Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, October 17, 1907, Image 4

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    Hok Gc-mntu PJjtctnturf
Pabllh4 Every Tharso'ay.
Editor and Publisher
Waw ItatMlMl
Kntoroit t the I'cwt Office at 1ktTlp w, Or.
Sornn1-lau MitT.
!One Year,
Six Months,
Three Months,.
. . 1 .00
A flour famine worn to be (taring
the people of Modoc ninl Lak coun
ties In the face. The Pine Creek
mills are empty, the Cedarville villi
has rlocd dowu twange it is Impossi
ble to get woodchoppers to cut wood
! to run the engine an. I the electric
j plant cannot furnish power to run the
'mill, and all depends upon the lake
(City mill, and thrashing has leen o
I hampered on account of full rains,
that the Luke City mill la short of
! wheat. '
Enjoin Hill and Msrriman.
The lumbermen of Oregou and Wash
ington have asked the Federal courts
to enjoin the Hill and Harriman roads
from puttied in force the much talked
of new tarriff on Eastern lumber ship
ments, which amounts to a considera
ble decrease in the output of mills in
these States which depend upon the
Eastern market. There is doubtless
hidden purpose in the proposed new
lumber rate, that will more than off
set the loss the roads must surely ex-
pect from an inevitable reconstruction
of the entire shipping rate. Freight
is classified, and lumber u hauled at
the lowest rate, teing 40 cents pel
hundred, while otber commodoties pay
as high as80 cents to 1 for apples
and f 1.38 for hops. When the flgbt is
on it will not end until the whole list
is revised and a morejequitable tarritf
is arranped, which may mean a reduc
tion on some commodoties and an in
crease in others. A new classified
rate will mean a net reduction. The
roads are already taxed to their
utmost to haul the higher priced
commodoties, and to lose lumber ship
The . Vauiax Indians are cuttiug wide
swath hi Lakeview, the past week.
Whiskey seems to flow freely to them
and they make the nights hideous with
their hilarity. Recorder Snider has
leen imposing heavy fines upon them,
from fc"? to $20, and they pay the Hues
without a whimper. Six or eight of
the dus-ky sons have been brought be
fore the Recorder within the past
three days. Where they get whiskey is
a mystery. Someone will get caught
at it some dayyou see.
The liueup at the land office was
photographed Monday morning.
So accustomed are the people of
Lakeview, who have become Lake
viewitea to all iuteuts and purposes,
to lining up at the land otllce, that
when the minute hand of the hotel
clock reaches the vicinity of "eating"
time, the line begitis to form in front
of the dining room door. So orderly
have they come to be, however, that
no semblance of a staturede occurs.
President Roosevelt: "I will use
my utmost endeavor to stamp out tnur
derous anarchists. I repeat all I have
said as to undesirable citizens. " j the Honorable Mayor of Lakeview
One More "Wg.M
The need of a commercial club for
lakeview la beignnlug to dawn upon
tno moving spirits of our town, and
the matter is being frequently and
favorably talked of by those who can
"make the mare go. " The Kxatmner
has repeatedly urged such a move
ment on the psrt of our people and
eudenvored to point out the needs of
such an organization. To get the
question beyond tho "hot air" stage
has beeu the sticking point, but now
that the business men have become
Interested and the subject made ono
of frequent dlscussloti, it begins to
look like Lakeview might yet have a
commercial Club. The benellts of
such a club hve been set out by the
Kaxniiner in previous articles and
they are so well known by all those1
upon whom the duty of organization '
devolves, that therti is little to be said '
upon this line. So cnthiifiiit-tic are
we, however, that we cannot forego j
the opportunity of broaching the sub- '
ject. It is our purpose to keep at it
uutil the movemeut takes shape. j
It is safe to say that there is not a
town in Oreogu the izt of Lakeview 1
but what has its commercial liub. 1
Once started towns that have them '
cnuuot do a it bout them. Visitors to1
Lakeview, uoting the thrift, the hustle '
and bustle of the town are surprised
that there is no commercial Club1
here. They are surprised at the stage J
of prosperity the town bus reached '
without oue, and wouder what strides'
would be made in that diicctiou withj
a good, lively oraguiaztiou of business
men to ciowd things along.
We are going to take auotber dig at
Tbee remarks in a recent speacb by I an endeavor to goad him to action
the president proves that be is not
manta vnnlil not ininrn them.
the new rate is being made. Then ; 8aid
amain thaaA rnaila are cnhhlinff II D the Say.
standing timber of Oregon and Wash-! you are r.iRht?
ington, and prices on standing timber
bare so materially increased within
the past year that they are reluctant
to pay tbem. If Eastern lumber ship
ments are diminished it will have a
tendency to bold the price down on
the remaining standing timber, yet
not affect the actual value, when such
time arrives as it may become the pro
perty of the railroads and made ready
for market.
