Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, November 07, 1907, Image 6

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! E. Tavlor. I'r
Office Rt B. Reynold.' '
Stage les v Lakeviet M- Ved
nerd)!'1 Tiilajj i i rive
at Flush ' . in. L.'Vi u
day. Thii"-1 v and . at t
a. m , rtv- u Lskevi-w h
Passenger :,re $3 one wa "i fo
round trip. Freight rut Way
let to Nov Ui t.75 per hundr-n , 'ron
Nov, lit m V xv 1st fl.(K) pe- ire
t nil.
mill, Inns! Im ,
mesh Ire m i
junction wilt
M renin Ali
lulls nil Hill'
Ided w i i h H I
IMOIIIIf if pn
(III- (if I II' ll II
V ll. -trH
i if yenr, ;i p
work I' il
ir to in' oiiiti;
tly ordr if
siM-uii r
Inke Ctm.
;l i'n . n . nit Iri-luH-'
iliti lii- mi nil Muni
a l.iiki (' iiiii. On
OlU'd nllli H MIIHll
nt il" Ir li'-ml it ,
, !i- iiuihi channel nf .
il i)niii oliiintrt-j
iviitiiH must Ik ri- j
-bidder, nmthi rcns.t :
., nt nr if ir th' mid-
rllilllt'l'l. so n ll i-
. i.'t tn tit in nil lln
vliinl li.v 1hw. Said
nt low water time,
to.1 by Feb. 7, li7.
.1 A. Hnrlmm.
n tv rlsh Warden for
v, i irenon.
Compound interest
The trouble with most adver
cm la that tliey expect Imme
diate returna of large propor
tions. One prominent adTertlaer
Jpustrates the principle of adver
tising la tola way:
3Tke r xpmM
f 4rtlalmar Is the
i If sUutc mt UlttMt Tka
it frte fraaa Ike aarrrtialaa;
are Tlrtaa.Hr tha Ultrnt
S tke taTcataaeBt. -
MTbe aume spent for ad vertlalnf
axe properly chargeable to cap
ital account because the result
Is food will la something that
baa value, which. If the adver
tlalnx ha j been v properly done,
.can usually be aold for the face
jralue of the Investment.
(Y.The rate of Interest la deter
mined by the ekOl with which
)&e Investment la made, . ,
"Jnst ha the quickest way to
lacreaM Invested wealth' la by
compounding the Interest, Just ao
)pm quickest way to realise re
jeults from advertlainx la to com
fcieond the returna," Advertising
Advertisers jt good raturaa
a tha aateont invested la
eur coluaaaa, We roach tha
9 P.
The Hint mm.iI.i.v In nch month,
ptvAohiiitr at uinii nohool hotint at
11 A. M. AM!f f'-nin thin pnvichlnn
every Snn-iny .it 11 A. M. ami 7:.'t0
r. M. at Luke view.
Sunday School at 10 A. M.
I'auuc at
l'rayernieetlmt Thursday 7:30 P. M
LadU'8 Aid WmluoKday 1:W.
Choir practice riday 7::W.
A cordial Invitation I extended t
A. J. Armstrong I'antor.
r. i
'i ua Ravivad as a Traek Fabria
Mustard Straw Hat.
i hue U nunlii a smart summer fab
Iff (It ,v t:,",T,l Kwns. A imrtloular
v -noti moili'l Iiuk a Iki I'liiltivl nklr
. ! n box lnlteil blotine cut low In tin
and sleereless. This waist ll
i vith n lingerie Moun.
by side with burnt straw ef
:v-: . which are so nonulnr this sea
one sees a list or two hi actus
nr:-t:trd colored straw. It Is not f
pretty color, for the slcklnh, Kreenlsl
tlnre Is most unattractive; but. on tin
M 0.
t ltbK v
ilon.i l .
i.Hrvlew. Or-sri'i
l ill. linn.
vii rr
a i tT'-i - j w
Uina WtatteraHprUlt
M K Dalf Hmldlna.
ale of Timber Land..
