MRMeM Tbolur Rtxm.rn Tree-rrMldeal Cba. W. ralrbanki DATOirr f Rut EllnaRoo -4r6Urr of Treaiury La.Ha M. Sha WTSUrr of War Wm. U. Tall atforBer Oaneral W. it. Mood) Ounxral Om. B. Cort.lTOB Cbaa. J. Bonarrta HrHrcUrvol Wavy VrHUrylDlarlor X. A. Illtchcork MtUry of Acrlealtare J Wllaoa (Mn(trrl Commerce V.C.Metcall Chief. Ja.tta. - . MeutUaW. Fuller VmmUmi Warner. U.S. reaaionCommt.loBW ..0. 8. lnd C.amluloaer vara. O, S Chabrlal P. A. Moor F. I. DnnbM .... C S. Moor A.M. Crawford J.B. Arkarnaa ...J. R. Waltae ....J. W. Bail? Jobs M. 0rU v.. w. rnitoa WB, ftlebara.., SftM Judm Si llWirr of Stale Treka-er ... Arferflev Uraaral Jaft. PaMlo InilraoclMi rrTrtee... fefrf Baa Paod Coat 8tlB kara fiilirjawna 1 Bina.r Henna J. N.IlUeaM mm jvata at otbict. BqQ H. L. Bassos MntBiaeUr Job a A. Lateaek eliyen minn. I H. r. BelaBav j O. H. Mairaaa W.J. Moor C. ft. LAJfO OtTTCK. C'TXjalr.. I8.V CTfc "RH; Tuaeajat ..k let LtKaOouwrr. .. B. Imu; K.N. JaaoUb Albert Daat F.O. AIetroa- SrtlDKBaft J. Q. Willi i. 8rfwr C. X. Moon I tVJrytoN Bfcfct Caap naff DmF.MbIIov r TOWNOF LAfEVW. T.U BartHng Mayoi xtVWaiior Orincllaea WTR, SW4ar Bcoordet AtSttflfcar., Treaaarer Northern : ye Hat. LaKEVIDU -PAISLEY. A. W BRIAN Proprietor. Leaves Lake view at 6 a. m very da? lul Sundae Returning, Imvw Paielej at6:fl)a. m i very day bu 8unday. Peanaairi' aralj 'Ki-4 trie It OluTrlnt9 Mad. I bHII make Biih Prlnta if any tractJrt land In the lakeview Land District, m.d do abstract work. r oo or write IV. R. SNIDER likrvlew, Oregon. 4N tf BoMtt a I TIN 14 Ym HinWwm Bwl MTING MACHINE. BOlUt MAtimx HIGH OJUM, CCftra are thinking of organising a utafr eompaoy ae our new samples fTftmll Strwt entravM atock eertlfl HubUr paper at Tba Examiner fflV Tba Best made, at S2.75 for XT "iad for 1000. tf ltie Wall street line of engrared cert4ftoatea of Stock and Bond blank at tfio Gxamlner office. New sample baiA recdred Monday eveuing. If jroj) want stock certificates eee on aampVa and get our prices. tf lAutC lunchat the Brewery 8a- OBI . tf V av retuble, honest high grade tag machine. r - f r - i inn iin imm.w . , J STRONGEST OjARANTEE. ationa) Scwinj Machine C' ' .N rRANCISCO. C : ACTORV AT BeLYIDCBB. r. prove their worth at harrest uitoe. ""AUcr over fifty yearaor access, they are pronounced the best and surest by careful planters everywhere. Your dealer sella them. J 907 Seed Aaanal free on request. . M. FEKRV A CO, DmUmH, Kick. Pinal Prof oNoUca. 'Pnip&rtaieot of the Interior, Land 0& atJLakeview Oregon. Novem eerlst. rJ07. "ITatice la hereby given that James V Stephenson of Lakeview, Oregon, has tied notice of his intention to make final Five year proof in support oThis ofaiui, viz : Homestead Entry Noj made Aug. 28, 1902 for the Sec- 25. Tp. 38 8., R. 16, Ekla 3 and 4 & NE1, SW, Section 30Tawnship 38 S., Range 17 ., W. M-, and that said proof will be made before Register and Receiver, at Lake f tregon on 13 daJr ' Oeceber, He names the following witnesses to proaa hia continuous residence upon, and'oojtiration of, the land, vis: F. Or Bunting, G. II. Newell, Dan Chand leyloren Bailey, all of Lakeview Oregsja. Tv?s J. N. Watsoo, Register. ft JUST PUBLISH ED Tbe volumes were written by man who rank among the foremost building experts of the day. Mnv rvfunded if they do not meet your needs. REINFORCED CONCRETE. I)y Webb and Gib soi: ipPm UOill". A manual of practical meth'Ki for Architects, Builders, contractors,. Civil and 5anitary Engineers. Information for the firm :iine made known to the world. Based on recpn construction work, special tests, etc. Trice $1.00 DUILOINO .SUPERINTENDENCE. By E. Nichols 200 pp., 250 ills. Costly mistakes occur through lack of attention at proper time, hurtful to Own er and dii-creditable to Architect and Builder Oives thorough knowledge of methods and mater ials. Price $1 so ARCH iThCTURAL DRAWING AND LETTERING. By Bourne, von Hoist Mid Brown. 