Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, October 17, 1907, Image 7

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Pattern For Blouse or Shirt Waist Designed by
May Minton No. 5737.
Th hlrt walat that Siva th broad
boulder ffet It on of tha lateat devel.
pmtnla of that popular garment. Her
la ena with plalte at th alimiM.r which
la both novel and atnart. It la flnlaha'l
with, patoh pnrkat fin tha Irft front and
ta vir In atyla, whll at tha aama lima
It allnwa eholra f long or elbnw aleevea.
A llluatratad tha material la wlilta butch
llnan, but all "filiating am npprnprl
ta, and lafTrta, pongo anil flannel will
ba aatlafartory aa writ aa Hum and cot.
Ion fabric. Tha rather lrnl l plait
At tha frrml rnxkra a nolaliln rltirn, arid
tha walat, li.ln nnlalird wllh a net-Miami
only, allowa i t wearing with any collar or
tnr-k that may ! liked.
Tha walat Ik mnilo with fronla and buck.
It la laid In wMn plnlia nvr tlm aimuMnr,
nd thrax li it are f"T a ahnrt
dlalaitr hfl iw that lltio, Thf lung nU-nvpa
ara the rraiiliitl'in anrt Unladed wild ovrr
tapa and run", nnd tha eltinw ali'pvra am
gallirrnl Intt iitrnlKlil hnml.
Tha 'inutility of rnatrrlul r"inlrril for
tha medium ale la 3 vnnla 21, J'i ynrda
17 nr t ynrilw tt Im-lii-a wl In
fllrr f r n 3!. St. 3, St. 40 nnd 42 Inrh
Suet miaaura.
Rami 10 rrrita to I dl nflli r. i Ivn number
of thla pattern, Ni. f.T" 7. mid alule aim
alreil it 111 llu-n ! r i t I i In mull
pnniilil ll aurn t'i writ, film , in mi,) al
waya Ivp lull addr. m K' -r t ilnya
Oiuat bo allnwml fur UiUvery if pattern.
Pattern For Girl's Dress Designed by May
Manton No. 5759.
Pattern For Boy's Blouse Suit Designed by
May Manton No. 5752.
Pattern For Fancy Blouse Waist Designed by
May Manton No. 5758.
The walat that give tho long or aomc
What drooping shoulder effect is one of
the lateat favorite of fuahlon and I to
be noted In variety of form. Here I
on that I arranged to form a V at back
and front which la very generally becom
ing and can be utilised for almoat every
seaaonablo material. In the Illustration
crepe do chine Is trimmed with heavy
lace, but not ulonu aru tho allk and wool
materials appropriate. I.lnena alao ure be
ing made after such fimliloti for the lute
summer, and tho denlgn la one thut cun
be relied upon to bo used throughout th
comlnK ua well ua tho present aeuson.
The wulHt la cloeed luvlnibly ut the let I of
the front.
The WHlBt I made with tho fitted lining
that is closed at the front und itaelf con
slats of front and back, of side fronts and
sldo backs. The" la tier are laid In tucka
and trimmed with bnndliiK, while the front
und buck Hie faced to lii tho cheiiiiaette
effect. The aloevea are of moderate else,
and are gnthered Into lilted cuffs. The
wulat la closed beneath tho tuck ut the
edge of the left aide fr nil.
The quunlltr of material required for th
medium alzu Ta 4H yards 21, 4 yard 27 or
Zhi yard 44 Inches wide, w ith one-half yar4l
of all over lace and 6 yards of bunding.
Blze for a ii, ti, : 1)8, 40 and U inert
buat measure.
Send 10 cent to thl office, give number of thlM f.TT 8. and state al.
desired. It will then be sent to you by mull postp - write plainlu a:
ftlwuys give full address Beverul days must be al of putlern.
Hlinplo llttla frorka ara always In de
mand. Here I nnd that can be mada with
tho aijunre Imi h nrrk. aa llluatratad, or
hlfli and nnlahed with a etandlng collar
and whlrli allowa a choice of two length,
of alcevra, a thut It brcomea adapted not
alone to the linniuillata aeaaon, but alao to
th cumin autumn. Aa Illustrated It la
mnda of a pretty dotted battata and la
trlmmi-l with braid of two wldlha and
with llttla frllla, but It la well aultad to
thu light weight wool materials, such aa
veiling and caahmer. There are tuck
at the ahouldi ra that give needed fuilneaa
and breadth.
The wulat la made with front and
I.Hi kn. Tha ba-ka are plain, but tha front
ha a tu k at each ahouldrr edge. I'lalt
ed atrapa are arranged over tha ahouldera,
nnd banda of trimming at front and back
rtnlah the eijuar--. The almpln full aleevea
are gathered Into banda. whuther they are
of one li-nglh or the other, and the
iralghl eklrt and the walat are both
gathrrrd nnd Joined t a belt.
