W .-." .-1- s ' V 4 Tbt Lttdag faptr f tf INtf Cm Th Sn Fnndsco Chronicle - 1 .'.if FORBIDDEN it C-MMlf) Jl W jyAA AAOV. TVK. WKCJ, TH. KH ' ffl) I3ir4ciir:r"8i3rj I il lO 11 12 J 5 115" io m my I it in io ao a" 25 fe The Church Is Too Indifferent to the Masses. By Bl.hoD HENRY C POTTER of Naw York. II KKK in no more RIGHTEOUS ARRAIGNMENT OF THE CHURCH of our timo than ita indillVr ence to the Bociul conditions of tho claascs made up of h-H favored men and women down in the gutter. The church has justly been severely criticised for its The Weekly Chronic h Th Try wakly Hwppt publlah4 la (b Mllr Waal. $1.50 a Year lorln-llo wiir M mar of tba (JuIumI ItUlUM. Taaada and MciImi j II U Vt baoauaa. betidat I prlntlnf all tha nrwa of tha world aioi atk In an intcraatlrt way j and ' u 1 1 Huatratlnf minjr , artlciai, II haa aaoiai daparV , mra'a davoted to ACRICULTURt H PTICULTUR POULTRY LIV STOCK M NINC LITEPATURt FASHIONS aad SrOKTS Theaa ara praaidad aat Vf ad'tora havlrtf a Iheroufh knowt. edie of "ilr apaelaltlaa. Th . ge devotad to Afrcultura. H jrtlcu.t'jre, Poultry and Uva stock ar- wil llluairated and t lad with mattar at tha rraataat (merest ta all aafafed l thes n !utr1as, erary Una balaf wntt-n by thoaa who ara In eloaa truch wt'v oondltlaoa pravalllng on tMa Coaut j SEND FOR SAMPLI COPT, i ll will ba aeat Int. Da yoa waat aSa dveaMa Reversible Map? Showlnf tha UMlmd Stataa. Da minion af Canada aa4 Nartbara Monica a aaa aida, MAP OF THE WORLD, araaeatiaf ta rlaw in a oentlaitava anaa, wlta all araaa la lra araaottlaa. tha aa Bra aarfaaa af faa Earn aa tha othar aid. Saa4 CaWptft Maa aai "Vttrty CWaraala" jar yaar. I The Dafly end KUtp Only t3k5 a Ycer " "I. H. a ""a BaJaaSaaSliaaBBtB" 9aa) rVaaMaaaa, CWL & LAKEVIEW SADDLERY S. P. AHLSTROM, Proprietor. it: !t r j The best Vafiuf'-'l die on the mxtrkct. D" Alrtf) a complete line of wao and buggy bnrmwH, whlu & rohen, rlatiui, bltn, npura, 4 ijulrtN, row t ten, In fnetevrry thing in the line of carriage Z ntul liorac furnlnhlngn. lUv pnlrlg by cornjH'tcntc mn. 1 W. 1 i, rf. ., , a,a,wiir,,gfj.', JI'.L'rd 1 2j The Farmer's Wife I Tory careful about her churn. 8ha la.-k of ititercHt in the mental, moral and physical It thoroughly aftr using, and give ' 1 It. a aim hath tn ivtvlj'n Kh lrwiu 1 . ! .1: . .1 'ri . i e .1 1 1 1 . .1 . . . . . .7. " upuumiiiif; 01 me martsva. inc lasn 01 1110 enure 11 in 10 iransiuio mo niiixl of (,'lirint, first ly Rvmpathy, then ly painstaking curiosity This curi"sity hIiohI I lt'itcl yAu to know soniething of that Ptratinn of life lxluw thai in which you are wont to move. SUCH SYMPA THETIC CURIOSITY Wll.E SOONER OR EATER EEAI) TO THE ONLY lloI'K OF THE SOCIAL UNREST OF OUR TIME, ANI THAT IS FEESONAI. SERVICE. In i.ur If-ia-lieid rlali"iis wr haw ! n INTIMIDATED from trail-!. ii in s our n laiinin to the uorM into hiimaii sympathy for fear of i':t.i wh.it lia- In ! 11 :i ! 1 I lli iii-tiiiitional elmreh, hiil if ai) I . -; 1 1 1: 1 i" 1 ia! t'ltiuvh f the im 11111 of I.ritifring the church into pr. '.. I ini ri hy with HUMAN .LIFE, then (lie found, r !' OlIV I'l '1 iii-i i: ,1'ed l'ie i 1 1 ' i 1 1 1 1 i. l;l I elltll'rh. Tin: cm; r.CH &HCULD TAKC active steps to cure the phycic.'l ar.'d f 'hntal as well a3 the religious ills of the pft'lf. the church'3 neglect of this vital work cannot ru..v.e.died too coon. it has neglected its most 1.