Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, October 31, 1907, Image 1

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NO, 44
Lnnd Office Handles Big
Crowd Without Mitch.
Orderly Conduct Speaks Highly
for Doth Land Claimants and
Land Office Officials.
Never was a large crowd f eager
and seekers mors orderly and courte
una than Hint which was IIijimI up at
tbe lend office hore Monday. l' to
Haturday evening the luud office o 111 -clala
had (-barge of the crowd and
called the roll lioth morning and eve
ning. On Katurtlay tliohe iu line were
told that they would have to inuuage
the line-up themselves, and after roll
call they all repaired to tho Opera
Holme to hold a meeting In order to
come to an understand lag a to how
the line up should ha maintained nil
each once' rights reapectod. V. V.
Light failed kthe meeting to older,
and Mr. J II.. Lee of Klamuth county
was urauimuusly elvcted chairman,
and Mr. Jauiva Murry, of Lakeview
secretary. Everything was harmon
ious and the the crowd whs ensured
that If harmony mm mnlntniued the
laud office otllciala would concur lu
any arrangements made by the crowd.
It waa agreed tbut the Secretary
should call the roll Sunday, morning
and eveolug and on Monday morning,
and when the land office opened be
houldcull the name aa they appeared
lu line, and each one step into the
land office aud en'';.- bla .llirg Not
a diHHeuting vole wtts beard to this
agreement, and it waa curried out to
' a successful end. A etruug guard wim
placed at the. laud idllco door to keep
watch through the night, leat no me
one should attempt to break the ruled
and form a uew line.
Home time in the night it un Muted
that some partiea got a "jug" on uud
undertook to form a line, but they
were "thrown out", and no more
trouble wua had. I'.ven if audi an
occurrence took place, it It believed
that the partiea were not sincere.
Monday niorniug'M roll cull showed
AH lu line, and at '.) o'clock the laud
olllce door waa unlocked ami quietly
and peucally tho llit two uppllcuuts
atepped in at tho cuil of their namea.
It wua noon He en thut but two tnluutea
wua reiulred for a peraou to offer
their papera. Hy i o'clock, noon,
ISO had tiled, and about .1 o'clock all
bud been put through the mill.
Between 50 and homesteaders are
-expected to come in yet to Mo.
Up to lust ulght 319 upilicatloua
bud boon filed.
The otllciala rushed everything and
by .Tuesday evenlug one could learn
if be hud any opponent 'or bia claim,
it waa discovered upon checking olf
the filings that touu claims bud three
or four tilings on them, . but aa the
exact time to the bull minute, waa
aoted on each set of puors, no ques
tion will ariae as to priority.
A greut many are, of course, dis
appointed, but such was expected all
long, and while some will compro
mise, others will settle their cases lo
'the legal department of the geuerul
Hand office.
Wendeeduy more lag the crowd begun
to leave for their bonisa, and while
the town Is yet full of strangers over
crowded conditions are somewhat re
lieved. Women In the line were beard too
remark thut they never saw a 'more
orderly and gentlemanly crowd of men
In tbler lives ; thut they bud not
heard any improper language during
their stay lu Hue.
Lakeview has had the largest crowd
it ever bud, and admirably.
Following Is a Hat of (bono liued up
on Monday:
Annie Babel, Nelliu McShuue, Geo,
Harper, W. II. Canelieer, Jas. Mo
Shane, R W. Caaebeer, It. L. Weir,
W. E. Anderson, A. 11. Oray. F. 11
Moran, Mrs. Oeo. K. Htoikmnn, Goo.
Storkmau, W. V. Hampton, Fetui
Wilsbire, Oda Craveua, . Jas. Boyd,
Geo, Eniery, Mrs. Jonas Norln, J. E.
MoOoul, M. A. Light, F. P. Light,
Frank Hutobinson, D. T. Oodslii,
Oeo. Bloouilugcamp, Jus. Ryan, Sarah
-Uarrett, LenaMalloy. Clayton Klssell,
L.S . Asoough, T. J. Powell, J. K.
Murrey P. O. Hugus Mrs. W. K.Dsrry
R. M. Duller, Dora Lane, John Hart,
It. A. Hart, Ethel Painter E. J. Haw
kins Oeo. Knott, E, E. Woodcock, F.