Tim iiunntlty of inutorlal required for the
m,. ilium ill" (10 yrnmi I 4' yard 27. 3 "4 ii or 'i yard 41 Inctiea wide, with
2 yurde of wldn and 20 yarda of narrow
Hlxra fur girl of t. U. 10 and 12 year of
B. nd 10 cent to llti office, give number
f thla pattern, No. 6709, and atate aiie de
mtfd it wnl then he hftit to vihi hv mll
poeipnld lie note to write plainly and
iilway give lull udrfre. Several dag
miiat be allowed for delivery of pattern.
'I'h tlii!i mil i the favorite for the
active Imiv. Thl one la made with plain
immure that are becoming and eatlafac
lory. In th" llluatratlon It la made of
while linen, but It would be both faahlon
nhlo mid acrvlcruhlo inude of galateu,
khukl cloth and the like, while a little
luli-r the Rlitne iiiodel will be avullublo
for audi niuii rln l ua aergn and other
wool aulilnKM AK'iln, tho troiinera can be
mad nl wool or of heavier linen, while
the bloiiKe In minlc of percale or madrai
or Nome Nlinllnr w.imIiuMh atuff.
The milt eonnltt of iho blouac and the
trouHcr. The blouse In tuado with front
und buck mid In tlnlNhcd with a hlrl
wnlMt Ikix phili ut iho front edge. There
Is a turnover collar at the neck edB".
which rue. in both slvlc uihI comfort, mid
the nlccvea arc IIiiIhIici! with nirulntlon
nveilapN and atralKht enffa. If liked, how-
. r, I he neck can be finished with a band
only and a ncpuraio colhir worn. The
iroiiHcra are hiiiik linliiK. made with the
pocki Ih that every kiiiii II boy find i-hucii-II.
The quantity of material required for tho
medium Mlite (S en rx ) In 3 yurda 27,
yard :il or !' yard 41 Inches wide.
Size for boya of 4, ti. i. 10 und 12 yeur
of ago.
Send 10 cent to thl office, give number
of thla pattern. No. .'o'C. nnd atute a lie d
alred ll will lion he aent to you by mall
poalputd. He sure to write plainly and al
wuya give lull mldrcN. Several day
miiHt be allowed for delivery of pattern.
Cr4 f Plump, una' Lamb Thai
ring Long Prist.
Thl. U how ve Lav uiuij lli mot I
nonnf with bci on Wo'iihu1 Farm;
rt twei have U-cti aieL ic for Uo-'.r i
mllkluir pro(Mrtlcn mul ti ivi- Imu 1 1
rl to foa;l lniil'oii nu.i- of th-'
Ihort leggoj, t-nrly w.t: I .
Tb btrg bud I lie run ; . ; t '
II winter gad ! in u ,i"1 or,
hgrtt boaomnit to li"i In u " a t. 'I ''c;
bav becu wtttchrxl. .. I'a; .. Iwii t i"if i
Isoib came, If It Ii ;ih i.' I lo Ixi !
tbe bar twu given iion,i m. I
piig bavt tMeii pro.l'f' !'c ,, In
wblcb lamb and mother ...l;,'it m
placed for a dny or two ':".(. '')
have bwn Rettlnjc ni''iTi' 'o ! . b
other, tHionlalljr If ' lo la
bti. Tbelr moiheni I: c.i ell
fd and not ovarfj i.1. The. !i.iTe licen
fed a the rUht kind of ! 'id. Ttint
mean aoniftliliKf rho, ; an 1 hune
raised and full of milk, '"lit tiiciins
alfnlfn hay, of tonne. ill. tlioae
ewes, eatlnic iilf.'lfn hit. a very
little grulii, ore full of u;l mil the
Viml thrive from the stnr' The aur
plus of milk Is tnken ntvuy hy hand
right ut first, ho hut they v. Ill not auf
fer from enuorK'irietit.
Starting th Lamb
Boon they are plump, plnyful llttlo
rascals and winning aotiifihinir it nlh
bl with their own teeth. Then they
are Inductm Into their own special
apnrtment, where, rljtht clone to their
mothers, they find trough filled with
grain with on Is nnd corn nnd clean,
fresh lirnn, and with little racks of
frenh alfalfa or red clover hay. Tben
trotiKha are cleaned out every day and
tho surplus Is (tlven to the mothera.
Tim they thrive like weeds until grass
comes In the spring. When crass first
couies they are kept shut away from
It until after It gets strong and sweet.
Then they are turned out and tbe grain
Is fed out of door. Bjmetltnea we
hare made the fat tost lumlm on grass,
tbrowli .; ear com out on It os we
would to the pigs. Of course, we have
to fence a comer where the lambs can
get the grain and the ewes cannot.
