Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, November 28, 1907, Image 5

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    Weak Lungs
For over sixty years doctors
have endorsed Ayer's Cherry
" itoral for coughs, colds,
ik lungs, bronchitis, con
niption. You can trust a
; Jicinc the best doctors ap--vi.
Then trust this the next
t j you have hard cough.
T' o hnt hind of ft taatlmonlal
"ktalU tor over slatr yaars."
tad V . O. Ayo f . Low!!,
All VWOt.
Ik. tnrmmx f all ..r nMMInH.
r'a PHI heap th bovli regular.
vtrtftbl and gently laxative).
Additional Locals.
J, H. A iitmt In ft Monday morning
for iUtno. Knit Francisco, find expects
to bo from there to I'orilitod, and re
turn to Laknview in the spring.
Mra. John Well and Mlu Ada Krb,
of lily have gone to A.liluinl to attud
tbe funeral of tbeir father, Win. Krb,
who was found ahot to death at bis
home, near that place.
Mr. Chun. Wallace, the Woodland,
Gal.,Tromlounit, Will tie an impor
tant feature of the Hand couonrt to tie
given next Wednesday evening. !!.
Kvcrrtxxly should at loud tho Hand
concert to le given next Wednesday
evening. The Imys are working hard
to tunkw the hand self supporting,
and ahottld lo encouraged in their
effort. It
District attorney Moore started for
Klauiatb Fall enterday, where he
will atteud circuit court, unless the
holiday Interfere. Mr. Mooro will
via It hi family at Ashland before re
turning home.
.'. concert will he given by the Lake
view Citizens' Band under the super
vision of Prof. Cbas. K. Rloe, assisted
by the orvheMtra, and and local talent
of Lakeview., at the Opera Iloue,
Wednesday evening, December 4tb.
Tbe drama to be given for tho bene
fit of the Library Association has
been decided on. Tbe parts are all
assigned and rehearsals will begin
next week. The public may be assured
of a (list class entertainment and the
worthiness of the purpose should
assure a generous response from every
Tbe Rebekah entertainment Monday
evening was a decided success. A
lurgo ciowd attended, aud atl were
well pleatted. Each one of the ame
teur actors did their part well. Over
$113 was takeu In at tbe door, which
will bo applied to the debt on tbe
piano. Tbe Rebekuba aro well pleased
with tbe result of tbelr labors.
T. M. Peters and M. Moose, who left
Lakeview some weeks ago, have locat
ed in Portland, where tbey have open
ad up a real estate and law office.
Tbey say tbeir prospects for doiug a
good business is bright Tbey say
there Is lots of inquiry about Lake
county, and tbat they could distribute
a lot of prlLtad matter to good advan
tage. Tbey say Lakeview la tbe best
town tbey saw oo their way down, and
tbey stopped at several
Asks Us to Print It.
To relieve the worst forms of Itheu
mat Ism, take a tsaspoonftil of the fol
lowing mixture:
Fluid F.xtract Dandelion, one halt
ounce; Compound Hyrup Harsapkrllln,
three ounces.
These simple Ingredients can be ob
tained from our home druggists, and
are easily mixed by shaking them
well In a bottle,. Kellnf is generally
felt from tho first few doses.
This prescription, stales a well
known authority in ft Cleveland morn
ing paper, forces the clogged up, Inac
tive kidneys to filter and ftralu from
the blood the poisonous waste matter
and urlo acid, which causes Kheuma
tlsm. As Kheuniatisrn Is not only the
most painful nnd torturous disease,
but dangerous to life, this simple re
celpe will no doubt be greatly valued
by many sufferers here at borne, wbo
should at once prepare the mixture to
gut this relief.
It is said that a person wbo would
take this prescription, regularly, a
dose or two daily, or een a few times
aweek, would never have serious Kid
ney or Urinary disorders or Rheuma
tism. Cut this out sod preserve It.
Good Rheumatism prescriptions wbicb
really relieve are scarce, indeed,
and when you need it.fyou want it
badly. Our druggists here say they
will either supply these Ingredients
or make the mixture ready to take, if
any of our readers so prefer. 1
"Uncle" J. I Morrow, of Warner
valley, passed through town this week
on his way east on an extended visit.
