If ' 1 VOL. XXVIII. LAKH VIEW, LAKE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1007. NO. 45 PAISLEY'S IRRI GATION PROJECT Portland Company Gives I crms of Lien. EDWIN MAYS HAS SOLD OUT. Development of Adjncent Terri tory Now an Assured Fact, kailroads Hulldlng. A few weeks ago Tho Examiner pub lished h brief history of tlio Paisley Irrigation scheme a to tbe origin of thu project aud the difficulties the l'orlluml Irrigation Company has had to sociiro the land embraced is the project, Hiid the long time the scheme baa been under way. Ijast week the Silver Lake leader published a letter from C. II. Hall, tho orlgiuator of the 'project in which he gives a complete history of the undertaking from the beginning. Much of this la it repel I -tlou of The Examtuer'a former artiile, but we will publish the condition and Mr. I la II 'a view of hla scheme, a written by him to the Lender, which will be of great (net rest: The "Company had selected 12,ft7 acres of lamia to be reclaimed, and had provided for three Hinall reservolra holding 'J.15i acre fuel of water to provide water for the lute aummer when the regular How of the stream waa low. After the Department decid i'd to withdraw from the Held, the Portland Irriagtlon Co, decided to change ita reaervoir plun, and survey ed a large reaervoir alte which will store l'J,0NO ucro feet of water, or acre feet for each acre of land in Ita aelectiou. Thia providua art u'xtod ance of water which will be stored in the winter and spring wbeu it would otherwise go to waste, and tho com pany will not depend nu the aummer llow of the atream for ita water sup ply. After a curcluj Invent IhI ion by tltnto -Eugiuer Iewia, on February, - , 1IHJ7, the Ktate Laud llouid enter od into a coutract with the Portland Irrigation Co, to reclaim' the hinds under ita project : the .Statu fixing the price of the laud at 3:15.00 au acre. A lien in favor of the Portland Irri gation Co, waa created against thu landa for that nmouiit. When thia lien la paid, tho Company will deed tho water right and 'irrigation work over to au uMaociatlon to be formed by the settlers under tho project. Each net tier will own a proportion of the system according to tho iiom l)r of acrea which bo has purchased. No one will be permitted to have more than JtJO acrea or to purchase lei-B than 40 acrea. Aa soon as 80 per. cent, of the landa and water rights are contracted for by settlers, the Com pauy will turn the control and manage ment of the irrigation works over to them. Lntll that time the system will be uialntaiued and operated by the Company, charging (Iftv cents au aore aa maintaneuce fee. The lien of 15.00 an aore can either be paid Id cash, or one tenth down, and the balanoe In nine equal annual installments, with Interest at six per cent, on deferred payments. Lauds under the Cary act are held to be In a class by themselves, so that a settler who has used bis homestead, desert, or other rights is not debarred from semiring 100 acres under the Carey act. Application for tie pur chase of water rights and release of liens are to be made direct to tho company, and will be referred by tho company to the State Land Board for its approval. The land Is to be sold to actual settlers, und on October 29th 1007, the State laud Board will con sider the adoption of rules and regu lations governing tho settlement of lands under the dilfereut Carey act pojects in the state. Our project has received the ' flnul approval of the Secretary of tho Interior and the President, who feigned tho contract with the State on Sept. 11, 1907. .'f It la determined that we can operate successfully throughout the whiter lu the construction of the canal sys tem, work will be aturted in a few weeks, if not, it w ill be started as soon as the weather will permit iu the spring, and the entire system will be completed in a little more than a year. Our company baa made bo effort to advert lae its project, aa it can sell no water rights until the sys tem is comiilnled ; but numbers of er Nona desiring to secure the lands have filed applications to purchase as soon aa tho works are completed, and at the prone nt time the applications total 0.200 acres. Thia Indicates that these lands will all bo taken as soon as the tvorks are 'completed. Edwin Mays sold hla Interest lu the Portland Irrigation Co. to 0. 