I man to back down from what be has
no matter what people might
The President once said, "Know
and then go ahead,'
1 and this has been bis motto.
A gentleman, whose name we willj
not metion unless pressed was i
There have been numerous flattering
reports come to us of late of the kill
ing of deer, "The largest ever killed
in the county, the fattest, the juciest.
etc," but the only real deer we have
any definite knowledge of being
brought in by anyone, was the one
killed by Dr. W. R. Boyd, who pre
sented Ibe Examiner with a tine mess
of venison. Thats what we call
"proof oi the pudding."
standing on the sidewalk
ago, when a man came
a cow. Deisring to step into a store
a few minutes, the fellow tied the cow
to the man, thinking, no doabt, that
ha was a post. Ilia postsbip started
down street, and when be saw the
cow following him be lit ont on the
dead run for borne, and the cow after
him. The gentleman, whose name, as
we said before, we refuse to tell, bas
toen all stove op, and the cow is ont
of buoiness ever since..
The Alturas Pliindaeler last week
few nights published a speacb delivered at the
along leading! Irrigation congress in Sacramento by
Hon. W. T Cressler, of Cedarville.
The speacb is a lengthy one and full
of good, sound reasoning. Mr. Cress
ler is an ardent irrigation ist, having
devoted many years to its study, and
is well qualified to talk on the subjeet.
Hon.W. I. Vawter, president of the
Jackson County bank, who has return
ed from a trip East, believes that
Roosevelt and Bryan will be tbe stan
dard bearer e in tbe coming presiden
tial campaign. He says Mr. Roose
velts' trip South bas assured him tbe
hearty support of Southern Republi
cans, and that if Taft cannot be nom
inated, it is generally felt that Roose
velt will accept tbe nomination him
self. Mr. Vawbter believes Roosevelt
could carry Ohio by 250,000.
Exhibits at tbe Wasco county fair,
at The Dalles, bas proven that fruit
growing 01 dry land, without irriga
tion can be successfully carried on.
Dry-land fruit growing has passed tbe
experimental stage there. Tbe meth
od used is to continually cultivate the
ground around tbe trees which is sup
posed to raise tbe moisture to tbe tree
ine proposed raise 01 1U cents per
hundred pounds on eastrn lumber ship
ments is creating a great deal of un
easiness among Southern Oregon lum
bermen . They cannot compete with
any other lumber producing section
and pay tbe freight, consequently ma
ny mills are closing down.
Tbe Herald last week should have
credited one of its editorials to Tbe
Examiner, instead of tbe Central Ore-
gonian, as tbe article originated in
Tbe Examiner a few weeks ago and
was copied by tbe Oregonian, with
due credit.
Mrs. Cassie Cbadwick, whose noto
rious financiering wrecked a bankand
several millionaires, a few years ago,
died in tbe Ohio penitentiary Oct. 10.
calling a meeting for Jthe purpose of
organization. Of course that august
gentleman is very buis.r w ith hisjdutiea
at tbe store, but we believe when the
right pressure is brought to bear be
will forget his personal business affairs
long enough to offer the city some
thing it badly needs. If we can't
touch the key note, some other en
thusiast might drop in a word. Try
Our Fall and Winter Stock of Dress
Goods Ladies' and Men's Furnishings
Is now complete and much larger
Pioneer Store
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take LaXatlVG BrOUlO QUinme Tablets. JS m A
Seven MOT on boxes sold In past 12 months. ThlS sidatore. -"' STjCyT
la Tv
on every
box. 25c.
Mining Excitement Keeps up.
C. E. McCleary, the mining man
was up from Pine Creek first of tbe
week. He informed us that work on
the Wade Plummer mine would begin
nest week with renewed activity.
Continued porspecting in that district
encourages development work on
those claims that already lhave shafts
and tunnels opened. Mr. McCleary
looks for a lively camp there next
spring, as several new mining men
with capital are expected there this
fall to make investments-
Married Monday.
Dr. S Jleminway and Mrs. A. O.
Froester were married at Hotel Lake
view parlor Monday evening, October
14tb, 1907. Dr. Heminway came bere
last Sunday from Klamath Agency,
and Mrs. Froester came from Colo
rado, some days ago. Tbey had
corresponded, and bad agreed to meet
n Lakeview at this time, to be mar
ried. Ibe Dr. met with an accident
on the way over from Klamath Falls,
Ibe stage tipped over, injuring him
IJ I 1 a a
cuoeiaerauiy, dui lortunately, no
serioas injury resulted.
builders, mechanics
anivani and workers of all
kinds wear
Levi Strauss & Co's
Copper Rj?etJ Overalls
cut full
elected eVnun
strong ami
ask your dealer
For Infants and Children.
