Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, November 21, 1907, Image 5

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    Mil Hair is
Extra Long
Feed your hair; nourish It;
.live It something to live on.
Then It will stop falling, and
ill grow long and heavy.
ycr's Hair Vigor Is the only
cnulne hair-food you can
uy. It gives new life to the
air bulbs. You save what
nir you have, and get more,
jo. And It keeps the scalp
clean and healthy.
Tha bfttt kind of tastlmoiiuU
"Bold (or ovar alatr yaara."
f bkah Program.
Follow log It the program of tha Ra
lkah KnUrUlnmant, to ba given iu
tha Opera Ilous on tha svsning of
tha 25th of Ibis month.
Violin Holo MIssHnelllug
I'laon Holo Miss Hnldar
"Initiation Night at Raggedy Man's
Piaeldant Mr. L. Vanderpool
R. H. President -Mrs. F. O. Hunting
I H. President Mra. Al. Cheney
Vlro President Mrs. F. M. (ireeu
R. H. V-I'ra. -Mrs. W. It. Hertford
L. 8. V Pres. A. E. Cheney
Mr. (I. C. Cannon was up from l'lne
Creek hint Saturday to maka proof on
a timber cIhIiii. lie Informal ua that
tin had nt litnt gotten IiIh grain thresh
el, and that after lotting nearly one
third of the crop, iim it result of the
early rains, ho had forty bushels to
thu iicre.
Lost : leather Purse, rontalnad
money, a check, mid a receipt from
he Lakeview Water Co. Kinder leave
at Tha F.xaniiuer offlre or the First
Nutlonul Hunk, where n suitable re
ward will lie paid, and the property
Indent itted by the owner before do
ll ery U made. t.
Tin Kiiiiniith Falls Republican tells
of an H pound potato exhibit In the
I'ii 11m, whleh waa raised In the vicinity
of Ilray, ou thu Otey much. Thla tlie
largest potato yet heard of, .anil ought
to be put along uhln of the H'J pound
turnip In Tho Kxatniner olllee, which
wiim iiiIhix! by Mr. Stanley, of Paisley.
lliirrry KolxutM has purcliHHed the
J. C. 1oIhoii Interest In the JJ cuttle
ranch. Mr. Roberta la an experienced
ratllniiiiin, having held position iim
foreniiiu on vurioua big cattle nine hen
In Lake cuuuty for several yearn.
1 1 1m auereaa In iiHHured. W. 'A. Moaa
owns a half interest In the business,
he and Dodaou having bought ti. W.
Mapea out aomo mouths ago.
T.C. Welch, who haa been employed
by the Phinnigau sheep owners for
several moutliM, came Into Lakeview
f i o in the rang" lent Friday, having
resigned hia ponltlou, w hen the sheep
wore Htarted to tho Nevada desert for
the winter. Tom visited around thla
city for a few dnya, mid will go to
Paisley for a while.
Mr. 1bii Lam1', of Vale, Oregon,
who has miide a success of the sheep
luminous iu Malheur county, la here
looking at the country with a view to
buying sheep or land. I' ia to he
hoped that Mr l.auib will decide to
invent here, hm thla rlnaa of citizens,
men with money and un energy to
make more, are tho kind Luke county
Tho Lfldiea Aid will give their
lliiaur December Cth, in the Opera
House. They will servo sandwltces,
Hot Tanialoa with sunee, Candiee and
Popcorn. They will oirer for anle,
aprona and other articled of clothing
alo about fifty nicely dressed doll for
Christmas. The llh pond will be
well stocked with desirable varietlea
of IIhIi: Come mid have a good time,
uh well ii B help n good fitiiHo.
A. F. Fitzpatrick, auporinteudnnt
of tho Chwaucuu Land Si Cattle Co's.
Lake County ranches, puaaed through
Lakeview hint week with KM head or
tho X homes, which he in taking to
tho company a ranch at llakorslllri,
California. Al Farrow, of Pailey, waa
with him. In tha outfit wro tho big
brood murea, the jnc.kH and tho race
Htalliona that have been kept on the
Chtwaucnn ranch for several years.
1. (luardlan
O. (luardlan
Swede Oirl
Mra. Florl'y
Wu Waah Wing
Oermau Member
Miaa Edna Moaa
Mra. R, M. McDonald
C. II. McKendree
S. F. Ablatrorn
Harry Yoi.nt
- E. F. Cheney
Mra. J. S. Dewey
Mra. W. K. Harry
J. D. Venator
J. S. Dewey
Mra. (leo. Storkmann
Candldatea )
) Mra. C. H. McKendree
Free dance after tha performance.