11. Mall in April, V.M, and the officers of th) Co. at the present time are, Walter II. Moore President, C, II Hall, Secre tary and Treasurer. The main oltlce of the Company Is 415 Couch building Portland Oregon. There la now every indication that there w ill b a railroad constructed and operating through these lunda within two years at the farthest. The Mt. Hood road is now being con structed, and the Oregon Trunk Line down the Deschutes la almost sure to be started early !n the spring. With tho possibilities nf growing fruit af forded In tho Chewauran valley, it w ill Immediately take a position sec ond to uou in the State. The lauds under thia project are bouud to be very valuable in the future, "ns'they excell in many ways the Hood river valley where Ian is aie selling as high as a thousand dollars an acre. I.d Harvey Married. The many friends of Ed. Harvey, who once lived in thia valley, on the weat sjde of the lake, In tho Drews creek settlement, will lie pleased to read the following news item clipped from the San J one Mercury, which al so published n picture of the bride and groom. Not only is Mr. Harvey to be congratulated on having won so charmiug a life partner, but the fact that be ia on the road to a suicessful career is something worthy the atten tion of bis many friends in this valley. Kd was known to be a studious young man, and tried hard to gain an educa tion, which he lias completed since leaving here a few year ao. Hi s footsteps will not mislead any young man of his acquaintance in this com munity, and The Examiner is glad to praise this worthy young man for the course he has pursued. We join bis flrends lu congratulations and lest wishes to the happy young couple. Following is the auuouucement of the weddlug: Harvey Richardaou. One of the most elaborate of the October weddings took place ut Trinity Church Wednesday at high noon, when Miss Maude E. Richard aou unci Edward ll.,Hurveyof Oakland were united in marriage. The church was thronged with friemU and relatives, and was decorat ed with pink and white. A great quantity of beautiful greeuery and exquisite pink and white blossotris graced the alter und chancel, while the middle uisle was festooued with streamers of pink und white for its entire length. The wedding musio was rendered by M iss Trace, the organist of Trinity, she playing the favorite wedding marches, the one from Lohengrin for tho processional and Mendelsaou's for the recessional. During the ceremo ny tho low sweet strains of "Trau merel" were reudored. Tho brido looked lovely in her beau tiful weddlug gown of white crepo de chine, trimmed with baby Irish lace. A filmy veil, held in pluce with orange blossoms completely enmeshed ber, and she carried a shower bouquet of white rosebuds. She was attended by a matron of honor and two brides maids, while a little flower-girl strewed rose leaves in, her way. Mrs. Urace Prootou Quick of Mailposn, an iutimute friend of the bride and bar self a bride of a year ago, waa the ma tron of honor. She wore her own lovoly wedding gown of white crepe dn chiue and carried white caruations. The bridesmaids were Miss Daisy McKiuley and Miss El ma Ingals. They were gowned alike iu a soft shade of pink silk mull and carried white caruations. The flower-girl, Ruth Harris, the little G-year-old cousin of the bride, was sweet iu a little frock of white silk. Mr, John Huivey of Lodl, the groom's brother, was his best man, and Mr. Harry Aguew and Mr. ilarley Rates were the groomsmen. There wero two girl ushers, Miss Al ma Harvey and Miss Fanny Flore, aud Mr. Leroy Harris also assisted here. ' The impressive murriuge service wus read by the Rev. J. Wllmor Orebhas. A weddlug breakfast followed at the home of the brldo's parents ou North Seveutb street, . Only the bridal party, relatives and a .few iu- FINANCIAL STRAIN EASING UP IN EAST. All Of cgon Banking Institutions Arc Believed to be Safe from Ruin. The acuta stage of the great financial crisis is said to be over, and day by day tho situation grows more placid. While some of the weaker banks wilt hardly withstand the enormous pres sure that has beeu brought to bear up on them tiy the pauic, the solid Instl tut ions will come out whole and their depositors will be safe. The act Ton taken by the governors of the Western states In declaring bolday in order to give the financial center a chance to prepare for the worst is believed to have averted the worst. Western Taylor and Langdon Elected. San Francisco, Calif., Nov. Cth, Spe cial o Tho Examiner: At noon today It is estimated Taylors majority is Eleven thousand, Langdous Sixteen thousand. It will be nearly a clean sweep for good government in San Francisco. timnte friends were bidden. A receptiou followeJ, the hours Ijc ing from two till four. Many friends called at this time to shower congrut ulstious upon the happy couple. The bouse waamade all beautiful with decorations of pink and white, inter mingled with greenery. Streamers of white blossoms, potted plants and due cut bamboo were freely ueed. The curtains were covered with smilax, heightening the lovely effect. Wed diug cake was distributed and puuch served during the reception hours. The bride's goiug-away gown was a handsome blue tailored suit worn w;th a wLite bat. Miss Fanny Flore caught the