T ADVICE FOR YOUNQ MOTHLfiS. Useful Hint Conearnlng th Prr Car f th Baby. Ka that Ilia ruihlMii, etc., of lb perambulator lira writ nlrrd and qulto Crj before taking baby out. IVrambu latora nre often atornl In nn otitliouae or iiiiif(i. whir It la til(a poaalble for IIiimii to become allghtly damp from one do to tlio nut. When the tventh r la vr-ry cold, n amnll rubber hot water bottle ahould m placed In tha chicle at baby's fort to prevent him from becoming chilled. Aa Boon aa a child la o'd enoiiKh to ak for a penny to apem! for ltalf a amatl weekly allowance ahoidd m giv 11 and tlu child tutiKht to save a por tion of It fir preaeiit. etc. No matter how few pi-milfa, a child ahould know Jut how in iiny to expect during tha week mid on what lny. Tlila will teach (lie value of money-a valuable lennoii-nnd It will alxo leach tli llttla one liow to be iceneroiia and aelf deny ing by carefully anvlng up aome of thine, aaine chi-rlalied pen n lea for a prcaent for aomo one eUe. Strong ten or coffee la very had for children. Milk, milk and witter, very weak ten and coeon nre fur bettor for growing hoy and glrla thiiu any audi atlmulunta. Never let n child cry Itaelf to aleep. If tha little one linn lieeu naughty, talk gi ntly to It, mnke It feel how wrong It hna bei-n to be ao uaughty ami Horry for It mendced, and then aeud It ti aleep with a feeling of penrn and hnpplncMn In It henrt and a klaa of forglvenena mi Ita llpa. Nn I Ix ahould be cnrefully trained and attended to during childhood. Ilcgu-Inrly-nnd nt linnt once a week-a child's mill ahould tie thoroughly wnnhel mid ateeped In wnrm water, then cut mid carefully innnlciired. An orango wood Mick ahould be given ami the child Khowu how to tiao It to prena down the altlu n round the pal la. Preying down the akin around the tinlla with a towel after waaulng tlie hnnda la nuotlier thing thnt a child ahould be taught to do for Itaelf. If ahown thnt thla almpte proc aa will. If pcrnevcred with, rnuae th pretty little hnif tnooua to show abovo tun hk i n, die utile one win xm take a pleaaure In doing It regulnrly for It aelf. Tenehlng bnby to feed hlmaelf la Often rnther a mi-Hay bUHlueMa, but If a amnll afternoon tenxpoon or coffee apoou la uncd the in titter will be much BlmpllUed. A spoon of thla deacrlp It will gi quite eiiMlly Into the tiny uioutii, anil even then there will be plenty to apnre for the fuee aud bib, the uaunl anfe deposit for moat of the meal when baby tlrat attempt to feed hlmaelf. T' United Slut' i.i Oi etton, A '.i.l I. , .Mullen i- hereby , I pllnnce ii li hn i I (if (Nl'.tMCIM of .lum I "All Met fur t he mile III the Nevada ax elite ded I atatea bv hc! to K. McCiiII.m. I IjhUu, state id ' in nlllce liia i 1 1 for the pill elm-e NWi4. i.i .e . ahlp No to , , i; M. ,Mlld III Ml el the land m m hi I Hi timber or t me purpoeeM. mill to md html l.i lure Ht l,nke. le , I ) ... ITlli day ol I He liHine ii. McClilley, (; .., pill, H. I', eiimii (Oregon, imi ilJIce, Ijaknvlaw, '1)7. k hii thnt le coin i tnlrina of the act I, IH7H, entitled if timber landa ftnl' o alt'ornla, Oregon, n .id A'Hn'. in, ton Territory,'' i he pubilo laud I I 18112, lwia . .le. county of . Iiua filed In thla ent No. ;ntj.'i, ' NK' tiWi, o ,JI, In town No. 'U K.. W ' to ho that i valuable for I i rir hki ii'iiiiura 1 imh hla clalmto r mid Hecelvar ' ThiiindHy, the TW fapr W the TV Sea Prancbco Chronicle ea .!iey, i or K. E. J. II. Tur-Ijftkevlew, Any and all ii'-rMina claiming ad- veraely the above iI-m. rllxid land are reipiented to !ne thi ir chiima In thla otllce on or lii fiiii' hmIiI I7th day of Ootober, r.m7. I N. Wataon, XIV) licgli-ter. The Publisher's Claims Sustained United 8tatc Court of Claim Tim Pulillnhrm rif Wctratar'a International rHcllonarr alli-an that It " la. In fact. the hi,u. lar I iiniriirri ttmroiiirhly re-eillUxl In every