Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, October 24, 1907, Image 1

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NO. 43
Wonting: in a Deep Slough
One Mile l;rom Home.
No SIrms of I'oul Play. Humor of
Murder Unfounded. No Doubt
of Cause of Death.
After 21 days dillluout search, (lm
tiody of Morris WttiKtleld wus found
flouting In tine of tint deep sloughs In
Wurner valley lust Friday evening
about 0 o'clock and was recovered
two hours Inter, when h bout mid
help lind been brought to tho nee no.
Fred Kimcy, who had never given up
tlio search, on that evening plowed tho
place where more than fiO men had
Parched aud drugged tho slough for
days, and saw the body lying face low n
In the tulil of tho big slough, with
only th tdioiilders and head in sight.
Mr. Hussy at once wenf for Win. Nick
oils, who had beeu constantly In the
Beared since Morris Wiugfleld was
iiiIhhoiI on September 2.1I Niekolls ami
KiiHNy returned to tho t-ceno with a
tioitt and secured tho body from It
watery grave, ami started for Lake
view at VI o'clock, arriving here the
next morning.
Headers of The F.Xainiiier will le
inomber tlmt Mr. Wingflehl wan la-it
seen on KeL 24, aud tho next day bis
Imrmt wiih fouud, and everything Indl
fated tlmt Morris had ridden into a
slough tho day before and had I icon
drowned,. The search for his tody
commenced at cure. Nearly all of
Wniuer valley hurried to the spot
where the horo w found ami there
begun t tie Ken roll, Lvefy foot of
ground wiih gone over and tho sloughs
seurcticd hh Lent they could tie, con
sidering the fact that the sloughs are
wide, deep, muddy aud lilted with
W'ocdri and tu lea. Tho body waa found
Tl steps north of the pluco where cat
tie lind croiinod tho slough. The man's
hut and Lid rluta aro yet uudiacov
iJ, aud until they are fouud only
supposition an to the exact spot where
ho rode into tho slough cuu bo arrived
at. Now, howeVer, it 1h believed that
lie undertook to cross were tho cattle
had croi-xed. and hid hotbo lloiimlered
throw lug liim olf, hut ho clung to
imrtM of tho rig and tho horso swam
iiud lloiimiero.l for a considerable dirt
tance down the slough before Wing
field wau i eli-awed. Though the water
iu tho slouch does not seem to run, it
had a tendency iioi th, and uiay hare
carried t lie body some rods before it
cunio to the surface. A thorough
examination, by competent men, wan
made of tho body and no signs of foul
play were visible. -Tho verdict wan
death by drowning.
The remains lay ut tho undertaking
paiJor iu Lnkeviow while preparations
for burial were made aud at 2 o'llock
Sunday afternoon tho funeral took
place from the liaptlit Church.
Mr. C. 10. Campbell, a brother-ln
law of Mr. Wingfleld, upon leaving
Warner two weeks ago olferod I2UU or
the recovery of the body, and we un
derstand that something like 9100
more waa made up by the neighbors
of Mr. Wingfleld. It wan also rumored
that Geo. Wiugfleld a brother of de
ceased, has offered f 1000, but this re
port is not definite. Mr. Hussy who
first discovered the body is a brother
of Mr. Wlngflelds' wife. He had
searched dllllgently since he arrived
there a few days after the disappear
ance of Morris. We understand that
neither he nor Mr. Nickolls will ac
cept the reward money. It can be
a aid that every one iu reuch of there
did everything In their power to find
thn body. The fact thut it was not
found is not to tho discredit of any
of the. searchers, as it was predicted
all along that tho body would uot be
fouud until it ralsud'to the surface of
the water.
The report had gained considerable
circulation away from hero that Wing
field had been murdered and the body
bidden for ransom from Ueo. Wing
Held the millionaire brother, of Gold
Held Those reports were unfounded and
could not be borne out by any of the
circumstances. They reflected dis
credit upon Waruer vulloy aud were
humiliating to Lake comity, aud were
Bootf ed at by aouud ruusuners, after
carefully weighing the surrounding
clroutustanoes. '
5tock and Land Sales.