bouquet, aud the bridal pair were liberally showered with rice. Tho honeymoon trip will include a visit to Del Monte, Los Angeles and many points ot Southern California and Sacramento. The new home is to be in Oakland, where the groom has a pretty flat beautifully furnished that awaits the coming of his bride. It is at 4."0 Edwards street, and they will be at home after the fifteenth of No vember. The large number of beautiful wed ding presfbts, silver, cut glass, china, liueu, bric-a-brac and furniture being included in this number, was display ed during the receptiou and will en banco the beauty of the new home. The biide was born and raised ic San Jose, being the ouly daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Richardson. She iaa graduate of the Sau Jose High .School aud is a pretty and lovable girl w ith a host of friends, tlie groom holds au excellent position iu the Oakland postottice aud is a young man of in tegtity aud abiliry. WEI iHWiiiinnita 9 -ft j banks are generally in good condition, J notwithstanding the fact that some of j tho Nevada banks bave indulged In , excessive speculation in fluctuating ! mining stocks, aud niay go under as a result. j While Governor Chamberlain bas continued the holiday period until further notification for Oregon banks, i the banks of Lakeview a-e in such splendid shape that they remain open, ' and will continue to do so regardless of the action of the Governor, aud do all kinds, ot business that can be legally done. Press was Hoodooed Many people have read of the fires at Alturas, aud could not help noting the hardships Col. Thompson, of the Plaiudealer underwent, he having lost all be had, except bis nerve in both those fires. Rut hardly could the reader realize the diHlcultiesJthat. con fronted Mr. Thompson, and even a newspaper man who knows the true meaning of putting printing machine ry in shape, could realize what he has gone through. Last week Col Thomp son published what be calls a history of a Cottrell cylinder press, which is very interesting, indeed. Here is a synopsis of the article. "Two years ago Mr. Thompson, after prospering for many years, concluded to erect a new prmtshop, and to make the thing complete, must bave a cylirder press in the shop, so be ordered a Cottrell. These presses are very large and the cost, when freight is added ia very great. Bat the press came, and be set to work to install the monster. Before he got to use the new machine a big fire deetroyed his plant. He first thought, of course, the press was ruiued, but upou examination, he found that ouly the small parts were injured to any great extent, so took the damaged parts off and shipped them to Sau Francisco to be replaced with new ones. The new parts came after a time, and in the meau time Mr. Thompson had erected a new office, and installed a new printing plant, and he agaiu set to work to get the big machiue together. Shortly after the inscbine was in working order an other big fire came and destroyed bis plant .again. The damaged parts of the pig pi ess were again sent to the American Type Founders Co. of San Francisco, to be replaced with new ones. The new paits were made and placed for shipment to Mr. Thompson, but before they left the city, the THE LAST RESORT. earthquake came and not only de stroyed the parts, but wiped out the plant that in a1 j tbem An order was sent to C. U. Cottrell & Sons, the manufacturers of the press in Rhode Island und after many months waiting, the parts were shipped from the east, and In the meantime Mr. Thomp son had secured a new plant and put up a new fire pi oof building, .and bad his newspaper office installed in it. When the new parts of the press were tried on the machine, they would not work. They were taken to a black smith shop iu Alturas, wbere tbey were made to fit. but before tbey were removed f'om the shop, tbat took Are aud burned down, and the new parts of Thompson's printing press went with them. Mr. Thompson's nerve did not yet fail, and be sent away again for new parts, and last week re ceived tbem, put them on and rnn off bis paper on the big, new Cottrell printing press, after two years' bard uck. Mr. Tbopmson certainly deserves the good will of the people of bis county. He's a stayer, alright, alright. Idemnitv Lands Higher. Hon. Cbaa. . Galloway informed The Examiner while here last week, tbat at a special meeting of the State land oard, held recently, in Salem, the price of base for the selection ot indemnity school lands was raised from 87.50 to $8.75 per acre. This, be says, is for the purpose of simplifying the business of the state land office, aud to expedite te work Parties applying for this base previous to the change were required to pay separate ly for the publication of the uotice required by law, but under the new system, the state pays