Parties who have tlmlier land f t
sale will do well to Inventlnatf mir
teruiHand met hods of handling 1 1 i
Wehavean onicela Lakevlew, w'i i
contracts can W made and option
taken on land. We guarautee ihe
highest market price, and are In a
position to demand and obtain It.
having been in thebuslnesa for many
years and la clone touch with all i In
land dealers of the country. Satis
factory results guaranteed by the I -a
Grande Investment Co. Write C. O.
Metiker, Lakevlew, Orejgou.
f '-m OF THE WORLD .
ramp So.
. ih il and 4th Wednesday ol
n-nth tn Mnte Hall, at S p. m.
n i.T, I'omul Commander.
tvirtsH, t'lerk.
i. o. r. meeti the lit and Jd Thnr.
:nv venlntot each mootbin Odd Fel-..-.
Hall. Ukcticw. J. O. Venator,
. C O. MeUker, Scribe.
H. X. Babxes, Prop'r.
Office in Bieber's Store
8uge leaves Lake view daily, ex
cept Sanday at 6 a. m. Arrive
at Alturaa at 6 p. m.
Leaves Alturaa (or Lakeview 'at
6 o'clock a. m.. or on the arrival
of the stage from Madeline. Ar
rives in Lakeview in 12 boars af
ter leaving Alturaa.'
Freight - Matter Given
Strict - Attention ...
first - Class - Accmodations.
I- n -,-o Brnrti with Swallow Fork ta
JdlllC OdllT riihl ear for ewei; rever.
for wethera. ob awei Hquara Crop and 811
In rieht ear. Tar Brand 111. Rama. Cram
Lake PaatnaUeaddreai. Lakevlew. Oreaoi
7 UtUHk Brand! with Crop o let
LdU IlllllnUllll car. Half Ondererop o'
rlailoreweairatralorwithera TarBran
w Kanae. FUk Crek. rotoe adre
LkteTlew. Oracnei
We bare a full set of Mysell-Rollins
& Co's., samples of Stock Certificated
and bonds, with price list. If you
are organizing a stock company gvt
our prices on stock certificates, tf
Family liquors at Host & KlngsJ
I .- '-IIS
$l,2s0 Reward.
rbe Harney county
uu stock Mocia
(lull. Ill Will. .
a member, pny.l?
reward for eiden
I. adlng to On
vlrtlon of pitt
rallna iiiri
Innrlnv to
ben. In addition 1
oSer 1500 reward
Mora bran" hor.
hoe bar on either
r both lawi. Ra-
oorded lnteountlea
ansa. Harnev ' and Croot -
Hones vented when sold. Hone aold to paa
tnrooin tnta aecuon win oe reporiea in inn
paper. If not ao reported, please write or tele
phone Tha Times Herald, Main KM, Huron, Ore
fon. W. v .Brown, Burns, Ore-
Reward for Horses
1 will give t5.00Treward for Inform
atlou tbat will lead to the discovery
of any horse branded with an old
horseshoe brand on both Jaws, placed
as Intbecut In this advertisement,
with fresh triangle brand underneath
the horseshoe. The triangle placed
In stJcb a manner t would cover up
a bar on both laws. Animals must
be found In the possession of some
person or persons.
To All Our.
Indianapolis, Indiana.
The Leading Agricultural Journal of the Nation.
Edited by an Able Corps of Writers.
The American Farmer is the only Literary Farm Journaljpub
lished. It fills a position of its own and has taken the lead
ing place in the homes of rural people in every section of
the United States. It gives the farmer and his family
something to think about aside from the hum-
drum of routine duties.
Every Issue Contains an Original Poem by SOLONJL. GOODE.
other hand, one cannot den.r that the
mustard bat Is extremely rhlc when
trimmed with a blir bow of bliu-k glace
rtfcoon. A very dark brown trimming
might t 4ntured upon, but black Is
the safest.