N. H. Merrill last week sold three
yearling short horn calvs for t'dieach
aud ono throo-year-old short horn bull
for II 00, which shows that there Is
money In thoroughbred cattle. Mer
rill Record.
Two thoiiHimd head of yearling ew
wero sold here today by Frank Ktrong
to Jon Crosby for ! per head, tho
highlit price ever recorded In Wyom
ing at this seaHon of the year, hay a
Lowell, Wyoming, dispatch of October
D. 1'. Hrowno informs us that the
Waruer Valley Stock Co. has not sold
its beef yet. The Company Iihh about
700 head. 1 1 o hIho says that there are
about 700 beef cattle at IJidwell un
sold. T. M. Miller sold the Geo. M. Jones
beef, about .'UK) head, to C. HwaiiHtou
while ho was at Merrill last week, for
7 rents for steers and fi.'j for cows
L. Gerber bought Wui. Dohkiiia
M. Laurltzou of l'ai.dey is holding
his beef at Merrill for sale.
Ileef buyers aro uot so pleutiful ad
they were two mouths ago.
Miller aud Malloy have returned
from the beef drive. Malloy says he
does tho work aud Miller b.niU the
Geo. Harrow returned from Summer
Lake Sunday. He brought do mi 25
head of flno fat beef rattle, to be
disserted for eating purpoHcs at Hotel
Bonanza liulletiii : Louis Gerber
dropped over 15,(J0 in the Sprague
River valley last week. He bought of
W W. Smith, Frank Obenchaiu, Fin
ley A Son, John Wells, Dobbins ti Co.,
Tom Garrett, Howard l Hon and sev
eral otheis, over GOO head of beef cuttle.
Dan Malloy with a crow of seven
v bi , passed through Bonanza
Wednesday from Lake county with 7'.lf
head of beef cattle which he is deliv
ering to buyers at Merrill.
Louis Gerber drove a luiuch of GOO
beef cattle through Jlounnza early
this morning. He will put them on
alfalfa .antnre at Merril. a cho.t tlmo
before shipping to the southern mar
J. K. Fuller returned from Nevada
last bunday, whore lie uougut severs
tiands of sheep for a Heno buyer.
Mike O'Sulilvau, the sheep man of
Warner, who has b-?eii in partners
with Phil liarrey for some years, wss
in Lakeview first of the week. He
will put his sheep on the desert this
winter. Ho says the food is flue on
the desert his fall.
From Our Exchanges.
Mrs. 1). C. Schmiuck aud Mrs. C
Stiadley went to Summer Iake last
week to visit Mrs. Schuiiucks' parents
Mr, and Mrs. Jus. Foster.
The Siler Lake Leader says Paisley
is deBtiued to soon become the prin
cipal city of Lake county.
It Is said thut thrashing is all done
in Hu aimer Lake valley, aud the crops
wero good.
Horn In Itonanza, Oregon, Thurs
day morning, October 17, 1907, to
Mr. and Mrs George lioyd, a daugh
There was 1500 pounds of mail
passed through here Monday on the
stage frr Lakeview. It consisted
mostly of magazines. Bonanza Uulle
J. O. Hamakor is the happiest mau
in lionanza toduy. He Is now grand
father, and bus been bnsy all day re
penting the word grandpa with his
bead iu a barrell getting used to the
sound of the expression .Bonanza
Bulletin. -
Archie Mason, of the Mason Con
structlou company, arrived bereTuea
day evening for the purpose of look
lug after bis contract. When asked
the destination of the Mt. Hood road
he smiled and said it was a state se
cret. Klamath Republican.
Silver Lake Leader: This appears
to be a very good year for fruit snys
the Summer Lake correspondent, as
Uucle Jim Foster baa sold over 7000
pounds of peaches and atill bus some
left. F. W. Foster has sold several
thousand pounds of prunes, besides
drying a large amouut, and still there
are many bushels yet on the trees.
This is but 'sumples of every fruit
grower In the valley.
O. B. Wardwell aud family arrived
home Wednesday evening from a
months visit to Portland aud other
points. It looks good to see them with
us again.
A. Gerber, a Seattle banker was iu
our city last week, returning from a
trip to Lakeview. We understand that
during the geutlomau'a stay iu our
county, be purchased quite a body of
land near Lakeview. .
