LAI ( H set at) ? . I F ron In No I Lakeview And Vicinity AUTUMN ANNOUNCEMENT Beginning to-day we will take pleas ure in offering our direct Importation and Exclusive Styles in the new Fall and Winter Suits and Overcoats for men. FASHIONABLE MEN want fash ionable as well as comfortable clothes. A serviceable overcoat is necessary. Here are several styles all of them worth your attention. They arc the newest pat terns worn this year, with all the usual points well loo ed after carefully made and sure to satisfy. Black Kerse :7aTWoq Overcoat 50 inches long, heavy serge lining Velvet Collar $15.00 Oxford All Wool Vicuna Overcoat 50 inches long heavy Venetian lining Velvet Collar $17.50 Heavy 'Frieze' Storm Ulster 55 inches long with 7 inch collar, the best Ulster ever shown here, our price $16.50. Mens' Good Suits fro n 12.50 to $25.00 Lad lee ' Winter waists lit L M. Co; Full Llue Japalao at Ahlstroiu 11 ro. 1 New line of 1 .ace at A Mat rum Proa. 1 Bonanza Creamery Butter at L. M. Co. 1 Dutch lunch at tho Brewery Sa loon, tf ' tlnteli lnin'h nt t h llivviirv kn. loon. tf Dutch lu lie ti nt the Hrvwer.v Sa loon. tf J. II. TunncL ill u about laid up attain. The Lakeview Merc. Co. for School Shoes. I II. K. Barker.tha Southern atag contractoi, wna In lakeview flint of WEEKLY WEATHER RLPORT. thin work, making collection. Below we give a report of the weathei Chaa. L,l, . Fin. committed anl .1 ZTT' .T i ai mamawi r ana a lew uajra ago, XIHh report In changed each week, an. I II by nittltiK hi throat with a laror. . our realer wind to keen a yearly record A. Hieber Is having Ma ,o,e Tllt lug repainted, ami a new sign painted ; line an. I pant it in a acrap I WTk rmlliiK Tinaduy, Oct. I'. on the north ai.le of the building. Boy I'nxton, who oon.lucts the l'ark I.lvery Stables at Morrill, paid Lake- view, hi ol.l home, a visit hut week. 1 am agent for the Sncrameiito lice, the I 'out daily paper on the Const, Win. Wallace, at the Furniture Store, :u-tf. Prof. C. F Kice an.l wife have mov eil into their new home at the foot of Wat it NtrocL nuar .1 I. (VliL'.. llnr riinr Knlilwir nn.l 1 1i-.rvriiiu nil . ' ' lIlMll'IV U .'I. Co. I week after another. Thia reonl will taken on Ttieaila" to eiul each week i.l begin on Wednesday for the neit week Covernment Weather Bureau Sta tion at Lakeview, Oregon, C. U. Mrrr.KKR, Cooperative Olmerver. r maifmln. im-rlp m'm hr.u-l (l. in in full 'l "r wc.l. I " j W ".no I w I Hn.r ' " tlmr. 711 i'mi I " I fnd 7n I I '' I 00 I " . . mit'vl r.:t 4 o.o ; tm " aim. L.'i in "i I " I . ;;. iiioiU tin .nO I I clcnr ; tun. ' ;:. l u.t I I Now Hats, ami Caps, just In at A his- from Bros. 1 l!crt llarUr, the 7T Mcri.loma, j m i lt a trip to Luke City this week altera load of Hour, return nut here Kesdaurant. Firt class nieaU I Momlay. at all hour. tf . ... , . ... I . riv..v k i iwr ami piUMI ougK)" C. C. Pratt was up from the ranch ; robes ju.-t unpacked at Alilstroma last Saturday. 1 Henry Newell wait in from Prewt .Lakeview. tf Valley Tuesilay. , ri.iiiW T.,,1.,.'. !. I.o.w. I.. i... f ft f r e ami Jar Capa at 1 are over from from Jellty lilassoa Akletrom Uros. Ciov. and Mrs. Wise I'lu.-h this neck. W. A. Wiltshire ca'e ia paw ui ill TucmUv. I'or Sale: Uoue auj lot lrenk l A Paiue. Yotiutt mens Overcoats ami coats at I M. Co. .The Progressive Store.. We are DOINtJ, not promisiti. IitiA? tliin tl'-''' treat your interests and our own a().'I). eau not liny oods here without plainly svin thi I i. t. Many have seen it, ami ate now hvipietit purehat-rs at our eounter, who have not Ikvu aeeustonn-il to s Inlying here. They tell us we are sure to win. We hall siiiveed, for th.