Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, October 31, 1907, Image 5

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    For the
To ftucceed these diyV you
must have plenty of grit, cour
age, strength. How la it with
the children? Are they thin,
I ale, delicate? Do not forget
Aycr's Saraaparllla. You
li.ow It makes the blood pure
i (id rich, and builds up the
c.ncrul health In every way.
1 ti Mill ' tmn nnnrt poMtMf hv fA Wlth
. tMittaU mtm tft anfr mmltm. or-
rt ant riiitM(lnM hf (tUtwai small lmll
Umn ml Ar'l rUl. All f
HadaVr'.O. ifHll., Taiwan, Ma
BAH VlrtOt.
cnutir racTOMU
Wa fca.s iHnUl Waaa.Hta
taa ruratalaa af all ar aaaaialaaa.
1 - .- - . .
Drenkel it I'alne the real estate
men, bave sample of grapes at tbler
office which were relied in Lakevlew,
by Loreo llailejr. The irraiee compare
farovahly wltb any brought Into tbla
country from either California or the
Willamette valley. The time la not
far distant when Lake coubty will be
railing all the fiulta of a temperate
climate, ouly a trial la Deoesasrjr to
ralae them now.
Jap-A-Lao, at
The tenth annual meeting of tbe
Oregon Woolgrowore Association w ill
be bald at the Dalles, Oregon, Tues
day and Wodneaday Not. VI and 13,
1007. A two daya program la being
arranged, and some most Important
matters effecting tbe woolgrowera In
dustry will he discussed at the meet
tng. Woolgrowers all over tbe state
are urged to attend, whether tbey be
long to tbe association or not.
Men's worsted Sweaters, S'i2. at
Mr. Joel McCullough, the represent
atlve of tbe Tine Hldge Stock Farm,
of Balem, Iowa, wltb headquarters In
Lekevlew, Informed us a few days ago
that be bad telegraphed J H. Herrin,
of Ashland. Oregon, to ship to tbe
Stock Farm, in Iowa, a certain pure
bred Itainhoullet ram that be aaw
while on a recent visit to Ashland,
He aald the ram would cost them
175 by tbe time tbey got blm borne
Dut tbey want tbe beat, at any cost.
Ma Fought at Gettysburg.
David I'arker, of Fayette, N. V.,
who lout a foot at (lotlysbuxg, writes:
"FJectrlo Hitters have done me riore
good than any medicine I ever took.
For aeveral years I bad stomache
trouble, and paid out mucb money
for medicine to little purpose, until I
begun taking Electric Bitters. I
would not take S&00 for what tbey have
done for me." Grand tonlo for tbe
aged and for female weaknesses.
Great alternative and body builder;
sure cure for lame back and weak kid
neys. Guaranteed by Lee Dealt
druggist. OOo.
Anyone wishing to invest in a
good piano will not lose by calling on
C. C. Price tbe piano Instructor. He
Is agent for tbe A. J. Pommer Co. of
Sacramento ; a good reliable flm, and
well known. Mr. Price worked for
them before coming to Lakevlew,
therefore knows their good pianos from
any others, lie baa told a number 'of
tbelr pianoa here in the last few
months and tbey have given satis
f acton. Persons thinking of buying one
are invited to call and see the Foster
he baa in his home at present, or ask
his advice which will be given freely.
How's This.
We offer One Hundred dolllars Re
ward for any case of Catarrh that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure,
P. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known
P. J. Cbeney for tbe last 15 yea rs,
and believe him perfectly honorable
in all business transactions and finan
cially able to carry out any obligations
made by his Arm.
Walding, Kinnau & Marvin,
Wholesaio Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Cutarrb Cure Is taken Inter
nally, acting directly upon tbe blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Testimonials sent free. Price 60 cents
per bottle. Sold by all Druglgsts.
Take Hall's PamUy Pill's tor cou-stipatou.
Death of Mrs J. 8. Morrow.