P. Toller, W. T. Brlsmaster Chss.
Stint, Luther Ma'let, Mrs. M. O. Bern
ard Mr. M.E. Steel Mrs. P. Lane,
Prank Lane, A. L. ToDolngsen, Chus.
TonnugMen, Pannle Tonningsen, Amra
Olonn, Mrs. H.-JP. Woodcock. 8. O.
Rurnes, A. Toller, M. 8. Bnrnoa, Jos.
Lane, O. H. Easter, Mrs.0. H. Easter,
Mrs. A. Hoyd Ira W. Bishop, John
Wendell, Mm. John Wendell, 0. C.
Price, li. It. McMnrtlu, A. L. Poor,
Joel McCullough, Elmer Davis, Mrs.
A. P. Tonningsen, A. P. Tunnliigsen,
dene Touniugsen, Mrs. Wm. Harvey,
A. M. Walker, Wm. Wagner, W. H.
Allen, E. R. Post. (Jim Atchley, J. P.
lloll.r, Lets Haudley, K. Woodwurd
V. X. Wood. Mrs. O. U oyn, Mrs. II.
C. New.ll, ;j. P. L, Mattle Peed,
W. r. Heed, 8. P. Ahlsfroiu, Pearl
llaitxog, Hattie lien!, J. K.Odorn, C.
A. Jbbhoii, Dun McNamara, J. II.
Milton, Albright Rene, Arthui Ober
lln, J. J. Noonan, W. J. Mulkey, C.
E. Mulkey, W. J. Howard, W. A. Lus
ter, W. II. Itlchardson, E. E. Walker,
Ed Lake, Tom liernard, Lydia Ross,
Kosetta Downey, P. L. Pots, U. W.
Mason, C. I). Nelson, O. C. OIhoh,
Mattle Hedrlck, E. E Lyons, O.
"chlels, II. A. Kchenck, J. J. Wllker
sou, 8. M. Hmitbe, E. W. Itichatdson,
H. 8 Newton. A W Rcullen, O. II.
Newton, E. W. Whetstone, M. E. Key
nolds, Wm. Folks, T. W. Newton, II.
P. Cramer, W. II. .Muxou, Q. II. Keene
P. W. Kroger J. E. Hayes W. I.
Steele, C. O. Metxker, Lyman Mills,
Mrs E. 11. Heury, W. T. Lee, 1).
Mills, C. W. JeunlngH, A M. Oowdy,
8. Mosby, W. 8. Plemming, W. R.
Boyd, J. E. Freeman, Lola NtLnon,
Jas Spencer, P. W. McAffry, B. He
Attry, 11. Egll, Burke A. L. Poor,
Oeo. Fhanseil, J. J. Hogan, A. Wil
cox, W. Bates, O. O. Balwdin. W. P.
Henry, II. J. Lrangkam, D. Moses,
rl Childs, II. A. Boggess, J. E. Har
per, A. O. Walker, J A. W"op, 8. J.
Nelson, M. C. Keene, Oeo. C. Nelson,
K. I). NoUon, Jua. Phillipa, A. II.
CroBH, Clyde Cogburn, C. A. Matdon,
11. I). Witherell, J. W. Miciton,
James Norln I. II. Ivory M. Ivory C.
E. Anderson et O.McDonwell J. 8.
Hall. Thoe. Coppin, Joe. Murin, S.
W. Richardson. P. C. Boyd J. 8.
Stlckrel O. E. La Hef C. North J.
Murphy, Ida Howard, W. C. Calleu,
Ike Kent, J. Ansel, Laura Smull
Llnuie Small A. L. CuiacMrs. Cuisck
C. R. Cressey R. Lead Annu Creocey
I. B. Cneecey, M. Creecey, J. H.
Brown, It. Ewing, J. J. Mober, Dun
Johnston, Ole Scleln, W. A. Verjon,
N. O. Jacobosn, R. Ounlap, E. B.
Heury, W. B. Hudson, 'J. Sween, M.
Perry, Win. Ascougb, Kiasell. Edoull,
Dr. 5tclner Appointed.
