Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, November 07, 1907, Image 4

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    kllk4 Bvcry Tfc.rttlajr.
Cditor and Publisher
Kntrrol at th Vot Ofllc t IakfitIc, Or.
8eoond-'lku M alter.
i On Year, $3.00
TERMS: J Six Months 1.00
(Threo Months, 50
Looks Like Better Prices.
Though the timber buyers are lay
ing back on tbeir oars, and few sales
are reported at the prices prevailing
few months ago, the outlook tor this
commodity Is not at all discouraging.
Btumpage at present is slw sale at f 1
per 1000 feet, board measure, but every
indication points to better prices.
Forest Supervisors In the interior have
been forbidden by the Forest service
to sel. any more green timber at i?3
cents per 1000, as Lbs been their cus
tom to do io the past This matter
came op for discussion at the recent
meeting held at Rosebug by the Super
visors and rangers, and the man at
the bead of the timber department
cored the action of the Supervisors
in selling timber at such a low rate.
All arguments by the Supervisors was
fruitless and from this time ou the
charge will be 12.60 per thousand feet,
board measure In some localities
the price is W per 1000. Supervisor
Ingram, who atteuded the meeting
from here, held oat strenoasly for a
lower rate, holding that the sudden
raise from 75 cents to 12.50 would re
vive the anti-forest spirit which was
o strong at the beginning in his dis
trict, and which be has kept down by
bia liberal methods in dealing with
patrons of thej forests under his charge.
Nevertheless he was given strict or
ders to sell nf green timber for less
,'than 12.50 per thousand. The result
'of this raie will be thai so long as
timber can bei had from private own
ers at f 1 per '1000 the Forest service
will keep its timber.
It p v s to Advertise.
It pays to advertise In The Lake
County Examiner. No better proof
need be offered of this fact than to re
late the lesult of a little ad. placed in
these columns last week by L. Vaoder
pool. About two weeks ago his wife
lost a very valuable gold watch. There
was such a crowd of strangers In Lake
view that it was thought hopeless to ad
vertlse tor the lost watch, but so high
ly was It prized that they decided to
try an advertisement, A six line
local was inserted on Thursday, and
on Fridays young lady. Miss" Kline
McCulley brought .he watch to this
office to be delivered to its owner.
Of course a great deal depends upon
the houesty of the finder. In the sue
cess of advertising for lost articles.
Not only is Mrs Vanderpool to be
congratulated, but Miss McCulley, as
well, is deserving of much praise.
She received a handsome reward, as
ten dollars was paid her for fluding
the watch, and she has the everlasting
respect of all who have heard of her
The Northern J-alforina counties are
experiencing great hardship because
of an Oregmi law, enacted at the last
Oregon legislature, which compels the
Southern Pacific Co., to furnish cars
for shipper iu this state upon de
mand. The stock and lumber interests
of the California couuties bordering
oa Oregon are suffering loss as a
consequeuoe. They caunot get cars to
ship their stock and lumber to
market, and many of the big sawmills
in the Siskiyou mountains have shut
Had, Says Plalndealcr.
Our mall service between Ueno aud
Alturas comes mighty near being i o
service. The mail reaches Madeline,
lays over night there, then comes to
Likely and once in a while reaches
Alturas. As now arranged our mail Is
from ten to fifteen hours later than
when it came by stage to Madeline.
The present buuglesome arrangement
is a nuisance, an aggravation and Is
an imposition. 1 letter send by way of
Redding, as we could then depend on
getting it once in a while. Tost
master Negley is doing all he can to
remedy the'fault, but there appears to
be an influence stronger than his, and
one that don't care a continental a
bout the rights and interest of citizens
of Modoo aud Lake county. Alturas
Is due in a large measure to abuse of
the bowels, by employing drastic pur
gatives. To avoid all danger, life only
Dr. Kings' New Lire Pills, the safe,
gentle cleanser and invigorator.
Guaranteed to cure headache, bilious
ness, malaria aud jauudice, at Lee
Deall's drug store. 25c
Notice of Final Settlement.