-. : ,.-it i unction. The ..r . ; 11: t' .-ki- .ri.il t.i:re:.t U that MONSTROUS I'RO- El" 10. AND EXTRA ' A i A N( 'E whieli 1 am ineline.l Lie, Kider tl.e w.ir-l note in i.nr Amerii-aii eivi!i.iti"!i. O-tenta.tioiw wealt'i eaniiol 'I, i- t-i.i m ;iiliiie.',ly 'condi nine. I. I ln-eeiiie inure and unu'e convinced tlial the iiiijuitienee of the ma-.-( e. iii. .i more from the AIIFSE of wralili than from any oilier cauxe. I- it any wonder tliiit the average worker in the leiieinenH becoiue; wr .uhl up at what he considers the ereat iiijii-l i.v of society when lie see.- wealth spent lavifhly around him, w hilo he si vii"'i.U ,s in misery ? THE MODERN WORKMAN IS MOST INFLAMMABLE MATERIAL FOR SOCIAL UNREST. THE WONDER IS NOT THAT WE HAVE PRODUCED SUCH RESULTS, DUT THAT RESULTS ARE NOT WORSE. that If her churn is sour it will taint the butter that In made In It. The stomach is a churn. In the stomach and digestive nnd nutritive tracts are performed fird-i-i'ssos which are almost exactly like tlio cliunilng of butn r. Is It not apparent then that If this Mnninch-churn is foul it makes foul all v hi.'h is put Into It? The evil of a foul htnmarh is not alone the bad tasto In the mouth and the foul I rostli caiiHfil hy It. hut tlio corrupt ion of the pure current of Mood ar.d the dK-eui-luatlon of disea-e thrnUh'liout the hmly. Ir. Pierce's (iol hu Medical l)M-m.n makes the sour m'.l foul stomach mm i It doe fur Mm stomach hilt the w f i ntvl sun hath iln f-r thecliiirn at,--- . . i removes ev .-t v t iint mil.' or corrupt ; - ' liii't. In 1 1, :iy It cures I.'- ! pimples, eriiiiui!is, sciofnlous sm-; m.: ,lrlul, tit oiu-ti eatiti' ulcers ail'l Im ; hu'imrs orI.M-:in- an-imj from Pad i-l-.o.i. If you have bn-ier. naty, foul tat Pi our iiMiui ii, co a U' l i.'tiue.iout tireatli, are weak ami .'.eiiv tired, feel cioj i. I II I ul despoil. !mn , h;: v fi . ,( uec.t h( :i 1 1 . I,i , d.."y alt t..,- nci -r iii-tri- in st.-ia- j adi, Hj-t i ; ' ! er irrivular liowehs, sour , or tiller iiMiirs after cat in? and poor i appetite, tl -vu' pi i 'i -. .r any con-1,. r- uhle tin in I oi 1 1,. i: .t'eate tliat ,.u .. re Fiiifcriii:: fi'-uii i i!, on-torpi.l or !ay liver Willi llie us.ial accoinimin nitf inili I restion. or il 'pci'ia aici their iittemlant Uct'.llWtnetil p tic I- i; j Vi.JiZ! ' ' Ml 1 1 a imi e Yiint ""is 'Ulil1;:' V-Cj.oiil.IjmaaJii; ; LjJ, e i ; JMII ', QiiilJjjUjJLIwjmi.'i-:'j' c.miIda'JIijlTllii.rri:-i lioJ.Wn oxi yj. UJ.saiiui'y TTr.'t this is ahsolutelv tr ie will be readily proven to your satlsfactf. If ynu will hut mail n postal card re.;: Ui Dr. li. V. Pierce, liulfalo. N. V.. f.-r free copv nf-his book let of extracts (rut tho st.uiiliir.l medical authorities, plvir the nn toes of nil the Ingredients eiiii'iin -Into his world-famed medicines and shov lux w hat the most eminent medical uioti of tho uco say of them. ERECTED IN 1900 MODERN THROUOHOrT FIRSTLA55 ACCOnnODATIONS SAHPLE ROOfl For COnnERCIAl TRAVELER COURTEOUS TREATMENT I V P UOMT GEO HARROW LIQHT & HARROW, Propneton A Memorable Day. One of the days we remember with pleasnre, as well aa with profit to oar health, is the one on which we be came acquainted with Dr. King'a New Life Pilla, the painless purifiers that care headache and biliousness, and keep the bowels right. 