LakevlewAnd Vicinity The man who can sell the merchandise that people want for less money than anybody else is the man who gets the bulk of the trade. For proof of this I point to the constantly in creasing business I am doing. I want to call your attention to my general collection of merchandise for the Fall and Winter season 1907. I desire to lay particular stress on the fact that I offer none but the most desirable goods to be had. They are the products of the best manufactures in the land and none better can be bought at any price. School Supplies of all kinds are sold here. she lee MWEiL NEW FINE CREEK, ORE Under Entirely New Hanagement Having recently purchased the hotel from Mr. McDonald, I earnest' solicit a share of public patronage. My aim shall be to please. GEORGIA STICKEL, Proprietor. THE LEADING BUSINESS COLLEGE ELKS BUILDING, PORTLAND, OREGON CONSTANTLY GROWING 1M)2-1003 2SG pupils 1005-1900 CS1 pupil 190J-I904..., WI " 1900-1907 Hi " 1904-1905 AKi " Estimated 1907-1908 1000 ii. w. iikunkk. rre. SEND FO CATALOGUE i. m. wai.kkr, rrln. a ussiHfss'cBELEe L TENTH AND MORRISON STREETS, PORTLAND, OREGON A. P. ARMSTRONG, Ll B , PRINCIPAL Educates for success in a Bliort time and at small expense, and sends each stu stent to a position as soou as competent. Quality is our motto, and reputation for thorough, work brings us over 100 calls per month for office help. Individual in. steuction insures rapid progress. We teach the loose leaf, the card index, the tuueher and other modern methods of bookkeeping. Chartier is our shorthand ; tmuf, rapid, legible. Beautiful catalogue, business forms and penmanship free Write today. References: any merchant, any bank, any newspaper la Portland. I am agent for the Sacramento Gee, the best daily paper on th Coast. Wm. Wallace, at the Furniture- Store. 33-tf. Ladies should read oar ad. in this issue of The Examiner. Tb state ments made in it are facts and can be substantiated. Mirth boon & Co. Don't forget the Band Concert at tbe Opera House Oct. 4th, The best Lakoview can produce in th musio line will be banded out. 37-3 Tbe Likevievr Brass Baud, assisted by C. C. Friee, the pianist, will give a concert in tbe Opera House on the evening of October 4th. Price of ad mission 50 cents. 373 STRAYED. Came to my ranrn known as the Fish Hole raucb, a small sorrel horse branded crown J, on left shoulder. Inqiurers address (J. Lb HolLrook, Lakeview, Ort. 30 4 L. ilolbronk gave a dance at the Drews valley school bouse last Friday night, which was largely attended and greatly enjoyed by all. Oscar Voeal and Mrs. Vogal and daughter, of Warner, were registered at Hotel Lakeview this week. Tbey retuned home Monday. V. Conn left for his Paisley home Monday, after spending several days in Lakeview. He visited tbe Windy Hollow mines while here. E. A. Priday and wife were here from Adel last week, having come over from Lake City, where Mrs Priday bad been visiting. Lots in Watsons' Addition to Lake view are going like hot cakes. Buy quick and get a choice lot. tf. Duke Bennett was over from War ner Lake last week. He says they bad a time putting up their bay this year on account of scarcity of help. B. Reins and Son, SanF rancisco, Cal., Sept. C, 1907. Messrs Mirth Boone and Co. Lakeview, Oregon, Gentlemen : We ship you today an assortment of excellent Dress Goods. You could not have bought better, and your patrons will be pleased with every number. Tbey are the very best of popular priced mer chandise. Wishing you much prosperity and success, which we feel sure must at tend you, we beg to remain, Very Truly Yours, 38 tf B. Relss and Son. WEEKLY WEATHER KEPOKT. Below we five a report of the wsatbrt MIdIdic Supplle at Laksvlsw, Mere i'!",llhy ihV70,TrnnTt UO. 11 Thla Mttnrl la ritAn.l unK wl II Dutch lunch at 4h Rrewrry Ha. i TJ!!:'.'! mhA kw? fwlrmwrd i ' ww,"'r conditions lor future rfsr loun- " I nco, cut out the report along the black Dutch lunch at th Brewery 8a ill"- ! P" H in a scrap book on loon ; wwk after another. This word will be taken on Tusds to end each week slid Dutch lunch at the Brvwery sa-: begin on Wednesday for the neit week uuirruuirui miner liumu ms tlon at Lakeview, Oregon, C. O. MmiM, Cooperative Observer. Pine Pine from from loon. tf B. Reynolds, BARGAIN STORE. It Full Liu Japalao at Ablstrom Bros. 1 New line of Laces at Ablstrom Bros. 1 Try Quaker Wheat Berries at II and Ms. tf Frank Loveless was lu town Satur day. E. L. Baruum was In town last Sat urday. Elmer McCulley was in towu last Saturday. Band Concert October 4. Admis sion B0 cents. 