Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, November 07, 1907, Image 2

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I r.,. I f KnttC.
Peparliiicn; . .10 Interior, Land
CCtre at lik ie.', Oreiron., Oct. 15, ;
1907. I
Notice In hereby siren that Morris )
B, Wlbtehue, of Paialey Oreiton, j
at tiled notice if his intent ou to 1
make flnal Five year proof io support
of his claim, rb. ; llnmeatead Entry.
No. 27H. made Oct. H, UV2, for the!
SEJf NWJ4- and N'i SV4 Keetion 7,
Township :C S., Kantta l'., K., V. M.,
and that taid rroof a III he made be
fore the Hewistcr and Koeeiver. at
Lakeview Oregon, ou 30th day of Nov
amber, 190".
He names I ho following nit noses to
prove his continuous residence upon,
aud enltlvat inn of, the land, viz: 11.
N. Pbelpa. Paisley Oregon, D. M.
ttryan, Lakeview, Oregon, T. W. John
on, Paiah-v. I'ti Kon. A. V. Hryau,
Lakeview, ( ieon.
42-5 I X. Watson, Reitfster.
Northern Mdg 1
A. yy. BRYAN. Proprietoi
Leave Lakeview at t h. in
; every day but Zinnia
Returning, leavea I'aisU
at 6 :0 a. tu every day bu
PHMt' arc f j Kr trie
; OFFICB - Reynold a WnanM' ..
1 li.'se volumes were written u i li
among tin- foremost building x, t nt id
M no refunded if tliev Ho not ..el mit
1U w 1.
II you 11 n ' Link of orcantziti a
atork conii;inv wi1 our new aiiniplea
oWnll Str.-.t .Miirrnvod atix-k certirl
HuMer pcr at The Kxaniiner
otHce, The Host made, nt ?J.b for
800 and 4 50 for 1000. tf
- worth nt ham
. nifty yonrsv
. - pr. noutucii
.. v : ! cart fi.t
!:-.r'. You.
.:. KC7 S.-c '
i- .mi. w, . j.
The Will' sT'fi i ft of etiirrnved
certificate. ! s, .-k nnd p.i-ud blnnfca
at the Ex.i'iiiiitT ,IWe New hii tuple
book ree'i'l Monday ce;ilnn. t
joti warn 'cc certificates --e ou
aaiuplean', u t oi:r prices, tf
Dutch I'lnchit -he IWvwery Siw
I United States Laud Otllce, Lake
view, Oregon. Sep. 3, 1907.
Notice is hert-by given that in com
p.'iance with the provisions of the act
rt Congress of June 3, 1S7S, entitled
"An act for the sale of tiuilr lands (
iu the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada, aud Washington Territory,"
as extended to all the Public Laud '
States by act of August 4, W2, Chris- j
topher (.'. Cannon, of New Pine Creek, i
county of Lake, State of Orcgou, msj
j this day filed iu this otllce his sworu
staterueut, No. ;?77!, for the purchase!
of the Lot 1 Sec. l'.. Lot 4, of See-
tiou No. 'JO, in Towuship No. i S., ,
Kanite No. 21, E., W. M., nnd will1
offer proof to show that the land
sought is more valnnl le tor its timber!
or stone than fo argircultural purpos !
s, and to estubilsh his claim to said ;
land before Hegister and Keceiver nt
L.akeview Oregon, on Saturday the
KUh, day of November, l'.K7.
He names as witnesses: J. L. Can
non, Alft-rd Cooties, Frank Giittith,
K A. Amsden, all of New Pine Crtek ,
Auy and all persons claiming ad
verseiv ine aoove describeti laiuis are
requested to tile their claims in this!
otllce on or before said ltith day of
November. 1907.
J.N.Watson. Register. 10
n.:.J V.i tiM . v:ivs Br-!
(Not ice to Creditors.
J. U. Iliuiiptou, ) j
I -oea:-ed. )
The UDder.-iki'jed having been ap
pointed by the County Court of the
State of Oregon, for Lake County,
Administrator of the estate of J. U. !
Hampton, deceased, notice is hereby!
Kiven to the creditors of. and ail !
persons having claims against said :
deceased, to pret-ent tbem verified as !
required by law, within six months
after the first publication of this
notice to said Administrator at his
rettidence iu Paisley, Lake County,
J. L. Hampton,
Admini&tiutr of the estate of J. G.
Hampton, deceased.
Dated and first published this 20th
day of September, 1907. 3TJ 5
Final Proof Notice.
