Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, October 31, 1907, Image 3

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Floor For tde Hog Hiun,
A snrrrasfiil mIi. drecilpr (Ivm the
follow In mcpimi of the floor he put
Into IiIn Ikk Iioiim,
The fliNir Im mnl of Imnt lrlck laid
fin t In sand, the amid rratris; on RmvH.
It la not rafe to o dirt for ll'om,
n m It aetlli' and r:iffi (hi fj wr to
I 1 II U llTI'J t I
ll'l In. rn
i i iin! ki'KM'
t i llu-n Mid
!rl' U don't put
lllllll'W Willi
H 1(1. MM' of
Whi'U layl. tt
'mi rlufe Tn.ri
After you Im
of Water on till-
n 11 1 then tuli Hr
ttroiiortl'iu of t'i
Ik hi
laid put riputr
: II H til HI Ml It
' mid cement ' i t lit
i prirlM of an ,l to
on of cement mil urn ehotifc-ti
no that It will p-mr freely. I'om
over the Door and anrcp It In villi a
Nrooiu until tlio crm'kn are full The
lioipi will no! alli on thl floor nil
It la cheaper llinii n plunk floor. ! nnn
teeura In Calvaa.
Professor HIihw of tli Mlrhlrni
Agricultural rollr-jte says r-nncerutnir
tin1 treatment of scours In calves:
Olio of the ll thlnir wn rive
lined and ire tu lug almoat altox n r
v. Ith wli It'll to anppreaa oiitbrcnl. of
calf acoura If a mixture of tincture
of rtiulinrti, camphor and opiate, r;iinl
parts In hot nicr, altout a teaspoon
ful. Ono of the moat lutereatlDg re
ooverlea I Im v ever seen waa la tbe
ease of a calf that scoured and ran
ao near di-atli that the feet were
stretched out cold and stiff, and there
waa every ay in p loin of death. The
calf waa tratiil In that way twice,
than waa fed with raw eggs and milk
occaelonatly, and lie recovered. He
'waa the alckeat calf I ever aaw, ao
alck hla hair all came off after week
or ten daya, hut be la one of the beat
feeders we hare In the bunch today.
Telllae the Haalth ef Fewle.
Dr. Halmon of the bureau of animal
Induatry laya down thla rule for telling
the health of a fowl by Its droppings:
The condition of the droppings fur
blahee a good Indication of the hen's
health. They ahould be of sufficient
couelatenry to bold their abape, but
should not be too aolld. In color they
should bo dark, tapering off Into a
graylab white. If the droppings are
soft or paaty or of a yellowleb or
brownish color It Indicates too much
carbohydrates of a lack of meat. If,
on the other band, the droppings are
watery and have dark red splashes of
mucus In them It Indicates too much
meat A irreeuleh, watery diarrhea '
Usually Indicate Insanitary conditions
either In the surroundings, the feed or
the water.
' . tllege Oeerf Per Herees. '
II arses like silage aa well aa cattle
do after tbey get acratotned to It. A
man In Mlcblgsn a few years ago win
tered 200 Tjomps on silage and straw
exclusively,' ' with no grain. ' They
came throng In fine ahape, and the
brood marea ail had fine, strong colts.
The Ohio experiment ststlon tried
feeding bones on silage through the
winter and , reported that tbey, came
through until aprlug In the best con
dition. W. C Bradley of Wlaeonsta
ays that one year during spring work
be wss out of bsy, and the only coarse
fodder his horses had during all that
period of hard work was 'silage, lie
ay a that hla homes never ateed work
better. Spirit of the West
pltz er tmnir aa f eeae.
The South Itekota experiment sta
tion has Issued a bulletin en the feed
ing value ef mmer, which that sta
tion continues to call spelts, giving the
coot of production of beet and pork
when the ratios conalated largely of
tills grain. '"X mixture of. e tutor and
corn gave Doner reauits than emnier
alone. Whoa fed alone "It require
from one to t"t pounda more to 'pro
dace a pound of flesh than with the
other gralna," Emmer is an excellent
material tomlx with corn becauee of
the Improvenient of the physical condl
won or tue rood, . particularly corn,
wnlcn makes the mixture Just about
the tight consistency for good diges
tion. . '. i i ;
Charcoal Oeed For Farm gteck.
