Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, October 17, 1907, Image 5

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    We Trust
If you are suffering from
Impure blood, thin blood, de
bility, nervousness, exhsus
lion, you should begin at once
wiih Aycr's Sarsnparllla, ihe
Sjrsaporllla you have known
i I your life. Your doctor
k.iowsit.too. Ask him about It.
t'nli-H l.r U lUllf -tnn nf h bwlt.
liHaiMnma .i.mIim mrm l.t. rau.ltig hH
rexnillnif Ilia flt..r!ll ft'itn dulnf II,
Ik A.i-r't Till llr plUa. Aelutir,
all "
! HUiirMlurati
Yf, k,( no rU 1 W. publlth
Ih hraalu of til our dlalCM.
II .H. Ktt'vmm, of Silver Lake, Iimh
been up to 11 liuivlllii to enct a moii
iiintint (in tlxt gruvin nf hi puri'tit.
Limt TliiirMiluy whilo riding tho
range, W. C Nelf, head forest ranger,
was painfully Injured ly liU home
fulling with Ii 1 in. 1IU collar bono wan
broken. Mr. Ingram lirotiiihi lilm in
from Iorf lake to have tbe bone set.
Mr. Nelf U KttluK along nicely.
Tho move made by Engineer Mr.
Murphy, offering 1 a day for labor
ers, produced trie desired result, says
the Klnmuth Fulls Republican, and
UUirnri aro Hocking hero from all ov
er the Coiiht, ami he now tins nearly
uougb iiu n to dig the Keno ennui.
Dr. Wlthaiii of Paisley states thut be
will leave for Europe about the first of
NovetuWr to take a post graduate
course lu medicine. The Dr. will re
turii home about Much UrsL Ho will
visit hiii parent in England while
abroad. Mm. Witlmm will not make
the trip.
The O'Malley Mister, advertised io
Tho Examiner to be lu Lukvlew Oct,
the 25lh. aro well known hero, and as
tbey have heretofore given high-clans
performances here, we do not hesitate
to aunouuco their coining with full
confidence that their erfortnanee will
be up to the standard.
Mr. J. V. Hatfield, representing the
Huil th Premier Typewriter Co., made
Lakevlew a visit this week. He had
ome beautiful machlue to show, and
succeeded in selling several. The
Smith Premier la well known to be a
standard machine, and there can be
no doubt a to Its great qualities.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Woodcock,
who came up from Reno last week on
m visit with their sou and daughter,
Mr. E. K. Woodcock and Mrs. O. W.
Johnson and their families, expect to
go to California tbls winter. Mr
Woodcock has beet. In the blacksmith
business in Reno for three years, and
sold out bis shop there receutly.
H.Bchrooder came down form Sll-
arriving here Sunday, with
Mch be delivered to Bailey
il. He was eight days on
(Jus says tho roads are
jg terrible, In some places
able for heavy teams. Oue
In Hummer Lake valley, he says,
-tad to go tborugh a field.
Mrs. W. II. Shirk and her mother,
Mrs. Crow, left for Kino and JJerke
ley last Saturday. Mrs. Crow will
not return to Lakevlew tbls
but Mrs. Shirk expects to
about the Holidays. The people of
Lakevlew have learned so to love Mrs.
Crow, that her departure for an ex
tended absence Is attended by many
A Tonnlngaen and wife, of Ontario,
Oregon, Miss (Jeue and Annie Ton
nlngsen arrived here first of the week,
and will remain about a month on a
visit with old friends aud relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Ton nlngsen will leturn
to Ontario at tho end of that time.
They are enjoy lug the pleuusre of the
lineup at the land oltlce. Asmus says
they aro dolug nicely lu the hotel bus
iness at Ontario.
Simple llomit Recipe,
(let from Buy prescription plmniia
cist the following :
Fluid Extract Dandelion, one half-
otinra : Comnomirl Karuon. one ounce:
Comound Syrup Sarsnparllla, threo
ounces. '
Shake well In a bottle and take a
teaspoonfiil dose after each menl and
at lied time.
The above is consldred by an emi
nent authority, who writes In a New
York dally paer, as tho finest pres
cription ever written to relieve Hack-
ache, Kl Incy Trouble, Weak Madder
and all forms of Urinary dlllleultle.