Jury In thr Pat Angland Case Secured.
Not Many Cases.
Circuit Court was called Monday
morning, with Hon. II. L. Benson on
the bench. The first case to come up
was the 1'at Angland cuh?, curried
over from last term, it being the cane in
which Anglai'd is charged with the lar
ceny of a sheep. A Jury was secured
as follows: A. N. Iapham, O. II. Al
drlce, L. G. TbouiaH, L. P. Klippel,
W. 1). Tracy, Wm. Vincent, L. A.
('airlker, W. O. Vincent, Frank Baur
es, jr , It. T. Strlpliii. Thos. Hastings,
C. ). Bethel.
F.xamiuatlon of witnesses will com
pleted by hist evening, it is thought,
and arguments of attorneys will com
mence ut the night session
Diitlrict Attorney Moore, assisted
Mandley Kidnaps
his l.ittlt Child.
A scusntlon was created yesterday
morning at the Weudell home in the
south part of town, where tho two lit
tle girls of Mrs. Lieta Hundley were
stopping with the!,' graudmother, Mrs
Wendell. T. S. Handley, father or
tho children, slipped into the country
unknown to the Wendell family, he
and his wife not having lived together
for some time, and accompanied by his
brother Joe, drove up to the Weudell
home alxmt 9 o'clock yetterdny morn
ing Tom told Mrs. Weudell that be
wanted to tck the childreu up town
and surprise bis wife. Mrs. Wendell
refused to let bun have the childreu
aud seut her sou, Charlie to town af
ter Mr. Wendell and Mrs Handley.
As soou as Charlie left Handley pulled
a revolver, shoved the gun in Mrs.
Wendell's fat-4 and told her be would
kill li r it she did no. let biin take
ihn children. At this Jot grabbed the
older child, a girl 4 years old and
leaped into the buggy. Tom jumped
iu the buggy, and they started to
drive away, when liuby, another
daughter of Mrs. Wendell, grabbed
the team, but was forced to let go
when I hey beau whipping the horses.
The men escaped. Mrs. Weudell
r untied to towu and told what bad
huppeued. Deputy Sheriff Duke start
ed at once after the fugitives. Iu tho
meantime Mau Wbortou of Piue Creek
was called up on the 'pboue and given
orders to stop the men, which be and
L. C. Vineyurd attempted to do.
Handley refused to stop when ordei-
ed to do so aud Wbortou shot one of
his horses. They kept ou for a few
hundred yards, when the horse fell
dead. Haudleys bad a team stationed
at the State line and jumping into the
other rig made their escape.
L p to the time of goiug to press
nothing more has been heard from the
ofticers or fugitives.
Andrew Carnsgla Is going to glva
ago-Nawa It.m.
The Nation's Poort "And I can't avsn
by L. F. Conn and W. Lair Thomp
son, represent the state aud L. IL
Webster and J. M. Batcbeider for the
: Tlie next case to come up will be the
case of Waruer Valley Stock Co; vs J.
C. Lodson, a suit iu which the Stock
Co. eues Dodson for rent on the Mfir
row ranch, in Warner, claiming the
! rent paid Morrow was due the coin
pauy. Thacase of Friday vs Thein, suit
to collect money, is next on the dock
et, aud the only other jury rase.
Whut will bo done in the cases of
trio State of Oregon agsinst the War
ner Valley Stock Co. is not known at
this time.
Rich Strike
Hade At Plush
A very rich strike was made on the
Mrs. C. W. Dent claim in tbe Ft.
Warner Mining Co's. group of claims,
iu the Windy Hollow district, this
week. No particulars were learned,
except that it was tbe richest strike
I ever made in that district. .
Mail Service Expedited.
The protest entered last week, pub
lished iu The xaminer, against tbe
l snuhtern mail service was not bora
of imaginary wrong or inspired by ex
aggerated conditions.
Tho Examiner- expressed the belief
last week that the N. C. O. people
wonld remedy tbe defect as soon as
the matter was brought to their notice.
That such prediction was well founded
la evidenced by the following tele
gram, received yesterday morning:
Reno Nevada, Oct- 22,1907.
S O. O easier,
Lakeview Ore.