At a ppeciul meeting of the Board of
Trustees of the Insane Asylum, railed
upon motion of Secrotury of State F.
W. Benson, Dr. Robert Lee Steiuer
was lust week appointed Superinten
dent of the Asylum, to succeed Dr. J.
F. Culhrcath, to take effect January 1
1IXIH. Secretary of State Benson
placed Dr. Steiuer in nomination for
the position, and the nomination was
seconded by Treasurer Steel. Both
voted lor Dr. Stolner, but Oovernor
Chamberlaiu voted for Dr. Culbreatn.
Superintendent Culbreatn, at the ex
piration of bis present term will have
had the position for eight years. Dr.
Stolner's appointment is for four
years. Dr. Steiuer is at present on a
visit to bia old home and birthplace
at Bluffton, O., where be has beon
for more than two weeks past Befora
returning, he Intends taking a post
graduate course la medicine at New
York. Ha is 38 years of age and bus
been practicing but ten years, haviag
graduated from Wlllumette Uulversity
medical college In 1897. Salem States
man. Mrs. Bennett Injured.
Mrs. A. N. Beuuett met with a fieri
ous uccldeiit lust Tuesday, while the
family were comiug over from Bid
well, whore they uttoudud the funeral
of" Mrs. Morrow, Mrs. Bennett's
mother. Showas fooling budly, and
when they stopped at the Willow
Ranch' hotel in the eveulug, f)die took
a dose of camphor, which threw her
Into a tit. The doctor from Fiue
Creek was called, and anived there
just In time to save the woman's life.
When the spell cauio over ber a be
pitched forward from the ennir in
which she was sitting, uud struck ber
shoulder against a treo in front of tbs
porch, breuking her callnr bone and
fracturing ber shoulder. Mrs. Ben
nett Is now under a doctor's cine lu
Lakeview, and Is getting along as well
as could be expected, considering the
seriousness of ber injury. It will be
some ticia befoie she fully recovers
from the accident.
Govcrner Chamberlain Has Proclaimed Fi
nancial Holiday of 5 Days.
Owing to the unsettled financial
conditions prevailing In the East,
Governor Chamberlain has declared a
financial holiday of five days in all
Oregon banks. While Oregon Is not
only very rich in money and could
loan to Eaetern interests more than
MM),ym, as shown by the recent
report or State Bank Examiner
Steele, and tlll have sufficient money
to transact the business of the state,
yet tho governor no doubt considered
it to be to the best interests of Ore
gon to declare a holiday, of five days,
In order to enable the financial in
stitutions of the state to prepare for
O. E. 5. Entertains.
The Eastern Star Lodge bold their
annual Hallow'een entertainmoLt
Tuesady evening. A large number of
guests were Invited, each one receiv
ing a "black cat" card of iuvitaton,
with weird verse attached. Upon
entering the ball, the "glad band"
was exteudod by ghostly figures. The
lodge room was lighted with a num
ber of juck-o-lanterns, and after the
guests were seated, all other lights
were lowered, and a tall ghost appear
ed, and told a blood curdling tula,
which made the hair stand on end
w hen jut at the most thrilling part
the awful apparition of the tule turned
out to be a Heryford steer. After
tbi4 games were played the grown-ups
indulging with a vim which told that
they still bad youthful heart, (or
had entered their second childhood.)
Then supper was called and when
tbe banquet room was thrown open, a
new world was discovered; of hob
goblins, brownies, witches on broom
sticks flying in the air, jack-o-lanterns
etc. The tables were covered with
good things to eat, appropriate to the
time. Pumpkin pies, doughnuts, gin
gerbread, borne made candies, and
coffee. Smilux and other pretty vines
were twined around the plutsd, and
overhead was a mass of pretty colors.
We cau say. as a guest, that the O. E.
8. are royal entertainers. The com
mittee worked hard but tbe success of
tbe alt'air and tbe congratulations of
those preseut repays them for their
Kebckahs Entertain.
