Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, November 21, 1907, Image 1

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    &ir J)
NO. 47
Nev hearing Ordered for
Aztec Selections.
Other Decision of Importance to
HomcKtead and Timber and
tone Claimants.
Department of the Interior,
Washington, I. C.
November 2, 1 007.
Register and Receiver,
Iakevlew, Oregon.
Gentlemen : June ft, 1901, JoiU 1'.
met made H. E. No. 2304, for cer
tain lands In Sec. 8 and 0 T. W, H. R
it E. submitted final proof Septem
ler 8, 1900, which you rejected be
es um :
The witnesses were not familiar with
the entry, em J especially hi to resl
ile nee or the establishment thereof,
or as to the periods of absenc from
ald homestead.
October 15, liHW. you transmitted
claimant's application to lx allowed
to submit additional proof in aupport
of Hald entry.
liy letter of Nov. 0, lttoC, claimant
m allowed 30 daya from notice to
make supplemental showing, using
the advertised witnesses only.
July 10, 1007. you tranalmtted tbe
original proof, and tbe supplemental
proof, made Deo. 13, 1906, and sUted
that you could not agree as to isnuance
ot dual certificate.
Sept B, 1904, Hpeoial Agent Scott
reported tbat aaid tracts are timber
lands, unlit for cultivation ; tbat said
claimant was au umnarrlod n;n that
be resided io Klamath Falls, Oregon,
where . e was the proprietor of a ho
tel; that t lit Improvements consisted
of a small board "shack" used for a
wood cutter' camp, aud tha claimant
obtained wood from tho lund for use
in his hotel. The agent recommended
thtit the entry N cnncled.
No action was takeu on said report.
In bis proof testimony claimant
stated that he ttahliHehd residence
on ttie laud in May, 1901, that his
family coiihints of a wife ami ten child
rcn that he was away part of tho time
to Hniid his children to school; that
ho ruined crops three seasons on from
one to si i acres of land, Hlid that ho
mudo improvement oil the html to tho
fulue of fTOO.OO, consisting of u
good hoiiHO, barn, two wells and fouc
ing. It appears from all tho proof tes
timony Unit ruust of said land is a lev
el strli of meadow laud lying between
high hills; that claiamnts ad vert land
witnesses wuro uiihI'Io to set forth his
roHidouoo and cnltivutioii from year
to rear for tho rensou that the lund is
situated three miles from it traveled
road. All tho witnoHses. however,
stated that they had seen claimaut on
tho laud from time to time , and had
seen him cultivating same, aud kuew
that he and his family were, on the
laud a part of tho time.
August, 21. I9o7, Special Agent K.
K. Klouor reported that ho examined
tho entry August Jl, 11)07., aud fouud
a good bouse well furniHhud, two
wells; 8 acres cleared ; G ncres iu culti
vation; 40 ncres ouclosed in a two w ire
fenco; that eiitryuiHii ami family lived
on the laud about four mouths each
year Irom thu establishment of his
residence until tho date uf proof, that
he has lived on tho placo ubout live
and one-half mouths; wince, proof was
uiado; that claimaut ban a wife and
ton children, seven of whom urn gills,
and t hat it win nee i-snary that he be
absent a portion of tho year to enru
mouey for their support und to keep
them in school, in an allldavit ho
companiiig suld report, claiman states
that the snow lien deep on tho laud dur
ing the winter intuit tin, attaining nu
averugo driitli of tlvo feet, which is
another reason why li did uot livo ou
tho laud all of each yeur; that ho has
no other home, and that it is his in
tontion to make I ho place his home.
Tho ageut reoommeudud that tho caso
puss to oury.
In view of tho foregoing you aio di
rected, upon compliuuuo with Buy
remaining recpiiroments, to issuo llual
ooitillonlu and iiicoips,
Signed by ABanliiut Commissioner,
Fred Denuott.
A new hearing has been ordered io
the cases involving several homestead
and timber and stone applicants, on
the one part and the Artec Land and
Cattle Co. et al.
On account of lack of time to get up
the type, becaue of a shortage of ofllce
help, the full text of the evidence and
decisions cannot le given tbls week.
Tho contest nine of John Btlndt, con
testant, vs. Gilbert J Woodard, home
stead eutryman, Involving lands In
sections 12 aud 13, Tp. 30, south, It
15, esct.
The Receiver found that the allega
tions set forth In the allldavit of con
test were uot sustained by evidence,
and reenmmended'that the homestead
entry remain intact.
