Lakeview And Vicinity SPECIAL PRICES ARE MADE HERE ON SPECIAL ORDERS. Hunt High and Lowat no other time and in no other place will you find such desirable merchandise we offer you. We provide the BEST always and we know our offerings will appeal to aU who appreciate superior quality and al luring prices. Every day has its trade advantages at this store. Our only desire is that you come and see. We supply necessities at so low a figure, you can really afford luxuries. Ladles' Winter walsta at L. M. Co. Full Line Japalao at Ahlstroro ISroo. 1 New Una of Laces at Ahlatroia lire. I Bonanza Creamery' Hotter at I M. Co. 1 Dutch lunch a the Brewery Na. loon. tf Ihitch lunch at the Brewery s- loon. tf Hutch lunch at the Brewery Su loon. tf Nick Barry whs in town flrat of the week. The Lakevlew Merc Co. for School Shoes. 1 Buy your Rubbers ami Overshoes at Ladles Preea Skirts at L. M. Co. For Sale: House aud lot Matu Drenkel Jt Paine. Young mens Overcoats and coats at L. M. Co. 1 I Swell line of Mens Winter ! Lakeview Merc. Co. St. 1 Rain-1 nt at the corner directly South of the Hotel. KJEIW PINE CREEK, ORE, Under Entirely New Hanagement Having recently purchased the hotel lrom . Mr. McDonald, I earnestly solicit a share of public patronage. My aim shall be to please. GEORGIA STICKEL, Proprietor. Suits 1 M. W. Ooweu was dowu fom Paisley first of this week. Rubbers and overshoes all kiinlx, at Lakeview Merc. Co. 1 Mens and Roys Ilitfh top Shoes at Lakeview Merc. Co. 1 Press goods in all tbe latest fabrics at Railey A Mnssingill's. tf New lot of Dress Goods just re ceived at Ahlstrotu Rros. 1 Wanted : Valley ranch with Rood orchard. Dreukel A Pal up. x loe Fine was over from Plush last week and remained several days. J. M. Wright, nf Silver Lake, was down to the county neat this week. Ladies Children's and Men's wool underwear at Railey A iMasaingill's. 1 List your lauds or town property for sale or rent with Dieukel A Paine. 1 A swell line of meu'e neckwear just received at Railey A MafsingiU's, 1 Geo. Ranney came dowu from Sum mer Lake last week on a business trip. Mr. II. R. Stephens, of Silver Lake, spent a few days in Lakeview lust week. Three inches of rain has fallen iu October. Hows thut for an arid re gion? FOR SALE. ST) head of goats Inquire of W. F. Stauloy, Lakeview, Oregon. 40-tf Misses Aggie and Louise Lee. of Klamath Falls, tiled on timtxr claims Tuesday. See the New line of ladies' furnish ing and dress goods at Railey ii Mas singill's. 1 Lost Two indiau dolls, one chief and one lady, finder please leave at this office. 1 A full line of sheeptkin, Rlauket, and Pluah-lined Coats at Railey A Massingill's. 1 J. R. McN'ew, thePiue Creek livery man, was up town Monday on a business trip. M. I). Hopkins went to Warner lat-t Laksvlew hat been taxed to Ita ut most capacity the past week to fur nish a daily aeusatlou for ths euter talumeut of our visitors. Last week J. K. Banlstar paused through town with 50 bead of stock cattle, which be bad purchased from A. M. Smith, of Pine Creek. F.verett Whetstone, of Rly came ov er from there last week, to form In line In front ot the land otlloe to se cure filing on a homestead. The O'Malley Sisters show was well patronized, and they gave a good per formance. The O'Malley Sisters are always welcome to Lakeview. . 1 am agent for the Sacramento Bee, the lont dally paper on the Const. Win. Wallace, at the Furniture Store. ai-tf. Frank II. Marion, the timber cruiser of Laidlaw, Otegou, who has been cruising in Northern Lake county for the past year, arrived iu Lakeview Monday. Mr. C. A. Jensou, a typo, who has been employed on the Klamath Falls papers, speut ttie past, two weeks Iu Lakeview and indulged In the line-up at the laud otlloe. A stranger remarked to an F.xamiu- er reporter a few days ago that Lake view was me oast towu tie nail evr been in ; that it supplied sotnethiug sensHtoiual everyday. Si lleudersou, who has a baud of sheep on the desert for the wlutsr, re turned to camp first of this week, af ter speiidiu several days in towu pre paring the family for the winter. F..1. Ttttro brught la a loud of tins cabbage Tuesday, and sold it out Out of the load he picked one and left it with The Examiner olllco on exhib ition. It weighs 21 pounds trimmed. The Overlaud Ranking Realty Co. invite all persons passing through Reno to call and see their display of products of the soil. Roth mineral and tegetabl. Also to invest in good dirt. 4:1 tf. It would be a tnsk beyond our capac ity to give all the uamos of visitors to Lakeview since our last issue, so l umerous have they been, but to say that they were all here, wool J not miss it much. LOST: Ladies tmall gold watch, with piece of chaiu attached. Either in Lakeview or between the Venator ranch and town. Finder please ro turn to the Examiner Olllco and ro ceive reward of $10. WEEKLY W GATHER REPORT. , Week mllu Turadajr, Oct. 29, 1W7 Below ws give a report of ths weathel 1 , as recorded by the Government weather 1 bureau station at The Examiner Orhc. Ml . . W k L I I, 1 nn report is cnangeu earn wees, ami , our readers wish to keen a yearly record , ! weT7 thnrT .... . 