This mixture acts prompllr on tho
diminutive tissues of the Kidneys,
enabling them to (liter and strain the
uric acid and other want matter from
the blood which causes Rheumatism.
Some persons who suffer with the
allllctloiis may not feel inclined to
place much confidence In this simple
mixture, yet thoso who have tried It
say the results are silmply sin prising.
Ihe relief being elfeted without the
-lightest injury to the stomach or
other organs.
Mix some and give it a tial. It
certainly comes highly recommended.
It is the prescription of an eminent
authority, whono entire reputation, It
is said, was established by it.
A druggist here at home when
asked stated that ho could either
supply the Ingredients or mix the pres-
crlptiion for our readers, also re
commends it as harmless. 1
ItaiM flood llores.
Mr. Joel McCiillough, the gentleman
who has been selling Hue stallions
here for the past year, brought from
Iowa, arrived here tlrst of tho week
with a couple of fine three year old
stallion colls that are simply gieat.
Mr. MoCiilloiiKh says ho intends to
make this valley his Western head
quarters for a few years, at least, and
will endeavor to keep always on hand
a supply of the kest stallions to be
had in the world for sale . He says
this Is now the greatest undeveloped
country iu the United States; he has
traveled all over and has seen nothing
liko it anywhere. He has written to
friends of bis in the Hast, who have
money to Invent, and believes they
will come here to investigate. Mr.
McCullougb, and bis business is wel
comed in this county, bs the raising
of good horses is a sure and proper
O'Malley Sisters Coming.
Professor O Malley'a mucslcal,
dancing and comedy company, eight
up-to-date performers, will give a two
hours' performance on Friday aud
Saturday evenings, Oct 25th and 2Cth.
Songs dances, muBlc, mirth, mim
icry, funny acts and farces. Social
dance after the show. This Is said to
be one of the best shows on tbe cir
cuit, and as a laugh, is better than a
doctor's prescription ; come out and
get curad of the blues. Reserved
seats for sale at Thorntons' Drug
Store. 43-2
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any rase of Catarrh that can
not te cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. dinner k Co.. Toledo ().
We, tho undersigned, have known
V. J. Cheney for the last 15 years,
and.believe him perfectly honorable in
all business transaction and financial
ly able to carry out any obligations
made by bis firm.
Welding, Hitman k Marvin,
Wholeasle DruggUts, Toledo, 0.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents
per bottle. Sold by all Druggists.
Take Hall's Family Pills for consti
pation 5tood off the rtazera.
About .10 second year students at
the Corvallis Agricultural College
undertook to haze Robert Olph, a
first year student from Prairie City,
(irant County, a few nights ago.
Young Olph fought the hazors do
speratrly and warned them that some
one would get hurt if they did not
leave hi mi alone, but the threats only
spurred the bazers on.
Olph was to get a ducking in the
fountain as the first steps to hazing.
He finally (drew a pocket knife and
began slashing right and left. Two
of the liazers, John Kelley, of Kugene,
Richard Skibble, of The Dalles were
seriously cut. This is Ix lleved to be
the end of hazing at the Agricultural
Town Warrants Nos. 7t4 -870-002
J07 yOtf 91W 1015 1017 are payable
at the office of A. Bieber Town Treas
urer. Interest on same baa stopped.
1 A. Bieber. Town Treasurer.
La fjrande an Advertiser.
The La Oraude Commercial Club
has taken advantage of the fact that
the iwssanger traloa stop there from
ten to fifteen minutes while changing
engines, baggage, etc., and have erect
ed an exhibit building, and before
the trains reach tbe depot an
announcement Is made that all who de
winter, j Bre to do B0 can get off and look
return ! hmiiuli the exhibit ball. A lecture
is delivered to the passengers
Twice a week tbe ladies distribute
flowers to each and every passenger
tiAaiitiful bouauets on each
table in the dining car, accompanied
by a card "Compliments of La
Orande." On some occasions tbey
have distributed prunes to every
passenger, and placed prune jelley on
each taple in the diulug uar, accoui
ranted by cards bearing: "CompH
ments of La Orande. Made from
('.mixta llnnda prunes wltn uranue
Roude sugar." DUtrlbutiona of ap
ples is advertising that caunot ueip
but bring results.
