Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, October 17, 1907, Image 3

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    Youth In Ita
Golden Prime.
A e" wr yar old i lh
(MMptonanip in me I mil VI II
ti International I.
ate. A only t:;
,tl)Hl Weight WOtlld h.U
kmoI U pOMlbSUtto lu .
-lll.r beef as becu
BlOar pbrne. Th Uigin
I fied Ita way to Mm frout
I ni Imp a great r
Tbl fating for the
jootk. the etrtklng off Into
f mlmal production, ma r.
par Jat turn of lb wheel
I behind tha seeming fa
andocora la lld reason.
I vaklng ui of the range t
farmer ara tackling tho ma
I t , Mpj t 04 with vigor In
lai south aa wall aa too wr
, j , it . ppewr to be pro
Uw pint In weight ara mU
bt pn on too youtig an
e.rtch t nHloaa, too, ar w
pur la beef ritrlea, aot J nut I,
t. j i or ara aotabl f
aalnal for beef. Prom the at
e ittil.ty .tai Savor Scmrh j
aoUa a leading poaltlea a t
fiiwul nseat tnarkat of tb.
tcetch breeder of bf cattle
IP j oung atorh to develop e-i
taring qualltlea, particularly
drea-.' .asno antl Bbortborn i!
At thee breed ara bml aim
Bnffy for bwf production the tr
, !.
I !-
ta tk oa flaah rapidly and mature at
aa early ago la regarded aa tb moot
to ports nt point to b MflaUmJ
Champion Yaung Angia
Tba rat. original In tha rtrwib-r'a
Gaaette, Chicago, abowa tba cli uiplon
yearling eteer Andy, an Abcn!vn-.n-gat,
btb!tl by tb allniNMou col.
kg at lb laat luternatluaal lira Mock
now. Concerning tba display of tb
Aiwrdeeo-Aiigua at that tliua th Oa-
auwioa TKABuna oruu.
ttta remarked that, wbctbor tba long
Est of two-yrar-oWa la conaldctrad or
tkayaarilnga or tba rare lot of calrea,
tarra waa a leeblnoM apparent In ail,
a Maximum of betf and a minimum of
aett,tbat prtataitod ready splauaUoa
of wo favor la wbka tbo bread flada
toalf aiaoar tb boy era for olaogbter.
Baat Bread Pee Baby Boef.
Wky do w breed Aberdeea-Angu
catUe) A Una of IMeware breeder
aava explalaed tbelr reaaona for ao
tdnt aa follow la Iturai New Torker:
Wt flrat began cattle breeding with
ttciatered Uoiatelna, bat at tba um
tlaa wa pot la tb natter on Anrna
bin and heifer and through the graaa
mm gnvo no grain or feed of any
ki&l When w took tbeta la for win
aw ear llulatrln were tbla and Door.
bUa the two Angua wet fat and la J
vm iot ueer. w e did not deair
go ta tbo dairy boeineae, a tbo ex
ork would laterfere with oar oth-
ork. bat w. did deolr to keD '
fof aaar to t
W tb aoU. W found we coald :
uP about tw Angua to on lloiatela '
a tb acreage and bare them
b) good beef abap almoat any time la j
the year. We decided thai wa tb
w aeeded. diaooaad of our Hoi.
and aettled down on tbe Aber-
Angua, tbe best breed of baby
w cattl la tbe world, we believe.
7 breeding tbem for atotk to acU
breeding purpoae to be need either
para bred bord or for grading up to
high ataodard tb com moo cattl.
Wt alao Blul nun rfalrfi kn a.11
ttrtr calve for veal eonalder It proflt-
aa aa Angua ball, aa It will
M boot 3 proflt on every veal calf
lgbt weeka id. do matter how
"Il or common tb cow. Tb amall.
J raey cow will bring a calf worth
ore If aired by an Angua boll.
" rui&ored that aa attaatpt wiU
Kiad to uak Worceet.-r. Miu., a
r for tle tale of New England
J"1- According to New EngUnd
d. c W. Wood, a large cattl
"J3. r there are today with! a a
J" f Bfty mile of Worceater fully
WW bead of Ilolxtrla cattle, and b
"wid favor Worcnter aa centra!
rJno point for breedera. J. B. Mar
I" extenaiv breeder, I quoted to
irect that Worceater I tb beet
to bold II v aback aale Jn New
f50,t wbr offietUng of tbla char
Mer It aadly BMjad a aa Impetua la
wprovlng live atock. Many of tb
rf are too jxjor to buy tb beat
towpetltloB with tb wealthy farm
J f central New York and tb mid-
u Cw'ng tb Tengue Twieter.