185 pp, 55 drawings. Complete course in making working drawings and artestic lettering for architectural purposes. Price , $.50 9 0 mmr U4vnaV A ' V IIUlHOi Bf9 Yl 35 ills. For all workers in Building trades. 5 Tells how to estimate intelligently. Price. $1.00 2 CONTRACTS and SPECIFICATIONS. By James C- Plant. 1 25pp., fully illustrated. Forms of pub lic and private contracts, specifications, bonds, etc.; duties and responsibilities of Architects, contractors and Owners Price $1.00 5TAIR-BUILDING and 5TEEL SQUARE. By Hodgson and Williams- 130 pp., 18O ills. Only up-to-date work on these subjects. Price.... $1.00 CARPENTRY. By G. Towneend. i50 pp., 24 ills. A working manual for carpenters and Wood workers in general. Not a theoretical treatise, but a practical working guide- Price Si STRENGTH of MATERIALS. By E- R. Maurer. I4O pp., 58 ills. For Architects, Builders, Steel and Concrete Workers. Enables one to avoid mistakes. Price $1.00 flECHAMCAL DRAfVINQ. By E- Kenison- 10O pp., 140 ills. Complete course in projections, shade lines, intersections and developments, let tering, with exercises and plates. Price.... $1-00 MASONRY CONSTRUCTION. By Phillips and Bryne. i40 pp-44 ills. Latest and best Ameri can methods- Price $1.00 These volumes are handsomely bound In red art Vellum de Luxe, slse 6 z 9 Inches. Sent prepaid to any part of the world on receipt of price. Remit by Drafc Poital Order, Express Order, or Register ed Letter, to the Lake County Examiner. iiat the jjrierican People Want to Know. By IRMAN J. PXIDCWAY. Fubllthar of f.v-rrbaV Mtaaslna. flE biography of unrest is the history of PKOORES3 yesterday an idea, today a custom, tomorrow mova on. A hundred years ago the unrest was politic.. thi unrkbt or socirrv today it causid V THI INKQUALITIKS AND IVILi THAT OROW OUT OF THE CONCENTRATION Or WEALTH. THE HEETLEEE MEMBERS or SOCIETY SAY, "WE WANT TO KNOW HOW A rEW MEN MAKE SUCH HUGE FORTUNES WHILE THE VAST MAJORITY Or Ut ARE STRUGGLING TO KEEP SOUL AND BODY TOGETHER." We want to know why the Wall street game is not playod ON THE LEVEI so that a man can invest his saving with somo assur ance that ho wilt at !cat t hnck tho principal. . We want to know what right tho few have to borrow our saving to birild railroads, take our grunt of public laud along tho tracks and then, instead of letting us shsro in their prosperity by reducing pas senger and fre-ight rates, pouit WATEH INTO THE CAPITAL AND COMPEL US TO PAY INTEREST ON DOUBLE OR QUADRUPLE THE OKU) IN A L CAPITALIZATION. Not only that, but wo want to know why they make SPECIAL RATES TO SIDE PARTNERS, cnabling them to kill off competitors, with the result that many of tho actual necessities of life are put almost lyond our ravh. Not only that, but why iu some instances whero monopoly exists THE QUALITY OF FOOD AND SUPPLIES IS INFERIOR TO WHAT IT WAS REFORE MONOPOLY, leaving us the choice of taking tho inferior articlo or going without- not only that, but why when wo pay so high a toll for travel we must risk our lives in linT box coacht s running 011 imitation hUh-1 rails. K K H We want to know why our subways aud trolley and giu plants should mako aoino men milliouuin-H and at the saiuo time give the multitude such cxeerablo service. We want to know why tho enonnou reserves in tho insurance) companies should lie available to this group or that group of financiers for gambling purposes. WHY ARC LITTLE CHILDREN WORKING IN OUR MILLS WHEN THEY OUGHT TO BE IN SCHOOL? WHY MUST WOMEN TOIL IN OUR rACTORJES WHEN THEY OUGHT TO BE REARING A HEALTHY RACEf Why are (hero sweutshopd and tlumst What or who in rctponnible for so many strike and lookouts and boycotts 1 Why should on) hundred thouuiid families scrimp and alar in order that ONE family may hove a paradise of purk and palacos, more money than igood for it, more than it ran potthiMy Kprnd? THESE ARE SOME OF THE QUESTIONS THE RESTLESS PART OF SOCIETY IS ASKINO. THIS IS THE SOCIAL UNREST OF OUrt TIME. "WONT YOU SIT DOWN?" Of . x .'3M The Big: Four New York Tribune Farmer Review of Reviews Success Magazine Lake County Examiner for The Entire Family THE GREATEST SUBSCRIPTION BARGAIN OF THE YEAR y?K Tribune Farmer Review of Reviews Success Magazine Lake Co. Examinei WEEKLY. 