Hard Timet In Kanss.
The old days of grasshoppers and
drouth are almost forgotten in the
prosperous Kansas of to-day ; although
a citizen of Cudell, Earl Shamburg,
has not yet forgotten a hard time he
encountered. He says: "1 was won
out aud discouraged by coughing
nlgbt and day, and could find uo re
lief till I triod Dr. Kings New Discov
ery. It took less than one bottle to
completely cure me." The safest and
most reliable cough and cold cure and
lung and throat healer ever discovered.
Guaranteed by Lee Beall drug store
50c aud tl.OU. Trial bottle free.
Oregon, an Egg Importer.
Mr. W. B.Olafke, a member of the
Board of Governors of the Portland
Commercial Club, has put before the
Club some intensely interesting figu
res on tbe poultry and epg business.
for general circulation throughout
tbe State. One hundred carloads of
eggs alone were shipped into tbe State
of Oregon during tbe past twelve
mouths. These would average the
year round, fJGO.OOO per car. Oregon
growers supply tbe chief demand for
turkeys, ducks, geese, and chickens,
but four times tbe present produc
tion wuold find a ready borne market,
while in eggs we might multiply by
ten ana sun toe prices would pay as
well as any product grown either on
the farm or in tbe orchard.
4 t-.JUU .! Ulta
100 to 1 in
the Dottle and the Label;
Here s
you can get it by ji
the DeBt.
A Ptrf.ct
Blend of :
HI Dear Old Mother.
"My dear old mother who is now
eighty three yeais old, thrives on
Electric Bitters," writes W. B. Bran
son, of Dubliu, Ga. "She haa taken
them for about two years and enjoys
an excellent appetite, feela strong and
sleeps well." That's the way Electric
Bitters affect the aged, and tbe same
happy results follow in all cases of fe
male weakness and general debility.
Weak ,puny children too, are greatly
strengthened by them. Guaranteed
also for stomach, liver and kidney
troubles, by Lee Beall Druggist 50c.
The dealing is simple.
If you don't like Schil
ling's Best, it costs you
Your trocar rclurot rur soaj If rn eoi't
likt il; pay him.
Out Of Sight.
"Out of eight, out of mind," is an
old saying which applies with special
force to a sore burn or wound that
been treated with llucklcn'a A ruica
Salve. It's out of sight, out of mind
and out of existence. Piles too aud
chilblains disappear uuder its healing
influence. Guaranteed by Lee lieall,
Druggbt. 25c.
A Criminal Attack
on an luotiensive cltlzeu is irequeutiy
made iu that anpnrently useless littlo
tube culled the "appendix." It's
generally the result of protracted con
stipation, following Hvor torpor. Dr.
King's New Life Pill's regulate the
liver, prevent appendicitis, aud et-tub-
lish rogulur habits of the bowels, Hoc.
at Leo Ruall's drug store.
Melvin D. Williams.
Civil and Irrigation Engineer.
Maps, Plans, Blue prints
promptly and accurately
prepared, ah classes 01 sur
veying guarantee.
Klaumth Fulls ud Lakevlew, Ore,
Our Winter Stock of Men's and Boy's clothing is now here
and we have the most up-to-date line of Clothing, Overcoats,
Rain Coats Etc. ever shown in Lakeview.
We also have complete lines of Ladies' and
U I1 ' '
Children'swinter underwear Ladies9 Waists, Skirts.
Coats and everything needed for Winter wear.
Rubbers and Overshoes of all de-
scriptions, come and get your winter
Lakeview Citizens Hand, will give les
sons on all brass instruments cornet
and slide trombone a specilaty also
mandolin. Lessons gvien amateurs on
TioMn. 23-tX
Axle SliV
Helps the Wagon up
the Hill
Tha load seems lighter Wagon
and team wear longer Yon make
more money, and have more time
to make money, when wheels are
greased with
Mica Axle Grease
The longest wearing and most
satisfactory labricant in the world.
The Lakeview Furniture Com
pany has moved into the large
Brick Building on Water street
where a Large Stock of every
thing usually found in a Furn
iture Store will be kept
Repair Shoo ..... &
Geo. Winkleman tells a joke on tbe
buocaroos up north. lie says while be
was helping on a roundup this fall tbe
boys got him onto a backing horse.