In the County Court of the State of
Oiegou for the Countv of Lake.
that the undersigned administratrix
and administrator of the Estate of
haul them.
William Harvey, deceased, have filed
down, aud the fat beef cattle that Jam I their Final Account as such with the
ready tor maket cannot Una cars to I " X..Z " u"u,
KUU tuia .itu uny ui vrciuuer, iwjt
and tbet the 30th day of November,
1907, at the hour of ten o'clock, in the
forenoon of said day, at the County
Judge's office, in the Court House of
said County, in Lakeview, Lake
County, Oregon, has been appointed
and fixed by the County Judge of
said Lake County, Oregon, as the
time and place for the hearing of
objections, if any there be, to said
Final Account, and for the settlement
Dated this 24th day of October, 1907.
Ruby Harvey, Administratrix,
and Dick J. Wilcox, Administrator
of the last will and testament of
William Harvey, Deceased. 445.
The surplus crowd has left for tbeir
homes, and our city has resumed its
normal conditions again. While Lake
view is yet very lively, hotels and
rooming houses all Jfull, things look
quiet to what it was a week ego.
There is not a vacant residence in the
town, and not a room, hardly that
is for rent, that is not occcopied.
: The lumbermen of the Northwest and
the railroads are hot at it, with the
former slightly in the lead. Although
the railroads have refused to accept
'any more lumjber shipments at the old
.rate. The big mills will have to shut
down, bnt tbh feautre will only hast
en the conclusion of the straggle now
on. It is not a matter of how long
the lumbermen can afford to lie idle,
but a matter to be decided by the
con its. It is true that many men will
be thrown out of their present employ -ment
by the closing dowp of the big
mills, but there is a great scarcity of
labor in every other branch of indus
try, even the railroads are short of
construction hands, and no long per
iod of 'idleness need be feared by those
who want to work. I
The Alturas papers say that with
good weather this month, the railroad
grade from Alturas to Likely will be
ready for the ties. When the railroad
even teaches Alturas, Lake county
farmers can put tbeir porduct ou the
California market, as ' the drive to
Alturas only requires one day.
Our Fall and Winter Stock of Dress
Goods Ladies' and Men's Furnishings
Is now complete and much larger
Pioneer Store
To Cure a Cold in One Day
S Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
1 Seven Minion boxes sold In post 1 3 months. This &IgnOttiref S''&yr
Caret Crip
la TWo Day.
on every
box. 25c
After a long spell of inclement
weather, Sunday morning bioke clear
and bright. While a little cool, the
weather is fine, and clear. The roads
art drying up and will soon be in
shape for heavy teaming. This kind
of weather is characterise of Fall
weather in Lake county.
Ashland is boasting of a shipment of
sample apples to the East which
brought the sellers 67.50 per box.
Oregon's fruit crop this year
ued at ?4.'J75.i;j5.
m x a.
..i ilava kmn BocjX
A. A. Ilibbard departed for Reno
last Friday, after spending two weeks i
in Lakeview. He was greatly lm-1
pressed with this country aud is ou a J
big deal for a large tract of laud here. ;
We are noi permitted at this time i
to disclose the defails of this deal but
it will amount to something to Lake
County if consummated.
Moncyback means that
the tea is good and well
worth the money.
Can't mean anything
Yoor grocer return! oar mcne y if you don't
like Schilling'-. Best : we piy bim.
A Fresh Complexion
is preserved and produced by
Kobertine, a rnild, delightful
preparation., delicately fragrant.
XzMy Makes-the skin exquisitely soft;
mPaf banishes crackled appearance caused
by over-dryness; reduces the size of
enlarged pores, cleanses them, re
duces inflammation and spreads an even,
radiant glow due to wholesome nourish
ment of skin glands and stimulation of
the capillaries which also feed the
skin and supply its healthful color.
Ask your Druggist firm fret lampU tf
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office, Lake
view, Oregon, Octl 7, 1907.