The Kind Yob Have Always Bought
Bears the
tSgsAiure of
Dry Land
Mr. E. L. Rains,
SoL Hammersley
west of town, from
who bought tbe
ranch, five miles
H. 8. Portwood.
Tbe second trial of Harry K. Tbaw
for tbe killing of Stanford White will
begin December 2. This will make
reading for the long winter nights.
John Mitchell, president of tbe
United Mineworkers' Union, will not
be a candidate for re-election, on ac
count of poor health.
If you want to catch FISH get your Tackle
If you want to sprinkle your Lawn get your
HOSE and Sprinkler of us.
If you want a BATH we can furnish the
We also have a full and
complete line of Hardware,
Stoves and Tinware, a good
Plumber and Tinner in con
nection with the business.
Come and see us our prices
are right.
was in town last Saturday. He pre
sented Tbe Examiner office with 8 of
the finest dry land potatoes we have
ever ' seen. Tbey average over two
pounds apiece and are smooth and
pretty. Tbe potatoes were rained
without a drop of water. No better
potatoes can be raised anywhere than
in this valley, and tbe less water used
for irrigating them the better the po
tatoe is.
Officials' Action Commended.
The Klamath Falls Republican com
mends tbe Lakeview land officials very
highly for the part they took it re
lieving suffering humanity in the line
up at tbe land office door. The lie
publican says:
uujciaiH 01 ine laud otllce are
to be congratulated upon this sane
and charitable course. Under the
operation of such a rule no one can
suffer and it removes the infliction of
a punishment that might result seri
oously to some whose determination
is ttronger than constitution".
Final Proof Nolle.
Department of the Interior, Land
Office at Lakeview, Oregon., Oct. 15,
Notice is hereby siven that M nrrla
B. Wibtehouse. of Paisler Oregon.
has filed notice of his Intenton to1
make final rive year proof In sunport
of bis claim, viz: Homestead Entry
No. 2788, made Oct 3, l'Jtni, for tbe
SEif NWV4 and N'i SW4' Section 7,
Township 35 8., Range ID. E., W. M.,
and that said proof will be made be
fore tbe Register and Receiver, at
Lakeview Oregon, on 30th day of Nov
ember, 1907.
He names tbe following witneses to
prove bis continuous residence unon
and cultivation of, tbe land, fviz: R,
rnelps, Paisley Oregon, D. M
Bryan, Lakeview, Oregon, T. W. John-
eon, fa Isle v. Oreaon. A. W. Hrvan
T I I . " I
xjaaevievr, vjreKOD.
i a J. IS. Watson. Reigster,
j Land aohxt amsi'hvi:yk
Prompt nnd careful attention given
to surveys of Lands mid TownslU-M,
Map work &c. Settlcra located. Laud
and Town property for aalc.
Uv'l, Municipal &
Irrigation Engineers.
LA.XDA.xn ron.xsiTi; st itvi:s.
isa a iucsic.xist;.
Irrigation A Specialty.
Lakeview and BurnsOre.
Linger longer over it; let
it be steaming hot from
the earthen pot; and the
loveliest woman pour it.
Tftit rai returns your mote? It jta 4tm't
B ixb'llinf! B..I; ptr him.
etirt tba
--. a. Am
"i" Mit Y'iu Haa Always Boo$f
an the "iH t'ju n;na iwars
afforded by a
Clean 'Light
A j wwr a CO BOVTOM Ufa
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office,
Lakeview Oregon, August 15, 17.
NOTICE is hereby given that the
State of Oregon bas filed application,
under tbe provisions of the Act of
Congresa of August 14, 1818, and the
Acts amendatory thereof, for thn t,A.
lowing described unappropriated1 non
mineral and surveyed nub! In lund in
lieu of losaes to its grant for common
schools, to-wit:
List ISO. 231. KE1 SEJ. Rec. 3. RR
8EL Sec. 4, T. S ti., R. 1, K, W
M.. and NVVJ NEl. 800. 29. HWi sn
Sec. 7. SEJ SWJ. Hee. G, T. 29 H., and
SEJ SE. bee 8, T. 28 S., 1C 12, E.,
W. M.
Any and all persons claiming H-
versely the above described lumln nr
requested to file their nald rlfiim in
this ollice on or before the 18th day
of October, 1007.