The Kebekahs gave an entertaiument
lust Saturady evening to members of
the order, and their wives auJ bus
bands, and Tbe Odd fellows and their
wives. The affair was a very pleas
ent one and highly enjoyed by those
present. Grand PresiduntMrs. Gal
loway was present, uud the floor
work was given for ber inspection,
and she said that of 25 lodges visited
by her. none put tbe work 011 better,
and few so well as tbe Lakeview
A banquet was served in the ban
quet ball it was prepared by tbe
Rebekah's which always means thut
everything tbat oue can think of, that
is good to eat, waa set before the
Mal Schedule Chanted.
Last week we published a telegram
stating tbat the trains would run
through from Reno to Likely In on
day, delivering the north bouud mail
to tbe stages which would be dis
patched from Likely the same night,
and not Btop until Lakeview was
reached. This schedule worked well,
but Tuesdjy evening a dispatch was
received here stating that both the
north and south bouud mails would
be held at Madeliue over night. This
throws our mails a day late. This
condition should bu vigorously
drain Is 3polling.
It Is said tbat any amount of the
grain dowu tbe valley is being spoiled
by the rains.
Farmers neglected to provide thresh
lug machines to thresh their crops,
aud when a big crop was raised, the
single maobiue in tbe valley was uu
able to thresh tbe grain. The stacks
are sprouting, aud already a large
amount of grain has been spoiled. .
Attorney General Crawford, G. II.
Staplotou, Judge Benson aud 0. A.
Cogswell, left for their homes Tuead y
any possible emergency that might
arise. .
Of all places on the Coast, Lake
county is the most fortunate, in a
financial way, for the reason tbat the
county, as a rule, does not owe one
' dollar to outside inteiests, and ber
' two banks have now on deposit a snm
I equal to more than 8'JtXI.OO per capita,
a showing, perhaps, tbat no other
'county in the United State can equal.
Tho banks, therefore, will remain
opeii to transact such business as can
be legally done, during the five days
proclaimed as a bolliday by the gover
nor. Receiver's DecUlon Affirmed.
United States Land Office
Washington, D. D.
Register and Receiver,
Lakeview, Oregon,
Sirs: In tbe case of A. Odulite
Horning vs. Kstberine A. Clopton.
Allowing homestead entry. Receiver
It appers from the record of the
above entitled case transmitted with
your letter of March 18, tbat on ftept.
3, 1906, Katberine A. Clopton filed a
tmber and stone application No, 3201
for a certain tract of land.
On Sept. 5, 1900, A. Odalite Horning
filed a homestead application for the
same tract, or a part of it.
Owing to ber failure to state whether
she was married or single, or 21 years
of age, Homing's homestead applica
tion was returned for correction. nd
when received at your office with an
affidavit alleging settlement on tbe
laud August 20, 1906, you ordered a
bearing to determine tbe rights of
the parties to the land.
The land in conflict is the west half
aud southeast quarter of southwest
quarter section 9, containing 120 acres.
Testimony was taken before tbe
county clerk of Klamath County, Ore
gon, on December 29, 1906, both par
ties appeariug aud submitting testi
mony, and Mual hearing was bad be
fore you on January 12, 1907.
You rendered dissentiug decisions,
tbe Register finding tbat:
Tbe homestead applicant bus not re
sided on the laud continuously, nor
bus she maintained a residence there
ou as required by law, even though
ber application had been allowed, to
make this laud a home to tbe exclus
ion of a home elsewhere, as she ad
mitted tbat if the land had not been
covered with timber she would not
have made application for it, as it
is 6hown by the testimony tbat the
land is not suitable for agricultural
purposes, aud that it would cost quite
a sum of money to clear the timber
therefrom to place the laud under cul
tivation, aud then again it is shown
that the land could not possibly be
Tbat the laud is more valuable for
timber than for agricultural purposes.
I am, therefore, of the opinion tbat
the homestead application of Odalite
Horning be rejected as to' the lands
in controversy and the timber and
stone application of Katberine Clopton
be allowed.