Charconl Is often recommended far
pigs sml fowls, but It Is not generally
understood that It 1s a good feed for
any kind of ' etock fed with ' corn or
other beating, material ,Tbefe Is an
effect from charcoal which , helps ' to
correct acldjty of the atomach, and It
rapidly abnorl.ii lMisea. It Is excellent
for mixing wlfh the food of animals
that are being fattened, experiments
showing that. the. Increase Is greater
when a proportion of charcoal is al
lowed. , , , , -i j. i ;
The Poultry Ysrd. .
Wben corn on the ear Is thrown to
yarded fowl the cobs should not be
allowed to accumulate for any length
or time. They, with tbo other utter,
should te rnk,ed vp nud burnod. This
will prevent 'to a ajreat extent the do
velopincnt of scaly leg. Keeping tbo
chicken yards In good condition takes
little tlmo aad not only makes them
sightly, but ttdds to the health and
well being of tbo fowls.
8uoooss In Dsirying. .
Good luck does not enter Into the
success of dairying any more than It
does Into fishing. Ilnd luck with cows
usually comes from bad management,
flood luck may be attributed to good
management, and some thought of the
whys and wherefores of the bustm-su.
8polllna Milk.
Closing up cans before the anlmul
beat is out of the milk Is one of the
most prolific means of making good
milk bad. Stir It, dip or pour It from
one can to another; do something with
It, or anything almost, but do not cov
er It up warm.
:am Balm
oive Satisfaction.
nir at onoi.
' lils and profcv-ta the
ie reatiltlna; from Cutarrli
lt clean
and ilrlvi'n i
Ili'Hto n Vin tie
I!miy to ii" . (!
i fold In th load rpiiaklv.
" of Tae and Hinell.
Gun no ijtirlma drii(t
Applied Into the n--at Hie and e)nr1ed.
lAun Hlz, fiO cents at DrujjiflNta or lijr
ni'll. l.'n.'ild ('mam Uulro for tute In
atoiui.i r, 75 rente.
til enOTHfrtb. be Warraa St.. New York.
The Maglo Penny.
Trocars s small eeiiud bos about an
Inch deep, to wlilifi fit accordingly a
petiii)'. I.lno the te wM mmy dnrk
pnjier rrlninoii, for lutauceand paste
Botne of It on the aide of the coin, ao
that when It Ilea In the lower part of
the boi It ahall appear like the bottom
of the box. Tbla petiuy Is concealed
In the bandand before performing the
trick It will heighten the effect If a
number of single pen alee are bidden
about the room In places known to
yourself. Ilarlug borrowed a coin,
you dexteroualy place this on one aide
and substitute the prepared one and.
putting It gravely Into the box, aak all
to be aure they have seen It enter.
When the lid la on, shake up and
down. The noise betraya the metal.
Now command It to dlaappear and
shake laterally from aide to aide. As
the penny la made to fit accurately, no
colas U apparent. The coin seems to
be gone, In proof of which you open
the box and display too Interior. The
paper on the coin conceala It, while
you direct the audience to look Into a
book or a pair of slippers for too miss
ing penny. The prepared coin can be
slipped out and the box banded round
for examination. In which, of course,
nothing will be found. This trick may
be repeated two or three tlmea with
the greatest success and Is so simple
that nobody fracases the manner of
An Anelent Tree.
Some time between 1662 and 1670
a gentleman made a grand tour, la
the course of which be visited Lb-.
anon. There he obtained seed of the
famous cedars, which, on hla return
to London, be gave to bis old. teacher.
Dr. Uvedale of Enfield, who planted
It la hla garden. The achoolmaater's
uame has almost perished, and hla
garden la now uearly covered with
flats, but tee tree survives and Is
the oldest In England, tts trunk, at
tgbteen bjr-bee from the ground,
meaaurea nearly twenty-two feet In
circumference, . la the storm of No
vember, 1703. that destroyed the Ed
ayetone nghtnouee elgbt feet were
blown off from the top, and another
tempest iu th name month ninety-two
later did It much mlachlef.