- rea-oit lint we s Main US. Kaiu-1 wa v at the corner directly South of the Hotel. a Mition a. 1,1s greatly to the appear Buce of that t'ectiou. Iikoview in Krowiu rapidly. Phil Lvnche is sick with ervsioelim the at the hotel. He is not .)anK-i rously v kllOW that VC i ill. however, and imuvls tii l. .ml i N ! ithin a few ,l.(ys, jv never win alone. Another invariahlv w ins with .i.. i I "The Silver Itke Lender itatr that 1 IV.. ..... . t ,111 j the iiouv;h hotel at silver Lake has i We tlou t lielieve it that we sUouki Here. changed haiuis, Mr. It. Heifer l eiiikj ! .1 .i.v .... ... U'l I I ...,.,. WITH. '" iiv IV(' I J Ul',1 IMI HI IIMIII O' 11.. Il'll 11 IIIK li'im , ...... Swell hue of Mens Winter Suits at . , i N iiios. .iinersou came oer iroui j , . ill ; Warner Inst Thursday, and Saturday ; i 0"l Oltr ttrlll. I lie faets at e eoilUII' to the Kliowl- , started for rviu Francisco, where he j . . . ' Koes on a l.osiuesM trip. I ctle ol Lakeview people in a ijmet I , Prof. C. F Kice 1' his wife! , , . , , . . . , . an.l laty home from A.toras last knowledge ILL spread, the lacts eaiinot Ik- week, where Mr. Kice has I et-n since! she was injured in the train wreck. j W. V. Miller au-l C. W. Withers, of. Paisley had the crack barley -rpp ot j that locality this year. Miller raised . i.S I'listivls to the acre and Wither. j N NOTCH: I will take a f,.w Orders 1 v for choice pitati e. to lie delivered, this fall The ipiality the l e.-t uud , yj price rinM. J. C. Oilier. IJ J : S TIm. Klauiht 1. Falls Kvpre say, t Ik.I ; ; MM W IT55 WJf fK ffK V i.v,. iiuiwiii euoD ofii m phi.iv-; t -r A r' t 'i -1 ') -I 'j I " t, Y-r Kraph KuIK-ry in Klamath Falls. Mr. j w w tt ua mm limM n rnu'tLiiil ..f I i. L . I Lakeview Mere Co. 1 Rubbers and overshoes all kinds, at Lakeview Merc. Co. 1 Mens an I Boy Hu'h top Shoes at Lakeview Merc. Co. 1 Isaac Deter was up tow n a couple of day first of the week. The West Side wa well represeuttnl iu town last Saturday. tieo. and Hoy Chandler was iu from Ciooked Creek Sunday. Press oods iu all the latest fabric at Bailey A Massin-iU's. tf New lot ot Press Cloods just re eeived at ALlstrotu Bros. 1 Steve CInylord is spending the week in Lakeview from Paisley. Joe and O. W. Howard were over; form Drews valley this week. j S .W. Young and family caiu over j from Rock Creek this week. ; hut the hidden. Indies are telling theni to their friends. Hih sound ing words have no place in our ltisiues, seheine. Lvery sale we make appeals to the Inner with effect, .tnd she cannot conceal Iur satil.ietion Ironi her friend. You will come. fit fox lew. I- O. Huipiist was iu tiu fiom the; sheep raure Brst of the w at k. He has, tnuvttl his slxi'p over to Vortli War- , DeT. an l will out them on the winter Y-r IXWPINE CStEEK, ORE, Under Entirely New Hanagement HaviniT recently pureh -etl tl:e hotel irom Mr. fePonald. I ea i - v s.!ieit a share of pul! I'.atrona.i .-. .i m .xhall Ie to please. Wanted: Valley ranch with, :ood orchard. Dreukel A Paiue. x A. L. Hi'Llill aud family came over! run e. from Warner first of the week. ' ill Burns, sou of J. B. Burns of Cieo. Harro-v and Will.ird Duncan I'lnsh, met tin father in l-aktview went to Lake this week. i la.-t eek for the first time iu 1" years. Ed Haitz.v was up from Willow j Will came iu on a w heel Jr-jm up in Ranch la.