Notice is hereby given that the State
of Oregon has, under the provisions
of the Act of Congress of August 14,
1S4S, and the Acts supplemental and
amendatory hereof, made application
for the following unappropriated, uon
mineral, surveyed public lauds as in
demnity for the corresponding loses
to its grant for common schools, to
List No. 212, for NE4' NK'4'. Sec.
30, XW4 SV4, Sec. 33, T. .T0S., II.
19 E., and NW'4 NW4 SW'4" SY4,
Sec. 21, XV'4 NE,4' SSW'4 NE4, Sec.
3C, T. 32 S., R. K.. W. M.
List Xo. 234, for NE4 and SE4,
Sec. 27, T. 32 S., Ii. 10 E., W. .M.
Atiy and all persons claiming ad
versely the above decsribed lamia hth
(requested to iilo in thiH utllce their
sid claims on or before the Hth
day ot December, 11KJ7.
J. X. Watson, Register.
Ft. Bldwell New.
Hid well Gold Nuggett: Dr. Doug
las and wife came over from Lakeview
last Monday. Mrs. Douglas returned
borne Tuesday aud the Dr. remained
in Ilidwell. He will locate at this
P. E. Taylor came In from Waruer
Valley tbia week and purchased 20,000
pounds of grain form George Sweeney.
The gentlemen who came from San
Francisco to purchase apples iu this
valley is now boxing them at Lake
Dr. Chas. H. Drake. V. S.
Veterinary Surgeon
ffmo FmoHT, Fmmo i Ltrmmr Stablm,
West of First National Hank.
Land AQEXT m si'i-vevoic
I'rouiut ami careful attention iclvcti
to survey of Lund and Townslte.
Map work Jtc. Sett lent located. Imh
ami Town projKTty for hhIc.
Gold! Gold! Gold!
1 f3L
and guaranteed
Ewry garment guaranteed
Clean Light Durable
Sult3 Slkkcrj. ;)
trust courts tmnwnmt
run n rm town
Would you go mining in
Nevada's rich mountains at
a nominal cost?
' will put you on the ground Hour and !
limy put you on cany wtriN't.
Many have Invented a mniill j
amount In Nevada mining and arc,
l. A. TUDNU.
Civ'l, Municipal &
Irrigation Engineers.
..i.ym.7 row.xsirr: sri: i:rs.
i:sru.r:s. ma ri-isa, iu:ai t
i t; a i:sh;xi.;.
Irrijf.utiotJ A Swcinlty.
Lakeview and IJurnsOre.
If you want to catch FISH get your Tackle
If you want to sprinkle your Lawn get your
HOSE and Sprinkler of us.
If you want a BATH we can furnish the
We also have a full and
complete line of Hardware,
Stoves and Tinware, a good
Plumber and Tinner in con
nection with the business.
Come and see us our prices
are right.
Located on Water Street, near the
Meals at all Hours.
Fresh oysters kept on
hand during the oyster
Fish and game
Post office. t
in season.
Only First-class Restaurant
in Lakeview.
(! (
A trip to town, a lon Ht reel cur
ride, a i lioiip cxcurHi iii iy rail were
all luxurli'H TIII'.N; a private uuto
niolille, a tour of Kuropo, a minimcr
home down by tin wca. arc iiktc
inattrrn of cliolco, .NOW.
Stock in the Lee Comstock Mining
will do the work!
It Is Only IS Cents a Share NOW
Ruli your onlrn.
or write for trtl(.'ulr.
V. O. Ilox 2.', Kliyolltf, Nov
Department of the Interior. Lm
Ofllco at Lakeview. Oreion. Ken. 10.
Notice ia hereby alven that William
II. Uailey, of Lakeview Oreiton. bus
tiled notice of hia intention to make
final Five year proof in support of
his claim, viz: llomentead Eutrv No.
3593 made Apiil 15, 19W!, for the 8li
NZ.K ana k UKU Hectlon 18. Town
ship iW 8, IianK2l, E., W. M., and
tnat aaid proof will be made before
Register and Receiver, at Lakeview!' 1
uregon, on 0th day of November, 1907.