ili'lnll.anil VMolljrenrli'linil Inevsry iwrt, with Hie mrMMn if ailaptlna It to nuiet the lanror ami anvervr reiiulruuMiuU of another irr lie ra tion." Wo are of the opinion that thla allegation moat clearly aei'l awuraUily dwiiliea the work thnt haa Imo axv.tuillliil anil the reanll that hn heeu reachfwl. The lilet lonary, aa It now alamla, haa hwen tborouKhly rn MlllmJ In every detail, hna lioen corrected In every part, ami la admirably alaptt to meet Ilia larKer ami aeverer rtxtiilrninenta of a (feneration whlrh denuuiila tnor of jxipular iililloloiclfal kiiowleilire than any (vuvralKaa that the worhl haaeveroniitalnoil. It la wrhai itoeilleMi to ahl that we refer to Mm ilietiuiiary In our juillelal work aaof tha hlirheat authority In nocura-y of ili-ma. uiai iii tun luiuro aa ill iiie paat i will bo the auurue of uonatant refurn. CBAkLxa o. hott, rku(jMj Uwdrwn WElnoa nut iiivm tatm! t frrr.t.r, CUanXCa h. Iluwut. TKt nhov rrfen to WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY THE GRAND PRIZE (the hlirheat a want I waa riven to the I Dtc ma il1 "ml at the Wurhl'i Fair, tit, Loula. GET THE LATEST AND BEST I'l.u vltl le intrrtmltd in our Hirttmrn writ ret. C.&C. MERRIAM co euBLiaHiaa, BPHINQFIILO, MAM. I vtnnn 1 irrMY COTTON BLOUSES. How to Waah and Laundor Thoa Waiita Proparly. Thee, If of n very dellcnte color, ahould be wiiNhei with dlaaolved aoap and wiiiiu water; If ttosip la rubbed on, the color la likely to fitdo. They ahould bo wiiahed one nt n time nml aa quick ly aa poHNlble. K I nut? In cold water. If the color iieeda reviving, a tuble aiKMinful of vlnegnr lidded to the rlua Ing water will brighten red and pluk. One or two lumpa of nmmotila (dla aolvwh will brighten mniivea. Oue or two hmipH of iilum will revive blue. Btarch In thin "boiling wnter atarch," wring mid hung f dry. If a cotton ahlrt la being done tip, tho atlff cuff aud collnr ahould lie atnrchetl In "cold water atarch" after the blouae la dry. The other part muMt then bo dumped aud rolled up nml In half an hour will be rendy for Ironing. Cotton blntiaea nre more difficult to Iron than llannel or allk, iim they crum ple If not cnrefully mnulpuliitod. A aleeve board la a great help when Iron ing tho aleevea. (Jiithera should not be Ironed In the ordlnnry way, bat drawn buck ward and forwurd over the point or the Iron. Thla prevents the flat appearance they very often hnve after Ironing. , HOUSEHOLD HELPS. i In baatlng velvet uho allk thread, aa It does not mar the pile of the velvet Btrong anlt water will cleanse and brighten Jnpnneae or China matting. Take a cloth dipped therein and go over the minting thoroughly. Do not uho hot wnter In cleaning paint, becaiiMo If you do you will Injure the vnnilhu and ciiuae the pulut to wear off. I'ae only lukewarm water and you will havo no trouble. Cellars ahould be thoroughly cleaned and aired. A few pans filled with charcoal aet on the floor and shelves of a dump cellar will mnke the air aweet and pure and remove the ob noxious musty smell. itiXTva a&auli mbacrfba for &i aM payer, t arder U get ail tl tecal newt, Vnt U ky La tench witi U warU's aUO arast honU ala real Tbd Evenlnf Telegram, Portland, Oregon, Tha leaila mainf snrtpaaar f the Ttdfle Ooaat, which hu com plaU Aaaectatii Tnm report! ud apecIaJ laaaei-vlra aerrlca, with correiponAantJ la lis port aat newg centart anA la all tha dtlei and principal Uwna f tha Korthwett. Portland &nd nhuba ax covered by a bright itaif f report r, and editorial, dramatic, aoclety and apeclal wrltara. Satnrday'a edi tion conalita of 26 t 21 pagea, and haa colored comic pagaa, aa well aa a department far children, colored fashion page, u Interesting serial oty and other attractive feature In addition te all the nawa of th day Subacrlptlon Rate: On month, rent threa month $136: "ha f !4 f I' ela uui:uh t'l The Weekly Chronicle The