Last week Tbe Kxatolner promised
Ita readera a more complete history of
Mrs. J. L. Morrow's life than was
possible to obtain at that time.
Hlbbrlna A heart was born of Mr.
sod Mis. A heart, in Cedar county,
Tennessee, on June 21, 1835. Rhe
went to Missouri wltb her parents
while a child, removed to California
with members of her family in the
year 18M, and located la Sonoma
county, her patents having died in
Missouri. Hbe became acquainted
with Mr. J. L. Morrow in Honoma
county, and waa married to him there
July 0, WA Tbey went immediately
to Mendocino county, where tbey
lived for oue year, when they removed
to Nevada county, where tbey lived
until Wit, when tbey again moved,
tbla time coming to Oregon, settling
In Douglas county. Tbey lived there
till 1HHI, when tbey moved to liid
welt, Modoo county California. In
1H85 Mr. Morrow moved with bis fam
ily to Warner valley, where they have
since resided.
Mrs. Morrow was the mother of six
children, three boya and three girls,
aa follows: J. V., J. A., Jesse I).,
Nancy J., Sarah K., and Mary E.,
three of whom, J. W.. Josh and Sarah
are dead. Joseph A. Morrow lives at
Klamatb Falls. Mrs. Nancy J. Ilennett
and Mrs. Mary E. Cooper live in War
ner valley, the latter two were present
at tbler mother's death. Two broth
ers, Spencer and James A heart, live
in California, and oue sister, Mrs.
Hannah Puckett, lives in Douglas
county, Oregon.
Mrs. Morrow died of heart trouble
la Warner valley on Sunday morning
at 0 o'clock, October 20, 1907, at the
ripe old age of 72 years, Smooths and
29 days. She was burled at Ft. Iild
well on Monday, at 1 o'clock.
Mrs. Morrow was a devout christian,
having been a member of tbe Southern
Methodist Church for over forty years.
She died at 0 o'clock! a. m. : with
tbe awakening life of a new day, sho
went to sleep like a tired child.
With tbe eye of faith oue could aee at
tbe dawn of this memorable October
day, an Invisible hand wave a signal,
and a voice In softest accent on tbe
morning breeze, announoe thai tbe
gatea were open and that God'a angels
were waiting to escort her la
After a long, busy and uaeful life
she died aa she bad lived honored,
trusted aud loved. She reared her
own monument while abe lived In tbe
hearts of all who knew her. Her life
waa oomploted if work done and well
done constitutes completion. Her
Christian life was beautiful from its
beginning to its close, and through
all the vicissitudes and Borrows that
she met In tbe way, ber faith in God
never wavered, but abe has left os
an today tbe autumn leaves fall upon
another grave that bides , from our
sight all that la mortal of a true and
noble woman
Mr. Joseph L. Morrow, husband of
tbe deceaed, Is all broken op in spirits.
So long bad he proudly walked beside
bis wife, wbo always shared bis sor
rows, that when tbe time cornea for
blm to trod alone, tbe task is a hol
low and dreary one. He says there is
nothing more for him in this world.
Tbe home which he has so valiantly
fought for for twenty years, Is empty
to him. nis stooped and withered
body trembles as he atands beside the
empty chair and through tear-dlmmed
eyes imagines he sees ber, his life
partner, as she once appeared.
Mr. Morrow, too, Is nearing life s
sunset. He was 73 years old last July.
He crossed tbe plains wltb ox team
In 1854, landing la Nevada county.
California, after a long and dangerous
ourney. He followed mining till in
1805, when he moved to Douglas coon
ty, Oregon, and to Dldwell In 1881
and to Wainer four years later.
New Line of Men's winter Shoes,
just arrived at
Desth of firs, deorge Freemen.
F. P. Light recleved a telegram
from Codarvllle last evening giving
the sad news of tbe death of Mrs.
George Freeman, which occurred
yesterday morning. The funeral will
take place from the Freeman bouse, .
near Dldwell Friday at twelve o'clock.