The nail street line of engraved
ertlflcata of Stockjand Iiond blanks
&t the Exrttuluer offloc. New sample
book ; received Mouday evening. II
you want stock certificates se ou
hid pics and get our prices. tf
, '., Final Proof Notice.
Laud Office at Lakevlew, Oregon,
oepe., -., iuvf, )
Moitoe is hereby given that James
N. (J i van of Plnsn Oregon, has filed
uotice of bis intention to make Final
live year proof in support of his claim.
via: iiomeetesd Entry No. XMOtuade
Jauy. I'A' 1DU0. lor the B.' BWi 8eo
11 piii NWHectlon 14. TownabiD 'M
ti., Kaoge 21 K. W. M and that said
proof will be made before KeeaUter
ana JUeoeiver, at Lkevlew Oregon on
8th 4av of November, 1907. ' .
Jie names tbe following wltueeaea
tQ freve bis continuous residence op
on, and cultivation of, the land, vis:
OarencB Dixon. Ilarrv Kiooa. .trw
Jooee, ; Wm. Schuster, all of Plueb
UrefTon. 1 '
l , aO-6 j J. N. Watson, Regiater
Dutch lunchat the" Brewery gu
oon- . , . , t!
Eli Keetaorant . First class meals
at all Lours. tf
Start tas'' 1 yf 1h Kknl Yog Haw kmn Bought
We oan bave You Money
Jf you are not already a suhaerllwr to thla pajcr, now la the time for you to auh.
scrlba. If you ate tlrondy a ubacrlber you ahould reaaw yoar b.crlptlox w
while the liberal tc. ius we otter you prevail. We hare made arraiiiiemeata with the
puhllHheraofrW.r04IJtAe WORLD to club their papSr with our., and
iryou will at out soud ua ri-uo. wewlllauud uu boiu papara on yr.
The American Farm World la a Large Agricultural Monthly publication contain.
Ing eaoh muuth from MO to 3'4 large page, carefully edited by one of the Ablest Agri
cultural Wruera In the United Statu. Jt la flllod with original mattur (only) for the
farmer aud hla family.' No copied matter whatever, but tbs well tuated method of the
net rarme-a in the country, are here found tone Juat what the farmer want to know,
and It U lo to aay if followed will aave hint money and Improve hi farm.
n-..l't'ir' mE AMERICAN FARM WORLD a whole year, together with our
own paper if you will at once aeud UitiOO. We will pay the pabllahara of The
America a Kan. i tvorld for you out of the amount you aeud ua, and you will
receive tholr puptn ia well aa our own regularly aa laaued. Do not delay, but take
advantage of thla rreat offer now. Addreaa ..Mi " ,
Hat Lnfiaf Hpm W th
HdU Caut
TV Sea Frtndsco
The Weekly Chronicle
The very beet weekly Nawapaeer
published la the eattre West.
$1.50 a Year
larloiMna pHUn to tmy rt of fc
tulla4 HUM, Uu4 aa4 Mast
It Is Vast beeaeee, besides
printing all the aawa of the world
eaelt weak In an Iniarestlag way
and fully lllustratfag maay
artioiei, it naa apeolai
mtaia devoted
These are prseided
d'ton having a theresrh knot
ed( ef thslr epeotaltlss. The
pa(s devoted to A jr culture,
Horticulture, Poultry aad Live
Stoek are well llluatrated and
fi led with matter ef the (rssteet
Interest le all eegsgod la tha
industries, svery II a e bslag
wrlttca by these who are In eloee
louoh with ooadJtteea prevailing
on Ihta Coast
It will be Mat free.
Do yoe wasnl Ess CWeeAeie
Reversible Map?
Shewing the Uattee! S4atoa.De.
mlnloa of Caaada aa4 Narthsv
Maalee e M etde, MAP OF
THI WORLD, eeeaeanag le slew
la sm siedasiea saep, wttk all
Bre i
ether side.