Whea a young bora peraiat In gt
kh tougu over tb bit tak a ploc
a JT1 l"M"' to'1 t011' eut
aiainond abap ao tb center will I
" and a half lachc wide, bav tb
rI!r tltch it tight around com-
bar bit with potnfj of leather
woittg up over tb tongua, and yoa
r"1 hot b troubled loug about tb
totUng bbt toagua over tb bit
" liiipoealble to buckle a bit high
thuV ,a or mouth to prevent
w habit when one formed, fof I
r that la all It la.-M. D. Braataar
Braeder'a Oaaett. Chicago.
Si VWfflffll
Ely'o Cream Balm
and drives w.t . rLi j i 7r "rrn
AppiW Into rT'M. "n,nJ".rt"Mdnllr,
ii ncii
lal Proof Notko.
v i:,.. ... i,; "a lDMl Jamaa
I Drot)T lran t.
-Mica ot nl. iaka" FliS
a year pnM In aupport of bUcl.Un?
UnV Ef.tryoNo- 3:,''da
H S NWW Roatloo li, Townablp 30
and Racelw, at Lekaview Oregon on
Mb day of Noember, 1907.
I,t,n.-nl? lb". .'oUowinaT wltneaaaa
to proo hi. eoiitlooona raaideoco op
on. and coltUation of, tba land.
t laranca Ulxon, Harry Klmja, Joo
'Ouaa. W m. Knbiialav .11 bt u
- -- ui iiimri iraAn l
w, riuan UteaoD. haa flli
Orag.n. v "
u 6 J. N. VCaUon, Register
Notice for Publication.
Ipartmnt of tba Intatior,
United 8tatea Land Office,
vfr.0?00' Aot 26. 1907.
M7IICE la hereby glTen that tba
. ' Ore0 haa, oodr the pro-
Ulooaof tba Act of Coogreee of
aguat II, 1848, and tba Acta topple
loeotary and amendatory thereof,
made application for tba following
diecrlbed unappropriated, non
nlnerai, aonreyed poblie landa aa in
demnity for tho corresponding leasee
to ita grant for common acboola, to
M 8, nd NEtf N NJ NW
. 80. It, T. 35 8, ail In R. 17 E , W
Any and all poraona claiming ad
teraely tba above tend ara requested
to file In tbia oHioe their eaid oUlma
on or before tb 18th day of October,
1907. . .
385 J. N WaUon RegiaUr
H. P. Abletrom, tba aaddler. baa re
eelved a bow abipmeut of glove, the
beat la tb market. If yoa want
glove good one call at tb A hi
atrom ilaroeaa Shop. 39 tf.
Rcgistratiaa of Land Titl.
Ia tb Matter of tba April-)
cation of Cornelia A. Wat-)
eon, to i eg liter title to tbe)
following described real)
l l a. i L i
"r" ta tb Weei Addition)
to tbe Too of Lokevlaw,)
Lata Coaoty, Oregon, aa)
too earn appear oa tb)
Put thereof oo fil and of)
MCord ln tbe office of the)
i fluniT &iara - ox aaju j
No. 1
County and State, tbenoa)
running weet On )
hundred (100) feet; thence)
Booth Ninety (90) feet;)
tbenc aat One Ilondred)
(10U) feet; tbenoe North)
Ninety CM) feet, to tha)
place of begioaing. )
va. )
Z. T. Conley, IaaaeRobl-)
aett, Aleo Robinett, Joae-)
pblo Keed, )
aud all whom it may con-)
ix) All whom it may concern :
Taka nottae that on the 25. day of
September. A O., 1907, aa application
ea filed by aald Cornelia A. vvataoo,
i tha M iilt Court of Lake Conaty,
nnunu. for initial resiatratHn of the
iu ni tha land above deaeribtd,
Now. unleaa yoa at pear oo or before
tba 87th day of October, A. v., wi,,
and abow cua woy aucn appiicanuo
aball not b granted, the aama will be
taken a eoofaaaod, and a decree will
le entered according to tb prayer of
tbe application, and you will bo for
ever barred from dUputing tba aama.
Tbe date of tb flrat publication of
tbla notlc U Beptentber 30, 1J07.
K. H. Jaijulah,
. . Clerk.
L. P. Conn,
W. Lair Tbompaoo, i
391 Applicant' Attorneyi
Wo Can Save
not -r
I aerltw. fo" ?'"', nnVall.
eLIt go. 2M, 8W) KW Sec. 11
REUSED. Boo 13L NEMu. Bc
while in Miierr. . WOULD to elub Ihslr psr wllh ours, and
publishers of JHU Mgm iZ?iZdZ7ltt. Bmp. r.
" I Jr' Km world I a I -aria Agricultural Monthly fubllcatlon contain, f
Tbe A rarm worm nMiy iUli by oua of U Ablest Agrl, 1
'" 2Z?jrvZiZZ WS'lIb awlgtaal. u,r (only, for ta.
