Help! Help! Fm Falling Thus cried the hair.' And t Mud neighbor came to the res cue with i bottle of Ayer'a !lnir Vigor. The hair was avid! This was because Aycr's Hair Vigor is regular hair medicine. Falling hair is caused by germ, and this medicine completely destroys these germs. Then the healthy scalp gives rich, healthy hair. Ths best kind et a Ustlmonlal -"old lor var slaty years" Ave II, 1 Ik J. It 9 ........! !i yers CHCIIIV PfXTOtAL. Mr. lllghy, Hie Mpwlwl agent of tho general land office, who linn leeii In Lakeview fur ttio past two weeks, left for Ma headquarters at Portland, Monday (more lug. Mr. lllghy came here mi a general tour of the land offices of the state, aud owing to the big ruHli that u coming on at this office at the openlug of the reserve, the ifeneral lnl office notified htm to reiualo here till the rush wee over. Ike Kent, who baa been tending bar at the hotel for the past several montba, loft Tuesday niorulug, In oompauy with K. B. Chandler, for Iloscburg, where Mr. Kent goes to we about perfecting a patent on a new fangled monkey wrent-h which he in vented, lie expecta to make arrange menU to have the wrench manufac tured, and put on the market At least thia Is the excuse given by Ike for the trip. Mr. Kent haa bad a constant correspondent at Itosaburg for some time, and it is believed by aome that there Is no "monkey" bus In ea about It, and that he will bring back a wife with him, when he re turns in a couple of weeks. I n order Unit no mlnunderstsnding will be hal or any one ni Ulead aa a result of the two liuid decisions, pub lished in The Examiner, one luat week and one tho neck before, aa the latter one hud no date printed, we will state Unit the decision publlHhcd In out issue of Oi't. 'H was a later dec is. ion than the ouo publinliml on Oct, 31. I I ltd we known when the first deci sion whs received at tho office we should have been very glud to have published it when it 11 rut mine, but we diil not learn of its ex ihtance until after mo huil j iil'lihlicil the later one. The dittn tint dt-finion ubllntied on Oct .'il, was rcudort'd by tho depart ment was August P, wlulo the one publish! on Oct. '21 wwt rendered in Septcni'cr. build ers, mecnanics trlituni and workers of all kinds wear Levi Strauss & Co's Copper Riveted OterJla cut hill selected denim ironf and serviceable tik your dealer JIUO Reward. The renders of this paper will bo pleased to learn that there la at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all Its stages, and that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being; a constitutional dis ease, requires a constitutional treat ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting: directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of the Bjsteiu. thereby destroying thofound atton of the disease, and giving: the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature In doing 'its work. Tho proprietors have so much faith in Its curative powers that they offer One Hundred hollars for any case that It falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. Cheney Co., Toledo, (). con Sold by nil Druggists, 7.rc. I Take Hall s Family Pills for tlpatlon Death of Jtan Tonnlngseit. Died November 1st, 1907, Miss Jeso Tonnlngaen, Aged twenty years, ten montha and fifteen days. Horn at Fort Bl.lwell, California. "Uod touched her with Ilia finger and ah slept". The sudden death of Jean Tonolng sen, was a shock to every home In lakeview. Just a short three weeks before, alio returned to her home, with happy greetings to ber many frlenda, and was the picture of bright healthy girlhood. W'hiyi she was suddenly taken III, with Inflamatory rheuma tism which at the last went to her heart, no one dreamed of the sad end ing, and even new w can scarcely re alize that the young life has gone out, from earth. Death la sad at all times, but when a young girl, juat In the bloom of youth, with a life foil of rich prom ises la taken, It la doubly so. Jean was beloved by all for ber sweet dis position, and kindly manner. Hbe whb a quiet, thoughtful girl, a true friend, and her devotion