Department of the interior, Land
Office at Lakeview Oregon. Oct., 21,
Notice u herebv given that William
T. Kimzey . icimrf Oregon, has
filed notice of his intention to make
final five year proof in support of his
(claim, viz: Homestead Entry No. 2018
made April 22, 1902, for the. SW4'
SEi S.4 SW1.4 Sec. 19 and NW4
iNW4 Section 20, Township 37 S.,
; Range 20 E.. W. M., and that said
! proof will be made before the Register
and Keceiver, at Lakeview Oregon on
,2ith day of November, 1907.
I He names the following witnesses to
i prove his continuous residecue upon,
'and cultivation of, the land, viz:
I Frank Wilson. Otto Hardisty, Miuto.
Hardisty, Cbas. Ualiher, all of Lake
view Oregon.
425 J. NT. Watson, Register.
Blue Prints Alade.
I will make Blue Prints of any
tract of land in the. Lakeview Land
District, and do abstract work,
''arl on or write IV. B. SNIDER
Lakeview. Oregon. -IS tf
Sarufdes of the Dennlson shipping
t;itf at The Examiner office. All
-iz8 and qualities, from Manila to
so WpP-i l4(Hlls. A tu t 1 1 1 . I . .
int th' ds for Architect, HuiM ' . oi,
Civil ami 5.initary Ktigmeer. in
the first time made known to tin- -i 0 1
on recent construction work, sp cut. i
I'ric 1 (ii
2tHl pp., 250ill. Costly tnist.ik. M.. ( ti
luck of attention at proper titne. Imrtisi
er and dii-crcditaMe to A rt I t t 1 1
(live thorough kiiowletigc vf 11 o.- mi
lals. Price
IU- IJiiitne, von llol.t ntul Hi 185 ,
draw ug. Complete course 1 kii ..
dm wings and artestic 1 . 1 1 - r- .1 ,n i , , -
purposes. Price
ESTIHAIINO. I5y Kdward n . ..... 1..
35 ills, fur nil workers 1 immui
Tells how to estimate intclliL'. n . P i.
C- Plant i25pp., fully illiisti urn - ,
lie ami private contracts, s - 1. n-,
etc.; duties and respcnsiliilitn - nv . -
contractois nnd Owners Price
llodgsotrand Williams- 130 pj
up-to-date work on these sul je- ts
CARPENTRY. By G. Towns. nd. i50 . 2i4
ills. A working manual for earfntiter- mni
Wood workers in general- Not a thco'eticnl
treatise, hut a practical worki .g guide H.v
I4O pp., 58 ills. For Architects, Builders, Sterl
and Cimcreto Workers. Enables tne to a vol)
mistakes- Price $1.00
HECHAMCAL DRA tfl.NU. I'.y lv Kciiison lOtt
pp., 140 ills. Complete course in projections,
sh:i le lines, intersection and deveoMii.'tits, let
tering, with exercises and plates. Price $1 (Mr
Bryne. i40 pp .44 ills- Latest and In-st Am ri-
can methods- Price $1.00
These voluniea nre handsowely IkhiikI in n-d art
Velluii) !e Luxe, size t k ! ineli.-M. Sent prepaid
ty any port of the world on rrveipt of price. Keiiiit
by Draft, Postal Order, Ex pre Order, ir Ketrlster
ed Letter, to the
Lake County Examiner.
M (Ml
syUARi-. ,.y
lM ills. Duly
Prii-e $i(M)
1 fust trot
mi I will n
' . grva !
(I.i; u
. l y .mI
Is lio tirst
iul:l two
A li.ill.H HI'
the OrloJi'R
.Mi-'f Shellineg. 2:1 I
ting e. :! tiii (.one I.i
h i 'i. e ! this ; ear.
In In. I', , oac 1
tUiiintulitire I sires in:
f unions rare ho. v ; r.
at public auction fur $1"
Ixc Adklns of Iliil. I. mi r
Iinstern U-iiiie p ti her to
w lulling games In one l 1...
compllshi'd the trick fo
against Toronto.
Secretary ('. M. llunnwn.v of the Si
IOuIh IlMNebiill league and Inl'.-.l
Itaseliall ussix Inllon will try to form a
national oskim IiiMoii for t lie gm'eru
ment of seiulproteshlonii1 Inevlull.