o J. H,. Watson Regittfer.
fn The Circuit Cou
of Oregon, Tor the County of Luke
Harriet Walters, aa Executrix)
ofjthe LaHt Will and Testa-)
meut of Martiu T. Walters,)
Deceased, Plaintiff, 1
vs 1
J. S. Field, Defendant. )
To J. S. Field, tho above named I-
fendant :
OREGON: Von ure hereby required
to appear and answer the complaint
Hied herein against you In the abovn
entitled court and cause on fir before
the 21st day of November. 1!X)7 : ami
if you fail so to unneur and nnHu.r
said complaint, for want thereof the
pluintilf will take judgment uuuinut
you for tho sum of Four hundred for-
ty-uine and 77-1'X) dollars, together 1
wun interest tnereon lioni June 3.
1!MJI, until paid, at tho rate of six tier
cent, per annum, and for nlaiutiil'a
costs and disbursements herein.
Ibis siiuimouH is published hv an
order of tho Honoi ublo J. Duly. .lurlin
of the County Court of tho State of
Oregon, for tho County of Luke, dat
ed October 8. 1!X)7, directing tho sunie
to bo published for at leust once a
ween ror six consecutive weeks prior
to November 22, 11)07, iu tho Lake
County Examiner, u uewsimpor of
generul circulation, published weekly
at Lakeview, Luke. County, Oregon.
The duto of llrst publication beieof
is October 10, !K)7.
Hated, October 1 10, 1:107.
United States Iand Otllce, lake
view, Oregon. Sep. 3, U07.
Notice is hen by given that In com
pliance with the provisions of the act
t Congress of June 3, 1H7H, entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lands
iu the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
as extended to all the Public 1-and
States by act of August i, JHirj, Chris
topher C. Cannon, of New Pine Creek,
county of Ijike, State of Oregon, bas
this day tiled in this otllce hU aworn
statement, No. 37711, for the pun base
of the Lot 1 Hso. ID, Lot , of Sec
tion No. 20, iu Township No. 41 8.,
ICauge No. 21. E., W. M., aud will
offer proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable fur its timber
or stone than fo argirculturai purpos
es, and to establish his claim to aaid
land before Register and Receiver at
Lakeview Oregon, on Saturday the
Hlth, day of November, 11107.
He name as wltueanta: j. L. Can
non, Altrd Cooties. Frank Orlfllth
K.JA. Amaden, all of New Pine Creek
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the alwve described lands are
requested to tile their claims in this
otllce on or Imfore said loth day of
Novemlier, lf7.
J.N. Watson. Register. 3o 10
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregou, For the Couny of Lake.
F. X. Scblecht, Plaiutltl. )
vs )
(eorge Scblecht, Defendant.)
To Oeorge Scblecht, the above named
defendant :
OF OREGON : I Oil am harut.v -
quired to appear and answer the com-
piaini niel against you in the above
entitled court and cause on or lf0re
the 2.-th day of October, lit07; and
if you fail so to appear and answer
said complaint, for want thereof the
panniirr win take Judgment against
you for the sum of Seven hundred ten
dollers, together with interest thereon
from May 27, 11(05. until paid at the
rate of eight per cent per annum, and
for bis costs and disbuiseinents iu this
Thi-t summons is,l 1...
, JJ''''rabl,, lU,lir, L. liens,.,,, JdK
rt of 'Ibe State of the Circuit Court of the Slate of
w.,K , ,r w.e bounty of Lako.
dated September Hth. 11H)7 directing
1 the same to be published for ut least
1 !'!.1r" 1 Vl'k. l,r Hix "'"hmiIIvb weeks
""""""it, a newsoiini.r .,f
. ...
general circulation, published wee
at Lakeview, E,,ke County, Oreg
lhedateof llrst publication hei
Is September 12. 1:k)7.
Dated, September 12, 11107.
j. i'. t;o,
Attorncv for Pluintilf
1 n - . ati - mmr mi m
Sallowness Transformed
a 1 1 , Pu.s7 Beauty
when 1 r ? ,becomM fa-iiwii.B
Z- ? .!k''"'a .eljr 0,,. ""lcrSI,rcad
cstei a healthy .ct,vekin. Kohert
"lekrepMlieskin refined inuualii.
Ir l ' '
-ml'.. ,u,la S
blonde and brunette alik u..i. '
me ' certain protection .piin.t ,an
unburn and freckle, if S?dTe'.
.ui. io iun or ;,i
S,.reaci,likean,rt- '
luelJ .t,,ulat,ng and preserving ,
:Laie,imtroui beauty.
t' tOD At
A' An umtU tf