He surprised them by lidng tbe bron
cho, straight up, witbout loggering.
He said it reminded him of olden
days, when he "use-to-could" ride.
Gold! Gold! Gold!
Would you go mining in
Nevada's rich mountains at
a nominal cost?
will put you on the ground flour and
may put you on easy street.
Many hare Invested a small
amount In Nevada mining and are
A trip to town, a long street car
ride, a cheup excursion by rail were
all luxuries THEN; a private auto
mobile, a tour of Europe, a summer
home down by the sea, are mere
matters of choice, NOW.
Stock in ihe lee Comstock Mining
will do the work!
It la Only 1 5 Cents a Share NOW
Rush your orders.
or write for particulars.
P. O. Box 08, Uhyollte, Nev.
, Prop'r I 1
Located on Water Street, near the Post office.
t of the Interior, Laud i liampton, deceased, notice is hereby
eviewOrecou. Oct.. 21, Kiveu l th.e "iton. of. and all
I persons having claims against said
Final Proof Notice.
Oltlce at Luke vie
Notice is berebv given that William
T. Kluizey , ononow Oregon, bus
filed notice of bis iuteutiou to make
final live year proof iu support of bis
claim, viz: Homestead Entry No. 2018
made April "'A 1W.2, for tue. KW4'
SE S'i SW4' ec. 19 and NWi4
NWf4' Section 20, Towuship 37 8.,
liauge 20 E., W. M., and that said
proof will be made before tbe Register
and Receiver, at Lakeview Oregon ou
25th day of Novnuber, 1907.
lie names tbe following wituesses to
prove bis continuous residecue upon,
aud cultivation of, the laud, viz :
Frank Wilson. Otto llardisty, Miuto
llardisty, Cbus. Ualiber. all of Lake-
view Oregon.
42-5 J. N. Watson, Register.
Meals at all Hours.
Fresh oysters kept on
hand during the oyster
season. Fish and game
in season
Only First-class Restaurant
jj in Lakeview.
i w&szz sycafsj, -ce 'S.c s.-sls
Notice to Creditors.
J. CI; Hampton,)
Deceased. )
Tbe undersigned having been ap
pointed by tbe County Court of tlm
State of Oregon, for Lake County,
Admimstiator of tbe estate of J. t
deceased, to present tnem verined as
required by law, within six mouths
after the first publication of this
notice to said Administrator at bid
residence iu Paisley, Luke County,
J. L. Hampton,
Administrator of the estate of J. U.
Hampton, deceased.
1 luted aud Qrst published this 2('th
duy of September, 1907. 39 5
2351 made Nov. 8 1900, for the
SWJ4 Section 21, Township 39 a,
Range 24 E., W. M., and tbat said
proof will be made before Register
and Receiver, at Lakeview Oregon, on
6th day of Nov., 1907.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon,
and cultivation of, tbe land, viz:
Jack Uarry, of Lakeview Oregou, W.
K. Routson, James N. Givau, W.
S. Wible, all of Adel, Oregon.
39-5 J. N. Watson Register.
Final Prool Notice.
Laud Office at Lukeview, Oregou,
Sept. 20 1907.
Notice is hereby given tbat Andrew
Morris of Adel Oregon, has tiled no
tice of bis intention to wake tiual
Five Yenr proof in support of bis
cluiui, viz; Homestead Entry No.
Department of the Interior, Land
Office at Lakeview. Oregon, Sep. It),
Notice is hereby given that William
B. llailey, of Lakeview Oregon, has
tiled notice of his intention to make
final Five year proof iu support of
his cluini, viz: llomestead Entry No.
3591 nmde Apiil 10, 190, for the S!-i
NEV and E SE; Section 18. Town
ship 28 S, R ange 21, E., W. M., and
thut said proof will be made before
Register and Receiver, at Lakeview
Oregou, on 5th duy of November, 1907.
He names tbe following witnesses
to prove his continuous residence up
on, aud cultivation of, the land, viz:
Win. Rehurt, li. UruniHP, Will
liiHUop, S. 11. Chandler, all of Lake-viev.-
38 5 J. N. Wutsou, Register.