25c at Lee Heall's Drug Store. ECZEMA and PILE CURE FREE Knowing tvhnt it was to suf fer. I will give FREE OF CHARGE, to any ntllictod u poHltivecure for Eczema, Suit Rheum, EryKipola. I'ileH itiii Skin Diseases, instant re lief. Pont suffer longer, Write F. W WILLIAMS. 400 Manhattan Avenue, New York. Enclose Statin) . Farmers, have yor butter wrap pers printed at The Examine office, Instead of sending away for them. Tou keep your money at borne, and patronize them that patronize you, besides, you see what you are get ting and don't have to pay for It if It doesn't suit you. tf NOTICE. . Blue prints of any town ship in the Lnkeviejv Land District can be had by applying to the under signed. All work up to date. Checkings made from the Land Of fice Records at the time the printsare made, work neatly and prompUr done. W. B. Snider. Lakeview Oregon, The Publisher's Claims Sustained United States Court or Claums The Fubllthera of Wtlwtar'a latcraatknte Dtctkmary Jleye that It " ta, in fw t.ll pup, lar l;nntrllired thoroughly re-etli ted Id eerr Mail, and vastly enriched In every part, a-ltk the purpiie of adapt Inif it to meet the larmv and aeverer requiremenU of another geuetfa tion." We are of the opinion that this aDctratfj moHt clearly and accurately deacriijea ITJa work that naa lwen aocompllnbed and Cm result that ban been reached. The lMotionr aa It now a tan. in, baa been tborouirbljr fb edited in every detail, baa been corrected J every part, and la admirably adapted to meet tha larirer and aeverer requirement of, generation which demanda more of popular pliiloloiflcal knowledtre than any teneradaa that the world baaeveroootained. It la perhaps neediena to add t bat we xeor to the dictionary In our judicial work aAef the hitrbest authority in auracy of dettni tkmt and that In the future aa in toe paal It will be the aource of constant reference. CHAJUXac.HOTT.CMrfJwaia , LAWBJnfC WELOOM JOHH DAVIS. m rrirro n j. einxut cwikija & Bowkf. Mm. The tibotm rtfm to fTEBSTtlCS INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY THE GRAND PRIZE ( t he hiirbe award) waa rtvnn to the Intern, tionai at the World's -Fair, fcU louia. GET THE LATEST AND BEST 'ru will lie interested in cmr specimen jxiQe, tentjrte, G.&C.MERRIAM CO, PUBlltHERS. Sl-rf-NOr-CELD, MAS. I WtMTUrs 1 OASVOnXA. Bcantba TiM Kind YaaHawAtwajs BctjJI Bignatore af To ttir. a CU M On Day - - Take LAXATIVt. L5UOMO QUIXINfc Tablets. All drungits rt-lund the money if it fails to cure. E. XV. Grove's 'Ueature is on eacli l)X- 25c. The Examiner bus a supply of first j class butter wrapper paper ou baud I now, at tlio following prices: For 5IX j wiappct'd, printed, f' 75, for ltXH,1 1 rintctl t i.50. ft EXPERIENCE V I "v ii I wiimiii w J. II. Cutter whiskey at (lie I Into Lukcvietv bar. Tlio best and iirt whi.-kev made. tf. The llxiuiiincr prints t.-ttti.-li S. F. Ahlstroni, the saddler, haa re ceived a new fhii uient of irlove, the 1 e.-i in tho market. If j ou . : ti t i plats, gloves icoo-.l ones Ci.il at t'uc A hi- j and uiiikes thctn into liooks to order, tf .-trotn ilaruers Slwp. rrt f . TRADa. .A ARKS ivi ..vvvi DrstcNS ,'rt'' Copvright ic Anrnne .onitlng a tlietcti and a.oripf Inn roav rml.klT ns.frium our opinion free wheilier an .ii hi r.ct 1 y .i uui.,iit I.lI. HANDBOOK onFnteula .nt fr.-e. l'l.l't t-pncr fur m-curuiu pulent. 1 .ir.