to those she loved would make a bright chapter i n any life. Nothing but the thought of the loving Hand that has removed bur can reconcile us to her absence While she hits gone from the scenes, tho conflicts, the soirows and pleas ures of life, she will still live in the hearts of those who knew her best. Hhe was a kind und loving daughter, and her devotion to the family circle had no limit. Her future was full of promise, and we dare not ask why she was taken from us In her bloom, un less, as flowers are picked before the frost finds them that we may not wit ness their decsy. It is sad, td see one so well equipped for life taken so un expectedly. Many aching hearts tell of ber popularity. On passing along the streets, the dsy of ber death, men women and children were met, with weeping eyes. This was ber home; here she played as a child, developed into beautiful girlhood. In this, dearest of all places to ber, it seems she returned to die. The fuueral services took place at the Methodist Episcopal Church, Kev. A. J. Armstrong officiated and paid a lov ing tribute to ber memory. The chinch was crowded to the doors with Borrowing frienda, and not an eye was dry. Strong men, when passing the casket for a last look at the sweet young face, broke down and wept bit terly. Tho Alter was a mass of !cautiful flowers, and the casket was complete ly covered with floral offerings. The services ut the grave were under the auspices of the Itebeknhs, the deceased being one of them. The pull bearers were:. iJeorge Ilonne, A. Htorkman, Kph. Miller, Frank Morlno, Harry Ileryford, and Bert Snyder, all dear young frltudn, and carrying her ten derly, und with weeping eyes. The houoiuiy pall bearers were schoolmutes of Juan, und their hearts neenied ul iniiht brenkiiig hk they followed their dear friend to the grave. They were all in pure white. These-chimin and ttclioolmutcH, wlio welcomed her so eagerly, and now followed her to her hint renting place were: Marie Pnxton, May Snider, Lulu McKendree, Josie Ktorkniitn, Nell SimpHon, (lenlo Suell ing. To tbo sorrowing fumily wo extend our heartfelt symputhy. To the futher, whoso 1 if o tin been bound up in his little motherless children, this break ing of the circle seems a cruel thing, but (iod knows best. He who "has borne our griefs and carried our sor rows" will comfort and sustain. The four staters, Currio, (who is now Mrs. Mauriug of Spokane Wash,) Fannie, Annie and Islu, and one brother Carl, will miss ber sorely, and our hearts go out to them in their bitter grief, Their mother died about six years ago. It can well be said of dearJean "None knew ber but to love her". "Then fell upon the home a sudden gloom, A shadow on those features fair and thin. And softly, from that bushed and darkened room, Two angels issued, whore but one went In. Make It Yourself. .. There Is so much itbeumallatn here In our neighborhood now that the fol lowing advice by an eminent author ity, who writes for readers of a Isrge Ksstern dally paper, will lie highly appreciated by IhoVe who suffer: (let from any pharmacy one-half ounce Fluid F.x tract Dandelion, one ounce Compound Kargon, three oucnes of Compound Hyrnp Harsapa rllla. Shake these well In a bottle and take la teaspoonful doses after each meal and at liedtime; also drink plenty of water. It Is claimed that there are few victims of this dread and torturotia dlsesse who will fsil to find ready re lief In this simple home-made mixture, and In most cases a permanent care Is the result. This simple recipe If said to strength en and dense the elimlnstlvs tissues "f the Kidneys so tbst they can Miter and strain from tbe blood and system the poisons, acids and waste matter, which causes not only Itheumatlsm, but numerous other disease. Every man or woman here who feels that their kidneys are not bcaltby and ac tive, or who suffers from any urinary trouble whatever, should not hesitate to make up this mixture, as it is cer tain to do much good, and may save you from much miery and suffering after while. Our home druggists say they will either supply the Ingredients or mix tbe prescription