Crawley advises that commencing to
morrow, Wednesday, Oct 23, north
bound trains will go through to Like
ly, arriving there about 10:30 P. M
Advise papers. A. P. Cross.
Death of Clay Fisher.
Clay Fisher, who has resided in
Lake county for many years, died at
Tehama, Calif., on the 5th of this
month, while enronute to San Diego,
with bis family, where be expected to
make his future borne, be having rec
ently sold bis ranch on Twelve Mile
creek to bis son. Clay Fisher waa
native of West Virginia, born in 1843.
He came to California in 1852 and
to Surprise Valley in 18G0, where be
resided for many years. He lived in
Warner, where be run sheep and goats
for many years past. He leaves a wife
and several children.
$10,000,000 to start a university In Chl
fssl ths from It"
Naughton In Duluth Tribune,
DtcialM In Contest Case.
Following lathe decision of the gen
eral land office sustaining Itelster
Watson of the Lakeview office :
Department of tbe Interior.
Peter Peterson vs James N. Dennis.
Involving entry under the Timber and
Stone Act. Contest dismissed. Af
firmed Register and Receiver.
Ixkeview Oregon.
Sirs: It appears from the record
that the land in controversy was open
ed to entry on September 22, 190fi,
and on that day James N. Dennis fil
ed timber and stone application No.
3291. for the W NW'4 and Wtf SWJ
Sec. 8. tp. 29, H., Range 12, E., W.M.
On November 1, KXjG, Peter Peterson
initiated a contost against said appli
cant alleging:
"That said James N. Dennis filed on
said land after I bad commenced im
provements and setlemeut, and I post
ed notices claiming this land on tbe
Htb day of September, 190G, as a
homestead, and J. N. Denns' filing
conflicts with my application as to
said tract."
Pursuant to notice brtb parties with
council appeared before you on Jan.
10, 1907, and tendered testimony.
On March 27, 1907, you rendered di
vided opinions. The receiver recom
mended that tbe timber and stone ap
plication be rejected and that Peter
son be allowed to file homestead entry
for the bind in controversy. The reg
ister recommended that the contest be
dismissed and that Dennis be allowed
to perfect bis timber and stone appli
cation. Peterson appealed.
It appears from tbe testimony in be
half of tbe plaintiff that be went upon
the land iu controversy on Sept. 13,
1900, aud looked it over, and on tbe
following day be posted notices of bis
intention to homestead the land, at
tbe corners thereof, and laid tbe foun
dation for a bouse, which was complet
ed three days thereafter. The house.
12 by 16 feet, is built of logs, covered
with sawed lumber, and it baa two
half-windows, a door and floor in it
Plaintiff claims that be staid there
until September 27, 190& There is no
testimony tendered to show that plain
tiff bad any furniture nor household
goods in tbe boose, except some bed
clothing, nor that he ever returned to
tbe land after leaving there on Sept.
27. 1906.
In behalf of Plaintiff there is no
testinTbuy as to tbe qnality of tbe soil,
tbe timber thereon, nor as to tbe sit
uation or altitude of the land.
From tbe testimony in behalf of tbe
Defendant it appears that tbe land in
controversy is situated at an altitude
of more than (500 feet and is "light
puuiniice stone land," unfit for agri
cultural purposes, if cleared of the
timber theron;tbat the tract is cover
ed with a growth of pine timber
which will cut between 2,000,000 and
3,000,000 feet of lumber, board meas
ure, worth 13,000 as it stands; that It
would cost more than fl50 to clear
tbe tract for agricultural purposes,
and that tbe laud would not be of any
value for agricultural ourposes if
cleared of tbe timber thereon and
made ready for cultivation, because
of its poor quality.
Defendant examined the land on
Sept.' 14, 1906, but he saw no improve
ments thereon, nor any indication
that any person claimed it.
It is c'-ear from the testimony that
tbe land involved is cbiefly valuable
for its timber at tbe present time,
aud it would never be of much value
for agricultural purposes when cleared
of tbe timber, aud the testimony
submitted by tbo contestant ia not
sufficient to warrant the finding tbat
his improvements were made iu good
faith for the purpose of making bis
home on the land. His improvements
will not prevent tbe purchase of the
tract as timber laud.