The Register found that tbe entry
man bad failed to comply with the
homestead law aud recotumsoded that
said entry le cancelled.
Defendant appealed from the decis
ion of the Register to the commlnslon
er of the general land ofllce, wbo, on
November 8. 1007, submitted tbe fol
lowing :
"I flud no evidence of good faltb
ou tbe part of the entrymau to make
tbe land covered by aaid entry his
home, aud, up to date of bearing, be
hail not done so, but only visited tbe
land while living elsewhere.
Accordingly the Register's declsiou
is hereby atllrmed and aud said entry
held for cancellation. Notify the
partiea in interest hereof and the de
fendant of his right of appeal.'
The content case of Orlando Peterson
contestant, vs. Walter W. Check,
homestead entrynian, involving lauds
In sec. 23, Tp. 30 south. K. 15, east
This olllco found from tbe testimony
that Check had failed to comply witb
tbe homestead law, and recommended
that tbe eutry be cancelled.
Ou November 5, 1907, Assistant
Commissioner of tho Oenerai Land
offloo, Fred Dennet submitted tbe fol
lowing: "There was no cultivation and none
attempted. On tbe whole, tbe proof
shows tbat defendant utterly failed to
comply, with tbe homestead law as
to residence, cultivation and Improve
Vour decision Is affirmed, and the
eutry held for cancellation. You will
notify all interested parties, and the
claimant of his right of appeal to the
Secretary of the Interior."
Real Estate Transfers.
Transfers of real estate for the week
ending November Kith.
T. A. Ilammersley and wife to S.
O. llamaker. South half southwest
.piarler section 22 Tp. 31 K. l.r. Con
sideration, fTiOO.
A. A. Farrow to Martha J. Farrow,
northwest quarter sec. 35, T. 31, R.
IS; t.
A Z. Iliimmorsley to J. M 11am
mcrsley, north half soutwest quarter,
mi nit h half northwest quarter sec. 24,
T. 3H H IS; f 1000.
U. S. to Claud L. Scolleld, uorth
half southeast quarter sec. C, Tp. 20,
K. 12.
U. S. to F.lla K. Nowlin, northeast
quarter sec. IS, T. 20, It. 12. -
Frank Silvu to Hewitt Lund
Co., east half southweHt quarter,
uorthwest quarter southwest quarter,
soutlieust quarter uorthwest quarter
sec. 4, T. 40, li. 10.
Edward Tutro to (I. V. Buck, south
west quarter sec. 14, T. .'fi R. 10.
Fiiriiislid Tho Examiner by C. E.
Oliver, searcher of records.
Windy Hollow Mining; Company.
A meeting was held last Saturday,
evening of the organizers of tho Wiu
dy Hollow Mining Co., at which the
organization was completed, officers
elected aud stocks isHiied. The olllo
erg are, F. M. Duke, president; T. K.
Bernard, secretary and treasurer; T.
A. Crump, GuhhIo Metzker and F. M.
Duke, directors. There are eight
claims iu tho group, all adjoining,
except ono claim. Tho company Is
capitalized at 100,000, with 400,000
shares of tho par value of 25 cents.
The above-named persons and Mrs. T.
A. Crump are the principal stockold
ers. Heloro leavig Warner, Mr. Crump
had some Samples uf tho rock ussayed
and secured good results. He is of
tho opinion that with development
they will huve u good iniuo. A couple
of Nevada mining men, so ho info mod
us, offered to bond' tho claims, but
tho company prefers to develop tho
Felix Oreeu, who came home sick
from A ltu raw, where he went on u una
loess triii, uud was laid up lor a cou
ple of weeks, is out uguiu.
Nearly Twenty-three Inches of Rainfall Since
First of January, Last.
From January first, 1907, to October
first, there baa been 22.78 Inches of
rainfall, according to the U. 8. Rec
ords at The Kxaminer office. Tbls is
sufllclent moisture to insure good
crops without lirlgation. Tbe Im
pression is general tbat tbe sagebrush
land In Kastern Oregon will not raise
cropa without irrigation. For five
Tbe report of tbe Bonanza creamery
Co,, published in the Bonanza Bulle
tin last week, shows that during the
month of October there waa used 7700
pounds of cream, for which I6S7.10
wss distributed among 23 farmers wbo
are supplying the creamery witb milk.