vary teet WMkry Nrwtpar iblkh4 a the aadr WeeL $1.50 a Year Urlwllaa rniaa aai )-t nf law Lai MUt. ( aM4m i4 Maite If I teat keoauae. Ualde prtntlav ah th aw of the world 01 weak In an inrtMng way and 'ally illustrating mtay rtle'ei, it haa pee!l efrv m. a. davotad ia ACRICULTUHB H 1 . ICULTUH rOULTkr LIV STOCK M NINC LITKRATURJ FASHIONS Jtd 5. ORTS These art prostdod erer W editor having a thoroegh kaewU edre of their apooialtios. The (.are doveled to Agroulrure, Hortlouirure, Poultry snd Ure biook ara wall Illustrated and tl d with matter el th frealaat Interest t ail eegagod la thee tnoushies, erery II a e helag written by thee who are In eloee touoh with oondltletta areralUng on thU CeasL SEND ton SAMPTI COPT. It wtU he aaat free, De yen wat t Oaraajl Reversible Map? Showing the Ua4Ud Stmtae, Da m nloa of Caada aad Nerthera Meiloe ea atdo, MAP OP THK WOULD. araadar to rtow i a tat Mttlimi ma, with all la trw arapartloa, tb Bra urla W tbm Earth the other aid. Seed aaal gw! the Ma aaat Vary Chreaael- ler osm ywar PMtage arayatd M htaf aaW Paaer. The Dairy end Msp aVaaaCialiiiaaa1 Only l;r5 1 Ycer Minle eon Ivd fru Lake 6ea Bath In Winter. In winter a mont effective and yet simple Hulmtltuto for aeu water In a cup of rock nalt (HhhoIvchI In warm water nml added to tho bath. A wo nn Halt bath of thla kind Is tho moat refreshing tonic for an eshnuHted body. Hut don't go out of door after taking It. Just before going to bed Is the right time. With Clean Grass. There Is nothing better for collecting the dust In a carpet than clean grass. After mowing the lawn sprinkle the grass over the carpet, sweeping lu the usual maimer, and the dump grass wlJl collect every particle of dust, leaving tha carpet bright and clean. Timber Land Notice. i United States Land Office, view, Oregon. July 23. 19()7. ! Notice Is hereby given that in com pliance with the provisions of the act or congress or June a, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands . in the btates of California. Oreiron. Nevada Had Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Laud btates by act of AugUHt 4, 1812, Amelia wuoox, of Lakeview, county oi tiBKe, tniaie or uregou, baa this day Ulod lu this office his sworn state ment, No. 3755, for the purchase of ma isi aw of Section No. SI, in township No. 'M S., Range No. 1!) Ii., W. M., and will olfer proof to show that the land sought ia more valuable for its timber or stone thau for agrl cultural purpowes, and to establish his claim to said laud before Register aud Kueiever at Lnkevlew Oregon, on Friday the 8th day of October, 1907. He names as witnesses: O. 8. Down O. II. Lyuch, A. L. Goodman, E. E. Uinehurt, all of Lakeview Oregou. Any aud all persons claiming ad versely the above described lauds are r eipiested to Die their claims in this office on or before said 8th day of October, 1907. 30-10. J. N. Watsou, Register. Lemon Pudding. Break an egg Into a pudding basin and beat It lightly; add a tublespoon ful of buklng powder and three drop of lemou. I'ut a greased paper over tha baaln and ateam for on hour. Berve with Jam. Mining office. blanks at the Examine Subscribe for The Lake Couuty Ex aminer, If you want the news. We print township plats tf Dutch lunchat the Brewery 8n ouu. tf The Farmer's 7ife I very careful about her churn. She icaldi It thoroughly a.'icr using, and give it a sun bath to sweeten It. hhe know that If her churn Is sour It will taint the butter that Is made In It. The (tomach Is a churn. In the stomach and digestive and nutritive tracts are performed pro- ccsms which are almom exactly like the churning or but n r. 1m It not apparent then that if this momnch-churn Is foul It makes foul all u hn li is nut Into It? The evil of a foul stomach Is not alone the bad taste In the mouth and the foul breath caused by It, but the corruption ol tne pure current