See Miller vs McMillen, 101, L. D.
160: Burnet vs Twidle, 16, L. D. 400.
This otUce concurs in tbe decision
of the register. The contest of Peter
son, tnerefore, dismissed, subject to
tbe right of appeal.
Fred Dennett, Ass't. Com.
Latest Railroad News.
Tbe latest we have this week for our
readers on railroads is that "the Sur
veyors on tbe Lakeview Klamath
Falls line are in Drews valley making
rapid headway toward Lakeview, and
that tbe survey will be made permon
eut. Also that the crew of surveyors that
passed dowu through Warner aud Sur
prise Valleys, iutersected tbe Western
Pacific's survey at Duck Flat, south
WHIbeon Exhibit at Reno
and in Utah.
Large Turnip to Go to ken for
Exhibition there in the Best
PAvillicn en the Coast.
Tbe sample of big, dry-land potatoaa
raised by Mr. E. L. Raina on tba 8ol
Hammersley place , four mile waft of
town, without a drop of water, and
presented to Tbe Examiner office a
couple of weeks ago was sent this week
to Utah for exhibit there. Some par
ties in Utah wrote to F. II. Briggs.
for samplea of fruit and vegetables
grown in Lake county, and toe ones
on exhibit at this office were selected
as good specimens of what can bo
grown in Lake county soil without a
djrop of water. Three-pound potatoes
are not taken from every connty in
tbe world and when looked upon will
attract the attention of farmers, and
when put to tbe real test, their supe
rior quality, rich, mealy and deli
cious, they are bound to brine forth
praise from lovers of good potatoes.
They can't be beaten aBywhere, we
do not care where you go. Oo where
you will, select the nicest, smoothest,
largest, best keeping and best eating
potates, and the dry-land potatoes of
Lake county will equal, if not surpass
them. "Try it".
Hannibal Morris Wingffeld.
The last sad rites were performed
over tbe body of Hannibal Morris
Wingfleld, cold ladeatb, last Sunday
at tbe Baptist Church, at 2 o'clock P.
M.. conducted by Rev. C. P. Bailey,
assisted by Rev. J. A. Armstrong.
The church was crowded to its utmost
capacity with sympathysizing friends
and relatives of deceased. Burial
took place in the I. O. O F. cemetery,
amidst a large crowd who followed the
lemains to tbe last resting place.
Morris Wiugfleld was bom Dec. 20,
1868, died Sept. 24. 1907, the body be
ing lost in a slough for 24 days.
He leaves a beloved wife, two child
ren, one born tbe day following his
disappearance, an aged mother, one
sister, of this place, and two brothers,
George and Sam of Goldheld, Nevada.
He was practically raised in this valley
and "grew up with the country," so
tbe saying is. Here he played iu
childhood, developed into manhood,
here he married and established a
borne, here bis busy life was spent,
bis battles fought, bis faithful services
rendered to tbe world. To him the
struggle and (.burden bearing of the
earth are ended, and we confidently
tiust that like one who awakes from a
troubled dream be has awakened to
see life's endless morning break and -knows
himself at home with all the
vast throng of loved ones, missed from
earth, safely beside him. His home
instincts were strng here in this fev
ered world of disappointment. His
affection for frieuds and kindred was
tender and abiding. He ranked among
us as a good citizen, a kind and de
voted husband, a good neighbor and
friend, and above all a man of heroio
mould in meeting tbe eteru require
ments of life. He is still the father
of tbe children upon whom he doted
with such clinging fondness, and tbe
companion still of ber who mourns
earth's greatest loss.
Tbe Examiner extends eincerest
sympathy to the family of deceased.
of Surprise valley aud returned to
run a line across the Lassen Pass luto
Goose Lake valley.
Xhe crew tbat came down from the
north through Christmas Lake and
Summer Lake valleys and tbe Cbewau
oan, turned back from the south end
of Abert lake, where tbey intersected
tbe Buck survey to Lakeview, and
will ruu another liue to the same con
nection. All these surveying parties
have headquarters iu Lakeview, and
arejvorkiug under Mr. C. Stradley,
of Salt Lake City, Utah.