1 1. .I.,..,, tl, l.lai-k line 'and paste It In a scrap book otis J ijj'l'i' week after another. This reord will be 1 ant'y taken on Tuemla- to end each week and begin on Wednesday for the next week Government Weather Bureau Sta tion at Lakaview. Oregon, C. O. Mrrsaaa, Cooperative Observer. sun. 111011. max 7T -ft i M r.i mln frla 1 .lion IT :i7 :w d.iMi 0. 1.1" o.inl " tall 00 00 (XI txj chsrsnlar ot day clear ""fitly 0,15 ' 00 I o.:k7TM 8 r , ft ffi THE LA MODE. You will be better able to get the correct 3 styles for your I WINTER WEARING f 1 -IV nDCCCDAT & apparei aiier seeing inyiipwiivuuij iai- TERNS, COATS SKIRTS WAISTS, Etc. These goods are expected to arrive j this week. I MRS. NEILON. t E 9 T31 ..nM X 1 HC51 Jl I I. 'Ji Adel I MINING SUPPLIES TENTH AND MORRISON STREETS, PORTLAND, OREGON A. P. ARMSTRONG. LL. B . Principal Educates for success in a short time and at small expense, and sends each stc lent to a position as soon as competent. Quality is our motto, and reputation for Thorough work brings us over 100 calls per month for office help. Individual iu. jtructtoa insures rapid progress. We teach the loose leaf, the card index, the toucher and other modern methods of bookkeeping. Chartier is our shorthand ; tafr, muii, legible. Beautiful catalogue, business forms and penxaatutfiip free write today. Rcfercoces: any mcrchast, any bank, any newspaper ia PortUoi. PINE RIDGE STOCK r AtXIVI TIflMJIGGKST ANT) TUB BEST H0RSK IJARN IN Till UNITED STATES AND THE DICJGEST AND BEST RERCHBRON HORSES 14-0 licatl of Stallions, Marcs and Colts to select from. A choice selection of young Stallions black and grays by Sampson 27,L(38 the greatest Pcrchcron Sire in America, NVeiht 2y4C4. pounds, Vc can show more size, lonc and quaflty thatl any 1)rtcdcr in the country. Price below cmictit!on. Cifl.l and sec our horses, or address, L. M. Hartley, Safrm, Iowa ir'r nKAUittm. Aent. Lakeview, Ore. WE I a'ACtlr f n An tmntn a Wkt lr in tho U'iiwle Hollow mines. C. C. Harris was down from Summer Lake last week. Rain, rain, rain, here in Lake county, and over in Webfoot, they say its too dry to plow. Lewid Frakos and Ed Dunuevan oame over from Warner labt wek to attend circuit court. Miss Lora Small, notary public of Silver Lake, was in Lakeview this week on land matters. Hoys School Suits Two pair pants with double seat and knee with each I nuit. Lakeview Merc. Co. I Second-hand typewriter for sale at Tbe Examiner oillco. It Is a Rood machine, too. Price. tf. Read the biff new advertisement of tbe Overland Hanking Realty Co., of Reno, Nev., in Tbe Examiner. II. A. Brattain and J. W. Donnelly passed through town last week on their return from a beef drive. T. B. Wakefield came over from Warner last week, to look after hi interests in tbe circuit court. X. E. and T, F. Caldorwood cans over from Warner last wek and spent several days in oar city oa business. W. Y. Miller and family came dowa from Paisley last Sunday for a visit with relatives and frends in Lakeview Mrs. Hartzog arxl family go to Monmouth this fall to spend the win ter there and send her daughter to school. A new stock of fur and plunh buggy robes just unpacked at Ahlstroms Harness shop. Hest ever shij.'M u Lakeview. 42-!? I Ladies Mlsea and cbildrna Coats at tUtUA tO MiifJTERS'&TnAPPERS GUIPEsiM"- Genuine French Briar Pipes," best tisjortment in town at 1 r m New Drehi Overcoats and Ulsters at Forest Haulers Musgravo and Lt-av- j itt huve returned from Roseburg wtiere tney went to attend a meeting of the forext rangers of the state. Mr. Leavift was bouoied at the meeting by Uiiug elected rhuirmnn. Quito a number of nt ranger hare remarked since being in Lakveiew, "I have always hoard that thin wns ja dry couurty, but 1 find that th im pression given out Is not true. Why I don't see wbv yiri want irrigntinn here." Mi. H. C. Fleming, the Pino Creek fruit grower, hint Saturday brought ranch that simply can't be beaten in