with the coat. JI.JjK CilOI.LET lo 1 1;.- v, t'oir.. ; i liT. i :-.(!) i- i i i :i . a ;: I . ' - l'.-.'!ili;; nid ri'.'liM of tin ir popular chai i; i. s Ii By Chii jsr