Tbe greatest amount of cream in
pounds furnished by any one man was
005 pounds, furnished by Wm. Devaul,
for which be received 149.91. Tbe
greatest amount of money paid to any
one man for cream during tbe month
was (55.57, paid to E. R C. Williams,
for 517 pounds of cream, which was
of higher giade tbau Devaul's. Tho
smallest amount of money paid to any
one man during the month for cream
was 19.89 to I. Davies, for 107 pounds.
The test runs from 25 to 87 per cent.,
the higher grade bringing the highest
price per pound.
Robert Barry Killed. '
Robert Barry, at one time a resident
ot Lake county, Oregon, and for the
last 22 years on tbe police forces in
fian Francisco, while taking a ride on
one of hia favorite horses, bad the
misfortune of being thrown and bis
Injuries resulted in bis death, on the
14th of this moutfc.
Our townsman William Barry, one
of the brothers of the deceased, at
once left for tbe city, to atteud the
funeral, riding night and day to make
tbe connection witb the railroad.
Besides a wife, the deceased leaves
a family of grown children, and a
number of brothers aud sisters in this
Country and in Ireland.
Wants Application Rejected.
The Heglster aud Receiver of the
Burns laud otllce huve tendered a de
uision asdverse to the Harney Valley
Improvement Co., involving nearly
GO, 000 acres of laud iu Harney valley
applied for by that company uuderthe
Carey Act.
Register Farral holds tbat: The land
is desert iu character; that the Devel
opment Co. has no legal existence,
and that tho money set aside for the
purpose of reclaiming the land has
beeu diverted iuto other chanuels aud
at tho present time there is no mouay
available for carrying ou the project.
Receiver Onwau holds tbat: There
is iusutllcient water to irrigate the
lands, and that there are acquired
water lights more thau sufficient to
consume all tho waters of Silvies river,
the source ot supply depended upou
by the company for irrigation pur
poses. Both otllcials recommend that
the application of the State of Ore
gon iu Uetialf of tho Harney Valley
Development Co., b rejected, aud
tho lauds involved be restored to eu
try or other disposal.
: i urn
"Now, Freddis, you corns straight horns from school today I "
Doniiu in Clsvslsnd Plain Osala.
years past, with tbe exception of
1904. the annual precipitation has
been exceeding that of the previous
year. Last year tbe precipitation was
nearly 20 Inches, and tbe year before
about 19 Inches. An average for t he
past three years of nearly 22 inches.
Wit proper farming that amount of
rainfall good crops will grow.
We received this week a package of
pbotograpba from L. L. Hopkins, of
Shaughai taken by bis staff of photo
graphers of Secretary of War Tatt,
while iu China. Mr. Hopkins con
ducts a photograph supply bouse in
Shanghai, and keeps a saff of expert
photographers to advotlse his goods.
Tbe best finished photographs we have
seen anywhere are thoso presented to
os by Mr. Hopkins. The laut lot are
perfect In every respect. Tho uumer-
ous banquets ntteuded by Secretary
Taft while in China are among the
Following is what tbe Sbughai Bund
has to say of tbe photos by Mr. Hop
kis' bouse. We also received a copy
of that paper from which the item is
Tbe most enterprising people in
Shanghai are undoubtedly Messrs
Dennis and Sullivan, and their excel
lent photos of the Taft reception and
dinner fully bear out tbe above state
ment. At no email amount of trouble
and cost Mi. Hopkins has arranged
to have three photographers operate
Independently throughout tbe day,
and despite the incleuncy of tbe
weather, bis plan was carried out.
The flashlight of tbe American Asso
ciation's dinner is excellent, but tbe
master photo is tbe snap-shot of ,Mr
Taft reviewing our American Volun
teers iu a driving rain storm on the
jetty near where tbe "Villalobos
dockd. ibis picture has already cre
ated considerable comment, and will
doubtless be widely published through
out Europe and America.
We do 'em One Better.
One of the largest turnips ever ou
exhibitiou in this town is at the A.
U. Liowell store. Toe turnip was
raised by C. L. Peterson and measures
.'!() inches in circumference and weighs
12 pounds. Bidwell Uold Nuggett.
(We can "skin " tbat all to pieces,
Bro. Nuggett. We received two tur
nips from T. F. Stanleys' garden, at
Paisley, oue measured 51 inches a
rouud and weighed 32 pounds, and tbe
other measured 31 inches around aud
weigued J.i pounds. Tbe latter one
beiug tbe smoothest of the two mon
sters, although not so large, was se
looted to send to Reno, where it was
put on exhibit, iu tbe ofllce of the
Overlaud Banking Realty Co., of that
place. These turnips were not near
doue growing, but Mr. Stanley said
they were crowding all the other veg
etables out of tbe garden into the
street, so he had to pull them up, and
fill the boles to keep the children
from fulling iu. Next year he will
enlarge his gaiden, and let tbe veget
ables get their growh. )
Meat Packing at nerrill.