He will first visit, his son, Joe. at
White Lake, Klamath county, for ten
days, and from there he will go to
Myrtle Creek, where he will visit old
friends aud relatives for a cuple of
weeks. He then goes to Salem and
Portland to see his attorneys and the
governor. From there he will go to
Kan Francisco, whe'e be will take
the Southern Pacific for Texas. From
Texas he goes to his old home in
Missouri, where be will remain till
March, aiming to return home in
Tbe Ladles' Aid will give tbeir
Bazaar December Ctb, in tbe Opera
House. They will serve sandwiches.
Hot Tamales with suace, Candies and
Popcorn. They will offer for sale,
aprons and other articles of clothing
alo about fifty nicely dressed doll for
Christmas. Tbe fish pond will be
well stocked with desirable varieties
of Hub. Come and bave a good time
as well as help a good cause.
Tuesday morning , says the Silver
Lake Oregonlan, Mrs. Elmer Lutz re
ceivnd a telegram announcing tbat tbe
stork bad left a son in tbe borne of
Mia. A. C. Seely, ber aister, of Rose
burg. Mrs. Reely was formerly Miss
Flo Hall.
To tbe members of the Lakeside
Lodge, No. 77, Degree of Honor, A.
O. U. W., Especially tbe beneficial
members, are requested to be present,
as Important business cornea before
be Lodge Thursday, December 6tb,
Minnie Willits.
48 2 O. of H.
builders, mechanics
artisans ana workers of aM
kinds wear
Levi Strauss & Co8
Cooper Riveted Overalls
cut Ml
elected dcoua
tronc sad
atk your dealer
Business College
Twelfth aa
Marrteen Sta.
(Inc.) Capital Stock - $100,000.00
Groat Bunlnew Training School of tbe Weat
Over loos iiudunu ttteudlut; tbli year.
Finest Building and Equipment In tbe 17.8.
NaUonal reputation lor high grade work.
Indorsed by Oakland Chamber ol Co mine roe
and leading educator throughout the west
Home Influence. Ideal climate. Term low
Positions lor all graduate.
Com pl.t. Course la Hasinas Training,
Abort band. Typewriting, Bankiao, ai
Civil, fclMtrical, fllnlng and Mechanical
bag Ineerlng.
-School f Te'egrsDhy
Southern Pad lie Rellraed Ce. a ad prepare
operator tor position, 1 69 to $jt nor sao.
Write for catalog stating course.
Miss Pearl Moss and Mr. C. If.
Morris were united In holy matrimony
Inst Sunday at 11 oclock at tbe home
of the bride's porents, Mr. and Mrs.
S. P. Mo4 In this city.
Jndge Daly performed the ceremony.
The wedding was a unlet ono only a
few of tbe relatives and Intimate
friends being Invited.
The bride Is the youngest daughter
of Hon. and Mrs. S. P. Moss and
was raised In Lake county and has
many friends and acquaiitancei wbo
will wish her great happiness.
Tbe groom Is a Lake county raised
boy, the son of Mrs. Geo. W. Morris.
For several years he has worked as
a vanrjuero on the cattle ranches of
tho county.
Tbe happy couple are tbe recipients
of a Dumber of elegant presents. Tba
Examiner wishes them a long and
happy life.
Tbey wont to Adel yesterday,
where they will make their borne.
It was reported last week that W.JL
Uarr, of Bantu Kosa, was, dead. Socb
was a mistake. K. 8. Rice and wlfo
returned from there last Bunday and
say bo bas been very 111 with pneumo
nia, but that be was better when they
left him.
$100 Reward $.l0.
The renders) of this pHper will be
plenacd to lenrn that there Is nt
leant one dreaded dlwsMe that science
ban been able to curclu nil Its stagea,
and that Is Catarrh. llall'H Catarrh
Cure Ih the only positive cure now
known to theniedlcal fraternity.