-t Saturday i a business. ; l-astaru Oregon D. M. iiryau spei:t a couple of days' "See Bai i Hdwiu, tbegnat in towu last crk from Clover flat '. Ha.-teru performers, with Tbt U'.Malley Sisters, Friday aud Satusluy, Oct. 'S, and "Ji". Jiwj rvd wiib at Thorn trifle !)rn ' .ti.rM. 1'' lit-o. I. .viaupin spent the urst of I the week in I-.k. vi. w frnni Itidurll. i ttiri'HWh t'Mii Uist Sunday 3 A swell line of men's neckwear just received at Bailey A MassintMll's. 1 Plush MINING Aclel 3lw T SUPPLIES Ladie Childrea's and Men's wool, family J-a.-.-ed j nuroiitii to I underwear at Bailey A Massinglll'. 1 Rogac River valley, wheic they will. J GEORGIA STICKEL, Proprietor. 4 ' niH LEAM.W, I'.rSINHSS ChLLI-CE i:lk iu ; i.m.N',. Portland. oki:.,on OUR FACULTY IS STRONGER THAN EVER V, i trive jist xinri-d tie w r !.! t -.v. i hi jh-n',ir',e'! . practical, men, . ell as lfa.V.ii: l.asii.i-fs lvl :'; from the W e leave no . '.n:.i' r.'.fin.v 1. ''e ire ii-nv you the tst that money can .r.'urv. . i res. Sh.VL) I Ok CA I ALOul fc I m w a; ki:k, rnn. .Tia.iti.1 tit uitiffei i -ii't i n t ( r turn Li.-t your lands crtown j rcperty for m,uie in tj. ... -jDtf. i sale or rei.t with Dieukel A Paiue. 1 ! i ! Iriiii: Marred, bile w orkitag in ti;e Burn: In Lakeview-, Ore., Oct, 10,' , ... -hi. i iti'iilur at the mill la-t wi-nk ia.- so V. '. to the wife of lrauk Barnes, a I . . i. j unfortunate us tu fret his fuwt caught , i , uikIm a log and hadly He See the New line U ladies furn'frh 1 i,.. u.,. ,.r,.,.hM sine,. t , , lLg and ilre:s irooO ul l.auey Jl .ias- j j sllii-'lll .-. 1 A full line of Ladies Coats expnted ; to arrive at the La Mode Sattir-'ay. ! B'iy one. t I Si Henderson came in from his I sheep canip last SaturJay for a few .J;.ys rtay. 1 Mrs. Aunu M. Neilon is having, tho i i'lteriur of Ler tore fluii-hed u? iu ! neat style. ' It is preuy rertaiD that tnullej Drr-nkel A Paine, the real -tate , would ensun, I men are at work ou a new irjj of Someone la.-t week was looking for ; the address ot Harry 1 liwtlelon. It ' seeiaed that m;m money wv going t.i , Mr. Haz:eton. Lf Be could le fmin I. ! s i Itarry had r.ettr auswr. "Here". ! i Phe pric of horseshoeing atter I i October Hr.-r, tw4 st.oes tl. "xi, eiuoottil ' J., old shui-s fl.-'po. A Bar n-s. 4 2. Arzuer Brut bars, i the town. 1 Study the. OiSinESS'GALlEG dvertiemeut of Mirth Boone A Co., in this isua of lhe Examiner. 1 John O'Connor peot the pastt week in town, I re paring for the wiattr on the desert. A full line of shetpfekio, Blanket, and Pluah-lineil Coats at Bailey Masjingill". 1 O'Malley Si-Urts, FTidfy anJ Sat should sum of the coil ltd select!-J for congenial mairiagu . j Dr. BMiorofl Tuesday evening, uu Jertake t c-irry out th Doctor 3 ad Tice. 6 9 Everything Carried in Stock for the Miner at both our Stores. Boots and Shoes for Miners, IJucca roos, Sheepmen and Ranchmen. OLOVES AND OVERALLS l-OR ALL. Groceries, Elour and Grain. All kinds of Canned Goods. Hardware & Hilling Tools. Warner Valley Mercantile Co Adel IFTusIT rurday, Oct. Z and -J Opera IIoue. W. M. Masters spent ( Lakeview from Summer the pact week. One ot the heaviest rains that ha- tisited thia place for some tm foil last Friday night. Stockiaen art pleased aa it will make ttia yooog grass eu the ranges, spring up like magi. Miss Ksther Cobt, aud aunt, M ins F.llon Cohb. sailed for Europ laat Tutday, the 15kh. Misa KssU will coatinue vocal culture with ttte test ' m .jluf j nf ViMriA vKil a V -i u il a few days in Their stay is inJetlite. at Snider 4i-'i t WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY. 44 PROFESSORS 3 INSTRUCTORS Lake during v.nis each etu- at'l r putation for TENTH AND MORRISON STREETS. PORTLAND. OREGON & o 4DMSTRDNG. LL. B, rmnwr-t rM,.o for success in a short time and at wwll "1, n ... . rrrvtert. OualitV IS our t-iof. u,nt to a Kon yrA " . ..... oh far oiicc V.d. Iadivilual in action .nst rai,d r - bookkeeping. U our s'aorthand; voucuer ana - .... ,n rc caiii'irue, - , 1 any n:erchact. any lck. any njr;trr in i"oruau vmte toJ-r. Kefcrenc- VxS. HUNTERS'&TRAPPERS GUJDE.: V U.OW..lM(llWiiK" r, rv mr ...Mi 1 L iST A I uncb ot keys. Fiudr ! i lease leave at the Lakeview Furniture Store. M. Heald. 1 Wra. Kimey was in tou Mouday aud made application foi timl proof ou his homect.!. N'ever mini the line-up the Laud Ottice but get iu line for a new hat at Tbe I -a Mode. 1 Boys School Suits Two pair pants with douUe beat aud knee with each Euit. Lakeview Merc. Co. 1 Jehu Cannoo, of Lake City, brought a I oai ol Lake City flour over for the Mercantile Co. last week. Ladies, why say "Where did you get that batr" You might kuow it came from Tbe La Mode. 1 Joe AmLrosoaud eon were iu from tbe Ambrose ranch lafct Saturday. Mr. Ambrose Lrougt in some tine turnips rained by biro. They were left on ex hibit at Maxwells' real estate oHleo. One of them weighs over four pounds. Owing to repairs being made on the church building the Methodist Sun day School aud preaching service will ' be held iu the I. O. O. F. Itampuet hall on next Sunday. All are invited. A. J. Armstroug, Pastor. FARM FOB KENT: I aill rent my farm on Kelley Creek, one mile north of Pine Creek, for one year, with the privilege of Hve. One hundred aud seventy acres of bay and grain land. Imiuiie of W, J. Moore, I-akeriew, Oregon, or 1. N. Converse, Piue Creek Oregon. 33 tt. I. N. Converse. OLLF.JK OF L1BKKAL ABTS COUBKLS Claaaicul . . A. It. Uternry . . B. L. Scientific . B S. l'htlimophlml . Ph. B. Tbe College of LlU rnl Arta umln tnin the following whooU: The College of Oratory, O. B. The Teiwhera' College, B. I'd. The Norunl Seliool, Diploma. Tbe Ongon Institute or the Arndeiny . Diploma. The School ol Commerce, Diploma. A FFILI ATFD ('( LLI '.( i IIS College of Mcillclnc, . M. D. ColUge of Law. . ,,, h College of Theology, . 11. D. College of MiihIc, , . J. j, Tlie Allillated CollegcH are flnan! cially Inilipmilcnt of the Collego of Llla ral Artn. The School of Art. Certlllcato. The School of Ai t Ik hIho llnan daily Inili'pen, lent of twi Collego of LI era I aru. For Catalogue address I'KFSIDKM JOHN . CoLLMA.N Halcm, tr,.g, ui l oity acres of g,.ld ' Do you wrnit a "rlice" ol il Writ,, tho Lee Com tock Mining Common- P.,um I V m J ( Box iVt. B.hyolite. Nevada, forpnrtic jualr. If you are in a huriy neiid iu cloHure for a blin-k of to k at lo cents a hare. 1 Foil SALF. S.V) head of goats Inquire of V. F. Stanley, Lakeview, Oregon. V-tf i Foreot Supervisor lugram and rang er Musgrave left this week fur Bom burg to attend the meeting of the forest rangers of the Stato to bo held at that place on the 1Mb. 1 I J. K. B.tniter was down from Pais The Lake Couuty Wool Crow-era Asao-1 ley first of the week. Mr. Banister ciation will meet Oct. 20, at7::- P.M. j infornm us that he and bin wf will at the office of tho Couuty JuJge. at J go to Missouri iu about a mouth to the Court House. By Order of the ! look after some properly they Lave President. j there, aud will proUbly mil it. They - J. N. Watson, Setty. 'will remain Fjt about a mouth!