Mrs. Freemen Is sn honored member i
of the Itebekab lodge. No further
10x4 Cotton blankets, 11.00 a pair at
Card of Thanks.
J. L. Morrow and daughters and
tbelr families wish to extend their
heartfelt thanks to their many dear I
friends of Warner Valley and Dldwell '
for tbeli sympahty and aid during'
the Illness, death and burial of their
beloved wife and mother. Such
kindness cannot be repaid by words.
Nothing that love could supply waa
wanting. May the bread tbey so
generously cast upon tbe waters re
turn to tbem after many days and He
wbo "tempers tbe winds to tbe shorn
lamb" protect them from all barm
and long shield them from tbe sorrow,
sickness and death Incident to human
ity, and when tbey come, as come
they must, one and all, to answer
the roll call may they be
sustained and comforted by friends'
as noble, generous and devoted.
We also extend our many tbanks to
those kind friends at Willow Ranch,
Pine Creek and Lakevlew, wbo man!
tested tbelr deep sympathy by kind
aVtloDS and soothing word, as we
came from Dldwell to Lakevlew via
these places to avoid tbe familiar
scenes of our recent sorrow.
To one and ajl we again say, "Tbank
you, Dear Friends."
J. L. Morrow,
Mrs. A. N. Dennett,
Mrs. W. II. Cooper.
e i t
Our Winter Stock of Men's and Boy's clothing is now here
and we have the most up-to-date line of Clothing, Overcoats,
Rain Coats Etc. ever shown in Lakevlew.
We also have 'complete lines of Ladies' and
Children's whiter underwear Ladies' Waists, Skirts.
Coats and everything needed for Winter wear.
Rubbers and Overshoes of all de
scriptions, come and get your winter
' You mar start so account with any
mount yon wish over $1.00. Send
check, money order, express order or
by rrrUtrrrd letter and by return mail
you will receive your bank book. We
pay 4 Interest and com pound it twice
a year, on June 40 and liccember 11.
Cmpltmlmnd Surplua
Til Jiff
Sad for aur looklat en BanUna. by Mad
Is there a better way to
keep the family longer at
table, to keep it together?
Your trocar ralaros your atoaay il ran foal
Ills Schilling's Bast: wa pay bias.
Lakevlew Citizens Band, will give le
soas on all brass Instruments cornet
and slide trombone a specilaty also
mandolin. Lessons gvlen amatenrs on
violin. 23-tf.
The Secret of a
Beautiful Face
lies in keeping the skin pre
tectedu well as cleansed. Just
washing is not enough that
only leave the delicate surface
more exposed to the irritation
of dust and germs to merci
less attacks ot tun and
weather. After washing, ap
ply Robertine and experience
sts delightful refreshment.
You will admire the line-lew
softness it imparts to face,
neck sad arm. It not only
timulates a radiant glow, but
protects the skin from becom
ing coarse. Prevents burn
ing, tan and freckles.
Aik mr Drurrim M a
frm atfa r-nr
y out mw
The Lakeriew Furniture Com
pany has moved into the large
Brick Building on Water street
where a Large Stock of every
thing usually found in a Furn
iture Store will be kept
Undertaker's Parlors
Repair Shop .....
l i
a- '
in the mine
aa Sm hna, la bm ar
at aw urait.a, SimiiS at
wwlwn rrara tat
Levi Strauss & Co's
Copper Riveted Overalls
tvawan la iht oarM -J
hkkt k. wiTiutow, Abstracting
Vlco I'reHldent
Maps, riuiiH. llluo I'rlnts, Etc.
Klamath Count' Abstract Co.
Surveyors and Irrigation Engineers
Don J. Zumwai.t, C. 13.
. Klamath Falls, Oregon.
M. D. WlLI-UMH, C. E.
4 4 Reno The Hub Of The Slope"
Invites and or Lot Buyers to Call and See or
of .
Houses and Lots in Reno and Sparks
Acreage Near Reno
Acreage North to Lakeview, Oregon
Real Estate is The Best Investmee
Formerly Hibbard & Turner.