"VoolyCliielils-e one fsav.
seelac Si i1 M Maf sal
The Dtfrr end tba
a; i m as hi f
Ooiy ZljS t Ycg
The Farmer! 7ifd ,
la very careful about her churn. She
scalds It thoroughly after using, and gives
It a son bath to sweeten It She knows
that If her churn Is sour It will taint the
butter that Is made In lt Tbs stomach Is
a churn. In the stomach and digestive
ana nuiriuv Vic is are performed pro
eeases which are almost exactly llks the
churning of butter. Is It not apparent
men tnat it tais stomach-churn la foul It
makes lout all which Is put Into It?
The evil of a foul stomach Is not alone
ins dm uses in the mouth and the foul
breath caused by It, but the corruption of
in pare current or blood and the dlssem
nation of disease throughout the body.
Dr. Pierco'a Golden Medical Discovery
maaea mo sour ana tool sjosaech sweet.
It does for the stomach what the washing
and tan bath do for thechurn -absolute! v
removes every tainting- or eorrvpUag ele
ment, in mis way it cttres Notches,
plat pies, eruptions, scrofulous swellings,
sores, or open eating ulcers and all
bamors or disease arising from had blood.
U you have bitter, nasty, foal Uite In
your xaoaia, coated tongue. Tool breath,
are weak and easily ttred, feel depressed
ana aesponaent. nave frequent headaches,
dlzxy attacks, rnawlna or listrea Jn atom
ach, constipated or irregular bowels, soar
or bitter rlslaga. after .eating, and poor
appetite, these symptoms, or any consider
able nuraberW tbem. Indicate that you are
Suuwiiih in wnonaneaa, torpid or isiy
Ivor with the usual accompanying ladl-
Station, or dyspepsia aad.thuU attendant
' The hrt aeenr trnmm tn r.t r
en lof tin: iWWitl ivi,m
inOTQlii 111 oris, an attfciloawT
r IfJifllntr l,-stiFhL Ann i,rrtril
tely true
will be readily prove to your satisfaction
u l wl" hut mall a postal card request
to Dr. R. V. Pierre. Buffalo. N. Y.. lor r
jroo eopvor au nook let or extracts rrorr
tbe Standard nvyl W-aI authnritUa. irlvlnn
the namea of all the Ingredient onierlna
in-ra nisworia-iameo mllrlnM and show.
Ing what the mot eminent medical men
toe age say of them.
Mining '
blanks at the Examine
oflice., t
Subscribe for Tlie Iake Couoty Ex
amincr, ltyou svaut tbe news.
i') We print township plats
tL tL aw fWMW c
ti i r iv - Tf
tea ft .QtL
ap taettifiral&UQHiutUradical
Tillrnverv lli.t Af. I. thinlu
The best VatjiT.1
die on the market.
Also a complete line of wagon
and buggy barncsm, whlo
robes, rlatiiN, lilts, aptys,
quirts, rosettes, In fact every
thing In the line of carriage
nnd horse furnishings. Ite
palrlg by competente mn.
p pufltrr
LIGHT & HARROW, Proprietor
A Memorable Day.
One of tbe daya we remember with
pleasure, aa well aa with profit to oar
health, is tbe one on which we be
came acquainted with Dr. King's New
Life Pills, tbe painless purifiers that
core headache and bilionsneBs, and
keep tbe bowels right. 25c at , Lee
Heall's Drug Store.
Blanks f or fir si trrefs, Detert put '
limber land final proofs and blank affi
4avita for applications tor readmtise
meate, blank witneaa' affidavits, etc t
rbe Examiner office.- , . tf
: For Sale: Large iron sheep dip
boiler, holds BOO gallons. Price 960.
Also 40 bead of Lafollett backs 17
per bead. - . .'r-
. 31-lm i 8. T. Colvin.
,... .
f . r - -
' J. II. Cotter whiskey at the Bote
Lakeview bar. The best and poreet
whiskey made. ' . ' . .' if.