ready to take if our readers ask tbem. 1 William II . Johnson, for many years a resident of Lake county, passed through Lakevlew Tuesday on bis way to Alturas, where be has located. Mr. Johnson has purchased tbe black smith shop in Alturas, and says be now owns tbe only shop in that town, aud while be bas a monopoly, be baa put tbe price of blacksmith -work down to tbe very lowest possible fig urn He bss conducted shops at Paisley and at Silver Lake and la said to be a good workman. We wish Mr. Johnson success in bis new borne. There was quite an epidemia of grip la town last week, as a result of the continued inclement weather, but no serious cases were reported that we have beard of, and alljare on tbe mend oi bave entirely recovered with tbe coming of tine weather again. List your lands or town property for sale or rent with Dienkel & Paine. 1 LAKEVIEW MERCANTILE CO. Our Winter Stock of Men's and Boy's clothing is now here and we have the most up-to-date line of Clothing, Overcoats, Rain Coats Etc. ever shown in Lakeview. We also have complete lines of Ladies' and Children'swinter underwear Ladies' Waists, Skirts, Coats and everything needed for Winter wear. Rubbers and Overshoes of all de scriptions, come and get your winter OUTFIT WHILE LINES ARE COMPLETE. LAKEVIEW MERCANTILE CO. COFFEE Your grdcer must sell poor coffee; we can't all be comfortable; but he needn't sell it to you. Yosr fTsttr rttsrnt ror mover It rs Wt , Uk ScbUlias' B: P b1-- CHARLES E. RICE. Director Lakeview Citizens Band, will give las sons on all brass instruments cornet and slide trombone a specllaty also mandolin. Lessons gvien amateurs on vloHn. 23-tf. He Fought at Gettysburg. David Parker, of Fayette, N. V. : who lost a foot at Gettysburg, writes, "Electric Bitters have done me more good than any medicine I ever took. For several years I bad stomache ' trouble, aud paid out much money : for medicine to little purpose, until I ! begun taking Electric Bitters. I j would not take f.'00 for what they have ' done for me." Grand tonic for the' nged and for female weaknesses. J Great alternative aud body builder; pure cure for lame back and weak kid- neys. Guaranteed by Lee Bcall j druKtdht. .Vic. i I A Hard Debt to Pay. "I owe a debt of gratitude that can never be paid off," writes O. S. Clark, of WestUeld Iowa, "for my res cue from death, by Dr. King's New Discovery Both lungs were so serious ly affected that death seemed immi nent, when I commenced taking New Discovery. Tbe ominous, dry, back ing cough quit before tbe first bottle was used, and two more bottles made a complete cure." Nothing bas ever equaled New Discovery for coughs, eolde and all throat and lung com plaints. Guaranteed by Lee Beall druggift. 50o and Sl.OO. Trial bottle free. m r t OUR NEW QUARTERS The Lakeview Furniture .Com pany has moved into the large Brick Building on Water street where a Large Stock of every thing usually found in a Furn iture Store will be kept Undertak Repair Shop & LAKEVIEW FURNITURE STORE. Wm. WALLACE, Prop'r THE OVERLAND BANKING REALTY COMPANY of Jonas King says that bis ru naway enisode in Camas prairie two weeks airo Just co&t him t'25. lie thinks be got otf very lucky. A Significant Prayer. "May the Lord help you make Buck in's Arinca Salve known to all,' writes J. G. Jenkins, of Chapel Hill, N. O. It quickly took tbe pain out of a felon for me and cured It in a won derfully short time." Best on earth for sores, burns and wounds. 25o. at Lee Beall's drug store. A i.i. k.n Sloan, Secretary bkht k. withhow, Abstracting Vice Prcnldent Maps, Plnim. Blue- 1'iints, Etc. Klamath Count' Abstract Co. Surveyors and Irrigation Engineers Don J. Zijmwai.t, E. President M. D. Wili.iamh, C. E. Treasurer Klamath Falls, Oregon. 4 4 Reno The Hub Of The Slope" Invites Land or Lot Buyers to Call and See or WRITE THEM FOR A LIST OF GOOD INVESTMENTS of Houses and Lots in Reno and Sparks Acreage Near Reno Acreage North to Lakeview, Oregon In FRUIT LAND-GARDEN LAND RANGE-LAND cftc. Real Estate is The Best Investment Address OVERLAND BANKING REALTY CO. RENO, NEVADA, Formerly Hibbard & Turner.