Tbe Examiner Is la receipt of s cir
cular letter sent out by K. E. Fitcb.
wbu Is well known in Lakview, con
taining tbe following information:
The town of Merrill Is coming to tbe
front. A long felt want in Klamath
county is to be established, in tbe
building of a packing plant for handl
ing tbe cattle, bogs and sheep raised In
tbat region. Tbe enterprise is receiv
ing active support from tbe farmers
and cattlemen In that section.
The cattle raisers have been at tbe
mercy of tbe beof trust ot tbls coast
for many yea is, reads the letter.
It is well known that tbe best beef
that goes Into tbe California markets
comes from Klamatb and Lake coun
ties. -
Many cattle raisers have tried to
market their own stock in the pat,
and have found tbat when driven to
Montague, thence shipped on tbe cars
to Sacramento o San Francisco, tbe
shrinkage is so groat and tbe condi
tion of i be catie so materially differ
ent from tbe time of starting as to
make them almost unrecognizable,
and tbe shipper is at tbe mercy of
the buyer, being compelled to take
wbat is offered, ratber than what
Chey are worth.
Tbe shrlnkago on tbe drive to tbe
nearest railroad point la, as every
cattleman knows, quite bad enough;
as often four or five days intervenes
before tbe stock reach tbeir destina
tion, aud in tbe case of cattle, they
must be kept on tbeir feet the entire
distance, otherwise tbe death rate
from being trampled cn adds immense
ly to the loss. Besides, even under
tbe most favorable condditions, the
stock is bruised, sore and fevered, for
in keeping the cattle on their feet
they an goaded and prodded until
their flush is full ot sores and bruises
that takes weeks to heal, and renders
tbe flesh anything but first-class.
Ibese are facts familiar to every cat
tle iaiser, and the same rule applies to
sheep and bogs.
Tbe corporation being organizd is un
der tbe name of tbe Klamath Packing
Company, ad will bo capitalized at
$500,000; sjl stock paid, up' and am
assessable, us It is sold. Tbe pronat
ors of the enterprise have already se
cured a valuable tract of land situated
on Lost river, just at tbe edge of tbe
town, besides other valuable property
in the town.
Tbe company intends to devote tbe
principal part of the coming wiuter to
the handling hogs, turning them into
bacon and bams, for which it has a
ready market right at borne.
It will also give atteutiou to the
muttou industry as well and next
season it will go more largely into cat
tle. Tbe par value of tbe stock of tbe
company is $1 per share. The enter
prise is fostered by such men as E. E.
Fitch, Frank (Jraybael, N. S. Merrill
and C. A. Bunting, of Mori ill, and
Capt J. A. Thompson, and Gen. R.
G. O'Brien, of California.
School Report.
Report of Lakciew School for the
month ending Nov. 15th HIT.
Primary Department: Whole num
ber enrolled 64, whole uu ruber of days
attendance 1210, whole number of days
absence 10, number of times tardy 1,
number perfect lu attendance 4j, per
cent of attendance 1)8. G.
Miss Pearl Hall teachei.
First Intermediate Department:
Whole number enrolled 41, whole num
ber of days attendance 700, whole
number of days absence 10, number
of tardies 2, number perfect in
attendance 20, percent of attendance
97.8. Mrs. Lura Cloud teacher.
Second Intermediate : Whol num
ber enio led 46, whole number of days
atteudance 820, whole number of days
absence 38, number perfect iu attend
ance 30, percent of atteudance
Miss Laura bnelling, teacher.
Sixth and Seventh Grades: Whole
number enrolled 52. whole numbei of
days attendance 97.3, whole number of
days absence 21, number of tardies 4,
number perfect iu attendauco 30, per-
ceut of attendance U7.o.
Miss Robin Coun, teacher.
Eighth Ninth aud Tenth Grades:
Whole number enrolled 57, 'whole
number of days atteudauce 113;), wbelo
number of days absence 24, Number
perfect iu atteudauce 971..
s Jonn Blougb, teacher.