any country. The fruit is on exhibit at the ottlce of Drftr kef Jt Paine, teal estate deulers. Mrs. L. N". Kelxay and Jittlo hou Lestou, were the guests forvn few days of Mrs, J. Simmons of this city, on their way to Puialey to visit Mrs. Kelsay's mother. Mrs. Nettie Sher lock. Les is working io Portland, where they have been residing for some time. T. F. Stanley, of Paisley, bus them all "skinned" for big turnips. He sent to Tbe Examiner office this week two of the largest turnsps we have ever seen. One measures 51 iucbes around and weighs 31 pounds, and the other measures 42 laches around and weighs 24 1 pounds. Harry Riggs came in from Warner Tuesday with 6,000 poatids of salt. While coming down the Warner cau yon, be jumped off th agon, and hit foot canght on; the brake, throwing him undent he wagon, and the wheels pusaed over biHflug. It wair tniryachv that bis leg was not cuft off. J. S. McLaughlin, who has been at Aumsville, Oregon, f r the past two or three years, returned to Ltvite coonty last week. ICitt family, haw ever, will not come till next spaing.. Mr. McLaughlin throve three hea) 11 .1 T . I . . vi iuii moou iiersej netrers asaa a Jersey bull borne with him, a aid will raise Borne fine mi.ajh cows. Miss Wright, tf Silver Lake, wtio drew rtraws for a timber claiaL, iu the SI can country, and hud evry assur ance of getting a clsai hli, was dis appointed wka she caiuo to tho land office to learn that a wotur.u under age of twenty-ens could not file ou a homestead, and after making exten sive improvements a the place and re siding there for month, had to give it up. Full LlQ of Rubber Goods b,t 6 ? Everything Carried In Stock for the Miner at both our Stores. Boot and Shoes for Miners, Bucca roos, Sheepmen and Ranchmen. GLOVES AND OVERALLS R)K ALL. Groceries, Rour and Grain. All kinds of Canned Goods. Hardware & riming Tools. Warner Valley Mercantile Co Adel Fnr?iT 6 WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY. 44 PROFESSORS 3 INSTRUCTORS fOLLF.OK OF LIBERAL A HTM 'fiC.Tr.SES CIiihwIciiI . . A. R. Lltentrv . . I?. L. ' Scientific . . R M. l'lllloMcplilcal . ph. It. Tht; Colletfe nf LltH-nil Artn main tniu the following; hcIiooIh; The Collet of Oratory, IK K. The Teiuh rn' College, It. ptl. Tho Normal School, IMploirm. The t)reon IiiMtltute or th Academy . Diploum. The School of Cotiiinem', IMplomi. AFFILIATEDCOLLMJES t'idletfe of Medicine, . M. I. Ctdli'K f Law, . . LL. 11. College "f 'riieidojjy, . II. 11. College of Music. , . II. M. TIm? Alllllutrd CollegeH art flnan t'iall.r IiidlM-uileut of tho Cola-go of LIIm thI Arts. Tho School of Art, Certllleate. The School of Art U iiImo flnan rlally Independent of t k S ( '(dli ge of Lb ernl arts. For Catulue addn-HH PRESIDENT JOHN II. COLEMAN 'ittlein, Oregon nm livAdino nusiNi-:ss college KLKH BCILDINa. PORTLAND, OREUON OUR FACULTY IS STRONOER THAN EV ER We hnrejuai iieaurod the acr vices of two high-salaried, practical, men, a well ss leading business Educators, from tho Kant. We leave do atono unturned. We aro now giving; you tho boat that money can procure, ir. w. KiiiiNKK. i rea. SEND FOR CATALOGUE I. m. wai.kkk, rrln. Mr. W. C Neff, head forest ranger for the Goose Lake National Forest, received the news last week that be had fallen heir to a large estata. Ills great oucle, in New York died recent ly, leaving an estate amouuklng to 1300,000 in cash and a large amount of property. Mr. Neff does not know yet just how much his share of the estate will be. Ills - address has uu known to the administrators of the estate, until recsutly, but now that he bus beeu located, tha estate will e set led un and each heir receive lue i inr'lou. Mr. Nod's share will amount to a nrnt little fortune. All varitles of Rreakfast Foods Premium Mush at und E. II. Loftus, the Wludy Hollow mining man, came over from thero last week enroute to bia California home, where his family resides. Mr. Loftus will spoud the winter In Cal ifornia, returning here U the spring to work bia tnlnos. Jia looks for some thing doing thero in the next year, and from the prospects that from there now, no. sua doubts his prophesies, Mr. A. A. llibbard, the Reno man, said these were ky far tbe largest tur nips he ever sawand be w anted oue to take to Reno to put on exhibit in tho Overlaud Banking Realty Co. Lao cotiaty will be aurprlsed to s e ths effect of such an exhibit as Mr. Uibbard la preparing from this coun. ty. Tbousauds of people pass through Reno ever week coming West to look for taenia and ace the exhibit at tba Overland,