Teraian belu to match the beaded
pockets are among the most leautlful
novelties deslgni-l to be worn with
dressy frocks. These belts also reflect
the porcelain effecu of the Immense
hatpins. One la allowed the widest
latitude In the width of the girdle, very
narrow aa well as very wide effects
being worn. The first essential la tbat
It must fit the figure perfectly, and
then fancy can run all kinds of riot In
the matter of materials and decora
tion a.
The newest monogram for statlouory
la an loch and a half long, but very
narrow. It Is often stampml tn three
colors, of which green, gold and a
rose color make a pretty combination.
Here are a really fascinating little
apron and cap that caa be slipped on
ever the frock when my little lady de
scenda to the kitchen to make her fa
vorite cake or confection. In the Ulua
tratlon they are made of white butrh
er'a linen, but plain and checked ging
hama are both good materials to use.
Tha Best Way to Oat Good Cows Al
falfa and Soy Bssna.
At a fiiiiiiers' institute which I at
tended some one nsked, "Which Is tha
belter wny to jrvt ifisid cows, buy them
or raise them" sn.v s writer In Na
tions! MiM'kwnn and Parmer. The an
swer whs: "liaise tlieni. Buying cows
Is a l.itlrry. No one witnls to sell his
best rows oxrci nt n fitlicy price, and
myhi'- fiiucy u-vh for common cow
It u it i the line of IiuiIuch liilrylng."
'' .nor nuked the dairy exjir.t !nv
' ,it Ills herd of Krntlo llolstelns
s I'mt tin milk would tent as hlk'lt
i n.iilfi'd by law. U answered by
';;iii,' mill culling out the poor ones,
;.'ln Unit the butcher wns a great
Ih'Im In prolltiilile dairying.
Soiiie one iiHked If a mllklug machine
Is pract leu lile for a dairy of llftecn
to twenty cows. The expert said ho
could not recommend them, and the
cost was ton great for a small dairy.
Another farmer nuked nlmut the
cheapest form of protein on the market.
The answer wns t tin t If a man has tho
other elements noisled for a complcto
ration nud lacks protein only the cheap
est way to set It Is to buy cnttonHoiil
meal. It has four times us much pro
tein as conimeal.
One farmer had been growing alfalfa
and soy beans. He told of his methods
and the rcHiilH, saying In substance
that the soli for alfalfa must be well
drained a ml care should be taken to
procure pure seed. Ho had made three
cuttliiKM lu a season, this within ten
miles of the 8t. Ijiwrence river. He
said that where n farmer's IhikI wus
not adapted to alfalfa he could plant
soy beans with his corn nnd put them
Ixitli Into the silo.
Ily raising either alfalfa or soy beans
the farmer would secure a supply of
protein at less cost and more of It
from the same land than by growing
any other crop. Cows give more milk
when fed alfalfa than when fed red
clover hay.
The expert added thut a farmer
would get more fats or carbohydrates
from the same land with alfalfa than ,
oUier hay.
Tho Flavor In Butter.
Pure butter -that Is, pure huttcr fat j
has no "high flavor." It has a very
faint flavor. If any at all. Ilutter con
tains some casein and whey, and they j
Impart to It some of their distinctive '
flavor, but even these substances If t ELLK1 postkh
clean have no "high flavor." It Is ,
morsllr certain that any very pro- , n" Improbable that Mr. Roosevelt
noun. e.1 flavor In butter Indicates the j w suggest to congTeaa more strtogeot
presence of some nonhutter matter, j ' for protection of women and
The real flavor of milk, cream and , children who are compelled to become
Is Trying to Aid Woman
Children Wago Earnars.
Though times have boon good for
years, the number of women au-d ilill
dren who hate been compelled to work
for waire has stendlly Increased, lit
thousands nf homes the head of the
family does not appear to be ahlo to
obtain eunutrh for his lalsir to supMrt
those who are dependent iikiii him
Tho wives nud children of many sticb
men gn to work In stores and fac
I It Is because the question of woman
and child Islsir has assumed dlsiptlot
Ing proHirtluiis In this, country that
President Itismevelt commissioned Mrs
J. Kllen Poster or Iowa to Investigate
the subject. Mrs. pouter has alrcadj
taken a trip ihnniKh the snitli, In
which she saw thousands of children
working In the cotton mills under coo
dltloiis thut have often been declared
to I mi a menace to their health.