AdnilaHlcn, Adolta W) centa. Children
25 centa.
Trom Our Exchanges.
Uldwell (Sold NuKgett-Nelno ('aid
ernood waa in from Warner laat week
after auppliea.
Harold Milea will leave shortly for
hia home which ia at Myrtle Creek
Chanter (j'urry of Lakovlew ia now
driving the atago which run a from
Hidwell to I'luah.
Mra. Laura Herry and family return
ed from Lakeview lant week where
they had been vlHltiug for several diiyn.
Don't blame the boya for the "mis
chief that waa done llallow'eeu night,
Andy Morrla happened to be in town
that night.
R. I Sherlock of Lake County
bought 2,KX) luinba ot Yuucy llroa. this
week paying t'X'St pur head for them.
Mr. Shelrock will drive tho sheep to
Iike county af. once where ho lmn
hay and range to winter them He
will buy lXX more if they aro to be had
at tho right price. Crook Co. Journal.
Sliver Lake Oregon ian. A bunch of
mules belonging to the .X company
Kiia driven through Silver Lake Mon
day, onrout from Sican to the home
ranch at Paisley. The company ia
preparing to tako its mules and Iiotbch
, "below".
Silver Iake Oregouian. Mra. Ar
thur Murtin, daughter of Mr. and
Mra. (J. 11. Warjwell, arrived in town
Monday night from Portland for a
Mrs. Jan. Foxter and Ralph Footer
and family, Freeman Post and Launia
Kilppel all returnel from Lakoview
Friday, and all seem to havo had a
good time. We aro glad to aeo theut
Mra. F. McDowell haa gone to Kla
math Falls for tho winter to viait with
her daughter, Mrs. W. II. liurnen, and
family. We are all aorry the haa gone,
for when we were looking for a letter
that didn't come ahe let us say all we
wanted to.
Ml Vtltl
l).pu.4.p nom tip
bjaq pjiJAiy jadjey)
s4op ssnujjs
uul if
Final I'roof ollre.
Department of the Interior, Lanp
OHIce at Lakeview, Oregon, Nov. Hth,
Notice ia hereby given that Mathew
MctUilley heir of Ueorge 1J. McCulley
of Lakeview, Oregon, has filed notice
of his intention to mako final Fivo
year proof in support of hia claim,
viz: Homestead Entry No. ;!.V1, made
Jany. 21, ltKNi, for the W' NK'V and
S'u NW'4 Section 11, Township :i, S.,
Range 21, E,. NV. M., and that said
proof will tie made before Register
and Ivoceiver, at Lakeview Oregon, ou
'.Kid Decern ber, 11KJ7. ..
He names the following witnesses to
prove his contiriious residence upon,
and cultivation of, the lund, viz:
Lewis K. McCulley, Elmer McCulley,
Robert McCulley, S. P. Dicks, all of
Lakeview Oregon.
405. J. N. Watsou, Register.
Printed by Rjuc(.
Mi tha fallowing ty shaking well
In a bottle, and take in teaspoonful
doses after meals and before bedtime :
Flold Extract Dandelion, one half
ounce; Compound Kargon, one onncej
Compound Syrup Haisaparllla, three
ounces. A local dtugglst Is the auth
ority that these simple, harmless in
gredients can be obtained at nominal
coat from our borne druggists.
The mlxtore is said to cleanse and
strengthen the clogeed and loactlrve
Kidneys, over coming Rack ache,
liladder weakness and Urinary trouble
ot all klods, if taken before the stage
of llrlght's diseaae.
Those that bave tiled this says that
It positively overcomes pain in the
back, clear the urine of sediment
and regulates urination, especially at
night, curing even the worst forms of
bladder weakneaV
Every man or woman here who feels
that the kidneys are not acting in a
healthy manner should mix this pre
scription at home and give a trial as
it Is said to do wondera for many per
sons. The Scrantoo Pa. Times waa first to
print tnis remarkable pieacription, in
October, of 190G, since when all the
leading newspapers of New York,
boston, Pbladelphia, Pittsburg and
other cities have made many annooce
ments of It to their readers. I
The Examiner haa engaged the ser
vices of Mr. J. F. Salcido, an exper
ienced newspaper man, to solicit busi
ness for this paper. Mr. Salcido Is
on a trip over in Klamath county.
He Is authorized to collect money on
sulaicription, receipting for same.