We like to put out rollers In the creeps,
so that tbe lambs may aqueexe through
and not hurt tbemaelvea, and pretty
soon tho shorn ewes are nearly aa
small as tbelr lambs.
Selling th Lamb. '
Managed In this way, we have gold
our crop of lumhs lit three lota. One
In April, and they averaged eighty
pounds and brought a long price; the
younger oucs going again In May, and
weighed above eighty pounds, and the
very latest and the culls went In June,
and they also averaged atove eighty
pounds and also brought a good price.
V. K. Wing In Kurtn and Fireside.
When Ted In large flocks the aheep
should Im? driven from the feed yard
during the time the racks are being
filled; this will overcome the tendency
to overcrowding und prevent Injury to
the Bhoep from the wagon nud team.
Tbe (uuntlty of allage to lie fed should
be governed largely by tbe appetite
of tbe flock, but It Is not usually ad
visable to feed over three tniunds per
head dally. For sheep weighing 125
pounds about 2.5 pounds of silage and
p,und of hay will be ample; and
If one half pound of grain or bran lie
fed alight ly less hay will suffice. If
grain is fed it is not a proper plan to
mix It with coarse feed, as the sheep
are Inclined to root out and waste this
feed In their efforts to get the grain.
In Western Oregon.
Sheep husbandry In western Oregon
Is conducted on lines that would be a
revelation to many farmers. In the
matter of pasture, land Is plowed and
sown to wheat about Oct. 1. and, In a
normal season, by the following Feb
ruary a luxuriant pusture will be fur
nished for the ewes and lambs or for
futtcnlng sheep.
It Gives Vital Tone.
The effect of salt on the health of
the sheep Is not generally understood.
Its effect Is to give tone to the organ
ism. Tho ash of the blood of a healthy
hheep contains about CO per cent salt,
and the ash of urine 33 per cent
The scarcity of such an Important
constituent in the blood means a re
laxation of vital energy.
Lamb For Early Market.
Corn meal Is au excellent feed for
young lambs that are to tie fattened
quickly. After this comes bran. Lin
seed meal may be fed in email quanti
ties. Th 8hp' Foot.
Don't neglect to trim off any over
growth of the horny purt of the foot
Manure and tilth will accumulate and
trouble likely follow later. While ex
amining the feet don't fall to have
sharp shears at hand to trim off the
tag locks that are an annoyance to the
sheep and mean a loss of wool.
Hog Cholera.
Bo fur as I am utile to learn, the
farmers In our atate aa well as tbe
farmers tu other Htutea have not as
yet secured uuy remedy which will
cure hog cholera, nays l'rofessor W. J.
Kennedy of Iowa in ltural New York
er. Fersonally I do not think that
such a thing exists us a remedy which
will cure without fail all cases of hog
rhoieru. Wo have had n little experi
ence on the Collego furni with hog
cholera, and we always used preven
tive measures to overcome: the same.
I think that when hog cholera Is In the
neighborhood It Is a very wise policy
for every farmer who owns hogs to
use disinfectants very freely. He
hhould divide up bis hogs Into siuull
lots and feed them on rations of a
thin, sloppy order. Skim milk Is very
good at this time or a thin slop inude
of water and wheat aborts. Ity all
means avoid tbe hoavy feeding of corn.
The Kind Too Have) Always
In dm for over 30 year,
Honal snpervlalon Mince It Infancy.
f-CCCA4AZ AHmar tin nna to dfteHvA vrxi In thla.
All Counterfeit, Imitations and " Jnt-aH-n;ool" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
What is CASTORIA .
Caatorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Pare
goric Drops and Soothing Syrup. It Is Pleasant. It
contain neither Opium. Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. It age Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverlshness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea Tha Mother's Friend.
Bears tbe
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Tm eeMur. Yt awaaav eraser, mtm reaa mr.
with Dr. EHng's
Nov Discovery
OLDS Trial Settle Fr
kemuiJullTilluitrecifooditoria ft
aad article about CaCiaraiaaad A'-'U
all the Far Wert.
drroud each atoolh Is die at.
tube leptoducboa ei the beat $1.00
woik ei amatetu aad pcoimiaaal A
a book of 75 page. coDtaioiag
120 colored photopapb. J $0.75
picturesque spot ia Calif oraia
aad (Jiegoa.
Total . . . $3.35
All for . . . .
Addrea all o.'deri to
Flood BunJinf
Sac F.
ac r rancucc.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind Yon Have Always Bought
Bears tha
$nature of
LATEST LAND and stock news
Doaght, and hlch ban hea ' '
ban borne tbe nlfrnatnre of
bas been made tinder bU per-
Signature of
Office at the Mercantile Company's
Store Lakeview, Oregon.