or blood and the dlssem Inatlon of dleae throughout the body Dr. Tierce Golden Medical Discovery makes t lie sour and run I stomach sweet. It does for the stomach what the washing and sun bath do for thechurn absolutely removes every tainting or corrupting ele ment In this way it cure blotches. pimples, eruptions, scrofulous swellings, ores, or ojien eating ulcers and all humors or disease arising from bad blood. If you have bitter, nasty, foul taste In your mouth, coated tongue, foul breath, are weak and easily tired, feel depressed and despondent, have frequent headaches, dlzxy attacks, gnawing or distrei-s in stom ach, constipated or Irregular bowels, sour or blttr risings after eating and poor appetite, these symptoms, or any consider ablnnumberof them. Indicate thatyou are suffering from biliousness, torpid or luzy liver with the usual aecomnanylna- Indi gestion, or dyspepsia and their attendant lerangements. LAKEVIEW 5ADDLERV S. F. AHLSTROM, Proprietor. t t t r t t. : t t Alno a complete line of wagon & and buarsry barnena, whlu robe, rlataa, bit, apura, ijulrta, rofetten, In fact every thin? In the line of carriage and borne furnlahlnga. fte palrl by coinpetente mn. The hest Vafjirro.-l die on the market. v II .,.r,..HI . IH IIJIULU WV fa j' 1 I . I W j'.-i . - 4k 6m66 666666 A AA6 4 eg- V NOTICE. Blue prints of any town ship in the Lakeview Land District can be had by applying to the under signed All work up to datf, htckinjes made from the Land Of fice Pt-cords at the time the printsare made, work ne.it I v done. W. and promptly r.. Snider. Lakeview Oregon. I I XV en.v for TLi- L'Nr,' nj TTiTTabiive svmptoma -jouiZiaauS.siui ir:tiiiuit!jrpT aTTthesevfrsc)iiKlsof nijHiirAl pm,';' L,ve been 'IILuIIil and harmonl.,,, UiJimuuXk That thia is absolutely true win uv rrauuy proven to your satisfaction If you will but mall a postal card request tol)r. R. V. IMeroe. Huffalo. N. Y., for a free copy of his booklet of n tracts from the standard medical authorities, giving the names of all the Ingredient entering Into bis world-famed medicine and show ing what the most eminent medical men of the age say of them. CATARRH ERECTED IN lOOQ MODERN THROUOHOIT FIRST-CLASS ACCOnnODATION SAflPLE ROOfl For COnriERCIAt TRAVELER COURTEOUS TREATMENT P P LIOMT GEO HARROW LIGHT & HARROW, Proprietor A Memorable Day. I Timber Land Notlne. i n. ., United States Land Office, Lakeview One of the days we remember with nr.m. a lfl(r7. pleasure, as well aa with profit to ourj Noiice is hereby given that in com health, ia the one on which we be-1 pliance with the provision of the act i..m. .Ayniixiui rir If !' Vw ! of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled Life Pills, the painless purifiers that ' Tl IH;K !,! XOTIt V.. United Stutea lend Office, Lakevtaw Oregon, .July 19, PJ07. Notice ia herety giveo that in con) pliaiici; u th the provisions of the tw$t of June T5. i78, entitled "An act mr the i-aie of timber lauds in the 8t't0ai of ('alifc.rnin, Oregon, Nvada an4 WuMliint'ton Territory," as extends! to all the Public Land States by act of Angiint 4. 1H!I2, the following per sons bar filed iu this office their sorn atate.nents, to-wit: Leo V, Kmerson. of Lakeview county o' Iake, state of Oregon awoata statement No. 3747, f r the parchaa)) of the SKJ NE Heo 31 SEi, NWJ 8WJ NWJ Sec Tp 40, R 22, E, w. m. Mabel Kmerson. of Lakeview, cou al ly of Lake, etat of Oregon, Swot statement No 37"0, for the purchase at tb 8WJ SWJ Sec 6SJ NWli Sc. NWl NWJ Sec 8, Tp 40 S, R2 E,. W. M. That they will offer proof to enow that the land sought ti more valaabn for its timber or atone than for agri cultural purposes and to establish tbeir claim to said land before Regt ter and Receiver, at Lakevieaav Oregon, on Wednesday, the 9th day OT October, 1907. Tbey name a witnesses: M. fL Musgrave, Rose Muegrave Arthur Rv bart Leo C. Kraeroso, OranviUe Hard isty, all of Lakeview Oregon. Any and all persona claiming ad versely t he above-described landa ana requested to file their claim in tbp office on or before said 9th day of OoC 1907. 