Mrs. Poster will, of course, report to
tl president the result of her Impilrlea
Itod olmervntiiiiiM, as the result of which
pure, fresh butter Is very faint, says
the Partners Advocate, so faint that
the maturity of persons are not able to
pereele It.
Causa of Choosy Buttor.
Chees.- butter Is said by tho Kansas
experiment station to tic due, first, to
the curdling of cream, either sweet or
sour, nud. second, to a milky body. A
mlikf body Is due. first, to buttermilk
I not separated from butter or buttef
I not thoroughly washed, and, second.
to butter made from ropy cream.
Mrs. PosT was born In Massachu
setts, but early removed to Iowa
Homo years ago she was prominent la
tho political world sod wou a reputa
tion as a "spellbinder" on the stump.
Tourist Nock Ruchlng Cingorio Wsist
In Attractive Materials.
One of the most convenient things for
the woman who travels extensively Is
the tourist neck niching. It Is white,
crisp muslin ruching, which comes with
or without s lace edging. It is done up
In boxes containing six yards, which
makes eighteen fresh ruchlnirs, averag
Ing about a cent apiece. These ruch
Within the Next Ninety Days We Offer
TWO For the PaiCe Of One TIlC County Examiner
The Leading County Paper and The American Farmer
This unparalleled offer is made to all new subscribers, and all old
ones who pay up all arrears and renew within ninety days.
Sample copies free. Address:
C. O. Hetzker, Lakeview, Oregon.
Ins are particularly useful for the
traveler who does not stop lontf enough
at any one place to have collars and
turnovers laundered.
Lingerie waists In unusually attrac
tive styles are made of dotted xwIsh.
rrossburred dimity and batiste. The
sollurs and cuffs lire trimmed with val
lace. Klaborate wulsts are trimmed
with val or cluny luce and insertion
ind band embroidery.
Little loose Kton Jackets in black
peau de sole are seen u good deal and
ure simply trimmed with black braid,
tho sleeves full and three-itiurter
length. They are not elaborate.
The new tulle bows are tho Unfllest.
daintiest things Imu'lnable. They are
tvhlte at the center, but shade into u
3nrk blue, brown, red or green nt the
Rdges. All while ones ure nb-e for
ivenlng wear.
The pnnamn lint has taken h new
'ease of life since It has been convert
sd Into a picture affair.
Here 1h a bathing stilt for the youm;
flrl to use at her luoi-nfntr dip. It l
made of dark blue nt'ilnlr. with trl ::i
Dings of dotted potv ? the natura!
solor, dotted with 1,'
Jl.! i'UO.LKT
Cheesaeloth Comfort.
Cheesecloth should be used more
commonly for household purposes tha
j It Is. The material baa the special
merit of tielng firm, yet so loosely wov
en that grease comes out readily In
washing. Thus It Is more easily kept
1 clean than llneu or crash, for which It
' may many times te substituted. Aa
unbleached quality tbst costs not more
than 5 cents a yard la quite as good
for geueral use as more expensive fab-
i rtcs.
I The best kind of dishcloths are made
j of It. The material aboold be doubled.
raw edge turned In and stitched ou
the mnchlne. This will wear and be
cause It cleans so easily Is most sani
tary for warm weather In that It will
The care of the teats should alwaya
be observed by the milker, and when :
they get hard and rough they should 1
be anointed with vaseline, as cracked 1
tents are an annoyance to the milker, I
hurtful to the cow and have a tenden- '
cy to lessen the flow of milk lxng I ot Mtuted ,n1 .,,, of
finger nails are also a discomfiture to e ,Unj1 , anJ watrr
the cow and the milker should keep . wl a , BM.Mry for cU,.
lucm wl-ii iuit-u io ivum irouuic.