'"" . . . L.7.uV Noaoutad matter whatever, but the wen teswo ihou"
tZTt-: r:tlrrownrWU,er.rM,-ued. I not del.y, but Uk.
advaulaga ol this rrsa offer now. ""r
lAk-P COUNTY EXAMINER, Lskevffw Oregon.
Va4 hw ---w -
.The Wttkly Chronicle
, $1.50 a Year
H It aaat eeeaaaa, baaioaa
prtatiaf all tha aw at the world
5 V.. ta M "'lag way
d (Bile tllualraH.. i.-l
vtiolaa. It baa epeaul T-- J
aaaata aerated t
Tbaaa ara anaiiUJ
odllora having a theroagb kaewt
uiair BMOIeMaa. Tha
parae devawd la Agr'oalhira.
Hortioultura, pealtry aad Uva
f'.01 WU Wuairalad and
n.iad with matter at tha
niaraat ta ail aagag m tbaae
Induautoa, rrary taa ,aBf
wrtttca by theae he ara u aloaa
touoh with aaeaUttaaa mhIU..
aa thla Ceaat.
It tli be aaat (roe.
Da re
Reversible Map?
Shewing to Uaatad Btataa. Da.
mlaloa at
Maxioe ea oaa aiaa. afA At
THI WORLD, reaa.,g ta view
la oaa eeaaoaane aaa. wita all
ether aU.
The Farmer'B T7if
u very careful about her ehnrn. 8b
aaaiaa u inorouguy alter using, and (Vt
It a ton bath to aweetea Ik She knowt
that If bar churn ta tour it will taint tb
batter that ta made In Ik The atomach ta
a ehnrn. In the atomach and digestive
ana auurtuv tracu ara performed pro
eeataa which are almoat exactly like the
churning of butter. Ia It not apparent
uvn mat ui atom acn-cn urn ta foul It
makea foul all which la put Into It?
Tha evil of a foul atomach ia not alone
tbo bad taate in tha mouth and tba foul
breath caused by Ik but tha corruption of
ue pur currant ot Stood and the dltaenv
inauon ot dlteate throughout tha body,
Dr. Fierce'! Golden Medical Discovery
makea tba tour and foul atomach tweet.
It doe for the atomach what the waahlng
ana tun nam ao tor ineenurn absolutely
remove every tainting or corrupting ele
ment In tbla way It curea blotehea,
pimples, eruption, ecrofuloua awelllnga,
to ret, or open eating ulcere and all
bnmora or dlieaee arltlng from bad blood.
If you have bitter, natty, foul taate la
your mouth, coated tongue! foul breath.
ara weax ana eeeuy urea, lee I depretted
and deapondenk have frequent headache,
dlzxy attack, anawlna or d litre In atom.
ach, eonttipated or irregular bowele, eour
or Ditter ritinga alter eating and poor
appetite, theae tym ptomt, or any eonalder.
able number of them. Indicate that von in
Suffering from blllouinesa, torpid or lazy
Ivor with the utual accompanying Indl
geaUon, or dvtpaiwla gnd their attendant
will be readily proven toyouraatltfaction
If you will but mall a pottal card reoueai
to Dr. R. V. Pierce. Buffalo. N. V.. for a
fret copy of hla booklet of extrecta from
the ttandard medical authorities, giving
tha namee of all the Inrredlent ntrlng
Into hla world-famed medlclnea and tbo
Ine what the at out eminent medical man
f tb ana ej of them.
blank at the Examine
Subscribe for Tbe Lake County Ex.
aminer, If you want tbe news.
ttavt tat A m m na 1 "w" ttBV
tastaia SZ ' '
You Money
We have made airauasiusnis with the
Seed 1 aad get Haa aad
-WeJy (1m lthitraZ!yJat
aaatag arayaai aa bUbmI
Tht Ddr end Cr?
' aaaaaa
lfc"lL fcfWk
tliulwar,. Thai thla ia ahantntalv
The best Vaqinm1
die on the market.
Alao a complete line of wagon
l and baggy harne, whip
D robe, rlata. blta, apura,
4?-. quirt, ro-ettea.ln fact every
V thing In tb line of carriage
ana iiorae furniahlng. Re
pairlg by eotnpetente mn.
ifauuin yu L
SbMrSow LIGHT & HARROW. Proprietors
A Memorable Day.
One of tbe days we remember with
pleat are, aa weXl aa with proflt to our
health, I tb one on which we be
came acquainted with Dr. King's New
Lif Pills, tb painless purifiers that
core headache and biliousness, aad
keep tha bowels right 25o at Lee
Keall'a Drug Store. i
Blank for final proo fa, Desert proof
timber land final proof and blank affi
iavite for applicatione for readvertiee-
meat, blank witneaa' affidavit, etc at
Tbe Examiner office. tf
For Sale ; Large' iron a beep dip
bciler, bold 800 gallon. Price tSO.