It will be remembered by those
timber soekera who visited Lakeview
a few weeks ago, that some disaatia
faction was had regarding a piece ot
timber upon which Mrs. J. E. Nor in
waa located. Mrs. Norin finally
succeeded in getting the only timber
filing on the claim, as Ueo. Stork
niann withdrew hia filing, and it is
not believed that the homestead entry
will be made by the other litigant,
Chns. Stindt. i
Our Winter Stock of Men's and Boy's clothing is now here
and we have the most up-to-date line of Clothing, Overcoats,
Rain Coats Etc. ever shown in Lakeview.
We also have complete lines of Ladies' and
Children'swinter underwear Ladies' Waists, Skirts.
Coats and everything needed for Winter wear.
Rubbers and Overshoes of all de-
scriptions, come and get your winter
MM I MMMMM Illllll
Not 1 in 1000 who buy
Schilling's Best wants the
Your f rocer rrlornf your monrf If yes deal
like Schilling'! Brl; we pr him.
$100 Reward. JM).
The renders of thla puiwr will be
plcnacd to learn that there ia at
leant! one dreaded dlwaae'tbataclenco
haa ta'on able to cure In all ita stagea,
and that la Catarrh. Haifa Catarrh
(,'nre la the only positive cure now.
known to the medical fraternity.
Catarrh laMnfr a constitutional die
eaao, requires 11 constitutional treat
ment. Hull's Catarrh Cure la taken
Internally, acting directly upon the
blood and mucous aurfacea of the
pyatem, t no reby destroy inc the found
ation ot the diHoaac, and giving tho
patient strength by building up the
constitution and assisting nature in
doing Its work. Tho proprietors
have so much faith In its curative
powers that they offer One Hundred
hollars for any case that It falls to
cure. Send for list of testimonials.
Address F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo,
O. con
Sold liv nil Druggists, 7."c.
Take Hall s Family rills for
i CHARLES E. RICE. Director
Lakeview Citizens Band, will give lea
sons on all brans instruments cornet
and slide trombone a specilaty also
: mandolin. Lessons gvien amateurs on
violin. 23-tf.
A Hard Debt to Pay.
"I owe a debt of gratitude that can
never be paid off," writes G. S.
Clark, of WestHeld Iowa, 'for my res
cue from death, by Dr. King's New
Discovery Both lungs were so serious
ly affected that death seemed immi
nent, when I commenced taking New
Discovery. The ominous, dry, hack
ing cough quit before the first bottle
was used, and two more bottles made
a complete cure." . Nothing has ever
equaled New Discovery for coughs,
colds and all throat and lung com
plaints. Guaranteed by Lee Beall
druggist. 'O0e add fl.00. Trial bottle
The Lakeview Furniture Com
pany has moved into the large
Brick Building on Water street
where a Large Stock of every
thing usuallj- found in a Furn
iture Store will be kept
-Undertaker's Parlors
Repair Shop
Reno The Hub Of The Slope
Final Proof Notice.
Department of tho Interior. Land
OUI"o at Lakeview, Oregon, Nov. 0,
Notico la hereby given that Lora
Otto Hardiaty, of Lakeview Oregon,
haa tiled notice of his intention to
make final Five year proof in support
of hia claim, viz : Homecitend Entry
No. :i:W'.). mudo April 10, l'.HHi, for the
KWI4 NV W'i SV"4 See. &, and Lot,
1, Keel ion (!, Township !W S., Range
21 K , W. M., and that aaid proof will
bo made before Register and Receiver,
at Lakeview Oregon, on 10th day of
December, UHI7.
Ho names tho following witnesses to
prove hiH continuous residence upon,
and cultivation of, the laud, viz: (1.
V. Ilardlsty. A. M. llarilisty, Win.
Klmzey, wYank Wilson, all o! Lake
view, Oregon.
4(55. J. N. Watson, Register.
Invites Land or Lot Buyers to Call and See or
Bi:kt E. Wrniitow,
Vice President
Al.l.KN Si. 1. AN,
Maps, ri.'in. I'lue Prints. Etc.
Klamath County Abstract Co.
Surveyors and Irrigation Engineers
DiiN J. Zl'MWAl.T, ('. V
Klamath Falls, Oregon
M. D. Williams, ('. H.
Houses and Lots in. Reno and Sparks
Acreage Near Reno
Acreage North to Lakeview, Oregon
Real Estate
is The Best Investmei
Formerly Hibbard & Turner.