The amateur bllllaril touru 111 -at fur
the Class A cbuiiiploiishl,! of (lie I 'nit
ed States will take plan- I 1 Fi bri.ary
or March. Entries must lie flic I U-fore
Oct 1 with the following coiiuulttee:
J. V. PoKgenliuric. chalnu.iii. Charlea
Forater. Ir. A. U. Miller and F. J.
Howell at 119 East FIfty-elgbtu street.
New York.
New York Tribune Farmer
Review of Beviews
Success Magazine
Lake County Examiner
?S Tribune Farmer
Review of Reviews
CD f3 1' O I A. .
B-ntl. 'l'""".Sl llllll Oil IJu.vfflfrl
J The Oregon, California. & Nevada
Livwtoik Protective AaHta-lntloii
j will lve $1000 1'Wiird for the con
! viction of any party or parth-H ateul
! Iiik horses, cuttle or iimiIi-m lndoilKlrijf
tunny (if the follow ln members of
: this AMHiK'latlon:
Cox & Clark, ChevMicHii lind A
; ( 'attle Co., Hereford Eiiml & Cattle
:'(,., Lake County Lund & Livestock
'Co., Warner Vull'-y St ink Co.,
W. Ma pea. Win W. Brown, (ieo. M.
J JoncH. (ieo. ihuikliiM, S. II. Chandler,
: J. C. Dodsoti, C A. Itehiirt. N. I'lne,
j Thoa. Iliitton. W. A. Currier, Frank
j 15. Daueis, .1. C. llotehkisH, Calder
i wood IJroa., T. .1. liruttaln & Sons,
jJiiines M. Moore, A. D. Cecil, T. A.
' Crump, W. Z. Momh.
( ressler Sc i Soulier, W T. Cressler
Acty .1 oiiiuim, l & Toney.
I V . I . IIKIiVKlKII. PrvHlll t
puc.ess Magazine
Lake Co. Examiner
WEEKLY. 20 paes, 12i by IS luchea. The tnont
thoroughly practical, helpful, up-to-date illustrated
weekly for every member of the fartner'a family.
Regular Price per Year $1.00
MONTHLY. 125 pages, 7 by 10 Inchep. Edited by
Dr. Albert Shaw, whose monthly comments on cur
rent history, at home and abroad, are recoguizedn
the moat intelligent and valuable found lu any peri
odical. Contains hundreds of portraits of "people
In the public eye," of cartoons, Illustrations and
yaluable original artlclea.
Regular Price per Year e: 6&
MONTHLY. CO to 100 pages, 10 by 14 lwibe.
Every Issue Is full of brilliant nd'faclnatlhg Serial
unci Short Stories, original articles on "The-Work
tA the World," w 1th departments coveringall phases
of "The Home Life and the Person," and with
muny Inspirational feanuree.
Regular Price per Year 1.00
WEEKLY: The Leading Paper of Southeaster
Oregon; publishes all the latest land and Stock new
of a territory embracing 200 miles square. Lake
County.i Official paper. The Oldest Nwspaiwr lu
Southeastern Oregon, established In 1SS0.
R(? lar Price per Year 2.00
()H l K IIS
Fi. ax (
I F. M.Mii.i.Kic.Sec&Trcus.
W. P. IIkkvkokii
Com.IF. M. lilCKKN
S. IS. ClIAXDI.tll
Lakeview Cigar Factory
A. Stohkm., Prop.
Maker of
Havana and
Domestic Cigars
CjoitRV onnRs soLictrin
Give us a trial. Store in the brink
buildiag next door to Poat A King ad
loon, lakeview, Oregon.
The regular price of these 4 great publicat,- is
Our Price - - - -
- $7.00
.... . . ' . ta-v Mi . i nr t j mri
Lake County Examiner, Lakeview, Oregon.
Eli Ecbtuiiraut.
at all hour.
Firat claaa
, 1 wm 1
For all costume of aii.vttduir llkn
formal orcaaluna the aklrta of tint
eomluR Hvartou will le lout; and eftau
en train.
The fact that velvi-t will lar an Im
portant factor next kchnoh 1m demon
trated lu Its use already lu combina
tion with the IIkIiUt fabrics, especially
In tailored K inacutx.
80 far nothlut; has been found quite
to take the plate of the plaited aklrt,
bat quite mi tuuuy circular detilgna are
noticed, and the two aud tlireo plect)
circular will !e a tfeat favorita for
narljr all kluds of tuuterlula.