37-3 New Hats, and Caps, just lu at Abls trom Bros. l MUs Pearl Moss visited lu Paisley last week. Buy your goods at B. Reynolds Bar gain Store. It. hi I Restaurant. First class meals at all bourn. tf Jelley Glasses and Jsr Caps at Ablstrom Bros. 1 Andy Morris was in town from Adel first of the week. 2 Men's Winter Fashion goods a ful line at B and M tf T C. Johnson drove the Paisley stage last week. Tbe public schools will open Monday with six teachers. Harry Riggs and wife are over from Warner on a visit. C. C. Cannon was up from Creek last Friday. Charley Rhodes was up from Creek last Saturday. Mr. I. N. CooTere. was up Pine Creek yesterday. Dan Chandler was in town Drews valley Tuesday. New lot of Dress Goods Just re ceived at Ablstrom Bros. 1 C. E. McCleary was on from Pine Creek first of tbe week. Father Feusi of Klamath Falls will visit Silver Lake this week. J. II. Turpln was here from North Warner last week on business. Mr. Pete Post is preparing to build a fine addition to bis dwelling. A. Bieber is having the Interior of his store calclmined and rewired. Potatoes are said to be scarce in Klamath Falls at 3 cents per pound. Never Forget Reynolds Bargain Store. He can Save yon Mouey. It Geo. Chandler and Family were down from Crooked Creek Saturday. Mrs. J. C. Oliver was fn town from the West side last Saturday vhonping. W. I. Fleck, the assayor of Bid well, paid Lakeview a visit lntt Thursday. Marion Barnes has pnrrhased a lot in Watson Addition and will build on it. A. L. Thornton Is bavins; a sign painted on the north side of bis ding store. Mrs. J. M. Ifetchelder reurned home fast week from a visit at Oroville Calif. Miss Docia Willets lft this week to resume her school duties at Mod sooutb. W. K. McOormack, the Summer Lake sheepman, paid Lakeivew a visit last Sunday. Watch for the fine line of ladies dress goods to arrive at Bailey and MassingiU tf W. R. Hammersley, forest ranger was in town Tuesday after supplies for bis camp. The N. C. O. railroad is now run ning to Likely, a distance of 80 miles from Lakeview. A. E. Florenee and Henry Funk, both of tbe Mercantile Store, went to Reno a few days ago. R O. Buuting has moved bis family into town from the Drews valley ranch, where tbey summered. Tbe Geo. E. Keith Sc. Go's, "Ortho pedic" shoes at Mirth Boone ACo's 1. Quite a number of duck hunters were at tbe bead of tbe lake last Sun day shooting ducks and geese. Miss Bena Snelling retumed to Lakeview last week from an extended ber borne in Washington. Bert ilarber was over from the 7T rancn in Warner first of the week after a load of supplies for tbe ranch. Ed Bond, who has been under tbe , weather for some weeks, was aVile to be out ou the street again last Satur day. Mr. J. J. Fjeeman an ! Mrs. M. J. Rowautree, of Parsons, Kaa., were in Lakeview Ibis week on timber land business. LOST. Brown vest containing gold watch and chain, somewhere between A 1 turns and Lakeview. Finder will be suitably rewarded by returning tame to tbe First National Bank of Lakeview. It Week ending Tuesday, Krpt. 17, 1WT ! mss mln, rKls n'm ehsrsour ((linn 111 ol dr wed. j Nifii ,J 0,!jL!1!L?'1jZ tliVir" fa" lif o.oo oo J frT.I'y JI3 "0.0,r( fl0 , ?i inVyJ 7iT 'ft ffi.iHrpxr 1 " sun. 71" Hi " 6.00 00 I " iii.hTRu" IT li.iw'lT'l " tuMirfi,iiii too I " 5 The Progressive Store Letters from Whole-sale Houses we are publishing must be con clusive proof that we are buying the best merchandise we can get, and every lady who has seen our new arrivals expresses her delight at their superior quality, and her surprise that they "are no higher in price than inferior goods have been." We are determined to keep the Best merchandise you will buy, and you need only to see our new goods to be convinced. 89MS & $ ll 6 V Plushj MINING Adel I SUPPLIES Everything Carried in Stock for the Miner at both our Stores. Boots and Shoes for Miners, Uucca roos, Sheepmen and Ranchmen. QLQVES AND OVERALLS FOR ALL. Groceries, Flour and Grain. All kinds of Canned Goods. Hardware & flining Tools. Warner Valley Mercantile Co FTusTT l ! BEEF, MUTTON. PORK, SAUSAGE, ETC., ALWAYS ON HAND AT THE ..Lakeview Meat Market.. JOHN WENDELL, Proprietor ol AT PRESENT LOCATED -. BUILDING NORTH OF HOTEL LAKEVidW tttitttttttt r tttninii trrnt imnnftifinoi)Dooooo.o..(i WILLAMETTE 44 PROFESSORS UNIVERSITY. 3 INSTRUCTORS COLLEOK OF LIBERAL ARTH COURSKS-ClasHlcal . . A. B. Literary . . B. L. Hclratlflc . . B H. PhlloHophlcal . I'll. B. The College of Liberal Arts inula tnla the following hcIiooIh: The College of Oratory, O. 15. Tbe Teachers' College, B. I'd. Tbe Normal School, Diploma. Tho Oregon Institute or the Academy . Diploma. Tho School of Commerce, Diploma. A FFI Ll ATE J) ( OLLEU EH College of Medicine, , M. 1). College of Law, . . LL. B. College of Theology, . 11. 1), College of Music, , . JJ. M. The AMllated Colleges are finan cially Iudlpeudent of the Collego of Llberal.ArtH. Tho School of Art, Certificate. The School of Art Is also fluan dally Independent of tho Collego of Ll' eral arts. For Catalogue address PRESIDENT JOHN 11. COLEMAN, Salem, Oregon