all the exenses. From tho 100,000 acers credited to the state when the reserves were created, there yet remains to be disposed of at the new price, about 65,000 acres. Mr. Galloway took barge of the office in March, and since tbat time about 50,000 aciee Xif indemnity base bas been disposed of at 87.50 per acre. Mr. Galloway says tbat he doubts if there is 2000 acres of this state land ou the West side of the Cascades. Passed Away. Died : At San Francisco Cal. Oct. 2C, 1917 Chris. L. Urn bach, age 00 years. Mr. Umbach was an Uncle of Charles L. Umbach, and resided here last year (or his health, aud while here endeared bimsef to many friends, who will bear with sorrow of bis death. He leaves a widow and two daughters. Died : At Reno Nevada, October 25th 1907, William T. Boyd, age 00 years. Former resident of Lakveiew Oregon. He was a member of the G. A. lv, Workmen Lodge and Maonie Lodge, and was buried by the mem bera of the latter, October 28th 11A7, at Reno Nevada He leaves a widow, two sons, and a daughter. Mr. Boyd was well known in Lakeview aud his many friends will be sorry tc hear of, his death, and extend sympathy to his sorrowing family. McDougall in PWIadsrphla North Amerloaih CITY ELECTION OOIEUFFAIJ, But One Ticket Out For Election. ' NO ASPIRANTS FOR HIGH OFFICE Five flore Months Will See City Squaie W Ith th World. Im Will Come Later. ' The city election passed off smooth ly Tuesday. But few people knew there was an election being held. Until about 15 minutes before the polls opened the ticket bad not been made np. No one wanted the offices of mayor or councilman, and it was olny at the earnest request of citizens tbat the following gentlemen would permit their names to be placed on the ticket: Harry Bailey for mayor; V. L. Snelling, J. S. Lane, Dick J. Wilcox, J. N. Watson, for councilmen. W. B. Snider and A. Bieber were the only candidates for the offices of city Re corder and city Tieasurer, respective- The election board played mumble peg nearly all day, and complained of being lonesome. The positions are very important ones, as the town's welfare last stake, and those who accept the offices are to be praised as public benefactors. --: There ia no compensation attached to any of the offices, and great deal of valuable time is consumed in at tending to the city's affairs. Lake view is getting oat of debt very rapid ly, and oqf re6Her)tAJiay expect ex tensive improvements as soon as the debt is paid off. There is sufficient revenue coming in to make quite an important fund, were it not tbat the indebtedness is eating it up for inter est. The last year baa seen 97,000 ot the debt wiped out, and 5 more months of such progress will clean np toe city's debt. The same board will have the man agement of the citiy's affairs for the next year as held office the past year, except J. N. Watson, commlssoaer, instead of D. P. M alloy, and Harry Bailey is to be mayor, instead of V. L. Snelling, these gentlemen having swaped places on the board. Filings still coming in. The laud office is busy accepting filings yet, and little time bas yet been fouud to check up tbe filings. Applicants bave been coming in at tbe rate of 15 to 20 a day since the big rush. Up to yesterday noon 425 had made application to file since Monday morning, a week ago. Every spare moment in the office ia taken up checking up the filings. While defi nite information as tc what particular applicants have been successful ia dif ficult to get at just now, it is certain that a great many locations have two or more filings ou tbem, while a few parties have clear filings. It will be some time yet before all parlies will know how tbey made It. He Ought to Know. The Edwin Tatro homestead about four and a half miles west ot town has boen sold for cash to George W. Buck, Locating Engineer O. .E. By. The professional duties of Mr. Buck have given him an opportunity to ob serve conditions thorugbout Southern Oregon and Northern Califorina and Nevada and his selection of Goose Lake valley land for an investment is evidence that this fertile valley has nothing to fear by comparison with other localities Tbe sale was nego tiated by Drenkel & Paine who report quite au enquiry for Lake County lauds. State Land Agent Here. Charles V. Galloway, State Land Agent, arrived in Lakeview last Frl day aud spent three days in our city, making acquaintances and friends. Mr. UaUoway was in the raoe last electlou for Coogress. He eaya, how ever, that he is not looking for office, but came here on a business trip, and to see the much talked ot country of Lake county. He is much pleased with what he saw, and hopes to be able forsake frqueot visits to this county. Mr. Galloway iss very pleasant gentleman to meet, and made many friends while in our little city. Glad we met you Mr. Galloway, come agaiu. t