The ijucMtiou over which every one
Is cogitating la, "Are th JuiiaueHe
fTecta to lie retained?" and the an
awer la, "Yea," in coata and very dresH,
coatuueK. Itut, k'eiienilly H'iikln,
all of the oriental features which have
dominated ua ao conifiletely the paHt
eaaon will he greatly modified. New
York Poat.
auara THta Llia I'. f
Uid For Drrk,..l r ,
For hreakfiml, In it-nl of j :". I'M f
II lea a iv iiiade In 1 leriiniuy. M.nue t
like a paliiter'a palette ituo!" - 1 : .
lnntead of a lliilluh hole I here I 1:1. y
small hole In the middle of oik end
to haujr thl tile on a hook or pirf.
Then (Ilea are thick and tiied with
white, like any stoneware. One aceik
waa blue ami white, and one nit la
pretty (lowlim iIcmIuiin.
They are imeil fur bread aud hotter
served with a cup of coffee. liouMleaa
In Oernian.v they are taken to the Har
den on brluht inoriiliik'". Here they are
Uti'd aa curlim. II I" mii ll tluit old ffi'U
tlemeil tited to tliein would feel iltto
"put Hlt" If flven a round plate luatead
of till tile. Willi a uood piece of butler
on It, and a iMiitile of fresh rolla fur
lireakfiiHt dully.
Oet'iiiiin aa nt aetlliu: the table ar
at a rln nee with thoHe of oilier couu
tilea The knlti for dlnm-r pnrtlea
nre 11 minced out nt no iinnle lnti tha
lulihlle of the tulile. KiiInch nnd firrka
nre Inld l l I . j 1 1 -1 to I lie lnte with the
tlp-H loiichliu: It. I'ln:;er l.ouN linva
fip 11 tn tliein by ulilrli to il I lie
Witter over the llniceix. Thin liletl In
'l out of the way.
.iilte uiimly Klmowiire for wine Is
nhowu, pui'iie, blue, oinue and yellow,
With decillilert to mutch.
A hum h of vloletn Im on every plat
at the hecliniliik' of a formal illunirr.
A Vianna Speeialiit'c Idaaa on Thia
Fascinating 8ubJct.
The o'd fiiHliloned delliilllolt of
beiiult slrp wift the nleei that It
taken before iiilinllit Iteiiuty aleep
la the aleep 11 woinnii Ki't" after a!ie
tin h lept neven houra and before aha
hna a!ejt nine, aayn "a Vlelineae ape
clattst A woman uecila all of aeveit honra'
alep for the bnlhlltu- up of her aa
tern. Then ahe needs two houra lllor
for the reciipenitlon of her body, and
the evtra two hour will restore her
complexion, make her even bright, take
the u rink lei nut of her face ami keep
her form elaatlc.
The woman who uauta t derive the
fullest la'tiellt frani her lautlty aleep
will co'i.poKo hei mind before alnklug
oT Into Hliiinber. She will think
plenKMUt thmiKhia. Worrying iniikea
furrow a In tin- brow ami fela llnea
ero'iud the in. mill a little lU'fit lii a
bedroom t-t A 150ml tfiin for Home peo
ple, for It will act cfiecrfiilly upon the
nerve and drive aw-ay iiliflitiiuire.
Do not allow yournclf to l., nnnk
ened In the morning If vou menu to 5''t
heanty aleep. or If you imint be aroiiM!
let It Ih ever ao (rentty. Io not wako
up with a nt it rt. with an ularm clock
or 111 ennae pteiiee of a l-e!l rlllKlliK.
for nny of ttne nouihN will Jr tho
nerves and de- troy aome of the kkk
the aleep h;in done yon
There are .1iX).(KX) one room dwellers
la London.
In 1K9T there were only alxteeo mo
tor earn in Britain. Now there are
nearly 0,000.
Nearly half the meat eateu In Hrlt
aln la beef. Pork cornea next, thaa
nntton, while veal la a bad fourth.
In London there are 747.0OO achool
rhlldren. 4S0.O0O of them over aevan
years of age, and of theae 80,800 are
kalf tbne wage earners.
Io tha United Klnirdoin 303 eltlea
nd borougha have free Ilbrartea, con
taining nearly 0.000.000 hooka and Mrr
Ing each year 20,000,000 reudera.
la a diaeuaalon In the bona of par
Itaiaaat relative to tha danger of cor
Ota Mr. Tlaldane aatd that be had a
walking stick made of tbla exploalva
whkh he had often carried Into tha
cloakroom of parliament.