30-10 J. N. Wataon, Register. cure headache Bnd biliousness, keep the bowels right. 25c at Heall'a Drug Store. and Lee Blank (or final proo f, Desert proofs timber land final proofs and blank affi iavita lor application for readvertise ments, blank witness' affidavit, etc. at The Examiner office. tf For Sale: Large iron sheep dip boiler, holds 800 gallons. Price $50. Also 40 head of Lafollett bucks at 17 per bead. 31-lm S. T. Colvin. J. II. Cutter whiskey at the Bote Lakeview bar. The beet and purest whiskey made. tf. The Examiner prints township plats, and make them into books to order, tf "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," aa extended to all the Public Land States by act of Augu"t 4, 1892, George S. Down, of Lakeview, county of Lake State of Oregon baa this day filed in thia office his sworn statement No. 3758 for the purchase of the SWJ of Section No 22 in Township No. 36 S. Range No. 19 E. W. M. and will offer proof to show that the land j souht is more valuable for its timber ! or stone than for agricultural pur ' poses, and to establish bis claim to said land before Register and Receiver ; at Lakeview, Oregon, on Friday the 8th day of October, 1907. lie names as witnesses: Geo. II. Lynch, E. E. Rinehart A. L. Good man, Jennie Young, all of Lakeview Oregon. Any and all persons claiming ad verely the above described landa are requested to file their claims iu this office on or before said 8th day of Octoher, 1907. 30-10 J. N. Watson, Register. The Examiner baa a supply of first class butter wrapper paper on ha ad now, at the following prices: For 5TD wiappers, printed, 82.75, for lOCfj printed M.50 tf lm4j 60 YEARS "V EXPERIENCE 1 r ymm w 9 Trad 4 amks naiMaial a. rftli CovmoMT4c Anrooa KWidlnj a akatefa and deaeiipttn nay quietly aacertain our opinion fraa whether aa iDTantlon la probably patentable. Coromonlea. ttonaatnctlyconBdantlaL HANDBOOK on Fatenta aent f re. Uldeat avancy (or aecunocpauuta. Pateoia taken throoab Mann A Co. noalv tpttiml aottca, wit boot cbarn, la tba Scientific American. A Bandaotnety tllnatraf ed weekly. Tnraat eh, enlauun of any ectemme Journal. Terrna. 3 a year: four montha, IL. Sold by all newadealara. e w - -. -- w w m.w . fjcaaa a a a t .a." aw rz-mm .jt. w . w -w taw q av . w aw raw o- -ava LAKE COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. INCORPORATED 4b Mi'r&iiV mats mi SSI Ely's Cream Balm This Remedy Is a Specific, Sure to Clve Satisfaction. OIVKS RILIKr AT ONCI. It cloHtiHcs, soothes, heals, and tiroteets the dMeiund membrune. It cures Cuturrh and hives ttwuv a Ctihl iu the Head nuieklv. liostortm the Souses of Taste uud Smell, r.uny .) use. (!uiUins no injurious druin. Apnliud into the nttrils un I nlirbod. Luro Sinn, Ml eentn at Hi u;:i:irtta or fcy mail) Triul Size, 10 ueuts by muk.. ELY BROTHERS. 66 Warran St. . Nw Yora, an the ifttiutnrp 0 2? A COMPLETE RECORD e have made an entire transcript of all Records in Lake County, which, in any way, affect Real Property in the county. We have a complete Record of every Mortgage and transfer ever made in Lake County, and every Deed given. ERRORS FOUND. I? In transcribing the records we have found numerous mortgages recorded in the Deed record, and not indexed; and many deeds are recorded in the Mortgage record and other books. Hundreds of mortgages and deeds are not indexed at all, and aie most difficult to trace up from the records. rffII1TIIIIIIIfaaaTaaawaTawaVaw1aaaHBB-aBYaTaTaTat We have notations of all these Errors: Others cannot find them. We have spent hundreds of dollars hunting up these errors, and we can guarantee our work. J. D. VENATOR, Manager.