The Receiver found that:
The homestead applicant built a
cabin on tbe Southeast quarter, South
west quarter, Sec 9, whiob Is one of
the forties in contest, at a cost of 50,
that she made her settlement on the
land August 20, 1900; that there Is a
small spring tbat could be used to ir
rigate tbe land ; that there is a garden
raised within 200 yards of the land,
aud that tbe land is grazing and agri
cultural laud, therefore, that the
homestead applicant settled on this
land in good faith to make it her
home; that tbe land would be suitable
for agricultural purposes if the timber
were removed; that the land is more
suitable for grazing purposes and
therefbre tbe timber and stone appli
cation should be rejected and the
homestead applicant should be allowed
to enter the laud under her homestead
Both partiea filed appeals whloh
bring the case before me for consider'
otlon. m
I4, appears tbat although the land In
volved was open to settlement It was
uct opened to entry until September
3, 1906, the date on which Miss Clop
ton made ber timber and stone eppll
cation, and two days prior to the date
Miss Horning made ber homestead ap
plication. But it was admitted tbat Miss Horn
ing completed her bouse on tbe land
and made settlement August 20, 1906,
therefore, when Miss Clopton made
ber timber and stone application, the
land bad been appropriated under a
sjuatter's right at least by another
party, wbo, within fifteen days there
after filed ber homestead application
claiming such settlement. Under such
circumstances it cannot be held that
Miss Horning abandoned her settle
ment right bocause she left tbe land
temporarily about twelve days prior to
ber application.
The mere faot that tbe land is more
valuable for its timber than-for agri
cultural purpose, becomes immaterial
in view of the facts disclosed in this
case. Only unoccupied and unappro
priated lands are subject to entry un
der tbe T. 18. Act, and it Is admit
ted tbat Miss Horning bad a twelve
by fourteen foot bouse built of lumber
on tbe land and waa living in it, if
not tbe very day the'T. A 8. applica
tion was filed at least within a few
days of tbat time, and it is not even
pretended that tbe homestead appli
cant bad abandoned it.
Tbe Receiver's decision is, there
fore, affirmed and should this decision
become final Miss Horning will be al
lowed to perfect ber homestead entry,
and the T. and 8. application in so
far as it conflicts with tbe homestead
application is rejected.
So note on your records, advise tbe
parties of tbis decision and tbe T.
and 8. applicant of her right of appeal.
Respectfullf, Fred Dennett,
A cting Comimssioner.
Stock and Land News.
The great band of stock arrived yes
terday from tbe Cox St Clark ranch in
Modoc County after a drive of 75
miles, wbicl' was made by twenty cow
boys under tbe leadership of James
Suell. Tbis is by far the largest drove
of cattle that has been brought to Cot
tonwood this season for shipment by
The stock are consigned to Miller &,
Lux and most of tbe band are fat
Bteers ready for the butchers' block,
though there are a few stock cattle,
which are being shipped to Miller &
Lux's pasture lands in tbe San Joa
puiu Valley. Redding Searchlight.
What is probably tbe largest bunch
of beef cattle ever rounded ud in
Grant county, and tbe largest tha
will be for many a year, was taken
through town early Monday morning
on their way to Weiser, Idaho, "ays
tbe Canyon City news. The stock
was purchased by Mr. Cox, agent for
Alaska buyers and will be fed for
some time in Weiser before starting
on their long journey into the land
of the "Call of the Wild."
David T. Jones passed through tbe
valley tbis week with theWilshire and
Jones sheep, numbering 1900 head.
Mr. Jones recently purchased a one
bait interest in this band from A. II.
Hammeraley. The sheep are on the
way to tbe desert for tbe winter.
Pat Angland bought the fine, big
gray stallion brought here from Iowa
by Joel McCullough. Mr. Angland is.
exceedingly fortunate In securing one
of these fine stallions.
Fall Wool Market.
A Red Bluff dispatch to tbe Redding
Searchlight Bays:
Two thousand bales of wool the
full clip of Tehama County flocks
are la store in Red Bluff, and though
today was the sale day agreed upon
two weeks ago by tbe Woolgrowera
Association, not a single buyer was in
tbe field. Judge Ellison explained
that the situation is not a new one.
A year ago a sales day waa agreed up
on. The buyers formed a combina
tion aud none of them put in appear
ance. Tbe association postponed the
sales day a whole month, but within
ten days tbe buyers came trom their
hiding and begged for wool. Tbeygot
it, but they had to pay a fair price
for it.