The Examiner priata township' ptata,
aad makes them into books to order." tf
! -. . - ' '
i . m
ever made in Lake County, and every Deed given.
In transcribing the records we have found numerous
mortgages recorded in the Deed record, and not indexed; and
many deeds are recorded in the Mortgage record and other
books. Hundreds of mortgages and deeds are not indexed
at all, and aie most difficult to trace up from the records.
We have notations of all these Errors:
Others cannot find their.. We have spent hundreds of dollars hunting
these errors, and we can guarantee our work.
; ..
' Mm I
Farmer, bave yor butter
pers printed at The Examine oflKe,
instead of sending away for them.
You keep your money at home, and
patronize them that patronize yon,
besides, yon see what yon are get
ting and don't hare to pay for It If
It doesn't suit you. tf
To Cure a Cold In One Day
Tablets. All druggists refund the
noney if it fails to care. E. W. Grave's
signatore i on each box- 25c.
' . i : : i i' ! : i f
Tba Examiner baa a sopgly of tint
ciaaa batter .- wrapper paper on' band
now, at the following prices For 000
snappers, printed, 12.75, for KHJO
printed H.50. ' ,- :i I ;M tt
; .i .-',.. . t
H, F Ahlstrom, the, saddler, ha e
oeived a new. shipment of gloves, the
beet, in j the market.; ; If you ; want
gloves good oqeaweail at : tbe ' Ahl
strom Harness Ghop. ! ' . ; 39 tl
. i, i i t .' , . -' '
s . ,i ... r ,
I pirn m,
e have made an entire transcript of all Records in Lake Count v,
which, in any way, affect Real Property in the county.
We have a complete Record of every Mortgage and transfer
Blueprlntsof any town
ship in the Lakevlc
Land District can be had
by applying to the under
signed. AN work up to
date. Checking made
from the Land Of
fice Records at tin time
the printsan- made, work
neatly and pronptjy
W. B. Snider.
Lakeview Oregon..
The Publisher's
Claims Sustainojl
Uniteo States Court or CutAW
Thm PnhHuhem of Wbtr'a Intenurtlitt!
Dictloaary lk-(re thmt It "la, In firt.the pftpu.
Inr l'nirf1)rwl tborouhlr redltod inovery
-til. and vastly enriched In every part, wlta
the purpe of ariaptln It to meet the fatfp
and aeverer requiremeota of aaotber rcikr.
We are of the opinion that thla alleeaCoa.
nnt ciearir ani aoouraieir oewniM uw
work that
has been aoooiopltMted ami toe
reault that baa been reached. TheIctHmarx,
aa It now etanda, bae boen taoroaehlrK.
edited la every detail, has been correctedja
every pan, ami is aamiraoiy aoaptm to I
tbe Ianrer and eeverer require mm ta cT"ik ,
aeneratUn which demanda more ef popiiir
philological knowledae than any generata
that the world haaever contained.
It la perhapa needieea to add i hat we apfl-v '
to tbe dictionary In our Judicial work H ,
the hia-heat authority In accuracy of Jfcc.J
(inn : and that In tbe future ae In tbe paeflt
will be tbe source of constant reference.
staston tVrmix. '
The abon rtfert to WTBSTXHTS w
(the hlabevt award) waa eiven to the loteite
tionai at tbe World'a Fair, fet. Lcmia. r .
! Ynu will U Meruted n sin
fpeeuiun page, sen JT.
. eoaxaMtcna. .
Bean tie
Tha liad iw Hiw Kutft Bags,
.pasvai eO YEAIW
CAStvRMvs at
-mamMnm a .bi mnd dK-'l ll"" afT
Silokl aaeertata oar onlo. frj"'?
avriai MoMtS, wHboaa obanta, la t
Scutiflflc Wicaiu
Aaamlaomarrtmntratae VfSSfffi
aZTroaaKmUu.l. &M by all LpewadjaJara,
) v..:
: ' i a.
. ,a .'A
, ' '
i TI
i. A
t-t i