Summary: Whole number eurollud
2ii0, whole number of days attedauce
4t08, whole number of days absence
12. J, number perfect lu atteudauce ltl.
percent of attendance 97.4.
John tlluugb , Principal.
August Zattliu, who has beeu em
ployed at tbe Rbinehart sawmill the
past summer, had the misfortune Mon
day to get his leg broke. It seems
tbat he jumped off a wagou aud slip
ped uuder the hind whoel, which pass
ed over the right leg below the knee.
Earnest .Nowlin brought him to town
aud Dr. Smith set tbe leg.
Thirty thousand Will be
Expended Next Year.
Dwelling Houses for the Roofer
Will be Built. Read Work
Now Under Way.
O. M. Ingram returned first of tbe
week from inspecting tbe road work,
on the new road being built over tbe
Currier trail, between tbe Carrier
ranch and Sican. J. S. Elder la In
charge of tbe work, and Mr. 10 gram
says it is tbe best piece of road be baa
ever seen Next year tbe forest ser
vice will expend ? JO, COO on roads,
telephone lines and houses on tbe
reserve. Eight 4 -room dwellings are
to be built, 2C miles of fence and sev
eral miles of road and telephone line.
Supervisor Ingram expects to pat 80
men to work as early as la possible
to get la tbe mountains, and hopee
to have tbe work completed by July
or August. Tbe Klamath Indian
reservation will be fenced off from tbe
Goose Lake and Fremont forest, and
wherever it is possible to fence up
gaps where sloe travel from one re
serve to another , or from tbe pubhe
ranges onto tbe reserves, fencea will
be put up to prevent tbe passage at
will of all stock. This is in order to
protect those wbo have permits within
tbe reserve and to facilitate tbe guard
ing tbe range not ailoted. '
Forest Service, Washington, D. C.
November 7, 1907.
Tbe govern mwt will srfAn bet In tbe
eonatructie? of i tytil and to wagon
roads in tbe Fremciit National Forest,
Oregon. Tbe trail will lead from
Timothy Meadow lianser Station to
the top of Bald Mountain, a distance
of 3 miles. Tbe two roads are to
be known as tbe Timothy Meadow
and Forest Wagon Roads. The former
will be extended from tbe termlnua
of the sawmill road leading from Sil
ver Lake and will connect with the
Bald Mountain Trail at Timothy Mea
dow Ranger Station, a distance of ap
proximately four miles. This is a
very important road in that it will
give access to the Timothy Meadow
Ranger Station, which is one of the
most important headquarters in the
Fremont National Forest owing to
the fact that it is situated on top of a
mountain with an altitude of 80.0CO
feet from which the entiie Forest can
be seen.
.The proposed Fremont Forest Road
will run from the sawmill road near
Silver Lake and run in a generally
southerly direction to its in tei section
rfith tbe proposed Forest Koad across
Goose Lake National Forest.
This road will be 37 miles in length
and will tap a heavily timbered and
grazing country and will connect five
Ranger Stations. It will be of great
assistance to stockmen io gettign sup
plies to their camps and will shorten
tbe distance between Silver Lake andr
Lakeview by ten miles.
Lake County Exhibit.
There -is on display iu the window
of the Overland Banking Realty Com
pany, some fine sample of fruits from
Lakeview and the country tributary
to Reno, on the north, which Mr.
Ilibbard brought in from a recent
vist iu that section.
From the orchard of II. C. Fleming
at New Pine Creek, Oregon, are spec
imens of apples that would take a
prize anywhere, of tbe following var
ieties: American Beauty, Reed Red,
i'ellow Bell Flower, Roman Beauty,
Northern Spy, King of Tomkins Coun
ty, White Boll Flower, Spitzenberg,
i Yellow Newtown Pippiu, aud Delaware
lived Winter. A specimen of Paisley
turnip, weighiug 23 pounds; a buucb
of wool from McCulley Bros'. ?1000
Ramboulett rain, "Youtg Wilson, No.
81D. " Specimeus of ore from the
Kafadar, North Star, Comstock, and
mines near Fort Bidwell, Cal., from
the Huckelberry, Mountain View,
Sunshine, Windy Hollow, Fern, and
other claims m ar Piue Creek, Oregon.
There are live different railroad sur
veying parties of the Oregou Short
Line now working around Goose Lake,
aud some of these men have already
invested iu land there, showing their
confidence in the country's future.
At present, owing to the cost of
trtpsportation, tine apples aud other
fruit are rotting ou the ground there.
Reno Gazette.