The fact is, Tehama County sheep
men, or at least the majority ot them,
including all the large owners, are
prepared to hold their wool indefinite
ly if necessary to get what they con
sider a reasonable approach to tbe
Boston market quotations.
The fall clip is worth 16 cents in
Boston. Local sheep men. want 13
oents and they will bang out till they
get it. If there la a combination of
buyers there is also a combination of
tellers. A doleful story of tbe stringen
cy of money, waa put up by tbe buyer.
Pat Angland Case Ends
In Verdict of Acquittal
Warner Valley Stock Co. Suit
Against J. C. Dodson Was
Circuit Court -adjourned Tuesday,
and tbe Judge departed for Klamath
Falls tbe same day. Tbe following
cases were disposed of:
In the case of the State of Oregoa
vs. Pat Angland,. charged with tbe
larceny of a sheep, the jury returned
a verdict of not puilty, after being
oat 24 hoars.
James R. Reid, charged with barf
lary, pleaded iruilty, and was sentenced
to two years in tbe penitentiary.
T.'S. Hand ley, charged with assault
with a dangerous weapon, pleaded
guilty and w as fined f 100 and costs ef
Tbe case of Edward Friday vs. Theln
Bros., was continued for tbe term.
In the case of Warner Valley Stock
Co. vs. J. C. Dodeon, the plaintiff
company took a non suit, aael paid
tbe costs, amounting to 92.75. Quite
a lot of evidence was takea la the
civil case of tbe State vs. Warner
Valley Stock Co., et aL and a stip
ulation entered tbat additional evi
dence be taken up until Feb. . first,
Haudley Paya $1P Flae.-
After a chase covering four daya
Thos S. ilandley, who last Wednesday
took bis little girl from the Wendell
home by force and fled with her, waa
overtaken at Madeline and the two
brought back to Lakeview, arriving
here Sunday evening. Tom waa re
leased on bail, and the chUd turned
over to Sheriff Dent. Habeas corpus
prceedings were threatened if the child
was not turned over to its mother,
and tbe sheriff gave up the little girl
into tbe hands of Mrs. Wendell. Tom
was given until Tuesday morning to
make a plea to tbe charge of pointing
a gun at another. He plead guilty,
aud was fined 1100. Both parents
claim possession of tbe child, but at
present she is in the keeping of ber
Quick Work In Court.
Tbe swiftest trial in tbe history of
Lake county was that last Friday of
James R. Reid for robbing tbe saloon
of J. M. Flynn. Tbe crime waa com
mitted in the morning and before
night tbe man was sentenced to two
yesrs in the penitentiary.
. Reid sneaked into Flynn'a room
some time in tbe night and stole the
Utters pauts, took frpm t,heni teq $oL
Urs, a watch and the Leys to itt
Shamrock saloon. He then went to
tbe saloon and tried to open the door.
While he was worknig at the door Leo
Hasel came along and inquired what
he was about. Reid said he bad hired
to Flynn to tend bar. Hasel helped
him to open the door, and the two en
teied the place. Reid lit the light
and started to sweep out, but when
Hasel went away the fellow, it is
thought, busied himself trying to op
en tbe money safe, which contained
about 1400. Failing in tbia be tapped
the till for about tlO and threw th
keys in tbe back yard, and leaving
the door unlocked, he lit out for the
west about daylight. C. D. Arthur
was deputised to capture the fellow. .
and a little after uoou be returned
with bis man, having overtaken him.
in this edge of Drews valley.' ; Reid
plead guilty aud was sentenced $o two
years in tbe penitentiary that eve
ning. Sheriff Dent started for Salem
with tbe prisoner yesterday.
Reid stated tbut he was drunk and
did not know what he waa doing. It
is believed by some that he was.crazy.
Parties state tbat they have noticed
him acting ttueerly ever since the
burning of the electrio plant at Pine
Creek, some weeks ago, be having
been in charge there at the time of
the fire.
A Nevada exchange prints the fol
lowing card: "Paul DeLaney, Attor
ney at Law, Deputy District Attor
ney, Rhyolite, Nevada."