Derangod Uddar.
A cow will sometimes give thick
milk from one quarter of her udder. . makers kn thrive sets for work. Tha
This trouble Is caused by a deranged first Is used for applying the oil, the
condition of the glands. Hub the quar- a-ond to rub it off. and the third Is
ter well after each milking with a lit- : tne pother. Hlmllar treatment for
tie soap liniment. I dining room tables will keen them In
Por nice furniture It is the best kind
nntt. A- mwA a 1 1 1.1
Troatmant For Indigattion.
A. D. C.'s sow died, and on being
opened a quantity of undigested bay
was found Impacted in the narrow
part of the fourth stomach, so tbat
nothing could puss into the Intestines.
The treatment, na)s Ir.. Mlcbener in
Farm Journul, should have been one
and one-half iiunds of epsom salts,
two drams of fluid extract of belladou
na and one dram of fluid extract of
nux vomica at one dose.
Remedy, For Cskad Udder.
Oive the cow ono and one-half
pounds of epsom salts and ouo ounce of
finger dissolved In water at one dose;
also mix two drums of iodine with
two ounces of vaseline and rub a lit
tle of this on the affected part once
a day until tho skin becomes tender.
If the hardening should agulu appear,
apply more of the ointment, and so on
until the udder becomes healthy.
Cure For Leaky Teat.
For a cow with a leaky teut get C
cents' worth of collodion uud, after
each milking, dry tho teut and touch a
drop of the collodion to tho orifice
where the milk will presently be leak
ing out. It dries, almost Instantly
and draws the opening together so
that no milk can escape. Homo put
a rubber band about tho teut und
claim that In time tlie weakness la
Warts on Cows' Tosta.
Hmoar the fingers with custor oil und
draw tho teats through tho fingers
for u few weeks. Hub (he udder with
a little of the oil so (hat It will run
down the tealH. It Is suid the warts
win uiuupiH'ur wiiuiiui uny pain or
sore such (is is emitted by burning of
the teats by uny of the hu ruber meth
ods. bus Is en tried by muny per
sons, and they all report perfect suc
cess in remotlujr (ho wai ts If thu treat
ment is is'iKcvcrcd In long enough.
Perhaps castor oil Is no better than
any other grcuse.
the pink of condition.
Cheesecloth will save the dally use
of an egg In boiled coffee merely by
having small bags of the cotton kept
In the kitchen. Pnt the grounds Into
one and twist the top around tight
with thread, a sjiool of which should
' be handy for tho purpose. The same
bag wny tie used many times. There
j Is nothing lu the cleaning line for
which It is not good,
i Windows and mirrors will never
j have n speck of lint on their shining
surface If cheesecloth is used, and for
! all kinds of work It will Xm found In
I valuable, a bag made of It should al
I ways be kept in the kitchen for straln-
Ing soups.
j Tissue paper Is another valuable
! household asset that all housekeejiers
; do not appredute. All of It that
I comes Into the bouse should be saved,
j Moistened with sleohol It polishes mir
I rors to nrfectlon, and even dry will
I make them shine. Hllver, all hard
woods used for furniture and steel,
also brass, If not badly tarnished, will
respond Immediately to treatment
with tissue paper, and for packing of
all kinds It ta most useful. Lace, silk
nnd all ribbon should always bo Ironed
between two luyers of It, for the ma
terials will not then be shiny.
Cure For tho Bluai.
The "blues," you know, haven't any
thing to do with legitimate grief or
They are something or other that
comes to us und settles down around
ns and shuts out the sunshluo and mu
sic oi everyday ilfe, and no one can
tell where thut something conies from
when It settles down or where It
goes to vthen It lifts Its dark wings
and betakes Itself and Its following
of ghost. i ami apparitions out of our
lives for a long or short time, accord
big to our tcniici'ii incuts.
It is u common thing to hear pnopl
uny, "I don't knew what is the mutter