Sho Deceived lben.
late lleurik IIimmi urih"ld the
af' ', ,; .uneii In his drama,
but In renl life he . ! 1 I ItTi t them lu
ff ' ' 1 1 1 l;l I 1 1 11 v l lli-t of ll-O'flll-
neiis jjeneruKy clus-ed feminine, .'or
example. In t friend. .I0I111 1'iliilseu.
In the L.inIoii Times nmjh that one of
Ibien' triaxliii wna this: "o woman
can write n rooUi-ry bool., nnd no wom
an . ,ni:. mi .,11 f.nt "
lie lived ti;i to the l itter part of hi
dli t'l'ii he 1 h,- ,h-!r .-le :i hiiine but
ton on any of hi girim nts ho red-cut-e
l 'o !i" o , :i .J.i,. I... I hlinxolf U
and with elaborate prtp;ir;itlon4 Hew
ed the bil'lo'i iei. lb- tniil, hh much
pain with the work nt tie would with,
the final copy of om- of his piny.
Then he u.d to bnif about the per
formance, a:iylir that he would not
Jiiit truat In a button sewed on by any
W( t:i:in. not even by hi wife. Ill
wife used to I inch. She eotilldi'd to
Pauixeu that ahe secretly resewe I all
the button that the p.M-t had aeweil -aewel
them as cmly a woman can. sho
Bold. lie ul.vay forgot to fasleiu th
thread. "Ilel don't undeceive lilni,
the faithful wife added appealliiKty.
"It 111 ixk ik happy to think that
a doe It."
Notice ol Final Proof.
Department of the Interior, Laud
OUice at Lakeview, OreKon, Oct. 'J,
1907. '
Notice ia hereby si van that Murahall
W. iSoweu, of Paialey OreKon, baa
Hied notice of hia intention to make
final Computation proof in uupport of
hia culiui, viz: llouieatead entry No.
30t4 made Kit. 10, l!K)j, for tha H
NWJ aud Mi SW.i;, Hection 4, Town
ship 35 8., Ilane 17 K, W. M , nnd
that aa id proof will be made before
Ketfiater aud Keceiver, at Lakveiew
Oregon, ou ICth day of December.
He numea aa wltueaaea to provo hia
continuous reaideuee upon, nnd
cultivation of, the land, viz: Mika
Dooher, Klamath Fail (Jienon, C.
Ii. Juaenbery, Puialey, Oienon. H. U
Wood, Illy. Oreicou, M. U. White
house, Paialey, Oregon
J. N. Wutaon, UeKlater. 41-5.
Let Ua Hape la.
"Say, ma, I bet I klu heat yer
A Summer Olah For Winter Time.
Fried touiatm-H are a luxury that
compuratlvvly few liotiHewlvM can af
ford to aerv during tho w inter month,
yet If they will follow thbt old Mary
laud rerlpw thia dlah may tie enjoyed
ou the coideat daya of tho yeur aa eaal
ly aa lu the middle of aumnter, any
the Dettneutor. To accoinpltah thia
feat, lrwever. the tontatoea muat Brat
ba cooked In the aiiuuiier, when they
are leotiful. Relet the large. Orta
tomatwa aud fry tbem Juat aa jw
would If you Intended them for tm
aiedlate aervlce. Theu pack theui la
medium hlzcd htoue Jara while still
hot and pour a rather thick rooting of
warm lard over thorn until they hava
been completely covered. When tha
lard haa cooled thoroughly rover tha
JarB firat with a cloth aud theu rulher
thickly with paper nnd let them atund
la a cool, dry place until required.
When you dealro to nerve them re
move the allcea cnrefully, relievo them
a any aiiperfluoua lard and then warm
by drying allghtly. They will prova
avery bit aa delicious aa when ftvahly
Rad to Exchange It.
"fan you diatlugulah between u liur
lieaiie, a cyclone and a tornado K"
"No, 1 cau't. Hut I'm certain of unn
"What' that?"
"If I were afflicted with any of tbem,
Pd I mire to want to trade it off for
Ither of tha other." Cleveland Plain
To Mak Friandi.
Fight iigaluat iho fouling of restraint,
raaerve, the fueling of shrinking away
fraua people, ahyiieaa, overaeualtlveneaa
a the feeling of autugonlain.
When you grwt people with a hand
shake let your heart run out to your
linger tips.
Do not be ufrald of giving too much
of yourself to the people you meet.
Do not hold yourwelf back a thoug
you are afraid you would give soma
thlug away that you ought to keep or
that you would say something that yea
woukl be sorry for.