Alao 40 head of Lafollett bnck at 97
per bead.
S-lm S. T. Colvin.
W r
J. U. Cutter whiskey at' the Bote
Lake view bar. The beat and parent
whiskey made. tf..
The Examiner print township plats,
and makes tbem into books to order, tf
1 .ilf!
e have made
which, in any
We have
ever made in Lake County, and every Deed given. r
In transcribing Jhe records we have found numerous
mortgages recorded in the Deed record, and not indexed; and
many deeds are recorded in the Mortgage record and other
books,. Hundreds of mortgages and deeds are not indexed
at all, and ate most difficult to trace up from the records.
We have notations of all these Errors:
Others cannot find them. We have spent hundreds ol dollars hunting up . ffl
these errors, and we can
r r. ""
Farmers, have jor butter wrap
pers printed at TIm Examine office.
Instead of avndlnjt away for tbem.
Ton keep your money at home, and
patronise tbem that patronise you,
Resides, yon see what yoa are get
ting and don't have to pay for it if
It dotnin't anlt you. tl
Tresspass Notice.
I hereby give notioe that on and af
tor tbia date treaspasaora on my prem
ises will be prosecuted to tbe foil ex
tent of tbe law. , f i
Dated September .12, 1907.
a H. Little. 37-6
To Cure a Coid la On Day
rk LAXATlVfc liKOMO QUlNlNfc.
Tableu. All drnggitta refund tbe
money il it faila to core. E. W. Grove't
tig nature ia on eacb box. 25c.
Tbe Examiner baa a supply of lint
class butter wrapper paper on band
now, at tbe following prices: For 500
wtappers, printed, 92.75, for 1000
printed 94.60. ' ! tf 1
i a
. vj . h -t- - " V: . r 1 1 If Mm
an entire transcript of all Records in Lake County,
way, affect Real Property in the county.
a complete Record of every Mortgage and transfer
guarantee our work.
Blue prints ;f any tovyp
hlp In the Lakevly
Land District can be hid
by applying to the unde
signed. All work up.,fo
date. Checking mate
from the Land CI-
flee Records at the tirc
the printsare made, wofk
neatly and promptly
done. ,
VV . B. Snider. V
Lakevltw Oregop,
Tho Po&lisbr'sr
Claims Sostaini
United State Court or CUC
The Tuhlhihere of WaBatere ItrtarMtK A
Mctlamnry alien that It "ia, la favt,tbe -av
tar Unai.rldKwl tburmurhly ra-olited ioe.'r
detail, and vainly enrtened Inaverymrt, v -a
the purpnas of adapting it to mwt tiie ttv -r
a iid severer requirement of another a-fa-tloii."
We are of tbe opinion that thla aJWafe .
mnnt arly and accurately dcfvrita-s J. e
work that bee been aeeompMnbed and i
result that ban been mw bod. The Diction v,
as It now atanda, haa been thoroDhl
edited In every detail, has been corrected? 14
every part, and Is admirably adapted to
the btnrer and severer requirementa ('
reneratioa which dWnanda mm Afrnni 'm
philoloa:iral knowledire than any genesaviMai
that tbe world haa ever contained.
It ia nei-hana nmllaa in arbi th.
to the GU-tiooarr In our tudinial work .oaf
the highest authority. In accuracy of dW, i.
tion : and tnat in the lutnre as In the pawkJt
WiU be the source of constant reference.
kirn Davis,
arurmn jTrnrrx .
intaijta a. uowut.
. . Tha oboe rtfmn ta WXSSTXlfS . ,f'
(t he hl(rhet award) was avra to the InSTBn.
tlonal at tbe World's IPair, Bt. Louis.
Ynu it-m b interfted 0r
tpeci men page, seat res.
- eua.tainaa. .
We r.
liinchat tire
Brewery rv
- !
tm490 YEARV
. wyBWRIirtiea
. Tauoa. Jlamta
" DaaioNS
'rtea' ' CowvnioHTa Ae.
' Anvasis adtaa a ahafh aad awcrlplftn stay
Eilealy aaoartain ear optntoa frae .haiwr aa
ranttaa l aroh.blf aatantuMa. Coramia-toa.
UonaurtctlreonSdantUL HanuuOOK obImmis
ant, traa. Oldsat uwer for Kscuiuispatama,
ratwits takaa thrawh Hun a Co. mealr
ajwrlataoMca wit hoo ara, lathe ,
Scitntili: JI:r.ct
A handssiaslr fll-Mtrata weakly. T-anmet eta.
cvlaUon of anr tautnuie tournaL Tmtm. t3
Eur: Sukdejall -aawadeaiers.1
taaiia omaa. aS V BU WaaaUuuua. Ik. O , r
f .11
l wcBsTcrce 1
t w
g -