Uood Stock - - - New Coaches
Daily from Lakeview to Ely, connect
ing with Daily Stage to tbe railroad.
P. n. CORKY', - - - Proprietor
. . . TIME TABLE . . .
In Effect May 1st, 1905.
I.r. Thrall ...6 A. M.Lr. PokegamalO 4S A M
Ar. Boguii 6.2S " Ar. IMxie
' HteelBr'g6 43 " Kl'd Bp'gt 11.40
" Fall Crk. 70S " " Fall Creek 11.46
" Kl h bp'gnT.lO " Kteel Br'ge 12.00
" Dixie 8.10 ' " BoKua. 12.20 P M
" Pokeg.mao.20 " " Thrall....a.4d "
Klamath Springs Special.
f.r. Thrall 1.IW P. M.Lr. Kl'h Bp'giS.i.'SP. 11
Ar. Bogus 1.&5 " Ar. Fall t reeki.50 "
" Kteel Br'go'2.15 " Steel Br'ge 8 00 "
" Fall Creek 2J5 ' " Bngug 8.20 "
" K Th Bp'g 2.40 " " Tbrall S.46
'"jl"'' st vies
stock a large assortment ot high
grade stationery so that there is
no delay in executing a large order.
Our prices will be found to compare
favorably with 'other prices.
FrstDptmt Church of Ooo4 Lakw
t Wew Mr, llvek, Oregon.
Preaching servlcesat ll:oclock A II
and 7:30 P. M. on each Sunday of
very month.
Sunday School at lO.odock A. If. .
Prayer Service at 70 oa Wednev
day evening of each week.
All are cordially invited to attend ,.
tbe Services.
J. Ilaydrn Howard, Pastor.
mr " y.inM SlJIOOl. ti-rtrne.
lii.fl .I- 1 ';.t''-f1 lo yi'f
Wwfl.ii.! I'T iiourifc .mi l wi.'r.
t.gfifri'ni'-iwt Ami ixifTi!!tf i n rtc
oi lhi im tim. onlf. Three
r.tmrwrm- - 1'fp.reiorj. Rnirtnw. cev
Prtpar. for pm-ic. VT U
bnir your c tHliiin ih1 T'cte
In hn.nMi. StniVntaBndirradiialaj
parurnliirs and
a..l.l .rr.r
Til SMallC
UM. tf U0
I'oBt & King Iihvh t lie twt trta&e
of ltquom and clitar- to be 10 and In
Oregon. tf
JtH7ie) tiwall nteerfW far
Umm f9, im trrlar U fM aS
tka Uoal B4rwi, Vmt U kawy ta Unck
vita tA wwli'f 4mDj crata
aWmli alat ratl
Tbe Eveds TtlsfnzL,
Pcrtlmi. Orecn,
Tia UtULbkf mrniMt awflysr af
Ua Taclfls Ooaal, vUek au cam
lata Aavadatil lroaa rtaarts aa4
ayadal Iew4-wlra aarvloB, witk
crr4rpiidata ia faayrtaat aavra
centara aai ta all tha dUaa aa4
principal tavma af Ua 2ftrthireat,
rortlaad uUL vaksrba ara covarai
It a briilt ataff af rtyartara, aad
tditorlai, aaaatla, aedaty and
gpeclal vritera. Satarday'a edi
tion casuiat of 81 U SI yafea, and
baa colored comic pifea, aa well aa
a department for children, colored
fashion page, aa tnUreetinf aerial
etory and other attractive feature
In addition ta all tha newe af tha
Sncecrlptlon Kates: One month.
50 cents; tnr months. fl.Sfi; six
rntha, $2.50; twelve months, $5.
Aunple copies ma'led free. fk
First Baptist church of Lrkevlew
PreachlngStrvliceaa 1 11:A.M., and
7:30 P. M. on each Sunday.
Sunday School 10: A. M
Junior Society at 2:30 P. M.
Itapttst Young People.s Union at
:30 P. M. on each Sunday.
Prayer rueeting 7.30, P. M. on Wed
nesday evening.
Everybody Invited to attend all
services. A. Frank Simmons, pastor
QTue Examiner has received a new
sample book of the Wall Street line
of engraved certificates of stock and
bond blanks, the most up-to-date on
the market. Used aud endorsed by
the leading financiers of America.
Copyrighted. Call aud see them it
you.ueed anything In 1 his line, tt
110 HE
B ermwlntf "i
B trra ut" , how W o
H ewrt". IN I
H jBmiinrif Srtel v. .
H mnnry m id nfUn i
M Nttnt tot Irrfrlr
.1 WrH fir 9time U.
H IU aiata Krat, .
ta wax
TheExaminer ex-
We have all the late
in type and keep in