Catarrh being; a constitutional tils
eaae, require a constitutional treat
ment. Hull's Catarrh Cure In taken
Internally, acting; directly upon the
blood and mucous surfaces of the
system, thereby deatro.vlns: the found
ation of the dlneaae, and Riving the
patient strength by building: up the
cenHtltutlon and a8lntlng nature In
doing; Its work. The proprietors
have so much faith In Its curative
powers that they offer One Hundred
Dollars for any caae that It falls to
cure. Send for list of testimonials.
Addreaa F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo,
O. con
Bold by all Druggists, 7.rc.
Take Hall s Family Pills for
Our Winter Stock of Men's and Boy's clothing is now here
and we have the most up-to-date line of Clothing, Overcoats,
Rain Coats Etc, ever shown in Lakeview.
We also have complete lines of Ladies' and
Children's winter underwear Ladies9 Waists, Skirts.
Coats and everything needed for Winter wear.
Rubbers and Overshoes of all de
scriptions, come and get your winter
You think one tea as
pood as another ?
Why don't you buy at
the lowest price you see
in the window ?
Yaw rncir r.turas roar ay U jn feat
Kks SckiUiM's Baal; wa ft kirn.
1 mszzm3sz9 mij&rt
n rtUAR Tfrns
The Secret of
Beautiful Face
lies la keepinf the tkia pro
tectcd a well as cleansed. Just
washing is not enough thxt
onl y leaves the delicate surface
more exposed to the irritation
of dust and germt to merd
lets attacks of sun and
weather. After vnuhuur, ap
ply Robert ine and experience
its delightfm! refreshment.
You willadmire the line-less
softness it imparts to face,
neck and arms. It not only
timulatet a radiant flow, but
protects the skin from becom
ing coarse. Prevents burn
ing, tan and freckles.
Am ant m TUT
Lakeview Citizens Band, will give les
sons on all brass instruments cornet
and slide trombone a spec 1 la ty also
mandolin. Lessons gvlen amateurs on
violin. 23-tf.
A Hard Debt to Pay.
"I owe a debt of gratitude that can
never be paid off," writes O. S.
Clark, of Westfleld Iowa, "for my res
cue from death, bj Dr. King's New
Discovery Both lungs were so serious
ly affected that death seemed immi
nent, when I commenced taking New
Discovery. The ominous, dry, hack
ing cough quit before the first bottle
was used, and two more bottles made
a complete cure." Nothing bas ever
equaled New Discovery for coughs,
eolde and all throat and lung com
plaints. Guarsnteed by Lee BealJ
druggist. 50c and tl.OO. Trial bottle
The Lakeview Furniture Com
pany" has moved into the large
Brick Building on Water street
where a Large Stock of every
thing usually found in a Furn-
iture Store will be kept
Undertaker's Parlors
Repair Shop.....
riaial rrwar .tle.
Department of the Interior, Lanp
Omo. at LBK.view, uregou, jnov. oin,
Notice is hereby given that Matbew
McCuller heir of George li MoGulley
of Lakeview, Oregon, bas filed notio
of bis Intentlou to make anal r ive
rear proof in support of bis claim.
vlt: Homestead Entry No. 3551, made
Jany. 29, 1900, for tbe NE!( and
Stt NWi Section 11, Townsnip aa, a..
Range 21. E.. W. M., and that said
proof will be made before Register
and Receiver, at Lakeview Oregon, on
23d December, 1907.
He names tbe following witnesses to
prove his oontlruous residence upon,
and cultivation of, tbe land, viz:
Lewis E. MoOullev. Elmer McCuller.
Robert MoOulley, S. P. Dicks, all of
Lakeview Oregon,
tfl 0. J. N. Watson, Register.
Allen Sloan,
80c rotary
bkrt e. withuow, Abstracting
Vice President
Maps, Plans, Blue Prints, Etc.
Klamath County Abstract Co.
Surveyors and Irrigation Engineers
Don J. Zcmwalt, C. E.
M. D. Williams, C. E.
, Treasurer
Klamath Falls, Oregon.
"Reno The Hub Of The Slope"
Invites Land or Lot Buyers to Call and See or
Houses and Lots in IXcno and Sparks
Acreage Near Reno
Acreage North to Lakeview, Oregon
Real Estate is Tine est Suvestoeiifc
Formerly Hibbard & Turner.