20 pages, 121 by 13 inchot. The most thoroughly practical, helpful, up-to-date illustrated tveekly (or every member of the farmer's family. Regular Price per Year $1.00 'MONTHLY. 125 pages, 7 by 10 Inchec. Edited by Dr. Allert .Shaw, whoHe monthly comments on cur rent history, at home and abroad, are recognized as the most intelligentaod valuable found in any peri odical. Contains hundreds of portraits of ''people In the public eye," of cartoons, Illustrations and valuable.orlginal articles. , Regular Price per Year 00. MONTHLY. 5 to 100 pages, 10 by 14 luche. Every issue Is full of brilliant aud fascinating Serial aud Short Storle. original articles on "The Work of the World," with departmeutseoverlngall phases vt "The Home Life and the Person," and Jwitb many inspirational feanures. Regular Price per Year 1.01 WEEKLY: The Leading Taper of Southeastern Oregon; publishes all the latest land and Stock news r.t u t.rr!tnrv embracing 200 miles Buuare. Lake County.s Official paper. The Oldest Newspaper In i Southeastern Oregon, established in 1VO, Rt? lar Price per Year .uu 1,000.00 Reward. The Oregon, Callforuia & Nevad Livestock Protective Assoelatloi will give $1000 Reward for the con vlctlon of any party or parties steal Ing horses, cattle or mules U-KhirIiij. to any of the followlng'members i this Association: Cox & Clark, Chewacan Land A Cattle Co., Heryford Land & Cattlt Co., Lake County Land & Livestock Co., Warner Valley stock Co., Geo W. Mapes, Wra. W. Drown. Geo. M Jones, Geo. Hanklna, S. IJ. Chandler I. C Dodson, C. A. Rehart. N. Fine Thoa. Mutton, W. A. Currier, Fran H. Bailors, J. C. Hotchklss, Cald.-i wood Bros.. T. J. Brattaln & Sous James M. Moore, A. I). Cecil, T. A ('rump, V. Z. Mons. Cressler & Bonner, W. T. Cressler Aety X- Gllham. Hill & Toney. nP.,.JIV, P. IlKitVKoim. Presid'i """'1W IE. M.Mii.i.KH.Sec&TrettK I W. P. IIkkyfoiid Pl.NAXCK Co.M.F. M. G UIlKN S. B. CiiaI)I.v:k Lakeview Cigar Factory A. Stokkmj Prop. Makerfof Havana'and Domestic Cigars mwca ooaTsr OBDtas solicits ' r Give n a trial. Store in thatTkrkk building next door to Post & King, aa loon, akeview, Oreiton. Btranga, ian'k it, that ha haattataa? Bradl.y In Chicago Nawa. WELCOME! Eli Restaurant, at all bours. Eirst class meale tf Notice of Final Proof. The regular price of these 4 great publicat. Our Price - - - - nsis - - - - - - $7.00 $5.0o SUBSCRIPTIONS, NEW OR KIvNEWALS, TO ANY OF "THE BIG FOUR" MAY BEGtN AT ANY TIME. SEPARATE SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THE MAGAZINES WILL NOT. BE RECEIVED. TltH FOUR PUBLICATIONS MUST B8 5ENT TO ONE ADDRESS. Lake County Examiner, Lakeview, Oregon. Department of the Interior, Laud Office at Lakeview, Oregon, Oct. 28. YXY1. ' Notice is hereby given that Marshall W. lioweu, of Paisley Oregon, has tiled notice of his intention to make final Computation proof in'support of bis calim, viz: Homestead entry No. :mi made Oct. 1, 1905, for the tilA NW and N BVY., Section 4, Town ship 35 S., Iiango 17 K, W. M , aud that said proof will be made before Register and Receiver, at Lakveiew Oregon, ou lGth day of December. 1907. ' He names as witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, the land, viz: Mike Dooher, Klamath Falls Oiegon, O. li. Duaonbery, Paisley, Oregon. 8. L. Wood, lily. Oregon, M. U. White house, Puisley, Oregon mr.: J. N. WaUou, itogister. ' 44-6. 1. HI I U.I L(. n ihcu in Clavaland Plain Dealar.