He names the following witnesses
to prove bis continuous residence up
on, and cultivation of, the land, viz:
Wm. Iiehart, li. Oruman. Will
JiiHuop, fi. li. Chandler, all of Luke
dew Oregon.
38 ft J. N. WatHon, RegiHter.
Iu The Circuit Court of Tho Stiiti.
.of Oivgiiit, For the ('utility of Lake,
j Harriet Wulter-t. hh Executrix )
of the Lii.-t Will mid TeMii )
I meat of Murtiu T. Wiiltem, )
j DeceiiHed, I'lHintiir, j
I "v"--
j. n. r tei.i. I'l'reinliuit. )
To .1. H. l-'li-M, the hIiovu mimed de
feadHiit : i
OUEtiO.N,: Vou are lierel.y reipiTred
to aptiear and aiiMwer the complaint
tiled herein HguiiiHt you in the ubove
entitled court and cause on or before
the 21st day of November, 1!N7 ; ati!
if you fail ho to appear and answer
hski complaint, for want thereof the.
pluintifr will tuko judgment against
you for the sum of Eour hundred forty-nine
n tit I 77-100 dollars, together
with interest thereon from June 3,
1901, until paid, at the rate of six er
cent, per annum, and for plaiutitf'a
coHts and disbursements herein.
This summons is published by an
order of the Honorable li. Daly. Judge
of tbe County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Lake, dat
ed October H 1907, directing the same
to tie published for at least ouoe a
week for six consecutive weeks prior
i-uitu uiT iju,t in the Lake
County Examiner, a newspaper of
general circulation, published weekly
"lluw. Lake County, Oregon.
The date of first publication heteof
is October 10, 1907.
Dated, October 1 10, 1907.
L. v. rnvv
Final Proof Notice.
Department of the Interior. Lund
Office at ILakeview Oregon. Novem
ber 1st, 1907.
Notice Is hereby given that James
W. Stephenson of Lakeview. Oreinn.
has filed notice of his intention to
make final Five year proof In support
of bis claim, viz: Homestead Entry
No. 2739 made Aug. 2H. lfKJii for the
SE.'i SWJ Sec. 2Ti. To. 3H 8.. li. Hi.
Lots 3 aud 4 NK'i. SV. Kecf ion
), Township 38 R.. Raut'e 17 E.. V.
M., and that said proof will be made
before Register and Receiver, at I
view Oregon on 13, duy of December.
1907. ' '
He names the following witnesHns tn
prove his continuous residence upon,
and cultivation of, the laud, viz: F
O. Hunting, (i. II. Newell. Dun Clmmi.
lor, Lnreu liailoy, all of ILakeview
United States Land Office, Lakeview
Oregon. Oct. 17, 1907.
Notice Is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act
'u KfT .'(,Tun,e 3' ,87H- etltled
i .uB4i!;.,?p tho 8Ble of timber lauds
In the States nf (! m."
Nevada, and Washington Terrlrtr '
as extended to all the Fubiio lJin1
States by act of August 4, 1892, EdgMr
.Ti-Ti i It, .. yK"" uas tins dav
1JJHII ill l.fllil rilT K i ....... .
n -iwif ' i ui u Hiaiemeut,
.No. J8(Mi for the purchase if the Lots
I-a U'VJ . nectlon No. si. in
lOWIlblJII) .No. 11 H. . If Ullifd V . . Ill I I
11 ii ...
. . ,...,,, wm oirer proof to show
lor its timber or stone than for agri
cultural purposes, and to eHii.M.. ...
cla in to said d bufo.e the KeJster
and Receiver at Lakeview Oregon, o"
'Ihursday the 2, day of January !)0h
er iwi u VU,H,?: J- Reed
er, jjert Wade, (J. C. Ilaniuierslov, U ot Rine (Ck, Or-
Ann i.n.1 ..II
j an persons vlaimiiuf url.
versely the above-descrlbe i ffl
requested to Hie their Ih1, this
o . e on or before said 2 dav of .t..
4a a J. N. Watson. HeilKli.r
4 10 N. Watson.