-.jtM talit'ii tlirmifli Vumi 4 Cu. rccelra apA iiil nvtica, without nrBa, mtha Scientific Jlmcncaiie tismts'-TK-lT lllTKfrdt'vt w klT. I rvst riv en Ium. ii i f nnr c i.'i.iiu" J.-iiniai. j nii. . y,.ir: l-.nr n- -ittjj,f;. Sold tiy ul Ttewnrteaiers. WiW A Co.3318' New York &4jbrjR Era ' ffv Ta' Jitza e i Why utrtiftKlo ou in poverty? Juat aa well bo ou ciit-y t(rcct. Mother Karth has btor ed her vcylth in Neva da's mountain)-. You are entitled to your share. It only cobta lao throuKh ho Leo Co into jl Miiiit umii ny P. O. box 258, Khyoilet, Nevada. x 'Mining blanks at oflice, ' . the Examine rj.""-" jr.-' o - T' ! - .' . '. - LAKE COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. INCORPORATED m i i A COMPLETE RECORD iv( i?f v J e have made an entire transcript of all Keconls in Lake Cnmitv j which, in any way, 'a fleet Real Property in the county. aiilu.yniiui.iiniiii.MUiil'iH Subscribe for The Lake County Kx aiuincr, if you want the news. Planks ftrflsl viccfc, Ttnit piteffi tinilier land final proofs and blank afli lavita for applications for readvertUe clients , blank witness' affidavits, etc. at Tho F.xniulnor ofpee. ' tf ELY'S ClEAM BALW! uro to r :vo Satlsfac ion. c.,, r"LC at on .' . It cliiiiii .i' , i 'i' h, In'iiln iinil l ' 1 io diwe i ! I ll result ilip; fi 1 . Iiilili ami !. liutliell. '.!. . Itei- of Tiusto i tt -11. l-iw ". (' tiiliw iioiiifii '""irH Api ' (' ii.iHtrilrt an. I . I .-. 1 . Ijiii . r" 'titd ut l)ruj.: t I y Iiitii l urn Pal m i - e in uto I. ELY 8 Warren 81.. York. EVERYBODY READ THIS We Can Save You Money If you are not already & miUm-riber to ihla paper, now is the timo for you to Mib aci llHi. if you aro tlrwuty a aubMi Ibur you Hhould rrurw your auburrlptlou now wlillo tha lllivritl a-. -us we oiler you prevail. We hnvn made m rmujeniriitii with the puiillKherH of THI. MMERIOAM fARM WORLD to club their paper with ours, mid If you will ut out n duad us we will send you bulli paprr nut year. Tlio American Kami World Ih a l.art0 Arloultiuui Monthly I'ulilieiitlou contain IniteiU'ti iuintli from to S't larijo piueH, curerully edited by onoof the Alilest Atrrl ciilluriil Wiile ih In tho I'nltud suitns. It Is lilleil Willi tu'Uiual iiiulter lonlyi for tlio lanuer ami lu.i r.unlly. No copied mutter whatevnr, but llie well tested iiiclliods of the bent lai uii . in tho country, are here found to lie,iiKt w hut the farmer wants to know, au. I It Ih . u to N iv i! lolloweil will save III m money and Improve bis farm. Your. ii. -i ieniCAN fMRM WORLD a whole year, together with our own pa pi ' . 1 at onco send UK r; 'H). We will pay the liulilUlirra of The -Minn li-lil for you out of the nmoniil you snd us. mid you will ve -. well as our own re rularlj a.'. Usueil. to .ot delay, but take I i it.it oiler now. Aiiiiini . lIi COUNTY EXAMINER, Lakcviow Oregon. We have a complete Recortl of every Mo-tjMjje antl transfer ever maile in Lake County, and every Deetl given. ERRORS ROUND. In transcribing the rccortls we have found numerous mortgages recorded in the Deed record, and not indexed; and many deeds are recorded in the Mortgage record and other books. Hundreds of mortgages and deeds are not indexed at all, and aic most difficult to trace up from the records. We have notations of al these Error5: Others cannot find their.. We have spent hundreds oi dinars huntm these errors, and we can guarantee our work. J. D. VENATOR, Manager. r5